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9th Sep 2008, 22:31
i waited 4 weeks to get the yes call and i live in bris

Just a quick question to thosse with the contract do we just send back the contract, disclaimer, tax file number, super and our bank account details to payroll. also do we just hold on to our asic paperwork till we start?


9th Sep 2008, 22:43

I don't think that is the case. I know of two people who are based in Sydney who also are still waiting and they undertook the meds around the same time.

10th Sep 2008, 03:53
just reading post from eeh re VRD on 16th cancelled.

this could explain why I haven't received any info yet re venue, but neither have I received any email re VRD cancellation.

would have been nice of them to let us interstate people know a bit sooner re flights and accommodation booked!!

(I hope I'm reading eeh's post correctly)

10th Sep 2008, 04:14
no no, not cancelled, I believe an interview on the 16th is still progressing!
Just for me, because I emailed them due to my personal reason I can not attend an interview on the 16th yesterday so they sent me a reply this morning that I might have another VRD one day which no scheduled for a while!
Hope I did not give you a heart attack!:*

10th Sep 2008, 06:05
thanks eeh

10th Sep 2008, 14:12
I'm still waiting to hear back.

I applied on the 21st of Aug. Will I get an email or something either way?

The wait is burning me :)

11th Sep 2008, 00:24
Hi Teggeh

If this is the first time you have applied i.e. just sent your application through the web you should almost straight away get a confirmation that they have recieved it. After this you will just have to wait until they next have a VRD. If they believe you have the suitable backgroun and exp for the role they will invite you. If they believe you are not what they are looking for you will get an email to advise you SO no email is a good sign. The wait is hard and the process can take a few months from the VRD through till 'the' call. Check your emails each week and one day there you will have it - an invite! I have completed my medicals now and just waiting for the final verdict so I know exactly how you are feeling about the wait. It's hard but exciting. there are some great people in the forums who will provide information and support through the 'wait'.

Good luck - I'm sure you will do well ;)

11th Sep 2008, 00:26
For those who are in gs at the moment - whats it like? What is the actual uniform for the guys - I've only seen the girls

11th Sep 2008, 03:22
Thanks mattandy!!

I assumed I would get a 'thanks, but no thanks' email. But figured I should check hehe :)

Thanks guys! And good luck to everyone who is applying/going through the process!

hussle the bussle
12th Sep 2008, 01:12
Hi everyone.. Just an update.. I just got offered the job. Ground school in Sydney on the 20th of October.. Hope to see some of you there :ok:

12th Sep 2008, 01:15
Congratulations Hussle the Bussle, what a great news

When was your VRD and medical.

I have been waiting for almost 4 weeks since my medical.

12th Sep 2008, 01:34
Congrats hussle and bussle!!!

Well done

12th Sep 2008, 01:57
Congratulations!! That's great new :ok:

hussle the bussle
12th Sep 2008, 02:20
VRD was 1st July.. Medical 20th Aug.. Hope this helps

12th Sep 2008, 02:34
Hussle and bussle you must be rapt!

So what information to they give you when they call?

I'm waiting for the final call myself but I only had my medical on Tuesday so I think I still have weeks to wait. :(

The wait is killing me..lol

12th Sep 2008, 02:48
I know how you feel mattandy! It's now over 4 weeks for me. :bored:

12th Sep 2008, 03:06
Some people have only waited a week, some two and then there are those who have been a month. Weird how they do but there must be a reason. Backgrounds, exp, existing or new crew etc etc. We can only hope and pray. Looks like our mobile phone will be our palm buddies until verdict day lol

12th Sep 2008, 06:29
Hi Everyone,

Just got the call!! I start on the 20th October. Anyone else got some good news?? :ok:

12th Sep 2008, 07:00
Sapolski - Well done!!!

Ok..I'm jealous lol

12th Sep 2008, 08:48
Thanks!! I'm sure you will hear soon too! It's not nice all the waiting around is it?? Hopefully you won't have to wait much longer :ok:

12th Sep 2008, 12:48
Hi Sapolski

Congratulations!!! I am so happy for you. I am sure you must be so excited after the wait.

I am remaining positive and hopefully I will see you in gs one day together with Mattandy


14th Sep 2008, 07:16
can any one tell me what the uniform is like

14th Sep 2008, 11:15
Just like a rock star's;)

I Just Want To Fly
14th Sep 2008, 18:26
Maybe the boys should be the ones to stand out this time, red purple and pink. The girls can wear the charcoal grey!

15th Sep 2008, 09:31
Good luck for your interview tomorrow and let us know how you went

15th Sep 2008, 10:47
Thanks eeh, and every one else for your support, but I hate to say that I had to cancel my interview tomorrow.

With wife and 16 year old son here in Vic, we had to sit down over the past few days and really try and work out a few things. Me going up there (if I was successful) and living in Syd was going to be a big ask - so we thought we would hold back till about Jan and see if MAM or QCCA comes through with a MEL base.

If not, I will be SO desperate for this job by then that I'll try for another interview straight away.

After contacting the Recruitment Team yesterday (still trying to decide up until last night) they had said "we would like you to resubmit application as soon as you're ready" - so that sounds promising.

Sorry to bore everybody here, but thanks again for the support and good wishes, and good luck to those who do attend tomorrow.
(think I'll go and feel sorry for myself now...)

16th Sep 2008, 08:23
rmondo why don't u apply for Virgin Blue? They are recruiting now for Melb...

16th Sep 2008, 10:01
one step ahead of you.

Applied Virgin blue MEL base just this morning.

Appreciate your suggestion and help. thanks

16th Sep 2008, 10:47
Now that V is underway, can any of the flight managers give some info on the salary package and conditions... some actual facts!

16th Sep 2008, 23:57
Awesome, best of luck with that romondo!!

Make sure you keep us updated on your progress. :ok:

17th Sep 2008, 04:20
Only new to this Forum guys!! but after almost 5 months i finally got my start date with V.. the 20th of October.. YAY!!

so now i have the pain in the ass task of trying to find somewhere to live... as i am from Adelaide. has anyone else got any good ideas for place to live over there..

ALSO i was reading through paper work.. do V not pay Overnight allowances.. or have i not got to that part in the papers...

17th Sep 2008, 06:42
By the way for anyone that has received "the call" there is also a facebook group 'V Australia' with pics of the aircraft and other workers if you are interested!! just found it interesting so thought you might!!!

17th Sep 2008, 09:05
V do pay overnights, it just doesn't have a fixed $$ value until they have secured the hotel(s) in US yet thats what it said in my paperwork. Welocme to forum and look forward to seeing you in the sky!:ok:

chicken or fish 2
17th Sep 2008, 09:35
Congratulations wrx712...that's great news!!! You must be very happy after such a loooooong wait...lol

I 've just had a quick look on the facebook site (search: V Australia crew). It makes for a VERY interesting read but I highly recommend NOT to post on it (in case V Australia HR read it - and I'm sure they will!!). Thanks wrx712 for the tip...I'm going back to read more now and find out who is attending my Ground School.

17th Sep 2008, 17:13
oh yes as a current flier in the skies :) i know that the airlines dont really like it if you open your mouth.. so there will be no talking about much on there!! haha :)

look forward to seeing EVERYONE either at GS or in the skies.. or Disneyland :):):):)

oh and any V australians that wanna add me on facebook go for it...

[email protected]

that way we can share GS photos and work photos and yea!! WE ARE ALL WORK MATES NOW :):)

18th Sep 2008, 08:57
Any one know which hotel in LA they are going to use.:E

18th Sep 2008, 11:07
Hey guys,

I finally got the call! Im in :)

well that was a long wait!!

start date is the 20th October :8

18th Sep 2008, 12:53
welcome to the 20th of October crew :)

and as for the hotel they are gonna use, they will not sign that off until october!!!

I am now sitting in the airport in ADL waiting for my flight to sydney to house hunt, anyone know a place let me know, or if you just wanna catch up for a drink with a fellow V australian just let me know.. :):)

19th Sep 2008, 00:06
This is not to burst anyones excitement in being successful in their new job/careers.... there is a matter of passing your 5+ weeks training and examinations. Failure rate domestically is about 1-2 per a class. Please ensure you study hard and not to balls up the best in life that you have been striving for.

Congrats in being successful!

19th Sep 2008, 01:45
Well done Bobbin74.

How long did you have to wait from your medical success till 'the' call with an offer?

19th Sep 2008, 04:17
So, anybody out there who attended the recent VRD in SYD on Sep. 16th..?

Tell us - how did you go, and how many made it through to the afternoon session.
Was it relaxed ? How many in the morning session ?????

chicken or fish 2
19th Sep 2008, 20:51
Congratulations Bobbin74.....how exciting!!!

Mattandy....I'm sure you will hear early next week (no news is good news)

Rmondo...good luck with the Virgin Blue Melbourne application

Only 2 more weeks until our Oct 6th Ground School......I had my final day at my old work on Friday and now I have a 2 week break before Ground School...Yippee!!

Anyone else have any good news to share??

19th Sep 2008, 22:32
Excellent C or F, I have my last week next week and then one week off! Well done those who heard this week and I'm sure the others will here soon.

Anyone who is starting in the Bne GS 6th Oct, is there any accommodation or is it all under your own steam?? I've rung a few times but only get answer machine and I bet there are flat out recruiting and processing etc.

Any info is much appreciated thanks and have a great weekend to all.:D

hussle the bussle
20th Sep 2008, 01:38
hi all.. anyone interested in what the allowances might be should check the following ato webpage.. down the bottom it has the international rates..

TD 2007/21 - Income tax: what are the reasonable travel and meal allowance expense amounts for 2007-2008? (As at 25 July 2007) (http://law.ato.gov.au/atolaw/view.htm?docid=TXD/TD200721/NAT/ATO/00001)

20th Sep 2008, 01:50
gosh, you guys must be sooo exited with GS starting shortly.
you've done all the hard interviews and jumping through hoops, so enjoy the next couple of weeks. WELL DONE!! - then it'll be heads down and bums up for the best part of 5 weeks.

thanks C or F 2 for your good wishes, did i tell you my circumstances had changed re Vic, so after contacting the recruitment team at V, it looks like I'll be at the next V aus RD - FINGERS CROSSED.

20th Sep 2008, 02:46
So what's happening with you now hun??? You attending a VRD in Melb's or you all moving to NSW??

chicken or fish 2
20th Sep 2008, 05:38
That's great news Rmondo.....let us know when you get your new VRD date.....it shouldn't be too much longer as they have to hire another 90+ cabin crew for the new 2009 aircraft. V is going to be a great company to work and in a few years time I'm sure there will be a Melbourne base!

20th Sep 2008, 11:46
well, it would be great if they held a VRD out of MEL, but I think the gist of it will be me going to SYD or BNE for VRD and basing myself in one of those cities with wife and son down here.
at least thats one option for first two years before wife could join me.

this had better be a darn good job - the things we're prepared to do...!

thanks again for your thoughts.:ok:

20th Sep 2008, 22:57
Thanks Chicken or Fish, I hope you're right! :)


20th Sep 2008, 23:51
Reading that tax ruleing on allowances, am I right in saying you can claim for America an allowance of $205 per day EVEN though the company will be paying an allowance for meals and incidentals.

21st Sep 2008, 11:39

I have actually had that same query and have emailed an accountant asking him to clarify it. So hopefully i will hear back soon and can let you know whether we can claim it back or not. However my interpretation is that we can. Hopefully i am right!!:ok:

21st Sep 2008, 16:51
that ruling is a tax office ruling for any tax payer who spends x amount of days out of the country for work related reasons.

So you work as a CEO for a major company, everything is paid for BUT you still claim that allowance.

Its the same for flight crew.

So remember to claim it everyone.

PS: still waiting for the opportunity to attend a VRD day - patience is a virtue


21st Sep 2008, 20:41
For a typical V a flight to the USA say leaving Monday night and returning Friday am. You can claim the incidental expenses of $40 for Monday, Tuesday, Wenesday,Friday. Not sure about Thursday as you are in the air. Is that right. As far as the meal amount of $170 per day, you could claim that for Tuesday and Wednesday as you are in LA, not sure how you treat Monday as you leave late and would only need dinner and get that on board, Thursday as you are in flight and Friday as you are back around 7am. So i guess you could for meals only claim meals for Tuesday and Wednesday $170 for each day.
Total claim then Incidentals 5x$40=$200 plus meals 2x$170=$340
Any one clarify this.:eek:

21st Sep 2008, 23:06
Guys I dont believe you can clain a tax refund.
QF LHCC get paid a meal allowance upline based on the cost of the hotel breakfast/lunch/dinner cost that is on the menu. This approx $36 for breakfast, $55 for lunch and $61 for dinner. A 36 hr slip will be approx $225 USD.
We are actually taxed on a portion of that which maybe abled to be claimed back, however that is a very small amount of the total.
I wouldnt get too excited.

22nd Sep 2008, 01:07
Hey guys. you are only allowed to claim the difference between what the company pay you and what the ATO set allowance is.

For example, Last year at VB, the overnight allowance was approx $94 a night, and the ATO said the domestic allowance set by them was $97. So, I was only allowed to claim the difference of $3 a night back in my tax return.

Be careful at tax time also as there have been some crew at VB, and I would assume other airlines to, where the tax agent has claimed the entire overnight allowance (which is paid to you by the airline tax free) and although they get a bigger tax return, you are at risk of being audited because you are claiming an amount for which you get tax free.

I hope this helps.

22nd Sep 2008, 01:32
Thanks ccguy, that makes alot more sense!:)

22nd Sep 2008, 01:45
any news anyone?

I am waiting for the golden "call"

I Just Want To Fly
22nd Sep 2008, 11:12
Just found out I am on the same course as a friend of mine! Yay! 6th October

He has a spare room that he is happy to rent out to someone else on our course for the duration. Theye live in Newtown, and it's only 15 mins to the training centre in Botany. So I said I'd pop it on pprune.

PM me, and I'll give you his details.

22nd Sep 2008, 14:31
Just sent you a PM...


not long to go till the 20th of Oct GS

22nd Sep 2008, 23:26
Here is a good link re deductions Australian Taxation Office Homepage (http://www.ato.gov.au)
Search for airline industry

I Just Want To Fly
23rd Sep 2008, 10:47
Does anyone know if they have started interviewing people without flying experience yet?

24th Sep 2008, 01:10
hey everyone!
I am from brisbane but i have been invited to attend a VRD in sydney on the 8th of october! i have no flying experience before and have only been to an emirates open day and was not successful!
i was just wondering if you have to have an RSA before you go to the VRD or if you have to be booked into a course? i am not sure!
also they say you have to be there at 8! are they strict on that time - i will probably get an early morning flight from brisbane to sydney which will get into sydney at 7.30 am!
sorry i really not prepared for this at all. i got the email out of the blue so any help you guys could pass on would be wonderful!

24th Sep 2008, 03:21
I just want to Fly - I didnt have any experience and I start on 6th Oct so I guess they have been interviewing non-experienced for a little while.

Kelly M - I had to do the same thing, but I stayed the night before, its up to you but most flights in the morning run late, and it depends on where it is as taxi would be pretty busy, peak hour, and the trains run all the time but you would be very stressed and probably late. (My husband works in Sydney) Just a thought, depends on how much you want it I guess. Maybe you could send an email and ask recruitments advice.

24th Sep 2008, 03:37
KellyM, definitly the night before.

I should be at the same VRD and will need to take a flt from MEL the night before and a cheap room in the SYD CBD that night.
They should tell you the venue after next Mon and I will then be looking for a hotel as close as possible to venue.

As for RSA, yes - need to have certificate or at least evidence of being booked in for course.

24th Sep 2008, 05:04
i have my interview day for V Australia coming up soon, and am now wondering if its the right thing to do? :confused: I know people in training now who are saying apparently the training groups are now being told to vote on a collective agreement which is basically the same as the contract except that its locked in for 5 years. I thought that was ok - but my uncle who is a lawyer told me to be careful because common law contracts have lots of protection that are lost if the training groups vote yes to this agreement. he said that under a common law contract we are able to get someone to negotiate for us if we want something changed - it doesnt have to be the union - but if the agreement gets in, it means that it over rides the nsw law for the time of the agreement. Does ne1 who has seen the colective agreement know how detailed it is? Does the colective agreement contain all the stuff and details that the nsw common law covers? I have read on here that the contract is not that great. Does ne1 know more about this stuff? :sad:now I am scared cus I have a good job in a restaurant that I luv, and my boss really looks after me - but have always wanted to fly - what should I do?:confused:

24th Sep 2008, 07:42
KellyM -> I'll see you there :D

I got my email as well hehe :D sooo excited :)

V-Australia Union
24th Sep 2008, 08:38
See post below...

V-Australia Union
24th Sep 2008, 08:52
Time to join the Union!

You can now download the application form to join the V-Australia division of the FAAA!

Spread the word, and protect our rights!

[email protected]

FAAA V-Australia.pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/?2mmamwydyww)

Note to moderator: Appologies if I have duplicated a post. I am not sure what happened to my previous one. I am simply a cabin crew member trying to promote union membership. I am not management nor am I a union rep or shop steward. Thanks! :-)

I Just Want To Fly
25th Sep 2008, 00:21
Since posting this link last night, the file has been downloaded 28 times. If these are actual crew, then that represents 10% of VA crew already!

The link has also been posted on the V Australia Crew Facebook Group

Please continue to spread the word, 100% before 15 DEC!

25th Sep 2008, 07:22
Found this on youtube...thought you may like to have a look!
Not too sure if this is the entire thing or not, seems to be missing some things, such as oxygen masks and location of exits etc...so we'll see!

Would be good if we could have a similar version for the screens at domestic!

YouTube - V Australia Safety (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ryUktVnpsmo)

hussle the bussle
25th Sep 2008, 09:18
I have worked for a few Australian airlines both long & short haul. I can tell you now that the FAAA can be extremely biased and will lean toward the company. Look what has happened with Qantas.

The talk at Qantas is that the union has been known value the company's interests before the crew's. For many years Qantas cabin crew have wanted to switch unions to the TWU (transport workers union). This takes alot of education and PR etc within the crew community to make the switch so therefore has never happened. The TWU is known for its assertive & sometimes agressive approach to ensure that the needs and best interests for their members are met. I would strongly advise that the FAAA is not used as they will glad take your membership fees every fortnight but not deliver results...

Anyone like to expand on what the trainees are being asked to vote on??

25th Sep 2008, 09:26
Hey noobie,

Don't be too concerned - I have it on good authority that the first couple of groups are onto this 'offer' they have been presented with.

There has already been alot of discussion about what the company has presented and the crew are not happy - I think it will be a resounding NO vote as research suggests they are better off sticking with the contracts that have already been signed.

Yes, you are correct - if they agree to this so called 'safety net', they will be locked into a 5 year agreement with no guarantee of pay increases and without the ability to take industrial action throughout this period.

This agreement apparently will also apply to the pilots...and I am sure you can imagine just exactly what they think of it....!!


26th Sep 2008, 03:06
wow they must be doing 2 or 3 in that week because I am attending a VBRD on the 7th October :)

26th Sep 2008, 11:27
i wanna start NOW so that i can say NO!!


I Just Want To Fly
27th Sep 2008, 13:26
Looking into the TWU option...

Is the FAAA on the application form for domestic or international divisions? it says domestic, but then we would be international crew...

wirgin blew
28th Sep 2008, 02:42
It sounds like this 5 year deal is a way of trying to head things off before people get organised. Trying to get the TC and CC to vote on something that will lock them in for 5 years and lock the unions out is disgusting. A copy of this agreement should be sent to someone in the ACTU to have a look at. It sounds like the sort of rubbish Howard and his mates wanted to bring in under workchoices.
Don't sell your souls just to get an overnight in LAX.

29th Sep 2008, 01:07
Hey everyone!
i just wanted to say thanks to everyone who replied to my question!
but i have to work on the day of the VRD and i cannot get out of my shift - well shifts as i have to work the night before and the day of the VRD so now i have to wait till next year!
but good luck to everyone else who is attending!

29th Sep 2008, 08:38
does anyone know if we still start on 6 October in Sydney even though it is a public holiday?

29th Sep 2008, 13:00
Yes, if that's the date on your documentation from the airline than that's the day you start. There are no public holidays in aviation, not even for ground schools. ;)

30th Sep 2008, 01:05
Hi all - got the call. I'm in!!! 20th Oct GS.

WOO HOO :):):):):):):):):):)

30th Sep 2008, 01:53
Hi Mattandy


I am still waiting, i had my medical 6 weeks ago.

30th Sep 2008, 03:23
Well done Mattandy congrats!!:ok:

30th Sep 2008, 03:41
Excellent news, I hope I get a call soon.. I was in the VRD around the same time as you.. is your GS in BNE ?


30th Sep 2008, 03:50
Thanks guys - GS is in SYD

30th Sep 2008, 05:56
I am not sure about the VRD on the 6th but I just got confirmation for mine which is on the 7th of October in Sydney. I am assuming they are doing a few in a row??

30th Sep 2008, 11:17
Can anyone tell us about V aust interview afternoon session? it said that testing, interview and role play.
What kind of test and "role play"?
Much appreciated.

1st Oct 2008, 12:04
Hustle the Bussle...the TWU were the first Union to break ranks inside Qantas and do their own collective agreement when before that all unions bargained as one unit and had the collective strength that actually delivered.

No union inside the airline industry is covered in glory but with flight attendants the trouble is industrially piss weak as the women and generation y (why) will not take industrial action.

Flight Attendants are not the sort of Muscle that the TWU generally cover. And those guys/gals are prepared to fight if necessary. Flight Attendant generally are not.

Union Leadership is only as effective as the collective unity and strength of the members and flight attendants are not militant and are recruited and profiled not to be that sort of person.

Truck drivers and baggage handlers are generally of or different makeup and are much more likely to down tools.

I would encourage any V or potential V employee to be very careful before signing up for any collective agreement that you havent voted on. Although once employed you can start to organise as a group and agitate for improved conditions .

The FAAA is a good union although different leaderships have been more successful than others. If V Australia is going to fly internationally you would be a member of the International Division of the FAAA under the rules of the FAAA.

If you were flying internationally you couldnt actually belong to the domestic Division of the FAAA.

I certainly agree that talking to the ACTU aviation section is a good idea if you are concerned about agreements etc and are not currently a union member they would certainly point you in the right direction

1st Oct 2008, 22:39

I agree wholeheartedly. There is no "union" other than the members and their commitment. As a previous delegate in Qlink and J*, I remember only too well when FAs would come and complain about a certain issue. My question would always be, how important is this to you? "really important" the response. Important enough that you are prepared to strike if it comes to it? "oh no, I don't want to go that far"

Case closed................................
Ps I have just signed on for V as CC, call me mad but I enjoy a challenge

2nd Oct 2008, 05:24
Hey guys.

I've just received an email from V Australia telling me due to unforseen industrial action at Boeing in Seattle, V Australia has pushed back its launch until 28 February 2009.

I got the email becasue I'm booked to fly on them to LA in January.

This is what they said about alternative options.

"In the first instance, from today we have commenced contacting all Guests booked in the period 15 December 2008 to 16 January 2009 to offer the following alternative arrangements:

If you wish to rebook on V Australia for flights that depart on or after 1 March 2009, we would be delighted to reaccommodate you at no additional cost. As a goodwill gesture we would also provide you with a $200 voucher for travel on Virgin Blue's Australian network;
If you prefer, we can provide you with a full refund; or
We will do our very best to secure an alternative flight on another airline, arranged at our expense."I think I'm going to choose option 3. I have no idea what this means to all you guys in and about to start training!

Keep us posted! :)

I Just Want To Fly
2nd Oct 2008, 05:52
Training and recruitment is still going ahead, and remains unchanged at this stage.

2nd Oct 2008, 07:58
VIRGIN Blue (http://www.virginblue.com.au/)says a strike at Boeing headquarters has forced it to delay the launch of its long-haul offshoot V Australia until February.
V Australia was due to commence flights from Sydney to Los Angeles on December 15.
Virgin Blue (http://www.virginblue.com.au/) said Boeing had advised it of the delay and said it cannot predict the duration of the dispute at its Seattle plant and therefore could not guarantee the delivery date of V Australia's launch aircraft.
V Australia has three Boeing 777-300ER aircraft in the advanced stage production at the plant.
Virgin Blue said it had a revised the V Australia launch date and expects its offshoot to commence services on February 28, 2009.
V Australia's Brisbane to Los Angeles direct services, due to launch on March 1, 2009, are not affected, the carrier said.
Boeing ceased to assemble aircraft at the Seattle plant when a strike broke out on September 6 and 27,000 members of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers downed tools.
Virgin Blue said should the industrial dispute be resolved in the short term, the airline would move swiftly to bring forward V Australia's start-up schedule.
"The impact of the serious delay would be addressed between Virgin Blue and The Boeing Company at a later date," the carrier said.
Starting today, V Australia will commence contacting all guests booked to travel from 15 December, 2008 to 16 January, 2009 to offer alternative arrangements.
The airline has also suspended further advance ticket sales for travel between 15 December and 28 February in case the Boeing strike, now in its fourth week, should be prolonged.
Virgin Blue said the strike had no bearing on services operated by Virgin Blue, Pacific Blue or Polynesian Blue.

2nd Oct 2008, 09:07
Interesting times for us all now.

I heard that the 20th Oct gs is the last one until further notice an those who are going thru or about to start training will be used in other areas/locations until we start flying.

Very interesting times ahead. Apparently base wages during this time. hmm

2nd Oct 2008, 09:23
Due to the announcement re the delayed start date (which incidentally crew don't appear to have received) I believe now is the time to get ourselves in order, join the FAAA and have them approach the company over the many grey areas and non existent/unclear areas of our T & Cs. To all those who believe they have had unsatisfactory service from the FAAA and to those who are unsure, can I say this.

The amount of members or more importantly the percentage of a workforce is like currency in an industrial workers hands. That is, if they only have 20% members, then the company would just laugh. They will be expecting turnover, any startup does and any company that is "trading" on people being lured to the "gloss" of an international flying job, despite poor pay and conditions, has to.

The issue is if the turnover is between 5 and 10%, they can cover it with new recruits, lured by the above. However, before the first flight even gets off the ground, if say 70-80% of the workforce says, our agreement needs to be revised and we desire the unions help, they will sit up and take notice. They have toooooo muuuuuch money invested not to.

This is not about holding the company to ransom, it is about looking at those grey areas and the not so grey ones, like if you worked 3 hours over on 50% of your tours of duty, you WOULD NOT GET ONE CENT MORE, as it says in your agreement, it's already been calculated in your base salary.........what a crock.

I know, I know, I signed it too. I needed a change, but it doesn't mean we have to sit back and leave things as they are. Especially now, care to calculate the overnight allowances you are going to miss this financial year?????

Sincerely CAL777:mad:

2nd Oct 2008, 09:35

I am hoping the 20th Oct GS is not the last one for the year.

I am still keeping my fingers crossed for the golden call to come :)

2nd Oct 2008, 12:07
I was accepted, but am busy with uni commitments until December, but I was told two weeks ago by V that the Oct 20 GS would be the last one for the year, so you'll have to wait until next year!

2nd Oct 2008, 12:20
I guess I will have to wait until next year:eek:

V-Australia Union
2nd Oct 2008, 12:31
I am still trying to keep positive about everything! But please... as cal777 has said, we need to join together and ensure we protect our rights!

A pprune member was kind enough to email me an update from the Pilots Union.

VA Update.pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?gmdgkwwrcgo)

Please continue to spread the word and get everyone you know on your course or meet to download the application form!
FAAA V-Australia.pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?2mmamwydyww)

chicken or fish 2
2nd Oct 2008, 21:04
Hey Wallyho...hang in there...I hope you make it into the Oct 20 Ground School...some people only found out a few days ago that they got in so you still have a good chance. You can always call V Australia for an update (I've rang a few times for various things and they are always very friendly and helpful). Remember no news is GOOD news. Good luck and let us know how you go.

3rd Oct 2008, 16:55
Any idea what time the VRD normally finishes? I need to book return flight that night :)


chicken or fish 2
4th Oct 2008, 01:36
Good luck Teggeh........I would say you would be done by 4.30pm or 5.00pm if you were the last to be interviewed but with delays say 6.00pm (the latest)..

4th Oct 2008, 07:00
For those who do not know it is bussiness as usual. Va have told Pilots that they are working to start date mid JAN; subject to those :mad: machinests at Boeing getting of their fat :mad: and doing some work; and in fact have accelerated some pilots training. Make no misstake VA will fly and all those :mad: pilots who put the Company down like a broken record can go :mad: themselves. If you really want the job never give up and it will work out.:O

4th Oct 2008, 09:08
inandout, glad I don't have to work with a twisted princess like you and feel sorry for those that do on top of whatever else VA do. Are you sure customer service is for you? After all those :mad: whinging :mad: passengers and lazy fat :mad: pilots along the useless :mad: groundcrew who don't know :mad: from clay and the :mad: CSM who is such a :mad: will really make you want stick a :mad: up their :mad: then suck your :mad: while you :mad: :mad: all the while :mad: inserting your fist into his :mad: :mad:

4th Oct 2008, 09:37
Can I have two and do you :mad: deliver!!!!

4th Oct 2008, 09:39
gahhhh! I have a VBRD coming up on the 7th in Sydney, anyone else attending this one?

4th Oct 2008, 09:40
what on earth is all this about?

4th Oct 2008, 10:26
Hi CorF

Thank you for your encouragement.

I am hoping to fly with you one day :)

4th Oct 2008, 10:37
chicken or fish 2

Thanks mate! Hopefully I'm there till the end :D

5th Oct 2008, 03:14
Geez inandout, do you know anything about why the Boeing workers are on strike?

Perhaps they, like the potential and new V Aus employees, are trying for better conditions of employment.

Or is it only the V Aus crew who are allowed to do that? :yuk:

5th Oct 2008, 09:22
Good luck Chicken or Fish and the rest starting 2morrow!

the time has finally come. 6 weeks of study!!!!


5th Oct 2008, 09:37
Good luck to everyone who's starting GS tomorrow!
I've been following some of you on here for ages, so I'm really glad that this day has finally come for you!

5th Oct 2008, 10:26
Hi guys,

For those of you starting GS tomorrow good luck and congrats!

Unfortunately, you are going to be asked to view and subsequently vote on a collective agreement (really just an AWA in disguise) within a very short space of time - not the easiest thing to consider when you are beginning a new job!

PLEASE discuss this thoroughly with the existing groups in the classrooms next to you who have already looked at the document and discussed the pros and cons to it.

You are being asked to sign an agreement that locks you in for FIVE years WITHOUT any guaranteed salary increase (not even a consideration for inflation). It also denies you the right to take any industrial action (strike) throughout this time if you are not happy with the conditions or the lack of pay increases.

You could also work OVER 1900 hours annually - crazy and totally unheard of in the airline industry. Virgin Atlantic cabin crew work a MAXIMUM of 900 hours annually as a comparison.

You guys are setting the benchmark for the future of ALL cabin crew at V Australia - please consider this very carefully. V Australia will be a great airline - how disappointing to begin it with unhappy and disengaged crew.

The pilots are also on the same agreement - very unfair to both the pilot and cabin crew groups alike.

Be careful that your concerns are not 'glossed over' by the people who present this latest document to you!

VOTE NO - the company needs to realise that NEGOTIATION is the way to set an agreement with your employees, not DICTATING terms and conditions!:=

Good luck guys!

I Just Want To Fly
5th Oct 2008, 11:16
Has everyone in training so far already voted against it? I hope so!

5th Oct 2008, 11:34
I am voting NO

5th Oct 2008, 11:45
As much as I don't agree with that contract I have to caution against using
V Atlantic as a comparison.

It's true V Atlantic only work a max 900 hours per year but that's because regs in the UK don't allow it. Not because V Atlantic are benificent beings. V Atlantic crew also get a base of approx $23,000 AUD owing to these very low hours. Basically they are paid a part-time wage because the job is pretty much part-time hours. So it's not a good comparison and I wouldn't want to see
V Australia go down a similar route of offering a wage you can barely live on. :ugh::ugh::ugh:

5th Oct 2008, 23:24
I will vote NO. How on earth are they going to sell this as a positive? Surely there is something in this arrangement to 'tease' people?

I also note in our employment contracts that is does not state anything in regards to redudancy. Do we get it paid? No mention of it at all.

7th Oct 2008, 07:22
How did everyone go in today's VRD?

Hope you all went well :):ok: I'm somewhat nervous about tomorrow's VRD

V-Australia Union
7th Oct 2008, 10:42
The following is the latest copy of the agreement, which is due to be voted on. This has been emailed today to all current crew, and will be voted on shortly. Crew joining VA after the 19th will not be eligible to vote on this agreement, so for those of you on the 20OCT course, now is your only chance to express your opinion!

V_Australia_Agreement_2008_-_Final.pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/?qhzxckhjnkj)

FAQs[1].pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/?v4nl2gemimv)
Please note these are produced by the company, so may be biased.

7th Oct 2008, 12:02
I am sorry but even with the change to the length of the agreement, just over 3.5 years is too long WITHOUT a guaranteed salary increase - I mean, what airline under this type of agreement has this clause (or lack thereof)??

And as for the 38 hr/wk (over 1900 hrs/year!) rule - come on people, they really must think we are stupid! NO other long haul airline has these work rules in place!

Let's vote NO as a joint pilot and cabin crew body and negotiate fairer terms.


7th Oct 2008, 23:29
I went to the vrd in syd 7th oct it was a great day
heaps easier than qantas and less formal.
v sounds so unreal
not sure how i went time will tell
but I think they will be great the guys at the interview were all nice
had fun so dont worry all relaxed and they are nice too

8th Oct 2008, 02:39
Just packed all of my stuff up and put it on the truck for Sydney, Really excited for the starting date 20th OCT!! yee haa!!!
bit worried about the agreement going to be offered in the first few days but oh well..

got my US Visa and did my uniform fitting so its all happening!! :)

hows GS going from anyone thats in it???

8th Oct 2008, 04:17
Yes very exciting times ahead wrx712. It will be the 20th Oct before we know it and the first day of nerves sets in.

I'm getting my Visa and uniform done next week. Apparently the uniform is nice?!

8th Oct 2008, 07:35
:O:rolleyes:what is the uniform like

8th Oct 2008, 10:11
Just like the Virgin Blue one with some minor tweaks.

I Just Want To Fly
8th Oct 2008, 10:37
I think the company has confused people with the 38 hour rule, because people are thinking that they are going to be flying 38 hours per week! Many of us will be working on the ground for quite a few months, so it is a good thing that I can't be forced to do more than 38 hours, if I am stuck on the Virgin Blue checkin counters!

The 38 hours is one rule, but the flight time limitations are another, which will not permit 38 hours.

Both rules run side by side, and must both be adheared to. Flight time limitations combined with the 9 RDOs will only allow a crew member to do 3.5 SYD-LAX trips in a 28 day roster cycle. BNE-LAX trips will be even longer as they involve paxing to BNE the day before. Therefore the most you could do would be 1 x BNE and 2 x SYD trips, there wouldn't be enough days left in the roster cycle to cover minimum rest and the required 9 RDOs.

8th Oct 2008, 20:33
okaaay so would I be right in saying that you guys don't get a flying allowance? I know with Skywest we get a clock on (Home Base) to clock off (HB) per hour payment of $4.80 on top of the salary, plus grooming, meals allowance ect...

8th Oct 2008, 22:33
Hi guys,

Just wanted to let you know that i actually declined the job offer with V and I want to wish you all good luck with the upcoming ground school! All the best :ok:

8th Oct 2008, 23:49
Oh how come you didnt accept the offer?

8th Oct 2008, 23:52
Yes Breeza, no hourly sector pay. Just base plus overnight allowance.

9th Oct 2008, 02:31

I'm not sure what you mean by 'lock yourself in'. It's a job, when the conditions are released, if you don't like it. You give your notice. It's not a slavery contract where you must work for them over the next 5 years on the conditions set. You can quit.

9th Oct 2008, 02:40
does anyone have this information set in concrete or are we all just going on rumours, and getting all worked up on them??

(not trying to be rude to wanna know)

ciao ciao

9th Oct 2008, 03:59

V-Australia Union posted up what seems to be a contract so far. Give it a read I guess.

Me, I had my VRD this week. And still extremely hyped to work for them. *shrug* I won't hear back for a few weeks though!

All the best!!!!

9th Oct 2008, 06:18
The conditions on offer are very poor by current industry standards.

9th Oct 2008, 07:01
Well as someone mentioned earlier, if people dont like it they can always leave.

9th Oct 2008, 08:08
how poor are the conditions
I dont think u dont like it try it and leave
some people have given up good jobs to do this so are the conditions not the same as qcca or qf cabin crew
what differences are they I thought it sounded great but dont know the nitty gritty and i would have to leave a good job so risk should not be an option

10th Oct 2008, 04:16
For gods sake people the :mad: agreement is a joke. If your not sure go to your local capital city airport and speak with some QF/VB crew, they will soon put you right.

10th Oct 2008, 05:05
I also attended the VRD on the 7th in Sydney and I had a wonderful day, I made it through the cut and stayed till the end I met some absolutely awesome people and I hope I get to see some of them again!!! Teggeh, which day did you go??

10th Oct 2008, 06:22
Re: the safety net agreement being offered to the current crew.

I have only been with V a month but would highely suggest not voting this agreement in.

Employment rules will be changed in the near future to allow the crew to bargain with the company for better conditions. If we vote this agreement in we have locked ourselves in to poor terms and conditions until 2012.

Much better to stay on the individual contracts for now until parliment forces better conditions through for us.

V-Australia Union
10th Oct 2008, 06:33
Based on current schedules, the company has estimated that allowances will be $168 for 55 hours in LAX on a SYD trip! This is a disgrace!

$168 is based on costs of meals in the surrounding area, however if you get sick, you will be stuck in your room, eating room service non stop, which will definately be alot more than this!

Some people might only eat a small salad, but sometimes you might want to have a full meal, with a starter, main and maybe some icecream or a desert. This amount will probably only allow for a glass of water with your meal!

Crews from other airlines get considerably more, around $240 - $300!!! Not to mention the sector pay, and overseas payments.

And if you are on standby on your second night, and get called out, your allowances would be reduced because you would not be in LAX.

Furthermore, if you are delayed and your slip is reduced that inturn miss a particular meal time, then so will your allowances.

Please encourage all crew to join the FAAA and apoint them as your collective bargaining agent!

V-Australia Union
10th Oct 2008, 06:41
People are worrying about what will happen if the vote is NO!

There is no aircraft yet, so there is no rush!

Why is the airline so anxious to get this voted in?
Is it the upcoming changes to IR laws?
Is it the 52 more crew start on the 20th who will be prevented from having a choice?

The airline is trying to scare crew to say that if the airline is taken over or sold, then you are not protected on an individual contract! Ummm, the airline has only just started, and is not making any money, so there won't be a very long line in interested companies!

Vote NO!
Study hard!
Finish your training!
Then start the bargaining process!

10th Oct 2008, 06:49
Martine_F On the Wednesday, 8th.

Met some fantastic people as well :) I hope you get an email and I see you at ground school :D

10th Oct 2008, 07:44
People listern to V Australia Union and Somewhereat, say NO. Both posts say it all. The Pilots are aslo saying NO and getting the Australia Federation of Pilots to help.
The agreement is very very poor and you guys need to stop and really think before next week. Again talk to some people in the industry and they will tell you how bad the agreement is.

10th Oct 2008, 09:55
V Australia Union - where did you get $168 for 55 hours is LAX from?

So I assume that us who start on the 20th dont get to vote so........ do we find the result out on the Monday?

10th Oct 2008, 14:49
i think again from my previous post, people are just making this up without any truth behind it...

lets get the facts , or atleast let us who dont start until the 20th find out for ourselves rather than giving us a bunch of sour grapes to take with us to the first day rather than a shiny green apple, we are all adults and know what to do,

sorry if that sounds rude but... there are a majority of people who realise this job is a lifestyle not a donald trump empire!!!

V-Australia Union
10th Oct 2008, 19:24
The current estimate provided to us is $168USD, but this is still very low, comparing to QF, BA, VS who all get at least $100 more! This is only based on meal cash allowances. It is based on food in the surrounding area. The hotel doesn't seem to even have a proper restaurant, it looks like it is an outside restaurant next door, which delivers room service. If you have stayed there, please correct me if I am wrong. And don't get me started if the company starts giving meal vouchers instead of allowances.

The company has chosen to have the vote end on the 19th. This means crew starting after this deal will not be eligible to vote.

I think someone else put it well saying, "we are not trying to hold the company to ransom, it is just to protect your rights amd get a fair deal".

The company is awesome, expansion plans look exciting, and the aircraft is stunning! The Development Managers have really approachable, the trainers are great, the EPs are simple, clear and easy to learn.

No negativity is intended by any of my posts. I am trying to get everyone to realise that as great as the company is, there are alot of grey areas in the new agreement, that need to be sorted out, which Senior management seem unwilling to do.

If you are happy with the agreement, then vote yes. If you think agreement needs a little improvement and clarification, vote NO. Simple. Results should be released on the 20th.

I am not from FAAA, I am a cabin crew member.

10th Oct 2008, 20:50
Holiday Inn at the airport which is just 3 star but more like 2.5, old and run down. It's like this, the deal puts VA international FA on a level equal to say Rex or Q Link- not current international standards. The deal needs a NO so it can be improved.

10th Oct 2008, 22:38
wrx712 - i completely agree with you. We have all worked so hard to land this role and all we have heard is negative negative negative. whilist I appreciate the heads up, it would be nice to turn up on Monday 20th with excitement rather than fear on how bad our conditions are.

10th Oct 2008, 22:43
On another note - those who are starting on the 20th - we have no choice anyway so there is no need to be uptight. It is completely out of our hands.

Holiday Inn hey - hmm I have heard its not the best. Yer it would be nice to stay ina nice hotel but rteally, as long as its clean, the bed is comfy dont forget you will be tired after 15 hours in the air.

10th Oct 2008, 23:17
"its a lifestyle, not a way to earn a living" I hear it so often and so often I think...what??? Writing novels from a south pacific island while collecting money from a trust fund is a lifestyle. Being on your feet 15hrs a day, dealing with medicals, complaints and hungry people is a job. And personally if it's a job I expect to be paid properly for it.

Asking for the average income in Australia is hardly the equivalent of wanting to be overpaid for what you do. So lets keep the Donald Trump references to ourselves. It's not selfish to expect an income on a par with what the rest of the country earns doing much easier work.

11th Oct 2008, 01:30
Hey - anyone starting on the 20th Oct and on facebook? Private Message me and we can hook up on facebook. Cheers

V-Australia Union
11th Oct 2008, 02:11
:eek:It is not the Holiday Inn at the Airport! Where did that come from!:eek:

The hotel is a leading 4 star property in a fairly good location about 35 mins from the airport. :ok: Nice big rooms, pool, gym, and heaps of things to do in the vacinity! I think the moderators prefer not to have Hotel names posted on this forum.

I would like to appologise for giving people a negative impression of the company! I can only say it again, my intention is not to create fear or aprehension. It is to spread the word to people who are voting in next weeks ballot! If you are not voting next week, then this is out of your hands, but if it were me, I would still want to know.

11th Oct 2008, 04:06
Can I just back up what V Aus union has said.....I agree, the product, the expansion plans and the general excitement around the airline is fantastic. We all are in it to make it work and be a part of something incredibly sucessful and exciting. However, we should be entitled to clarity around the terms and conditions (or lack thereof) found within our 'safety net.'

The company seems to want these direct relationships, however, they have really not come to the party and included in the agreement basic conditions that other airlines (including VB) enjoy and that we are entitled to as crew.

They want engaged pilots and cabin crew, however they don't seem to realise that as it stands, we are currently and will be the most disengaged crew in this country!

Unless we can have some negotiaition either directly or through someone else and express concerns before the vote, we must vote NO and either stay on our current contracts (which offer more potential for negotiations down the track) or get the company to negotiate with us after the NO vote if they ultimately want us on a collective agreement (which they most def do!)

V-Australia Union
11th Oct 2008, 05:31
V-Australia has agreed to meet with the pilots!

But not cabin crew!

Here some information from the pilot's union.
Bargaining Agents Pilots.pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/?20tzkwn23zw)

I encourage all crew to appoint a bargaining agent.
The form was emailed by Scott Swift, but was not clearly explained.
Bargaining_Agent_Request[1].pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/?zu3mjugmonw)

11th Oct 2008, 05:47
Well it looks as though the company are realising the safety net will be a NO vote and that they might need to start bargaining with the crew via the FAAA union.

I urge all crew to return this document to the FAAA so they can begin negotiating with the company to better the conditions.

We aren't asking for Qantas old style contracts but definately need something better than what we are being offered.

V will be a huge success so we need to sow the seeds now so that we are rewarded later on.

As the previous post mentioned, fill this out and fax:

Bargaining_Agent_Request[1].pdf (http://www.mediafire.com/?zu3mjugmonw)

11th Oct 2008, 06:02
Do we have some poeple posting under multiple handles here?

11th Oct 2008, 06:27
V Aust Union - Have you been accepted by V Aus?

V-Australia Union
11th Oct 2008, 07:26
I have sent out a group email, but because I am just using a hotmail account it is proving a little tricky. Oh well, keep your eyes peeled. It is basically just the same as we have discussed here on pprune, but sent to everyone, as I know no teveryone looks at pprune.

dy1ng_to_fly: YES - would I be doing this otherwise?

11th Oct 2008, 07:30
Lets put that Holiday Inn rumour to rest - you will be staying at the Hilton Longbeach. Who gives a **** if its posted on here or not - look the hotel up and decide for yourself if its good enough!

11th Oct 2008, 07:55
V Australia Union - Was just asking. None of your posts have been about recruitment, your ground school, any positive feeling about starting etc, just, well, as your name suggests, the V union

11th Oct 2008, 08:11
dying_to_fly please read V Australia Unions post at the top of the page. I can definately see this crew member is happy to be at V but are obviously concerned about the terms and conditions.

11th Oct 2008, 08:25
As ANstar asked; are there people posting under multiple names on here?

11th Oct 2008, 08:35
I don't know are you ANstar also dy1ng_to_fly ?

11th Oct 2008, 08:44
This is all so confusing to me. I'm new to the industry and never had to do any of this before. I think I will just wait to hear whats said at gs on the 20th.

11th Oct 2008, 08:51
mattandy - well done. You will love the vibrant, fun culture at V Australia. The people are great. Training wasn't too bad and the trainers made things as understandable as possible.

When it comes down to the discussion going on about the 'safety net agreement' I wouldn't worry about it too much because ground schools starting after the 20th don't get a vote.

Basically all it is about is that V want the crew to sign an agreement that locks us in until 2012. By that time the Rudd government will have re-introduced terms and conditions that allow employees to bargain with their employer. Essentially you will be able to discuss your terms and conditions as a group (via a union if you want to) in order to better them. Signing the agreement being offered now means we would not be able to renegotiate the terms and conditions for almost 4 years. Thats why I am voting no because the agreement just has too many grey areas and I don't want to be trapped in it until 2012.

Enjoy the journey :ok:

V-Australia Union
11th Oct 2008, 10:50
As my name suggests, I'm not here to share my personal experiences. I wish I had the time...

Furthermore, I am fully aware the company may read this forum, so have not given any details regarding my recruitment or training or background that could be used to identify me. I'm sure any intelligent person can understand why. Not that I am scared, I'm just in probation.

What is this multiple people thing though? Do people think somewhereat1l and I are the same person? What borught that on? Is it because two people share the same opinion?

11th Oct 2008, 12:15
I'm certainly all for sharing your opinion, but I don't believe in doing so to the extent that you are. Everyone who's working for v is an adult and has the right and capability to make their own informed choice.

I understand that you're just trying to inform people, but I think that there is also a lot of people on here who have no say in what happens, and I don't believe that they should be made to dwell on something which they can't change.

You've made your point, but I think that it's getting close to being to excess

V-Australia Union
11th Oct 2008, 21:32
I have received multiple emails of support, opinions, ideas, thanks and encouragement. This tells me that what I am doing is the right thing.

For those starting on 20th. You actually do have a voice! Although you will not be entitled to vote, you can still share your opinions with the crew. Why not get involved in the discussion. Show some passion! That is what is so great about pprune. Or even send me an email.

x Rockstar

[email protected]

14th Oct 2008, 03:34
Hi All

FYI - I have opened a new thread called "V Australia Cabin Crew" under "Cabin Crew". thought it would be a better area for all new crew to exchange information in their rather than under "Wannabes". Thoguht we should keep that for those who are going through the recruitment process.

Anyway, just a thought. :ok:

14th Oct 2008, 08:33
:8hi I hope i am not intruding
I have a question
how long did you wait from the email saying you got thru until the next stage which is your reference checks and medical
I got an email that said I passed the vrd day is that part of this procedure and to stay tune for what will happen next.

14th Oct 2008, 19:23
congrats chicken or fish 2
I`was`wondering how your training is going
and are you a cabin crew or supervisr or team manager
I wasnt sure what position you went for.... you have a lot of knwledge

15th Oct 2008, 02:19
Usuaully its about a 2-3 week wait depending on how fast they are putting new crew into training schools.

16th Oct 2008, 23:40
Hey V wannabes - just fyi they must be about to recruit again - I'm internal and applied previously (and told them no) and have received another email telling me to reapply (this was a FM position) - not that I will - but for those waiting to hear, maybe good news coming? I know the wait can be agony.:(

20th Oct 2008, 12:32
why did you decide against it blew stew

21st Oct 2008, 01:34
hi jetcrewnw,
got a call from V yesterday that they are checking my referee now so you would be same as well,
let's hope we can hear something a good news soon!

21st Oct 2008, 06:32
Is calling referrees the "Stage 2" or is that doing the medical?

21st Oct 2008, 18:18
Hey Guys,

Probably a stupid question -was wondering if anyone could tell me if the first year wage ($37500) and (potential) allowances cited (8-12K) were gross or net figures?

21st Oct 2008, 23:53
Would have been a huge step down for me in pay and terms and conditions from my current role at VB. Don't get the concept of less money/more hours for bigger aircraft, more crew and more pax - basically more work = less pay? Would love the opportunity, but will stay put for the time being.

I Just Want To Fly
22nd Oct 2008, 06:38
$37,500 is gross (before tax)
$8 - 10,000 is net paid into your bank acct in aussie dollars

I used to fly short haul, and I worked much harder than I do now flying long haul. Now I only work 6 - 10 days per month. When I was short haul I worked 5 days per week. Sometime I have days off here, sometimes I have days off overseas.

Yes I make less money, but I also work allot less. Money is not everything.

I know V Aus is not fabulous with wages, but I with performance based salary increases and promotion, I can see that my salary will continue to increase over the next few years.

22nd Oct 2008, 11:17
good for you eeh, :D:ok::rolleyes:
I asked them to call me before they call my referees so havent heard yet... but I can wait....:p

25th Oct 2008, 13:06
So any status updates?
Nothing for me so far.

How are people finding groundschool? Has anyone got new good news to share?

Hope we're all well :)

25th Oct 2008, 13:41
hi teggeh,
what stage are you at and when was your vrd day?

26th Oct 2008, 06:31
Finished my VRD. Just waiting for more info at this stage.

Had VRD on the 8th.

I just hope to hear before I go to Japan. :)

27th Oct 2008, 12:28
did you get an email telling you that you have passed the vrd selection and to stay tune for what is coming next which is your reference checks then medical:confused:

27th Oct 2008, 13:38

:) Just enjoying the wait for now hehe :D

I Just Want To Fly
28th Oct 2008, 10:13
Everyone will be pleased to know that the Boeing Strike is over. Which means we will be on track to start fling in January. Crew are now being offered places for December ground schools.

For people who have not applied yet, the next intake is not likely to be until March 2009.

28th Oct 2008, 19:54
March 2009

:ok:Thanks for the info 'I just want to fly'.

I fly with another airline at the moment as was hoping to hear when the next intake might be.

Would you have any figures on how many crew they're looking to recruit?


I Just Want To Fly
29th Oct 2008, 12:33
Well the current intake up to April is 260, so I would imagine it would be a similar number over the the next 18 months, as long as there are no further delays to a/c delivery.

29th Oct 2008, 13:09
I just want to fly

thanky for the info!

Hope to fly with you all in the near future:ok:

9th Nov 2008, 09:37

I work at OOL airport and Im thinking of applying for VA. Does anyone know what their upcoming groundschool dates are? Ive heard there arent any untill March?


11th Nov 2008, 10:54
recruitment has been delayed for a further 4 wks so that may be close to right but nnot spot on

20th Nov 2008, 01:11
anyone hear anything hellllooooooooo:eek: I have

20th Nov 2008, 11:01
i are having my reference checks done now:ooh: so i dunno if v is what i should be doing :} but i do love flying anyone got any more news to tell me and about v at all....

9th Jan 2009, 00:14
any update to share for V aust??? thks

9th Jan 2009, 04:33
Hi tyguybye

thanks for the update.

sent you a PM

9th Jan 2009, 06:17
well before christmas i got an email they will be in contact in jan feb regarding continue the proc my ref checks have been done so just waiting now

9th Jan 2009, 07:49
Hopefully you used sentences, complete words and correct grammar in your job application.

I Just Want To Fly
9th Jan 2009, 09:15
Heard from a little birdy another 6 more ground schools scheduled over the next six months.

9th Jan 2009, 13:23
thank you everyone for all info, i appreciate it--including flitegirl:ok:

9th Jan 2009, 13:34
Hi eeh,
My post was directed to jetcrewnw. Good luck with it all. :)

17th Jan 2009, 07:26
Hi anyone had an update email from V?
received the email in nov 08 which was ----- i will get another email regarding medical check in early next year, however the one I received yesterday was ---- currently reviewing all applications & recruitment needs for 2009 and keep in touch again after reviewing my application and let me know the outcome of review & maybe required to take part in a short tel interview again???
Do they employ less F/A now due to some reasons???

17th Jan 2009, 09:02
Probably got all recruitment on-hold now until aircraft arrives and they start flying. Most airlines have a recruitment freeze at the moment and additional crew will only be given start dates if they are needed.

18th Jan 2009, 13:03
Hey Eeh / All,

I likewise recieved the email late last year advising that everything was on hold until the new year.

Subsequently was phoned around 10 days ago - bit of an update over the phone and just to confirm my ongoing interest...few questions (guess you could say a "mini re-interview") but certainly nothing anyone should be remotely worried about.

Re rung a few days later and offered a mid February start date.

My suggestion is I wouldn't read to much into any of it. I think VA are purely legitimately just working through the complexities of getting staff through training at a rate required to correlate with services. I suggest the reason I was possibly called earlier than some is just due to a few factors my recruitment process has dragged on for an extended period of time (initial interview day was mid last year!).

Have no doubt you guys will all hear soon.


18th Jan 2009, 15:13
HI decisions,
Congratulations!!!! well done, just only few weeks to go for your training!
and thank you for your info, hopefully I(we) can hear something good news soon from them.

20th Jan 2009, 09:10
Hey EEH,
i got the same email as you, about the whole 'phone interview thing'
plus, i got an email today from qantas saying they want me to attend a recrutiment day in perth next week...do i hold out for v, or just go for it and pay 600 bucks on a plane ticket....

21st Jan 2009, 11:22
I am waiting lord knows how long though maybe before i turn 50

23rd Jan 2009, 03:49
How long have you guys been waiting?

31st Jan 2009, 05:43
Any more updates?

I've done the medical, just waiting on more information.

How is everyone else going?

6th Feb 2009, 10:17
I have had the rest now waiting on my medical have u had reference checks teggeh?

I havent had the last phone interview its been about 6mths from my interview
I hope all will be good really looking foward to this:rolleyes:

13th Feb 2009, 07:41
is anyone there:ugh:

I Just Want To Fly
14th Feb 2009, 09:09
There are 3 groups of 26 scheduled to start over the next 3 weeks.
This is confirmed and all crew are at contract stage.
Good luck and welcome to you all!

4 more groups are scheduled to start in June.

15th Feb 2009, 23:23
hey guys,
hope you all got good news and are starting soon. got the call last week...very excited to start training!
quick question...anyone know much about the training? never done cabin crew training...heard a story that someone got kicked out because she had the wrong facial expression during a safety test...

I Just Want To Fly
16th Feb 2009, 09:34

I only know of three people who have left so far. All of them have left on their own accord due to circumstances changing.
Having said that, you need to remember that you are always being watched!
Anyone with a negative attitude, will be spoken to, and if it is a serious problem, the matter will be escalated.

Training is great fun, and valuable chance to make lifelong friends!

Two Miscellaneous (Induction, Company, Rosters etc)
Two Weeks Emergency Procedures
Two Weeks Service Training

Work hard. Study hard. Have fun.

18th Feb 2009, 09:31
:ok::ok:Thanks all for the information.
I am ok with the wait, I dont think I need call at this stage I am in no hurry.
It will be great to see the airline up and running first as well. I will love to join the crew but all good things happen to those who wait.
:p I dont think calling is right. I know they have all my details if I dont hear in a couple of weeks say 4-6 then I may consider calling.
good luck to all those with start dates.;)

27th Feb 2009, 05:48
well some excitement!!!

The first flight is on its way to LAX.

hopefully I will get the call to attend a VRD and finally get to live my dream.


28th Feb 2009, 21:47
All a bit quiet at the moment....

the last contact I had with V was an email I think in early Jan. saying they would be in touch soon.
My interview was back on Oct 8th.
Haven't been called up for a medical yet...anybody else at the same stage..?

9th Mar 2009, 07:00
Hi I am at the same stage..I am still waiting for my medical to be done as well, I have done the interviews too. Is anyone aware of any ground schools in the near future?

14th Mar 2009, 22:26
Well...received the phone call and the email last week - "thanks, but no thanks."

When I started hearing news that Virgin was looking at using existing staff to crew V, I thought "this does not sound good."

So, after about 6 month since the interview, I guess I may look at the old qcca again.
The frustrating part of this recruitment business is having to start right back at square one again, even though you reached the medical stage this time...!

14th Mar 2009, 23:05
QCCA were going to start recruiting in June - however their recruitment has now been put on hold Indefinately - maybe try Qantas Domestic Pty Ltd

Good Luck :ok:

15th Mar 2009, 03:47
thanks skychild.
also trying jetstar int. again...not the best time to get into this industry.

15th Mar 2009, 09:13
Hey Len,

what are your plans now that V doesn't seem to be an option for perhaps the next 6 - 12 months...?

...may run into you during a qf interview..??!!

18th Mar 2009, 07:27
Hi All
At the moment V need about 100 odd crew for training in June but at the moment they are only hiring from Virgin Blue internally due to the overstaff they face there. I work for VB atm and have my interview with V tomorrow.

19th Mar 2009, 00:29
Will be interesting to see if they get the 102 crew internally that they want...that's a lot of crew...not sure if they'll get get that number

20th Mar 2009, 11:18
:\ funny that i was interviewed and the check my references with my current job put me in jeoparady and then no thanks we may take internals
I was on hold since August last year:ugh::=why do the reference checks and all good then get an email and phone call saying no due to current internal int:=ake idea instead:sad: i was on holidays when they call me overseas to tell me no thanks:D:bored:no more for me I will give up here I obviously am out of luck and time:}

26th Mar 2009, 23:48

As much as I want to fly - I am only going to fly with a company that i respect.

QF I would not travel on as a passenger, so it stands to reason I would not work for them.

Good luck


28th Mar 2009, 12:40
Hi Len,
would almost agree with you there.

I am holding out for V on their next external recruitment though, hopefully by mid year. may see you there..?

28th Apr 2009, 02:03
V Australia are doing another intake - however only for people that know a current Virgin Blue staffer that can refer them.... (see the recruitment website for details)

Miss Samantha V
8th May 2009, 05:13
Hey guys i have an interview with V Australia on the 20th may in Syd, (internall recuritment) just wondering if anyone can tell me some information on the interviews and if anyones flying down from BNE for interviews??

all replys would be much apprechaited


14th May 2009, 02:39
Anybody else apply within the Blue Star Referrals recruitment program ? ....I doubt I was the only one.

I guess it may be a few weeks before hearing anything, though can't help but wonder what sort of numbers they may be looking to recruit.

Fingers crossed..!!

Miss Samantha V
14th May 2009, 05:13
yes i am a blue star referall and my interview is on WEd the 2oth next week im so nervous im flying down from Brisbane for it on the day, are u from BNe or do u already live in SYD! a reply would be mush apprechaited :);)

14th May 2009, 06:51
Hi Rmondo. I have also been lucky to to get an invitation to attend the VRD in Sydney on the 20th May as well. As for what numbers they are looking for I am not sure on that but I guess it will be a few for when things settle down and they start operating to other destinations apart from LAX.

14th May 2009, 09:22
hey Miss Sam,

I'm just south of MEL (down on the Surf coast) and chose MEL as a interview preference - hope that doesn't put me behind the 8-ball..!

Maybe with V flying out of MEL from Aug, they may be looking at a MEL base in the near future..but if I have to go to SYD, thats fine too.
Let us know how you go at the VRD.


9th Jun 2009, 11:16
Hi Rmondo,

I only recently applied through the Blue Star referral program. Have they contacted you yet or do you have any information about it all.. I'm worried I got in too late!


10th Jun 2009, 05:06
as long as your application was received by the closing date which from memory was 10th May, you should be in with a chance.
my 'history' with V goes back to late last year when I attended a V Recruitment Day in SYD. Made it through all the stages up to medical - then we were all hit by the 'economic recruitment freeze'

I received a email two weeks back to say my application will be put on 'hold' till Dec 1st. if something comes up within that time window - expect a call, otherwise after Dec 1st I will need to reapply all over again.

hope that gives you some idea - I don't think even they can tell whats around the corner, but all fingers are crossed

12th Jun 2009, 02:22
I was too late then, :uhoh: which is annoying because ever since I have heard about it all I have become SO excited at the thought!

I would love to know if my application would still be considered if something does come up or if I would have to re-apply again.. might have to contact them I guess. Does anyone have an email address for the recruitment department?

12th Jun 2009, 05:15
bettyblue, don't give up yet.

You may have been late for the Blue Star Referrals program, but I am guessing they would still be looking at your application.

For a email contact, try: [email protected] ([email protected])

LOL :ok:

12th Jun 2009, 12:33
haha thanks for the email.. tricky one huh! :O

4th Aug 2009, 06:04
Hi Guys

Its been a bit quiet on this thread recently and I was just wanting to see if anyone knows if V Australia are going to be recruiting anytime soon.


5th Aug 2009, 06:20
one can only hope bella.
I've been told I'm on 'hold' till Dec 1st this year after which time I would need to reapply.
fingers crossed that something happens before then!!

17th Aug 2009, 19:44
Announced Monday - MEL LAX flights to start in NOV - along with MEL PHT (phuket), BNE PHT and MEL JNB (Johannesburg) from March.


18th Aug 2009, 05:47
Sounds good.

Lets hope more flt's mean more crew!!!

5th Nov 2009, 07:11
Hi all,
Have just received email inviting me to reapply to VB SYD Base, but I am still on 'hold' with my application with V.
Would certainly much prefer to hang in there with V than drop everything (my next step would be the medical) though an email I received last week from V Recruitment said they had no idea when they would start up again - but now with VB recruiting...


10th Nov 2009, 23:49
Hi there guys,

Stumbled across this on the V website,

Virgin Blue Recruitment: Attention (http://www.bfound.net/list.aspx?CoId=43&rq=1)

Applications close 20th November,

Good Luck

11th Nov 2009, 03:31
V Australia are recruiting again for Sydney base.

11th Nov 2009, 17:26
Hi guys, Im new to theforum and have a couple of questions!

I recently applied for the position of cabin crew for Virgin Blue. Today I was just reviewing my applicaton while on the website and realised that my CV was not submitted on the form!I DEFFINITLY submitted it because I had huge trouble changing it to the .txt form and I remember seeing the little icon when It was loaded. I must have triple checked my application before submiting it so dont understand why Its not on there now!I could have cryed when I realised. I Spent so long doing my application and now scared my chances have been reduced. Is there any way I can get my CV back on my application?

Another quick question...I see V Australia is recruiting. Can I apply for them too even if ive applied for Virgin blue a couple of days ago?

Thank you so much

11th Nov 2009, 17:39
In reply to my last post. I realised why my CV wasnt loaded on my earlier submitted application. When I saw V Australia where recruiting today I started to fill in the application. THe application had automatically uploaded my CV from my earlier submitted details, and as there where a couple of things I wanted to change on my CV, I removed it without thinking it would affect my submitted application for Virgin Blue. I did not continue filling the application for V out as I read the information about not applying if you already had...I wasnt sure if they meant if you had already applied for a V Australia position or any Virgin positions so I decided not to submit incase, but I did upload my CV back on. Now it is showing back on my review application for Virgin Blue thank goodness. Will It still have made any difference though or wil my CV just be on my application same as it was without my little error! I just dont want anything hindering my chances!

Just realised my earlier post didnt come up for some reason! But I was saying that I was worried as I applied for Virgin Blue on Monday, but today suddenly realised when reviewing my submitted application my CV was no longer loaded. I realise now why this was(as above) so just wanted to check that this wont have affected anything and now my CV is back on the form it will be like that when my application is processed or if it already has.
My other question was in relation to the above, if I have applied for Virgin Blue..can I still apply for V Australia?

Thank you!

12th Nov 2009, 13:04
V australia is recruiting again. Virgin blue just closed there application for domestic cabin crew.

if you have applied for virgin blue you still ARE able to apply for V australia.
Apply for both..

Good luck all


12th Nov 2009, 17:54
Thank you flight04 for that!
I have decided against applying as altough I have 2 years of study of the travel and tourism indurty incuding an NCFE cabin crew course, I dont have much customer service experience so am likely to be knocked back and if my application goes nowhere with virgin blue then that will be two airlines I wont be able to apply to for another 12 months:( Will concentrate on getting more hospitality/customer service expereince and maybe apply to V aus when they recruit again:)

13th Nov 2009, 10:43
I applied for both but was stumped when I read that you now need, not only for V Australia and Virgin, not only a Senior First Aid certificate and RSA but now also a CPR certificate. This requirement as far as I am aware is new. Since when did you need that too? Especially as you learn CPR in your senior first aid course. When I booked and did my senior first aid course recently I noticed that there was not a course you could do specifically that was just CPR, or a qualification you could gain that was just CPR.

Does anyone know anything about this?

13th Nov 2009, 13:25
CPR is included in Snr First aid but it expires before the 3years, can't remember when but I ttink they just want to make sure you've done the cpr component within (I think) the last 12 months. Ring Red Cross or St John's if you want to check to be sure

16th Nov 2009, 04:26
Yep, CPR although it is for 12 months only, most of the airlines require it to be no more than 6 months before it expires - meaning you need to update every 6 months.
Also you can give Royal Life a call who also run CPR courses - updates run for about 3 hours.

16th Nov 2009, 06:47
Anyone applying for the current V Australia SYD Recruitment? Does anyone know what specific things you have to to do on the recruitment day, how many people attended the last one etc? Any info would be much appreciated! Thanks :)