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15th Nov 2007, 23:48
Hi there!

Just saw your question and decided to answer since I've received the email of approval for my medical tests today.

You are required to do:

1- HIV report.
2- Haemoglobin Count.
3- A Detailed Chest X Ray report about heart and lungs.
4- Audiogram report & graph (graph is very important for approval of such)
5- Cervical smear test report (for females only - if applicable). If not applicable - Physician should mark NOT INDICATED in Appendix 2 in front of cervical smear test.
6- Dental certificate – Doctor should mark Yes or No in front of dentally fit.
7- Vaccination certificate with the initial course date.

All the reports should be in English or certified by a recogneised person!

About the dental tests I am not sure but in the other companies I've applied for in the past they should be filled if necessary, also the wisdom teeth should be ok (not doing bad grow in the others, otherwise they should be removed, check with your doctor).

I hope Everything goes the best way for you!

Best Regards

16th Nov 2007, 00:02
Hey babes

Congratulations. I told you could make it. Hope to see you in Dubai soon (fingers crossed).

I received a call from Dubai yesterday telling me to resend all of my pics cause they couldnt find it. Can you believe it.

It seems my wait will be a little bit longer than 6 weeks now.



16th Nov 2007, 11:57
:D:D:D...oh dear!!!congratulations......i told you you would be called!!i am so happy for you!!See you there!!

16th Nov 2007, 15:36
Thanks guys! I have a question for those who finished with their medical exam: how many days before you get the result of: HIV, hemoglobin and Audiogram test? What about the Vaccination, what kind of Vaccination and how many dozes or is it an initial doze only? For the dental exam, is it necessary to have a dental carries-free?:}:):confused::)

16th Nov 2007, 15:46
Hey!! What I did is just took everything down to my local doctor he organised everything for me there. The HIV takes in England about a week and the vaccinations are all 1 shot then done. It should all take about 2 weeks to get sorted if you've got the time off work to go to the doctors.

My medicals took way longer but they were fine with that I even had to re-send things so its been over a month since they asked me to do them.

Good luck


16th Nov 2007, 16:55

Like Vic, I also took all my paperwork to the doctor and started from there. However, when I found out it would take 2 weeks or so and I didn't have the time, I opted for a combination of going private and getting them done at my local doctor. I was able to get all my results in one day when going private and then took my forms once more to the doctors to get them signed.

As for the injections I dont know (was not paying much attention!hehe), I know I got around 7 though!

A :)

16th Nov 2007, 18:07
Hi Midboy or how you call yourself! I am in Europe and I am not attending Emirates Assessment Day in Morocco! What are you talking about? I have not talked with you about Emirates and I will not be talking with you about this matter! So please check your English again and try to becoem Cabin Crew :ugh: and stop starting new at PPRUNE with different usernames, ok?? Thank you and good luck for you in any things you are going to do!!!!!!

18th Nov 2007, 10:27
Hi Honeycathy
me!!! I'm joining feb first! Send me a pm and i'll catch up with you there xx congratulations, i've been following your posts and it looked like u were ready to tear your hair out!

18th Nov 2007, 13:26
I go on the 7th december and I am really excited. I have just had the photos done to take and that was the last thing they required. Also had to have all my wisdom teeth out- so have been in bed all week!!! ouch they hurt- i hope they are all better by the 7th December- do you think they will be?

I am just now pondering over banks over there and what to pack!!! hmmmm my clothes and shoes alone weigh 50kg so dont think there is room for much more:- iron, towels, :S guna have to get my whole family to sit on them to zip them up i think!!!

It says my training doesn't start until 13th? i thought thursday in Dubai was weekend? hmmm very confusing that it starts on their weekend and i get a whole week before training in Dubai :S i hope they let you know exactly what to do because ill be lost for a week if i just get put in my apartment and tod they will pick me up for training week after!! EK are good though and im sure that wont happen.

hehe neway my teeth are hurting- more pain killers!!!

Talk soon

Becky xxxxx

18th Nov 2007, 14:30
hey guys, i have another question: do i need to inform them by email that i received already the form for my med exam?:)

18th Nov 2007, 16:48
Yes, you do not need to inform them that you have received your medicals but I did, just so that in my head I know I am keeping in contact with them and they know what I am doing. Have you signed and faxed/emailed off the contract yet to them? You can just mention it if you are emailed back to contract that you have received the medical forms. Alternatively, just email them saying you have received the forms and that you will endeavour to complete them as soon as possible.

Good Luck :ok:

18th Nov 2007, 17:07
Is it the Declation (page 8 of the contract)? So i'll just print it and signed then send it through fax, is that what you mean? :ugh:

18th Nov 2007, 20:04
I am so sad.... I recived an invitation fot intervew but I had no chance to come. Actually I am flighting with business jet in my country. So I was flighting at that time....It was at the end of October. But one girl called me and asked about confirmation ... will I come or no.... I explained to her situation and she promissed to write me or call... But no answer from them. I wrote letter to them. Again nothing. :rolleyes:What should I do? :confused:Forget?
Thanks for advice.

18th Nov 2007, 21:44
Yes Honey Catchy, just sign that one made, either scan it and email it off or fax it off. I faxed it off to Emirates and after I did that I immediately emailed EK and told them that I accept the offer and that I have faxed it off to them and also mentioned about getting my medicals done and sent to them as soon as I can. Hope that helps.

18th Nov 2007, 21:56
Hi!!! I m Mariela from Argentina. I´d like to know if there´s someone starting the training course on Jan 10. If you are, please write me to [email protected]
Thanks a lot!!!:)

18th Nov 2007, 23:36
HI everyone!

I’m considering (not to sure yet) about heading to Sydney for the Emirates open day on Dec 9.
I was invited to one in Brisbane, but unfortunately I was eliminated at the last Brisbane open day and its only been 5 months, so that is why Sydney is a possible option.

I’m really apprehensive about going though! This is something I want so badly! Lol. About 300 people turned up to the Brisbane open day in June, and it blew me away – should I expect the same or possible more in Sydney? If anyone that’s been to a Sydney open day could let me know that would be great. And anyone who is going – good luck! :ok: I would love to hear form you!

Thanks in advance!


19th Nov 2007, 00:07
I will be heading to Sydney open day... I hope to god 300 people dont show up or I'm gonna have to drug a few to better the chances...

Joking of course...

19th Nov 2007, 14:09

I am new to this forum and I would like to share my experience with you during the Assessment day of Emirates in Frankfurt on 18 november!

Preliminary selection was done by MT-Global-Experts on 10 november 2007 (Open Day)

We were 62 invited for the assessment day!
2 Ladys from emirates arrived (Elisa from Turkey and Christine from New Zealand) and told us that we will start soon!

At first they were checking the names invited and if everybody is attending but some were still missing!

We watched the video about Emirates and asked several questions. After this we were divided into 4 Groups. My Group was the last one and our topic was "Planet earth is detroyed and we should take 5 professionals to re-build our earth and we should give it a new name in 7 minutes". Before this we had to introduce our neighbour to the others and to do the reach test! After this round I was not successful although I was not too active and not tooo quite!! Soo many nice people failed, really, I could not imagine that!!!!! When I arrived and I saw them i was really thinking that they will do it! They chose really bad ones! I am sorry for that but really! Some were very gaunty, some too fat and the others had really bad teeth and were not attractive! And some within my group were sooo active and they brought up themselves too much and they were successful!! It was a bad experience I did with Emirates! The selection process of Lufthansa is much better than this one! Lufthansa looks at your qualifications, your skills and you also have to undergo a role play as cabin crew dealing with a difficult passenger! And see there: I was successful and I will start on 3 January as Cabin Crew with the best european airlines (Modell A = Continental and Intercontinental Flights)!!!! The question I was asked during the reach test was "Hi, how are you doing and how did you travel to here!!!" What is this for a question????? I really would have answered that I asked Harry Potter to borrow me his besom to fly to this place:-))))
Good luck to th eothers who wanna join Emirates and don`t forget Harry`s besom to fly there:-))))):ugh::=

19th Nov 2007, 16:08
first off, why did you apply with emirates if you already had a job with the "best european airline?"

secondly, when you did youre reach test, they ask a simple question like that, just to see how you respond to such a casual question. its a good way to see someones personality, right off the bat.

sorry you didnt get accepted, but emirates has a specific quality that they look for in a cabin crew member, and obviously you dont have it.

good luck with lufthansa, tho.

19th Nov 2007, 19:11

fisrt of all Mister or Miss please don`t tell me that I don`t have qualities for the position of cabin crew!This is a forum for anybody and don`t bring up yourself as were such a great personality that Emirates will may be hire you! I applied as Cabin Crew with Emirates only because of the multinational crew! It seemed to be very exciting! Emirate is of course a great airline but only because of lots of help of the government in Dubai which is not allowed in Europe because of competition, hehehe but the recruitment process was a little bit silly (in my opinion)! And please, I answered this question in a really nice way! I work in direct contact with customers and so on..... However it doesn`t matter! If you check several airline news you will see that Lufthansa is the best european airline! Good luck to you and please don`t come back from Dubai (if Emirates is really hiring you) telling that arabic life style is nothing for you honey:=


19th Nov 2007, 19:36
What's Harry's Besom? Is that something I missed cause I have read all the books and watched all the films....:sad:

19th Nov 2007, 21:28
Now Now Children - Not that it has ANYTHING to do with EK (Although technically it does kinda relate to flying) a besom is the correct name given to what we who CLAIM to speak English as a first language, call a "broom stick"

It's actually a broom, especially one made from twigs or brush... having never seen or read Harry Potter - I don't know if this is actually what he flew on, but then, I dont imagine anyone went to their interview on one either so huh...

Who'd have thunk it!

19th Nov 2007, 21:34
you would find that us who speak English as a first lingo would never use besom when referring to a broomstick. Personally that would come from someone who does not speak English as their first language. Maybe you should try reading Harry Potter my lovely friend JonJon. We can discuss this in more depth should you feel the need to on msn as let's face it, you just can't seem to go on a day without talking to me. Mwah :ok:

19th Nov 2007, 21:44
Where have you been hiding lately??...

Guys - one word of advice. Don't let the numbers fool you, because it's noticable when your mouth drops to the floor.
I've been through the process twice & yes I noticed about 200 or more people turning up on the open day.
Just remember to make your way to the front of the crowd ready to enter those doors, because then you get to go in first while the others will have to wait around for the 2nd half of the session - as they can't fit in all of you!
I made it twice through to the final one-on-one interview but unfortunately was unsuccessful. Do you think that's going to stop me??!!.. Guess again, I'm going to try my luck again hoping I make it as far as I did last time. I think it's more nerve wrecking knowing I've done this before because more is expected of me (if that makes sense).

So anyway, who here is going to the Melbourne session??

John - don't sweat it. You'll be fine. But message me if need be!

Good luck guys :ok:

20th Nov 2007, 07:01

Good luck to you!!! I hope that you can make it there in Emirates.

Lots of luck and lots of love,


20th Nov 2007, 08:12
How long does it take to get final approval after sending your medicals???

20th Nov 2007, 10:43
hey- it took 3 weeks for me to get my final approval after submitting my medicals hunny. All was ok on them except that i needed all my wisdom teeth out and i have a fixed retainer on my lower teeth however they still accepted me :) xxx any help just ask

20th Nov 2007, 13:53
Hello everyone,

Seven weeks have passed since I arrived to DXB. Training was not easy but I am finally flying. Had my first supy flights to India and Pakistan and right now I am getting ready for my second operational flight (BKK and HKG) and then ZRH.

I really wish you all the best. I am having the time of my life!


20th Nov 2007, 13:53
It took them just over a week to get back to be with final approvals. I would have thought that they would take longer as I am sure there are loads more people travelling out there before me. Good Luck, I am sure it'll be fine though.


20th Nov 2007, 15:40
hi everyone!!

I resent my missing medicals about 5 days ago and got a really quick email back saying they had received them but no final approval yet . But it sounds like everyone has had this problem and the time scales really vary so i'm just gonna hold tight but i'm still gonna start packing!!!! its only 3 and a bit weeks to GO!!

Ali xander i really cant wait to meet you your posts crack me up!!!

Flyrules!! sounds really exciting thanks for keeping us updated now i know i wont sleep again tonight hehe

Sleepy how's the car ? ? :sad:

and the last thing I'd like to say is TYPISCH DEUTSCH!!!! := (typical german) hehe


Mr 1A!
21st Nov 2007, 04:45

Sydney attracts a big crowd also... I went in May and there were about 300 people also... I didnt get selected but hey il try again this DEC.
You should still come along... it will show that you are realy interested.

Il try DEC and il try again ans again hoping one day il get there.


21st Nov 2007, 16:11
Hi Mr. 1A,

try and try and try again until you get in!!! I remember that one recruitment officer of Emirates (Jessica from London) told us that some applicatnts tried for 4 or 5 times and they finally got in! So don`t give up and try again and take every new Open Day as an experience! I made it last year to the final interview but was not successful. Now I`m waiting for them to come again! If everything goes well I will show up in Munich (Germany) in January 2008! I hope that the same recruiters will be there but I always hear that they change so we have to give our best!!!!! I am pretty sure that Emirates is waiting for us:-))))))

21st Nov 2007, 18:19
Hey guys i'm back, i'm done with my med exam today so after a few days i'll be getting my result from my GP. I had all my vaccines today (5 consecutive shots), so just imagine how i am after a few hours (i was so sleepy and weak like i'm holding a sack of rice)!:\

Gotta go for now i need some rest...:zzz:

Keep updating!:)

21st Nov 2007, 19:52

Anybody else flying out from Heathrow on Friday, 23rd Nov 2007?



23rd Nov 2007, 02:54
I agree with Midadi... Just keep on getting right back up with every knock to the ground - this should only make you stronger & more determined to get the job!

Look at me for an example.. I'm still on a mission trying again & again it's humanily not possible to do it anymore. If you really want something so much as this, it will happen. If not, try other avenues & get your foot in the door or take up studies or what ever means to gain knowledge & experience to better improve yourself for the next time you try. You've got nothing to lose but only to gain everything you have absorbed - if that make any sense at all??

I'm looking forward to my 3rd attempt coming up in 2 weeks (should I be posting this.. lol??).

"Go in the direction of your dreams, live the life you have imagined".

23rd Nov 2007, 06:07
Well, after waiting 3 weeks since I sent my medicals to them via email, I have gotten an email informing me that they have not received anything yet. This is really annoying. The email didn't bounce back to me, so they must have it in their inbox. Quite frustrating, especially when in the eariler stages I had to send my photos again because they lost them!

I may just fax everything through instead...if they don't get it then...:mad:

23rd Nov 2007, 08:05
Juzz51: When is your DOJ? did you check your sent items?may be you mispelled something on the email address or may be they accidentally deleted it...It's really annoying after waiting for 3 weeks nothing happened:ugh:To make sure that they will receive it, send it by email again and by fax then call them if they received already your medical report through fax...:ok:

23rd Nov 2007, 17:50
Gosh! I have my Open Day tomorrow. What will happen,what I should do?! Wish me luck<3

23rd Nov 2007, 18:53
Good luck !!!! :} :ok:

24th Nov 2007, 06:05

My DOJ is the 25th of January. I've sent them off a fax today, plus resent the email, so they should have it all by now. If not....:mad:

25th Nov 2007, 16:55
hey, just a quick question! i went to my doctor to get my medical and he wont give me some of the vacinations again, said because i've already had them i dont need them again cause u only need them once in ur life, did anyone else have this problem? also im not going to have all my stuff back within 2 weeks, is this a huge problem? xxx

25th Nov 2007, 20:00
yah it's true but for your hepa vaccine there should be a 2nd dose after 6mos. do you have all the records of your previous vaccines? 'coz mine, have all the vaccine in 1 day ( 5 different shots)... :\ you mean you'll get the result after 2 weeks? that's weird...i finish my medical exam including dental thingy in 1 day ecxept for my cervical pap smear as i have my period at that time and after 3 days i already had my result including my HIV test. ask your GP why it will take that long for your result... and you should have your chest & dental xray with 2 bitewing xray as well..:ok:

25th Nov 2007, 20:18
hey vic and any one else who are waiting for finals and wandering what sleep is . ive started partying hard and am hoping they turn up soon the drink is purely to help me sleep hehe. so far ive bubble wrapped my ps2 im hoping i can fit it into a 6 foot cabin bag to get more into my 50 kgs hold allowance lol. still hoping to meet up this week vic will keep you posted . sleepy hope your ok saw something about a car accident . and as for honey cathy im sooooo very pleased its all worked out for you so far good luck with the meds . good luck with the training beck and a safe move over i arrive with vic and sleepy on the 14th see you there

25th Nov 2007, 20:51
well i've gone through the NHS so things seem to take a bit longer, i've had all my examinations and all my x-rays are done so just waiting on them getting back to the doctor. not sure why it takes so long! i did email them to let them know, but noone emailed me back, hope there not annoyed! i have medical records for some of the vacinations that i've had byt according to emirates they will be out of date as i had them more than 10 years ago but my doctor said he wont give me the jag again as its totally pointless! he bascially said the whole form was a joke and far too intrusive, uh oh! think he was a bit annoyed! xxx

26th Nov 2007, 10:30
The doctor obviously needs shooting :p My doctor asked no questions and I had to pay him £100 to get the full examination, jabs and for him to sign the forms. If you managed to get most of the other medicals on the NHS, would it not be possible to get the jabs done privately? Ofcourse, it will mean that you have to pay for it but saves you the aggro from the doctor. Good Luck :cool:

26th Nov 2007, 11:11
That sucks.....i hope they wont tell me the same thing...its almost 2 weeks since i sent the medicals.. had hoped i would hear sth from them today...it would have been a great birthday gift..oh well! will just have to wait

27th Nov 2007, 01:17
Hey there, is anyone going to the assessment/openday/interview beginning on the 9/12 in Sydney?
Does anyone know if it goes all week, or if you just go for the day on sunday and nominate a timeslot throughout the following week for an interview if successful? Also what should be expected?

Can anyone tell me what the conditions are like - pay, progression, accomodation, etc... and whether or not its worth it?
I know its all a matter of opinion but some advice would be good.

27th Nov 2007, 03:37
cc1986: It should only take up half the day on sunday, then if you are successful all day on Monday & possibly the one-on-one interview over the following 3 days thereafter - Tues, Wed or Thurs which of course will only be an hour if I remember correctly.

I'm attending the Melb one which starts on the Sat which will follow with assessments on Sunday.

Best of luck guys!

27th Nov 2007, 03:56
Hi cc1986

I’ll be popping along to Sydney! I asked last week how many to expect to be there and by the sounds of things it will be a big day.

I’m assuming that Sydney will be run like Brisbane, so the day (or week if your lucky) should be roughly as follows.

Sunday things will kick of at 9:00am sharp. The whole group will be taken into the conference room and the recruiters (normally 2) will introduce themselves, and give a brief talk about Dubai, the UAE, Emirates Airlines, and the role of their cabin crew.

There will be a brief questions and answers session, after which everyone will have the chance (about 1 min) to meet the recruiters as you hand in your resume and photos – that’s a crucial time to make a good impression!

Afterwards you will watch a few video presentations about the topics mentioned above while the recruiters skim through the resumes. Once the videos come to a close the group will most likely be given a short lunch recess. After the break, letters will be handed out to everyone informing you of if you will be progressing to the next stage (group activities) or sorry - but come back in 6 months!
This is where I was knocked out first time round L

Usually the lucky few are called back into the room and invited back the following day for the group activities and further eliminations. If you are successful the following day you will be invited back for the third and final 2-on-1 interview, this may take place the next day of a few days later.

I hope that gives you an idea of what to expect. If it is your first interview it cam be quite overwhelming to walk into a room of 200 immaculately groomed, professional looking people! I know I was quite taken aback, but if you have a thorough read through this and the other Emirates wannabees threads you will really get a good feel for what to expect, which in turn will make you more confident! – You’ll also find info on living/working conditions, pay etc.

Even if I am not successful this time, I’m looking forward to it. I met some wonderful people at my first interview that made it through, and having kept in touch with them has only made me more determined.

Good luck!!! Hope to see you there!:ok:

28th Nov 2007, 04:40
Good news. They got the fax. Hopefully they have everything they need and I'll get the final approval soon! :ok:

28th Nov 2007, 07:10
As i am waiting for my medical result this morning, i had read again the contract that they sent to me and suddenly i read this paragraph before the declaration page that says "This offer will remain open for your acceptance until 24-Nov-2007. If we do not hear from you by this date, the offer may be withdrawn." I receive it last Nov. 17 and i just sent it today immediately after i've read that line...Am i gonna be in trouble coz i submitted it after 4 days of their given date?...:ugh::oh::uhoh::confused::\:eek::sad:

28th Nov 2007, 11:38
Did you email/fax them the signed contract like I think I mentioned in my other post? If you have, it should not be too much of a problem, as I sent my medicals two days late but I did ring them to tell them that I would not be able to get my medicals to them on the date which they specified. They were understanding and said that I should get it to them as soon as I can, preferably within 2 weeks. It's not a problem, so try ringing them and just letting them know once again. :ok:

28th Nov 2007, 21:03
So when is your DOJ? I'm sure you're very excited! I just sent the declaration page this morning by email and i wrote it also that i will send my medical report as soon as i get my result...well, i hope so because if they're going to withdraw it then they will send me an email for sure.. I feel better now but i just hope that they will reply to my letter...Thanks Ali!:ok:

28th Nov 2007, 21:21
Hi everyone!

I was just wondering if anyone else will be attending the assessment day in manchester on 05/12/07? (a week today!) I'm so excited and nervous. Also if anyone has recently attended an assessment day in the UK any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

28th Nov 2007, 23:08
I all,

I've just past my final interview at the Paris OD last 24th of november. There was around 215 of us, then 39 remained to the final interviews. In Emirates Recruiting, this has been a record per Recruitment Officers. People came from all over Europe. It was very enriching and very friendly but stressful days. Selection took place on the Saturday, CV round, 1minute interview round, english test round and then we were invited to join group exercise the following morning @ 9am. Then 39 finally made it threw to the final ITW's... Now waiting for the blessed call !

So from what I've gathered, that is what the calendar looks like from now on :

Final ITW > 6 weeks > Job Offer > Email with Contract & Meds > Final Approval >2 weeks max > DOJ > 4 days before fly out > E-tickets > FLy Out > Move In > 4 days idle > Training Starts

Did I get that right ?

29th Nov 2007, 02:33
Hey guys !!!

Its me again !!! So far i didnt have any answer. Its been 8 weeks and 5 days now.

The person in charge for recruitment here in Brazil, which by the way is very professional told me about delays in process.

Keep you updated about my situation!!!



29th Nov 2007, 10:46
Hi....a big congratulations to you:D...i am sure you will get the call...it just seems that the people in this forum get the calls....so i hope to hear from you soon.
About your order of events...you are right...except that time varies for everyone...some get called in a week and others 6 weeks and others even longer!
All the best!


I dont think you should worry...did they send you a confirmation saying that they received your medicals??if they did then i don't think you should worry too much


When you called them what did they say?...seems to have taken a bit too long if you ask me....

Read your blog....good on you...i look foward toreading more from you!:O

And good luck to everyone else that like me is waiting for final approval and also those waiting for the golden call!:ok:

29th Nov 2007, 11:02
:Dhey you are not honnest like me because I explain my situation and you not because you don t tell me the truth about emirates airlines and i am so good with you i tell you about the open day of EK in 6 december and you told me that you are accepting from him and that is not impoprtant for me and now you said in your post ::mad:

. Now I`m waiting for them to come again! If everything goes well I will show up in Munich (Germany) in January 2008! I hope that the same recruiters will be there but I always hear that they change so we have to give our best!!!!! I am pretty sure that Emirates is waiting for us:-))))))

after that peace :( but be helpful because the flight attendant be happy or not necessary salam shukran.:ok:

29th Nov 2007, 11:27
Once again, don't worry too much about it, they are not that strict and its not like you were late on purpose. I have learnt one thing from EK, once you fax something off, also email it and add a message with it and 48hours later call them to confirm they have received it!...its works, providing you get through on the telephone, though after a couple of attempts you usually get through (well I did). My date of joining is Friday 11th January 2008 - currently I sit at work and look at the EK flights heading toward LHR from the office window!hehe :E

Vicster: I didn't know you have a blog...whats the URL? Infact I am in the process of starting my one up too, should go up in the next couple of weeks. I am being far too picky with layouts etc! ;)

Sodwee: Congrats for making it to the final interview. 39 for the final interview! Phew...then again I went to an assessment day in London rather than an open day where 50 were narrowed down to 9 for the final interview. Well wish you the very best of luck. :ok:

Dandanjose: I am sure its been told before but hang in there, it can only be good news. My friend who just started with EK last week rang me to confirm that they are recruiting loads of Brasilians, with around 200 already having been taken onboard! Hang in there, might be seeing you in Dubai! :)

29th Nov 2007, 11:31
I dont understand anything from your last post! Yes I will try Emirates IN munich, is there something wrong???:ugh:

30th Nov 2007, 07:32
if you google EK crew blogs..you will find a couple of blogs by EK crew and thats where i found Vics...clearly that is how i spend my time....its just EK in my mind....my friends are even getting sick of it:rolleyes:...ih well...whats a girl to do!

30th Nov 2007, 09:32
Hey people...because i evidently dont have anything consuming my time...i decided to create my own blog...its kamissafaris.************* if any of you is interested you can check it out.....:}

30th Nov 2007, 18:45

Just a quick message to say good luck to everyone who is going to interviews and open days and to those of you just waiting to here.....be patient, dont stress too much and no news is good news!!

I've been in Dubai since October 5th now, finished my training and im now flying and really enjoying it!

If anyone wants advise or any info just send me a message, i know how many questions i had when i was sat round waiting!! Also i have a blog im writing with what ive been doing and what my flights have been like etc so if you want to know what it is just private message me!

Good Luck everyone!


30th Nov 2007, 19:09
Hey...Don't worry, thats all I seem to do with my time as well, I have 5 or 6 blogs on my favourites which are highly addictive, though none has been updated yet! So I have ran out of things to read!hehe...:O

1st Dec 2007, 07:52
i know...i think i have read them all...so interesting!seeing the places they go to....can't wait...you are so lucky you got your final approval coz now you have the freedom and luxury to dream....anyhow..thats why i decided to start mine...which was your fav?

2nd Dec 2007, 18:10
I'm back! it's been quite a while since my last posted message, been busy working this past few days...i already sent my medical result today through fax and email. As Ali mentioned before, i will call them after a few days just to confirm if they've received it. So happy for the result everything's normal, just hope that i submitted all the details that they needed so less worry now hehehehehh...:) :p

Ali: question: did you send also the copy of passport/birth certificate for your dependants details? 'coz i didn't send it...:O:oh::ooh:

2nd Dec 2007, 18:15
:pgood luck in your application and hard luck in your training and be safe :D:ok:don t worry for your question don t send your passport that is what i know see you ;):ok:

2nd Dec 2007, 18:49
You do not need to send any photocopies of passports. Have you completed the online joiners form from the Emirates website in the Selected candidates section?

You will need photocopies to take with you to Dubai of passports and birth certificates, marriage certificates for parents etc, so get them done in advanced if you need to. So you don't forget anything last minute and no need to panic then.

I am sure you will get your Final Approvals very soon (make sure you ring them :E)

3rd Dec 2007, 11:22
Hey, i'm flying on friday this week. Got my cases packed and they weigh 57kg i really don't know how to get them any smaller ive been through them both 4 times and i cant see anything i dont want to take. I haven't got my e-tickets or visa yet so bit worried about that!

I'm taking about £500 i think so i hope i have enough to last me.

Anyone else flying friday or next week? you all excited? ali xander and Vic you both ready for next week? you changed your money? you managed to fit you stuff into 50kg?

Becky xxxx

3rd Dec 2007, 13:49
Hey Becky, its good that you have already gotten your packing out of the way! 57kilos..what are you carrying in those suitcases! (depending what type of suitcases you are carrying, there are some which are really light and durable, so opting for one of those might lower the amount on the scales). Don't worry too much about your visa and ticket, you should get that tomorrow or Wednesday (if you havent by tomorrow evening then I suggest you ring them). I still have 38 days left before I fly out (not that I am counting or anything!) so I am packing but very slowly! Though each time I venture out to the shops, I feel the urge of buying clothes, like that to die for coat from Zara costing £130! (I didn't buy it!).

£500 pounds should be enough, I spoke to someone from EK and they said that amount should be more than enough to get by.

I guess you should make the best of your last few days in the UK as you will soon be heading to better climes! Oh and you'll have an amazing time too!


3rd Dec 2007, 14:22
the waiting for further approval after FINAL ITW is unbeaaaaaarable. Just got the CIPQ test email done now waiting for them to come back to me.

I didn't have any great smiling passport pictures with me at the interview, so did others and sent them via email (PDF format) do you think I should send them through post too in photo paper format too ?

Cheers for all the info. Good luck to anyone flying out this week !

3rd Dec 2007, 15:40
Its only clothes and shoes!!!! :S i really havent packed anything except handbags clothes and shoes and an iron and it weighs 57kg!

haha maybe ill have another look through but i dont see me cutting it down :(

500 is what im taking but always got my credit card for emergencys if i need it. got a new one thats interest free for 15 months from now so it wont matter if i need to use it a little!

oh sorry i thought you were due to leave next week with vic- not sure where i have got that from. I have seen a gorgeous coat from oasis thats £90 and i want some new GHDs and a new outfit for travelling in but i am trying to resist the temptation!


4th Dec 2007, 16:32
tak the necessary things and not any :Othings :

first : the clothes of your day life out job location.

second :the costume for the training course of cabin crew .

third : 3 black shoes and 6 sock for your job.

finally your traditional food not much...;):p

nice flight and good luck in your training :ok:

4th Dec 2007, 16:46
Hey guys !! how are you ?

becky i have already packed one suitcase and am on to the next one now havent reached 50kg yet so looks ok and same as you its only clothes shoes etc.

Ali NOT LONG !!!!! keep in touch we're flying out next friday cant wait ! how's the job ???

4th Dec 2007, 18:03
Hi Guys! Got the invitation for Emirates Assessment Day in Munich! Don`t have to attane dthe open day as I applied through the recruitment agency in Germany and she invited me directly!!!

Hope to get in now!!!!!:ok::ok::):):ugh:

4th Dec 2007, 22:39
Midadi: Good Luck with EK in MUC, I hope it goes well for you :ok:

Midoy: Why would we pack "costumes" for cabin crew..(sorry, that just made me laugh) and plus our uniforms are given to us once we get to Dubai.

Becky & Vics: Are you on Facebook! Would be great to stay in contact that way and make sure you join the EK CABIN CREW group, its exclusive to current employers (and apparently supported by the airline) and I was given access.

Yep...not long to go now until I leave, my time is being used wisely, I have a guy driving me a little gah gah at the moment, so its all rosey! :p Oh I need to get ghds but at 95 quid, I am hoping the sales might bring me better fortune!

Heheh....it looks like we are all packing! - so what is the oddest item you are packing? Mine include herbal tea, organic green & blacks choc!, carte noire coffee, and plenty of pharmaceutical stuff!hehe.

Hope to hear from you soon...:ok::E

5th Dec 2007, 00:43
Hi all , to any one still awaiting the final approval vic and i got ours 10 days before ,and fly out next friday so dont fret (he says having suffered accute stomach ulsers lol) they asked me for several reports from the medical and it took a good four weeks to get the finals or may be more (felt like an eternity).

packing, what packing .you girls are soooo very organised can any one come and do mine . good luck in dubai all and cant wait to meet and fly with you all :ok:

5th Dec 2007, 09:00
hey thanks a lot for telling me...maybe now i can relax and stop all my fretting.

5th Dec 2007, 21:16
Anyway here attending the open day in Melbourne?

I'm getting nervous once again... lol

6th Dec 2007, 00:06
You'll be right love!

Anyone going to Sydney? me sooooooooooooooo nervous! :uhoh:

Muffin Head
6th Dec 2007, 09:41
Hi jonjon!

I am coming along to the Sydney open day, I have butterflies already! It is my first Emirates open day and I am really looking forward to it. Good luck and fingers crossed we will have good news to report! :)

6th Dec 2007, 17:45
Can anyone tell me what else we should bring apart from clothes there must be something ?? we're moving country and all i can think of is clothes shoes an iron and bathroom stuff . what am i forgetting ??? aaaahhhhhh . :ugh:

Hey last minute tony ,dont forget your smalls !!!!! :):)

Ali : i'll send you a quick pm ref facebook in a minute. It would be really nice to keep in touch definately and if i forget something that i need ....... haha

sleepy how's it going your end ? are you ready ???

6th Dec 2007, 17:56

thanks for looking at my blog i havent been on for a while really appreciate that you took the time to look at it i'm heading out to dubai next week and i just bought a camera so i will be adding to it as often as i can ;. THEY are really addictive . If you guys have questions while i'm there i'll be glad to answer them also on the blog i was looking at i really wanted her to show more pictures of the room and apartment so i am going to PUT loads of pics on

its www. vickysjourney. ******** . com (no spaces)

I'm having trouble changing the picture of me it came out huge and i seem really conceited haha but i just couldnt make it small so i'll keep working on it in my spare time there . :):)

6th Dec 2007, 20:13
:rolleyes:they have many open days in more then 20 country around the world it is the chalenge of choose the best flight attendant in the futur.;)

7th Dec 2007, 00:06
I'll look out for you... what are you, blueberry? choc chip? bannana? :o)

Pm Me!

7th Dec 2007, 03:06
oh man, only one week to go!!!!

i havent started packing, but i have started to get bad insomnia....i cant sleep my mind is constantly running.....


hey vic! i couldnt get you ******** to work....owell, i will see you in a week!!!
dont forget your computer, but im just bringing my clothes, my Wii, and some old LP's for my wall decorations, i will buy posters there hopefully....maybe we can pick out some stuff for our wall at the mall??? and go skiing while we are there :p

im gonna try to go to sleep now, then maybe i will start packing tomorrow, prolly not tho.


7th Dec 2007, 04:50
Hi Everyone

Im leaving in 2 weeks today!!! How much carry on luggage can we bring in the cabin?


7th Dec 2007, 08:57
Hey guys,

Does anyone know the questions asked on Emirates Open Days???
Actually anyone know any tips on being successful on open days for Emirates?
Email me on [email protected]


7th Dec 2007, 09:28
Too lazy to read the pages of information on this and previous threads that answer your questions?

7th Dec 2007, 10:46
Rayzorhead: Have a read at the thread from the beginning as the answer to your question are all there as pointed out by Tightslot.

Vicster: Thanks for the pm, I found you on FB and send you a message, there was two by that name!...so I hope I have not sent a message to some other girl who infact has nothing to do with Emirates but I am sure it was you though. At the moment, I don't even have 50kgs to take but once the sale starts, I am sure my suitcase will miraculously fill up like magic :p Why are you taking an iron...I am sure we get one there as stated in the list of things in our appartment?

Sleepy: Better get packing :p Oh and I want a game of tennis on the Wii. I am still wondering whether I should take my Wii or Playstation 3...Decisions Decisions! I can relate to turning into an insomniac, I have over a month left and already I cannot sleep!

Sugarlips: I guess standard cabin allowance is allowed, which is 7kgs right? don't quote me on that though. I usually try to take more than that!Lol

Jonjonsyd: Don't let the nerves get to ya and please cheer up! No doubt will talk to you before you go to the Open Day.

Muffinhead: Good Luck with the Open Day.


7th Dec 2007, 12:22
Hey Ali...

How can I be not cheery with you as my mate... as they say in Spain... Amigos para siempre means you'll always be my fwiend! :o)

Best of luck this weekend Australian folks, and other folks in Australia, like me!

Best of luck me!

See you all in DXB (Positive thinking)


7th Dec 2007, 13:06
HEy mate bet you are excited !!!! you can take i think 50kg but each suitcase shouldnt weigh more than 32 thats what i read on the paperwork.

Happy packing i'm doing a mountain of washing at the moment !!!

sleepy: we'll go shopping and stuff the 4 days we have off when we get there shall we? there will be loads of things we'll proabably want to do . can you pm me your number that you will have over there with you so we can get in contact ? do you know what time your flight gets in ???? hopefully the same time :)

7th Dec 2007, 15:29
Hi everyone.
I had my Final Interview on the 19th of November in Frankfurt. Is there anybody here who had it with me?? I took only one email address and this person has already recieved NO by mail. And I still got nothing. I hope, as it was said before, that NO new is a good news. They have received my doc about two weeks ago.
Please keep your fingers crossed for me.
I have received YES from Qatar Airways, but I prefer Dubai :ok: And I heard many bad things about Qatar so I am scared about going there:eek:.

7th Dec 2007, 15:51
Hello guys!

It's my first time to post here but I have been reading the posts here since January!!! :cool:

I just want to say CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who are flying to Dubai soon and GOOD LUCK to those who are still applying!

I'll try my luck soon and hopefully I can see you all in Dubai!!!;)

7th Dec 2007, 16:11
hi all who are packing goodluck with your moves over it seems an eternity since the interview . i arrive at 0025 on the 15th in DXB so will see you over there .
to all who have just started the process and had interviews the best advice i can give (having stressed throughout the whole process) ,is be very patient things happen eventually . its easy to loose all rational thought when your dreams hang on an email but from interview to hearing a word was 3 weeks and medical to final 5 weeks or there abouts . well im packing now and wish every one the best of luck .

8th Dec 2007, 02:50
Hi, I arrived into dubai at 2am today, it was a bit tricky, when i first got off the plane i couldnt find the welcome staff but went to emirates crew and kept asking for directions to the desk which is on the bottom floor and there they took me to the staff member who was a million miles away from where i left the plane. It took ages to get bags and they don't help you with them!!! Killed my back

i took just over 50kg but they don't like it at all to be over but they are ok with max 5 or 6 extra- butmy handluggage didnt weigh hardly anything.

Once in Dubai and we had our bags we got taken in a bus to our accommodation. You get a phone next to your bed with your own phone number the moment you arrive into dubai and anyone including family all around the world can call this and get in touch with you. Emirates crew have each others apartment numbers and its free to call between emirates apartments. You get this number literally as soon as you meet the marahaba staff.

Once i arrived into my apartment i met my room mate- who was very tired but she has everything from TV to internet to computer. Shared bathroom between 3 in most but have own toilet and sink and big mirror. There is no bed quilt cover, Iron or nice towels here. they give you a set of towels but they wont last very long and will need washing after first use so im going to have to buy towels and a bed quilt cover today. Im situated on the main road in Dubai and it is noisy so i have yet to get used to it.

:) xxxx

8th Dec 2007, 09:44
Hey Guys,

Well today was exhausting but well worth it especially for me.. I MADE IT TO THE FINAL 2-on-1 interview which is taking place tomorrow. I was suprised with the turn-out. Only 65 people & 28 made it through to final stage. It would've been the usual open day casting but they decided to conduct the assessment after everyone said they were available all day. This is my third try & it was an emotional day for me. I didn't think I would be but the feeling I experienced today is hard describe.. with every round opening up that piece of paper to see 'Congratulations' was overwhelming... I had to walk it off & take DEEP breathes because I thought I was dreaming. Well guys.. I best get back to it. I've got an online test to finish - wish me luck!

And good luck to everyone else tomorrow & globally :ok: :ok: :ok:

Jonjonsyd: Best of luck to you to my friend - I have my fingers & toes crossed ;)

8th Dec 2007, 10:17
Hi :O
Did anyone attend the brisbane open day on the 24th Nov? I got through to the final interview and just waiting for a reply!! :8
I had to redo my photos and they told me to drop them off at their hotel before they left for Dubai and i'm hoping that the reception passed it on.
Should i call the office in dubai to confirm? Would they tell me if they didnt receive them?
Good luck to anyone else that has participated in the Aus intakes! :ok:

8th Dec 2007, 13:34
hello !! thanks for the post that s really interesting info . i'll bring quilt covers and one for you haha are they king or doubles? is the bathroom you share in the same apartment or do you go out of your room to get to a shower ???

enjoy your first couple of days there see you soon!!!!!:):)

8th Dec 2007, 18:21
thnx for the info bec.same q as vic double or king . i hope you settle in ok and good luck on your course .

9th Dec 2007, 03:20
Hi. I was set to leave on the 18th of January but I just received an e-mail informing me that my DOJ has been moved to February 22nd. But I had received my e-mail "advice to resign" and final approval". Everything's set. But what does this mean? For those who had experienced this, please let me know :)
I'm kinda paranoid and thinking that they're having second thoughts on hiring me...:confused:

9th Dec 2007, 11:35
I received a similar email but then 5 minutes later, EK sent me another email and said that it was an automated email which should have not been sent out and that my joining date is still 11th January. I guess if you did not receive a second email from them, then your DOJ has really been moved to February. It's not them having second thoughts on hiring you, its probably cause they have too many people and cannot accommodate everyone on the courses (their fault as they should have done their calculations better). Your letter of resignation still stands, it just means your date of joining has been pushed back. To clarify, I would advise you to ring them.

9th Dec 2007, 17:10
hey everyone. Congrats to all of you who are currently flying. I hope to join you all someday soon! Does anyone know when Emirates plans to come back over to Canada? My application is complete, so now, I'm assuming an invitation will get sent out once they set a date?

9th Dec 2007, 17:34
Once you send your application, they will send you an automated email to acknowledge that they have received your application. There does not seem to be an Assessment or Open Days being held in Canada at the mo, neither in January. It's a case of waiting. I hear that there will be more destinations added to the EK network next year in North America & Canada. EK may well recruit more from there then...

Good Luck :E

9th Dec 2007, 17:39
Oh wonderful, thanks so much. Waiting is always the hardest, but its worth it. You'll have to keep us posted on how your training goes when you head over Dubai!

9th Dec 2007, 18:06
Yep, will defo try and keep you all posted. I am hoping to start posting on my blog very soon. ;)

9th Dec 2007, 23:55
Hi everyone, just a quick question about the photos we need to bring. So it is 20 passport photos but do they have to have a blue or white background and the same for the 3 x 3.5cm photos???

10th Dec 2007, 09:51
Blueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Background for the pics :O

10th Dec 2007, 10:51
Thank you, I was getting a little confused but I thought it was blue!!!!!!


10th Dec 2007, 13:14
guys i am now getting stressed out....i was sent an email telling me that they have not received all my medical reports when i know i sent them and it is even there in the sent folder...what is going on?...and they want a detailed report with the graph for the ear exam which i sent...how detailed should it be???:confused:

10th Dec 2007, 13:48

Dont panic it sounds like the same thing has happened to you that happened to me.

If you sent your medicals by email all together they might not receive all and ask for certain ones again , I just emailed the missing ones again , 1 per email.

The hearing report is ok mine was jsut a small piece of card with one sentance saying hearing good, and an initial . With this i got the final approval .

send it all again it will be fine.


10th Dec 2007, 15:35
did you send it also by fax? coz in my case i sent it by email and fax but i didn't called them yet just to know if they receive it but i'm sure they have it already..when did you sent all your medical reports and how many days before you received an email from them?don't worry about it, just send it again and give them a call just to make sure they received it..;)

10th Dec 2007, 19:30
i got the same thing , and it was because the file i sent was to big so i had to resubmit aswell. i used smaller sized files when scanning and it worked a treat.

good luck and dont be suprised of a big delay in there response its quite normal

11th Dec 2007, 12:23
thanks loads guys...the reason i was worried is because my sis was not asked to resend anything and our reports are exactly the same....anyway, i have just sent them off...hopefully i won't be asked to resend anything again.....

when are you leaving???this week???are you excited??

11th Dec 2007, 13:02

I dont know if you remember me but i received the golden Call just half hour ago. After 2 months waiting they called me to say i was approved!!!

I am so excited and happy!!! I can even speak right now. My date of join is April 11th 2008. Hope to see you all there!!



11th Dec 2007, 13:53

11th Dec 2007, 14:23
Congrats!! April must seem so far away, but it'll be here before you know it!:D

11th Dec 2007, 16:17
hey everyone, wow this week is so tiring :( really takes it out of you. You have your own bathroom in some accomodation and in others you have to share. i have to share and i hate it but im on sheik zyad road so cant complain. the beds are queen size not king or double!!! i think if you fetch £500 you will easy have enough too. food in college is like 70p a sandwhich and groceries are cheap too! xxx see you all soon . i could pass out i am that tired

11th Dec 2007, 18:13
jkfly...Does that mean that both you and your sister are joining EK? I am sure everything will be ok with your medicals.

dandanjose...Thats great news, I know from reading pprune that you have been waiting a long while with EK, and now it has all paid off. Congrats! Now you can look forward to Dubai in April. :D

beckyr...sounds like training is very hectic but I hope you are enjoying it. Thanks for the info about the Queen sized bed. How are you settling in? How are your flatmates? The weekend will be here soon! Keep us posted.

vicster...Hows the packing going? you ready to fly out? Did you receive your ticket and visa?

11th Dec 2007, 20:12
Hi everyone and congrats to all!

Can anyone tell me if after the final interview, you receive a phone call or email? I'm not sure what i'm waiting (and waiting) for. :confused:

11th Dec 2007, 20:22
hey beachbum , they call to inform you that you have been succesful and to commence the medicals and then email the medical requirements and your date of joining , good luck .

11th Dec 2007, 20:31
oh ok thanks a lot. do they email you if you dont get it? it been 15 days since my final interview!

11th Dec 2007, 21:07
jkfly : I fly out this friday i got my tickets today and visa I FEEL SICK with excitement and stress but its all good can't wait .

Beckyr : THanks for the info again i'm off to buy a queen tomorrow along with christmas presents for before i go , do you know if we have christmas off for trainies???most likely not eh? and do you know if you can have visitors anytime??

Ali : thanks for message on facebook i really cant wait to meet you you sound ACE !!!! packing is going really badly i've got one suitcase done and dont think everything will fit into the second one. But when i'm there i'm there adn what i forget i'll have to just buy.

Tony: my flight gets in and half midnight saturday WAIT FOR ME in the airport if you dont mind haha i'll phone anyway tomorrow battery is dead

good luck everyone flying out soon and if you dont have a panic attack you're made of stone ... just kidding hehe

11th Dec 2007, 22:46
It is now 23 days after my interview. I still got nothing. One girl who had interview with me have already received by emial one week ago that she was not succesfull. I heard that if they don't want you they will emial you fast, but if they want you they will call you if 5-6 weeks.
Hope we will receive a call :E

12th Dec 2007, 00:15
Hi IzaSz1983
23 days!! That must be driving you crazy!! Lol I suppose there’s still a little time for me to get an email haha I’ll hope not.
How many people got through to your final interview? I’m so nervous about either way. I’m nervous if I get it and I’m nervous if I wont lol
Good luck to you!

12th Dec 2007, 05:07
I've been to the assesment day, not open day and there was about 70-80 of us at the begining and 8 survived to the last part. I hope you will not get email:}.
Take care :E

12th Dec 2007, 06:13
hi guys,

actually i'm going through my medicals but they won't be completed within
the 2 weeks that they gave. i need some time more. could someone tell me how much time they will give me more to complete the medicals if i ask for a delay?

thank u all

12th Dec 2007, 09:46
Vicster: Good luck with the rest of the packing. I think I will do the same, what I cannot cram in my suitcase will have to be bought there. I bet if they gave us 100kg, that still would not be enough :p Are you having that stomach churning moment when you are soo excited yet you feel sick at the same time? :)

Iza & Beachbum: Good Luck, take up knitting or something, that might keep your mind off things :p I found watching endless television helped when I was waiting for the Golden phone call. ;)

Catsemi: EK gave me 4 days to get my medicals done which was impossible (but I went private and I got them done in 5...not bad I guess!). Anyhow, just ring them and tell them that it will take you a little longer, I did that and they said it's fine and that I should just send them through as soon as they are completed. Dans maurice pas facile sa avec sa banne doctors la! :p

12th Dec 2007, 11:33
I have a headache because I think about it all the time :(. It is much harder now than it was one-two weeks ago :*. I really hope I will get a present from them for Christmas :E. It will be 36 days after my Interview on Christmas Eve. Hmmmm I think I am getting crazy about it and it not good:=.

12th Dec 2007, 13:42
Hi everyone, i got the golden call a few weeks ago and finally sent my medical reports off last night. Does anyone know how long u have to wait before you the def confirmation.

Im due to fly out on 15th feb from gatwick. Anyone joining me. Also whats this about the emirates group on facebook. Is it easy to join. Sorry bout all the questions, just exctied/nervous and wanna find out as much as i can before i arrive.


12th Dec 2007, 14:02
:confused::(How many weeks before you got your final result for your med exam and offer letter? It's been 10 days since i sent my med exam result and no feedback from them yet...

12th Dec 2007, 14:12
Ive just sent my medical reports off so am waiting to hear back from them. Hope its not too long. Cant handle all this waiting. It was bad enough the first time round with the interviews.

12th Dec 2007, 14:25
Honey Cathy, I received my Final Approval two weeks after I sent my medicals, the same length of time I waited for the golden phone call. Nothing to worry about at this stage honeycathy. Have you given them a ring to check whether they have received your medicals? I am sure they have but it might be an idea to ring them if you haven't.

Louise, Like I said to honeycathy, I received mines two weeks after sending my forms. I don't think they would take longer than that providing that everything in the medical forms are fine. As for the group on Facebook, I joined and have access to it. Send an email to one of the officers of the group and tell them you are joining EK in Feb and if you can be granted access. It worked for me, so should be fine for you too.

Good Luck :ok:

When is your DOJ honeycatchy? I've forgotten...

12th Dec 2007, 15:28
hey all, my date has been moved from the 14th of december to the 4th of january...its a lonnnngggg story....

anyways, whos date is the 4th of january too????

12th Dec 2007, 19:13
My DOJ is on Feb.1. I'll call them tommorow too see if they have received already all my medical reports...:ok:

12th Dec 2007, 19:38
I believe that they reduced for a while the number of new crew joining, as only two batches are arriving from this week, (usually there are three), each batch has about 16 people, but this is just for the moment, next year the training will go back to four batches as it was not long ago, don't forget that soon they need to start training the crew for the A380 and lots and lots will be needed, so, for those of you that the date has been pushed back please don't worrie that there is nothing wrong with your details, and they are not having second thoughts either, this is just because they need to rearrange the number of new crews arriving.

Best of luck and please be patient !!!! :ok:

13th Dec 2007, 06:56
Yeah, my twin and i were both accepted would you believe and the crazy thing is that we did the interview in different countries...me in Kenya and her in Dubai and she leaves a week after me!pretty cool i think...


Have a safe trip tomorrow and i hope to see you in Dubai..update us!


congratulations:D..i know how long you have waited!


i know what you are going through, i resent my medicals on Tuesday,and now i am just waiting..but i think i will call them to find out if everything is good....i just want the final approval so i can rest easy and enjoy my Christmas!i have even bought champagne specifically for the day i receive my final approval:E

Anyway, to all of us that are waiting...may we get this final approvals and have the best Christmas ever!

13th Dec 2007, 17:32
Hai guys if you can help me...I was wondering if any of you have failed medical test for cabin crew interview.Coz i have a very mild scoliosis 16 degree its like a curved spine bt its not serious and it affect mostly females.Would they reject ure application even tho its a minor problem.Anyone have the same situation as me...I need ure advice guys....thanks...:confused:coz recently i went to qatar airways for an interview made it to medicals only to get rejected of my medical coz of this minor thing...I want to try for emirates or ethihad and im afraid i will still get rejected too coz of my scoliosis...im now in a regional carrier airlines for one year as cabin crew and now wanting to fly international...if my present airline i made it with my medical im jus curious why not qatar....its always been my dream to fly international ...Anyone can share with me plzzz... :ok:

13th Dec 2007, 17:58
Scoliosis is only a problem if it is over 30% I have it too but mine was out by 20% so it doesn't cause a problem.

13th Dec 2007, 21:12
lol its quite stressful!!! I dont sleep, and if i do, i dream about it! lol
Let me know how you go!

13th Dec 2007, 21:51

As for me... well I'll be back again for another year but one good thing did come out of it & that was receiving feedback from the recruiters which is a NO NO :=

My story is I started 2 years ago trying out for Emirates making it through the final 2-on-1 interview each time but then received the awful letter first time & then in an email the 2nd time after already a year had past. Yes I made it through this far again for the 3rd time but my recruiter asked me what it stipulates on the website.. I said one of the requirements is having a high school certificate, but I only have year 10 due to personal reasons. To my knowledge I assumed since I made so far everytime it must be irrelevant since it's going back 15 years ago. All 3 seperate interviews nothing had been mention in fact no one pointed it out (goes to show they aren't detailed oriented) & I said this in my interview. Over the last 12 months since we don't get feedback I've had to work it out myself & I was beginning to think that was the problem. I was told I have everything they are looking for as cabin crew & great customer service experience (which was first time I heard & music to my ears) but I was told there & then the honest truth... I will receive the no letter. Having said that we still conducted the interview & everything was documented for the next time. Mean while, I have to wait another 12 months before re-applying but I will redeem myself by obtaining that certificate equivalent to a high school cert so the next time I make it through they won't have any excuse but to hire me! lol

If anything I hope I've inspired those that haven't had the best of luck to keep trying no matter what!...

DANDANJOSE: Well done my friend. I told you, you had it in the bag did I not??!!.. lol Congratulations :D :D :D

13th Dec 2007, 22:21
Hey....Why did they move your DOJ to January? I know it's a long story...but....:confused:

13th Dec 2007, 23:54
my date was moved because my flight was changed to the 12th of dec instead of the 14th, and they emailed me on the 11th...i called, and told her that i was not ready, and after an hour long argument, she changed it to the 4th of jan...
i guess the flight for the 14th was overbooked, and since they only fly to houston three times a week, thats what they could do....

owell, i have more time with my family and friends atleast!

14th Dec 2007, 00:48
Oohhh they changed my flight too and only just told me, I was booked to be leaving on the 21st butnow I have been told that I am leaving on the 20th and the day that I start training has changed too..... very strange I wonder why? Anyone else starting on the 23rd???

14th Dec 2007, 07:13
It is the same for me:{. It will be 4 weeks on Monday!!!!

14th Dec 2007, 08:50
Jkfly: Thats definitly cool! Can't believe that, you are both very lucky indeed and I am sure there must have been a good twin vibe going on! :p

Sleepy740: Well atleast you get to spend Xmas and New Yr at home with family and friends. You can start the new year with a bang by flying to Dubai. January is not that far off anyhow and you will get there one week before I fly out.

Beachbum & IzaSz1983: I suggest counting sheeps at nite to try to get to sleep or drink chamomile tea! :E

BlueSkySid: Sorry to hear what happened with EK, but you sound very determined so do what you have to do and next time round, you know they will not have reason to turn you away. Goodluck :)

Gone U/S
14th Dec 2007, 09:47
Hi All

Just wondering if anyone can answer this question for me who has recently gone for the final interview with EK ....

When did they change the written reference to only having to provide contact details for your referees?!

I had my final interview only 2 days ago .... similar questions to what I was asked when I got to Final Interview previously ... but when did they change the referee concept. Last time I went for it I only had to provide EK with 2 reference letters on company letterhead.

Anyone know the reason for the change?

Let's hope it doesn't take too long to find out if I am accepted again. Last time I got in but had to turn it down for personal reasons so let's see if EK gives me another go?!?!

Good luck to all those waiting still for an answer. Hope with Xmas and New Year that it doesn't delay our results.

14th Dec 2007, 15:03
All i know is that i was told to provide written evidence to show that i was employed..concerning references, they just asked for the contacts and nothing more, although my previous employers did give me written references and i just sent those as my proof of employment.

yup...definitely some good twin vibe going on there:}

anything yet??

14th Dec 2007, 16:57
I was only asked (from what I can remember) of the names and addresses of my 2 referees when completing my application on the website. Never asked anything else again after that, nothing at the Assessment Day, Final Interview, when told I got the job...Strange!

14th Dec 2007, 17:43
Probably because they don't really care about your references. Anyone can do this job, particulary in the ME, where they could fire you for having your hair cut too short. Welcome to a modern slavery environment!

Gone U/S
14th Dec 2007, 23:09
Thanks for the responses so far guys...

Just one more question ...

Does anyone know if their references were actually contacted between the final interview and being offered the position of Emirates Cabin Crew.

Not that I think mine will say anything bad at all, but I am just curious about the change in procedure.

Finally to Nuigini,
it really is a shame that you think you can get fired at Emirates for cutting your hair to short. Despite what your belief is out there, not everyone is cut out to do this job and EK is a very respectable employer. Eg:
In an emergency are you the kind of person to risk your life in order to save others?
In a decompression are you going to remain calm in order to offer assisance to passengers that may understandably be stressed out?
If a lady tells you she is going to give birth on board, are you the kind of person to get in there and provide assistance or are you going to just stand there staring?

Don't forget about the NON glamourous side of being cabin crew.

15th Dec 2007, 01:00
hi I finally made it here i'm in my apartment now my roomates are extreamly cool. They have internet set up already and 2 christmas trees. I already feel at home.

The airport expierence was good too they really look after you . The apartment is HUGE and my room is lovely everything you need is in there and you get a phone right next to your bed .

I will update my ******** with pictures and info if anyone wants to have a look go ahead www. vickysjourney . ******** . com:)

15th Dec 2007, 07:14
Guys, I'm still waiting for golden call. Just have a look at:


Hope to see you there:E

15th Dec 2007, 08:15
Gone U/S, respectable employer? To whom? I have worked there, which you obviously hasn't yet, and witnessed many scenarios which you probably right now never would believe could happen. It's the Middle East. Labour. That says it all.

15th Dec 2007, 13:57

I understand your point of view but for every negative there is also another person sharing the positive. It is an open forum at the end of the day and since we will be moving to EK, our experience will be unique to us and we will make our own opinions up. Just because your experience was not a nice one, it does not mean that this will be the case for the rest of us. I for one have thought about this long and hard and very much looking forward to my move to Dubai and recognise that at time it will be very tough, but thank you for your input nevertheless. :)

15th Dec 2007, 14:13
Hey Vic, so glad to hear that you got there in one piece and that so far everything has been going well. Have added your Blog to my long list of Blogs I already read, so can't wait to see the pics. Did you meet JugHead? Keep me posted! :ok:

15th Dec 2007, 19:19
hi ali and eveyone, yes indeed vic and jughead have met up she is soooo leading me astray .and as for the exchange rates vic is pants at maths lol. looking forward to welcoming you over here and every other succesful person . our induction moved from the 20th to the 16th so its work in the morning.
as for whatever that person is refering to about slavery and sacking for hair . i worked as crew for 8 years in the uk and i can tell you that its not the middle east but the modern world in which we live , where expectations of service are higher and yet crew rewards are lower and so any one working for an airline can expect to have to meet these expectations . it is only reluctance to adapt and inflexability that causes problems .when on board the tickets include the service provided by us and it is unfortunate that some people are ungrateful for tax free salaries nice apartments bills paid and travel perks to say the very least . but for the money i earn now against ba and the way way i have been treated so far i would quite happily shave my eyebrowes if they asked .we all know what we are signing up for so make the most of it . merry christmas all .

16th Dec 2007, 00:15
Hey guys

Emirates called me 2 days after the golden call to tell me that instead of flying on april 11, i am going to fly in feb, 29th.

Now i am extremely excited. Just two months to be there. ITs a dream!!! Oh my god!!!

Other thing that i would like to share with you is that i sent my Job offer signed by e-mail (just the declaration). I've writen that i would like to have an answer if they received my e-mail, but so far nothing from them. should i call them?????

Anyways i am about to finish my medicals. On monday i get my results. fingers crossed guys!!!

See you there

Dan :}

16th Dec 2007, 11:16
Thats soooo great that you will not have to wait until April to join EK. I bet you are very excited. It does not seem that far away now!

In regards to your confirmation, I just checking my emails and it took EK 4 days to reply back to me to confirm that they received my acceptance of the job offer. How long has it been since you sent the email? Also remember that Friday & Saturday is the weekend in DXB, so it might take a little longer.

I am sure your medicals will be fine.

So pleased for you! :D

16th Dec 2007, 18:44
Still trying to kill time. It'll be 3 weeks tomorrow!
Out of curiosity; does anyone know how the tickets work for family?
The info says one ticket for mother/father/brother/sister. But if you dont have a brother or sister, do they allow you to use it for a friend at all?

16th Dec 2007, 21:11
No, just saying that you can get sacked or offloaded for ridicilous things which would most likely be considered as discrimination in Europe! Dont think of Emirates as heaven on earth because it's not nowhere like it!

16th Dec 2007, 21:16
Why are you there? What do you like about it?

16th Dec 2007, 21:39
I don't think Nuigini likes any of it, I will be very interested to know otherwise.

Beachbum: As far as I know and we were told at the Assessment, EK Concessions are only valid for family members and not friends. I guess that if you do not have brothers or sister's, that's concessions which you will not be able to take up. Maybe someone already at EK can clarify this...?

17th Dec 2007, 06:21
Firstly, good luck to u all who have got the job or waiting for the call.
I have started working for EK for 3 months, so far so good..of course it is not as easy nor galmours as people think. You will know pretty quickly if u like it or not.

EK is good at certain things, and not so good at some...like another place i guess.

Regarding to the questions about the tickets, discounted tickets (ID90/50) are only available to family members, but not even in brother/sister in laws...although occasionally there will be promotion for cheap tickets..which ppl can buy for cousins and non-direct family mebers, not sure about frineds. U will get a session to tell u about it all.

17th Dec 2007, 18:07
hey i'm vicky i got here almost a week ago what building are you in ??? i'm in the white building . got my medical tomorrow i've never felt so tired but everything else is cool . speak soon

Ali !!!!! hows things hope you're excited . I 'm going to speak to tony and we will definately meet up with you first thing on the saturday you get here i think you will be flying on a friday wont you ? :} found anyone leaving with you yet???

17th Dec 2007, 18:43

Emirates concessions are valid for family members only (father , mother , brother , sister , (if married spouse and children too), each family member will be entitled for 2 tickets (ID50 and ID90)per year.
you will be given unlimited ID tickets .

17th Dec 2007, 20:50
Thanks for that. :ok: What about fiancés? Sorry I’m just waiting and waiting to see if I’ve gotten through or not, its been 3 wks and my mind is wandering. lol
I was told at the assessment day but can you tell me the difference between unlimited ID tickets, ID50 and ID90 tickets? :confused: I’m just trying to plan around my home sickness and bring ppl to me lol :{

17th Dec 2007, 21:46
only immediate family members , fiance is not considered unless you get married.
ID50: you pay %50 of the original ticket fare and a higher chance of getting a seat.
ID90: you pay %10 of the original fare and you wait at the airport until all the confirmed pax are checked in followed by the ID50 ticket holders if any -- finally they will call ID90 ticket holders (based in seniority)

17th Dec 2007, 22:56
ahhh thanks :)
I better make him marry me then ;)

18th Dec 2007, 08:39
I finally got it...i am so excited, you wouldn't believe!!confirmed DOJ 18th jan.....too excited!

thanks for updating...its good you are having a blast..cant wait to see your updated blog!

18th Dec 2007, 09:14
Sil1233, Does that mean my lovely brother in law will not get concessions? :confused: or is it all at EK's discretion?

I also read somewhere that we get ID75 in the first 6 months as our concessions would have not kicked in until after 6 months to get ID90 & ID50. Any truth in that?

Vic: So glad to hear that things are still going great. How's the weather! I am sooo jealous! I am definitly enjoying my last few weeks over here...it just got better last night! :p Would definitly be great to try and catch up with the both of you when I get there. Yep, I fly out on a Friday, 11th and still kicking myself as still don't know anyone flying out on that date yet. Oh I was to go to Wild Wadi!hehe. For now I am nursing a hangover at work! :rolleyes:

jkfly, brilliant news, you must be over the moon to have your final confirmation! you will be starting a week after me. Will have to catch up with you when you get there. I know a few people starting on that date!


18th Dec 2007, 11:45
Hi Beachbum!
Looks like we both attended the same Open Day in Brisbane on the 24th...I too am yet to hear anything yet...I guess they did say 3-6 weeks though?
Hope the wait isn't driving you too crazy...:ugh: Best of Luck!

18th Dec 2007, 12:05
Congratulations jkfly! I also got my final confirmation today, DOJ 25th Jan. Can't wait to hand in my letter of resignation at work! :ok:

18th Dec 2007, 16:08
Ali I am not really sure about the in laws,, never been in the situation to invite one before :}

About ID75 (75% discount) its true , you may take advantage of it anytime even while on probabtion and on any airline.
Staff travel on Ek must be on economy class , if you wanna travel J class few airlines offers this privilege for EK crew such as Lufthansa.

18th Dec 2007, 18:16
To everyones whos been succesful and is joining in the near future-congratulations!!!-Well done-you deserve it-just remember to stay positive and if u ever loose motivation when your here and have started flying to think back to this time and how A-desperate u were to get the job and B-how happy you were when you had succeeded!
Iv been here for 4 years and am currently an SFS(this will make more sense once here)but reading your blogs brings back the memorys of joining as if it was yesterday!
Anyways if you need any questions answering please feel free to ask!:):ok:

18th Dec 2007, 18:20
Jkfly and Juzz51- Very happy for you!!!! :D Can you tell me, what is the time frame from your final interview to your confirmed leave date?

Babyg_oz - hi!!! :) the wait is starting to really bug me! :ugh: I was going ok the first 2 wks but now that its hit 3 im starting to feel really edgy.
I still wonder if anyone has received an 'no' email? Did you keep in touch with anyone from the day? I kept in touch with two girls and they havent heard anything yet either. What did you look like, ill try and remember!? ;)

19th Dec 2007, 00:14
Beachbum -
I know exactly how you feel...(so much so that I did a bit of a google and found this forum :rolleyes:) to try and see if anyone from our group had heard anything yet?
I am tall, brunette and wore a high waisted skirt suit and orange shirt underneath. You? Will try and remember you too. Best of Luck and let me know when u get some news, I will do the same. Hopefully see eachother in Sunny Dubai soon :O

19th Dec 2007, 01:35
Ohh I thought I could remember everyone but I can’t!
I wore a pencil skirt, white blouse….then I suppose, who didn’t… lol

My reference number was One!? Maybe that’ll trigger your memory! In case u want to keep in touch ill PM you my email.

Hopefully its this week that we hear. How did your final interview go? Did they accept your photos? I had to redo mine and hand them to the hotel and I emailed them but I never heard back if they got them or not. :sad:


19th Dec 2007, 02:05
Hi Brissy Girls you need to remember no news is good news!!! I got through in the September session from Brisbane and I am leaving tomorrow. If you think this is bad the wait after you have handed in your medicals is so much worse....... but its all worth it when you get final confirmation. Keep in contact and good luck.


19th Dec 2007, 07:27
Beachbum, it really varies person to person. For me personally, it took about 2 months from my final interview to get approved for medicals. What a wait that was...

Then after my medicals were faxed over, it took about 3 weeks I think to get final approval, another tough wait. I think it depends on your DOJ for final approval email, as it's all automated, because I got my email from them even though they are out of the office due to public holiday.

Can't wait to get there, wishing the rest of you who are still waiting all the luck!

Also a question for anyone who might know the answer: I've got my brother's wedding in April, so I'll still be in my probation period, will it be possible to get time off to come back to Australia for that?

19th Dec 2007, 09:30
Juzz...someone asked that same question in another forum and an EK crew replied saying that yes you do get time off in your first six months, so providing you already put your holiday request in and finished up with training, there is not reason why you should not be able to make the wedding. EK crew can clarify if I am wrong anywhere.

Beachbum & Babyg...The wait varies for everyone and its no necessarily a long wait after sending your your medicals to them. All in all for me, at two weeks I received the golden phone call, did my medicals in 4 days, sent it off and in just over a week I was sent final confirmation. Pretty much a month process. It's shorter for some and longer for others. Good Luck. :O

19th Dec 2007, 18:47
hey guys, seems like i've missed lots of posting here, i've been busy for quite while and got sick last week...lots of people leaving this week for the coming holidays and some are for good so lots of parties around here as well lolz:E:hmm:

i'm trying to call the hr office this past few days and it seems that nobody was there coz of the holiday..i'm a bit worried about my med exam result coz it's been almost 3 weeks since i send it...:sad:

jkfly: congrats!! did they call you for your final approval or did they send an email? how long before you received your final approval? so happy for you..:D;):ok:

Ali_Xander: i'm sure you're so excited and i'm excited for you too...keep updating okay:ok::)

Vicster: how's Dubai? how's your accomodation and your flatmate? did you started the training? can't wait to see you updated your blogsite...keep posting:ok:;):)

20th Dec 2007, 01:05
Thanks for your replies!
I remember reading a while ago on the forum that as long as you join within 3 months, EK is reasonably flexible with the joining date. Is that true?

20th Dec 2007, 06:11
you'll be asked to select your leave prefrence online , the request is not always guranteed . Just make sure you dont miss the online selection period.
In the worst case senario if you havent got any days off to attend the wedding , you may swap flights for days off , or to the destination you wanna go to ..some crew members offers to pay other crew to accept their swap request .
Good luck

20th Dec 2007, 09:48
Guys I received golden call :}. I am so happy. I am going on 29th of February. I have just recieved "medical email" - it will take 6 years to complete it:{.
Take care

20th Dec 2007, 10:31
Guys what are dental x-rays?? Should I make it separately for each tooth??

20th Dec 2007, 11:32
Thanks Ali and Sil, helps a lot :ok:

20th Dec 2007, 18:47
Yayyy!!! Thats great!!! Very happy for you. And it was only last wk we were stressing out lol
Still waiting for my call. Fingers crossed.

21st Dec 2007, 08:42
hi...i am still reeling in the excitement...i did my final interview in Sept and it took about 7 weeks of nervous waiting for the phonecall...and then almost 4 weeks to get final approval...and i think the waiting after medicals is so much worse...coz its so close and its not really in your control...

I am going to have the best xmas ever....

All the best tothose waiting.


Yes we definitely have to meet up once we get there.

21st Dec 2007, 08:48

the dental xrays are for all the teeth..i am sure your dentist will know exactly what to do once he goes through the dental form...so don't sweat it.:ok:

21st Dec 2007, 09:30
Thanks Guys!!!!

I am during my med. I hope I will have them all soon - probably not before the next year as there are Christmas next week. It will be my best Christmas ever as well.
I hope I will get the final approval soon after my med, cause I have one month notice period and I am leaving 29th Feb. They said they will remember about my notice period. We will see:E.
I think I will be ok with all med cause I work as a CC now and I have them all done like 7 months ago, so hopefully nothing has changed.

I am really so happy! And fingers crossed for those of you who are still waiting! See you in Dubai - everyone is invited for my birthday party - 9th of March in my new appartment:}

21st Dec 2007, 10:12
If I survive the 5 weeks of training and have the day off, count me in at your party!!! :)

21st Dec 2007, 20:38
hi all

Congratulations to everyone who has made it so far and fingers crossed for all souls who like me are waiting for the golden call. I had my final interview on 30.11 and still got no news,.. but as most of you wrote here no early news is good news, I'm waiting patiently... Is there anyone who attended Irish open days and got a reply already???
Merry Christmas to everyone who is celebrating it and Happy New Year to all :)


22nd Dec 2007, 05:34
hello guys

well...are we supposed to send the xrays, bitewings and opg by email? that can be a weird question so sorry...but still i'd like to be sure about that...


22nd Dec 2007, 08:29
You do not send any of the xrays, bitewings and opg by email or fax. These stay with you and you take them to Dubai to be handed over there. For your medicals you only send the completed medical sheets and the reports which the doctors give you for your medicals. Hope that helps! ;)

22nd Dec 2007, 09:30
Discussion continues HERE (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?t=305575)