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22nd Sep 2007, 19:08
hiya well thats good news there's a mix of things being said so they are putting ppl everywhere i hope i get a good location. butany location is still in dubai hey? where abouts are you flying from ? i'm flying november 16th from gatwick london

22nd Sep 2007, 19:35
Second and final warning - do not post in text speak. For many of the users of this BB English is not their first language. English translated into mobile phone is extrememly difficult for others to translate. Posting in text abbreviations is selfish and lazy and unfair to others.

From now on, posts containing text speak will be deleted without warning or further explanation.

P.S. A polite remider that information must never be posted here that names or identifies crew hotac or accom

23rd Sep 2007, 00:29
can some one advise me if they have an email regarding medicals , what type of thing they require so can get started quickly.....thank you in advance:ok:

23rd Sep 2007, 08:52
Hi I'm flying out on the 28th of September.

Anyone else leaving next Friday?

I went through all the processes quite rapidly so If anyone has any questions then contact me and i'll be happy to help!

Best of Luck to All.

23rd Sep 2007, 12:20

I am Sept 28 as well!!! :) Only a few days to go!!!! And flyrules is in our group as well! Where are you flying out from? I'm flying out of Brisbane Australia, and Flyrules from Colombia on the 27th..

23rd Sep 2007, 13:50

Welcome to our batch! See you and Melissa next weekend.


23rd Sep 2007, 13:52
Im getting really giddy now, only matter of days for me...

Its too exciting...I can't even go to sleep at night for last two days.
I just keep dreaming of getting of the escalators of DXB Intl Airport, proceeding to Immigration where I will see the Marhaba(tm) agent with a board with my name on it:}
Q.What times do you have to wake up in the morning for training?

23rd Sep 2007, 16:41
Hey people,
I would just like to share something really nice with you, EK crew or not.
I come across the site*, owned by some lady called Annie. Basically her brother got Ek, and she explains literally everything you need to know before applying - from recruitment day info to CV tips. Also handy checklists to the newly recruited like me, like what to take with you (docs) and more.
Please do check it, it's really good. Also, gives info on contract, what emails you get of ek,whats required of medicals. BASICALLY, EVERYTHING.

Click here (http://annie8886.wordpress.com/category/career/)or: http://annie8886.wordpress.com/category/career/

Please, I urge you all to visit it. Its really handy for everyone, and answers lots of questions. Also, give your feedback on this site so I can pass them on to Annie. Read all four posts on that site.

I really am amazed at the knowledge I have now gained.

*Note to Mod/Admins: I hope this is not classified as advertising as this is a non profit blog about info on Ek .


P.S Why do I keep gettings email of EK with subject "DOJ: 12/10/07?"
I already know that.

23rd Sep 2007, 23:47
Just got my visa, e-ticket and final briefing!!!!:D Leaving on sept 27th via JFK!!!!

Good luck to everyone!


PS: Melissa/Christine99 see you guys on saturday.

24th Sep 2007, 06:02
Fantastic !!!:D I hope the visa delay has been resolved and that each and everyone of us will get our tickets and just on time without any re-scheduling.:suspect:

Relieved to hear about the accomodation = meaning we dont know where our luck might take us to.:)
Could be S.Zayed Rd !!! Hey hey. Who knows.:E

Anyway congratulation:D:D:D to all of us and i think the only thing is left now to see each other and keep the friendship going on...:ok:
Keep posting ppl and supporting.

24th Sep 2007, 08:24
Hi guys,

im flying out on the 28th as well... i can't wait:)

See you all soon!

24th Sep 2007, 11:56
Hello, i would like to introduce myself and say hi to all, i have been reading these posts for a while but only just got round to joining. I am hopefully starting end of October. I am from UK (Lancashire) but have been living here for the past few months, therefore will be joining as a local recruit. My only concern is that i will not be offered EK accommodation as i am not single :( i hope this dosn't stop me from bonding with other recruits during the training!! (don't want to feel left out) i was also wandering if it is true that EK will be offering family accommodation in the future? could anyone confirm that please? also do i have to make the trip to the training college myself daily, as i live quite a distance away? any info would be appreciated, CHEERS ;)

24th Sep 2007, 13:34
Hi Melisa, Flyrules and Kelly S.

It's great we all start on the same date! wooo...!!! I wonder if we will end up in the same accommodation!? I'm leaving from Birmingham in the U.K. I think I'm dueto arrive at 00.05 a.m or something. Not sure if that is u.k time or Dubai time!?

Sophia don't worry I'm sure you won't miss out on anything! I'm really not sure about transport! At a guess I'd say that they may want you to provide it yourself seeing that you said you live quite far away. I would call Emirates up and check with them.

See you all in Dubai!

I have no idea what to pack!?!


24th Sep 2007, 14:03
Hello KellyS!

Welcome to the group! :p

See you, Melissa and Christine99 on saturday (if you are not too tired from your trip).


24th Sep 2007, 14:12
Hi Christina,

Were you in the Birmingham interviews back in July? I'm joining 2 weeks later on 12th October - really excited now.

EKRavin - Looking forward to getting out there. There's a few of us on 12th. A party together sounds fantastic. Be good to put faces to names and finally meet. So close now. Also, that info you posted from Tuberosee was really valuable - thank you.

And EmiratesCCMad, SkyHighFlyGal, Illy745 all flying on 12th Oct - we will meet soon

Nad xx

24th Sep 2007, 16:49
In what year was this photograph taken? It must be a very old one as I remember seeing it for the first time a very long time ago.


24th Sep 2007, 18:09
wheee! more peeps on my date!

Guys do we get our etckt and visa couple days before we fly out...meaning 8 Oct. I fly @ 14.05(gmt) and arrive @ 0014 (dxb time)... 7 hrs 10 mins! But looking at the last few flights out of MAN , I dont think Ill get there at 0015!

Official Countdown sponsored by Emirates Airlines...Keep discovering
17 days!!!!!!!!

Hoot Hoot!

Sophia- What part of Lancs. you from- Im Grtr. Manchester!

Upon traveling to Dubai, you need to bring the following documents with you as well;

1. The original medical forms, reports & X-rays
2. 20 passport size pictures, not Polaroid & not digital
3. 4 pictures with the size 3 x 3.5 cm (either whole body or half body), not Polaroid & not digital.
4. Passport copies & birth certificates copy (for each of your immediate family members)
5. Original educational certificates (provide extra copy too)
6. 2 reference letters from your previous employers. Make sure it is stamped by them. It is a mandatory requirement before you join the Emirates group.
Passport and other crucial docs courtesy:http://annie8886.wordpress.com/category/career/
So dont forget.

24th Sep 2007, 18:22
the agency from where i applied to join the emirates assessment told me that i am going to receive the eticket 4days before the flight. and my friends who have just arrived to dubai for the past 2 Fridays all received their tickets 4days before their departure date.

i dont know with other countries maybe its different from your end. but just to make sure, do try to verify it with them so you can plan better.

I am so excited for you guys! :D You're almost leaving! :D

That PPrune get together sounds really great!:O

24th Sep 2007, 19:10
It is indeed 4 days before your flight. This is what i was told. Hours difference are GMT+4(winter) or GMT+3(summer).

All feeling ready to take off our new career !!! I think we all deserve it. Hope no one is having any second thoughts or even better opportunities than EK !!!

Are we supposed to be in business attire even on the first day, i mean the day we are taking our flights or smart casual be ok?

We'll try rock the training courses : 12-OCT TEAM - bet this is going a very special kinda date for us!!!

My birthday is very near to that, infact it could be the day when i'll receive my ticket & Visa.

Hey, anyone found out what kind of visa or formalities we as cabin crew are given to travel all these countries???

24th Sep 2007, 19:57
thanks Christina and Emiratescc, i am from the Preston area of Lancashire.:)

24th Sep 2007, 20:02
I live i'Bury, well just off Bury in "Ramsbottom".

Hey, 12 Oct Team, we must have a "Official PPRUNE GET TOGETHER" lol.

YEAH, Good Q. about the visa for all the countries!!!Anyone know?

Apparently you wear the biz. attire for first week or so until you get given your new sparkling uniform (wehee) and then on wear that t'training!

Guys n Gals, really check out that site, it has lots of info for us newly recruits (I nearly typed "newly weds"lol) Clicky (http://annie8886.wordpress.com/category/career/)

Aww dear- I just remember the meds in DXB, gotta take blood out all over. Damn :mad:

24th Sep 2007, 22:42
Is anyone else going on 19th October with me & Flay??I've seen loads of people sayin they leave the week before & week after but not the 19th! x

25th Sep 2007, 03:58
Hey guys:{,

Is anyone in the forum from NYC or familiar with the area? I need some advise on transportation between EWR and JFK airports. Emirates has booked me via NYC, arriving into EWR but departing from JFK (Not an easy task:\). Continental Airlines refuses to reroute to JFK beacuse it is an EK stock ticket and Emirates can not reissue due to seat availability in their system:ugh:The layover is 7 hours, so there is plenty of time for me to get to JFK.

PLEASE, ANY HELP WILL BE APPRECIATED! (Keep in mind that I will have two pieces of luggage and one carry-on)


25th Sep 2007, 06:10
on my way to dubai, i flew from denver to newark on continental in august, and i had the same dilema...

there are tons of shuttle busses that make the trip...

i dont remember the name of the one i took, but when you land in newark, go to baggage claim, and look for the ground transportation counter.

ask about getting to jfk, and they will sell you a ticket on a bus...

it took me an hour to get to jfk on the bus.

we made only two stops before making it to jfk.

one was at the port authority, and thats where i changed buses...
then we stopped close to the empire state building after i got on that bus.
it was cool cuz we drove by the set of good morning america, and richard simmons was outside in a sparkly outfit!!

so sit on the right side of the bus, and look out the window once you get on the second bus, and you might see someone famous!

hope that helps

25th Sep 2007, 07:12
Hey EmiratesCCMad

That list of docs to bring is really handy - thank you. I just have one q - the 2 reference letters from employers - it hasn't been mentioned in any correspondence. I thouight that references have already been taken prior to acceptance of offer? Do you know is it 2 references from different employers that they require and are these character references? I'm confused.... I've never obtained my own reference before - employers usually seek them before offering a job and have their own questions and criteria they ask.

Anyone else know and can help?

Not long now

Nad xxxx

25th Sep 2007, 08:21
Hi Naddy,

I saw this too, i really dont think you need references, im not taking mine. They do this themselves, i have looked on all the paperwork i have and it doesnt say on it anywhere that we have to take them with us.
You know on the paper that says what we need to send prior to joining and take with us etc, it says about references but it doesnt say next to it that we have to do this prior to joining or when we arrive.
I think that post was taken from a post of a girl who's brother got into Emirates, so im just going by what it says on the paperwork i have from Emirates.

See you in Dubai!:)

25th Sep 2007, 12:30

Thank you so much! I will follow your directions. I will let you know if I spot anyone famous:p


25th Sep 2007, 17:27
hi, i have been shortlisted for CABIN CREW for EK airline... but im hopeless at interviews... its why i failed emirates CABIN CREW interview four times at various stages! i was wondering, could someone please advise me of a work shop that i can attend, where i can gain training on interview techniques for CABIN CREW.
im so sorry but i have tried searching the web but can not find any company that do.
i could neither find any information regarding this on pprune aswell, please somebody help me.

many thanks everyone

25th Sep 2007, 17:41
Hey there,
It doesn't mention anything about ref. in EK paperwork but I have asked other existing crew and when you get there apparently you gotta submit two ref. with company letter head... I dunno. I am just taking them incase, coz I dont want to have to make hundreds of calls to my employers, they put you on hold for a long time.

Hey, well done for getting shortlisted again. Unlucky for failing the last time. I am pretty sure there are no kind of workshops for EK crew... the best way to gain experience or info is actually going to a open day which you have done 4 times...
I have a big list of links of tips/info on EK interview, so if you would like to pm me so I can send them to you.
I dont think any of us know what Emirares are actually looking for specifically, but just go, smile and be yourself...show your warm personality.

12 Oct Gang...Get ready to rumble...

25th Sep 2007, 18:59
thanks for the responce, and yes i would appreciate any help and advice... altho i was looking for a company that could help me prepare for the interview, they dont have to be specified for a certain airline, just a company that can help me for a CABIN CREW interview.

[email protected] this is my email addy.

thanks again

25th Sep 2007, 20:29
Sorry, but I am not going to e-mail you but Personal Message on you via Pprune. PLease check your inbox in a few moments...

oooh i feel dizxy, time for coke n paracetamol

25th Sep 2007, 20:43
Hello everybody.
I have read many many times: be yourself, be kind, be polite, be warm, be............. wowww, i have participated twice in an EK assesment day and in i failed both, i smile, i do all what i read here, i follow all the advices that the most of you say, and i can not get it, so what can i do?? obviously i will still continue trying it, because one day i will get it, i know that, but the question is "when", "how", so i please ask to some of you if can help me with some real tips to get it.
Emirates CCmad, please you say that you have many tips about the interview, could you please help me? i will apreciate it so much, and if anybody can also help me as well.
To be honest i am really sad about not getting the job, because i know that i prepare myself so much, i read a lot of information about it, many tips, wowww lot of things, real wishes to be part of EK, i do not know what is wrong with me, everybody who knows me tell mem you will get it because you are warm, polite, kind, smile.......many things, i have hughe experience about high quality service at front desk at only five stars hotels, i really do not know what more to think about EK, the only thing that i know is that i really want to get it, what to do??? it is my dream, challenge.......thanks everybody.

25th Sep 2007, 20:56
Hey tiluchi10,
I and many others were in the same 'boat' as your are now. Well, maybe EK are not seeing your potential. I have heard that people have tried atleat 4/5 times and eventually got in. The main advice is be yourself etc.. I am sure that worked for many of us...
Tips: Well as said before, I have set up like a "collection"of useful links and tip-y things. I'll try to get it up on my blog asap...

Of course, one day you will get it,just basically think as a cabin crew member and reflect upon that how you behave (in a way) on the day.

I would say don't revise so much that it becomes tooooo obvious to the recruiters, keep it light and real. only weeks ago, it was my dream to join this family. I have background of hospitality in a hotel and ek ground staff.

Good Luck, keep trying and going to all open days as possible after 6 months...
P.S Also,ekeyqr... there is one thing called howtobecome.co.uk and click cabin crew but I have never used it so I cant say much

25th Sep 2007, 21:20
hey thanks for the tip, i suppose i can only continue to try... ekccman did u say on one of your replies you are ex ek ground staff? was that at manchester, or did u work for the handling agent? kool i was macs trained hehe, any way thanks again... oh and one other question do u think getting some experience from a chrter airline for a few months i.e. thomas cook or first choice would be an advantage of the slightest?

thanks guys

25th Sep 2007, 21:33
Thank you very much !!!! you are right !!!
please could you also send me the tips to my inbox?

26th Sep 2007, 00:07
Hello Everyone,
I'm new here. I've being reading but this is my first post...
I'm Argentinian, and I was interviewed at the last Open day in Buenos Aires and I got the 'GOLDEN CALL' a few days ago...and if everything keeps going right i'm going to fly there on the 23rd of Nov, and my training is going to be on the 29th.
wooow everithing is going sooo fast since the interview...I am very excited about all this...
Is someone else travelling that same day?!!!! please let me know..

26th Sep 2007, 05:47
i finally finished all my medicals today, and i just emailed them!

how long should i wait to hear back from them...

like 1-2 weeks?
or should i just call early next week?

i wanna leave now!!!

26th Sep 2007, 07:22
hi guys, does anyone know where the assesment day is held in birmingham on the 31oct07, is anyone else going to it?

26th Sep 2007, 08:01
Hi ! I was at my first interview for cabin crew and I passed . they have to see that you want that job , you are ready to make compromises, tell them that you are proud that you can help people , you like to travel and meet different people of different nationalitites, etc . Good luck !

26th Sep 2007, 12:01
Hello everyone

Finally, the big day arrived: I am off to Dubai tomorrow!

Wish you all the best.


PS: I will be on the "EmiratesCabinCrew" forum! yayyyy!!!!

26th Sep 2007, 14:21
Congratulations flyrules!:D:D:D

26th Sep 2007, 18:28
Wish you a very nice long haul. Hope u enjoy your flight. Let us know of your experience. Eventually you might be lost for a few days but do drop something for us as soon as you find your way around.

Mabrook(congratulations) and Marabha(Welcome) Ala (to) Dubai !!!

EKRav and mates:ok: :D

The BIG DAY ARRIVED FOR U ! Sit back and relax

26th Sep 2007, 19:17
Welcome or better said "Marhaba" to all PPRUNERS who are joining and coming to Dubai, wish you all a pleasent flight with us:-)

To those who were recruited in south america or Asia: As ist is known that sooooo many people want to join Emirates in those countries especially Singapore, Argentinia, Bolivia, Japan etc, Emirates does not recruit during the first round. There are special agencies who are recruiting for these positions, and all those who have the potential will meet our recruiters later for the real testing! I really don`t know what they look for. if they don`t like you you will never get the job, it sounds bad, but during group discussions they will be observing you from head to toes! And don`t forget that it is a completely different way of life here in the U.A.E and that it is even a hard job and each company want employees who will stay for a long time! But I also noticed during assessment days that very good people who were so good were not taken and do you know why??? Emirates is not looking for these kind of people who are too arrogant or who talk too much as they were the leader!!!! That`s what I have observed during assessments! I know that it is difficult and even me attended 2 Assessments to make it! But I am sure that you will join if you try again and don`t give up! Wish y`all the best!

26th Sep 2007, 20:30
ek_ey_qr_dreamer :
Thanks back... Im glad to help. I worked for Emirates Airlines Ground Staff, not any agency like Reed or OCR. This basically was check-in,Customer Queries and crew room analysis so I have worked with crew...! Well, all I can say that having experience in the Customer Service/Hospitality industry is a 'massive' asset to you, like is a language. However, I have read on forums that people who worked for CC or other airlines as Crew did'nt get the job so it all depends on the day...

Well Done and Congratulations. Welcome to the team. :DGlad to hear EK were quick with you!

Yes sure.

Congratulations on the medical completition, it is a pain the ...erm... backside...
Normally, and I mean Normally, they reply in a few days time. I sumbited mine on a Tuesday and got reply on Thursday. They're quite quick if all is fine. Allow 1-2 weeks. I know, I want to leave now.
I have finally resigned at Manchester Airport, but I loved it to bits!:{ I need stress therapy!

True. However, don't appear too desperate for it:=. , you are ready to make compromises, tell them that you are proud that you can help people , you like to travel and meet different people of different nationalites etc
True, also emphisaise that you want to keep a standard of high customer service to customers/pax. And you are willing to escape your comfort zone and are willing to help others, and put others first etc...

Congratulations and Good Luck to everybooooooody!:ok:


For the people who want links/tips, I am setting up a blog, and will pm the link soon.

27th Sep 2007, 01:56
Tomorrow is the big long awaited day to come for the past how many years!!?!! So excited!! :)

I'm sure I'll be seeing all of you around the training college when you arrive or if you are already there!

Here is a blog I'll be "attempting" to keep writing in about the whole experience with Emirates, so check it out so you know what I look like at training college :)

www.melisa-emiratesairlines.************* (http://www.melisa-emiratesairlines.*************)

hmm it wont let me put the full address above.. where the stars are after the dot it is ******** . com without the spaces.

Hopefully I can get access to the internet when I arrive there on Saturday.. I don't have a laptop YET, so gotta go to the good old internet cafes somewhere, lol.

This forum has been so helpful throughout the whole recruitment process and want to thank everyone who has contributed to it in some way!

See you in DXB!!!

ruby tuesday
27th Sep 2007, 04:07
Has anyone been succesful applying for a role with EK using their online careers programme. It must be the most awful system I have come across - its so rigid and inflexible, gives no room to put a bit of personality into it....its just a black and white system.
OK I appreciate they must get thousands of online applications a day and need some generic system to sort them BUT i'm sure they let some good people slip thru the net...

27th Sep 2007, 17:24
Melisa:Aaah, you beat me to it!
GoOd LuCk...sEe YoU tHeRe!

28th Sep 2007, 12:14
Hey Guys...
.,.... what is it that they fed ex to you... I thought that you receieve the tickets and visa by email... bit worried because I think they only have my permanent address in Australia and im living in the UK at the moment

28th Sep 2007, 16:28
HI Genevieve, I don’t know how that works either.
At the open day I filled in the `Entry permit application form´ with my apartment address, but now I am moving from there so I filled In the Joiners Form with my new address.
I sent them an email with that same query and telling them my new address but I haven’t received a reply yet.

28th Sep 2007, 21:00
Hi LondonGirl,

There is nothing specific in the medicals about eating disorders. However there are 2 questions at the end of the questionnaire which might apply. ie:

1. Any illness that caused you to take time off work for a period longer than 20 days
2. Any illness not mentioned above

Why don't you just go to a doctor who doesn't know your history and not mention anything about it?

29th Sep 2007, 01:34
hey londongirl00. i think steegily is right. none of the medical tests that i have undergone for emirates had anything to do with eating disorders. perhaps they don't find it that relevant. so maybe you can just go to other doctors and let them issue you certificates without that specific medical history of yours. besides, you have recovered from it already so might as well not let them know of it so as to avoid any complications or conflict that might stop you from joining the company.

see you soon and goodluck with your medicals! :)

29th Sep 2007, 08:16
anybody joining 26/28th October? :)

29th Sep 2007, 09:23
hi sophia! im joining on the 26th of Oct. are you?

29th Sep 2007, 12:30
i am still looking for candidates of the november (second week) class......or ppl who are traveling to DXB the first week of november

29th Sep 2007, 16:24
Hi I have been invited to a Preliminary Interview in Dubai on Tuesday. I have bought an outfit and the shoes. I am having my nails done for the big day. I know that I will watch a video and need to take part in a group discussion. Can anyone give me an idea of the topics that may be discussed. What happens in addition to all this. If I happened to be successful how long would I have to prepare for the 2nd round. :bored:

29th Sep 2007, 19:57
could i get your opinion guys... do you think that EY and EK favour you more with flying experience? i understand they say u dont need experience, but for male recruits do u think that they take that into consideration as they dont take many guys on?
if there is any crew that work for either EY or EK please spill the beans if you have any info? cause imthinking of aplying for a charter carrier for a season!
would it not be great if there was recruitment staff on pprune who could give us hints and tips!! lol that would be fantastic wouldnt it, i know bit of a dreamer i am indeed! lol:O

thanks guys

29th Sep 2007, 20:55
Hey Redmond, yes we are in the same batch then, yey found someone with the same start date as mine :D

30th Sep 2007, 00:07
Dude, just be yourself.

I'm a male and I passed all the interviews. I had previous cabin crew experience, but they assess you on how you act, communicate and dress. If you dress to the point that you feel good, it helps with all the rest. Rent a suit if you have to. Looking your best helps with the competition as well as your confidence. During the days, dudes didn't really care about how they looked. Be prepared as well. Study the Emirates company, Dubai and certain interview questions. Put the time into it. If you want the job, position yourself by taking the time out and studying what you can. Be confident in yourself, it's a sales pitch but using your personality to do so. I have to say that the recruitment team is really good at picking the people that fit the job. If you don't have what they're looking for than your not gonna get it. To everyone.....ACT YOURSELF!!!!! You will become comfortable and likable. Don't think of what they want to hear as an answer, relate every answer to your previous experience, that way it is truthful and it doesn't sound like your trying to impress them. Think about if you were interviewing someone and say you asked them a questions such as " Name a time when you messed something up and your boss wasn't happy"
"Um, I can say that it has never happened to me"
Be honest, it is all about you, not the person you think they want. They want to see you, the same way as the passengers do.
If anyone wants to PM me and ask questions, I would be more than happy to help them out.

Remember this though. We all have to make an effort to get somewhere. The competition is immense, so take your time out and knock the competition off the block.

30th Sep 2007, 01:10
Do whatever it is that you think will give you the upper hand. If that means getting your nails done or the Vidal Sassoon look, do it!! Just don't go overboard. It is the preliminary. Be confident and graceful. Open the door a crack and let them peek through on your personality. Don't show too much as you don't want to be too confident. The thing is that most preliminary selections are done by an outside organization. Meaning that it is the hardest part of the selection period as it is pretty much based on " What is the my opinion on what Emirates wants". Also meaning that it is pretty much based on first impression. Throughout the following days you will go through rigorous assessments. Hence "Assessment days" I wont go on much longer with this but if anyone wants help, I would love to try and do the best I can to get them through. A lot of the stuff posted on here can be a great help, but you must also keep in mind that it's a guideline. When there is a post on what to do what not to do, it can do good or bad. The reason why I say this is because. It is not the same recruiters in every country, it is all a guideline they go through. As I said "It's a guideline" just like my post. Best of luck to everyone!!! I really mean that :ok:

30th Sep 2007, 03:22
hi bubbastynch,

check this out EMIRATES SELECTION DAY (http://annie8886.wordpress.com/2007/09/19/becoming-emirates-cabin-crew-%e2%80%93-selection-day/)
this might give you idea..


DEE emirates
30th Sep 2007, 10:56
its been two months since my final interview and this guys have not replied yet.at the time of my final interview i was underage.but all be coming of age this november.i have tried contacting them but am only getting through to the voice mail.:(do you think i should be worried about them not replying????? the waitng is killing me:ugh:

30th Sep 2007, 19:35
hey sophia! I'm glad to hear that. misssmith is also with us! i'll see you both soon!

30th Sep 2007, 21:05
Hello everyone!! My name is Naia, Im from Spain and Im getting ready to go to dubai on the 2nd of november. I just wanted to know if there is anyone thats actually living there and working for emirates or if theres anybody leaving the same date... I have so many questions!!!

1st Oct 2007, 00:55
Hi all i know i am being impatient but i have sent all my meds back and all were normal. my fly out/start date is the 26th oct.... same as redmond and sophia - hi to both! I guess i am nervous and wanting that final approval.... everyone is excited for me but i am still aware there is the slight chance EK can say "no"... i don't see why as all is ok, i just know stranger things can happen.

cheers! :p

1st Oct 2007, 07:27
hey nothing to worry. if the doctors say you're okay, you're okay. you're just being paranoid like everyone else who goes through all the stages. hahaha! relax. but if you dont recieve the final approval 11 days before you're flight, you better contact them. see you soon!

1st Oct 2007, 08:54
hi there, don't worry about medicals, i had all sorts of complications during mine, but all has been sorted now, once you get this far, they tend to look after you. If you wanna pm me, i will give you my details for facebook we can stay in touch before the big day!! Cheers x

1st Oct 2007, 11:31
Thanks Redmond and Sophia you are both fantastic!! I can't wait to meet you both in DUBAI!!!! :D :ok:

1st Oct 2007, 13:29
me too! It's October 1! 25 days to go. :O

1st Oct 2007, 20:41
:):)Hey! if i was you i would definately phone them , if you've done a final interview and not had an email to say you didnt make it then definately give london a call first to check, they'll know your status. 02075901444 ask for lucy shes the nicest .

good luck to you

anyone flying out november 16th ??

2nd Oct 2007, 13:00
HI everyone,

I attempted to the open Day in Dusseldorf 10 days ago. I reached the final interview. I sent all the papers (pictures, copy on contract and diploma,...) Now I am waiting for the answer, and like everyone that waiting is killing me, I know they should answer within 6 weeks, but anyone knows how long does it usually takes? and do they call you or do they send you an email?

Anyone from here was in dusseldorf that day?

By the way my final interview last only around 30 minutes, is it good or bad?? :rolleyes:

Thanks for your help :ok:

2nd Oct 2007, 13:12
hey ! well done for getting into final interview. All anyone can really tell you is bits they've picked up from their own experiences . From what i remember all the people who didnt make it were told quite quickly and all on the same day by email it was only a few days after the interview . So thats definately a good sign for you! it can take a while for them to get back to you but it sounds like your file definately made it to dubai which means you were reccomended for the job by your recruitment officer so well done. just hold tight the call will come , me and my 2 freinds had the call quite early in the morning on differnet days.

My final interview lasted no longer than about half an hour so thats not to worry about !

good luck let us know when you hear !!!


2nd Oct 2007, 13:14
hey is anyone else going out on the 14th of December from gatwick or anywhere else ?? give us a shout if !!!:)

2nd Oct 2007, 14:35
I'm here in Dubai and have just done 3 days of orientation so far..

my apartment is on Sheik Zayed road and everyone has been pretty much been placed in all different apartments all over the place..

Long days, but its good..

Just today I'm starting to feel quite lonely.. My flatmate still hasnt come home yet and I have yet to meet her.. Have no internet connection yet..

You get 2500 on the first Sunday you start orientation.

On the same start date the are 3 groups of 18 all starting at the same time. Some things are combined and the rest are just with your class/group/batch.

I'll update my blog soon.. a store opposite my apartment was kind enough to lend me his pc because I was desperate to find an internet cafe and there is none around my side of the road... :(

Missing home at the moment but still happy to be here...

2nd Oct 2007, 15:14
oh things will get much better soon, hang in there girl, keep us updated with your blogs, so interesting to read.. what are your working hours at present?? ;)

2nd Oct 2007, 16:08
hey girl hope you are ok? are you all by yourself in your apartment? are they 2 bed apartments ? i feel for you hope you feel less home sick and lonely soon i'm sure u will!!!!!!!


2nd Oct 2007, 16:45
aww thanks vickster and Sophia! Just found an internet cafe on the other side of the road at the Crowne Plaza Hotel.. well actually its the hotels business centre, lol... Its HARD to cross the road on Sheik Zayed road!! (not sure if im spelling that right..) After a bit of a walk (in the heat) I finally found along with one of my training friends an underground tunnel to cross to the other side of the road. The engineering for pedestrians to cross this very busy road wan't really well thought out when they designed it...

Just updated my blog about my first 3 days.. check it out :)

www.melisa-emiratesairlines.******** (http://www.melisa-emiratesairlines.********) . com (no gaps inbetween the ******** . com) :)

2nd Oct 2007, 17:58
Melissa, Going to join you in 11 days
I will try not to get run over on Shkh. Zayed Road!
Please find out the cost of B/Band if possible

2nd Oct 2007, 21:15
My name is rene first of all congrats by being in dubai i am glad for you sorry that u are a bit home sick am sure it will pass .... the reason i am writing to u is that i have been invited to a preliminary interview on sunday 7th october '07 is there any tips you might be able to give me ?

take care

rene :rolleyes:

3rd Oct 2007, 03:27
Hey Guys,

Sorry if this is a repeated question, but its been 7 weeks since my final interview and they still haven't told me yes or no. I have contacted them, but they're really not giving much away. Should I be worried? How long have you guys had to wait for a reply?



3rd Oct 2007, 07:12
from what i know, you are supposed to wait within 2 to 6 weeks. i think its time for you to talk to them and tell them your situation.

3rd Oct 2007, 07:47
Yeah, that's what I was told, 2 to 6 weeks. I've emailed them a few times, but keep getting the same basic anwser, "your file is being processed, blah blah blah". Surely it shouldn't take this long?

3rd Oct 2007, 12:07
:DHi folks, any one here flight outs on 9 november???. let me know....futhermore congrat. to all of you who made it till the finale or are starting with the course.....GOD BLESS:)

3rd Oct 2007, 12:08
Does anybody know of a Shaun Hickey who is also part of the emirates cabin crew and based in Dubai. Please help i urgently need to contact him. I will be so much appreciative if someone can help...

3rd Oct 2007, 12:11
Hi everybody,

I have an other question regarding the phone call after the final interview.

I am still waiting for that call and I was wondering if you can't pick up the phone do they leave a message on your voicemail?

And where do they call from? Dubai or England for europeans?
And when they call do you see their number on your cellphone or do they call in hidden number?

I know it's sounds quite silly questions but the waiting is so killing that i ask myself way to many questions :ugh: ... I just don't want to miss that call :}

Thanks a lot

3rd Oct 2007, 17:17
then maybe its true that they are still processing your documents. but i know how it feels to wait. but if you havent received any regret email, then that's good news actually. there's really nothing else to do but wait. remember the motto here when waiting for the call...no news is good news. so definitely you will hear from them soon. goodluck!:O

4th Oct 2007, 01:17
Thanks for the reply. I really do hope I hear from them soon, its got to the point where I don't care if they say yes or no, I just want to know because I can't handle all this waiting anymore!!

In a completely unrelated note, does anyone know what the cost of internet is like over there, and what kind of speeds can you get?

4th Oct 2007, 02:14
Hi there :) I am flying out on November the 9th from Melbourne :ok:

So Excited! Were you at the interviews in Melbourne on august 11th?

4th Oct 2007, 03:03
Hi Sezmay i am from that melbourne group and flying out on the 26th oct to start training school 1st nov. i am still waiting on final approval. have you received the final yes as yte or still waiting after sending medicals back?


4th Oct 2007, 03:47
I was at that Melbourne group too. They must not want any males yet? How long did you have to wait for them to call you after the final interview?

4th Oct 2007, 03:55
I think i found out within 2-3 weeks from memory. no news is good news is what i have been told so hang in there. If not i would just call them - no harm in calling to know either way. i hear you on being over waiting though - it is the worse as you want to know either way instead of being left hanging.

4th Oct 2007, 04:08
Wow, that was quick for you. Congratulations! Hopefully I'll see you over there some time soon ;)

4th Oct 2007, 05:22
I am sure you will! Call if you are over waiting but i know another Melbourne guy who waited a while as well - he may still be waiting to hear after final interview so you are not alone! :)

4th Oct 2007, 07:00
I just gave them a call before. Spoke to 3 different people, only to be told the same thing, just wait...lol

4th Oct 2007, 07:07
:ugh: the wait is killing....

4th Oct 2007, 10:01
think positive! we will definitely see you there soon! just hang on! keep yourself busy so that paranoia wont kill you. Errrr, I remember those days when I was the one waiting.let us know if you hear from them! goodluck again!

4th Oct 2007, 13:43
hey ! they will call from dubai with the answer the number weill appear 0097 i think and you will see that number when they call it wont be private.

They will leave a short message if you cant get the phone saying who it is and a number to cal back on thats what they did with me.

good luck

4th Oct 2007, 22:08
That's positive then..... if you were through to next round they prob would have told you. Yes the waiting is the worst!! i am still waiting on final approval for the flying out/start date of 26th oct!! it keeps creeping closer and closer and still no final confirmation!! :\ hang in there Juzz51 you'll get there!!! :ok:

4th Oct 2007, 23:54
i finally got the email back from EK saying that they received my medicals...
how long do i wait until they email me further?
i really dont want to buy a phone card to call them...

5th Oct 2007, 12:33
ek r recruiting at birmingham uk on the 17 i have been told, but i have checked their website and i see nothing on there? has anybody got any information about this?:)

5th Oct 2007, 12:47
hey guys.. im leaving Perth to dubai on the 26th of october. very exciting times! was jus curious as to banking details; will emirates sort all that stuff out for me when i arrive? and another question. what are the company's views on tattoos. if they are not visible on forearms/neck etc. are they still frowned upon? regards

5th Oct 2007, 15:05
Hi everyone here,I can't believe it.I finally got my final approval and I'm leaving 12 Oct.:ok:

5th Oct 2007, 17:00
hey kronikhil! congratulations and welcome to the club! sophia, missssmith(julia), and I are also leaving on the same date. see you there soon! 20 days to go!

5th Oct 2007, 18:45
Oh my god, everything has just sunk in now. Just 7 more days, call it 6... I am so scared...
I went Alton Towers to relieve my stress, but after going on some awful rides, I need a break...

OCT 12 GANG: Best be ready, guys.

5th Oct 2007, 19:22
Join the 12-OCT gang !!!
I think we already have an idea of the whole team. I think its just gonna be a kinda

HEyyyy its you SkyGal
Heyy whassup CCEmiratesMad
Oh its you XYZ....

What you think guys??? Interesting.

Oh by the way, i got a slight bad news regarding my health. I have been drinking lately and for some reason am suffering from an allergy from some whisky and got like pimples all over my hands.

Had 2 xtra more injections after those i had for the vaccinations. And am still having those blooody things all over my palm and hand. It is gradually going away.
Am afraid if it does not go before 12-OCT. Dunno what the clinic/medics over there in DXB gonna say about that!

NEver ever had any kind of allergy, the first and it is i think the worst!

Anyway ...

5th Oct 2007, 19:46
...whereas me, I am all laid back, medicals etc done. No more pokey sharp things in me, until I get to Dubai! Yikes!

I am starting to get bags under my eyes :ouch:. Must have sleep

Guys, I dont know if I will be in the same batch as yous, as I am arriving on the 13th? Please, for the love of God, be in the same batch as me. You need to wear a big badge that says "PPRUNE MEMBER: EKRAVIN"

Seriously, don't mess yourself up, you dont wanna get chucked back on a plane back to your home country!
P.S: Made friend with a Purser/Trainer who teachers Secruity to new crew on the 3 week @ EK College. Hmmm, Insider Info...

5th Oct 2007, 22:56
4 queries:

1) does ek provide suitcases for their crews?

2) is washing machine provided in each crews flat?

3) would it be difficult to purchase continues wear contact lens in dubai?

4) is tap water in dubai drinkable?

thanks for sharing.

5th Oct 2007, 23:28
1) does ek provide suitcases for their crews?

Yes, suitcase and cabin bag.

2) is washing machine provided in each crews flat?

Yes, washing macine, tumble dryer and in some (not many) a washing machine too.

3) would it be difficult to purchase continues wear contact lens in dubai?

Not at all

4) is tap water in dubai drinkable?

Totally! But mineral water is very cheap and most mini and super markets deliver to your home.

6th Oct 2007, 00:23
many thanks for your super-speedy response.


5) are shoes also provided?

6) are we required to wear underwear (some sort of male's vest or white t-shirt) beneath our shirt/uniform? --> coming from a tropical country and wore uniform during my school and uni time (14 years!), we were advised to wear those in order to absorb sweat and maintain healthy skin, which somewhat has became a part of uniform.

thanks once again for your response.

6th Oct 2007, 10:27
Hey guys,

Melissa, Christine99 and I are in Dubai. We are all in the same batch but got placed in different Ab-Initio groups. So far everything is GREAT! We were all placed in Sheik Sayed Rd, nice buildings, huge rooms. Don with medicals and formalities. Started training on thursday: turbulence simulator.


Good luck to all of you.


6th Oct 2007, 15:57
5) are shoes also provided?

Yes, males get one pair; girls get two cause they get the cabin shoes too.

6) are we required to wear underwear (some sort of male's vest or white t-shirt) beneath our shirt/uniform? --> coming from a tropical country and wore uniform during my school and uni time (14 years!), we were advised to wear those in order to absorb sweat and maintain healthy skin, which somewhat has became a part of uniform.

just a white t-shirt under the shirt. yes, it will absorbe some sweat, but at 3pm in june in an airbus that has been on ground for hours, it is the same as wearing nothing hehehe.
no short-sleeve shirts unfortunately

6th Oct 2007, 16:23
Thanks lvafx!
Do you mean washing machine, tumble dryer and "dishwasher" instead of washing maching again?

I am used to wearing boxers and a Vneck vest, is that okay?

I heard Dubai water is not safe and I shouldnt drink it for the first couple of months?

1.Does Carrefour deliver?

6th Oct 2007, 19:50
Thx for all these vital info. ppl. That is really helpful. :D:D

I am very glad to see loads of us who have recently made to DXB. Feels great to hear from you ppl. Your views and words are VITAMINS :} for us.

CCemirates and my 12-oct Team!!! How u ppl feelin'...:ok:

I recovered..good as gold...we're back in business..:E

Anyone receiving their Tickets and Visa do let us know :confused:!

6th Oct 2007, 20:45
Are girls provided stockings/tights?If yes,what's the amount and the quality? :bored:

7th Oct 2007, 10:15
Do you mean washing machine, tumble dryer and "dishwasher" instead of washing maching again?

you have washing machine and tumble dryer for ur clothes, some come with dishwasher for the.... dishes!

I am used to wearing boxers and a Vneck vest, is that okay?

I am used to not wearing underwear hehehe
Just wear a white tshirt under the shirt

I heard Dubai water is not safe and I shouldnt drink it for the first couple of months?

two letters: BS
but mineral water is better, cheap and tastier (and not as warm)

1.Does Carrefour deliver?

i think so, after certain amount of money spent... the kwik-e-marts deliver though, even a pack of marlboros

7th Oct 2007, 13:02
Hey guys,

getting ready for dep. to Dubai (leavin the 12th)
Still didnt get my visa or tkt, but a buddy of mine left on the 5th and he got it the monday prior. So tomorrow i guess we'll all get it. They provide you with an economy seat and the 50kg is bull, you could have more. JUst 2 bags though. I am flying from Athens, anyone else? I arrive at 11:40pm to Dubai..anyone else around that time...then most liklely we will share the shuttle... lemme kno.


7th Oct 2007, 17:02
Hi everyone,

I was wondering how long you all had to wait after the final interview for the "happy phone call"?

It's been 2 weeks for me and I am still wating.

So let me know how long did it take for you to get that phone call.

thanks :ok:

7th Oct 2007, 19:01
As for me,I still got no idea about my route as EK don't provide services from my homeland.Hope this all would be finally clear for us tomorrow!Good luck!

7th Oct 2007, 19:07
Just wonder,how come we get 50 k allowance on economy which is strictly 20 k????????:confused:

8th Oct 2007, 10:43
I so feel you little pool...i had my final interview on the 17th Sept in Nairobi kenya....and it is now the 3rd week and other pple who were with me were called adter 1 week and 1 was rejected......
i cant wait for the golden call:confused:.........is there any1 who can give me some encouragement??i keep thinking its coz i forgot to include my ref number when i sent my paper work...but i followed up with an email with my ref number....any1 there who can help me out???:ugh:

8th Oct 2007, 11:02
Dude, I know the waiting is killing, but as i read many times on this forum no News= good news

They did not reject you so I guess it sounds good, I am waiting for 2 weeks so we are in the same situation, I know it sucks to wait but we have to, they need time to do all the tasks to hire someone and i guess its not easy for them neither.

Normally we should get an answer with 2-6 weeks as they said. So try to take it easy and keep on living (I know the feeling)...

Goodlluck and let me know when you get the "golden call" :)

8th Oct 2007, 16:35
Hey there,
I fly from Manchester this Friday, have just got my visa and ticket thru, I arrive bout midnight, so will prob c u there, are you excited??

8th Oct 2007, 16:43
Oh my god, that is so freaky. I am flying from Man on Fri.
Ill try to meet you at the airport.
I will PM you now

Stefany- We get 50kg (30 more than normal economy) because obviously we are moving out of our country to a new one therefore we (as emloyees) can carry our things to move to our new home.... or something. (EK say you have to take 20 but they allow 28kg. Internal Secret- wooops! Check-in staff allow 8 kg extra, but we dont tell people because everyone will bring 29kg)


8th Oct 2007, 16:47

a friend of mine wants to apply as well...but he has kidney stones. From what i remem, they dont allow, but i am not sure. Does anyone know what Emirates' policy regarding that is? Or for instance his medical back home doesn't show, but when he gets there..what happens? Do they send him back? so...lemme know

i arrive around midnight as well...cya then

8th Oct 2007, 17:03
Contact Emirates is his/her best bet.

8th Oct 2007, 17:38
just to stir things up....

we only get a 50kg limit for our personal things (mostly clothes) when we move to dubai....

BUT, new pilots get an 8ft x 6ft container that fits in the belly of the plane when they move out there!!!

its sh!t....

i was talking with my bro the other day, and that is what he said he got...

all i want to bring is my car, and then i can put everything inside of it!!!


8th Oct 2007, 18:22
Great thinking sleepy about the car.
Ah well,thats life. Unfair!

Hmmm, still not got my tickets and visa?
Anyone (from 12 oct gang) got them yet?


8th Oct 2007, 18:30
hey ppl

I got my ticket and visa today at around 1600 (GMT+4):D:D

All set and ready to fly on friday night and hope to see you guys.:ok::)

CCEmirates wait till tomorrow and eventually give them a ring. I got a different number let me know if u need it. :rolleyes:

8th Oct 2007, 19:17
check my blog.. new pics up!!

addy is a few pages back here..

8th Oct 2007, 19:33
Hi everyone! Today i got my departure details and e-visa.They told me I'll receive the originals by Fedex.I arrive in Dubai at 23.30.See u soon!:p

8th Oct 2007, 19:39
Hi everyone! Today i got my departure details and e-visa.They told me I'll receive the originals by Fedex.I arrive in Dubai at 23.30.See u soon!:p

8th Oct 2007, 19:49
Have you received the originals of tickets by fedex?

8th Oct 2007, 19:56
Sorry you got me wrong.What I meant was how they handle the 50 kg allowance documentally on a ticket?Just it ;)
Btw,as my flight is other then EK,I can take only 20 kg normal + the cost of 20 kg more will be reimbursable upon receipt...

8th Oct 2007, 20:35
Does anyone know what the medicals are once we reach Dubai, i mean what tests to you have to do? Do we have to do all of them again or which ones?they cant expect you to take 2 consecutive chest xrays with such short space between them or? isnt that like really unhealthy?

9th Oct 2007, 03:00
No stef, i got all of the documents by email. See you in dxb and CCemirates and all the pals

I even got my staff Number.

see you all in DXB ppl


Shukran (thanks) for all the support from PPrune
Mabrook(congratulation) to all of us and all the BEEEEEEEEEEEsss!

I also asked if we can be in casual on the day of our flight to dxb? Anyone any idea

Ma'as-salaama (goodbye)
I learnt these words for my own curiousity? Got some more...

9th Oct 2007, 11:04
Hi every one here, i send my medical form one week ago to EK, the next day a received an email with the message that they do receive my medical forms......but how long it actually takes, till a got the golden call or email??? help help

9th Oct 2007, 13:23
lvaxf (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=181593), thank you --you've very informative!

yet again, another question --previously asked by EKRavin;

wot sort of dress code is expected on our joiner's flight?

a. casual (jeans and the lot)
b. smart casual
c business attire

dont wanna mess up my first impression, that's all :p

goodluck for those are about to fly. keep us posted once you get there.


9th Oct 2007, 13:59
Oh well,
today I officially withdrew/canceled my employment contract. I was due to start training on the 21st of this month...

And since they only have two or three blokes per training group, if any of you guys get called forward for the 21st, it's my spot you're taking! All the best too!

Quite a shame really, I guess I will never get to experience cabin crew life after all...


9th Oct 2007, 14:39
why omarr????

9th Oct 2007, 15:41
Hi sleepy.

I didn't quit for any 'bad' reason i.e., problems with the company or rumors about the job etc.

No, nothing like that. Just simply because something else came up - time will tell if I made the right choice...

Have fun!

9th Oct 2007, 17:54
Checked my Gmail. Got the Emirates mail. Checked 6 times that all documents were correct and actually there. Downloaded Acrobat Reader for the pdfs. Arrive at 00:15(Dubai Local Time.)

I'm so dreading the needles in Dubai again. :\

See you guys in Dubai then. Vicky- meet you @ Manchester Airport terminal 2! (Fire Assembly Point):ok:

omarr- aww. I would never give up my dream job.
Any specific reason i.e put off by salary? etc
Sorry...just being nosey

P.S: I wish I dont have to come across this http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/news/news.html?in_article_id=477300&in_page_id=1770

9th Oct 2007, 18:52
Quoting from my recent email query i received. I hope it helps for everyone.

1st flight dress code:
-Dressing code is smart casual

20 Photo Passport: Should be blue background BUT..
-it's ok as white background

Type of Visa For cabin crew
-it's a cabin crew visa that allow your entry to some countries, and you'll require visas for some other countries, you'll know full details about that after your joining.

This is what i can share with you ppl. :)
Can anyone pls clear my or give me an example of being SMART CASUAL:O:O:O.

Dont wanna mess up as said earlier....

Is Jeans & shirt ok?

9th Oct 2007, 19:56
I was so stressed to receive the email after my final interview. I got it today and unfortunatly I did not make it:(

I have to wait a year now.

Anyway good luck to all of you

Enjoy and take care

9th Oct 2007, 20:04
Oh just 2 days left till we get there! I'm almost crying:sad: - it'a mix of excitement and at the same time too hard to leave home.

9th Oct 2007, 20:09
Guys,any idea if we can invite friends(not many,,just one :)) to stay a couple of days in our apartment?

9th Oct 2007, 20:52
hey Polski! Did you have a Canadian/Polish guy at your Open Day in Warszawa?

10th Oct 2007, 00:58
Hi, congratulations to everyone who made it!

I just want to ask, when you guys had your assessment, was the reach test 212 or 214? I have a friend who badly wants to join but she can't reach 214 but can reach 212. It says in their website it's 212cms but the agency here says 214cms. So what is it really?:confused:

10th Oct 2007, 01:23
Hi everyone :) Congrats to all who have got in to Emirates! :D I leave on the 9th November from Melbourne yay! :ok: I have looked in to the dress code for the flight to Dubai! When they say smart casual that does not mean jeans/tshirt.:= It's not worth risking it being that casual. I would say wear business atire. Maybe not a full suit but something you would wear in a relaxed office environment. It's worth looking business like because if there is an upgrade to business class you will get it :ok: and it looks better for your image when you arrive in Dubai!

Peace and love to all :)

10th Oct 2007, 07:24
do you know who the other Melbourne guy is other than juzz51..is he on the forum...or u got his contact?

10th Oct 2007, 08:46
:):)Hey good luck everyone leaving on friday i'm soooo jealous hope everything goes well. Please post lots of pics on a ******** melisa's are awesome, she put pics of training college and the apartment!

Is there anyone apart from sleepy and me leaving on december 14th ?? let us know !!

Quick question , does anyone know what plugs they use out there ?? cant live without a hairdryer .:):):):)

10th Oct 2007, 11:03
Hi, please don't give up!! i am still waiting..haven't checked my mail yet though!! will let you know how it goes if you are still on the forum! JKfly

10th Oct 2007, 16:55
Right got it, what are you wearing, I was just going to wear jeans, but am going to wear some smart/cas black linen trousers now instead, even outfir planning is stressful!

What time are you going to the airport??

I'm so excited, but kinda scared!!

One and a bit days to go!!:D

10th Oct 2007, 19:01
just a quick comment, if you watch the youtube video of EK the girl on their who has just arrived in dubai s wearing jeans and a t shirt and looks very casual??? just a thought was reading through the comments. i dont know what to wear, my fly out date isnt until the 7th december but uve all got me thinking :) xxx anyone else 7th dec???

what kind of clothes do you wear over there on nights out and in the day? holiday clothes or what we would here?

becky :)

10th Oct 2007, 19:37
where are you flying from becky i'm leaving december 14th from gatwick

10th Oct 2007, 19:40
manchester on 7th i think, only just submitted my medicals but everything on them was fine and nothing was wrong, what about you? you got the final yes or still waiting?


11th Oct 2007, 01:15
12 oct team we wish you an safe and happy landing at DXB int. airport......:ok:

11th Oct 2007, 04:54
The electrical points are the UK type (3 rectangular pins)

11th Oct 2007, 05:58
Well, 2 months now since my final interview and still nothing...so I just called them AGAIN today. Couldn't really hear much because it was a bad line, but they said something about not receiving my files, but then said I should get a call definately before Tuesday in regards to medicals etc...
So, now I've really got my hopes up, just like last time I called they said I would get a call within a week, but this time she PROMISED before Tuesday...I'm gonna be so angry if I don't get that call :mad:

2 MONTHS!!!!!!!! The waiting is really killing me. I think at least 2 years have been shaved off my life from all this waiting..

11th Oct 2007, 08:21
Dear All,

Very excited at the thought of starting a new career in a new country. Most excited by the prospect of meeting new people and forming new friendship groups (already kept in touch with lots of people from my interview in London).

Just curious if anyone else is leaving from LHR/LGW for Dubai on Nov 16th with training starting Nov 22nd?


11th Oct 2007, 08:25
i dont have their number...can you private message it to me please!!

11th Oct 2007, 09:56
Hi there! These questions are for everyone but most specially addressed to those who are already on board and working with emirates...

I just submitted my medicals a week ago and got an email from HR confirming receipt of my email. Im not expecting them to reply so soon after reading your posts plus my joining date is next Jan. But while waiting (anxiously!), I would like to pose the these q's to help me decide if this is really for me (that is, if I passed my medicals)

BTW, do applicants still get rejected at this stage even if your medical results are okay? Also, once they ask you to fly to Dubai, can they still send you back home and on what grounds? does anyone know of any "tragic" story like this?

More q's...
a) if the basic is around 3,700dhs + another 3,700 dhs for your flying hours (is this correct) + allowances, how much is your net income? estimate please.
b) when do you get a salary increase and by how much?
c) how much are your average expenses in dubai. Emirates pay for everything except for food right?
d) how much do you get to save

a) how fast do you get promoted
b) is politics difficult? do you have to "kiss up" to some people

a) how much discount do they give on tickets for you and your family
b) do your travel dependents have to be on standby if they use the id tickets

a) how long do you get to spend in nice cities such as PARIS, LONDON, AUSTRALIA, NEW YORK?
b) When can you start bidding for flights. what are the most difficult flights to swap

a) what is the culture in Emirates?

Your answers would be much appreciated. thanks!!!

11th Oct 2007, 11:03

Dress code for the flight to Dubai is casual, meaning
jeans, polo shirt or something, nothing revealing for girls, just regular. I don't think flying is sweat pants and flip flops is a good idea, but just casual. Shirt with labels like "who the F*** is D&G" wouldn't be a good idea := So just be plain, simple and casual. A friend of mine left last week, he was wearing a polo and jeans, with sneakers he is all good.

Well oct 12 team! Have a safe flight, i'll be in at 23:40 in DXB from Athens...

can't wait!!


11th Oct 2007, 11:04
Thank you loads for the numbers...if by the end of the month i dont hear from them i will definitely give them a call...i hope though, that they will call me before i have to.....

11th Oct 2007, 19:24
12-OCT TEAM !!!
Have a safe flight and best of luck in your new career.

Same to me:E

We are all reaching DXB in the morning. Some more needles :ouch: and that's it !!!

I hope i dont end up in some trouble with my jeans!!! :eek::eek::eek:

Hope to see each and have a real great time and make a rocking TEAM...

See you all in DXB: Future bees and already bees

12th Oct 2007, 01:40
Hi Guys,

Congratulations to everyone who just left / is leaving soon... I just submitted my application and am hoping to be invited to Sydney interviews.

One question tho, with the low base complemented with allowances, does anyone know, in the first few months of flying, do you get stuck on the relatively short haul routes and turnarounds meaning no layover allowance and just turnaround flights to BEY DEL BOM KHI etc. ?


12th Oct 2007, 02:37
Hi everyone I got my call yesterday!!! Booked in for my medicals next Monday it all is well Im leaving on 21/12............... so excited.


12th Oct 2007, 14:07
Hi everyone I have a query and was hoping someone could help me out.

I have already filled in the online application for cabin crew but having logged into the site again today I have realised that in the education section it asks for the highest education gained and then asks to list all the relevant education you have gained. For UK qualifications does this mean the GCSE's and "A" levels you have done? And if so how can it be inputted as it does not ask for subject or level, eg GCSE or "A"level?

Also having filled in the online application, once submitted do we get an email confirmation to say they have received the applicaiton? And any idea how long it takes before you hear of the outcome?

Sorry to be a pain.

Any help would be appreciated.

12th Oct 2007, 15:44
Hello guys,
just a quick last post before I set off to airport.
My flight is at 8:50GMT.
Just frantically doing last minute things.

Will miss you, and will try to update my blog with all experiences I had today. Also will try to chat up the crew, make them spill the beans!!!

Take Care guys!

12th Oct 2007, 15:59
Unlucky macphisto! Keep Trying.
Keep Discovering. Fly Emirates. I think I will tattoo that on my back and with the coporate logo! lol "Loyalty beyond the limits"
Petiks: Try putting them Questions on annie8886.wordpress.com

Ok, Im leaving right now. Got a box of Kleenex tissues to wipe them tears lol!

Good Day

12th Oct 2007, 17:14
Arrived at Man Airport safely.
Just found a spare staff computer in the Staff Room thanks to my old Staff ID card!
Cried loads. Kissed goodbye to all my staff. Few hours to go yet.

Write later...

13th Oct 2007, 00:32
hope you get there ok ccmad!!!

i will see you in december!


13th Oct 2007, 13:11
was everything ok on your medicals or are you worrying? im submitting all mine monday once ive collected the audiograph x

everything is fine on mine all above normal so i shudnt need to worry right???


13th Oct 2007, 14:26
hey polski....

it took them a week to get back to me saying that they had received my meds...so be patient i guess.
oh, i had to reduce my scan file sizes a lot for them to get emailed, buecause my originals kept on getting sent back to me.

check your inbox and make sure that they were delivered!

14th Oct 2007, 18:58
Just got time to say hello
Can't post in detail coz a)its 10:58 and Im knackered b)this cafe is expensive
and c) I gotta wake up at 5 in the morning

So just to say Im enjoying it so far. Had medical talks etc today blah blah

Try to post later.


14th Oct 2007, 20:47
Hey all...
I am new to this forum, but since I started sending applications to airlines back at the end of August I have been using Cabincrew.com and I thought I would join this one after reading about all the EK stuff.
The good news is that I received the "Welcome to the Family" phone call last Monday from Emirates and I have been on cloud 9 ever since! :O
I guess I am on the January 11th batch who is due to leave as that is when my joining date is. I have started my medicals and all should be done and sent off by the end of this coming week (fingers crossed nothing bad pops up!).
As for the whole process of getting the job, the assessment day was physically and emotionally exhausting but looking back, I had a wonderful day and met some great people. From 50, they narrowed us down to 9 and I had my final interview which I felt went horribly wrong as I made the Recruitment Officer's laugh :ugh: Anyhow just under two weeks, I was being rung to say that I had been accepted. Therefore you can never make assumptions about EK, they can make you wait 6 weeks and say yes or no, or alternatively under two weeks and say yes or no. It has to do with luck as well as I was rejected by both Qantas and Air New Zealand & third time lucky as they say.
Well this message has gone on for far too long and having glanced at all the posts on here, I have loads of questions to ask but my mind has gone blank now. So maybe I'll think of some more later on :cool: Just thought I'd drop by as the newbie on here!
Ali_Xander :ok:

14th Oct 2007, 22:54
hey well done for getting the job!! are you flying from gatwick ??

I'm off in december i just miss xmas at home not looking forward to that i llove christmas.

sounds like you had an quick ride i waited ages to hear i kept getting my photos wrong .

good luck with everything welcome to pprune !

15th Oct 2007, 04:27
Hi all,

After reading the posted replies i am still not 100% on what is classed as "smart casual" for the flight over. I would love to wear a nice top/t-shirt (no branding), jeans and funky/nice shoes/runner (eg asics or lacoste etc). However i have read mixed opinions on what is acceptable and what is not.

If someone can clarify what is fine to wear and know for fact the 100% answer to this, i will be very much grateful! Someone who 100% knows and not just an opinion without actual back up to what they think is fine would rock my socks!!

Oh and Mohit.... the other melbourne guy was Rex... ahhh i think his ID in PPRUNE is rex and some numbers after!

Thanks everyone!


15th Oct 2007, 08:02
Hey Vicster,
Thanks for the reply.

I just got back from getting more injections from the nurse, I am surprised I am still standing up! :ok:

When are you off in December? I would have gone then but it's too soon and I need to find a job and earn a little before I go as I am absolutely broke! :p

By the way, our contract says we have to bring 20 passport sized photographs and two other normal sized photos - do you know if the latter has to be professionally done wearing a suit over a blue background? or can it just be casual pics like those we sent with the applications?


15th Oct 2007, 09:58
hey, so have you heard back from them today????let me know how that goes..i am still waiting:ugh:

15th Oct 2007, 10:01
:}lucky lucky you!!i am still waiting for my call....wow!i would do anything to be in your shoes!!!have fun!


15th Oct 2007, 10:11
hi girls,

i am new here and keen to know about all informantions about f/a. can i ask,do you guys know what the heigh requirment does Emirate required. coz i am only 160cm, i am so interested to be a f/a. their web says 212cm for arm reach,but do you required it strictly? looking forward to your answers...

15th Oct 2007, 10:18
Nah, still haven't heard from them. They said by Tuesday, so I'm gonna wait until the late afternoon tomorrow, and if they haven't called by them, I will give them another call. It would be really nice to get the call tomorrow though, what a nice birthday present that would be...:ok:

15th Oct 2007, 10:56
Hi girls,

Congratulations! it looks that so many of you have got the offer and flying to EK. You must done a brilliant job on your interviews.
i've got another questions about open day. can i go to open day directly with resume and 2 size photos after on-line application, or should i have to get an invitation e-mail or call first from EK? really confuse with it!

15th Oct 2007, 13:23
Hi guys, for those of you waiting the "golden call", don't forget that here in the U.A.E. the offices have been closed because of EID, therefore if I were you I wouldn't count on them doing much on this week as now they will have lots of candidates to go through as they just had four days off instead of the usual two.
So, please dont panic and just be patient.

Good luck to everyone !!! :ok:

15th Oct 2007, 14:54
hey how are you ?

i'm off on the 14th of december . i'm in the same boat as you i used to work for barclays in portsmouth but quit in august when i heard i got the job . I was working for my parents but i got a bit lazy so i'm looking for a job now as well.

we will need quite a bit of money over there so i need to pull my finger out and get working .

we'll have to keep in touch then and meet when we get there.

I'm really not sure about the pics sorry i havent even thought about taht yet i think they will have to be done at the photographers it says not digital and it siad that on the other pics we had to do for the final interview i'll let you know when i find out .


mother hen
15th Oct 2007, 15:56
Hi there, I have posted on here about pics before, and as previously said(sorry to bore people) I'm not crew, daughter is, been there just over 1 year.

the 20 pics to take with you, we took of her on our digital camera, in fact all the pics she had to send to Dubai were taken with a digital camera, all beit not a little compact one! Her photo's were fine, in fact we did it because she just didn't have time to get them done profesionally. The 20 pics were the head and shoulder ones, and we printed them off the computer in passport size and just altered the background colour.

I know that they say no digital but they will be fine, but if it makes you feel more at ease get them done at a photographers. I think they are used for your visas and residency permits.

I hope all goes well for you and hope you will enjoy your time there as much as my daughter does now.

Best wishes,
mother hen.

15th Oct 2007, 17:40
Hey Vic,

Hope you are well. December seems like a long way away but it will slowly creep up on ya...best start packing!hehe.

As for me, I picked up my medicals this morning from the private clinic in the west end, they are soooo good! I had my eye test and all my other jabs done and all my results from my tests are fine - I worried for some reason as you never know what they may find! I just have my haemoglobin test to get done by the GP now and then it should all be ready to go. I hope they are as quick as they were with getting back to me to about getting the job! :ok:

Yes, it would definitly be good to stay in contact.

Have you been lucky with a job yet? I have an appointment at the Recruitment Agency tomorrow, hopefully they will find me an admin job which will help me earn some money before I go in January. I am hoping to save £1000...thats to pay off my credit card after payinf for all my medicals and then take the rest to DXB. Who knows though as a world class airline seems to want to employ me, yet somewhere like GAP and other retail stores are not having none of it!hehe..weird! :p


15th Oct 2007, 18:35
Ali xander: yeah i dropped my cv off to a holiday camp to get temporary work there but no call but DUNE the shoe shop did call me for an interview but it didnt work out it was too far away. I think £1000 is a good figure to take with you. THats what i want to take too. I heard from a friend over there that they give you money when you get there but i've heard so many different things that i'm just going to forget about it and take enough money to live off in the first month .

Mother Hen: thats really helpful yet again from you thanks so much i was going to just pay again to have all those professional pics done but i'll just do what you said now my dad used to be a photographer i'm sure he can handle the passport size pics. hows your daughter ?? do you know when you finish training how easy it is to get a flight back home or how soon something i've been wondering for a while i just really want to know when i can say i'll see my family and frineds next whether its like 2 months or 5 months .....

cheerrs everyone

mother hen
15th Oct 2007, 20:23
Hi there, my daughter is well thanks, she's just finished doing her sep again.....relieved it's all over for another year!

A girl from this forum, naddy is in Dubai now, flew out last Friday, my daughter said she spoke to her today. I think like my daughter she will take a little time to adjust. She contacted my daughter through face book before she left for Dubai.

Re flights: My daughter found it pretty easy to get flights back once she'd graduated(once I had to pick her up from the hotel twice in one week!). She started the begining of September last year and got rostered a flight to Manchester begining of December, I went up on the train to visit her..... I can tell you it was very emotional for me. Then, she managed to swap a flight and came home xmas day night. We were going down the motorway to collect her xmas night! And since then she's been home loads. In fact I only took her back to the airport last monday! She had a few days off so decided to come home for my birthday! So, I have no doubt your family will get to see you on a regular basis. Infact, that's how I know she is settled and happy in Dubai now....she doesn't feel the need to come home quite so often! And loves her weekends in Dubai.

Be prepared to have to adjust.......it might take a little while to get used to your new way of live, but if you can, stick it out for 6 months, if you don't like it by then you never will!

Hope all is going well for you,
best wishes,
mother hen.

15th Oct 2007, 20:31
Vic - I also read on this forum about EK giving us a welcome gift for joining the company and you also get some money which they then delete from you salary. I do not really want to go down that road and would prefer to leave that money in my bank account and spend what I bring along. After all, I don't really want to be spending way too much in Dubai. This is all really new for me as I have never been in a foreign country on my own and being responsible for all my spendings. I lived a pretty cushy student life!..guess this will be a little of a shock for me :bored:

Mother Hen - That name is just wicked! totally awesome. Thank you for the advice, it is amazing as you are able to get us the info we really really need. I am sure your daughther is having a ball in Dubai and would love to hear more stories of her time in Dubai.

Before sending my application off to Dubai, I was required to get professional pics done and the lady who got them done usually takes them to EK standards. Back when I was getting the pics done, she said that I will need 20 more and that she would have my file on computer and therefore be able to print the same ones out for me with a blue background. I will resort to that for my pics as they were really nice.

As cheeky as this may sound, do you have an idea of what her roster is like in a typical month?

Thanks once again :ok:

16th Oct 2007, 09:49
Guys are on hold due to no vacancies?!?!?! That does not sound good at all. I didnt know there are a limited spare for guys!!! :\ I'm attending the assessment day on the 27th Oct in Melb.. does that mean I have less chance or harder to join EK because I'm a Guy??... that doesnt sound fair.... :{

16th Oct 2007, 10:00
WOOHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally got the call!!! 25th of Jan is my depature date, I think, through all this excitement I forgot already!!! What a great birthday, definately the best ever!! :D:D:D Now just waiting for this email, where is it?!?! lol. No time for patience now.

As for the guys thing, don't worry, if you're good you'll get it. Might just take a bit longer, thats all.


16th Oct 2007, 11:46
Congratulations :D and happy birthday once again :ok:!!!

16th Oct 2007, 12:55
this is a romour....

i dont know where yoy heard this...

guys are getting hired every day...

16th Oct 2007, 13:07
in regards to the tattoo subject I am attending a interview next week for Emmirates and my tattoo is small arabic writing on the inside of my arm...if you get any feedback on this can you let me know ...and ditto

mother hen
16th Oct 2007, 13:16
Hi there,

regarding my daughters rosters: she doesn't get a typical roster per say, but you can average about 5 flights per month, mix of layovers and turnarounds. It all depends on the length of the trips, days off etc. One thing i can say is she doesn't generally end up doing exactly all the flights she's rostered........manages to swap quite a few! These can be for flights home, to visit friends, or just extra days off to enjoy in Dubai(especially when there's something good on!).

Before you know it, you'll be on the plane heading out there, so enjoy the time you have left with your family. I really hope everything goes well for you and you end up enjoying your new EK life as much as my daughter does now.

Best wishes,
mother hen.

16th Oct 2007, 13:18
:)Hey is anyone attending this thats from the Wirral that I can travel up with perhaps?

16th Oct 2007, 13:42
Yep, spelling there name's rong is the way to REELLY imprass potenshul employer's

16th Oct 2007, 14:26
im not from the wirrall but i am going! have you attended any airline recruitment days before?

16th Oct 2007, 16:37
yeah you are right about the money,

I just know i'm going to forget everything or little things i'll really miss lol . Did you know the plugs are 3 pins so like ours in england so no need to get adaptors i dont think.

Are you taking your phone ? i've got a sim that will work out there but obvoisly i'll buy a cheaper one when i'm there but it will be nice to be able to phone home just to let them know i got there ok.

any luck with job today?

16th Oct 2007, 17:38
dont worry about the tat, just keep it covered if you can at all times during the interview.

in dubai, tattoos are not illegal, contrary to popular belief, so dont worry about covering it in public!!

good luck


16th Oct 2007, 18:07
Vic - I think their pins are the same as what we have back here in the UK (I should know this as I was in Dubai last Summer!Lol). I will still take adaptors especially as we will be flying from one place to another and every country will most likely be different, so it's always good to take adapters with you. I am in the process of making a list of everything I need...hehe...it's also my b'day next month, I'll be extra cheeky and give the list to those getting me presents! :E

As for the mobile phone, as sad as it may sound, I don't want to end my contract as I've had that number for years! Most likely I will have to though. I will definitly need a mobile in DXB. For the first couple of weeks its most likely that I will be using my UK one for the odd text home but will try and get a contract. I don't know if contract is the right way to go either...so any advice from anyone would be welcome.

Mother Hen - Yes, I thought that the swaps would be possible as other posts from the forum suggests that it is quite easy to do so. An average of 5 flights does not sound much? or am I being absolutely clumsy about it all here. I am definitly starting to enjoy the time I have left with my folks...being a mummy's boy, I am sure there will be lot's of tears when I leave the nest :{ I'm sure it'll be ok though.

Oh...as for the job front. I registered with another agency today. Like EK, its the waiting game until one finds me a job, I have already dropped CV's around myself...so I have all the bases covered, just need to get lucky! How about you Vic? What's the news at your end?

16th Oct 2007, 18:12
I really do not think it is true about lack of positions for guys. Infact, I personally think guys have the edge as there are so many ladies, which perhaps makes it harder for the recruiters.

At my assessment, there were 50 of us, 7 guys and the rest women, they only chose 2 guys to the final interview. As a minority at the assessment, make sure you get noticed for all the right reasons :cool:

16th Oct 2007, 18:15
Many CONGRATULATIONS on getting the job. You must have that cloud 9 feeling now!...I have still not come down from it! :p

Finally, someone else who is also going in January, not the same date but atleast its another January Newbie to EK. YAY!! :ok:

17th Oct 2007, 02:51
Yep, still on Cloud 9 as we speak!! My teeth aren't the greatest, so now I'm just stressing about how my dental medical will turn out!! Plus I need to find a job in the meantime to pay off all my debts before I leave. So stressed now, lol. Ah well, once I get that final green light, everything will be fine! :E

17th Oct 2007, 05:38
hey dont worry about your teeth. i dont have a good set of teeth either but they aren't really strict with that. just make sure that you have your impacted teeth removed (that is if you have) and if you need some tooth restored, go to your family dentist. you'll be fine.

congratulations to all the people who got their golden calls!

17th Oct 2007, 07:34
As a newbie to be joining EK in January (the 11th to be precise), I am very very excited. If anyone could answer me one question, if 80 hours is normal and counting the basic salary and allowances, how much does a CC earn in a month typically? Worst Case / Best Scenario...what is the amount? (In dirhams or £'s would be great...) :ok: Thank you very much in advanced. I only ask as I am reading things from the forum and the website and everywhere else and I come up with just over £1000 per month. Am I right?

Mucho Gracias :O

17th Oct 2007, 08:16
:D:D:Dmany many congratulations.....after that long wait..i am excited for you....don't worry about dentals...as long as the impacted teeth are removed and they are cleaned up!!so so happy for yoou.:O


17th Oct 2007, 08:35
you do have to reach the height they say...coz you will do a reach test. My friend is also 160 cm but she managed to tiptoe and pass the reach test and she is leaving for emirates 26 Nov....don't panic dear!

17th Oct 2007, 11:23
Thanks for the kind words jkfly, and everybody else. Hope you got your calls soon!

17th Oct 2007, 17:55

who can tell me how long it takes until EK sends you an invitation for an GAD?? I mean the timeslot between Invitation and GAD! I applied 2 weeks befoe but until now I have not receivedn anything yet!

17th Oct 2007, 20:09
I have got a general question for everyone who has heard that they are going to dubai soon, are you all so addicted to the internet looking at sites about dubai and pictures on google i keep wasting so many hours just dreaming with my head inside the computer , has anyone seen the ICE BAR on sheikh zayed road its amazing cant wait to go there or the BIG ski resort indoors . Or if anyone want s to see what the apartment is like for staff or the training college then have you seen melisas blog its amazing melisa-emiratesairlines.*************

Ali xander: I got a job YAYAYAY:ok: it's in a call centre pay isnt brilliant but its lasting right up until december so i'll have the money i need to take with me

If theres anyone leaving on 14th december from anywhere or especially GATWICK then give me a shout !!!

For everyone else who's still waiting or trying hang in there as the day comes closer i feel it was well worth all the hard work , needles , xrays , pictures with skirts not quite pencil enough and travelling

have a great day everyone !!!!!!!

vicx :ok::ok:

17th Oct 2007, 20:12
that link to melisas blog didnt come out right its www.melisa-emirates (http://www.melisa-emirates) airlines. ******** .com

no spaces but PPruNe wont let me type it all

18th Oct 2007, 09:10
Hi, it depends..if they like you they will contact you when they are coming...i remember i applied before an assessment day that was in a week but they didnt invite me for that one...they called me later when they came for the next one which took about 3 weeks!

18th Oct 2007, 09:25
I know what you mean..trust me...i have dreamt and dreamt about Emirates and dubai and i have not even yet received my call,....now after seeing mellissa's blog i am super excited!!i was so anxious today i called the EK offices to confirm that they had actually received my documents and stuff.....coz this is my 5th week and i am so apprehensive...but they told me that they would contact me...atleast i hope thats what they said as the line was terrible.......oh well!!:ok:here is to dreaming!! cheers!


18th Oct 2007, 17:01
VIC = You are not the only one, I am spending hours and hours of my time on the internet reading the same things over and over again about living in Dubai, looking at pictures and videos of EK aircrafts, and just day dreaming about joining Emirates! :O It's unbelievable and even sleeping is proving hard work and I am turning into an insomniac!

The good news is that I have found a job as well! I will be temping on the NHS in London. I've done secretarial & admin work before and its a breeze and the pay is good too. That should definitly help me save up before Dubai. :) So I am really chuffed. Might be a little strange having to wake up early and do 9-5 again, especially those cold mornings! :} Doesn't matter though as it will not be for long!

I have finally faxed off all my medicals to DXB and turns out they are on Public Holiday and here I have been rushing around like a headless chicken trying to get it all done in time. I don't trust fax machines, I hope they have received it! I did ask them to let me know by email/fone upon receipt. Do you think I should scan it all and email it to them as well or am I being too eager...?

18th Oct 2007, 17:06
Hello Ali Xander,

I did both, e-mail (sent them in pdf file) and also fax. It was confirmed receipt a day after (over the phone) and was asked to call back in a week time for the result. When I called the following week, she said everything was fine and the final approval was received on the same day.


18th Oct 2007, 17:31
I'm scared they will turn round and say no...even though all my medicals are fine :ugh:

18th Oct 2007, 18:35
Hi is someone going to attend the GAD in francfurt, Germany? I am from Swizerland but would like to attend this GAD!

18th Oct 2007, 18:38
@Ali why are you thinking of rejectio if your medicals were all fine?? Don`t think to much! Stay cool and relaxed until you will join and have your first real impression of working as cabin crew for Emirates!:D

19th Oct 2007, 03:00
yeah dont stress guyz.. the wait for my final approval was a killer but both me and my friend got it in the end. jus relax and have faith!

19th Oct 2007, 09:09
Hey everyone! First of all congrats to everyone who made it, and to those who are flying out soon!:D I recieved my golden call about three weeks ago, but the lady from Dubai told me that all the trainning sessions are pretty much full for this year, so she gave me a starting date of JAN 11. Anyone else starting on that date? I'll be flying out of Warsaw.

Once again congrats to everyone, and see you in Dubai!:ok:

Hey Polski, I was at the OD in Warszawa too. I was the guy with the Canadian accent! Congrats on getting in! Do zobaczenia w Dubaju!;)

19th Oct 2007, 10:03
Just wandering if you know of a fellow cabin crew member called Shaun/Shunn Hickey he is of egyptian ethnicity.

19th Oct 2007, 10:17
Does anybody know of a Shaun Hickey who is also part of the emirates cabin crew and based in Dubai. Please help i urgently need to contact him. I will be so much appreciative if someone can help...

19th Oct 2007, 13:37
Hi guys!!!

I would like to share my experience with you and also ask for a reply. I went through the final intervjew last year but i didnt pass. Unfortunately they dont say anything about reasons that made me fail but the recruiter told me to try again in one year time.

In october i had my new chance and i made through the final interview. Now i am waiting for 2 weeks for the final answer. Does anybody know if someone had tried twice and pass in the second time.

What my friends keep telling me is that once you failed in a final interview you wont be accepted again. Is it true.

I hope to hearing news from you soon guys!!!



19th Oct 2007, 13:50
...firstly ofcourse i have heard of privacy and i respect that however if someone can help me i would tell them exactly why i need to know of him i am not going to post my personal reasons for all to see. I do understand where you are coming from and your concern. But i have have my own circumstances leading me to desperation. Please appreciate that..

19th Oct 2007, 15:10

There have been cases of people trying 6 or 7 times with EK and finally got accepted, so dont worry about not possibly getting in just because you failed once.Dont worry and Good Luck!

19th Oct 2007, 15:58
hello there mister,

i was exactly in the same boat like you --last year got thru til final interview and this year, managed to sail thru all the way and will be leaving in november.

so, based on my personal experience and as said by others, the possibility is always there and you just got to believe in yourself. good luck!


19th Oct 2007, 16:43
Tks for your reply!!!

You dont know how you make me feel better. I really believe in myself, and i am sure that last year i wasnt approved due to my pictures (actually i was overweight) and now i lost 10 kg. Anyway tks a lot for your help and i see you son in Dubai



19th Oct 2007, 18:17
Bonjorno danjose:-)

did you have the same recruiters as you did last year? How many applicants were there and how many went through until final interviews??

19th Oct 2007, 18:24
Hi freinds,

I have a typical question about the refernce letters that EK requires for new cabin crew! If I go to my current employer (a very good job and a very very good company) and tell him that I need reference letters for Emirates he will kill me and give me an immediate penalty:-) But I have other reference letters from the same employer about my performance, customer orientation etc. but they are general! Just written as a certificate as this is usual here in Modern Europe:-) I have also one telling me that my salary will increase because of my good performance at this company! Do you think that this will help me? Do you think that Emirates will contact the refernce persons you mentioned in the online application form? I mentioned 2 but to my luck the are very good colleagues who know that I am looking for a job with EK and who will tell the truth in case if EK contacts them!

Best regards and good luck to anybody else!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:rolleyes::D:ok:

19th Oct 2007, 20:28
From my understanding and as I have been accepted by EK, they do not write to your references until they atleast offer you the job. In most cases, and as I was notified at my assessment day, most of the time EK do not actually get in contact with your references, they only do so if they feel they need more information on you. In which case, you have nothing much to worry about in terms of getting in trouble with your manager. Hope that helps. :)A

19th Oct 2007, 22:33
Hey Mister,

I had my interview with the same recruiters. Actually they remember me and just aksked me 3 questions. We had 45 people at the beggining and for the final just 10 went through.

What i can tell you is that i was much more nervous this time than the last year. now i am waiting for almost 2 weeks for the final answer.

fingers crossed

20th Oct 2007, 06:42
dandanjose, ... tell me about it! i was so nervous too when i had my second interview that i nearly peed myself. lol. worse, it was exactly the same room, and same timing as well. what different were the questions and there were two instead of one interviewer.

with regards to reference, again, based on my personal experience, none of the given referees were actually contacted. moreover, reference letter from your current employer is not required. instead, they just asked me to provide the first page of my offer letter/contract with my current employer as a proof of my employment status.

i hope the above clear the matters and once again, good luck!


20th Oct 2007, 08:14
Hey everyone,

Just wondering, is there anyone who is attending the assessment day in melbourne on the 27th?
Getting so nervous atm... plus just got rejected in the final interview by Jetstar short haul which doesnt help... dont know what to expect now....
I'm so wanna fly.... :{

20th Oct 2007, 09:49
Dont be too stressed. I went to the last one in Melbourne and did well. Just be prepared for a very long day, and don't be afraid to meet new people. The more people you get to know, the more comfortable you'll be in the group stages.

And forget about Jetstar, I didn't even get to the final round with them, and now I'm a few medicals away from working with Emirates.

20th Oct 2007, 10:31
Refernce letters are required! This will be also my 2n interview with Emirates as I did not pass my final last year! Hope that I will make it through this year! here is something I quoted from the last invitation for the final interview:
........your final interwiev pack consits of the following:
-Guidelines for completeing the application form
-Applicationn for Cabin Crew Employment
-UAE Entry Permit Application Form
-Inventory of Items
-Written Reference Requirement Form
-psychometric Assessment Feedback letter

Written Reference Requirement Form:
1. To be from present or most recent employer
2. If you are ex cabin crew or existing cabin crew you MUST also provide a written reference from the Airline of which you are/were an employee/employed!

bla bla bla bla:-)

In my opinion they require them!!!!!

An other question for those who did their 2nd final interview: Did you contact Emirates for your psychometric Assessment Feedback after 3 weeks after your 1st final interview?

20th Oct 2007, 11:21
Hey again!!!

honestly i did not because i knew why i didnt pass last year. A monh after receivig the non-wanted-letter i received a call asking to send new pictures. I sent over again and didnt pass again!!!

I was over weight, my chics were huge and i am sure that the reason was that.

Now i lost 10 kg, what makes me feel a bit more confindente, but you know, waiting for 5 weeks is a nightmare. You change your thoughts daily and start having ups and downs.

I am sure about one thing. I really dont want to receive that e-mail again, It was traumatizing and i got really upset.



20th Oct 2007, 11:30
Hey! But I don`n know why I failed! But what I remeber is that the intertview was fine but the pictures I gave them were not of EK`s standards! Taht means that my passport sized photographs were not in focus and I was not wearing the jacket! I am pretty sure about it! Now I am waiting from the next recruitment day! Well did they change the assessment process or was it nearly the same in Brazil? I hope that if they see me that they will give me the 2nd chance!!!

20th Oct 2007, 11:47
It was exactly the same. the only thing that changed a bit was the english test. Problably you dont have, i dont know!!!

anyway take a good picture now. spend a bit more but that the right one. I have seen really good looking people being refused because of the pictures.

Good luck !!

20th Oct 2007, 12:21
hey cool, ok i will give my best! the pictures are already done! I will give my best and I am sure to make it this year! We had an English test last time but everyone who was sitting at my table had an other one! I remember that I had number 5 and I try to catch it again hehehe but I don`t have problems with English!

the letter
20th Oct 2007, 13:36
If you do very well in the personal interview but submit photographs that do not meeting their standards, they don't select you? It frankly sounds a little bit ridicilous if that is the case.

20th Oct 2007, 14:13
I totally agree but thats the way it works. You can be the best during interviews but if you dont have good pictures, good bye!!!

20th Oct 2007, 15:54
Unfortunately that's the way it works at EK. Remember that your file gets sent to Dubai and first impression counts, as Recruitment in DXB do not know you, hence they have your pictures to go by and unfortunely if they are not good, well....need I say more.

20th Oct 2007, 17:59
As said before! My pictures were very nice but they were not of EK`s standard like face in focus and wearing the jacket etc. I read this on their guidelines for the final interview pack but i was sooo nervous that i forget it! But nevertheles the year is completed and i am ready to rumble:-)))))

Ohhh guys you cannot imagine how full of power I am this year! I will make it and I am pretty sure about that!!!!!!1

20th Oct 2007, 21:02
I wish you all the best this time!!!



21st Oct 2007, 01:40

indeed you are right, reference letters (with all the requirements, i.e, on a company letter head and so on) from you previous employers are required. however, what i meant to point out was the reference letter from your 'current/present' employer.

as in my case, again, based on my personal experience, they didnt ask for a reference letter from my current employer (like you, otherwise i'd be in trouble too). instead, they just needed a proof of my current employment status, thus, copy of my first page contract was required.
nonetheless, do not quote me on that as what i have learnt is that the recruitement process can be vary from place to place.

moreover, later on after you definitely get the job (fingers crossed), a so called 'letter of confirmation of resignation' (or a release letter from you present employer, yet again with all the requirements) will be required to be produced/submitted upon joining/arriving in dubai.


21st Oct 2007, 11:03
Hi again, yes i understand! i think they require them to see that you are really employed by this company you are telling them about! Just to have the necessary proofs! Well I have 2 nice reference letters and I am preparing everything now so that I can hand them anything out they require during the final if I will make it that far again:-) Oh God please help me! Now I read that there is no Global Assessment Day in Frankfurt but it has changed to an Opden Day hahaha that sounds great!!!!!!! weeks and I will know what wil happen OMG I am soooo excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!:ugh:

21st Oct 2007, 11:59
Thanks for the support. Yeah I am gonna put myself out there to meet some new people. Never know who I'll meet :) maybe even before life long friends. I was dissappointed, but it's not gonna put me down in wanting to become a CC :O.
Congrats with Emirate, I'm sure everything will go well if you. :ok:

21st Oct 2007, 12:03
Hey Guys,

to those who are residing in the UK: who can tell me where I can buy this book in London? I am going to visit London for a weekend trip and I would like to buy this book! I tried to order it at Amazon but they cannot deliver it to swizerland as in the UK the post is striking so I wanna buy it myself during my visit in London! Any help is welcomed:-)

21st Oct 2007, 13:18
Aah, its nice to be back. Just managed to get a breather from training.
I will hopefully post all my experiences soon.
Midadi, the book is not due to be on sale till January 08. Order from Whsmith or Foyles. They are taking preorders. Too late for me though.

Trust me, this is the dream. IM LIVING THE DREAM.