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21st Oct 2007, 17:55
Hi Guys my other question:-) I am muslim and I remeber that we were asked to fill a form with the question on it "Are you willing to serve alcohol" What do you think as a muslim cabin crew! Is that a must for any crew to serve alcohol or don`t muslim crew need to serve alcohol? This is a vrey important question as Emirates often tell to Muslims about the sharia in the UAE!!!!!

Thank you!!!

21st Oct 2007, 18:15
Good question, though I do not know how true it is about them preaching to you about Sharia law in Dubai. Anyhow, I am not particularly religious also being muslim by birth, I put down that I am willing to serve alcohol to passengers. You are only technically handling alcohol and not actually consuming it, which I think is fine. Then again, different people have different views and beliefs.

21st Oct 2007, 18:33
During my final interview they also told me about Sharia etc. And it was also mentioned in the Open day so that the applicants could get an impression of living in Dubai! Ok Dubai is very open minded but you should never forget that the government is muslim and they follow strict the sharia courts, does not matter how open minded some are! Well normally it is not allowed for muslims to work or deal with alcohol, it does not matter if you drink or serve it, both is nearly the same! Ok I will finish now because if we start talking about religion it will become a little bit difficult!

We are all humans on earth and every religion and culture should be respected!:ok:

21st Oct 2007, 18:51
Yo CCMad where are you man? Which abinitio are you in. PM me. I have not seen you. I met the rest but not u! Anyway the training is cool. Cabin Doors we are now. Got planned/unplanned emergencies tomorrow...:}

21st Oct 2007, 22:18
I agree that all religions and cultures should be accepted, in which case if you feel that you cannot handle alcohol then you should have no problem in specifying that should you get to the final interview stage.

I disagree about serving alcohol and consuming it being "nearly the same". Hey Ho, that's just my opinion but the difference is clear in that statement itself.

Good Luck :)

22nd Oct 2007, 02:15
If you go on a flight and you tell your seniors that you won't be serving alcohol, (even though you were clear at the interview and you made your point there), you will still be ask to serve it to the customers and open the bottles, on board we all work regardless the religion that you follow, I'm telling you this because I don't want you to be surprised when it happens.
I'm still wondering why do they even ask that?, instead of just telling you that you will be serving food and alcohol at any time, every day, even during ramadan, so if it's a big issue to you then think twice before taking the job.

Good luck !!!:ok:

22nd Oct 2007, 05:08
Hi can anyone tell me if Emirates employ solo mums. Can you do it with the accomodation provided or do you have to get your own? Or do you have to leave the child back at your original home (not Dubai)? How does that work out for getting enough time with him or her?


22nd Oct 2007, 07:45
hi guys! a few more days to go and we'll be flying to dubai! has anyone of you received your tickets? the final approval letter said that we will be receiving our tickets four days before our flight. it's october 22 now and i have not received the e-ticket. let me know if you guys got yours! see you soon!

22nd Oct 2007, 11:34
Exactly Leito, if it really is a big issue for some, they really should think twice about the job.

On a different note, I got through to Recruitment in DXB to see if they received my medical forms which I sent by fax and email. They indeed have (I don't trust technology when its something as important as this...hehe :p) and the nice lady said she should let me know tomorrow or by the end of the week of the outcome. So I guess a few days waiting won't hurt. :ok:

22nd Oct 2007, 17:14
Dear friends:-)

who has gone through medicals fro Emirates?? Please send me a PM i Have some quick questions! Thanxxxxxxxx


22nd Oct 2007, 17:27
got my e-ticket today!!!!! dubai here i come :ok:

22nd Oct 2007, 17:46
Mabrouk mabrouk!!! Congrats!!!!!!!! Enjoy your life in Dubai and have a nice time there!! Take are and be a godd cabin crew at Emirates! May be we see each other some time:-) I am so happy for you!

22nd Oct 2007, 19:17
hey kronikhil, your flight is on oct 26 right? wow you got your ticket! congratulations! i haven't gotten mine though and the final approval letter said that i will be receiving the eticket 4 days before the flight. hope i get it tomorrow! :8

23rd Oct 2007, 13:26
yep redmond sure is.. thanks! im arriving at DBX 1.15 pm local time. shouldnt worry man you'll receive it soon!! see u in dubai!!

another thing does anbody know if emirates organises our bank accounts for us or do we do it on our own accord? cheers

23rd Oct 2007, 15:01
I asked this at my final interview and it turns out that upon arrival in Dubai, the banks chase you up offerring you different packages to open an account with them. So you dont have to worry too much about that, just be wise and look at fine print when signing anything, especially with credit cards. Apparently HSBC is one of the banks, so rest assured you will not any worries there.

Good luck and keep us posted.

23rd Oct 2007, 16:29
Hi, if emirates is recruiting in conjunction by an other recruitment ageny the recruitment process will normaly last a couple of days! Well, what happens during the Pre-Selection day? Are the CV`s only collected and those who seem to suit well as cabin crew will be invited for the Emirates Screening Day (Assessment)?? Or are there 2 different assessment days?

23rd Oct 2007, 18:37
hey redmond, mine is a bit complicated as i am already in dubai, i got a phone call today stating that my visa is ready and i needed to attend a meeting on Thursday 1 pm :D

24th Oct 2007, 02:56
Hey Guys,

Does anyone know how often EK do assesment days in Sydney or how far in advance they release upcoming assesment days...


24th Oct 2007, 09:40
hey got my ticket yesterday! i'll be arriving early in the morning at dubai. i think 5:20 am. see you guys soon! i hope misssmith got hers too!

24th Oct 2007, 09:55
awesome.. gonnna b great!! catch u in dubai dude

24th Oct 2007, 13:05
Hey can anyone please tell me if i should be worried!i have been told to take more full length pics and email them...is this a bad sign????please someone tell me!


24th Oct 2007, 13:14
No, its not necessarily a bad sign, it could just mean that your photos were not to their standards and want you to do it again. All in all, I would view it as a good sign, because if they did not like you they would not waste their time and ask for more pictures - considering the amount of applications they have to trawl through. Get them done asap and sent off. Good Luck ;)

24th Oct 2007, 13:34
I agree. They called me for more passport photos because they lost them. And now I'm at the medical stage as you know. Definately a good sign that they want more pictures.

24th Oct 2007, 16:22
Anyone on the Jan 11 joining date?

24th Oct 2007, 22:08
MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE....I am on the 11th Jan 08 joining date! can't wait!! I will be flying to DXB from London

Have you done your medicals?

25th Oct 2007, 07:24
23rd nov, anyone?

25th Oct 2007, 08:16
yes, i got my final approval on the medicals yesterday!!!! Theyll send eticket and visa on Jan 7 (4 days before Jan 11)

25th Oct 2007, 10:12
Hey ! I just got an email from Emirates saying i need to sendthe chest x-ray and the report well i sent the report they gave me but the x-ray is 3 times the size of a normal piece of paper , how do i send that?

can someone help me out ?


25th Oct 2007, 13:45
How much do your medical test cost to get done? do you have to play for all of them?
Also what is life like in dubai? do you get much free time? How many people do you live with?



25th Oct 2007, 19:12
Hey Guys do you think it would be a great advantage for me if I speak among arabic (native speaker) German, French and English? I heared that Emirates needs Arabic speaking Candidates from abroad who speak different languages urgent! I hope to make it!! I hate those stressful OpenDays where you have to "fight" against sooo many others and to show them that you are the persone they are looking for! And when it came up to this famous letter after every session which states "Congr. you have made it though to the next stage" or "Unfortunately you have not been successful at ths stage" OMG I came through all stages last year instead of the final interview, and If I remember how I felt when I saw all the time this letter with my reference number on it I was really jittering soo much! Hope to stick all these stages out again!:ok: Keep your fingers crossed for me guys! That would help me!!!!:ugh:


26th Oct 2007, 10:21
I remember when i got the "congratulations" letter during each stage of the assessment!!i have even saved them and will always keep them...i am so proud of them....but don't worry, i am sure you will make it...you have to think and believe that or you won't make it...All the best!


26th Oct 2007, 11:39
Hey JKFLY! I know exactly what you mean about the Congratulation letters, I have kept mines as well! I remember when picking up the second letter after the second group assessment and I had a feeling it would be a rejection! My heart sank when it was a congrats letter...sooooo happy!

Hey PETIKS...Thanks for letting me know about the visa and ticket, I was not sure when they would send them. They emailed me the other day to say they have received my medicals and will be in contact if they need anything else. I guess I just have to wait. There was nothing wrong with my medicals, I just want them to say YESSSSS quickly!...I hate waiting around!hehe...

26th Oct 2007, 12:29

you have to pay for all the medical tests yourself.

and dubai is awesome, just really expensive, horrible traffic, and really hot during the summer....kinda like las vegas! (without the casinos)

you either live with one or two other cabin crew (same sex, same/close nationality)...

any other questions, just PM me


26th Oct 2007, 16:05
hi all...
i'm new to this site. i've one question. i have filled in the application form of ek one month ago. i received a confirmation that they received my application and told that if i'm shortlisted i'll be invited for an interview. actually there is an open day to be held in my country in two weeks' time. right now i'm a bit confused....i don't know if i have to wait for an invitation from ek for the open day or go to it by myself.... some help about it would be most welcome..


26th Oct 2007, 20:43
Hi you don`t have to receive an invitation for an Open day! Just turn Up and make your thing! I keep my fingers crossed for you! remember that EK is receiveing 30.000 application sper month so it would be alittle bit difficult to receive an invitation! Ok last year they sent me one but you can turn up without at OpenDays! And don`t forget Open days can open door for you:-)

27th Oct 2007, 07:40
thanks a lot to you Midadi...
really appreciated that. but tell me one thing, before going to an open day, does one have to apply online so as to go to the open day or not necessarily? because what i've heard is that you will have to show the reference number they give you at the open day, therefore you need to apply.


27th Oct 2007, 10:22
For an open day you dont need a ref number...if it is a global assessment day, then you need a ref number because you have been invited...i am pretty sure about that...

27th Oct 2007, 10:39
Hi, as said before you don`t need a ref. number for an Open day! During this process (Open Day) they will give you a reference number when handing over your CV and photographs to the recruiters! But I read in Emirates Website that they recommend to apply online even if you are just going to an open day so that they have immediate access to your details! Good luck in Mauritius! I wanted to visit Mauritius next summer:-) But If I make it through at Emirates there are more things to see:-) keep discovering......

Best regards!

27th Oct 2007, 15:41
got a email from emirates today saying my medicals were not detailed enough and i had to send my dental certificate- appendix 6. the dental form was appendix 5 and i already filled it in and sent it back. :ugh: i re sent the appendix 5 form filled in by my dentist, all it says on it is the yes circled and the top bit filled in marking i have one filling on my back tooth. it says excellent oral heath on the details bit and i dunno... what else could they be wanting

anyone else waiting confirmation that they have passed their medicals? xxx anyone else feel down waiting to hear from them, its been so long since i applied and its such a bit desision and its getting so close to the date im meant to be flying i just wish it was all concrete and definate! :suspect:


27th Oct 2007, 23:10
I would recommend that you still apply to EK online and make sure that you put your reference number clearly on your CV, so they know that you are already one step ahead and trying to make their life easier. Remember, having your info at hand might just make you lucky.

My sister is in Mauritius right now, I am sooo jealous! :p I was born there but grew up in London....so sort of Londoner ;). Where are you from in MRU?

Can't wait to start with EK in January! YAYYYYYYYYYYYYY :ok:

28th Oct 2007, 01:06
hello guys I'm so new here! I just want to confirm that open day mean like just a walik-in and they will entertain me? please tell me. Plan to go to oman this november. tnxs:)

28th Oct 2007, 09:21
LRC: You are absolutely right, that's exactly what an Open Day is, though from my understanding (as I went to an assessment day) you need to take along your CV and photographs to an Open Day. Check the EK group careers website as it is all outlined on there. GOOD LUCK :cool:

28th Oct 2007, 12:43
Ohhh Damn!!!!!!! I hate my boss:-( I will not be able to attend one of the Ek`s Open days in Europe in november as I will be abroad for several fairs where the company I am actually employed will be represented by us! It will bring good mony but I was sooo exited to go again for Emirates! Well I don`t know for what it is good:-) Will try in december!

We will be in Spain, Italy, Greece and Czech!

28th Oct 2007, 13:46
Ali: Tnxs A Lot , Yeah Been Trying Hopefully With Ek And Ey, Even With Gulf Air Been Flying With Saudia For More Than Four Years Now And It Seems I'm Not Going Anywhere. Trying My Best! Does Etihad Have Open Days Too? Based On Their Website They Will Just Entertain Online . I Also Did Apply For It And Up To Now, No Response Yet, In Gulf Air Is There An Open Day Too?:*

29th Oct 2007, 00:30
Hey crew,

Can anyone tell me why they are holding an open day on the sunday?

It has always been as far as I know, open day usually on a saturday followed by assessment on the sunday.

Never the less I'll be attending that day.

Anyone else from Melbourne or Australia attending Dec 9th?

29th Oct 2007, 13:25
Please give the time we have a assement days or a recruitementfor cabin crew in tunisia :ugh: by emirates airlines i am waiting for the answer please Mr :bored: :hmm: :confused:

29th Oct 2007, 15:28
:ok:Hey, EY do no have any open days as far as I know, they only have the regular assessment days where you need to have applied online and invited to attend. Personally I have tried applying to EY through their website but I have found the website to be absolutely rubbish and not user friendly at all. There were also technological problems and it would always lock me out and crash. In the end it would not allow me to log in and I never heard back after emailing EY to sort the problem out. So in the end, I just gave up with EY. Hey ho...I am EK now...so I have well forgotten EY. Personally I would not want to be based in Abu Dhabi in comparison to DXB. I hope you have better luck. ;)

29th Oct 2007, 23:05
The interview process was quite stressful and intimidating but oh so worth it in the end :) The process is as follows:

Open Day. There will be a couple of hundred applicants there. Reality is only about 10 of you will get a position with Emirates give or take. This is where your resume is vital to being invited for the next interview. They go through a video and explain a bit about the company and the job. They watch your every move. I have heard that they have spies in the crowd watching your every move even at the coffee shop. So be on your best flight attendant behaviour at ALL times! They will go through the resumes that day briefly so at first glace they need to be outstanding. If you are invited to stay you will come back the next day for round 2!

Round 2. This is the day of group exersises. You will be put in groups and they will ask you to discuss amongst your group about a given topic. My first topic was "at what age should children be given mobile phones". They want you to interact but not take over. A good tip is to be sort of like a mediator. Make sure everyone is having a say. Do not be over oppinionated. That could mean you will be a pain to work with! Be pleasant and put up your hand before you speak. Do not interupt others. I mediated towards the end when they said to come to a conclusion by saying to the grup "what does everyone think would be a good age?" this allowed everyone to come to the agreement rather than just discuss it. :) The day is like Australian idol. They go through rounds just cutting people out. You leave the room after the group discussions and then come back in. They have letters for everyone. Once you get the letter you exit the room. The letter either says you are invited to stay or thankyou but goodbye! Brutal and not a nice process but it has to be done!

Final interview. This is a one on one. I found this the easiest. Although it is very important that you are prepared for the questions they will ask you. I was overprepared. They want to have positive answers to evrey question. Never bag out a past employer for any reason if anything praise why you enjoyed working for them. They will ask you questions such as:

- Why do you want to be a flight attendant for Emirates Airlines?
- How have you found the interview process?
- Give me an example of a time where you did something wrong at work and how did you fix it?
- Give me an example of something an employer has said you have done a great job at?
- Give me an example of when you have been told you have done something wrong or where you have not preformed well at a task? How did that make you feel?
- Give me an example of when you have gone out of your way for a customer?
- Give me an example of when you have had an unhappy customer and how you handled it?

I started preparing for the open day about a month before it was held. I wanted to be in the know as much as possible. I read alot of the cabin crew threads on the forum site pprune.com to get an insight into the life of a flight attendant. This enabled me to have an understanding of what personal characteristics were necessary to get the job and perform it well once I got there. Having a full understanding of the type of person I needed to be helped alot in the interviews. I found alot about how to behave during the interviews and from my personal experience her are some of the characteristics the recruiters look for on the day:

- Natural smile. Always. Like all day. So start practising my cheeks were so sore by the last day.
- Courtesy towards others such as not pushing in lines.
- No bitchiness. Do not bitch about anyone or anything! Even if others are do not participate.
- No swearing!
- No loud commotion while waiting. Behave like a lady.
- Do not sit with your legs crossed. Sit with knees together slightly to the side so it is comfortable and hands on laps.
- Do not winge. Even if you are tired and sick of waiting remain pleasent.
- Be friendly with others. Make friends and remember names. Do not go crazy and seem as though you are demanding attention though.
- Be confident but not overly confident. They want someone who will be able to interact with all types of people. They do not want someone shy but they also do not want someone who is overly confident and over the top.
- Do not waffle on when asked a question keep it short and sweet.

So pretty much they are looking for someone who is a nice person, confident but not cocky or over the top, someone who behaves like a lady and is genuinly happy to be there on the day!

Ensure that you are overprepared! Remember to take the following:
- Passport photo of yourself with hair pulled back in business atire and a full length in a skirt suit. They will ask for proffessional ones but not until the final round.
- Bandaids. If not for yourself for others also. Shows that you are caring and think outside the box.
- PEN!!!!!!! So many people forgot this. Not a good look.
- Your reference number from your application.
- A resume. Make sure your resume is spot on! Include in your resume why you would like to be a flight attendant. Do not make the resume any longer than 2 pages. Take a copy of your resume to everyday of interviews.
- Lollies. I took a bag of lollies and it was a great thing towards the end of the days especially while waiting. The girls loved me for it too! Share them around :)

As for what to wear on the day, it is quite important. There are alot of applicants there and you want to stand out! Not stand out by being really out there but by dressing 100% appropriate. Emirates is a conservative airline so no funky or sexy outfits. Keep it nice and clean and simple.

Guys wear:
- A suit. Conservative colour shirt and tie. Shirt tucked in.
- Hair neat and short. Not covered in too much product and no crazy or fashionable hair styles.
- Clean black shoes.

Girls wear:
- Skirt suit. With a shirt in a conservative colour stucked in to skirt. Think flight attendant. If they can visualise you as one then your one step closer to becoming one.
- Shoes simple low heals or flats. Do not turn up in really high stilletos. A heal is nice but keep it conservative.
- No silk shirts. Sexy is not the name of the game. White or pastel is best.
- Minimal jewelry.
- Hair pulled back very neat in a bun or pony tail.
- Makeup not too over the top but enough to look well groomed. Wear a nice lipstick it makes a difference.
- Nails. It is worth getting them done with a nice french polish. Only cost about $10 at a salon.

Attention to detail with apearance makes a difference and may be what gets you to the next stage.

I hope this helps. Just be calm and try to really enjoy the process!

30th Oct 2007, 03:22
Why does Emirates need to know your dental history? Will anything disqualify you as an applicant if they find something about your teeth? Or is it b/c they want you to get the necessary work to be done on your teeth in your home country BEFORE you come to Dubai?

30th Oct 2007, 08:37
hi, regarding the above dental history, ive been through all the medicals and dont remember having to tell them my dental history just what my current dental health is like? i had fixed retainer for 3 years when younger and never had to tell them bout that???

i also want to ask about money, when we get there how much do we need minimum, im trying to pay off my student debts as i graduated in july and saving to fetch to dubai is little and far between. i think i cud prob get about £500 do u think i will be struggling? i wud like to go out maybe once a week or twice if lucky but know that prob wont happen with all the training hehe cant wait im relly looking forward to it all. but serious is anyone taking around £500 or do u suggest more? how much is average shopping and evening meals etc

also girls- acrylic/ gel french nails are they allowed? iusually have manicured hands but ive removed them to try grow them naturally as i herd eK dont allow false nails?

anyone else joining december?

any help on the money question would be good!!!

Becky :)

30th Oct 2007, 10:04
Why do they ask if you have scars during the one-on-one interview & not when you're doing your medicals instead?

30th Oct 2007, 11:15
all i know is that when you get there you will be given $2500...500 is a gift from them, 2000 they will be deducting from your pay..so i think any little extra should help!

30th Oct 2007, 11:31
aww ok thank you, how much are you planning on taking with you?

30th Oct 2007, 12:05
hi guys, i've just applied and wondered how long it normally took them to get in touch etc?

30th Oct 2007, 12:34
for your dental, they just want to make sure that you dont have any noticable teeth defections like when you smile...
cavaties are ok, and if you have a chipped tooth (i do :( ), if it looks good and doesnt take away from your apperance, youre OK.

30th Oct 2007, 17:30
Thanks Sleepy. I was just a little worried b/c I've had a root canal, and several fillings done do to cavities and I thought that would disqualify me. I had braces when I was 11 years old for about two years and stupid me, I never wore my retainers. So now, some of my teeth are moving and some are not that straight anymore as it used to be , so before I go and apply when I turn 21, I'm planning on getting Invisalign.

30th Oct 2007, 18:14
it's been 4 weeks since my last final interview and until now i never heard anything from emirates.. i sent an email and asked if they received all the required documents but no reply... i am so worried, i'm loosing my patience and i feel stressed already for this long waiting...i've been reading all the comments here and usually the waiting takes 3-4 weeks only and the motto "no news is a good news"..hope it's true.... :confused:

30th Oct 2007, 19:14
i am in the same situation. Now i am heading to my 4th week with no answers so far. Anyway, lets see what is going to happen !!!


30th Oct 2007, 20:29
It really is NO NEW IS GOOD NEWS with Emirates. It also depends how fast your file gets seen to. Wait another two weeks and then give them a ring. I would not ring them before that as they state that you should wait 6 weeks before contacting them. I know the waiting is hard but hang in there. Good Luck! :)

31st Oct 2007, 00:26
Hey mister,

Honestly I didnt think about calling them. I just dont want to receive that no wanted letter again. As I told you before, this is my second final interview. Last year I tried and received that terrible letter and I can tell you that its really hard to believe.

Anyway I am keeping my fingers crossed this time and facing this situation in a positive way.


31st Oct 2007, 10:28
I have talked to a number of the new recruits who will be starting with me in January and most of them are from Brazil. It looks like EK like the Brazilians and with the new EK flight to Sao Paulo, it might just be your lucky day and it falls into place for you.

Apparently the longer you wait, the better as they are most likely to say yes. The shorter you wait, its most likely to be no. In my case I found out in under two weeks, so it just proves that you cannot really anticipate the way EK thinks. Good Luck & I hope its good news. :p

Keep me posted!

31st Oct 2007, 10:44
i know how you feel..i have been waiting 7 weeks now..they told me last week to resend some pics, i did and then she said my file was being processed and that she would get back to me via email...what is that suposed to mean???patience is definitely a virtue i am cultivating here

31st Oct 2007, 12:33
Hi, I 've been waiting for last 3 months and have been told that they will get back to me......so patience.....:ok:

31st Oct 2007, 13:31
As far as I know (and I could be wrong), they always ring you if you are successful and send emails out if not.

31st Oct 2007, 19:08

my friend whos been over in dubai from london has written to me all about the money situation,

she took with her £500 which is $USA 1040 , $AUS 1114 and 718 EURO


She was however based out in the sticks near the airport so life was more expensive but she STRONGLY advised me to take more if possible .

You do get given 2500Dirhams when you get there which is £327, $USA 680 , $Aus 729 , EURO:469 but that gets deducted for the first 2 months in halves.

Your pay is roughly only £500 for the first few months so that will really eat into what money you have in the first few months so its better to not really spend a lot of that LENT money.

I thought i would get this posted as i was planning on taking less than what she took. I hope everyone going soon has a way of making some more money i'm definately on the case now like some of you i have bills to pay right up until i leave.

Also i dont know if Melisa is still on here but her ******** is FANTASTIC!!! check it out she talks you through the whole training process AND theres PICTURES !!!!

www melisa-emiratesairlines . ******** .com

I have to put the spaces in cuz they wont let me put it all together without blocking it have a look


31st Oct 2007, 19:34
:\Emirates airlines where are you i n tunisia no visit for recruitement days :*

31st Oct 2007, 19:43

They are NOT having a recruitment day in Tunisia anymore this year and nothing is planned yet for next year as i told you before! youve asked the same question so many times and people including myself have answered you, Relax!

31st Oct 2007, 20:11
:= every one can go the assessement days and do a test for get a job !!!!!!! why or my friends have a certificate of cabin crew for choose us first not another person it so bad :ugh:we do our best for get this diploma and no result with compagny it so foolish :D think you to qatr airways specially for her false support :oh:

31st Oct 2007, 20:25
:* when emirates airlines can open days for recruitement in tunisia for cabin crew i am waiting for answer plus i sing up in the web site and no invitation over :\

31st Oct 2007, 20:32

You must have a misunderstanding of what this website is. This is not a recruitment site and we are not part of the recruitment team. As i have told you before, and im quite sure of it as i work for Emirates, they are NOT having anymore assesment days in Tunisia this year and they havnt planned any YET for next year. You keep posting the same question over and over again and you have gotten your answer. Take it easy!

31st Oct 2007, 20:47
a friend of mine got this dreaded "email" last 2 weeks ago so she phoned me and ask if i got the same letter so i checked my email and fortunately none. i still recall the OD, so unprepared i didn't had my printed resume coz my printer didn't work so i went to an internet shop just to print my resume and i was 15 mins. late when they started. i was so hungry i didn't had my breaky and not allowed to it coz it's ramadan...so just imagine i didn't ate the whole day and at the same time feeling nervous and exhausted coz of the whole day interview...i feel lucky every after i received the lettter with the first word "Congratulations blahblablah.." all my coworkers were calling me every after stages they wanna know if i passed or not..i still can't believe i passed all the stages on the 1st day. and on the 2nd day, still unprepared, got incomplete requirements, had no idea what question to be askedand so nervous! ...when i heard the 1st question, it just popped in my mind that this is gonna be easy coz it's all about my past experience, i felt like it's not me who were talking answering all those questions and it took only less than half an hour...so now i'm still waiting for the "golden call", hoping to be called this week... just like to share my experience during OD til my last interview...goodluck to all of us!

31st Oct 2007, 21:07
you are tested by emirates airlines or qatar airways tell me about the question and the interview i am so interesting :bored:

31st Oct 2007, 23:37
MIDOY: At the risk of sounding blunt or rude, having a cabin crew qualification does not make it any easier to get a job as cabin crew, sure it shows that one is dedicated, but it does not show whether a person is the right candidate for the job. Unfortunately thats how it goes. And surely such a course cannot possibly teach people to have a personality, decent looks, or a sense of humour. And let's face it - that's what most airlines are looking for. Such a course is a complete waste of time in my opinion.

INTHEZONE: I am due to start training with EK in Jan, I have been doing lots of research about life in Dubai etc and I am so looking forward to it. I know this is cheeky of me, but any chance of getting to know what you current roster for the month is like? It would help if you could...perhaps not post it on here if you do not want to, but a pvt message. I've seen rosters from BA etc but those are not the companies I am joining at the end of the day. Thanks...:O

1st Nov 2007, 00:24
Hey Dear Ali Xander

Thanks for your reply. Last year it took 4 weeks for the no wanted letter and them they asked me to resend pictures afterwards. I resent pictures and the non wanted letter came again.... funny right!!!

If longer means a positive answer, i can tell you that i dont care to wait 6, 7 or 8 weeks.

Also they are doing a huge recruitment process here in Brazil through Fly Right International that in my point of view is doing a great job.

It seems they have only 120 Brazilian Cabin Crew in dubai and they really want to increase this number due to the new flight and also yes, they like brazilians.

I will keep you updated about my situation.

Fingers Crossed


1st Nov 2007, 00:56
Ali xander:

Oct Roster:
03rd stndby
04th 05th JNB
07th DOH
09th-11th LHR
15th-16th VIE
18th stndby
22nd 23th ATH
24th CAI
25th AMM
26th-29th DME

Hope that helps...

1st Nov 2007, 03:05
Hi to the beautiful CC of Emirates. Im not sure if you still get to check this forum. I got my final approval on my medical and is scheduled for a jan 11 joining date. So yay right? But Im having 2nd thoughts. I would like to ask more questions about the job, the people, working & living in Dubai, just to be more informed when I make the decision.

So here goes...
(1) How much is base pay and flying hrs of Grade II. After Grade II what happens. Hope you can share with me payscale.

(2) How does the ERP work? Hope you can illustrate how (a)50% of salary protection against currency fluctuation and (b) 15% above threshold protection rate work.

(3) Training - I have been made aware of the 4-week training requirement. In my case, if joining date is Jan 11, do I start flying on Feb 8? I also came across some forums that uniforms will be provided on the 2nd day of training.

(4) Upgrades and corresponding salary adjustments - you have mentioned that usually after 1 yr and depending on the crew's performance, upgrade to Grade 2 takes place. Are there instances wherein good performance merits faster updgrades. Basically, I would like to get a more clear idea of how a crew moves up.

(5) How does the profit sharing work? Will you be at liberty to share how it was last year for cabin crew?

(6) How do the medical benefits apply to our dependents? Will valid dependents have similar/same benefits as ours?

(7) How are arrangements for accommodations done? Is it done at random (old employee and newbie? Both newbies? and regardless of nationality)?

(8) What are the first months like? How about the first year

(9) Cana a CC still fly even after 35 yo? Or is this age ceiling only applies at point of recruitment?

(10) Does a cabin crew have options to move to other departments such as marketing/customer care/training during/after his/her contract? Were there former crew who joined other teams in EK?

(11) How are the passengers?

(12) what are the best flights/layovers AND the worst flight/layovers?

(13) Do you have enough days off on the first year? Enough time to go to the gym, take up yoga, study photography etc?

(14) How are the EK accommodations in Dubai?

(15) How is like living in Dubai? the culture? the people?

(16) And for the final question what would be the best piece of advise to someone who will venture into the international airline industry and what should/shouldnt I do to maximize/"ruin" this wonderful opportunity.

1st Nov 2007, 07:52
Do emirates give you information on suitable makeup and do you get a kit?

1st Nov 2007, 10:09
Hey...Thanks for that, it does help as it seem you get a very good mix indeed. Particularly like the LHR & DME, though I wish the JNB was longer! :p

How long have you been with EK?


1st Nov 2007, 10:11
i want to know the very same thing, do emirates give you the red lipstick and a set of things they suggest you use? xx also money how much is everyone taking xxx

1st Nov 2007, 14:09
you get grooming class in the first couple of classess.
Cinlnque sponsors Emirates Grooming Classesss. Obviously, as males we dont get makeup stuff...

1st Nov 2007, 14:44
Noticed that some CC wear skirts while some wear the trousers. What are rules?

Are shoes/bags provided for? what about stockings?

Also, do we have to bring our own make-up or also taken cared/sponsored by Clinique?

Can I wear champagne colored pearl earrings?

1st Nov 2007, 14:53
i know we get grooming class but shall i buy all new make up to fetch or shall i wait and see what EK give. i need a new foundation mascara etc but dont know if they give you them or to buy them now xxx sure all the girls are wanting to know this too- sounds stupid but not wanting to go buy my usual stuff as there really expensive and more money to fetch to dubai better.

Anyone can help wud be fantastic!!!

1st Nov 2007, 16:09
Ali xander:

Ive been with EK five months now. Yeah, you usually do get a fairly good mix, however sometimes id does depend on your luck to be honest. I mean you usually get atleat one LHR (24 hr) every month and yes the JNB is too short but if your not too exhausted you can still get around. Eg. my second roster was like 90 % turn arounds but usually you tend to get a mix. It depends on the route, eg. DME you wont be getting very often couse its not a daily and u usually get a fair amount of Russian speaking crew (not me). The longest layover ive had is MXP (72 hrs) but then it depends on your luck.

1st Nov 2007, 17:34
:D think you for the information but i would like now how the test is passed and the interview with emirates airlines it is ok ???????? ;)

1st Nov 2007, 18:53
Reading the SMH online and noticed a report that the elusive Bigfoot may have been spotted, made me think about our ex Qantas Champion Lisa! Wonder where she is? any news? For a moment there i thought she may be advising big Tony Abbott, he seems to have f****** things up enough of late!

1st Nov 2007, 21:36
Petiks, EK don't allow trousers for female CC in uniform, though I heard they're permitted while training.

1st Nov 2007, 22:45

just so you know Ek females can wear trousers as part of the uniform

1st Nov 2007, 23:41
thats too bad about guys not getting makeup...
i was really looking forward to that.

haha, of course im jking


2nd Nov 2007, 00:43
midoy10 is taking a well-earned break from this thread for a week.

2nd Nov 2007, 02:41
hiya, this is my first post ever! so hello everyone hope ur all good!

well.. i have also had my final interview for emirates and they called me about 2 weeks ago to ask why they hadnt received my pictures (postal strike) so i sent them again and called them to see if the had received them which they now have and they said my file had been sent to dubai just the day before, so the point of this very long post lol.. is it 6 weeks from when the dubai ppl get ur file or in total cos my interview was beginning of october??

thankyou xx

2nd Nov 2007, 10:10
It's 6 weeks in total. From the day I handed my pictures over to them, thats when I started counting the week. I assume they sent all the files by courier, hence Admin in Dubai get hold of you file very fast. Once there, thats when you'll either get lucky and someone have a look at it and decide or it can sit there for the entire 6 weeks before they make a decision. I hope its the former rather than the latter and you are successful. Good Luck!

ps...all the make up talk for everyone else, Clinique does a good range for men, we should get some freebies too ;)

2nd Nov 2007, 10:32
Well, finally got my medicals off to them today, after much pain, not only in my arms and mouth, but in my pocket too :( No doubt I got another intense wait in front of me again, although it should be all fine :D

2nd Nov 2007, 10:55
Its good to see you back....don't worry i am sure all this will be worth it and you will sooon be in Sunny Dubai.:O

2nd Nov 2007, 13:15
I just thought i'de let you know how long ive been waiting, I've been reading some ppls questions, I had the final interview in beg sept and then didn't hear from them until begining October to say do medicals, I did medicals then sent them off one week after (did them extra quick)- all fine.Tthen heard from them last week saying they needed some more stuff they hadn't recieved which i re-sent (must have not got to them first time round) then i still havent heard a single thing since so all in all since the interview its been exactly two months and i dont know any more! nightmare, xxx my medicals ended up costing me £400 for the forms n appointments and then £500 to get all my wisdom teeth removed because they wud have needed doing within the next year! so £800 and still no yes!

my medicals cost
£150 doctors
£90 chest xray
£110 hiv test
£65 Hep Bjabs (3)
blood test they did free
Audiograph free


2nd Nov 2007, 13:39
hey, im in america, and i am always told how great the UK health care system is...why did it cost so much? dont you have health insurance?

mine only costed $25 for everything!!! (it was my insurance co-pay).

sorry you spent almost $2,000....for that much money i could ship my car to dubai!!!

2nd Nov 2007, 13:43
a big thank you to our friendly moderator to end a certain users posting in our thread!!!


2nd Nov 2007, 13:56
Who has the moderator barred? Well if it's for employment purposes u can't get it done on the NHS for free, the NHS don't do anything for free for me! haha They wont do medicals for employment purposes or chest xrays for free, unless you actually have something wrong with you! It's silly really, and for HIV tests it's so hard to get one, My doctor refused to do one and then the GUM clinic said they wouldn't give me a letter saying it was negative because they don't provide them for employment purposes so i had to go to a private clinic and pay £110.

My dentist was really good and only charged me check up prices but wouldn't put me on the NHS for my wisdom teeth removing because i wouldn't be here in time for the waiting list so refered me to a private dentist.

how much are you taking money wise sleepy?

do you take money cash?

im well miffed off to here ppl got their medicals free i so wish mine were then i might have some money left to take to spend!!! anyone else in my position

2nd Nov 2007, 14:04
Hello gurls and guys!!i seriously need help (my first post):{ i have an Open Day here in Mauritius nxt sunday...i dont know what it will be like??(do i hve to prepare some notes on the company just in case?) what do i need to prepare?? + what kinda questions will i b asked??
Someone please help me:uhoh:

secondly i have sme acne spots on my face..will that b a problem in the selection process(will i not b selected Bcoz of these acne?>:confused:
and what about cavities?
and do we need to have a perfect spoken english?

Please HELP:(
hope to hear from u soon..
P.S u can snd a private mesage as per convenience or on the open forum

2nd Nov 2007, 14:43
I am pretty much in the same position as you Becky. Though I have been a little more fortunate with them as they seem to keep me updated with what is going on. I would be tearing my hair out if I did not hear from them.

As for medicals, yes Sleepy, they cost a small fortune here in the UK. I had to pay the doc £100 to fill out all the forms, do my check up and that also included all the vaccinations I needed. The doc did annoy me as he would not do my HIV test, or chest X-ray. As you rightly said Becky, something had to be wrong with me for them to do a chest xray!! Anyhow, I had to get them done quick so I resulted in going private. One thing I learnt from that is, if you have the money, going private is just heaven! like first class but for the medical industry (I don't have the money, the joys of a credit card)! :O They were very good as I received an appointment the very same day, they did my HIV test which cost £110. They then referred me to get the Xray Chest (£70) and Audigram (£90) and within that same afternoon in an hour, I had gotten them all done (they wrote the reference letters too for the results..bonus!). As for the dentist, teeth were all in fine shape :p, so I only had to pay £20 for the Xrays! Managed to make an appointment to see the doctor and he completed all the forms. Silly doc even asked me where I went to get my other tests done and how much it cost, so he could refer other patients! :E

Anyhow sent it all off to Dubai and they actually emailed to say they received it! now just waiting. I am due to fly out on the 11th of Jan and the medicals were fine, so not really fussing over them as they will call - I am giving them until 11th Dec and then I will ring myself if I have not heard anything.

Back to money worries! I am thinking that I will only be able to scrape £500 to take to Dubai as the taxmen is eating into my temping job's wage packet, and Xmas coming up and also having to buy some essentials for when I move! It's all a little worrying now cause of that. :ugh:

That's may rant over, over to you Sleepy and Beckyr :ok:

2nd Nov 2007, 15:17
Oh good lol i wasn't the only one that paid it, did u goto the same day doctor? that's where i went they were amazing! you can get anything you want done there in same day! i never thought about private stuff before never thought of it as an option but then knowing these clinics now exist, (even though they do cost an arm and a leg) I would consider them in the future as the NHS take so long!

i will hopefully try save something like £500 for dubai but its guna be hard with everything- got so much to think about- contract phone for one, to cancel that and pay that off! Then my car insurance too :S they charge to cancel both!!! Then all essentials- toiletries and bits and bobs, all adds up. I Guess i'll just have to do bare min for a few months in dubai! however sure the sunshine will be out and we will have each other and our new country to explore so should be ok.

due to fly in a month- dec 7th and not got finals yet, but sure they will come! well i hope so anyway lol

2nd Nov 2007, 16:48
Hello!!i seriously need help (my first post):{ i have an Open Day here in Mauritius nxt sunday...i dont know what it will be like??(do i hve to prepare some notes on the company just in case?) what do i need to prepare?? + what kinda questions will i b asked??
Someone please help me:uhoh:

secondly i have sme acne spots on my face..will that b a problem in the selection process(will i not b selected Bcoz of these acne?>:confused:
and what about cavities?
and do we need to have a perfect spoken english?

Please HELP:(
hope to hear from u soon..

2nd Nov 2007, 17:14

An open day consists of the recruitment team doing a presentation on Emirates and taking in CVs to short-list candidates for their upcoming assessment days.I would recommend doing research on EK as at the end of the presentation they give you a chance to ask questions (try to ask a smart question, as this might make them remember you). To be honest,If i were you i would try to use a conceler on your acne to try to cover it up as much as possible as EK do lay quite a bit of emphasis on apperiance ( your personality is most important, however apperance does play a part,not that you have to look perfect or anything) In regards to the level of English, it needs to be somwhat "fluent".I mean you dont have to be able to read and understand shakespeare or anything but but a high level of spoken and written English.

Hope that helps.

2nd Nov 2007, 17:28
Hey everyone!!! Just a quick note to ask if anyone has a join date of Dec 7th. I got my call last week, and I'm starting on that date. I'm doing my meds next week, so this is all a little crazy. Let me know. Good luck to the rest of you

2nd Nov 2007, 17:34

thanx a lot m8 :ok:..ive already started some research on EK..hope i'll not get an itellectual breakdown that Day..:)..
well am quite anxious though but anyway its my first trial and i shuld b positive..if they call me d nxt day (if am selected) what will it be like?
P.s am a guy and i kinda measure 1m76 and weigh 59kg is that a prob??

2nd Nov 2007, 18:18
i think that shouldnt be an issue. i am only 172cm and 58kgs and is to fly within the next twenty one days!!! and yes, i am also a guy. but still expecting to get freebies from clinique. lol

2nd Nov 2007, 18:20

2nd Nov 2007, 19:15
lol. not at all love. think i am the one who is slim skinny (as in steak, perhaps i am medium rare). as for red lipstick, lol, dont want to be too obvious as to become the only daffyd in the village --if you know wot i mean. he he he. so no, not as yet. he he.

anyways, on a serious note re medicals, as quoted from ali xander, indeed, it was a first class service to do it all privately.

just for a comparison, to follow is the breakdown of my medicals:

Dental £50.00
Vaccination (4 injections, two on each arm, within the same minute!) £120.00
Optician £10.00
Rest of Medicals (at one clinic only, result within the same day) £297.00

that brings up a total of £477.00.

also, i happen to find this very interesting blog by another melissa. i personally adore her writing and been reading it more than i read me own quran, lol.

tampaxtowers dot ******** dot com

happy reading!

and oh, i reckon they are quite a few londoners in here. do you fancy meeting up in town --we may not be in the same batch but there is always this wee possibility that we will be working in the same galley! let me know your thoughts --pm me pls.


3rd Nov 2007, 07:25
hope the recruitment team will also believe in me...lol

BTW congrats to all of u who made it...hope i'll b joining u soon.:rolleyes:

3rd Nov 2007, 11:40
I wish they wud hurry up with my final approval, it's really really getting me down now, i just don't want to do anything.

i think i'm getting too stressed out, want to plan xmas if i'm here or tell ppl i wont be here if i'm going! Really low today


3rd Nov 2007, 15:44

Just looking for some advice? I need to get a full medical as im starting with emirates on the 14th December and running out of time! have tried ringing around as my GP wont help!

Please can someone advice me of roughly how much they cost and where to go as I have only found one private clinic that do it and they charge about £350...I am based in Manchester UK.

Thanks :)

3rd Nov 2007, 15:48

I read your post and was wondering if you can tell me roughly how much medicals cost? I have accepted a position with emirates and have a joining date but need my medicals completing however finding it difficult to find somewhere as my GP wont help...!
Do you know where is the best place?

I am based in Manchester

Thanks and good luck

3rd Nov 2007, 16:30
same day doctor in manchester centre is where i went they are amazing. If I was you i'de expect to pay £500 like most of us here did, if you read back a few comments we wrote how much we all spent xxx doctors surgerys should do medicals for around £100 pounds, my doctors did it for £150, you can everything you need at that private centre though, there is only one in manchester and one in london, i had to go there because no where would do me a HIV test. xx

3rd Nov 2007, 17:18
hiyyyyeeeee!!!!!!! tomorrow will be a new day n i hope emirates will call me this coming week....it's been five weeks now since my last interview and i'm getting so nervous and anxious already...bit stress with the whole thing...i was planning 3 days ago to apply at gulf air as there was an OD today but i'm not feeling good and just want to spend my day off with my family and still hoping to receive the "golden phone call" this coming week...anyone here from bahrain????....still keeping my fingers crossed...wish me luck:hmm::confused:

3rd Nov 2007, 17:58
Good evening everyone!
Just putting out a post to see if there is anyone else who has had approval yet and is starting on Nov 16th?? I'm flying from LHR/LGW so just waiting for the ticket to say which one it's going to be. Would be great to get in touch with some people before the journey out to avoid feeling a tad isolated on arrival :ooh:

With regards to everyone posting about medicals, especially if you are UK based, I discovered a fantastic thing about the HIV test, try to avoid going to centers where you have to pay £110-£150 for same day test results. I had mine done at a sex health clinic on the NHS so cost nothing, and I also got my Hep A+B Combined vaccination for free too. Results take a week to come but, with the other tests costing so much, the £110 can be really handy. Bear in mind that the results aren't printed on a letter specifically stating your results so you may need to put in a request to have a doctor's letter confirming.

I hope this is of help to anyone who is just undertaking their medicals and I wish you all the best of luck and congratulations to the others who have received their approval and are flying out.


3rd Nov 2007, 21:12
I am in the same situation. Both of us still waiting for the golden call and i can tell you, i am freaking out here.

Anyway i am heading to my 5th week and i really hope to have the call by tomorrow or monday !!!!

As we had 3 Assessment Days in Brazil in one week, i guess they can be really late to advise people about their situation here.

Lets keep our fingers crossed, wishing to fly together one day.

See you soon :ok:


3rd Nov 2007, 23:04
Beckyr: I went to two different doctors but it was my GP who looked at all the results which I received from the private clinic and then signed all my medical papers for EK. I used Freedom Health in London, which I came across over the Internet. I found that the HIV test was pretty much costing the same thing in most private clinics - £110. I have always known about private but never would I thought I would end up using their services as I've never had anything that's been serious enough that required me to do so, until this Emirates job fell into my lap. ;) Oh, for the optician, I did not pay anything, it was a free eye test and they filled out my form too (BONUS!). I know what you mean about having so much to pay for and sort out before leaving London, I need to cancel my phone contract too, it actually pains me as I have had my number for years! (sentimental sod I am!). I will be cheeky and try and find a solution so I do not have to pay to cancel the contract though...no harm in trying! :cool: As for bits and bobs to take, its my birthday this month and I've been cheeky and came up with a wishlist which has been sent out to all my family and friends who will buy presents for me - its makes sense as the things will be those that I would need and save me buying them. That will leave only a few bits and bobs to buy then I am hoping, then again, I am sure I will go a little mad in the January sales! :p
Hope your final golden phone call comes soon! you should have started packing already! I have!..and I am not travelling until January!hehe

3rd Nov 2007, 23:11
You have done such a BAAAAAAAD thing by telling me about this new blog as I have spent the best part of last night when I should be sleeping and today afternoon reading it all from the beginning! It's only made me more excited about the job and wish I was moving to DUBAI sooner! I am a little worried about the exams though during training and she also mentioned that most people disappear during SEP training! plus 93% on exams! phew!, I have never gotten a 93% on an exam paper at uni! Still came out with a 2.1 though! should I be worried? :confused: Anyhow, when are you leaving for Dubai? Yes I am in London too, whereabouts are you? I am East, Stratford and work in South London, but I am forever in the West End too. Definitly might be cool to know more people before heading out there. :)

3rd Nov 2007, 23:18
Sonia: Read the threads posted by me, Becky, Sleep, & Skyisthelimit for an idea about medicals. I would say that you should try and get some done by your GP, like your injections, and the general check up and he would also sign all the forms for you once you have the results from the other tests. I was lucky as the minute I received my medicals, I rang the surgery up and told them of the situation and was asked to come in straightaway and the doctors went through the papers. Once he did so, he said how much he would charge, which was £100. As for the rest of the medicals, search the internet for clinics in Manchester, there definitly is not only one or two, there are loads of them. Maybe use the same one as Beckyr but don't get everything done there, if your GP will do some of it for you. Then again, if you have the money and time is not on your side, you might have to do that. It's all worth it in the end though as you will be working with one of the best airlines in the world! :D GOOD LUCK

POLSKI: The very best of luck to you in Dubai and you will definitly be seeing me soon as I fly out in January! :ok:

3rd Nov 2007, 23:22
I am a great believer that guys should be given Clinique products too....nothing daffyd in the village about it. It just means I need to buy my stock here before I go and they cost a fortune!!! :rolleyes: :O (Thank god I get a 20% discount at Boots...)

4th Nov 2007, 01:12
same here, i am also worried about those exams. the thing is, i am likely to be 'up and down' with any exams. not too sure if this has got something to do with my mood at the time but for years i have found myself to be quite unstable and got no particular pattern at all. i can hit the top mark in one day and be below average the next day. sadly enough, our graduation is merely based on passing these exams.
i can only hope and pray that there wont be much temptation during my training period so i can fully dedicate myself on it.

ali xander, in respond to your queries, i have sent you a pm. please check.

on a different note, would someone be kind enough to answer to my queries as below:

1. flying and basic training commencement dates
there are 4 idle days from the day i fly out until the commencement of my training day. i fly out on friday and the training will not start until thursday the following week. is this common?
from what i have read on this forum, the training starts on sunday, a day or two after arrival in dubai.

2. layovers allowances
how does the system work?
do we get cash in local currency at everytime we check-in during layover? also, what is the range of these allowances (from what i've gathered it's AUS$100.00 Australia, £65.00 England, cmiiw)?


4th Nov 2007, 06:08
hi all!
anyone going Dubai on the 7th Dec??i'm flying off there on 7th midnite flight.

came across ur leaving on 7-dec as well right?when is yr training starts?


4th Nov 2007, 08:14
Hi, yes i am joining on the 7th december! Have you got your final approval and ticket then?? I haven't got my final approval yet!!! My traning is said to start on the thursday after the 7th December when's yours?

You excited? You ready to go? xxx

4th Nov 2007, 09:07
I have just been emailed my FINAL APPROVAL from emirates! all the medicals are fine and been advised that I can resign from my current job! WOHOOOOOOOO!!! It's all OFFICIAL now! :D:p;):ok:

4th Nov 2007, 09:55
I've just got my final approval!!!! arrrrr, I cant believe it! My date to start training is the 13th December too! So we're most likely be on same one? :) xx

4th Nov 2007, 09:56
hi becky! PM me at [email protected]

4th Nov 2007, 09:57
I'm from England, near Leeds?? I have got the final approval and my feelings are so mixed! It's wierd, its a scared feeling, a happy feeling and..... well I dont really know what else! Shock probably... and relief xxx

4th Nov 2007, 10:40
Finally! congrats ali! are you leaving on the 11th of Jan?

harry the cod
4th Nov 2007, 12:08
I just hope you guys that are joining us spend a little more time and effort in the safety exams than you do posting here. Save the text jingo for the phones please and at least show some basic knowledge by using capital letters for 'Leeds' and 'England', especially if you are English! Also, a capital letter to start the next sentance would be nice as would a space after the full stop. 'U' is spelt 'you' and if you want to shorten words such as 'I am', it's 'i'm', not 'im'! That's called an apostrophe. If you get stuck, just think back to when you were nine years old.

Good luck in your training. Some of you will need it more than others!


4th Nov 2007, 12:33

Maybe it is not a bad idea to review your own English: we spell "sentence" instead of "sentance",

regards from a non-native English speaker :}

4th Nov 2007, 13:23
After 7 weeks...i finally got the golden call on Saturday at 5:34pm.....DOJ...18th January...i am so excited..and the way i was worried.....so excited....now its just medicals and sunny Dubai here i come.:p

4th Nov 2007, 13:28
Harry's point is valid however - the use of text speak is lazy and discourteous to other users, especially those for whom English is not a first language.

It is also correct that some airlines (and other employers) may expect a minimum standard of grammar, punctuation and the simple ability to communicate effectively and clearly. Nobody minds when English is not perfect, especially for those for whom English is a foreign language. English that is not perfect because of laziness or an inability to concentrate is judged differently. Since I communicate this point on this, and other threads quite regularly, I assume that it is probably a waste of time - maybe one in a hundred will take the point, and they'll probably be the one that would make the best crew member in the first place anyway.

4th Nov 2007, 15:01
Dear Harry,

I am sorry that I do not have time to make sure all my grammar is correct in these posts. Most of the time I write because I am angry or sad and the last thing on my mind is my grammar. I have an English A- Level and a Psychology degree and I am not stupid. I think the way you phrase your criticism could be nicer, if you talk to customers in such a way it would not be acceptable. I am offended and all you needed to say was that you were finding it difficult to understand. The internet chat rooms that most people use tend to have jargon and slang words. If you take a look at face book or myspace you will realise this. I would never use slang words when dealing with passengers and I do not agree with how you made us feel. If you have a problem in future I think it would be more respectful for you to private message people and not show them up like you have.

I am from England and do not speak another language and I would like to apologise to everyone if my English has not been perfect, I will try harder in future.

Harry- do you recognise the term ‘arrogant’

Rebecca xxx

P.S. I would like to say to the moderator that their point was very valid and I respect what they are saying.

4th Nov 2007, 15:13
Hi again, does anyone have the phone number for the London office? I did have it as they called me from it but I didn't save it. If someone has it could you please mail it to me? Thankyou xxx

4th Nov 2007, 15:26
Harry the cod obviously does not have anything better to do with his time than to bring up such little points to try and burst the bubble of others who are just over the moon at the fact that they will be joining Emirates.

Agreeing with Becky, English is my first language and if I did use slang jargon in my some of my posts, then I apologise. However, perhaps Harry, you would care to read of one of the essays I have written at Uni, or better still listen to me speak English in a working environment - you would find that you would eat back your comments in a jiffy.

P.S. Most if not all of the airlines require a high level of English to be written and spoken, now if we did not have that, surely we would not have been successful.

A :ok:

As for the comment from the moderator, to a certain extent you have a point, but unless you have facts and evidence to suggest that the use of better grammar when posting on here makes a better cabin crew, I am not convinced.

4th Nov 2007, 15:30
Thank you guys, I am over the moon at getting the final approvals. It is just one less thing to worry about now as I know for sure that it has all been sorted out with Emirates. I can look forward to spending time with the family and my friends and now can start really getting ready for the big move. I am due to leave on the 11th of January. Training however will not start until the 17th. Wohooo! :cool:

4th Nov 2007, 16:22
use of better grammar when posting on here makes a better cabin crew, I am not convinced.

The suggestion is actually that the chances of becoming a crew member in the first place (i.e. getting the job) are enhanced by the abilities mentioned in my previous post.

The forum FAQ clearly state that text speak is not permitted, so further discussion is academic: The problems usually arise because people are too lazy to either read previous posts or the forum FAQ - now, let's all move on please.

harry the cod
4th Nov 2007, 16:52
I don't for one minute expect people who post on here to have perfect English. There are many foreign crew who apply to EK and have very high standards of both written and verbal command of the English language. Correct grammar, puntuation and spelling can be difficult even for native English speakers, as i've just discovered from my own outburst.

Having read the last few pages however, with beckyr's post in particular, I was simply shocked by the lack of basic etiquette while posting. It may be acceptable on 'you tube 'or 'facebook' to correspond in that style but have you read the utter tosh that's on those forums along with the slang and bad language, most of which originates from the US and UK. These people are unlikely to have your education and to them spelling words like 'was' as 'woz' is normal. They actually don't know any better and spend all day surfing cyberspace with little better to do in their sad lives.

I am, without doubt, older than most who post on here and while i'm not that old not to possess a mobile or know how to text, I am wise enough to know when and where it's appropriate.

My post was abrupt but it's not me who's arrogant. I wish all new joiners well but find it rather rude and lazy when people, especially those with University degrees, can't be bothered to string one sentence together correctly. And with the greatest of respect, those degrees aren't worth the paper they're written on now. Everyone who starts that 5 week course start from the same line and the course is intense. Attention to detail throughout this and your flying career will serve you well. Those people who set their own high standards are in fact, as the mod says, the one in a hundred that the customers and the Company notice. Passengers can be very demanding but in twenty five years of flying, i've never heard one asking to see a University certificate.

For those on here who, like Ali_Xander, feel my post has burst their bubble, i'd strongly recommend you check your psi. Your bubble maybe somewhat over inflated and a trip to Jedda and night turnround to Mumbai during your 'suppy' will bring you down to Earth. With a bump.

Happy landings


4th Nov 2007, 17:25
Hello everyone, I was just looking through the emails EK have sent me. I was wondering about the 20 passport size photographs they ask for, are they just photographs from photobooths you find in places like boots? They also ask for 4 other photographs but don't state whether these are of the whole body or just head shots?

Any help would be fantastic!

Becky :}

4th Nov 2007, 17:26
have a great chance in dubai to be a cabin crew and good luck for other steward:ok:

4th Nov 2007, 18:31
Hey Dear

I know how you feel. I have ups and downs all the time. Sometimes i am very positive about the whole process and i do believe that soon i will be in Dubai, but sometimes i feel exactly the opposite.

As we had a massive assessment day here in Brazil with 3 different dates, i cant tell you how many of us succeed to the final. During my Assessment Day 12 passed to the final but so far none had an answer (positive or negative).

My final interview was ok, exactly as my final interview last year. Yes, this is my second final interview, and i cant tell you that i am much more nervous now than before.

The recruiter were the same and they recognized me in a way that they just asked me a few question. I was really nervours, shaking hands and body.

I am positive about an answer this week. Lets see whats going to happen once i am heading to my 5th week and shortly both of us will have an answer!!!

Keep i touch !!!

4th Nov 2007, 21:57
Congratulations jkfly!! My DOJ is 25th Jan. I'm sure I'll see you there!

4th Nov 2007, 22:55
Becky: As far as I know, the 20 photos are passport sized and over a blue background. The place I took my pics at which were sent to Dubai with my application told me that should I get the job, she would use the same passport sized fotos but just change the background and print them for me. I don't know if they can do that at the place where you had yours done.

As you rigntly pointed out, they also asked for four more pictures too but as far as I know, these are meant to be the 6" by 4" size. I am not sure if they should you be in business attire or casual shots? Any ideas?

5th Nov 2007, 00:54
Ali Xander and Beckyr,

As per the document we have received along with the medical requirements, it says the following:

- 20 passport size photographs (Non Polaroid & Non Digital)
- 4 photographs (3cm x 3.5cm) (Non Polaroid & Non Digital without glasses or head dress)

3cm x 3.5cm is a smaller size than the passport size photograph so I pressume they are needed for some sort of formalities where business attire may be required.

I have had them prepared in the same studio where I have had my picture taken for my final interview. It cost me £20.00 for them to change the background colour and then to print them out as required.


5th Nov 2007, 01:18
Hi all, I head to dubai on the 14th of December start of course 20th .get in touch if your heading out on the same date i'm leaving from newcastle. look forward to meeting you all .

5th Nov 2007, 17:05
it's been 5 and a half weeks now since my last interview and i still don't have any clue from emirates if they received all the required documents that i'd sent or if i passed the final interview... :( about the dental exam, do they need to remove the impacted tooth? sound a bit silly but i'm just curious....:}

congrats to those new joiners and goodluck to those who's wating for the "golden call"! :ok:

5th Nov 2007, 17:14
Dear all with regard the mumbai jeddah thing ive been flying for 8 yrs already and am more than aware of how hard they are but its not every day and i still enjoy every part of my job , in my experience the flight is very much reflected by the team on the day .some of my best flights have been those with 24hrs down route 60 kids and 50 special meals with 25 wheel chair carry offs or tech problems . i have always wanted to fly for emirates so now im off to dubai aswell . cant wait

5th Nov 2007, 17:33
I waited ages too and got the call almost at the 6 week mark.

All i can say is that out of the 12 people that got through to the final interview, the ones that didnt get the job heard almost straight away not one of them waited that long to hear a no .

Good luck i really hope you get it i'll look out for shooting starts for all you guys waiting while i'm out watching fireworks tonight !!!

searching all people leaving December 14th :eek::eek::eek::eek:

sleepy740 and jugheadtony here we come!!!!

5th Nov 2007, 19:27
Hi guys,

hope you are all doing well!

Who can please tell me at which airline, based in the Middle east, you can get the highest salary? is it Qatar, Emirates or Etihad! From what I have heared it is Qatar then Emirates and the lowest is paid by Etihad! But the best working conditions are as a matter of course within Emirates, followed by Etihad and last but not least Qatar Airways! Still aspiring to get in Emirates but unfortunately I cannot attend any assessmnet day because lots of work:-(:{

Tearily regards

Gone U/S
6th Nov 2007, 07:01
Hey guys.

Just wanting to raise a question ....

I was successful this year in gaining employment with EK as crew but had to turn it down because my dad passed away and I could not leave my family.

So .... Now things are more settled and I want to apply again.

Anyone know what the story is as to if I have to wait a year before i apply again? Or can i go to an open day know? Any ideas? Anyone been in the same boat?

I mean if you fail at finals you need to wait a year but what if you passed, got the date to start and then couldn't join. I had to pass up such a good opportunity and have been kicking myself ever since. Any ideas???

6th Nov 2007, 08:32
i am not sure but i think it depends how much time has gone by..if its past 6 months i think it means you are back to square one and have to start the application process all over again.

6th Nov 2007, 08:40
Like jkfly says, the offer is there for 6 months, so if it has not been six months, I suggest you get on the phone to them. But we were clearly told at our Assessment day that if you do not join within the 6 months, then you need to apply all over again and not have to wait a full year. If you get turned down at the final interview (which is not your case), then you have to wait 12 months before applying.

Hope that helps and I hope it has not been six months yet, because it would mean that you can still join us! Good Luck :ok:

6th Nov 2007, 09:24
:Dthink you Ali xander for the response and i am waiting you to tell me about the interview with ek and i have a suggestion why midoy10 is removed for 1 week they have a great question and good post !!!!!!!!!!:zzz:

6th Nov 2007, 09:42
hey everyone, just wanted to let u know i got the job! i waited exactly 5 weeks before they called me! good luck to everyone to else! xxx

6th Nov 2007, 12:49

PATIENCE IS A VIRTUE EH? and you need it with ek sometimes

6th Nov 2007, 15:19
That's brilliant news! congrats to you! Bet you are well excited! When is your joining date?

I found out that two of the girls who was at the assessment day with me also made it through. good news all round!

6th Nov 2007, 15:44
guys i have a question, are they gonna call me again if i missed their call?coz this afternoon i got a phone call from Dubai # but unfortunately i left my mobile at my working place while i'm on break. when i came back my friend said that someone called on my phone but she doesn't know if she's going to answer it. so i called back and it's ringing but nobody answered until i heard the voice mail message so i left a message....i'm so freaking worried now...:{

congrats hostie1985!:ok: do you still have the emirates number who called you so that i will know also if it's emirates who called me today? please or just pm me...thanks!

6th Nov 2007, 16:55
Honey Cathy I'm 99.9% sure that when you get a call from DUBAI you've got the job hun . I'm positive . And they will call back


6th Nov 2007, 19:35
thanks vickster!:ok: i hope that it's emirates who called me today coz nobody else will call me from Dubai except them... i hope this is what i'm waiting for....:ugh:

6th Nov 2007, 23:19
Congratulations Honey Cathy !!!

See you in dubai (hopefuly) !!!


Dan Dan

7th Nov 2007, 04:46
Hey, i am so sure you got it...so don't stress..they will call back..i am just trying to do my medicals real quick...is there anyone leaving on the 18th of January???

7th Nov 2007, 09:32
honey_cathy! I am so sure you got the job!!! ring them on that number I gave you ;)

I am leaving on the 11th Jan....still can't find anyone going on that date...anyone? anyone? anyone? :E

7th Nov 2007, 11:01
:confused:why when i ask the moderator a question or send him a massage no answer no advice :oh: !!!!!!!!!!!

7th Nov 2007, 11:37
I guess its because he is a moderator, he/she moderates and not give advice...or am I wrong...:oh:

7th Nov 2007, 12:00
because you changed your screen name from midoy10 after you were locked from this thread.

7th Nov 2007, 12:27
i called them this morning and said they will call me back. after half an hour they called me and asked for 1 more reference coz they lost my other reference i don't know how it happened so i send it again. guys do you think i got the job already coz they're asking me to send 1 more reference? if they're not interested in me they will not ask for 1 more,right? waaaaaaa.....:ugh:i don't want to conclude anything yet unless they will tell me, but thanks for the moral support i really appreciate it!:ok: goodluck dandanjose!:ok:

7th Nov 2007, 15:05
hey, i dont want to be a downer...
but they didnt call any of my references...
and they didnt do a background check either...

but im sure youre fine


7th Nov 2007, 15:24
when will you be in Dubai? When is your training going to be start?

7th Nov 2007, 15:26
hi EK crew!

would u like to share where do u guys 'layover' ? how long is the stay?minimum OFF days per month? is it hard to get 'sick leave' in EK?
thanks! If possible can send an example roster?

7th Nov 2007, 16:38
i really don't know why they asked for 1 more reference and so far they didn't contact any of my referees...:confused: hope they will call me back tomorrow before this week end...:(

7th Nov 2007, 19:16
This is really confusing I mean we dont know what goes on over there and we might not have got a call about references but i still think its a positive thing that they are even calling you from Dubai. Employers only usually do references when they want you.

Are your references clean then? if they are maybe something else wasn't adding up or something. I heard from someone that the dates didnt match on cv or something and they checked references . This person HAD the job so i really feel quite positive about this .

Good luck girl xxx:ok:

7th Nov 2007, 21:28
I am also positive that you have the job in the bag. lets face it, EK has tonnes of applications to get through and if they were not satisfied with yours, they would have just ignored it and say no to you. Instead they have chosen to follow it up, so your file must be good. It is probably nothing too serious regarding your reference, just routine. Chin up... :O

7th Nov 2007, 23:26
hiya, well i leave on the 18th of january and my training starts on the 24th of january! i am so nervous, i actually cried for the entire day after i found out! jsut going to have to get all my medicals and stuff done now which from reading on here has caused some people alot of hassle!

honey_cathy im sure everything is fine. do u still need the telephone number for them?

does anyone else leave on the 18th of january???


8th Nov 2007, 07:25
Hey guys...

To all of you who have just been accepted, well done. I have a question specifically for you guys though.

Is there any truth to the rumour that the "quiet" ones in the group discussions/activities on the assesment day seem to be the succesful ones? Were any of you guys the "ring leaders" so to speak, any one outspoken or a little louder than the others personally been accepted?

Would be interesting to hear from a few of you...

Jon Jon

8th Nov 2007, 08:43
In our case here in London, the quiet ones did not get through the first round and were all sent home after the first group activity. From 50, they cut down that number to 16!!! There was one guy from BA, who was a little outspoken (not necessarily a bad thing) and he made in the final 16 but not the final cut when they chose 9 out of the 16. Personally, I was the neutral guy!lol...made sure I listened to everyones perspective but at the same time putting my own ideas in to show that I could decide for myself rather than rely on others. In all honesty it seems to vary, for example, at Qantas, all the loud ones went through, EK - the calm and neutral ones!, whilst at BA I felt they went more on looks than anything else. Then again, thats just my opinion.

ps...the overspoken cocky type at EK were sent packing at the first eliminations.


8th Nov 2007, 09:39
Yeah, I was pretty Neutral/quiet, worked for me! Though I really don't think out spoken is a bad thing, as long as you don't come across as a jerk. Make your point, respect the opinions of others, that should be enough to get you through.

8th Nov 2007, 10:16
hello guys...
i've finally got an invitation for the open to be held in my country this Sunday but i'm really worried about it. i don't have a clue about how it will be...
i'm also worried about the interview. you know here after the open day there's the interview. there's no global assessment like elsewhere.
i'm preparing the interview a bit in case in case everthing goes fine for me at the open day. could anyone who went through the final interview PM me some tips about the interview and the questions that are likely to be asked?
thanks a lot dudes...

8th Nov 2007, 10:50
Hi Hostie...i am leaving on the 18th from Kenya..i am almost through with my medicals just left with dentals to sort out......so excited!:p


8th Nov 2007, 10:55
i was like the group leader (if you would like to call it that)... i took control only because a few of the group members seemed to misunderstand the questions...but i did not take over in a way that made it impossible for anyone else to talk...the key thing i think is allowing other people to have their say and not putting anyone down just because you dont agree with what they are saying!


8th Nov 2007, 11:17
Thanks guys...

I guess im paranoid that I am a little exciteable to say the least and dont wanna run away with myself...

Ali Xander - If I told you I am a scouser, you would understand perfectly, right? ;)

8th Nov 2007, 11:34
Totally understand the whole Scouser thing! ;) All the way in Sydney as well!

I found it impossible not to get ahead of myself after my final interview! So I don't blame you for getting excited about it all! I am still waking up and dreaming about Emirates! Infact I was walking back a little earlier on from a meeting and an EK flight was going pass! Ofcourse being me, I just stood there watching it, eyes at the skies...no need to tell you that the passer's by thought that I'd gone mad!hehe. :O

8th Nov 2007, 11:36
Hey...look back a few pages on this threat as there is another guy from Morice going to the Open Day. his name on here is pahy26. I also sent him an email about EK, he might be nice enough to forward it on to you if you ask nicely ;)

Good Luck!

8th Nov 2007, 11:39
Either mad or missing a chromosome mate ;)

Yeah I came on holiday to Sydney 6 years ago... never left...

PM me if you wanna chat some more, I'll give ya my msn!

8th Nov 2007, 11:43
Hi Guys when I attended the OD of EK last year all those who talked to much were sent just after the 1st round and those who were a liitle bit quite but said something good went through! This was only during 1st evaluation! The next discussions you have to be activ as long as you can! This is what I have experiened with Ek and I made it until the final interview 2 days after the process! But I was not successful and I know why!!!! I will try again and come in and find out - keep discovering:-)

8th Nov 2007, 13:13
sigh***** i waited the whole day but they didn't called...guess i have to wait again til next week....:(

8th Nov 2007, 13:54
Dear Honey Cathy

Definately the job is yours!!! Stop thinking negative things and try to see this call for references from another perspective.

Reading some topics here i could realize that Assessment Days differs from country to country.

Last year they asked me during my final interview for 3 references from last jobs i had and this year they changed, just asking for certificates.

So no worries and send your references. For sure they want you and i am very happy you maid it!!!

Congratulations and fingers crossed. I am getting paranoid!!!:\



8th Nov 2007, 14:48
Hello everyone, not posted on here for a while. I am really excited about December 7th- is anyone else leaving that date? I don't like asking loads of questions when so many of yours are left un- answered but for alot ive seen if you read this post from the begining the answers are all there. I promise you.

I really don't know about the references however as they never asked me for any and I have recieved my final approvals so im confused :S.

One question if anyone knows the answer to that i have ( a little bit of a rubbish girly question) - do EK allowed gel/acrylic nails? i dont know whether to get mine removed permenantly or have them redone to come.

All the best everyone! I really know what you are going through and have been through the whole interview and medicals and waiting myself so just mail me any questions i really hope i can help.

Becky :) xxxx

8th Nov 2007, 15:07
I don't have a clue about your nail question but I do know someone who is flying out to Dubai to start training on the 7th December. One of the girls who I met at my assessment and stayed in contact with is flying on that date. She has not even finished her medicals yet though!...so fingers crossed her date does not get pushed back. The 7th is only round the corner...you must be so excited!

8th Nov 2007, 15:19
When is your fly our date then? Are you worrying about where your apartment will be? - I am a little bit, also i think i will only realistically be able to fetch £500 at most but people who i have been talking to was saying much less. Who knows, the whole thing is so scary and exciting, I really cannot wait to get there- I hope we get to enjoy the Sunshine a little bit because i have not had any sun this year with England being England. Would love a day by a pool or sunbathing so hope we get chance to do this.

So excited to be training, i can't wait to see the training school and meet everyone.

Are you sorted with everything? anything left to do? xxxx

8th Nov 2007, 16:25
hey how are you?

I dont think i'll be taking any more than around 500 either its gonna be a struggle to get that i think lol

not long til you go have you got a mobile number you can PM me that you'll have over there ??


8th Nov 2007, 19:59
i dont have a number yet, im giving my british number to my dad are you keeping your english phone or getting a dubai one? ill def give you my number when i decide what im doing with it, its on orange contract and i figured it would be expensive to use over there? xxx

whats everyone else doing with their phone contracts or phones xxx

9th Nov 2007, 11:41
I'm going to take my orange pay as you go over with me but probably ditch it quite soon but i want to be able to text people at home and receive messages when i first get there.

so excited

9th Nov 2007, 13:37
I will have to cancel my contract with T-Mobile, which would mean I would have to pay the line rental which is due. But I can also put the contract in someone else's name, that should save me some money! (just need to persuade my mum now! :O) I think I will take a phone out there with me and top up a pay as you go, that should sort me out for the first two weeks and try getting a wireless connection from someone who has not secured their router!hehe.

As for pocket money, I don't think I will be able to save more than £600 - I really hope that will last me for the duration of training at least.

Since my training will not start until the 17th and I am travelling on the 11th, I am really hoping I will get time to enjoy the sun a bit in dubai!...work on the tan before training begins! ;p

9th Nov 2007, 18:23
Oh my days ... 13 days more to go! excited, scared, mixed feelings.

10th Nov 2007, 11:13
hi there! my tentative joining date is also on jan 18 and my training starts on the 25th. i just had my medical exams yesterday...and still more to come next week. this will be a very busy week for me. (also, expensive:uhoh:).

10th Nov 2007, 12:43
Where you from in Manila?:)

10th Nov 2007, 14:55
:D i am in return after 1 weeks without any connection witgh my friends but this is the first words off my return i am her over :ok:

10th Nov 2007, 15:22
i hope that they will call me tomorrow again...i've been waiting for almost 7 weeks now...:(

10th Nov 2007, 17:50
you passed the 3 steps of interview

written .dialogue ..face to face :confused:

10th Nov 2007, 18:01
woops double post. ignore this one and see below*

10th Nov 2007, 18:06
Can I just say a big big congratulations to Miss Melisa Henderson from AB 1096 on her GRADUATION!

Just a bit left for us oct 12's now!

See pics @ http://www.slide.com/r/hLAkcY_j0j-BHl9sObC_hmn3eQxomDcF?view=large

10th Nov 2007, 22:03
Hey guys!!!

No answers so far !!! Today is completing 5 weeks with no answer and i am about to have a heart attack :\!!!

Also i had some friends that sent their pictures with weeks of delay and they got the golden call last week. Should I be worried or just forget it.

Anyway, last year they sent me the no wanted letter in 3 weeks what makes a huge difference.

Fingers crossed guys and hopefuly i see you soon.

bye bye


11th Nov 2007, 11:32
Dear DanDan,

From my experience, the HR people at Emirates have so many crew to deal with that the time scales they give us seem more like estimates rather than set in stone. Have a friend who flew out a couple of weeks ago and she only received her final approval a week before her commencement date and her ticket two days before she flew. There was a lot of money spent on international phone calls that week! ;)

Some times they need a gentle nudge to get something out of them. I think, if you start to panic, get in touch with the Recruitment team that interviewed you and see if they have any luck finding out any information.

Some times they need a gentle nudge to get something out of them. I think, if you start to panic, get in touch with the Recruitment team that interviewed you and see if they have any luck finding out any information.

No news is definately good news as they seemed very quick at issuing emails and letters regarding bad news.

Good luck! You'll be fine...


11th Nov 2007, 12:02
Tks Phillipe.

I am going to give them a week time and then I am going to call. Anyway, no news good news!!!



11th Nov 2007, 14:05
Thanks for the Congrats message EmiratesCCmad and others who have been reading my blog :) eg. Vickster and jess.s :)

It feels great to have finally graduated! I havent checked pprune.org for a long time now! Tomorrow I have my first Supi flight to Istanbul (turnaround) and I'm quite nervous.. Have to study tonight all my SEP and First Response stuff all over again to be ready for tomorrow!

Congrats to everyone who has got in! It is so much fun here in Dubai, I have no regrets coming here at all! :) Training is intense, but the 6 weeks went quickly!!!

12th Nov 2007, 06:16
Hi everyone,

I went to an open day in Brisbane in December last year. There was about 200 of us present so they asked us to give them our CVs and we would be called if successful.

Unfortunately for me, I didn't get a phone call but I'm going to try my luck again in a couple of weeks.

Just wondering if anyone else is going to the open day in Brisbane on Nov 24?

Also, a number of girls were wearing pants which I know is not prefered :=...but does it really make any difference if you wear pants instead of a skirt?

Thanks :ok:

12th Nov 2007, 06:49
Hi everyone, I got my final approval today. So I am leaving on the 21st of December, anyone else start training on the 27th?

Brizgirl send me a pm with your email and Ill email you a whole list of tips, my friend gave it to me (she has been working for emirates for 2 years) and it helped me a great deal. I got through on the last Brisbane open day, id say only 10% of girls where wearing pants and when you called back for day two they ask you to wear a skirt so I just did as I was told.


Pea Wee
12th Nov 2007, 08:26
Hi BrizGirl,

I am not attending the Brisbane open day but hope to attend the one in Sydney in the beginning of December. I have butterflies already!

Good luck for the open day and congratulations to all of those who have just received the good news :D

12th Nov 2007, 08:47
need some advise: last week the staff from emirates hr called me to send 1 more refence and so i did. and now still no response from them, should i call them or should i wait for them to call me?...:(

12th Nov 2007, 10:35
honey cathy i think you should give up now because if you where selected you would have started your training soon.

12th Nov 2007, 11:32
:=Dont give up!!! Never give up!!!!

They would never ask for references if they werent interested in you. You should call them and ask if they received the references on time or if they need something else but i am sure they will get back to you soon.

Dont show you are desperate for the job ( actually both of us are desperate for a great opportunity there).

anyway let me know if you have news soon. I have been waiting for 5 weeks and 2 days now. The deadline is short and i am very confident about an answer soon (positive or negative)!!!

Catch you latter


12th Nov 2007, 11:45
call them when the 6 weeks are over...thats what i did, and its like they had even forgotten about me but when i called, they got back to me within a week.

12th Nov 2007, 11:48
For your peace of mind, just call them and ask if everything is okay with your file..don't get depressed, they would not be bothering with your file if they didnt think you had potential...and do not let anyone on this forum or around you to get you down!okay!...keep your chin up...they will call!


12th Nov 2007, 11:51

Not to sound rude or anything, but they get 30,000 applications a month and interview hundreds of people and hundreds of new recruits to process, how do you expect them to remember you after 6 weeks?

dandanjose, be patient, the longer you wait the more likely the answer will be positive...

12th Nov 2007, 12:36
Hi everyone
In what seems to be record time I got the golden call this morning, my file only landed at HQ last monday! :eek:

I'm so excited, good luck to everyone still waiting, the feeling is even better than I thought it would be
See you all in a few months xxx


12th Nov 2007, 13:33
Sugarlips: Congratulations :D and thanks for the tips...I sent you a pm.

Pea Wee: Thank you also for the reply and good luck for the open day in Sydney.

12th Nov 2007, 16:40

Regarding your reference, they called me regarding getting another image submitted, which I did and sent the next day. After I'd sent it off (literally an hour after I'd dropped it off at the UK HQ) I called them up just to make sure it was received. I made it through to the final stage.

When HR in Dubai emailed me regarding getting my haemoglobin and HIV reports, I re submitted them and called them straight after.

I'm flying out on Friday to begin training next week so I wouldn't panic about anything. I was probably the biggest pain in their a*s but I had to because of the line of work I was in before: I'm not the most patient person when it comes to correspondence.

As mentioned before, the guys from Emirates would not have been in touch if they were not considering your application.

Keep your chin up :D


12th Nov 2007, 17:50
Tks for the tips. I still have some days and I am really confident about myself this time.

anyway i let you know about the fnal answer.

Honey Cathy do not give up!!! I totally agree with Phillipe



12th Nov 2007, 20:29
:) jkfly dandanjose philippe83

Thanks for your support guys, I'm not losing my hope and I believe that I will get hired by emirates....I just can't stand this long waiting but I will definitely call them tomorrow...I will update you tomorrow okay...Still keeping my fingers crossed;)


12th Nov 2007, 21:19
:zzz: relax my friend be passion be happy that is it good luck;);):ok:

13th Nov 2007, 00:27
Let us know by tomorrow!!!

good luck !!!


13th Nov 2007, 03:21
Did anyone here apply being Educated to at least high school standard?

I did a vocational course, can that do .Please help.

Also i'm thinking of going to the open day in Dubai. Has anyone here applied in Dubai, how long the process is? Thanks ;)

13th Nov 2007, 04:17
:)I called the Emirates HR this morning and asked if they already received the reference that i'd sent last week and the staff that i spoke with said yes and it's under process now so probably they will call me after 3-4 days or til sunday as she said... OMG! Is this a good sign????:eek::):eek:

13th Nov 2007, 06:36
During the interview, they tell you to wait 6 weeks and that if they have not gotten back to you by then, you can call or email to find out your results.
i called after 7 weeks and it was a good thing i did because i got my call a week later and i am now just through with my medicals....that is all i was trying to say....and my message was to encourage honeycathy because she was sounding stressed out!!

13th Nov 2007, 06:39
some people seem to have a problem with me encouraging you....but i won't stop!yes...it is a good sign if they say that your file is being processed...if you go back a few pages, you will see that i was also in a similar situation...now just sit tight and wait for them to call...All the best!:)


13th Nov 2007, 12:25
hi guys...
i have a question. some people and i had an interview today but we were a little bit shocked about the questions. my question is: has anyone feel unsatisfied about the questions he answered but got the job with emirates? just PM me...
thanks beforehand

13th Nov 2007, 17:49
what questions did they ask you?

I was not confident after my interview with Emirates but got the job, then again, I might think I did not do good but I was obviously what they were looking for. You can never tell, the best thing is to not think about it and wait for their decision (easier said than done;))

13th Nov 2007, 20:56
Ali - how's it going mate? you getting all ready for Jan how's work going???

I've just sent off the medicals they said they were missing so fingers crossed for final approval !!

Does anyone know whether you get christmas day off if you are over there training ???

sleepy - started packing yet???

tony - I've planned to go paintballing for my leaving due I LOVE paintballing its a real scream getting the family and friends together followed by drinks afterwards . Had any of yours yet ??

14th Nov 2007, 07:39
thanks for your reply...
you know we were 7 persons to go to the interview yesterday and we all
felt unsatisfied with the questions. but now that it's over we're a little bit

anyway, thanks a lot

14th Nov 2007, 09:16
Hey...work is going ok. I am getting more and more excited everyday, which is not helping as I can't sleep at night! :O I am sure you will get your final approval very soon, I would advise that you wait a couple of days and then ring them to find out whether they have received the documents.

I am not sure if you get Xmas day off, I doubt it to be honest being an Islamic country and thus following the Islamic calendar of events. Then again, with the number of foreigners living in Dubai, there is still a chance of getting Xmas day off.

I've started packing...do you think I'm mad as I dont leave until January!hehe

A :ok:

14th Nov 2007, 10:37
Hey Vickster,

I'm totally in the same position as you. I'll be training over Christmas. However, speaking to some friends out there, as suspected, they don't think we're going to get Christmas off. To be fair we are expected to work through public holidays so I'm not too surprised we'll be working through the Christian holdays.

Don't fret: there'll be many other people in your position (myself included). I'm sure you'll make many friends and probably be able to spend some part of the day with them celebrating...

Good luck with everything.


14th Nov 2007, 10:40
Hey Honey Cathy,

JKFLY is right. Sounds very positive.

You'll be on that plane before you know it.

Good luck and keep us posted!


14th Nov 2007, 10:58
Hey, i think i was lucky that my interviewer was so nice...where she thought my answers were unsatisfactory, she would ask an almost similar question to make sure that she gets my full answer..and like the others have said...don't worry...just wait...it will do you no good going over things that have already passed and can't change, although have to admit that i have been in your shoes just worrying endlessly and going over each and every aspect of the interview to see where i went wrong...

just finished with my medicals, i have scanned and emailed them now....so another nail biting wait for my approval..:ugh:

Phillipe 83

It sucks about the whole xmas thing if you won't be given the day off...but i don't know if it was me i really wouldnt mind...coz i have wanted this for so long and like you said..you will make friends that you can celebrate with.



You crack me up.....already packed???but i feel you...i think as soon as i get my final approval i will pack even if my date is in Jan....so exciting!



14th Nov 2007, 12:43
i havent started packing, ive been too busy working and crashing my car :ouch: long story...

anyways, they were "missing" a couple of my med forms too? HIV test, Hemoglobin, and Audiogram Graph...were these what you were missing???
im pretty sure they didnt ask for them in the packet to email them....
but i got my fnal approval email less than 1 day after i sent them those!
so it shouldnt be long!!!
if you dont get the call by tomorrow, you have to wait til sunday (stupid dubai weekend:ugh:)

hope youre good!


14th Nov 2007, 14:53
Sleepy - I had an e-mail back this morning saying they'd received the e-mails so hopefully it wont be long i'm alright leaving it a few days i know they're busy. You crashed your car ?? Are you ok?

No my missing medicals were different to your i think it might be e-mailing them for me i e-mailed a few together maybe they were too big !

Ali - that's funny you've started to pack already !! not long now .

I'm off to work now i'm a waitress part time in a local pub so its good practise i suppose !!


14th Nov 2007, 18:16
quite busy with my work this past 2 days but i'm still catching up here..

jkfly: thanks for defending me i appreciate it so much!:) i don't mind those distractors here at all, they only make me laugh coz it shows that they're just envy and we're an educated person so let's not waste our time for nonsense people who loves to pull us down...:ok:

philippe83 vickster and ali: i'm happy for all of you! almost done with your med exam? hope to see you guys in Dubai:)

keep posting:ok:

14th Nov 2007, 19:14
Hello Everyone- how are you all?? I fly out on the 7th December, is anyone else going that date?

15th Nov 2007, 00:37
OH My God Becky thats only 3 weeks are yougetting really excited??? I'm actually being an insomniac as we speak i just can't sleep !!! Most nights i'm actually ok but NOT tonight i'm wide awake man and i hate it . I'm definately a bit of a thinker :ugh: I get so excited thinking about it that i lose track of normality haha.

So I bet you are already packing so good luck and as i'm starting a week after you i'll proabably catch up with you in the college !!!!

take care mate!

15th Nov 2007, 00:41
Hey!! just looked back on here and noticed you leave in 2 days so really good luck and enjoy your time . keep posting !!!

Even if we dont get christmas off we'll make something of it i'm sure I'll bring my Mrs Santa outfit with me , only kidding that proabably would not be greatly welcomed during training . .

see you soon

15th Nov 2007, 09:36
The very best of luck in Dubai! I am sure you won't have much time to post with training and painting the town red, but hope you have a safe trip over and I am sure I'll bump into you when I get there in January! Have fun!


15th Nov 2007, 09:38
I know exactly what you mean about turning into an insomniac..I have been having the same problem! It's worst for me as I am sure I will stay like this until January! aaargh... :}

I am trying to think about other things, like turning 23 on the 25th, but however much I try, my mind is still heading off to Emirates & Dubai! :ugh:


15th Nov 2007, 09:40
:)what is the detail of interview with ek and are you choosed by the emirates airlines ???????,;)

15th Nov 2007, 13:34
Hey! so you want to know all about the interview?

its a group excerise on the first day where they test how you are in groups they set tasks to be discussed and you have to work as a team. The day works in stages and at each stage people get either moved to the next round or sent home. Its a smartly dressed day where you'll meet lots of nice people . You watch videos and get measured for height . If you are going, be yourself and don't be to over powering in the group sessions .

The final interview is a one to one interview where you will be asked many questions around competency. You must give examples of good customer service , difficult customers and how you deal with disagreements with collegues. This should take no longer than an hour

good luck and on behalf of myself and all ( i think ) I hope this answers your questions , if not look back on this thread back to may when i joined there were lots of people in your situation so many questions are answered there. There are also blogs you can reasearch for more info try melisa's hers is good .

15th Nov 2007, 14:01
Hey guys, i received a call from emirates today and my DOJ is on FEB.1 and probably i will receive their email by Sunday for my med exam...:D
I am so excited about the whole thing but i need to go home in Phils. before i headed to Dubai as they said...Thanks for those who supported me on this site!

dandanjose: no news is a good news! goodluck!:ok:


15th Nov 2007, 14:26
i need some informations. some friends of mine and I wanted to know about the medicals. could someone please provide me with a complete list of medicals that are needed? are they strict about your teeth and need them all filled if they have to be filled? and what about the contact lenses? i heard that they needed to be soft lenses only and that they won't accept hard contact lenses...
thank you guys

15th Nov 2007, 15:39
Hi everyone!

Im the new girl here! Im so glad I found this forum,it´s helping me so much.

Is anyone coming to the Open Day to Paris on 24th?

15th Nov 2007, 16:22

wasnt it worth the wait to get that phone call...FINALLY!!!

15th Nov 2007, 16:47
MASSIVE congratulation s i actually got really excited and shouted at the computer screen now my family think i'm crazy or just a lot liek my dad haha.

WELL DONE !!!!!! we knew it anyway hey guys !!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D

15th Nov 2007, 18:41
:Dthink you for tthe detail but i don t find the post of melisa tell me where ok my friend and good luck in dubai bye .

15th Nov 2007, 22:02
CONGRATULATIONS....so happy for you, the persistence pays off in the end and no doubt you truly deserve the call. :D Very very happy for you, can't wait to see you in DUBAI!!! I have a friend here in London who received the golden call earlier this week and her joining date is on the 1st of Feb too. :ok:

15th Nov 2007, 22:05
Looks like Vickster beat me to it, but everything she says is right and we wish you all the very best.

As for the melisa's blog, its http : // melisa - emiratesairlines. ********. com