View Full Version : Netjets (Europe) Interviews - All you need to know about it (threads merged)

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30th Jan 2008, 15:09

Yeah, I didn't mention all those places because, as you know, the Indoc is 2 weeks of hard graft in the bar and restaurants. Oooh those capirinhas.

In New York at the mo, bumped into a former colleague. :\ Found a deli that makes a sanger (sarny) that you'd really like. :D

gone till november
30th Jan 2008, 15:42
Blue Max

As Mike and South coast say, we do get a Blackberry and can be a blessing and a hinderence. Until recently we were blocked from calling numbers direct due to missuse by CC some time ago. This meant you had to call HQ to be put through to FBO's, hotels etc etc.

Last year they were unblocked and now we can call direct. Some people do make personal call but very rarely while others get thier partners to call them. The company is monitoring usage and im sure that providing no one is silly they will turn a blind eye to the odd call.

As with any BB you can surf the net and again its just common sense. Ive seen guys check in online with it on the way to the terminal to save time.

One of its best features is that you can get the WX and Notams of any airport which is useful when you get up in the morning and check your departure, arrival and alternate airports before you've even completed the three S's.

Downside is that when it rings and you see a +351 number it useally means a change or "its like this my friend" (you'll get to know what that means when you join).


OOOhh now you given me a thirst.....MMMMMMMmmmmmm Caiprinia....dammit im on sby. Enjoy the big apple:E

The Blue Max
30th Jan 2008, 16:16
To be completely honest,

They did offer me a job after succesful selection at farnborough. Still contemplating if I'm to leave my job as sfo at easy for a base in my home country and all the subsequent cost savings.
Close to 3000 hours so command is not too far away in either company I guess.

If up for it, Indoc will be in May I've been told.

Convince me ;) (and no, just the blackberry won't do it)

Sgnr de L'Atlantique
30th Jan 2008, 17:10
Same here....

Was offered INDOC in May, but very close (5 months) to command where I am right now.

Am a bit afraid to leave the Big Jets behind at this stage.

I would love to join NJE for the company culture and the lifestyle on offer. Most probably NJE would give me a left seat within 1 year (if all goes well off course). Just to be able to live at home again would be great!

But for some reason I feel that leaving a left seat on an A320 behind would not be the best option at the moment.

I was told once that one should never leave an upgrade behind....

So how much safer would a pilot be if he first gets his 1500hrs PIC on a B737 or 320?

Is an initial captains experience on an those airplanes worth more than PIC experience on a Hawker800 or citation Bravo?



While awaiting replies Ill have some more ZANTACs....

south coast
30th Jan 2008, 17:30
Blue max

Are you serious?

You think it is our job to convince you to join NJ's, if you need convincing, it is probably not the job for you.

Stay with pikieJet.

30th Jan 2008, 20:27
You're right south coast !
Now the market is opened for pilots, most of us can choose what type of operation we want to fly for.
NJ is certainly the most exciting job for me because I never know where I fly the day after and I can fly IFR on big airport as VFR on very small airport in the Alpes. NJ operations are challenging and instructive. I really don't want to fly big jets to TOKIO, HKG or LA following the same routes during many hours. I don't like routine.
Therefore, if you hesitate between airline and NJ, you are probably not the good one for NJ. And you will probably be a good one for airlines. In all cases, choose what you like and what makes you happy going at work ! It is my case by the way !...

30th Jan 2008, 21:07
To compare nje to your airline jobs is not possibel, too individual the operation and task you are asked for in nje, I flew in the army, executive/ambulance and last 2 years with a loco airline, nje is a combination of all of it. The final question you have to ask your self is - and this is my very personal opinion: how much time you are spending relxed with your loves in relation to the salary you earn, the size of the plane doesnt count. Hope it helps and enjoy, whatever you choose.

31st Jan 2008, 00:17
Hello together

I read most of the threads and so far, i found no infos about the new hiringprocess of netjets.

Did somebody already the new selection?

If one of you have some information about:

1 Tech qustions
2 Simulator work and type
3 interview
4 your feeling about it

I highly appreciate all infos.

Best regards


31st Jan 2008, 07:10
Leaving the big jets to fly for NJE ?
Well quite a few have done it or are doing it... As for leaving a command behind it all depends on your lifestyle doesn't it ?
The way I saw it when I left the 73 is that the only type of work you get with a 73 these days, is to work low cost (here, in India or wherever and always). Since it was clear in my mind that I couldn't stand it anymore, sticking on a 73 was not an option.
LHS final line check completed 12 months after joining NJE, did I really miss anything by leaving the big jets behind ? Nope, not in a million years but then again it all depends of what you are after.
Nowadays I have time to enjoy my toys, I live in a sunny place and haven't done so much skiing in years.
I really enjoy the job and nobody bothers me during my days off.
When I sit at the front, the view is the same and when I look behind it looks so much better. Nice leather seats, DVDs, a mini bar etc... Much better than the old prison door I was locked behind.

Really though if you aren't sure about joining NJE, don't join until you are because it is most probably not for you. Make NJE work for you, make it fit your chosen lifestyle (place to live being usually a top priority, 5 nights away per tour, 6 night home in a row) and if it does then NJE might be just for you.

northern boy
31st Jan 2008, 11:31
Anyone else going for i/v 31st March 1st April at Le Bourget?

I've looked around at other airline jobs and have decided that I've finally had enough and want to get back to some proper flying and have proper days off. Telephone screening last week and talking to a NJ bod in the baggage claim at LGW has finally convinced me. Enough already.

Could any of our Parisien mates please advise on the best way to get from CDG to Le Bourget, is there a train or metro?


31st Jan 2008, 20:45
You can take the metro but you will have to take the bus or to walk for 45 minutes.
The best way is to take a taxi: about 10 minutes and 20 euro.

1st Feb 2008, 10:33
Hi buddys

I am pilot for tag . My wife Sara works for BA but she wants to move to corporate, to NJ Europe- We have a grown kid. Is it a handicap to be married and having kids for a company like NJ? You know the way sometimes the companies are about women...


1st Feb 2008, 10:57
This is one of the only pan-european company, where the family style is outstanding. ( besides the majors and 10 years of seniority)

1st Feb 2008, 12:34
At present I did not receive any info on the result of my interview so I can only assume a negative outcome.
If this is not that the case I have to inform you that any way I'm not interested in a pilot position with your company cause you did not pass mine of scrutiny.
And just for the sake of it I want to give some feed back.
First of all I found undecent the accomodation you provided for the interview. My interest in your company ended at that stage.
Probably the trend is that pilot are to be considered more and more as truck drivers, but with all the respect for that very important category I think that somebody has to do something to revert this trend even if I have to admit that many of my collegues deserves that kind of treatment..but not myself. You can tell Mr Buffet he can go to sleep in a motel on the motorway if he likes it.
Second i found you interviewing process quite absurd.
To put a professional pilot flying one of the heaviest and more sophisticaded aircraft around in long haul operation on the simulator of a of a 1960s light turboprop he never saw even in a post card, in very un familiar area, with high terrain, without a proper briefing, with no automation available, in a mountain area is seems like an attempt to umiliate more then evaluate.
Tech quiz is probably tailored for somebody just finished his ATPL studying and honestly I have to admit I answered mostly randomly .Actually I was very close to go back to the airport as i saw the place i was supposed to sleep in .and i still think that that would have been the best option.
I hope that you will not manage to ruin european general aviation.

best regards

1st Feb 2008, 13:08
I received this e-mail in carbon copy from a friend... I don't know who is the author and if it was actually sent.
Just believe that it is quite interesting.This guy has guts.
I do know somedody that recently joined NJE and he is not happy.
I see a lot of enthusiast here.
I think NJE being a branch of a US company can't bring any good to the aviation industry in Europe. American corporations just have profit in their mind and if economy will have a down turn the first sector to suffer will be GA. In the long term they will profit on your skin...
It may be good for time pilots getting excited by having a blackberry and willing to clean the plane....

1st Feb 2008, 13:16
I love this, people show up to an interview assessed on standard flying skills, and basic knowledge of Jar ops and pans-ops. Then because the sim is not a 4 engines , 400 tons flying machine replica located in sunshine Farnborough, with as everyone knows, the best suitable accomodations in europe; he felt offended ?

Give us a break, there is no perfect company, so it is good that these guys are not joining,it would be a pain in the flightdeck.

Among anything else, we are now 1000 pilots.....Can we be all stupids? It suits us, this is it , the ones who do not likeit, they can bus-style their lives anywhere, or moscow-party anytime they want.

Having profit in mind is slightly better than pasta or belgium fries or else rosties; it did not do very good for the workforce.


1st Feb 2008, 13:44
To put a professional pilot flying one of the heaviest and more sophisticaded aircraft around in long haul operation on the simulator of a of a 1960s light turboprop he never saw even in a post card, in very un familiar area, with high terrain, without a proper briefing, with no automation available, in a mountain area is seems like an attempt to umiliate more then evaluate.

Actually you could easily think that you are right (sorry your friend)and I can see why.
But in reality when you get two guys of similar experience, perhaps both flying an Airbus and with no experience (not in the past 10-15 years anyway) on anything remotely similar to a say, B1900; and one of them manages to do well or very well but not the other one, you can only wonder why it is that way.
My personal view on that is that one is good, the other one is not.
One is what NJE (or any employer for that matter) wants, the other is not.

With regards to the high ground location, it is only to see how aware one can be. Most guys flying regularly between the North of Europe and the South are perfectly aware of MSAs, MFAs and corrections to make. Guys operating in the Iranian area would be even more up to speed with that (specially if the y fly heavies). For these guys, it is daily routine so perhaps what NJE is looking for is not a 400 T guy but someone who will transfer as smoothly, as safely as possible on another jet in his new company. Not less, not more.

As for the accomodation, I have never seen it (only from the outside) but I can only say that not all company pay for a night's accomodation when people attend interviews. Companies doing that as common practice tend to be expats ones such as EK, CX etc...
BA doesn't, Tfly doesn't, don't think AF does nor it is the case for EZ, FR, etc...
I am not saying it is right to put people in a crap hole because, sure it will look bad if you try to promote your company from Day -1 but applicants also need to look around once in a while. And if they are even better than that, they will even realise that Le Bourget for example, has very little in terms of hotels of acceptable standards, close to FSI therefore minimising all risks to turn up late for D Day.
It is a long day and having everybody ready to start on time is important (not least for the candidate himself).

Not sorry for your friend and even happier for his ex future colleagues at NJE... ;):cool:

1st Feb 2008, 14:53
Interviews are normally made to select the right people for the company. In this particular case NJE looks - amongst other things - into the following skills and attributes:

Can he fly? And remember, flying is a lot more then selecting Flight Director Modi and Autopilots. You might remember that it has to do with needles and basic instruments if the automation fails. A B-1900 or even older models evaluate those skills quite effective.

Can you stay with your fellow crewmember for six days? Even in remote locations for a while when the only guy to talk to is your crew-mate?

Thats not really asking for too much. In your particular case the interview process seemed to work just fine. :D

Good to see! :ok:

1st Feb 2008, 14:54
To whomever decided not to offer RP's 'friend' a job.........I thank you for sparing me the prospect of 6 days in his company.:D

1st Feb 2008, 15:12
Why some posts get censored by the Mods when "smart, intelligent" people like revolucionpilot are allowed to roam freely, pissing off everybody in any thread they get involved is beyond me.

I guess it is the beauty of Pprune, it takes all sorts:ugh::ugh:

Just do a search on Revolucionpilot's posts and you get the idea pretty quickly of the kind of guy he must be.
Sorry I wasted my time replying to him but hey, perhaps someone, somewhere will find something useful to him in what I wrote.
All hope is not lost ;)

1st Feb 2008, 15:58
Amex I don't want to piss you off.
I just think that PPrune is a place where the truth is somehow always hidden. As i told you I don't know the guy. I just got his e-mail from a friend.
I just wanted to share with you this guy point of view on NJE interview.
I know..is not very functional to your recruitment but that's the truth.
I strongly agree that a motorway motel is not a proper location for a professional invited for a job interview and you can invent what ever you want but this is the truth. BA AF..are you comparing NJE with major carriers.
I probably would have reacted the same way.
The sim ride is just technical but still i agree that it is not the proper way to asses somebody that has been flying professionally for years.
In real life you loose automation you are on the plane you are rated in and flying regularly ..not in a piece of junk you never saw before..right? May be the many helicopter pilot or Tornado pilot you are scrutining will be less assertive and more skilled e moreover fresh from their ATPL...
Then actually i don't know how the interview ended but I know that he is not joining anyway...very easy to understand right.?
So why you are pist off AMEX...neither I'm planning to join i never applied and never will . But I flew general aviation and i know what I'm talking about. I prefer to continue eating my caviar instead of your cold meal and enjoying my layover with a much larger crew..my 42 days of leave, and my plentiness of days off having said so you can continue your happy life... Somehow you are right ...the assesment should start with a basic IQ test... God...caviar is cold!

1st Feb 2008, 17:12

south coast
1st Feb 2008, 17:30

(message required to have 10 characters)

1st Feb 2008, 17:32
....and looking at the above, we shouldn't underestimate the importance of the English test.:rolleyes:

1st Feb 2008, 18:14
Usque tandem...

1st Feb 2008, 18:40
...fancy not realising the hotel is part of the test.....:D

....well back to enjoying "my plentiness of days off".....

1st Feb 2008, 21:44
...what a shame, they didnt lay down the red carpet, there was no special service included in your accomodation, no relaxing massage given to you before they put you in the sim and finally they didnt transport you with one of their more than 130 shiny business jets between your home and farnborough ??? Oh my dear, alot of stuff for our next T&C's improvement, thanks for your feedback !!!!:ok:

2nd Feb 2008, 06:12
hey Revolucionpilot,

sounds like NetJets had a lucky escape with you!! Let me get this correct...they provided a FREE hotel for you which didnt match you're expectations and that was the basis for you deciding the company wasn't for you!!? Was your english so bad that you were unable to rebook a more acceptable one youself??

Maybe there should be a 'Reality Check' as part of the assessment, I guess that would have been a tad hard for you too!!:=

2nd Feb 2008, 06:31
Any news on the new assessment process?

2nd Feb 2008, 08:59
Any news on the new assessment process?

The hotel's crap! Couldnt resist

Sgnr de L'Atlantique
2nd Feb 2008, 09:05
The accomodation during the FNB interview is of a lower level indeed, but then again one should realise that the hotel STD in the UK ia apalingly low and probably nothing else was available at that time!

On top of that, as said before, most companies do not even provide accomodation during an interview so put this in perspective please.

Its only for a night, to facilitate things for you on the day of the interview. Imagine having to take the early morning flight from wherever you are into LHR, to then jumpinto a taxi to FNB ( 60 min at least) to then start the interview process...
I prefer the ****ty accomodation above that.

The sim....well ...its true...It is an old B1900D and you do fly a sector which takes you over the alps. And yes, you only have 30 mins to study a basic pitch/power table and some basic feautures about the plane.

But boy....DID I HAVE FUN! I have been flying big busses for 10 years now, spending my last 5 years on the lazy seat of a widebody monster. But for the first time since a very long time I felt I was actually flying an airplane again! I enjoyed the handling, I enjoyed the scenario and I enjoyed the decision making.

At the end the guys handling the sim and playing my FO said that that they had very rarely seen a guy with a smile on his face throughout the whole flight!

English test....well, I just did the famous RELTA test for my present company and as with all other language tests I did before, as well as the NJE one, I have to say that I find them difficult,boring, time-stressed and non-relevant. But hey....JUST DO IT!

Theoretical....ATPL based thats true...but is that bad? I fly constantly with airline hotshots who have no idea how high you should be on 10NM final on a standard ILS approach! Guys who have no idea what an occluded front is. People who have forgotten to calculate a 3 degree descent profile from FL390 etc....
So I do understand NJE pholosophy regarding these questions as the NJE ops go much more back to the basics! And besides that, it only takes to read up on one book ( Ace the technical pilot interview) and you know absoluetly everything there is to know about this interview!
And this is something most of us should do regardless of a possible interview....just for your own sense of profesionalism!

All in all I left the interview with a very positive view regarding NJE and the people working there....regardless of the bloody hotel and the Mc donalds meal I had to take there...

The only reason why I havent joined yet is mentioned on the previous post....If not for that I would have been there yesterday!


2nd Feb 2008, 09:15
'New' recruitment process is as follows:

Laid out as 2 half days (took somewhat longer due to a lot of waiting time).
Showed up on day 1 at around noon. 8 guys with different backgrounds. Were divided into two groups. Group 1 went for the interview and sim-ride, group 2 for the group excercise and computer testing.

Interview: About 30 minutes, 3 guys in the panel. Usual Q's like 'why NJ?', 'You know you are going to take a severe paycut!!!!?'. They gave a couple of scenarious and asked: What would you do in this case?
Tech: what is Coffins Corner and Mach Tuck. Decode a (russian) METAR. They had a whiteboard with some drawings (eg. hold-entry, missed approach during circling, cross/tailwind) and asked some Q's in that.

Sim-ride: Everybody had a different scenario. First you get a normal landing pattern to get a feel for the airplane. Then you fly a SID up to cruise (all raw data!), get a malfunction of some kind. Deal with it, return, divert or continue. I asked for radar vectors to an ILS and got it. Landed on the ILS and that was it. Use your airlines calls and procedures.

Group excercise: 4 guys, and you get a scenario (eg. you are in Russia, toilet is broken and catering has gone bad. PAX (royals) just arrived. What are you going to do? You get 30 mins to make a plan, and then you have to present it to the board.

Computer tests: Takes about 4 hours (yes, 4 hours.......):
various tests like: Math test, verbal reasoning test, English comprehension test (I think that is what it's called), 30 multiple choice tech Q's, Stick and rudder test, the 250 Q's psycho test, the test where you see three instruments and have to figure out what airplane is the correct one, A memory test on tape where they give you a FL heading and frequency and then you have to type it in.
Might be more tests, but my pea-size brain was fried after that part :}

All in all I got a very good impression of the company. They arranged lunch, hotel (Hilton) and even transportation to and from the hotel. Good atmosphere through all the tests and a good laugh in the sim.

northern boy
2nd Feb 2008, 09:32
Thanks for all the info. Any idea which type they use for the LeBourget sim?

Red Goose
2nd Feb 2008, 22:07

I have been in the flying business for a couple of decades. Jet Aviation, Swiftair, a few others and, most recently, Netjets.
As far as I am concerned, and my wife and children would agree, Netjets has been so far the best.

The flying is NEVER boring, the airplanes are new, a roster you can REALLY rely on (6-5); for family life, it's definitely the best I have seen. Of course, if your dream is to fly a big aeroplane, well, this is not going to happen here... The biggest, so far, is the G5. Nothing close to an Airbus 330 or a triple 7...

If that is not a problem for you, you are welcome to apply!

Red Goose

4th Feb 2008, 18:40

In LBG they use any sim available to test people. Can be the EMB145, Falcon 10, Citation II etc.

Gd luck.

5th Feb 2008, 07:01
Hello to everyone,
I have 6700 hrs of wich 4000 PIC on medium turboprop and jet planes.
Do you have any idea on wihch airplane I can aspect after a successufl interview?
Thank you.

5th Feb 2008, 07:30

As written time in this forum, experienced persons are most likely to get a light to medium jet, to upgrade within the year most likely on the same type.
So I think its going to be a B400, Excell, HS125, or Bravo.

But the company is the company.... If they have vacancies who need to be filled it can be a position on a big fleet. But I wouldnt count on that, the negative thing for you then is, that you will be seatlocked in the rightseat for at least 2 years. And after passing the upgrade course, you will get a smaller fleet for your first command with NJE.

Good luck!


edit: added some info N:ok:

5th Feb 2008, 09:51
I don't know how true this seat locking business thing is.....

I've met a couple of guys now who have been in the company for less than a year and are already on upgrade courses.

On my INDOC a few months back, all the experienced guys (5000hrs +) went on to the Hawker fleets plus one one the XL I think.


ps, if it's of any interest to anyone ; I've been in NJE for just a few months and I think it's great (even got the ad hoc bonus in Jan despite having contributed nil to the company thus far !)

John Alcock
5th Feb 2008, 09:59
With regards to the ab initio training scheme run through OAT, does anyone know if the trainees receive any allowances or (dare I say it) pay, during the course?

5th Feb 2008, 20:36
John, during the training at Oxford you get no financial support from NetJets. You have to pay the full whack (though you have the option for a larger than usual loan of £60 grand) and you have to stay at OAA accommodation for the whole course. However, as long as you don't mess things up, you know that you have a job waiting for you at the end and that your TR is going to be paid for you.

northern boy
7th Feb 2008, 12:46

Thanks for the info. Should be fun.

7th Feb 2008, 13:48

I have sent my application to Net Jets about 2 weeks ago and was called last week. I had a nice chat with the guy and according to him I can expect to come for the evaluation end of april/beginning of may. He told me they would take contact again to inform me about the correct dates.
Can someone who went already tell me how long it took before they called back to give this info?


7th Feb 2008, 14:11
You will receive an e-mail about 15/20 days before the date they gave you on the phone interview.

7th Feb 2008, 14:25
Thanks for the reply. So lets wait and study.....

7th Feb 2008, 15:29
Caravan Driver, any heads up on the specific tech and performance questions asked on the phone.

can you remeber any of them,

cheers and good luck

7th Feb 2008, 15:41
Well, the guy askeed why I would like to join Net Jets as precently I fly on a wide body, further he asked if I knew how Net Jets operates roughly and further some personal questions.
The tech questions: What is Cavok, what is LVP in case of take off and then 2 more but i forgat them, sorry.
It is not a problem if your answers are not completely correct. The conversation finished with the info that I can come for the selections end of april/ begining of may and that thay would provide me with some dates I can choose out. If everything goes well I can start in July. So lets wait and study.


northern boy
7th Feb 2008, 15:48
Mike J and others

That tallies with what I was told during telephone screening a couple of weeks back. Apparantly due orders for mid/large cabin types and expected delivery dates some experienced pilots may possibly go onto them on joining for 18 months or so prior to upgrade.
Can't say it would bother me although I do fancy a change from slogging across the pond every week.

MJ, thanks for providing the most useful info on this thread. Be nice to fly with you one day.:ok:

Anyone going to Le Bourget end of March please pm me. Would like to compare notes.

Mister Geezer
7th Feb 2008, 15:55
northern boy

Thought you claimed that your current airline is a 'great airline to work for'??

northern boy
7th Feb 2008, 16:08
Mr Geezer,

It is, providing you live in the south of England. Great money but I spend most of it getting to work! The other problem for me is that command has now receded to sometime after 2013 and I am getting towards the big five o. Purely personal. I am in no way knocking my present employer and would say to anyone who fancied it, go for it. I certainly had a good time. I just decided that I have had enough and fortunately my circumstances allow me that choice.

7th Feb 2008, 16:58
The process for me has been as follows:

Applied early Dec 07. Telephone interview Mid Jan 08. Phone interview was very pleasant, exactly as described earlier in this thread. Invited to Interview/Sim in Feb at Farnborough. Received an email from NTA recruiting to confirm the date and let you know exactly what to expect on the two half days. Looking forward to it - will give feedback here in due course, but to date, the whole experience has been very positive and friendly.

The type of flying done by NJE sounds great, as does the rostering. The overall package seems pretty good to me, and several of my mates and colleagues are really enjoying working for the company - fleet or aircraft type seems to make little difference. To me, it looks like a good bet, but that is only my opinion.

10th Feb 2008, 00:34
Trying to get my head around the taxation question.

25% flat rate to portugal and UK NI?? for people that live in UK or Portugal.... is that correct?? what if you live in Spain or Italy??

If you lived in Portugal would you avoid paying UK NI if you are a UK citizen?

With that in mind,

What is the average take home NET pay for a F/O and also for a captain.

A ball park figure would be fine.

many thanks and happy landings :ok:

10th Feb 2008, 11:53
Hi Kinetic,

Nex Taxation in Portugal for not resident is 20%, not for uk contract.
But remember after Portugal taxes you have to check your country taxation. For example in Italy there's a bilateral agreement between Italy and Portugal , so for Italy if you pay 100% in Portugal you don't have to pay extras. But for example if you are Norwegian or swedish you have to pay the differences with your country taxation.
For the 8% ox taxation related to UK national security no chance you have to pay it. ( i'm not sure for portuguese residents)
FO Net salary with old taxation (25%) was 3,127 euro. Plus 70 euro x diem. So make your calculation. ( 18 working days 70x18=1260 , but to subtract what you spend during tour fo lunch or dinner when you don't have crew food)
For the Captain from gross subtract the taxes ....

Ciao Happy lnds

10th Feb 2008, 11:54
Not quite Kinetic.

UK residents pay regular UK tax, they pay nothing to Portugal. Everyone else (i.e those who don't live in the UK) pay 20% income tax to Portugal and NI to the UK (about 5% I think).

Now there might be regional variations on this imposed by particular EU states, but you'd have to verify that with your own tax people.

Assuming your own country isn't going to tax you, your net income will be EUR56500 minus 25% (approx) for an FO or EUR95000 minus 25% for skipper. Plus of course you will receive approx EUR12000 tax free in per diems. There are also company bonuses, extra cash for line trainers etc.


Edit : Jean beat me to it, but you get the idea.

10th Feb 2008, 22:34
I've just submitted my application, and trying to get my head around all this tax business. :ugh:

Let me see if I've got this right then...!

Scenario. Year 1 F/O, gets 56500 euros, this is about £42067. Using a tax calculator http://www.i-resign.com/uk/financialcentre/tax_calculator.asp
It tells me I would get about £2534/month. Now 12000 euros is £8934, the tax free element, divide that by 12 months and you get £744 per month. Adding this to the taxable element and you should get £3278 per month take home. :ok:

Now the question, would any UK based F/O's please let me know if this is about right for your take home pay? PM me if you wish.

Thanks again


10th Feb 2008, 23:00
for a new F/o the salary is now 4708 Euro/month (around 57600 euro/year, it is now increased by 2,1% due to OECD inflation) minus 20% tax, minus 6% NI in London, so it is almost 3500 net plus 1000-1200 Euro per diems a month. So it should be around 4600 euro net/ month.

11th Feb 2008, 00:33
JeanJambre and buzzc152 thank you for your time.

So being a bit of an idiot in these matters, If one (UK citizen) was to move to Italy (wonderfull country), would they automatically become a resident, and would they then qualify to pay just the 20-25% + UK NI, or do you think they, as a UK citizen, resident in Italy would still have to pay the full UK tax.

I would happily move to Italy. To stay in the UK on UK taxes makes the transition back to the right seat difficult financially, to pay just 20-25% flat + NI to live in Italy would be much more desirable.

Many thanks for your time.


all replies gratefully received, Italian residency/ tax specialists most welcome!!

11th Feb 2008, 06:05
So has the flat rate Portugese tax changed? Last I heard it was 25% not 20%


11th Feb 2008, 06:08
"the Portuguese Government has approved a reduction in the income tax rate for non-residents from 25 to 20 percent, starting in 2008"

NB - this does not apply to uk residents who continue to use the UK rates

11th Feb 2008, 06:18
Sounds good to me!


11th Feb 2008, 12:06

Any swedish guys working for NJ that can tell us how the tax-situation up north works. Been reading the taxagreement between Sweden and Portugal and cant really determine what the deal is.

Anybody out there, please!!


11th Feb 2008, 12:38
Ciao I'm sorry but I'm unable to give you any answer. Because I don't know uk rules.

What I can give you is an example based on italian rules. If tomorrow I move my residence to Nice or Monaco (for example) I will still have problems with my Tax office , as untill I'm italian citizen for them I have to pay in Italy my taxes.The only solution could be to change my citizenship, but this is another story and much more difficult.!!!
So i suggest you to contact your uk tax office and ask them if they have any special agreement for uk citizen working outside uk. ( but I don't think you can find a good answer.)
Ciao Happy LNDS

11th Feb 2008, 12:40
Hi Pat,

You will have to pay some swedish tax aswell, but not on the whole amount. Anyway, you will end up with about 5500-6000E in your pocket as a first year Captain (incl. perdiem)

11th Feb 2008, 13:01
Thanks for the reply Resa,

Could you however tell me alittle more exact how it works in Sweden, after the 20% in Portugal and the NI in the UK, what happens with the remaining salary in Sweden? Also if you know, the net start figure per month for a first year F/O living in Sweden?

Many Thanks!!!

11th Feb 2008, 14:47
Formula looks something like this:

(Basic pay + Perdiem) - (NI + Perdiem according to swedish list) = Amount they will use to calculate your tax - tax in Portugal (20% of basic pay)... Then you can take off normal stuff like loans, travel to gateway etc... Perdiem according to swedish list is depending on what country you fly to, but it will be a bit more than 70E/day. Hope it helps!

12th Feb 2008, 09:30
Ok Resa.

Sounds complicated, but any figure for F/O:s in Sweden?


12th Feb 2008, 11:39
Seems there are too many scenarios to get a clear picture.....is there an ideal situation within Europe to declare as residence in order to pay the min. tax? In other words, what circumstances will allow for max income while paying the min. taxes? Andorra? Switzerland? Germany? :sad:

12th Feb 2008, 12:36
I have been working and living in several EU countries over the past years and a few things surprise me..

The Italian case mentioned above makes no sense at all. Not saying that it is incorrect, just not in line with EU tax policies.. Your citizenship has normally NOTHING to do with your tax liability in the EU.
What matters is 1. Where is the main business of you company registered. 2. Where is your main place of abode. 3. Any tax regulations signed specifically between country 1 and 2 that overrules EU tax agreements.

You are tax liable in country 1 (above) and may, or may not, be taxed by that country. You are also tax liable in country 2 (above) but country 2 cannot tax you on income that you have already paid tax for in country 1, this is where dual tax agreements step in to protect you from double taxation. What you may end up having to do is pay in some tax to country 2 if the tax in this country is HIGHER then what you have in country 1.

Makes sense?

This was the case for me years ago when I lived in Sweden and worked for a company based in another EU country. Just watch out for the Social security fees normally paid for by the employer in Sweden.....you as an employee is responsible for making sure someone (read you!!) is paying these to the Swedish government.. This was the case with the rules signed between Sweden and the country I used to work in. In this case its better to stop working...:E

Good luck!

12th Feb 2008, 15:18
It is very easy, 3 possibilities;

You live in portugal ...... you have a portuguese contract and pay your taxes in portugal.

You live in UK, you have a UK contract, and you are taxed in UK according to your tax code.

You live anywhere else, you have a UK contract, you are taxed at source 20% plus National Insurance of around 5000 Euros a year.

Now, you have to check on the double taxation agreement between portugal and your home country, then you will have the answer.

no comment...:cool:

12th Feb 2008, 21:57
Everybody, thanks for replying!
I´ll go back to the drawingboard and see if it suits me.

13th Feb 2008, 08:54
hi pattz

for a new F/o the salary is now 4708 Euro/month (around 57600 euro/year, it is now increased by 2,1% due to OECD inflation)+ 70E/day per diem when out of your gateway (tax free)

of this info you can use RESAs calculation.


13th Feb 2008, 12:52
anybody in farnborough for the selection from 19th till the 21st of february??

13th Feb 2008, 13:25
sorry, guys, actually from 18th - 22th of february! could anybody give me hints for that?? thanks a lot in advance for helping me!

14th Feb 2008, 08:06
:eek: recruitment will probably cease in the near future i heard :E

14th Feb 2008, 13:04
Where did you hear that scambuster?

14th Feb 2008, 19:31
Mike, you're so busy talking the company up (again) that you forgot to factor in the overcrewing achieved courtesy of management expecting lots of pilots to resign when they had the 'new-most-bestest-tax-and-social-contributions-in-the-industry' foisted upon them.

While you're about it, sales are in something of a slump too. Of course 'some' people might want to play that down.

15th Feb 2008, 07:28
Wow, you are THE expert Smeagel... As was discussed when the paypackage was improved there where three countries that were not better off because of local tax laws and while NJE are working on improving it they kept in mind that some people might leave. Notably Belgium pilots like me. The funny thing now is that even SN is looking at offshoring their pilots because of the tax system so read my lips: This is a local tax problem and not NJE. I solved it easily by moving across the border which you can do with the flexible gateway system.:D SN is trying to solve it by moving the company!! :rolleyes:

What is your problem, all you posts are negative and looking at your posts you are not even in the company anymore! :=

15th Feb 2008, 07:39
blabla, ple focus on what I write and not formulating your response based upon what you think I'm saying. I'll explain in simple words for you.

Management screwed up. They thought there would be more leaving when they inposed the new tax 'deal'. This is typical of NJ, they impose new T&C's without consultation. This time it bit them in the @rse because they are now overcrewed. It goes to show that they do what they like.


15th Feb 2008, 08:56
Blax3fly: Forget the Smeagel-Bashing, its not worth it. If you follow the post-flow, he twist and turns it just as required. Let him eat the grass on the greener side and follow the good old saying: "Never argue with Smeagels".

Smeagel, I dont get your recent posts anymore, way to advanced mothertonque ;) all that foisted upon and slumping is not in my english-for-dummies-dictionary.

Too bad:{

15th Feb 2008, 10:29
It is funny that in the past you were blaming that they would be undercrewed and now that they are overcrewed because less people are leaving because of better T&C's.. The management imposed T&C's must be horrible :p

4Green you are right, I should start using the ignore button he is a sad sour cookie indeed ;)

15th Feb 2008, 21:44
I dunno, it gives me a headache trying to dumb this stuff down for some people :rolleyes:

blathrice. Eeez like deez. When I said the company was undercrewed it was undercrewed. Now I'm saying it is overcrewed guess what? It is now overcrewed. Things change, time moves on. Today is F R I D A Y but tomorrow will be S A T U R D A Y, geddit?

As for improved T&C's, not for everyone is it? Is your health cover as good as it was? Did they TELL you that would happen or did someone actually bother to read the fine print and say "Hold on folks. Has anyone else noticed this?".

If it's too difficult then yes, why not use the 'ignore' function? Nobody forces you to read my stuff and if I'm always wrong why do you bother? Maybe you stick around for little snippets of information such as why your DO got fired. Granted my first guess was wrong (my Lisbon moles aren't what they used to be, I blame the staff turnover) but we got there in the end. Unless you'd like to tell me the official company version? I tell you, when I see him crawl out of his Hawker 400 somewhere I am going to laugh my nuts off. Assuming they don't give him the usual heroes reward of a G5 too soon.

4Green. I'm really sorry, I'll try not to get carried away in future. Can't have my rabid lies being misunderstood now can I? ;)

16th Feb 2008, 07:58
G5......that's exactly where FF is going, my mole tells me:E

16th Feb 2008, 08:36
Don't need a "mole", just look at the March G5 roster. :D

16th Feb 2008, 09:33
He couldn't manage the Citation 7, how on earth will he manage the G5????:eek:

16th Feb 2008, 11:13

Same way the Aspen Threesome did. Sh1t luck. The mission is all, remember?

20th Feb 2008, 13:09
Anyone knowing if there is any LOL agreement for NJ pilots? I've tried to find info about that on their webpage but can't find any useful information.

20th Feb 2008, 15:09
The answer is NO. But it is meant to be coming this year as it is work in progress (not working too fast though).

20th Feb 2008, 15:37
LOL agreement

As in 'Laugh Out Loud"? Yeah, there's one of those ;)

20th Feb 2008, 15:45
LOL agreement
As in 'Laugh Out Loud"? Yeah, there's one of those

British Humor... :}

Thanks for the info Amex!

21st Feb 2008, 14:43
After you finish the two days interview how many days does they take to inform you about the results?

21st Feb 2008, 15:27

It takes upto 2-3 weeks to get the nod. The letter saying thanks but no thanks comes out within a week I believe. So work on the assumption that no news is good news.

Good luck

21st Feb 2008, 15:34
hi volorovescio,
can I ask you a little bit about the two day recruitment (english test, atpl topic, sim scenario)? :bored:

I had the phone interview last week and they told me they would get back in touch for the 2 days recruitment dates, I am still waiting:rolleyes:!
How long before did they contact you for the dates?
Thanks for the help

21st Feb 2008, 16:58
Hey, I'm also waiting for the dates to go for the tests. received an e-mail that the phone interview went very well but that they don't have days available at the moment. Normally I can expect to go end of april.

Also curious to hear some news from people who went already, please post some info so we can prepare.



Pax on the run
22nd Feb 2008, 07:57

Does anyone think I am likely to recieve a call from Netjets any time soon? I submitted an application online about 4 weeks ago. I am tempted to send in another as I would love an interview at Netjets. I meet all the entry requirements.

Give me some advice guys, please!!


22nd Feb 2008, 08:37
To pax on the run,

I was called 1 week after sending my application.


22nd Feb 2008, 10:59
2 days recruitment

hi volorovescio,
can I ask you a little bit about the two day recruitment (english test, atpl topic, sim scenario)? :bored:

I had the phone interview last week and they told me they would get back in touch for the 2 days recruitment dates, I am still waiting:rolleyes:!
How long before did they contact you for the dates?
Thanks for the help

They gave me the dates immediatly after the phone interview, but don' t worry, they are very busy and if they told you they are gonna call you they will.
The two days I had were hard:
English: 1) Clearences to copy with Q&A :)
2) Normal phrases with Qs with answers yes, no, or not reported :eek:
CBT: More then 200 psico questions:eek: ;
FD following with joistick while a red light was flashing and you have to identify where it was while you set the autopilot. :bored:
ATPL: Can be anything; V1, Swept wings, 4 segments, Toda, Tora, etc.
SIM: They evaluate your decision making in general; you make any flight with a malfunction plus you make 1 or 2 ILS app.
Then the final interview, most of it personal, some meteo Qs, some situations Qs.
Bye, bye.

22nd Feb 2008, 13:38
Volorovescio - do you think all that was completely necessary to assess your suitability? What on earth was wrong with the previous system of interview & sim ride? :confused:

22nd Feb 2008, 14:10
I think that they have a lot of applications and they are able to make a big selection.
Anyway I had an excelent impression on them: very professionals.:ok:
I don't know the previous criterias.
Now I' m waiting patiently the aswer: positive I hope.
Otherwise I'm gonna be sad :(.

Bye, bye.

22nd Feb 2008, 14:42
Volorovescio is right. The new system will sort the goats from the sheep so that they can recruit a new breed of super pilot*.

Which means that those of you already in the company are rubbish ;)

*One who can jiggle a joystick while having red lights flashed at him :rolleyes:

22nd Feb 2008, 15:22
Flintstone Volorovescio is right. The new system will sort the goats from the sheep so that they can recruit a new breed of super pilot*.

Which means that those of you already in the company are rubbish

*One who can jiggle a joystick while having red lights flashed at him

Hey... who is going to fly the 7x's ? I mean copilot wise ?...

the one's that will learn that when red light flashes it means they lost priority, for 30 seconds.... It is all a game after all...:)

22nd Feb 2008, 16:46
*One who can jiggle a joystick while having red lights flashed at him :rolleyes:


Pax on the run
23rd Feb 2008, 07:32
I am very happy for you my friend, I wish you the best of luck! Anyone working for Netjets know whether it will be prudent to chase up original application?

27th Feb 2008, 09:35
I had my phone interview at the start of Feb and was told late april or start of May for the Super New Style interview. By the sounds of it So has alot of other pilots. Has any of those guys heard back yet.

27th Feb 2008, 13:29
No, I'm also still waiting. The e-mail they sent me just tels me that I can come for interview etc but no dates available at the moment. They will take contact again as soon as new dates are available.
Just be patient I think and study in the mean time:O.


27th Feb 2008, 13:49
Don't worry guys.
I know it's hard, but just be patient and the call will come.

27th Feb 2008, 15:25
I think we are already 3 guys with the same E-Mail.

So let´s wait together! :E

28th Feb 2008, 12:23
I just recieved the e-mail with the dates. Replied immediatly, will go 22/23 May.:)
Only place they gave me was Farnborough, pitty, is not so handy:bored:

28th Feb 2008, 15:55
Also got the mail.
Any idea of the best way to go to Farnborough? :confused:

28th Feb 2008, 16:13
Horse and Cart! Always recommended!

28th Feb 2008, 21:26
Anyone going for the interviews May 20-21?

29th Feb 2008, 06:39
Any idea of the best way to go to Farnborough? :confused:

Don' t worry friends.
Farnborough is no that bad: if you land in LGW just take the train to Farn Main station and you are there; 60 mins by train and then the station is only 5 mins from the airport.
I took the taxi since my plane was in late and it was the fastest and simpliest way to go but it costs 65 pounds.
When you will be there you will find a lot of nice people.
You will NOT have any prolblems.

gabon flyer 2
29th Feb 2008, 07:46
Hi guys;

I ve been there in March 2006 and the fastest way when landing either in Gatwick or Heathrow is to rent your own car with a GPS for 35 GBP all inclusive....It worked very well for me specially as they told me the sim was broken and i had to wait 1.5 hour that they fixed it....

29th Feb 2008, 13:29
Question to the people who went for the selection days already this year:

When are you starting the first day and when is it finished the second day?
I'm looking for flights to Gatwick and back to book already at a low rate iso waiting till we recieve the mail with details 2 weeks before.:bored:


UPDATE: I've sent a mail to Net Jets and they informed me we have to be there around 13lt and they hope to be finished the next day by 13/13.30lt

If more people arrive via Gatwick airport let me know, we can maybe travel together to Farnborough. I arrive at 07.00lt from Brussels.


29th Feb 2008, 19:46
Thanks. C-you there. :rolleyes:

1st Mar 2008, 20:41
If you need any help with directions or accessing Farnborough, please feel free to ask me (via PM) for help. I could even be one of the techs who fixes your sim (Which will probably be a Citation Bravo or CJ2. NJ are fed up with using the Beech1900D).

Hotel 1/4 mile from main (Ively) gate - The Monkey Puzzle. Nice pub on-site.

Speak nicely and it shall work for you. Enjoy the coffee and sandwiches.

No I can't get you accommodation for the Air Show or get you in for free.

2nd Mar 2008, 00:21
Hi all,

Just want to know if they are willing to give you another interview date if you could not attend the first time.
I was scheduled for 21st and 22nd at FAB, but due to major things I was not able to go there, so I sent an e-mail to them well in advance.
Maybe if somebody fails at end of March, they can give me a chance...
I´m really interested, let see...;)

3rd Mar 2008, 08:18
Could anyone who is going for an interview tell me how long it took to receive an email telling them if their telephone interview was succesfull. Stefan from Netjets said a few days it is now two weeks.

3rd Mar 2008, 08:44
I´ve been waiting 3 weeks. A friend of mine more than a month!

3rd Mar 2008, 12:03
2 weeks and a few days after the phone interview. They told me after the phone interview that the interview went pretty well and that they would get in touch with dates for the 2 days assessment. They never mentioned the fact I would receive an email with the response for the phone interview, although other people did. A guy I know was interview the day before me and has not received an email with dates in Farnborough or Le Bourget. He's still waiting. Another guy I know waited 3 months between phone interview and email with dates for sim/interview.

3rd Mar 2008, 12:11
I was called for the phone interview exactly a week after I applied.
At the end of my phone interview the guy told me that I passed. I received an email about a week later with available interview dates and picked the ones that suited me. I'm going to Paris on the 2nd and 3rd of April. Anybody else going those dates? Anybody knows what kind of math to prepare?


south coast
3rd Mar 2008, 13:34
Be capable of simple maths like calculus, integration and differentiation.

Some quadratic equations with 2 unkowns.

No worries!

3rd Mar 2008, 16:25
Be capable of simple maths like calculus, integration and differentiation.

Some quadratic equations with 2 unkowns.

Is integration and differentiation simple math?

I wasn't expecting anything like that, but I guess I have to find some old math book and start studying!

Miserable Old Git
4th Mar 2008, 12:10
mmmm, hook, line and sinker I think;)

5th Mar 2008, 03:49
Hi guys,
Anybody starting indoc on the 17th of March?

northern boy
5th Mar 2008, 11:15
Is integration and differentiation simple math?

Yes but under the new recruitment regime you also have to demonstrate your familiarity with tensor calculus as applied to general relativity and Reimann curvature, and a working knowlege of non abelian gauge theory and quantum mechanics is also expected. That follows the group exercise where you will have 20 minutes to design and build a particle accelerator and come up with a viable theory of quantum gravity.

Bring a screwdriver.

Tea and biccies to follow.

5th Mar 2008, 12:40
The above is not exactly complete, since you have to know that this will be conducted in tw foreign langages, one for the question the other for the answers, while the memorandum is in english.

example : question asked in portuguese answer in japanese, of course but if question asked in russian THEN you have to answer in afrikaans. Other conditions applies..

Come on be serious it is not that bad..

northern boy
5th Mar 2008, 15:13
CL 300

Can I give the answers in Aramaic script and the questions in Icelandic?

I was told that the application form has to be filled in Gaelic and that the referees must include 2 Phd's and the email address of at least one professor of cosmology who died in the last six months.

By the way, you have to calculate your interview date using an atomic clock of your own original design then subtract your maternal grandmothers birthday multiply by pi then stick a pin in the calender.

Its certainly getting more difficult to get an interview these days.

5th Mar 2008, 22:23
Anyone going to Paris on the 1st and 2nd of April?
Anything else to add to the feedback above on the interview?

6th Mar 2008, 12:32
I did my NJ selection last month. It is a little more intensive than it used to be, having spoken to people who did it last year, but if you are reasonably well prepared, it will not be too difficult. The NJ recruitment team were thoroughly professional, friendly and helpful. They did everything to make the process as painless as possible, and I came away with a very positive feeling about the company.

The process starts at 1300 on day one. 8 or so applicants, divided into 2 groups. Mine started with a group exercise - scenario you might reasonably be expected to encounter with NJ. Then computer based testing. Hand/eye coordination, capacity tests, maths, english, phsycometric. None too taxing, but the tests do take time. I actually quite enjoyed the process. That finished day one - taxi provided to hotel, basic, but paid for by NJ and all I needed was a bite to eat and a bed. Who knows - could be part of the selection process!

Day two started with a sim briefing, followed by sim ride in a citation CJ. Fly a visual cct to get a feel for the aircraft, then a SID, minor emergency, diversion to ILS to land, all raw data. Not easy, unless you have flown the type before, but they seemed to be looking for good CRM, decision making and probably an inprovement from start to finish demonstrating ability to learn. The PNF will be a NJ pilot, competent but not proactive, with another sitting behind operating the sim. Both are assessing.

After the sim came an interview. Panel was two pilots, one HR person. Questions about NJ, your experience, ever had CRM breakdown, ever broken SOP's, any accidents/incidents. Asked to decode a METAR, work out a crosswind component, some other basic ATP knowledge questions - read "How to Ace the Technical Pilot's Interview". If you have done your homework, none too difficult. I certainly didn't do perfectly in the Sim, and fluffed a couple of interview questions - if you do they will be looking at how you deal with that!

I really enjoyed the process, and came away looking forward to a possible job offer. Bear in mind they interview for a full week, one week back at base to discuss and finalise offers - my job offer phone call came exactly two weeks after the interview!

Some other info from the company guys. They anticipated around 80 pilots leaving at the end of 2007, so recruited around 350 pilots last year in preparation. Said 80 pilots did not leave as tax/pay issues were resolved, so this year they are slowing down recruitment - not stopping it yet. They are only running one assessment week per month at the moment to control intake numbers. Good news is that if you meet their standards, there will be a job for you - no competition for jobs. All indicates that NJ management is being proactive rather than reactive - which is a breath of fresh air!

6th Mar 2008, 12:38
Hi everybody,

I am now at the point where my references and my employer are being contacted. That´s obviously very good and I am happy about it. :)

There is just one thing which gives me headaches: I am worried that my employer will hold me to ransom. I have got three months to go to the INDOC, and I am afraid that I might hear something like "Do what I say or else I will tell that friendly lady from lisbon that you are actually flying scum"

So here´s my question: What does Netjets actually ask the employer? How does it work?

6th Mar 2008, 12:56
I reckon you have little to worry about. Unless you are trying to hide something! Most employers know that people move on, and you are not doing anything you shouldn't be doing by changing jobs. I was a referee for someone applying to NJ a while back, and they asked about flying ability, any accidents/incidents, interpersonal skills, would I work with the person again. It is illegal for a company to lie in a reference, so relax and enjoy your last few months with your current employer - If they see you continuing to be professional they will have a higher regard for you and will probably put that in any reference.

south coast
6th Mar 2008, 13:36
Sorry you didnt get the job with NJ Greenleader.

6th Mar 2008, 15:58
I reckon you have little to worry about. Unless you are trying to hide something! Most employers know that people move on, and you are not doing anything you shouldn't be doing by changing jobs.[...]It is illegal for a company to lie in a reference, so relax and enjoy your last few months with your current employer - If they see you continuing to be professional they will have a higher regard for you and will probably put that in any reference.Well, most employers. And I congratulate you for not having to work for the exceptions. But from what I have seen in the past, how colleagues were treated after giving notice, I expect the company to react quite different. The reaction I expect to see is actually none at all - my boss will think: "I would be stupid to help my pilots to find another job. What do I gain from that? Nothing, right. And maybe there is a way I can keep him" - and he will just not react to the reference request. I believe that this could already do enough damage. But it takes just a little bit of imagination to think of things he could make up if he wanted to without the employee having any chance to prove the contrary.

Besides, it´s actually illegal in Germany for the company to give out any information about the employee without his permission (except the dates of employment, maybe).

Well, tomorrow´s the big day and I guess with a little bit of diplomacy it will work fine.

Thank you for your advise.

south coast
6th Mar 2008, 17:29
'Green leader, did you check the.....? Maybe, mabye I did, maybe I didnt...'

Why the secrecy then?

I am pretty sure if you did you would say so, all sounds a bit childish to me.

6th Mar 2008, 17:39
South Coast - just adjusted the original post to remove any doubts! It may have been a little confusing I guess...

6th Mar 2008, 17:57
A question now when you all are discussing references. You’re talking about NJ contacting your recent employer? In the application form it says clearly that you shall not include your current employer in your reference list. Well, It’s all about in what way you see the statement but how have you all done? I want to include a person from my work, which I’m working with and he’s not from the management team. Is that a good idea to include him or do I get a negative feedback from NJ as soon as I include any person from my current employer?

south coast
6th Mar 2008, 18:06
I see, but you still dont say one way or the other whether you accepted the job offer which came, 'exactly two weeks after the interview'.

I am not having a go at you, but it seems strange to put such a spin on a job offer.

I can only think of three outcomes, they offer and you accept, they offer and you dont accept and they dont offer.

Forgive me, I just dont understand why you are being so vague about it?

6th Mar 2008, 19:00
Just got back off holiday expecting to hear some news about arrangements for the Indoc on 17 Mar. Unfortunately I have heard nothing, anybody else out there in the same situation??


6th Mar 2008, 19:14
SC - did you get a job with NJ when you applied back in 04?

south coast
6th Mar 2008, 19:50
I got a job with NJ on my second attempt, whats your point?

6th Mar 2008, 19:55
No point really - just like to know a little about who I'm chatting with. My post was intended to give potential NJ employees a heads up based upon my recent experience. Do you still work for the company, and if so are you still happy there? I look forward to starting with NJ soon, and any top tips are gratefully received. :)

south coast
6th Mar 2008, 20:03
Glad to hear you accepted the job.

Yes, I do still work for NJ and I think it is an excellent job. No job is perfect, NJ has its problems, but overall, I think they are a good company to work for.

One of the reasons NJ is a good place to work is because they seem to employ good people, makes being away for 6 days good fun.


6th Mar 2008, 20:06
That was exactly my impression - perhaps we'll have a beer together on a tour somewhere nice in the future. Cheers.

7th Mar 2008, 03:37
Greenleader thank you for your feedback. Very clear. Just clarify me something though; what are capacity tests? and what kind of math are we asked?

7th Mar 2008, 12:44
The capacity tests were a simple memory test - look at a list of numbers representing height, heading, speed, radio freq for 6 secs, remember and regurgitate. Also while watching for update of autopilot info, which you change with up, down, left, right, + - keys, see a red light in a position corresponding to one of the nine keys on the number pad - 3 secs to hit the appropriate key.

As to maths, you have a pencil and paper to do working out, long division, multiplication, given speed and distance, how long does it take, etc. Nothing too complex - the sort of maths you'd be expected to do every day in a flying job.

7th Mar 2008, 13:39
Thank you very much once again. And congrats for the job! I am glad the latest posts on the discussion are helpful, useful and straight to the point. Being a very ocasional user I was getting frustrated w my search. Many users seem not to have anything better to do in life than reflect their frustrations in the forums... Not that it applies w any of the above, but I think we all get an idea of who they are.
Anyways thanks once again, I am following all the advice and preparing myself to the best. I certainly look forward to become part of the team :)

9th Mar 2008, 21:15
Anybody knows when you actually sign the BOND. During INDOC? or right before you go on type course?

9th Mar 2008, 21:34
3 years ago I signed mine during Indoc.

Now,what's important is can you ski/board/langlauf? :E

10th Mar 2008, 08:36
Signed mine during induction course last month

12th Mar 2008, 05:24
To the ones that already went to the interview one question about the simulator assessment. What aiports did you use?

12th Mar 2008, 08:37
There was a big variety. I had Basle and Zurich, others seemed to have gotten something in the UK...

12th Mar 2008, 10:24
Hi guys!
I would like to have some good tips on some questions about the initial telephone interview. If anyone could help it would be appreciated.

12th Mar 2008, 19:15

telephone interview is very basic, dont worry. it is also to check if you are able to express yourself in english if your not from the island.

little motivation questions and if you have basic knowledge about what netjets is about.

good luck, again no worries.

13th Mar 2008, 14:45
Hello, do anyone have any interview gouges on NJE? Or any information that can point me in the right direction to study? What type of sim do they use? Thanks in advance

Duck Rogers
13th Mar 2008, 17:42
Y'know I'm beginning to wonder if I should remove all but the last two pages of every thread in here as nobody seems to bother reading any further back than that anyway ;)


14th Mar 2008, 07:18
Hi people,

got my offer two weeks ago and will start soon...:ok:

@flykiko: I had Birmingham to Manchester, ALTN East Midlands

@mooneypilot: they changed the whole interviewformat. It's now over 2 days. 1 day is sim and interview, and 1 day is computer testing..
My sim was a citation xls, however you don't really know until you get in the sim, because they just go into the sim room and take whichever sim is not being used at the moment...

Cheers, Lifter

14th Mar 2008, 07:41

The older replies regarding the interview are out of date because NetJets Europe recently changed their interview process. I think you will find that's the reason for a lot of people's request for up to date info.



14th Mar 2008, 16:56
Does anyone (preferably from within the company...) know whether integrated students other than OAT could be considered at NJ?
I'm studying at EPST, but in their programme in Denmark, which is pretty much the same selection, same education, just not under the name of Oxford.

Thanks for any hint in advance...

14th Mar 2008, 17:31
szekely, if not for any other reason, you would be ineligible as you have already started your training and did not go through the initial NJE selection process in Oxford & Lisbon.

To quote from the FAQ section on the OAT website:
OAA students already undertaking training courses are not eligible to apply for this course.More importantly though, to quote again:
I am enrolled in a cadet programme with another FTO but am interested in applying for this cadet programme in case it is a better deal financially. Am I eligible to apply?
No. Oxford Aviation Academy works very hard to maintain good relationships with other FTOs and with all airlines, whether or not they have currently or recently hired our graduates. We will not consider applications from airline cadets at other FTOs.

14th Mar 2008, 18:41
hello, yea some new stuff would be great! I went back through the posts but im looking for somthing fresh! Thanks in advance

14th Mar 2008, 18:54

@Mike Jenvey: thanks... !!!:)

I'm really happy and looking forward to it (after 16 years of military flying it's a new challenge and I think NJ is a very good company).
The Pilots (IP's) at the interview and in the sim were very relaxed and seemed to be very competent. The whole organisation really made a good impression on all of us "candidates".
It'll be interesting to see who else "made it" and who I will meet at the INDOC in June.

Cheers, Lifter

14th Mar 2008, 19:35
Hi Mike Jenvey, thanks a lot for your reply and look forward to read what you can find out...

Hollingworth, I actually did not mean applying for the OAT cadet program, but rather applying directly to NJE after finishing my education right where I am (about end of this year). I read of course the requirements on NJ website, and just wondered if it is possible to apply with less than 1500 hrs but with a very similar education as the OAT cadets get. Thanks anyway for you reply.

14th Mar 2008, 19:59
@mooneypilot: you don't speak german, by any chance do you?


15th Mar 2008, 21:05
hello everybody!
I received the telephone interview, one month ago.
They told me to expect the invitation (for the 2 days selection) in May. I'm still waiting and getting crazy checking the mail!
My gateway period is september 2008. Does anybody know when should I receive their call?

The wait is enervating!:ugh:

15th Mar 2008, 21:56
I believe there's an issue with finding venues for interviews as well as sim slots. They are trying to resolve this issue quickly.

16th Mar 2008, 15:16
Hello everybody,

It's nice to see that there are a lot of helpfull people on this forum. I will go to the interview on the 1st and 2nd of April. Anybody interested in sharing information please PM me.

16th Mar 2008, 19:12
Thanks a lot for your help, Mike!
Will keep trying of course and see how the situation is when succeed to gather the 1500... :)

16th Mar 2008, 22:43
Thanks for the reply, redsnail!!

17th Mar 2008, 15:37
Good afternoon everybody¡¡

I´m going for the interview on late March to LBG. Anybodyelse is doing the same dates?
Someone can provide any info if any difference about doing it in FAB or LBG?
Honestly, I think it´s no difference,but just to know.

Thanks a lot¡¡

20th Mar 2008, 12:35
Sorry to change the subject a bit, but did anybody hear when the first batch of oxford guys and gells are coming in linetraining.

Heard a rumour it was imminent!

20th Mar 2008, 13:32
They are still in Phoenix for VFR training before coming back to Oxford for IFR. I think they will be at indoc around September.

20th Mar 2008, 19:23
Thx hollingworthp


long final
21st Mar 2008, 07:57
I was offered an interview a while ago, but turned it down due to a better offer. I am looking to apply again. Is Carmen still the main person regarding recruiting?



21st Mar 2008, 09:14
must have been a great offer, to reapply with us....

This grass, always greener next door...:cool:

south coast
21st Mar 2008, 09:30
The grass is always greener for 2 reasons, either...

There is more 'fertiliser' on it, or

It is some well-good super skunk, innit!

21st Mar 2008, 09:43
I was offered an interview a while ago, but turned it down due to a better offer.

must have been a great offer, to reapply with us....


long final
21st Mar 2008, 10:04
It was a great offer, and it has been a great 18 months. I was pretty low houred when I applied to Netjets, had no jet time. I expect I would have struggled in the sim compared to the other levels of experience I expected to be being assessed on the same day.

I got a guaranteed offer, a good jet with a mix of European and worldwide experience. The pay is great and I also freelance when I want. Nice people to work with. Sounds idyllic, and it has been, BUT no job ticks all the boxes. Netjets has always, overall, had a better appeal to me - roster, types, lifestyle etc.

So, I hope to have a much better chance with the selection process now. If I am selected I will loose and gain from my current position, but overall Netjets ticks more boxes for me.

Now, anyone able to answer my question please?


21st Mar 2008, 10:15
Well, she is the lady that contacted me to inform me about the interview dates, so I suppose it is still the same.

PS: Who else goes on the 22 and 23 may to Farnborough?:)


long final
21st Mar 2008, 11:08
CD, thanks or the info.


21st Mar 2008, 13:42
I expect I would have struggled in the sim compared to the other levels of experience I expected to be being assessed on the same day.

It is unlikey that a comparison is made with other candidates during a sim selection. If anything, no more (and to your advantage) than....
"Not bad considering his experience, specially when compared to this 10000 hours guy, Line Trainer etc... but could not fly".
Usually I would have thought that it is YOUR performance which is assessed, not you against the others ;). That s why it is not a competition... (a very valid point during a sim assessment).

I was offered an interview a while ago, but turned it down due to a better offer.
and then
Netjets has always, overall, had a better appeal to me - roster, types, lifestyle etc

Not really having a go at you but you have to admit that it is funny. Of course this is only a comment written on a website and it is not always easy to get his own ideas understood.

Still, good luck in re applying.

long final
21st Mar 2008, 18:31

I appreciate your comments, perhaps rather than 'better offer' I should have said that I had a confirmed job offer, and I had to make a decision. If I had waited for the Netjets result I would have missed the job. So, based on what I wrote above, I decided to take the guaranteed job, gain experience, and then look to return towards Netjets at a later stage.

As you say, its not always easy to express yourself on these forums.

Thanks for your good wishes.


22nd Mar 2008, 09:48
I should have said that I had a confirmed job offer

Sure, we all know what all companies are like when making promises... It is an art they have well mastered.
But when the music stops, they have also the gift to vanish very skillfully ;). Been there done that etc....

My advice to you is to make sure you have strong SOPs when going to any sim ride (NJE in this case). It is usually where guys with GA background (or very disorganised small airlines) need to work on. Your experience will be taken into account but a neat job is always very impressive. More than 10 000 hours.

22nd Mar 2008, 10:00
Waiting for the invitation for the two days, after the telephone interview, I would try to count the people on this forum still waiting the mail...a kind of suffering souls census! :{
Here we say: "common pain half joy!"

Don't be shy, go ahead!!

I'm the first. :O

22nd Mar 2008, 14:43

You may have been told what month the interview's going to be and if so, you'll receive info about the interview closer to time. You don't get the info immediately after the phone interview unless the actual interview is very soon.


22nd Mar 2008, 16:45
Hi again, so nobody has any more information they want to share about the interview this year? I have mine coming up soon so anything would help. I have already been over the whole forum and really didn't find much.

thanks in advance

south coast
22nd Mar 2008, 16:57
I know for a fact Flintstone has posted how the interview goes on many occasions, along with plenty of others.

It used to be that if you knew about the points below.

Know about your most recent type
Know basic JAR-ATPL type questions- performance, high-speed flight, balanced field length, toda etc
Some 'what if...' type questions

But I believe the format has changed, and there is computer testing and pyshco-metric testing...

So, basically, I havent got a clue.

Hope that helps.

22nd Mar 2008, 17:14
I've been told they were going to call me in may and they haven't.
I think the slots are full now!:\
That's why I was asking.

Thanks again, redsnail!

22nd Mar 2008, 18:10
Don't bring me into this south coast, I'm wayyy out of touch. Last time I did any recruitment for Netjets I think we interviewed the people who now manage the hiring and firing, that's how long ago it was.

I think you're right about the psychomonkey test though. Something to do with tugging a joystick while they flash lights at you.


Netjets Interview Candidate

;) :) Good luck.

22nd Mar 2008, 18:52
I´ve been interviewed in feb and I found all the information posted here in this thread very useful. They have introduced some pc-based psychometrics, but the main issue still seems to be the sim and the interview. You will find all you need about that in this thread. Good luck!

22nd Mar 2008, 19:23
Anyone of you in here working for Netjets and is sitting with any inside details about the new pension schema that is under development? How many percent the employer respectively employee each is going to put into the fund? Would be interesting if anyone know...


22nd Mar 2008, 20:50
25 years old moonwalker and looking at your pension already? :D

22nd Mar 2008, 21:36
yeap! whats wrong with that? :confused:;)

23rd Mar 2008, 12:50
Just for the ones who are interested!!

I just did a telephone interview and here are the questions they asked me:

- Why are you interested in NetJets?
- What do you know about NetJets?
I explained the different fractional ownership possibilities which makes private jet travel affordable for more people and therefore creates access to a greater market. Explain the various ownership possibilities. Check on their US website since I found there's more info about these programs.
I also highlighted the safety issue, when there is another 9/11. Which actually works in their favour. Private jets are much less of a target for terrorists.

- What is V1
- What would happen to V1 if the TODA becomes less.
- What about a wet V1


- You are flying as captain with a client say from BCN to CDG and about halfway the client says after having received a phone call that he now wants to go to Rome CIA. What would you decide and tell him?

The clue is apart from all the flight technical issues such as fuel avail. at the time, airport cat. in respect to pilot qualifications, new flight pln. etc.
That you need to think in the private corporate mode and think about issues such as to ask the client about limo's, helicopters, catering or other luxurious service issues required when arriving. Their dept. will arrange all this.



25th Mar 2008, 17:54
Are NJE overcrewed at the moment?

26th Mar 2008, 00:27
No. Interviews still happening.

26th Mar 2008, 06:57
gazman21 Overcrewed?

Are NJE overcrewed at the moment?

Netjets cannot be overcrewed....Impossible.

However, since we have more aircrafts in the air, the tours seems more relaxed than 5 years ago.
The summer is normally busy, let see ...

26th Mar 2008, 17:37
I missed a couple of calls from recruitment today, presumably for telephone screening. Tried returning the calls but whoever called me was always on the line to someone else!

Anybody know how they do things. Should I sit tight and wait, or if I try calling recruitment again will that only irritate them?

26th Mar 2008, 17:45
Call them again. Good luck

26th Mar 2008, 18:34
Hey Nonemmet,

The same thing happened to me and I called back the same day. They were not at all bothered with me calling back and I got another call the same afternoon. They told me they would have called me again the next day. In your case, If nothing heard by midday tomorrow, give them a call.
I'm in groundschool now so......:ok:

Cheers mate.

26th Mar 2008, 21:33
Thanks Guys.

27th Mar 2008, 09:45

As I have stated earlier, in a very short message I'm going to the interview in a couple of days in Le Bourget. Anyone interested in sharing info?


27th Mar 2008, 14:03
I will be there as well for the 1st and 2nd April. The posts starting this year state about the new interview process, which consists of 2 days. It takes only 10 or so pages behind on your search.
Best of luck and see you there!

27th Mar 2008, 14:37
30/31 march Le bourget here. I only know whats been postet here. Hoping that will do. Regarding sim ride, people refers to two airports. Do you complete a flight from A to B? Planning? I thought the ride was SID a little airwork some emergency or problem and a raw data approach. Is it at the FSI Falcon centre? This computer testing makes me nervous though.:ooh:

27th Mar 2008, 15:45
give me a PM I'll send you what I have on info.

My interviewdays are the 1st and 2nd of april. I'll be in the hotel the day before.
I'll be wearing a long raincoat, hat, sunglasses and an umbrella (just like the average KGB agent trying not to look suspicious in the good old days).

30th Mar 2008, 14:35
with this new recruitment process does anyone know if there are personality type test ?

thanks in advance

Miserable Old Git
30th Mar 2008, 15:59
There is indeed a personality test (psychometric test, look them up on Google). Luckily, I don’t have a personality (well, they couldn’t find one), so they let me join.


30th Mar 2008, 18:43
I,m going to find out about the personality test soon. I know they have one and hopefully the voices in my head will shut up for the duration of the test.

31st Mar 2008, 07:33
hey bo105driver, at least you never feel alone :E.


31st Mar 2008, 11:04
Does anybody know how it works - taxwise - with German residents? Any figures, pleeeze.

Much obliged! :ok:


31st Mar 2008, 19:29
Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who's put comments and information on this thread. It's a very informative read and I used it as part of my decision to apply to Netjets Europe.

I've had to wait until a few things in my private life were in order before I could but it seems I may have missed the recruitment boat for the time being.

The automated response email had the following line in it...

Should we require more information we will contact you and it is, therefore, not necessary to phone the Recruitment department in respect of your application. We will not be contacting pilots for phone screening during the following month.

I put the application in at 1600 Z on 31/3 so is that referring to the month of March or April. Any gen always appreciated.

Cheers guys 'n' gals :ok:

31st Mar 2008, 20:49
Bummer:{ I have been going full steam to get my things together and now it seems the hiring is slowing or stopping, just as I am almost ready to apply!...just my luck!

Sounds like they are refering to next month (April). Either way, I plan to keep on plugging away at my dream to fly with Netjets! Perhaps the tide will change in our favor. ;)

4th Apr 2008, 14:24
Dear All

Earlier in this thread someone mentioned that there were three countries where a pilot would lose out financially if he or she were resident within one of these states while working for Netjets. Is France one of these countries?

I understand through the double taxation treaties between France and the UK that one would not be taxed twice but that any difference may be payable in the country with the higher rates.

Could any crews residing in France let me know how they fair under this system? Do you pay social security in France on top of that paid in the UK?

I am also talking to a financial adviser but he seems unsure of what the situation would be. Thanks in advance.

5th Apr 2008, 06:26
The tax subject as usual is a sensitive subject. Win or loose , have to come from a previous status. If you join , you will not loose because you will get what you signed for.

Now, if you choose a flying career according to the size of the payslip, you will have a poor day and a dull life. ANY flying is good if you can enjoy it. It is all about lifestyle and ego satisfaction. 1 prop , 2 PT6, 3 TFE731 or 4 RR5000 ? It is all the same..
Your best bet is to live where you will comfortable, with the persons you love the most and have a little bit of money to enjoy the package. If you can meet this lucky you, if not....

Many stories about the taxes, the facts as today are :

You sign a UK based contract with Netjets Staff Management
You live in a european country ( not UK or Portugal)
You are taxed at source at a 20% rate, witheld on your pay slip
You pay NHS in UK circa 5000€/ year
You receive your work schedule by Netjets Transportes Aeros
You receive a statement from the portuguese authorities on how much taxes were paid on your behalf in portugal.

What you do or not do with all this is as always up to you. Polemics and rumours can go , the lawyers have opinions, remember they are only advisors, only a judge can rule; so until a courtcase eventually shows up from an individual. It is like this...

6th Apr 2008, 08:58
Met some Net Jets pilots yesterday in Luton at the Day's in Hotel during breakfast. They were al very happy working for Net Jets.

6th Apr 2008, 10:12
Met some Net Jets pilots yesterday in Luton at the Day's in Hotel during breakfast.

Well you missed me ;) but then again I had checked out at 3.45 that morning... I am happy though.

6th Apr 2008, 19:10
The automated response email had the following line in it...

Should we require more information we will contact you and it is, therefore, not necessary to phone the Recruitment department in respect of your application. We will not be contacting pilots for phone screening during the following month.

I put the application in at 1600 Z on 31/3 so is that referring to the month of March or April. Any gen always appreciated

I applied in early March and received an identical message. I was contacted for telephone screening on March 26th.

However, having been told by the screener that I would be contacted for interview, nothing so far.

6th Apr 2008, 21:49
Were you offered an interview date? If so, you'll receive information from Netjets closer to that date.

7th Apr 2008, 15:49
Does anybody know if netjets has plans for new gateway cities:sad:?

7th Apr 2008, 20:29
yep ! Graz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt and Innsbruck are coming next ! :O

7th Apr 2008, 20:55
Well, Sydney fits the requirements and there's a few of us who wouldn't mind living there. (Although, Brisbane would be better). :ok:

It would work for the long range aircraft. :D

9th Apr 2008, 16:08
Hi all,

Thanks to everyone who's put comments and information on this thread. It's a very informative read and I used it as part of my decision to apply to Netjets Europe.

I've had to wait until a few things in my private life were in order before I could but it seems I may have missed the recruitment boat for the time being.

The automated response email had the following line in it...

Should we require more information we will contact you and it is, therefore, not necessary to phone the Recruitment department in respect of your application. We will not be contacting pilots for phone screening during the following month.

I put the application in at 1600 Z on 31/3 so is that referring to the month of March or April. Any gen always appreciated.

Cheers guys 'n' gals :ok:

Nonemmet got the same message in early March and had telephone screening. Was wondering if anyone else has applied recently and got telephone screening.

northern boy
9th Apr 2008, 17:41
Anyone who was at LBG end of March hear anything yet?

12th Apr 2008, 15:43
@ Austrian71: "yep ! Graz, Salzburg, Klagenfurt and Innsbruck are coming next !"
Are you serious? How would you know? Is this posted on the NJE web page?

12th Apr 2008, 15:59
...relax mate, I adapted to the (british) humour already - no, nothing is official, but some rumours are about graz as a possible new gateway.:ok:

13th Apr 2008, 21:37
Was just looking for a bit more info on whats involved while away on the 6 day tour. Am guessing you are not subject to ftl's as per airlines but are there any limits to duty hours (whats the longest typical duty period)?
What about downtime ,is there any kind of garunteed minimum rest? would you get the chance to hit the gym (assuming the hotels used have them) even once or twice during the tour?
Finally what about overall fatigue,be particularly interested to know how ex airline guys find NJE compares in that respect.

Appreciate there's a few ?s there but have read alot of the threads on NJE and this is one area am not too sure about so would be thankful for any feedback -cheers!

13th Apr 2008, 22:05

We are subject to INAC's (Portugal CAA) FTLs. So yes, we do have limits! The minimum rest is 11 hours. There's other bits and pieces but it depends on when you started, how many sectors, how many time zones you crossed etc. 55 hours per tour. Note, your airline to the aircraft does not count for the 55 hours but (now) it (Day 1) does influence Day 2. It is a lot better than it used to be.

It's rare for me (1 of 1,000) to do much more than 10 hours duty these days, although, 12 hour duty isn't uncommon in Summer.

Again, depending on your day and the hotel, you *should* be able to get to the gym at least once per tour. It does also depend on your motivation. :}

You do get tired (assuming not crossing a lot of time zones) for sure, but sometimes you do just have to say "no" to meeting up with your colleagues or hit the sack early.

14th Apr 2008, 09:11

Sounds like you view this as a private operation which isn't really the case. It's a commercial operation that operates biz jets, but is organized and run along similar lines to an airline.

Personal view, but I think the INAC rules we operate to (as do TAP and Portugalia airlines) are much better than say, the CAA ones. Things like max weekly duty and max number of night service periods etc are all very conservative. The only area they fall down in is in long range, were the current ones are not particularly well thought out regarding time zone changes. However they should all be updated soon if INAC get it sorted....hope springs eternal!

Again from a personal perspective, with NetJets I've often been tired at the end of a busy day but never really fatigued.

Regrettably, I have yet to find any of the gyms but I am told on good authority that they do exist.....:}


14th Apr 2008, 09:54
Regrettably, I have yet to find any of the gyms but I am told on good authority that they do exist.....

You know where the bar is though. :E

Only for the consumption of cool drink post flight. Of course.

14th Apr 2008, 10:07
harsh, very harsh.....hic:uhoh:

14th Apr 2008, 13:24
Im 18, have started uni (reaching end of 1st year) but would really like to 'drop-out' and begin flight training.

NetJets seems like a fantasic oppertunity but would i be considered too young at this stage to be a successful applicant?

cheers for any responses

14th Apr 2008, 16:36
I am not on the recruiting team, esp the team sorting the cadet scheme but *anecdotally*, quitting a course isn't viewed favourably. Reason, there's now a question about whether or not you'd stick with a full time aviation course.

I could be wrong. :O

Jimmy, there was a big discussion recently here about age (lack of it) and the chance of success with the cadet scheme. The general view and once again, anecdotally, the average age of successful candidates is ~27 years old. One thing to note, if you fail at Stage 2 or Stage 3, then you cannot reapply for the NJE cadet scheme. (That restriction doesn't apply if you then go on to get the hours for direct entry)

So, finish your degree. If you do decide to quit, get some gainful employment in an area that will help you gain suitable experience for NJE (or airlines).
You could consider going part time with your degree and get a job. You'll earn some money, get some life experience and get a degree. :ok:

14th Apr 2008, 16:56
The general view and once again, anecdotally, the average age of successful candidates is ~27 years old.

How do I stand then, 43 years old, 2100 hrs on 737EFIS (2400 hrs TT) and 18 years as a bobby, relevant life experience or too old for the role?


south coast
14th Apr 2008, 17:27
I believe from some earlier postings they have stopped accepting on-line applications.

Maybe its a conspiracy though?

14th Apr 2008, 17:44

I think Jimmy was considering a cadetship. You've got too many hours for that.
I'll amend my previous post to highlight the cadetship point of view.

Your age is not a problem for direct entry. good luck. :ok:

pma 32dd
14th Apr 2008, 19:02
Out of interest, when do the first Hawker 750 and 4000 and Falcon 7x arrive? Is the 750, 800 and 4000 a common TR or just the 750 and 800?


14th Apr 2008, 19:14
The 750 should be here within the next 2~3 month, and this should be the same rating (not my fleet, 800 drivers please correct). The 4000 is a completly different beast, therefor this is a different TR. Expecting 1 or 2 by the end of this year.


14th Apr 2008, 19:34
I know the captains have to work themselves up from short to long haul but what about the co pilots. With all these new a/c types coming on like 750/4000/ 7x, do co pilots from the Bravo, excel 400 move on to these types or are they just left to the new guys joining the company.

14th Apr 2008, 19:49
750 and the 800XPC is the same rating. It's essentially is the same aircraft.
CE550B is correct, the 4000 is a new rating.

From what I have heard, there'll be no FOs on the 7X for a little while. Captains need to get experience and time on type.
An example of this is the new policy for the G5 is for new captains (who may not have a lot of international experience) to do 6 months or so in the RHS gaining experience before moving across. (Command pay in the RHS)

No idea how the 4000 will be crewed initially. It's not here yet. I dare say there'll be a little bit of captains only as they get experience on type. So for this year, new FOs can probably forget the 4000 and the 7X. (**this is my guess only**)

Those in the know might post or then again, I think they're a bit busy trying to get manuals written.

15th Apr 2008, 14:25
When do first 7X arrive? How many expected through end of 2008?

15th Apr 2008, 14:53
Anyone got a interview at the end of the month in london?

15th Apr 2008, 20:12
Two 7x until end of 2008.

17th Apr 2008, 02:22
I know that the type of flying that NetJets is involved in is very flexible, but are flying rosters issued in advance when possible, or is it just a case that you know you are on for 6 days off for 5 and you find out where you are going on the day?

17th Apr 2008, 05:33

I THINK(!), that the latter is right. You just know that you're gone for six days, the rest comes via blackberry...
Can any active NJ Pilot confirm that pls?

But after all, that's what makes it interesting!

Cheers, Olli

17th Apr 2008, 07:58
All correct gents,
you know you're away from home for 6 days. In those days your life is scheduled by the company.
Night before the following day you get the new briefing on the BB.

The briefing might change during the day, but you will be notified on the freaking BB.
So you r never 100% sure where you stay the following night. But thats all the fun isn't it!

Okay have to go now, I'm flying from Istanbul to Birmingham in a few hours....I think.:ok:


17th Apr 2008, 08:04
@natops: So have fun !!!:)

I'm looking forward to this kind of life... (starting in June:ok:)

Cheers, Olli

17th Apr 2008, 14:07
Lifter91 check your PMs.

17th Apr 2008, 18:34
Just recieved an email fron NJ saying i have passed stage 1 and they are inviting me down for stage 2.

i have been advised that because of my age (18) i should not bother as im going to be considered too young.

is this a sign that i have a chance or is it just the oppertunity for them to make some money out of the stage 2 assessment

was just wondering whether it would be worth my time/money since im still in my 1st year or uni!

cheers for any respones guys

17th Apr 2008, 18:42
Well, yes you have a chance. No one has said that it is impossible for you. There's just been advice on what has happened to other candidates.

Would you look upon us kindly if we said "sure, crack on, have a go" knowing full well that a failure at Stage 2 = no more chances at NJE cadet scheme?

To compare, I bought a ticket in the Euro millions. Sure, I have a chance, but look at the odds. However, my Aunty did win the lottery 30 years ago. So, you spend some time reading every thing and have a look on the Oxford forums as well.

19th Apr 2008, 06:42
@ Lifter91,

I went!
Cu on the line somewhere then, I'll be the one with Natops on his hat...


Pax on the run
19th Apr 2008, 11:55
Just re-submitted my application after 4 months of waiting for a response!

Do NJ HR work weekends?

19th Apr 2008, 13:54
No, NJ HR don't work on the weekends. However, you're wise to resubmit your application. Occassionally they do get lost in the system.

Psst, lifter,
Whatever you do, don't do a line check with natops weird things happen. :ooh: :E :ok: However, he does buy his rounds post flight. :ok: