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14th May 2008, 10:06
Flybe seem to be a solid and well run company and their standards are high in all respects.

Whatever about the first part of that sentence...I'm not so sure about the second bit :oh::p

14th May 2008, 12:54
Sanford, I can confirm he left the island on Monday afternoon onboard a Flybe service. Watched him and his family board the aircraft myself

14th May 2008, 15:38
My flight with euromanx was £19 single IOM-MAN.

Fare = £0
Taxes and charges = £19

When do the government get the "taxes and charges" ?
Do they get it at the time at ticketing or do they get it when the flight happens?

If the government get the money at the time of ticketing then I claim my £19.........!

14th May 2008, 16:47
My flight with euromanx was £19 single IOM-MAN.

Fare = £0
Taxes and charges = £19

When do the government get the "taxes and charges" ?
Do they get it at the time at ticketing or do they get it when the flight happens?

If the government get the money at the time of ticketing then I claim my £19.........!
Its when the flight happens. The airline only pays the taxes for those who actually fly (they don't pay the taxes for no shows), and so they are not paid until after the flights occurs.

14th May 2008, 17:00
For those of you who don’t know me I was one of the operations team.

I just thought it would be good to start with a big thank you to all the people that I worked with, past and present. We made a great little family, especially the relationship between ops and the crew which was first rate.:ok: I would also like to thank all the other companies that supported us as you all did a fantastic job.:D We are sorry that our demise may affect some with those companies too. I would also like to thank our very loyal passengers, we are all very sorry that you have been affected by our demise as well. I would also like to openly apologise to Liam whom I talked into staying after he had another position to go to, and to Jason who I talked into leaving Flight Support. I did not know this was going to happen but we did make a good team along with ‘fun time’ Phil and Kinder.

With regards to our last working weeks, all of the people, including the managers, were not fully aware of what was happening. It was never that sort of a company. There was an autocrat at the top and all major decisions were made at board level. The first I new that something was afoot was when some suits were seen looking into files and spending a lot of time upstairs in the boardroom. This lead me to believe that a company was doing due diligence on our business but I did not know who. The management asked the question and was told that because of confidentiality clauses JS was not in a position to tell us who. We later found out when Aurigny was subbed in to cover OEHBC, via Aurigny, that Flybe were allegedly picking up the tab. When the aircraft did not continue covering the flying and we were told to manage with two aircraft. I thought that the deal was going wrong but we were all told “business as usual” as talks were still ongoing. There was a feeling in the company that everything was not well but because everyone loved working there, there was no drop off in working performance. To everyone’s credit, all people remained very professional even though the last week was very difficult. Several others and I expressed our disgust at the way we were treating our passengers but as there was no spare cash available we were told that we had to operate with just two aircraft.

On the 8th of May I received a call at 1300 asking if I could come into work and go straight to the CEOs office. This I duly did and was asked what we would do if OEHBB was unavailable and could I look into seeing if there was sub charter capacity available. At 2000 on the same day I was again requested to come into work and was asked to look at planning OEHBB to depart for Exeter the following morning. I was told that there was a board meeting in progress, which I was lead to believe was discussing the companies options. I was also told that I would be informed what we will be doing with the flights the following morning. I was asked not to discuss with anyone as nothing was yet finalized. Everyone new that OEHBB was going to Exeter it was just a matter of when. I duly came in the following morning and rightly or wrongly flight planned the aircraft to Exeter. After it took off, I and everyone else received an email that the company had gone into liquidation, classy!!

With regards to crew, of recent there was a bias towards hiring Austrians, as it was believed that the flight crew ratio should be 50/50. The last two employed were and Englishman and an Austrian. I know the next two people to be employed were to be and English F/O and an Austrian. Having said that, the recent Austrians were excellent choices as they were very proffesional pilots and a credit to their country (FJ and VS). There were no preferences made to when it came to upgrades and the next one to be promoted would have been Andy Hubbard. There were preferences with regard to management pilots as we were told that Austro Control wanted German speaking pilots in the office.

At the end of all this several members went out and had a fond farewell drink together. I had a chat with Mr EuroManx himself, Mark Kermeen, about organizing one next year so if interested make sure that either Mark or I have your details.

Finally I will add my vote to changing from open skies and give companies route licenses. Prices must be agreed with government so that all routes will be viable but so that in the monopoly position too much is not charged. Now that Flybe have spent a lot of money advertising against EuroManx and have succeeded in driving us out of business, they will want a return on their investment, and rightly so, but the licensing of routes would mean that the price structure will be a fair one. This policy will also protect Flybe and other airlines operating from the Island jobs, which is something that will benefit all. Competition is good for the passenger during the competing phase but with 40,000 people with potential problems do you think they believe it is a good idea? On this note a thank you must go to Manx2 for offering places on their aircraft and also to Flybe:D. We all like living and working on the island and all should be done to protect those working in aviation. I do not wish for anyone to go through what all of us at EuroManx are going through now.

Good luck to all

14th May 2008, 17:25
Yes - shame about the real Manx Airlines, it was the best airline I have ever worked for. pitty BA couldnt have left it alone.

I remember the good old days just doing a IOM BHX IOM and then back home to bed, good people to work for..................even you norman had your good days lol

cometo think of it, how hard would it be to set up manx airlines again? I believe Terry still owns the name Manx airlines.


manx crab
14th May 2008, 19:01

Very interesting read from the IOM Government- outlining their involvement with EuroManx.

http://www.gov.im/lib/news/cso/euromanxchiefmin.xmlThe answer from Hovis certainly makes interesting reading. The phrase "strung along" springs to mind.

14th May 2008, 19:53
manx crab

yes that statement is very interesting indeed. typical IOM gov unfortunatley.

with regard to euromanx flying there last dash 8 out on the morning they went into liquidation, I do think that silly woman who trys her best to run the airport should have been on the ball, at least mr pain would have had his finger on the pulse (or his camera) and would have had atc inform him of any dodgy filled flight plans??

oh well, bye bye to 1.6million quid:ugh:

14th May 2008, 22:49
I would also like to openly apologise to Liam whom I talked into staying after he had another position to go toI would of not missed the last 6 months for anything, its been nothing but a pleasure and a blast, I HAVE NO REGRETS!

The way the team worked in the last week or so before our demise was nothing short of fantastic, we may not of had enough aircraft to actually run a full program, but we all agreed at the beginning of it all that we would strive to move EVERY passenger to the destination on the same day...
(Yep, that good old fashioned same day service gag.....)

We did it boys, we shifted every passenger, on the same day, we didn't hotac anyone.
I have always said, its not how you start its the way that you end, well , hold your heads up high. you did do a fantastic job, (and have been doing so for sometime)

The people who really took the stick were the Cabin crew, they lined themselves up daily for an ear bashing, they took it too,

Ladies, (Mark and David too) I take my hat off to you,:ok:
For the amount of BS :mad: that you had to endure in our last week . I count my lucky stars that I had a job behind a desk and not on the front line...

I think that you should be thanked as well David, There would always be at least one or two members of crew asking if you could re-jig the roster for them to fit in with something new that had come up and they had to sort out,which almost was always accommodated regardless of how busy you were.

We (the ops team) would always be asking various questions at random time of the day (or night), and you never once told us it was not the time to talk, or that was were were asking was really not worth the call, you listened, you guided and most importantly of all you danced!

Joking aside you have been a great manager to work for and I would do it again too. Thank you!

So you smasher... Good luck.... Were all counting on you!

"EuroManx Eight-Zero-Lima, that is all copied, thanks very much, we will see you on the ground!!!!!"


15th May 2008, 08:26
Where's Michael Aspel and the red book? :ok:

15th May 2008, 08:52
Many thanks David for sharing your experiences... Agreed. Surely the government will take at look at the open skies policy again and make some hard decisions. I am in the process of draughting a letter to the David Anderson MHK in the DoT and would encourage interested others to do so too.


15th May 2008, 10:18
Mr B, dude.......
loved the posts of yourselves!

Just would like to say if i had the choice of swapping my postiotn to working behind the desk in the last week - i wouldnt swap for all the tea in china!
Even though i was getting called all the names in the manx dictionary, i still had a job to do and a company i loved so much to protect, but i can imagine couldnt have been easy for you guys trying to sort out day by day the daily plan!

Just wish we hadnt had ended the way we did and we had at least a month to prepare ourselves, but heyho, whats done is done.

But what i would like to say is, on behalf of all the girls & boys on the frontline.....
we salute you, gentlemen....and thank you for keeping us in order when we needed to be kept in order!:8

And yes thank Mr B you have been a great manager, you were fair, diplomatic, funny, cool & serious and it was a pleasure to be part of the ops team in the last year. And as Lairy said I would do it again as well - just need a dozen million, some aircraft and some staff! lol

Thank you ops, Euromanx eight zero lima will see you on the ground...any chance of the crew bus? :=

15th May 2008, 11:40
No Crew Bus.... It's already booked to take Seymours kids to school!

A crew bus for Seymour and Cardie, pathetic. When you think about what we used to work for it really is shocking what used to go on there.

15th May 2008, 16:03
We did it boys, we shifted every passenger, on the same day, we didn't hotac anyone.

Are you sure ? i seem to rememeber being put up in a hotel on saturday 3rd may...... i suppose ofically that wasnt the last week but 6 days later euromanx was now longer.........mmmm. the staff at manchester tried their very best despite being shouted at by alot of my fellow passengers. I will miss my regular travels with euromanx and your excellent service, now i have the joys of flybe to deal with :bored:

Goodluck to everyone in finding new jobs, does this affect any jobs at manchester or liverpool?

15th May 2008, 17:35
now i have the joys of flybe to deal with :bored:

Errr you don't have to - Don't feel obliged.....

Capt. Horrendous
15th May 2008, 20:32
Cloud one, check your PMs

manx crab
15th May 2008, 21:06
No chance of a change from open skies, not with the current chief minister and governments never admit mistakes. Anyway, remember if there had been route licences then EMX would not have been able to start on LPL or Man.

DajBuck : No blame on you for HBB's departure, that lies with JS, the directors and AR, the AD not being on the ball.

16th May 2008, 12:11
Dear David,
Thank you for your accurate and honest post of the demise of EMX.:D

I hope this now means that we can all walk safely in the streets without being accosted by pax who lost their dosh!!

Take care and keep us posted of the EMX reunion - you have my email address.

18th May 2008, 09:07
Having now read the IOM Governments' report on the EM affair I'm absolutely shocked that the government have extended the credit to just under £1m for a struggling airline.

This is clear incompetence on the part of the IOM Government and no doubt the AD is involved too. How and why would you extend credit facilities for this amount of money for months on end.

Now, everything's gone tips up and it's the taxpayer and passengers that will have to fill the hole in the coffers.

I wonder what the response on this will be from Mike Rutter of flybe or Noel Hayes of Manx2. I can imaginw though! Its already been said on here that the government never admits mistakes.If action had been taken sooner then the disaster that happened could have been avoided and a slow wind-down could have been performed.

Good luck to all at EuroManx in finding new positions, I gather they are all being taken care of by Flybe, Aer Arann or bmi regional.

Navair Windmill
18th May 2008, 12:10
Yes, I agree. It's a pity they didn't show the same consideration to Manx Airlines, who never needed a loan/bung/fix/moratorium. The then Govt insisted on an inappropriate Open Skies policy for a tiny population catchment area, and turned down TRPL's offer to maintain scheduled services across the UK and Europe in return for monopoly status in some areas.
Politicians eh? LHR turned into LGW. LCY lost. BHX punitively expensive.
And FlyBe selling everything except vegetables and tat to make their financial model work.
On second thoughts, I was wrong about the tat!:)

18th May 2008, 17:08
Its really sad what is happening to this Islands airline industry has anyone any idea just how many people have had to leave this Island to secure jobs elsewhere, losing their homes uprouting their families when is this government going to take a grip of the industry on the Island all these qualified Pilots, Crew Engineers and back office staff are hard working people that they have lost forever.
Before long the Island wont have an economy because the financial industry will not have a stable transport system to bring them here
Good luck to all the hardworking people who have had to reschedule their lives because the IOM government are living in cloud cuckoo land and wont realise what they have lost until it is too late

18th May 2008, 18:06
What is that on the signs about Douglas "TB Manx Mugabe" Even Mugabe wasn't that daft to not notice the Open Skies implications and possible fallout. Mind you they don't get issued with Hindsight in Tynwald.

I still think the AD is still getting panned for things she had no control over or for not doing things that would have placed her in very hot water legally.

Selling Vegetables is one idea I hadn't thought of, I'll email Mr Rutter tomorrow with that one! You may mock Flybe's business model, but it does mean cheaper fares for those who are prepared to be flexible when they travel and travel light. Beats subsidising those who want to carry the kitchen sink on the busiest times, doesn't it?

Anyway, perhaps out of respect and decency, this particular thread should not contain any more references to Flybe, past or present. If you want to have a pop at them, do so on the Isle of Man or flybe threads and let this one be reserved for those who worked for EMX, or wish to pass tribute to the good service, professionalism and hard work the operational team and crews gave these last few years.

I sincerely hope all of you find gainful employment very soon, have fond memories of your time in the Red corner and have no embarassement at all of recalling your time there in the future. The gossip or rumours passing through Govt, or wherever are not your fault. You all worked hard, did your level best and gave your all, and that should always be respected and admired.

As a Flybe employee, I will not post here again on this thread.

Farewell EMX, and all who piloted her on the waves.

PPRuNe Pop
19th May 2008, 06:38
I think we have to agree that it is the right time to close this thread.

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