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21st Aug 2006, 12:57
it doesnt look too far so jumping in a taxi probably wont be too expensive

21st Aug 2006, 14:43
Guys, just a heads-up. Don't commit too soon because the approved course due to graduate in September, have been told that they are not going to be employed in the foreseeable future and will be placed in the holding pool.

Remember, it is only an 'approved' scheme with no guarantees of employment at the end of the course.

Don't commit financially unless you are certain that you can accept the 'blow' if you were to be told the same thing after more than a years hard work and watching all the past approved courses being given their contracts on graduation day.

21st Aug 2006, 20:51
If you are coming by rail get off at 'Luton Parkway' and there is a TUI staff bus that runs every 20 mins, no ID is needed to get on and that will take you to Wigmore.

If flying into LTN then the TUI bus also goes to the terminal (You cant miss it as its big, blue and has TUI down the side.)

Or if your coming by car they may let you park in the visitors area, or theres the local shops or ASDA or the short stay car park at the terminal and jump on the TUI bus.

Hope that helps answer a few questions

22nd Aug 2006, 20:02
Thanks Chocks_Away, thant's exactly what I was looking for :ok:

25th Aug 2006, 20:01
This thread has gone very quiet! How's everyone getting on with preparation for next week? Anyone else been asked to the next stage?

Rene Pedersen
25th Aug 2006, 20:37
This thread has gone very quiet! How's everyone getting on with preparation for next week? Anyone else been asked to the next stage?

We are too busy preparing to spend time in this thread :} but I'm looking forward to the interview and tests.. hopefully I won't be too nervous :ouch:

25th Aug 2006, 20:41
I'm looking forward to it too. I think it will all be quite relaxed, from what I've read. It's difficult to know what to prepare for though, the email was so vague :}

26th Aug 2006, 18:33
This thread has gone very quiet! How's everyone getting on with preparation for next week? Anyone else been asked to the next stage?
Hi everyone,
Yeah, I'm going down to Luton tomorrow night- i've got the selection day at 9am on Monday morning.

26th Aug 2006, 22:45
Me too, Im too skint to fly down tho, so ive got the early bus to catch.

Staying overnight at luton.

See you monday, bright and early sdss2 and mixmaster.


27th Aug 2006, 10:03
More great news, thats it airlines keep sponsoring peeps with no experience...just let the hard working broke pilots in this industry keep hanging on some more......

27th Aug 2006, 12:00
More great news, thats it airlines keep sponsoring peeps with no experience...just let the hard working broke pilots in this industry keep hanging on some more......

Last time I checked this wasn't a sponsorship.. thomsonfly pay NOTHING towards this. Chances are any of us who end up on this course will be just as skint (if not more so) than you by the end. And there is no guarantee of a job....

Good luck to everyone going for selection tomorrow, remember to post how it goes :ok:

27th Aug 2006, 12:56
Guys, just a heads-up. Don't commit too soon because the approved course due to graduate in September, have been told that they are not going to be employed in the foreseeable future and will be placed in the holding pool.

Remember, it is only an 'approved' scheme with no guarantees of employment at the end of the course.

Yup and there a few noises that this current scheme might be cancelled..:ouch: .....

The Mixmaster
29th Aug 2006, 09:00
There was no talk of it not going ahead yesterday. The day comprised of 5 different tests; maths with a calculator, verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, PILAPT and an interview with a staff member from FTE, there is no contact with anyone from ThomsonFLy until the next stage. Apparently there have been 24 people selected for this stage with a maximum of ten places available on the course, gotta like those odds!

Good luck to the monday morning crew and to everyone else on it, seems like a great scheme to get on:ok:

29th Aug 2006, 09:55
More great news, thats it airlines keep sponsoring peeps with no experience...just let the hard working broke pilots in this industry keep hanging on some more......

To be honest wingbar your opinions and outbursts are starting to annoy me so i thought i'd chip my two cents in.

Schemes like this make sense to the airlines that run them. It is all about forward thinking. They know they are going to need pilots in a couple of years. So why not guarantee they have the candidates already selected and in the pipeline that they want to cover part of those needs. It saves adverts in flight, selection days, sim tests when they actually need the pilots. Delaying them getting on line etc.

Not only are they thinking a little further forward. But with a scheme like this they will be able to have a certain input into the way the training is carried out, company SOP's etc when it comes to mcc and jot courses for example. This enables them to get a candidate who is used to flying the practices they want for the type rating and on the line. And ensures they have 2 years almost to weed out any bad apples whos attitudes dont fit. I for one would have to sit next to you :ugh:

This is a scheme for a job a year and a half to two years down the line. For a company who ARENT CURRENTLY RECRUITING - so how bitter can you really get about it.

Airlines running schemes like this will never fill all their requirements with low houred pilots. They arent able to for insurance reasons. So while 10 jobs may not be available to low houred pilots from other backgrounds in a couple of years. With all your instructing (poor students) etc you wont qualify as that, because in theory you should have something more to bring to the table.

You need to keep your attitude in check, by all means post opinions and experiences, they are always welcome. But if you have nothing to contribute - why try and pick a fight or put others down when they are trying to help each other etc.

rant over :p

4th Sep 2006, 11:58
Hi !
I did'nt find the link to apply for Thomsonfly ab-initio sponsored training..
any help..?


4th Sep 2006, 11:59
;) Hi !
I did'nt find the link to apply for Thomsonfly ab-initio sponsored training..
any help..?


Rene Pedersen
4th Sep 2006, 12:00
Hi !
I did'nt find the link to apply for Thomsonfly ab-initio sponsored training..

First of all this course is not sponsored, it is mentored. This means that TFly will not pay anything for the students. Further more the deadline ended around the 15th of august.


4th Sep 2006, 12:25
Thanks René ,
but do you have a link to apply for next year...?
thank you..

Rene Pedersen
4th Sep 2006, 12:47
Thanks René ,
but do you have a link to apply for next year...?
thank you..

I don't have the link and I don't think that anybody knows if there's be another course next year. You just have to sit around and see.


The Mixmaster
5th Sep 2006, 13:52
I had mine last monday and was told we would hear the results between 5 and 10 days time. I asked in the interview if the recruitment freeze was going to have any impact on this scheme and they seemed to suggest that it wouldn't. They claimed they would be takin 10 of 24 candidates.

The Mixmaster
7th Sep 2006, 10:29
Anyone heard yet? How long can they make us wait!!

Rene Pedersen
7th Sep 2006, 10:57
Anyone heard yet? How long can they make us wait!!

Haven't heard anything yet.. checking mail and phone like every two minutes :ugh: :}


7th Sep 2006, 18:43
yipee i am in!.....stage 4 here i come...:E

8th Sep 2006, 10:17
congratulation solerflyer,

me i don't have any news, hope it is not bad news...
when is your stage 4?

yipee i am in!.....stage 4 here i come...:E

8th Sep 2006, 10:41
I wonder whats happening as apparantly out of all of us only one person has been told so far???!!

8th Sep 2006, 14:11
please, any news for a desperated frenchy?lol

8th Sep 2006, 19:15
I've been away for a week and not being able to get on pprune has been killing me! Not heard anything yet.... thought maybe today... looks like it will be next week sometime.

11th Sep 2006, 13:41
I wonder when this week!

11th Sep 2006, 13:46
I was hoping today, but its not looking likely... for those of us who would need to give 1 month notice to employers, its getting tight. I just want to know either way, even if I'm not through, I just want to know before I go crazy :ugh:

Looks like it's only solerflyer100 who's heard... I'm beginning to think he/she is winding us all up because we're all so desperate to hear :confused:

11th Sep 2006, 14:21
Ok, having searched back through this thread it looks like the last lot of candidates were told about 14 days after the end of the assessment, so for us that would be about wednesday of this week. Nothing to say thats how it will work this time, but fingers crossed we hear soon.

The Mixmaster
11th Sep 2006, 14:27
I would have thought they would have told us by now if the recruitment freeze applied to this scheme and as you say it wouldn't make sense as surely they're still going to need pilots 15 months down the line. I emailed FTE on friday asking if they had revised the date for letting us all know and all they could say was that we would be informed shortly:confused:

11th Sep 2006, 14:30
i phoned fte friday and they said that thomsonfly did not give its answers yet.Carmen said that it will be this week.So finger cross...

A bientot

11th Sep 2006, 14:36
Ok so if thomson hasn't decided yet then what is solerflyer100 on about :confused:

11th Sep 2006, 14:49
maybe he knows someone in the thomsonfly (father, friend...)

The Mixmaster
11th Sep 2006, 15:03
blatant wind-up:}

12th Sep 2006, 15:17
Just got an email... I'm not through. Anyone else heard? Have to wait 6 months before applying again :ugh:

12th Sep 2006, 15:23
Not heard yet, although it doesn't look too good.

Did they offer you feedback fW? Did you get the 'will invite you to FTE, but just not tagged' option??


12th Sep 2006, 15:25
It said they can't offer feedback. No mention of whether I can go to FTE as non tagged or not. I don't know if the "don't apply for 6 months" also includes applying as a non tagged student... will have to have a think about things and find out.

Rene Pedersen
12th Sep 2006, 16:08
Just got an email... I'm not through. Anyone else heard? Have to wait 6 months before applying again :ugh:

Sorry to hear you didn't get through.

I just got the call and I'm through to the final round of interviews. It's gonna be in manchester on the 22nd. :ok:


The Mixmaster
12th Sep 2006, 16:32
I'm one of the unlucky ones too:ouch: . Well done to everyone who made it through.:ok:

12th Sep 2006, 16:58
i still don't have any answer. :sad: :sad: are there some other people like me?

12th Sep 2006, 17:11
I still haven't heard anything back spitglider. Would have thought everyone would have found out on the same day.

Edit: Ignore that. Check your junk mail. I didn't make it in either.

12th Sep 2006, 17:29
ok chris, it's gooood to know that:ok:

12th Sep 2006, 20:55
I didn't get through either:{ . Well done to everyone who did- good luck for the next stage.

12th Sep 2006, 23:55
Another scot bites the dust.

Im not thru.

Damm, Back to the ppl.


13th Sep 2006, 00:15
Must have been a tough one this time round :ooh:

13th Sep 2006, 09:50
i am still waiting too.
the phone number is in fte's website

Rene Pedersen
13th Sep 2006, 09:59
could it be that you will be offered a place on the course but un-tagged? but seems a bit strange i'm the only one who will be going to the interviews :confused: or perhaps the others arent just involving us :=


13th Sep 2006, 10:28
I am in the same boat nothing heard yet - not sure whether that is good or bad, I really thought they would have told everyone at the same time!

13th Sep 2006, 15:36
Looks like I'm one of the very few very lucky ones! :ok:

Commiserations to all those who didn't receive such welcome news.

13th Sep 2006, 16:29
congratulation, did they say how many people are going to phase 4?
still nothing for me!i will turn crazy.lol

15th Sep 2006, 14:40
i am still waiting too.

All very puzzling - I called FTE today (as I have heard nothing yet) and they advised Thomsonfly are still finalising the shortlist for the next round and I should expect a phone call mid next week??!!

But I thought some of you have already heard and indeed got interviews for phase 4?

the plot thickens

16th Sep 2006, 10:51
They called me to tell the good news yesterday.I have my interview friday.
They are so late...I imagine they will make an other interview day.Good luck to everybody

26th Sep 2006, 11:49
hy guys
The captain said to me that in fact they will take only 6 of us.Someone knows how many of us tested the interviews?

Rene Pedersen
26th Sep 2006, 12:10
hy guys
The captain said to me that in fact they will take only 6 of us.Someone knows how many of us tested the interviews?

When I asked he told me 7 or 8 but they would not call in for extra interviews should they not fill in the 6 places.

26th Sep 2006, 14:59
ok ok,
lets go for an other waitting week!

Rene Pedersen
26th Sep 2006, 15:08
ok ok,
lets go for an other waitting week!
yeah :} although he said he would notify me before the end of this week.

27th Sep 2006, 12:52
Any news anyone? The wait is slowly driving me mad! :bored:

Rene Pedersen
27th Sep 2006, 14:37
Any news anyone? The wait is slowly driving me mad! :bored:

Nothing here yet.. :ugh:

27th Sep 2006, 16:44
I haven't heard anything yet :confused:
They also told me to expect outcome by the end of this week ............

Good Luck to all those waiting for news :ok:


28th Sep 2006, 13:17
i am in!
hope to see the other th 2sd of november in Luton

Rene Pedersen
28th Sep 2006, 13:18
I'm IN!!! :D :ok:

Just got the call half an hour ago. :p


28th Sep 2006, 13:29
Well done guys. Nothing heard here yet :-(. Did you get calls from Tfly or FTE?

Anyone else heard, positively or negatively?

28th Sep 2006, 21:46
http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/factfile.php?id=qga092axpwyhq736ev4zf4s7t71cx7q9hnxheyytfkvt ennk4f6

The approved cadets due to graduate in September have just been told that they are not going to be employed by TF in the foreseeable future. They will be put in the holding pool, but no guarantees. TF have over estimated their crewing needs.

Just found that interesting, i take it they are still running this scheme, seeing as people have found out that they are in!?!

The Mixmaster
28th Sep 2006, 23:09
Presumably this wouldn't affect the current scheme as it will be well over a year before graduates from this scheme start line training.

29th Sep 2006, 16:27
I did consider that, it just seems harsh on the current crop of TFly hopefuls. This is a good example of these schemes offering no guarantees!!

4th Oct 2006, 07:51
I'm in 2 - looking forward to seeing u two early next month!

4th Oct 2006, 10:45
Hi guys,
did you received the confimation mail for the Luton presentation day?
me not yet and i would like to book my plane.

Rene Pedersen
4th Oct 2006, 11:02
Hi guys,
did you received the confimation mail for the Luton presentation day?
me not yet and i would like to book my plane.

No nothing here yet. I'm probably gonna book for the Nov 1st as i'm not able to get to Luton untill around 11 oclock if I travel on the 2nd.

But we should fairly soon book for the ryan air flight to Jerez I think. Also we need to leave Luton fairly soon as I guess we will all have some bags to check in.

Anyway looking forward to seeing you in Luton on the 2nd


5th Oct 2006, 12:55
yea i will book for the 1st too, just waiting to know at what time we will be free the 2nd in order to book the ryanair flight.

see you soon guys

6th Oct 2006, 11:40
Chaps there is only one Ryanair flight on the 2nd going from STN to XRY (Jerez). So you may as well book now before the prices go up up up. Got mine for £50.


7th Oct 2006, 13:40
Chaps there is only one Ryanair flight on the 2nd going from STN to XRY (Jerez). So you may as well book now before the prices go up up up. Got mine for £50.


Yeah booked mine this morning for same amount - looks like it could be quite cheap coming home for the odd weekend if u book in advance - week after flight going for a fiver!

Rene Pedersen
8th Apr 2007, 07:52
Thomsonfly and FTE are recruiting for 2 courses, July and October.



Dan Gwiz
9th Apr 2007, 10:17
Anyone know when the aptitude tests are being held for this scheme, and whether if you have already been booked in for the aptitude tests can you still apply for the scheme



9th Apr 2007, 20:50
If you were not successful in the recent Flybe scheme I wonder if you can still apply for this scheme and not be automatically filtered out? I have applied nonetheless.

10th Apr 2007, 07:00
I have applied nonetheless.

Good choice :E

french frog
10th Apr 2007, 09:14
Thanks Rene for this good news, I applied at the thomsonfly sponsorship.
NOw, I am looking forward the FTE answer. I hope my previous experience at the Netjets selection will be useful.


10th Apr 2007, 10:58
I hope my previous experience at the Netjets selection will be useful.

It will help but FTE use a different battery of tests ;)

good luck :)

10th Apr 2007, 20:29
do you known when it will be the date for the assement
when it finish the application form

11th Apr 2007, 06:59
do you known when it will be the date for the assement
when it finish the application form

No, normally it takes a couple of days for them to get back to you (it could take up to 5 days).

The second stage is a list of questions that you have to answer within 3 days and return it to them.

If successful the third stage is the pilapt tests.

If successful the fourth stage is a interview at TF HQ.

If succesful drink allot of beer (maybe wine in you're case) :) you have done well.


14th Apr 2007, 16:58
Oh bugger....has anyone gone through to the aptitude tests with less than the required A-levels and in different subjects too?:(

17th Apr 2007, 07:17
Just got a reply from FTE saying that I shall not be receiving an application form.

I find it a little strange... I have an HND in Aero Engineering, a BEng in Mechanical Engineering, a PPL, and I am a serving Naval Officer.

The only reasons I can think of are a) I am 31 and deemed too old b) I have 190 hrs TT c) I do not have the required A levels (but kick those well into touch with the HND and Degree!!)

I think I should have at least had the chance to complete a full aplication form.

Anybody else out there been turned down at such an early stage when you believe you "tick all the right boxes" ?

Oh well, I passed CTC Pilapt so shall continue down that route.


19th Apr 2007, 09:08

Maybe you didn't tick all the boxes!

Not suggesting these are your reasons but there is the attitude box, the overconfident box, the is he full of it box and the could I sit next to him for a whole day or more without him pissing me off box. :ok:
A PPL can be a disadvantage because you may need to be 'untaught' bad habits etc
Pardon my arrogance but what does being a serving naval officer have to do with it?

19th Apr 2007, 09:31

Thanks for the completely unconstructive, dim witted and tardy reply.

My point (which you clearly missed), was that I met the criterion which FTE had published on their website and was therefore bemused that I had not even had the chance to complete the application form. I was suprised as I had been sent the FlyBe form in a previous application.

The Naval Officer bit is quite relevant as Airlines are very keen on ex-Military (whether aircrew or not). Surely someone, clearly as well informed as yourself, must know this.

I just posted some facts. If you took that to be arrogant then so be it.


BigMustard (as in sticky, yellow and not to everyones taste?)

19th Apr 2007, 10:00
Well well !

As I said MFWF

Not suggetsting these are your reasons

It was not meant to be a completely unconstructive, dim witted and tardy reply.

The Naval Officer bit is quite relevant as Airlines are very keen on ex-Military (whether aircrew or not). Surely someone, clearly as well informed as yourself, must know this.

I think I might be reasonably well informed - and do not disagree that there are benefits from having served (as I have done in a commissioned rank). It is not however a 'ticket' alone - there are other boxes to be ticked too.


MFWF (who needs to appeal to somebodys taste)

19th Apr 2007, 10:52

You lasted long in the services then!!! 22 and held commissioned rank (or was it RAFVRT / TA etc ???).

Anyway you have no point to make so shall we just drop this silly "discussion" as it is getting rather boring and completley pointless for everyone else reading it.:ugh:



Handbag stowed.

19th Apr 2007, 11:05
I am not 22 nor do I live in London - one has to preserve ones anonymity! :)

You are not too old - whilst it is thought, generally throughout the industry, that 33 should be the upper limit for training, it would now be illegal.
I would 'constructively' suggest that the initial sift is done by computer and that because you have not completed the required 'A' level field you have been rejected. Why not email my old mate and ask him.
Check you pm

20th Apr 2007, 09:33
of the two A-Levels listed is required to get through.

I have 1 (3 total) of the ones listed. I got through.

Grass strip basher
20th Apr 2007, 11:11
Although I am not going for it I can confirm that age does not appear to be a barrier to getting through stage one.... the old scheme I believe had a limit of c28... I am somewhat above that and still got sent the questions etc

20th Apr 2007, 12:07

It might be down to the 170 hours. Having spoken with a good few training captains, they all suggest that a PPL and 50 hours is about all they want to see in your log before starting an ab-initio scheme. As suggested in another post - they worry they might have to 'undo' any bad habits you might have.

I know its harsh, because the experience counts, but you have to remember these schemes are designed for those to go from zero-to-hero.

Best of luck with CTC

Grass strip basher
20th Apr 2007, 12:22
I have 150+ hours and the hours (and age) didn't stop me getting the questions...

20th Apr 2007, 13:50
Well Flashy

I try not to post crap - but ..........that is in the opinion of the reader!

From my instructional days

generally throughout the industry 33 is regarded as the upper limit?

Only because the old grey stops absorbing as quickly - and it is a generalisation & therefore doesn't apply everywhere!

Thanks for the confirmation of the first sift.

As you say

Best of British. (not french!!)

Ps Haven't got my atlas handy - is your lat & long XRY

pm the answer

The Mixmaster
22nd Apr 2007, 16:49
Anyone got a response yet after sending the questions?

22nd Apr 2007, 18:58
It should take 2-3 weeks to get an answer. This was my experience with the Flybe MAPS.

22nd Apr 2007, 19:02
I sent my email 10 days ago and still nothing. Are the assessments all at the same time? I mean I applied for the october course but hope I'll take the selections this summer.
Is someone know when they plan to start the process?


22nd Apr 2007, 19:04
Surely there will be no replies until the application date passes (not even sure when this is!) and all of the answers have been reviewed. They are still accepting applications so it will probably be a while yet.

22nd Apr 2007, 19:05
They close for applications tonight, so the people who have applied today will still be sent the questions. They then have 3 days to respond, which takes us to wednesday. Last time, phone calls for invites to the next stage took place on the friday. however, it depends how long they take to look through the applications.

Has anyone been to an FTE seminar? what was it like? Is there a dress code? Did many people take parents with them?

23rd Apr 2007, 07:11
Looks like the banner is still there. Last time they were only open for applications for 2 weeks. Maybe this time they are going for 3... could be in for a bit of a wait guys :}

23rd Apr 2007, 15:57
The banner has gone now so hopefully it won't be too long before they start getting back to people.

24th Apr 2007, 10:19
Just called FTE and asked them:

If someone has applied to this scheme and got through the the approved course, will they their name still be put forward to other airlines, as a recommendation?

The answer, contrary to what someone has said earlier in this thread, was that they cannot recommend you to any other airline if you get onto the approved course.

It looks like once you're on the approved course you're committed to Thomsonfly?

24th Apr 2007, 10:49
It looks like once you're on the approved course you're committed to Thomsonfly?

Thats how the scheme works! You can't expect to be 'recruited' by Thompsonfly and FTE, be mentored by both and then have FTE tout you to other employers.

The tagged scheme is designed to grow your own pilots, in the knowledge that provided they do as expected after the fairly rigorous selection, you have a supply of pilots for your vacancies.

Thompson, Flybe and others are not running these schemes to recruit and train pilots for somebody else. They are running the sceme because they anticipate a need for you when you have finshed.

24th Apr 2007, 10:52

Don't apply if you don't want to be "committed" to thomsonfly!

I'd imagine that if at the end of the course thomsonfly's recruitment needs have changed and they don't have jobs, then you will be allowed to apply elsewhere.

Grass strip basher
24th Apr 2007, 12:28
But TFly effectively promise you nothing on completion of the course so surely if you wanted to approach another airline there is nothing to stop you?? Although you would hardly expect FTE to recommend you to another airline for obvious reasons

24th Apr 2007, 13:10
yeah you probably can, but I doubt FTE would help you. Also, people at thomsonfly will know people at other airlines, and it may not go down too well if you tell them you don't want their job after they selected you and thought they were getting a pilot....

Also, why apply to an airline approved scheme if you don't want to work for the airline? Why not just go non-tagged (same price, same course) and then you have a choice of where you apply to for jobs... :confused:

27th Apr 2007, 13:14
thought I'd bump this up a bit...

anyone heard anything?

29th Apr 2007, 12:07
Not heard anything yet, wouldn't expect to anyway, they're probably still sorting out Phase 2.

It's not that I don't want to be committed, I was just exploring my options (which I think is important to do), before I applied. What I really meant was would names be put forward for recommendation if the airline pulled out saying, for example, "no jobs at the moment, sorry".

30th Apr 2007, 17:29
Does anyone know thomsonfly's basing policy? I'm guessing that initially you are based wherever they put you, but how long until you can apply for a transfer? And how likely are you to get it?

1st May 2007, 03:33
That's a good question... Keep it for the interview, they always apreciate candidates who ask for specific points at the end of the interview.

Does anyone get some news...Sent my application more than 2 weeks ago and still no answer...!!

1st May 2007, 08:30
Applications have only been closed for just over a week, give them a chance!

Using timescales from last years tfly scheme, we should have heard last friday. Using flybe maps timescales, we might hear today, so fingers crossed! We should certainly hear this week I think.

2nd May 2007, 11:56
Just to let you guys know that they have begun to send out the dates for assessment. ;)

2nd May 2007, 12:07
woohooo! I'm going on saturday. anyone else? I'd be interested to hear if how many other sessions they are doing.

2nd May 2007, 13:35
bit of a tight timescale to get all prepared and stuff :uhoh:

2nd May 2007, 18:52
im in as well:eek:

they have said wednesday for me, however i have an exam that day:mad: . hopefully they might be able to reschedule it.

2nd May 2007, 19:06
wow, so they're running it at least from saturday to wednesday... maybe longer... that means 5 days of 2 sessions per day... 4 people per session... 40 candidates... they only did 24 last time. guess its because they are recruiting for 2 courses this time.

2nd May 2007, 22:04
Congratulations everyone. Mine is Tuesday morning.
I was hoping someone might be able to clarify for me - am I right in thinking that 16 PF Tests means 16 personality factor tests? I did a quick search on google and that's all I could come up with!

2nd May 2007, 23:39

I've been for the OAT tests and they used 20PF, which was a personality test. (I'm moderately positive btw!) I didn't know what PF actually stood for but personality factor seems reasonable. No idea about the significance of the number though. It is certainly not the number of questions as there were hundreds of them.

3rd May 2007, 03:43

Good for me too..sunday 6th.. hope I could reshedule it as I come back in Europe in June!!!
Is someone can tell more about the personnaly test...Is it writting questions?

Good luck guys!

40 candidates and how many seats?

3rd May 2007, 09:25
Most likely:

6 people per session. 2 sessions per day. Running for one week. At least 60 people.

With the PF tests, i did the OAT ones and Mike told me that i had perfect crosses in each box so i am not too woried about that part.


3rd May 2007, 09:36
When I went last time there were 4 people per session. This meant 1 got interviewed, 1 did pilapt and 2 did tests... then we swapped round. We didn't have the pf tests last time though.

They're recruiting for 2 courses this time so I think there must be 12 places. Last time there were 6 places for one course.

3rd May 2007, 17:22
although it doesnt say in the email, but im guessing that we will be doing the pilapt test as well

3rd May 2007, 18:37
I assume that "Pilot Aptitude tests using a laptop and joystick" refers to Pilapt.

4th May 2007, 14:34
my email just says 16 pf tests and an interview

6th May 2007, 11:41
anyone got any tips for the final stage interview (being optimistic here)? Assuming its a pilot and an HR type from thomson? What kind of questions?

6th May 2007, 11:43
ppl_student, how did your phase 3 go?

6th May 2007, 15:05
How are the phase 3s going for everyone? Any tips or words of advice?

Would you mind sharing what kind of questions they ask at the interview please? This is my first application so it's all still really new to me, and any help would be much appreciated.

Obviously I understand if you don't want to share - worth a shot though, no??!:\

6th May 2007, 19:15
AJMcC, try reading the rest of the thread like everyone else. Tips on all parts of phase 3 can be found if you can be bothered to look.

arpansingla, it went quite well thanks. Hard to tell though, just have to wait and see.

6th May 2007, 20:08

I attended phase 3 of the TFLY on Sat and i thought that i would share my thoughts.

First things first make sure you have a good breakfast/lunch before you get going. I managed to have a greasy fry-up and was powered up. By the end of the day i was hungry..phew...


The first test was man with hands. Basically you get an audible alert and you have to identify which hand the square/circle is in. 2nd test, you are given a shape and you have to identify if that shape appears in the left rectangle, right rectangle or none.

3rd test, deviation indicator. Basically keep the moving crosshair centred. 4th test fly through boxes.


Questions like:

When did you know you want to be a pilot?
What do you do when you get stressed etc?

Written Tests

Numeracy, verbal reasoning, mathematical reasoning.

256/342 =
142/? = ?/23 ; what is ?

You get a calc.

Personality profile

Man this is a total bitch. At the end of all the tests i was feeling quite tired and then i was presented with 170+ pf tests phew..


The nice lady at the start of the day said that if you didn't do well on the tests then you should really reconsider being a pilot.....disagree, i know 5 people that were turned down for the SSFTE course now flying jets happily.

Were not saying that you cannot be a pilot if you fail the FTE tests but if you proceed you will probably end up taking longer in training and you prob will have to resit stuff...erm no! 5 people that i mentioned earier all first time pass mod students and their are numerous other examples on this forum.

A lengthy process.

Thomsonfly looks and sounds like an awesome company to work for.

Final thought : If you are going to phase 3 give it your best shot, if you succeed great if not better luck next time but do not give up if you are serious about joining the piloting fraternity.


Hope to c you all @ phase 4! :ok:

right met 215 erm :confused:

6th May 2007, 20:20
Thanks for your very informative post Yoda. Do you know your scores for the Pilapt tests?

6th May 2007, 20:22
You are automatically told you scores for the flying through boxes and deviation indicator. Yes i know mine :) but i rather not mention them just incase ;)

6th May 2007, 20:24
Fair enough!

Sounds like a fun but tiring day.

7th May 2007, 22:14
Cheers for that Yoda. I'll let everyone know how I get on with my assessment tomorrow...

8th May 2007, 21:40
I can't really add much to what Yoda has said, except that, for the interview, you should definitely think more about your questions submitted for Phase 2 - there are definite recurring themes.

Mixed feelings about today, but it was definitely a good experience. Good luck to those final few going tomorrow, and to everyone else who is now waiting to hear back!


P.S. Avoid M4, M25 and M1 like the plague when going to an interview - a little lesson I learned today.

9th May 2007, 13:11
Hello! I was here for the assessment yesterday!
Nice assessors, nice candidates.
AJMcC, are you the guy who passed the selection on the morning and was a little in late:) , stucked in the traffic?

10th May 2007, 11:46
'You are automatically told you scores for the flying through boxes and deviation indicator'

Oh go on Yoda tell us the scores please: scare the pants of those of us facing Pilapt in the future and make me realise how much more practice I will need!!


10th May 2007, 18:12
anyone know if henry bevan (www.henrybevan.co.uk (http://www.henrybevan.co.uk)) still has his flying diary online somewhere?! enjoyed reading some of it last year and went back to look just now and its gone :(

10th May 2007, 21:41

i should really be on commission:)

10th May 2007, 22:16
Cool, I've pre-ordered my copy.

14th May 2007, 12:48

Has anyone heard back about stage 4 yet?


14th May 2007, 18:58
i was told that we would be hearing on friday

14th May 2007, 19:09
This Friday coming? 18th?

14th May 2007, 22:15
I was told the same - the lady said we could expect to hear by Friday 18th, but that was by no means a deadline. She also said - contrary to popular belief - that no news means no news. If you haven't heard anything back, it's because a decision hasn't been made yet - it does not mean you have been unsuccessful. She said everything is in Thomsonfly's hands and they let FTE know their decision as soon as they've made it - hence, there's no point constantly phoning and emailing to see whether you've been successful or not. And also, we can expect to hear either by phone or email, so it's worth checking both.
In summary(!), we'll most likely hear by Friday, but if we haven't, we're not to panic!
Happy waiting everyone...............

15th May 2007, 07:57
Cheers Ajmc.

15th May 2007, 16:40
looks like i will be making an appearance at stage 4 :)

i got the phone call this afternoon, the final stage takes place at manchester airport!

15th May 2007, 16:42
I just got my magic phone call too! I can't believe it yes! ... @ EGCC ...

See you all there. :ok:

15th May 2007, 17:01
me too!!! anyone going monday? also, anyone from the saturday stage 3 through?

15th May 2007, 17:14
im going on tuesday

how are people going to get there, i have to come from somerset which is going to be a bit of a mission:(

15th May 2007, 17:18
Congratulations everyone.
It would seem I'm through to the next stage too! I couldn't believe it - chuffed to say the least.
I don't know which day I'm going on yet because of exams, but I look forward to meeting you all there (except for revilo who(m) I've already met - congrats mate).

15th May 2007, 17:30
Oliver F****r - sorry :rolleyes: revilo_rehsif (http://www.pprune.org/forums/member.php?u=104434)

You can fly from EXT to MAN with Flybe

15th May 2007, 17:35
thanks another*****man, i quite clearly didnt put enough thought into my username:ok:

the problem with flying from exeter is that they are asking £60 for having the pleasure of myself aboard, thats just one way as well!

15th May 2007, 17:56
try £256 from edinburgh - return :}

15th May 2007, 18:03
femalewannabe point taken!

£60 is my weekly student budget:eek: looks like i had better start stockpilling those super value ready meals:(

15th May 2007, 18:43
Wooow, i can't believe it... i'm surprised to have an answer so quickely!
I'm in, I will be there on the next tuesday... it's so hude!!!!!!:p:ok:

Congratulations to everybody!

16th May 2007, 11:23
Hello all,

Has anybody received an e-mail confirming the date, time and how to find the 4th stage venue?

I am waiting patiently debating whether to give them a call :p


16th May 2007, 11:45
No, been refreshing my email all morning. Really want to get flights/train booked but until I know where the venue is, its hard. Did anyone ask if it's actually at the airport or somewhere in the centre of the city?!

16th May 2007, 22:43
Don't quote me on this, but I would imagine it'd be at the airport, just as Phase 3 was at Luton.

And from the posts I've read earlier on in this thread, it looks like it takes a few days for the emails to come through. To be honest, it's probably coz of difficult people like me not being able to confirm times and stuff that it's taking a bit longer than expected. So, apologies for that!!

Femalewannabe, you might be as well to book your flight/train to Manchester anyway, and then when you find out the location of Phase 4 you could just buy the extra leg of the journey then? It'd be cheaper to get the train/flight booked now rather than delay it any longer, and I believe tickets between the airport and the city centre (whichever one you end up at) are only a few squids each way.

Yoda1, from what I gathered from speaking to the lady at my Phase 3 interview, it'd seem they appreciate a bit of patience (not that I'm implying you're impatient :}). Maybe if we still haven't received any info by tomorrow evening, we could phone/email first thing on Friday? I get your point though - we're all desperate for those extra scraps of information :ugh:.

Bon courage, as they say... in France.

17th May 2007, 06:25
Cheers Ajmcc :) , the only reason i ask is that when the lady rang me up and told me i was through she said that i would receive the e-mail tomorrow i.e. wednesday and i didn't so i was getting a bit worried because like femalewannabe my interview is next week and i need to plan appropriately....i guess i'll wait..patience is a virtue and all that.. ;)


17th May 2007, 16:16
Genuine question: I know you guys are not quite in yet (but looking good!) have they given you any ideas about fleet etc?

The best of luck to you all.

10 years in and still a good company.

17th May 2007, 16:18
Oh ba##s!!

Ignore me, FTE is Jerez isn't it? A while to go yet. :ugh:

Hookerbot 5000
18th May 2007, 08:00

Long time reader first time poster. I too have been invited to phase 4 :) and i just wanted to wish everyone good luck.

Although like most people i have not received the e-mail confirming the exact location at manchester. I hope they do that today! :uhoh:


18th May 2007, 11:04
i got my email today! :ok:

Hookerbot 5000
18th May 2007, 13:32
Me too!

The application form is long :eek:

Right better fill it in. :ok:

18th May 2007, 14:19
can someone please email me the application form. i received the email with directions, but no form was attched:confused:

my email is [email protected]

thanks in advance


18th May 2007, 18:21
Just wanted to wish all of you the best of luck with your Phase 4s next week. I've had my interview postponed for a few weeks coz of exams, so I won't get to meet you there, but hopefully I'll see you in Jerez some day!


18th May 2007, 18:49
Hello revilo_rehsif do you still need a copy of the application form?

Have you received the same directions than me for the interview?: To go to Check in Desk Thomsonfly and ask for further instructions?
Does Anybody know the adress of the interview's place?


18th May 2007, 21:43
yes please farfadet i do need the application form, i did receive those instructions as well.

I didnt realise that stage 4 comprised a treasure hunt around manchesters terminal building!

21st May 2007, 19:43
So AJMcC, when is your phase 4 going to be?

21st May 2007, 20:21
is anyone due tommorow at 12.15pm?

22nd May 2007, 10:59
Would anyone currently at Jerez be willing to email me some pics? Accommodation, facilities, the pool, etc? I'm visiting soon but would like an idea of what the place is like! Thanks :}

22nd May 2007, 11:20
PPL student,
I'm not a FTE student, but here are some useful links to information, photos and videos of the facilities at FTE:


Some of the videos are pretty funny!

22nd May 2007, 13:07
Yeah, there seems to be a problem with the course 51 photo albums at the moment, but the course 56 ones are working OK for me.

22nd May 2007, 13:59
Cheers for that, Potential! Far too distracting though - I'm meant to be revising right now!

ppl_student, I've been in touch with HR and we're still trying to find a day when I don't have an exam and the interviewers aren't at 35,000 feet.

So how is everyone getting on? Have you all managed to decipher the directions? How long before you find out the result? And what happens next?

22nd May 2007, 14:01
ppl, when I click on the photos two new windows pop up - one with script on, and the then the one with the photo behind. Maybe it's a problem with your pop-up blocker?

22nd May 2007, 14:18
Cheers for that, Potential! Far too distracting though - I'm meant to be revising right now!

Yeah, I know the feeling - I have my last ever uni exam tomorrow!!

22nd May 2007, 14:49
:\ Whoops, sorry!
Don't worry, I'm trying to get it arranged for as soon as possible.

Curse exams.....

Hookerbot 5000
22nd May 2007, 14:51
They said at the earliest next friday but definetly the week after. The reason for the slow down is the uni students with exams - dam you people ;) :p

22nd May 2007, 16:52
I thought my interview went well. :)

23rd July is the first course; 8 Oct is the second course.


22nd May 2007, 17:05
I had my interview this afternoon. i didnt do particularly great, yet i didnt do particularly bad. although i do have the distinct impression that i have tripped and fallen flat on my face at the final hurdle:(

22nd May 2007, 18:37
I'm sure you've all done well. I honestly thought my Phase 3 was pretty awful, but managed to get through - so you can never tell.

Is everyone going for the July intake? Do you think there are any advantages/disadvantages to being on the first/second course?

22nd May 2007, 18:47
I would prefer the october one as it gives more time to sort everything out. But if I'm lucky and manage to get through, I'll happily go whenever they want me to go! I don't think there is any advantage to either course. If you don't have any bits and pieces to sort out, then go asap!

Hookerbot 5000
22nd May 2007, 18:51
I am up for the July course! :cool: (if i get in off course!)

22nd May 2007, 18:53
i have said that i would prefer the october course, simply due to the fact that i need to earn some money to pay for living expenses whilst im there. However i think that the july course will be a lot more advantageous due to the fact that they will get first come first served when it comes to base choice etc. I also believe that they have a higher chance of actually being employed by the airline should Thomsonfly realise that they no longer need more flight crew(this has happened before).

Hookerbot 5000
22nd May 2007, 19:00
Yeah that's something we all have to remember. The first thing they said to me in my interview was that this was not a job offer. You take all the financial risk, go through the course and if you meet the required standard and their is space available you will be hired. :eek:

TBH if i am lucky enough to get in i will go ahead as i feel this is the best opportunity for me to be fast tracked to a jet job.


23rd May 2007, 03:47
I applied for this Thomson sponsorship but had to take the assesment on may 6th (I was in Calgary...so !!!). Anyway, I really think it's a great company with real opportunities but wonder why they call this sponsorship if they give no guaranties and tell you during the interview " This is not a job offer..."

It seems much more secured with Netjets/OAT as they offer everyone a position as long as they complete OAT training and maintain the required level. I can't believe that once you pass Thomsonfly assesment then FTE integrated training you can be unemployed...I don't call this a sponsorship.

We are simply asked to take all the risk. Some of you are going to answer that it's better than nothing..Right BUT, if i had to pay for a self sponsorship training I'd NEVER spend over 60 000 pounds when you can be trained for half of this and find a position in a good airline.
Get up guys, we have some good years coming, european civil aviation industry is better than ever since september 11th and in the next few months many airlines are missing pilots.. OAT, FTE, CABAIR...are surely excellent FTO (maybe the best) but I don't believe that to be a pilot in a good airline you HAVE to enroll in one of those.
This is my point of vue, I wish good luck to all the thomson sponsorship's selected.

Good flights

Hookerbot 5000
23rd May 2007, 07:11

Totally agree with you and that's why they call the above a 'mentored' scheme in which the airline monitors your progress.

As far as i know with schemes like netjets/ctc/excel etc its's exactly the same. You take the financial risk and if their is a space available then you will be given the advanced training and hired. Their is no gurantee of a job.

Thomsonfly is a great company and i would love to take the risk - HIRE ME! ;):p


23rd May 2007, 17:37
I think this is a great time to get involved with Thomsonfly. With their planned merger with First Choice and TUI consolidating in general, it looks like the airline is definitely on the up. Besides, PPJN says the outlook for Tfly is positive, so it must be true :}.

And besides, even those who don't get offered jobs after schemes like this know that they're capable of landing a job as a pilot, and I'd say it's definitely worth forking out the extra money since FTE is one of the most attractive FTOs for an airline.

But we're getting off the point.

Just out of interest, is anyone thinking of applying for the GB Airways scheme as well, just in case Tfly doesn't work out?

I noticed as well that GB offer a JIC as part of the course. Does Tfly do the same?

Hookerbot 5000
24th May 2007, 07:43
What is the difference between GB's JIC and Tfly JOC?

Tfly is the company for me :p (heard of too many issues with GB).

Anyway, rock on!


24th May 2007, 09:22
A JIC is a shortened JOC consisting of 20 hours sim time plus a week in ground school, compared with the same groundschool and 44 hours in the sim for the JOC.

In reality at FTE you will do 16 hours in the sim for MCC anyway (that is included in the JOC time but not the JIC time) so the GB cadets will see 36 hours in the sim in total compared to 44 for Thomson.

Really, 8 hours makes very little difference IMO. Especially when you consider that you don't want to become too type specific on the Hawker 800. It is a tricky wee beastie to fly at the best of times and for people going on to Airbus/73NG type equipment its probably not worth getting too used to the "unique" brand of automatics on that particular sim.

The real benefits of these courses are that they allow you to practice flying as part of a 2 man crew and even more than that, get you fluent in the SOP's of your sponsor company.


24th May 2007, 22:33
Yeah if im lucky enough to get in ill be doing that. I don’t think my mum knows what she’s agreed to though, but she can’t go back on her word now! :}

25th May 2007, 10:20
I don’t think my mum knows what she’s agreed to though, but she can’t go back on her word now!

I hope the grinning smiley you put on the end of that sentence meant you weren't completely serious about that! Securing my parents' house against anything - particularly a loan, the repayments of which depend on me getting a job in such a volatile industry - is something I could never do. Think very, very carefully if this is the way you intend to proceed. And you should certainly make sure your mum knows EXACTLY what she's agreed to.

25th May 2007, 10:24
of course i wasnt serious! she knows what the deal is!

25th May 2007, 10:26
Just checking! Best of luck :ok:

28th May 2007, 11:09
Sorry to those of you that are still waiting to hear the results, but I haven't had my Phase 4 yet - and it's not going to be this week either. I'm hoping we'll be able to arrange a date for next week.
I realise it must be agonising for you - I didn't realise you would all have to wait for me (and anyone else that is still to have their Phase 4 - I think there's one other fella). From what Denise said to me, it sounded like Tfly's requirements were very flexible/changeable, and she also told me how many people were going to interview and how many places were avaiable, which gave me the impression that some offers would have been made before everyone was interviewed. So sorry about that.
It's in my best interests to have the interview as soon as possible too, so please rest assured that I'm trying to get it organised pronto!!

I'm assuming nobody has heard any news on the outcome.

Does anyone have any idea what happens re: medicals? It said earlier in this thread that Tfly have a block booking for anyone that needs them. And also, did anyone received any more details about the programme in general at their Phase 4?

28th May 2007, 11:59
Hi ppl,

I totally agree with you. I personally have to arrange finance and give notice to my employer (if successful) and this can take upto a month or so. My bank manger said to me it will take 6 weeks to get a loan that big approved so i need to move sharpish (if successful off course).

Ajmcc surly you must know your exam dates etc by now don't you? :bored:

I did speak to the recruitment guys (from the interview) on Friday and they did say to me that they have set a deadline in which if certain people can't get to the interview they will move ahead with the process....i hope this happens...although we should hear this friday at the earliest and next week definetly.

Anyhow i have ctc phase 4 this week so i am concentrating on preparing for that.


28th May 2007, 14:33
ppl_student - I wish I could be spending my time preparing for the interview, but unfortunately I've got my finals to be concentrating on. Chances are I will probably end up with less time to prepare for the interview than you lot have had, so don't feel like you've missed out on any preparation time.

Denise told me that they were inviting 13 people to interview for 12 places, and two of us couldn't make it on those original dates. So having interviewed 11 people, I thought they'd be in a position to fill up the July course at least. And also, she told me that the number of places was very flexible - she could not guarantee that I would get an interview at all because they may decide not to take on 12 people. This gave me the impression that places would have been allocated before I even got to meet them (putting me at a distinct disadvantage). She also said it would be very difficult for me to get on the July course because of the lack of time, meaning that everyone who was going on the July course would have to be informed before me.

yoda1, yup I do know my exam dates. I told Denise at Tfly when my exams would be the first time she phoned to offer me the Phase 4 interview. She has since phoned back to offer me another date, but that was on the same day as my penultimate exam. She said the problem is finding a time when the interviewer is going to be off-roster, so I'm just waiting to hear back from her as to possible dates.
Just to let you know, I have my last major exam on the 1st, and a small exam on the 4th (so I could potentially go to interview straight after that).:eek:

Once again, I do realise the difficulty that this is causing you. But it really is out of my hands. I've told Denise when I'm available, so it's just a waiting game now. If I haven't heard anything by Wednesday, I'll phone up and see what the situation is.

And also, sorry if this post sounds snippy - sincerity is difficult to convey by means of smileys!!
Good luck with the stage 4, yoda :ok:

28th May 2007, 14:36
(You can tell I'm a law student by the length of my posts, can't you?! :8)

Hookerbot 5000
28th May 2007, 14:41
Fair enough AJMCC :) :ok: but if you did want to be the big man here you could always pull out :E no one would blame you :E

:ok: HB 5000

29th May 2007, 11:06
Hey, anyone know if (if offered a place) there will be a chance to go and see the facilities/accommodation at FTE before the start of the course?! It all looks great from what I've seen/read but I guess it would put my mind at ease seeing the place first! :}

29th May 2007, 17:54
Hey - is it a requirement to have a Class 1 medical cert to get through to the next stage?

Hookerbot 5000
29th May 2007, 17:59
The FTE/TFLY scheme is 4 stages and nearly all of us have had the four. If accepted you need a JAA class 1 medical to start training.


30th May 2007, 09:18
Waiting is too long!!! :ugh:

I'd like to know if, since the begening of the association between FTE & Thomsonfly, all the students selected for the FTE/Thomsonfly scheme, have been employed by Thomsonfly, after succeeding the training ?


30th May 2007, 12:06
i have heard a very vague rumour of a thomsonfly course getting a bit shafted and being put into a very long holding pool, i dont know how much is true; you could try a search perhaps:ok:

30th May 2007, 12:29
I heard a course were put in a holding pool and then started type rating a few months later. It may be further back in this thread or somewhere in terms and endearment. I think (may be talking absolute rubbish), they graduated in october/november but there was a recruitment freeze until april, so they had to wait till then.

There are no guarantees, but at least you pretty much have a place in the pool if you do well enough in the course. Only concern is that the loan needs to start being paid 4 months after graduation :\

Hookerbot 5000
30th May 2007, 12:48
Yeah its a worry that the loan will have to be paid back after 4 months of finishing the course, i may go back to my old profession temporarily (if successful).


30th May 2007, 12:53
That's always an option, if not, there is always tesco's :}

Hookerbot 5000
30th May 2007, 12:58
I was hoping to quit the 'Homer Simpson' way :p where i tell everyone where they can go but i guess i won't burn all my bridges just in case :O

Man this wait for Tfly to call is killing me :bored:

30th May 2007, 15:57
Man this wait for Tfly to call is killing me

same here.

AJMcC just wondering have u got a date for your interview yet?

30th May 2007, 17:48
I phoned up today, and there was no reply. So I emailed asking for any news.

So the answer is no, unfortunately.

yoda1, you mentioned a deadline for interviews. Do you have any idea when that is - coz it must be fast approaching! :eek:

I'm planning to work at Waitrose to get the loan repayments; double-time on Sundays, chaching!:ok:

30th May 2007, 18:03
They said we would hopefully find out this friday or early next week as they thought they would do any extra interviews this week. Guess we might not find out till the week after now :(

30th May 2007, 18:25
yoda1, you mentioned a deadline for interviews. Do you have any idea when that is - coz it must be fast approaching! :eek:

I don't m8 but i suspect it's this Thursday.

Anyhow the chances of everyone getting in just went up as i am pulling out, i managed to pass ctc phase 4 today ;)

See you all in the air someday.


30th May 2007, 21:22
Wow, well done, yoda :ok:. You must be well chuffed! Have you been 'tagged' by an airline for that?

By my calculations, that now makes 12 candidates to 12 places???? This sounds too good to be true if you ask me........ Things can't possibly be as they seem.

30th May 2007, 21:24
And yoda, just out of interest, how did you find the selection process at CTC compared to that of Tfly and FTE?

Hookerbot 5000
30th May 2007, 21:36
May the force be with you young one..;)

Ah man i can't seem to switch off, thinking about TFly, dam it why don't they just put us out of our misery..:suspect:



30th May 2007, 22:01
im with u hookerbot 5000! hopefully ring us tomorrow, probably not but ill keep my phone on loud just incase! :}

nice one yoda have a good time in n.zealand!

31st May 2007, 03:39
First of all; Well done yoda!

Does anyone have any actually real idea of how many were interviewed for stage 4, as nice as it would sound 13 people for 12 places seems pretty strange to me! :mad: this wait is killing me, im am 95% sure that im not one of the chosen ones! i just want to find out where i stand!

31st May 2007, 07:47
i cant imagine 13 for 12, i guessed around 18 ppl or so, but what do i know! yeah i want to know either way just so i cant stop thinking about it! :ugh:

Hookerbot 5000
31st May 2007, 07:55
Oliver Fisher, dude relax, chill buddy. I have been to interviews in the past where i thought i have performed well and didn't get the job and vice versa i thought i performed badly and got the job! You don't know what they are looking for. Hell your name could be ontop of the pile ;)

With regards to numbers honestly m8 don't worry. There is only one person that matters and that's you. If you are what they are looking for then you will get in if not better luck next time. :ok:

One thing we have to remember is that just because they have 12 places (only guessing because of the 2 courses) then it does not necessarily mean that they are going to fill them up (if they don't think they have the right candidates for them). For example 13 people were interviewed, 8 meet the standard. They will take those 8 and assuming they want 12 for next year they could just take the other 4 from the appropriate ssp course or indeed they could start another course after the october course to find the 4! who knows.

Always look on the bright side of life...(isn't that a song) :confused: :O :p


31st May 2007, 10:35
Well done yoda :ok:

Oliver, don't worry, it's really hard to tell how you did. Sometimes I think I did quite well, then I start thinking about it and think I did badly. It all depends what they are looking for and the impression they got of you on the day.

However, I'm dying to know if I got through or not, so I can stop constantly thinking about it :ugh: (and work on plan B)

Please thomsonfly, tell us soon! :O;)

I thought they were interviewing 16 people for 12 places, then someone said 13 for 12, so who knows! I'm guessing they won't fill up all 12 though, so its hard to work out what the odds are :}

Another day of waiting commences..... :sad:

Hookerbot 5000
31st May 2007, 15:59
Ah man still nothing! :suspect: I need to know! :{


31st May 2007, 16:52
yeah i really hope they ring tomoro! dont think i could wait out the weekend!

31st May 2007, 17:17
No news yet. I'll try to phone tomorrow if I still haven't heard anything.

Hookerbot 5000
31st May 2007, 18:40
Not much chance of us hearing tomorrow or Monday then :{
I hope you are wrong ;) , i want them to let us know tomorrow because the weekend is too long. I think if i have not heard by say lunch time tomorrow i may e-mail them.

Although if you look in the Terms of Endearment forum, a very civil pilot posted:

Talk at the moment in Tfly is where the redundanies will come. Hopefully, if it does, it will be voluntary, rather than compulsory. Doesn't seem to be much need for new pilots to join.


Hookerbot 5000
31st May 2007, 18:49
TBH ppl they told me at my interview that the earliest they would let us know is this Friday and the latest next week..:hmm:..hence why i am hoping tomorrow...

Course 48 seems to be a bit of a mystery, i know they were placed in the hold pool but i assumed they would be flying right now :confused:

Anyway another restless night awaits me :(

31st May 2007, 18:52
i dont know why they would offer the scheme at all if they thought there was goin to be no need for new pilots. i hope there dont wait too long to tell us. was the cut off date for interviews ever confirmed?

31st May 2007, 18:57
I was also told earliest this friday but maybe next week. I suppose that was based on the assumption they would do the rest of the interviews this week though. If that hasn't happened then maybe that changes things :sad: Oh well, hopefully we don't have to get through another weekend of wondering and hoping!!

31st May 2007, 19:07
i reckon that we will be told tommorow (fingers crossed!).The GB airways scheme closes on sunday so i would like to find out as soon as possible whether i will be needing to apply:ok:

Hookerbot 5000
1st Jun 2007, 06:24
Ahhhh, i just had another restless night! :ugh:

This is far worse than waiting for any exam result! :sad:

Please TF i need to know! :p


1st Jun 2007, 07:09
They HAVE to tell us today... making us wait the weekend and even longer is inhumane! :}:\:{

Hookerbot 5000
1st Jun 2007, 07:37
In order to fully support England tonight against Brazil they need to tell us today! If not they could be responsible for England loosing the game because of my mental absence :eek:


So if you want England to win tell us..please TFly!

(Disclaimer: we might win because Beckham is back but i am sure its down to my mental fortitude).

1st Jun 2007, 11:53
one thing that i have noticed on this forum is that there is only 7 of us "posters". Has anyone met anyone else who was at stage 4, but has not made an appearance on pprune?

A pretty pointless question i know, but one can only wander who these mystery people are:8

Hookerbot 5000
1st Jun 2007, 13:51

I have done my stage 2 in April, and been told by managements that they need us ready to fly for summer 2008 for the 6 new B737NG, and : "if we merge with FCA we will need less Pilots, but even that, it will not effect you" that was exact world in the interview.

I received the Golden call same day, but with no course date!!! yet!!. as I am already flying B737 I don't mind waiting for T.FLY.


I was told in my interview that us potential second officers will be on the 737 fleet, it would be nice to fly on the new ng fleet :)

If they ever call us :hmm:

1st Jun 2007, 14:21
Doesn't look like they're going to tell us today :{

Hookerbot 5000
1st Jun 2007, 14:22
I'm in! i just got the e-mail...omg i am shaking!

1st Jun 2007, 14:24
Looks like I spoke too soon! Well done Hookerbot :ok:

I haven't got anything yet... will keep checking :bored:

1st Jun 2007, 14:42
I'm in toooooooooo!!!!! :):):}:}
Thinking about the finance solution now!!!

I'm for the july course. What about the others?

1st Jun 2007, 14:48
well done people!:D

i havnt heard anything yet, although my refresh button is starting to look slightly worn out!

1st Jun 2007, 14:49
I've not heard anything either :sad: frantically pressing the refresh button on the old email :ugh:

1st Jun 2007, 15:08
I am in for October! woo hoo

Looks like I had better pack my football boots, tennis racket and swimming trunks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anyone in for Oct PM me

1st Jun 2007, 15:18
well done an old man at 31 too!

1st Jun 2007, 15:26
i think that they are only emailing the successful people at the moment, although only 3 confirmed people on pprune at the mo; unless the other 9 are already down the pub;)

1st Jun 2007, 16:15
I'm guessing I'm not through then. Anyone had a rejection email? Just tried to call but they've obviously gone off to the pub and will wait till next week to tell the unsuccessful ones :ugh: Another weekend spent wondering what is happening.

1st Jun 2007, 18:00
Don't lose all hope yet. Maybe there were just some people they had definitely decided on and others who they still had to think about. And if it was a definite no, they would have told you that by now as well... wow, I'm good at this consoling malarki....... :\

But congratulations everyone else! That's awesome news. What happens now? Are they sending some kind of contract to confirm the details of their commitment to you, and yours to them?

And just to let you know, I haven't heard anything about my interview yet. I didn't get a chance to phone them either coz I was cramming all morning and then had my last law exam ever (:E) this avo. Apparently they weren't picking up anyway!

Congrats again..... if you're still sober enough to read this that is :}!

1st Jun 2007, 18:19
im also in! at last the wait is over!!!!

Hookerbot 5000
2nd Jun 2007, 11:22
From PPJN:

http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/factfile.php?id=qga092axpwyhq736ev4zf4s7t71cx7q9hnxheyytfkvt ennk4f6

Scholorship: The 'approved'(NOT sponsored) cadets which graduated in January 2007 have been offered a TR course on B737 starting in June. Bases on offer are CWL,DSA,NCL


2nd Jun 2007, 14:35
Now that all those successful candidates should be warily nursing hangovers, I'd just like to express my congrats to all who made it :ok:

Good luck on your respective courses and in your future careers.


2nd Jun 2007, 17:36
henry has a book coming out about his experiences in training, probably a summary of his blog at FTE with updates:


3rd Jun 2007, 20:15
right so thats 4 confirmed peeps, im guessing that everyone else will be finding out their fate tommorow morning.

I still find it rather strange that they told the people who got through first, im still not 100% sure that they will be choosing 12 people. This is due to the fact that they may have definetly confirmed 4; that leaves 8 "maybes". 8 people is a large number of people to put forward who are classed as "maybes". Of course this is pure guesswork and the likely hood is that i will be completley wrong!:\

4th Jun 2007, 11:37
Looks like i didnt get it, i just got the email. Although im dissapointed as im sure anyone would be, my interview went pretty :mad:so i could hardly expect a result.

One thing that i have noticed for the people that got through is how relatively old they are(no offence intended), Im only 19. Although i obviously cant use age as an excuse for not passing, i have an inkling that they are looking for people that are relatively old. Just another one of my silly theories:8

On a more positive note i have progressed to the next stage of the Gb Airways scheme:) Although i have already been accepted by FTE, i really want to be tagged because i think that soon untagged students will be a minority. Either way this goes i will see you all in spain some time:ok:

4th Jun 2007, 11:41
I didn't get it either :(

Also through to the next stage of gb airways, but now thinking I might just see if I can go self sponsored. All the expense of travelling to these things and then the wait is just dragging things out.

Out of interest was anyone else asked at the interview if their partner had influenced their career choice?!

4th Jun 2007, 12:21
the only partnerish question i got asked was, would your partner have problems with you going to spain for 62 weeks

4th Jun 2007, 12:59
Unlucky to those who didnt make it this time. I would definatly push for the GB airways scheme if I were in your shoes. It is obvious you are capable of getting to the last stage and you might just be a little bit luckier in the final interview next time. I know these things are expensive now but it should be worth it in the long run. I think Ive spent around £900 (including medical) so far and havnt even been to London yet to finalise my bank loan. I would definatly try for the tagged schemes rather than be self sponsored. A job isnt gaurenteed but it is pretty likely at the end of it which takes away a lot of the worry that a self sponsored route would have. Paying those loans off is the biggest issue so the value of the first job is very high indeed. Tagged is as good as it gets IMO. It seems FTE and a few other FTOs have a new tagged scheme coming out every 6 weeks so keep trying.

With regards age, I reckon that its not the age that is an issue but more the life experience that you have had so far. I know my time at university and the nature of my part time jobs to date gave me lots of team work, customer service and problem scenarios to talk about that I didnt have at high school so thats probably more of the type of thing they are looking for. Im only 21 and my friend of the same age has also been accepted to a tagged scheme (I know you are reading ;)) so dont worry too much about age, Its not like you have to be late 20's. Hope to see y'all at FTE soon :ok: