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Aviation kid
21st Jun 2005, 14:13
Got to go for a while now!
So much to do, so little time!

Speak to you all very soon.

I'm sure you'll all hear the good news soon!!!
and again, best of luck to all.


21st Jun 2005, 14:14
If it would put your mind at rest then do it mate. I don't think it would be rude. Just say you've heard that some people have got in but you haven't recieved any news either way. Just explain you anxious and that every day countes if you've got to arrange money etc. She'd understand.

Aviation kid
21st Jun 2005, 14:15

Sorry, i was typing my message the same time as you.

If you call Denise and explain, i'm sure she'll understand
and even tell you what you are waiting to hear!

21st Jun 2005, 22:46
Hi guys,

Nothing for me at home, just checked...

Fingers crossed!

22nd Jun 2005, 02:09
Thanks for letting us know Matt, we're all hoping for post this morning.

22nd Jun 2005, 03:00
Post is crappy where I live, if I get nothing tomorrow, I may send Denise an email.......

Aviation kid
22nd Jun 2005, 06:09
Hello Guys and gals,

Be sure to let us know as soon as you here anything!

It would be nice to know my new family for the next 62 weeks!:ok:

Good luck.

22nd Jun 2005, 08:44
Any News this morning people??!?!? Keep us posted!...pardon the pun!

22nd Jun 2005, 09:40
Morning Guys!

To my deepest disappointment nothing from Thomsonfly in the post this morning. I emailed Denise an hour ago after the post arrived, but no reply as of yet.

Unfortunately it's not looking too good for me anymore. The phrase 'so near but yet so far' comes to mind.

Best of luck to everyone else, I hope everyone here on PPRUNE gets the good news they've been waiting for. At least 8 of the 10 places should go to PPRUNErs!


Aviation kid
22nd Jun 2005, 10:03

My turn to reassure you mate!

No really, Im sure you'll be fine.

I have a number for Denise, if you want to call her, but not sure i can put it on here!:confused:


22nd Jun 2005, 10:06

Have you confirmed your acceptance with Denise? If so has she replied back yet or did you call her and tell her. I get really paranoid that my emails to reach their desitnations!!!

22nd Jun 2005, 10:07
Thanks for the support Kev! She maybe hasn't replied yet because she's busy, so calling her may not help my cause. Don't post her number here, but I'll hold on for an email, and if I don't get one later today, will PM you for her number.

Thanks very much indeed.

Aviation kid
22nd Jun 2005, 10:09
Taiguin, Hi Mate,

I had problems with my Hotmail account yesterday so i called her!
I also emailed her today to be extra cautious!


No probs mate!!:ok:

It\'s gone awfully quiet around here!

Is everyone ok?:D

22nd Jun 2005, 11:34
Afternoon chaps, I too have received nothing again this morning! I have a sneaky feeling that I am not through - they surely would have told me the good news nice and early so I can organise a medical etc. So almost resigned myself to the bad news arriving soon, I just wish they would tell us sooner rather than later and put us out of our misery! Thanks for posting MattD - glad to hear (sort of) that someone else is waiting along with me and Niraj!!
Good luck

22nd Jun 2005, 11:41
If that is the case BoeingBoeingBoeing, 8 of the 10 selected were not PPRUNErs. Is that feasible, considering PPRUNE is THE forum for wannabes? I still fail to believe that 8 of the 10 do not know about PPRUNE or are simply not posting (although I cannot think why they would not want to post their successes).

Oscar Juliet
22nd Jun 2005, 11:51
hey guys

I have no news either, I e-mailed Denise yesterday but I haven't had a response. At least I still have BA Citiexpress to hope for.

Well done to all that have been sucessful


22nd Jun 2005, 12:04
Nowt for me either today!

Not looking good........:(

22nd Jun 2005, 12:18
Matt, did you also email Denise?
I am considering doing so but dont want to overload her!!
Fingers crossed we are all in!!!

Aviation kid
22nd Jun 2005, 12:23
Listen boys and girls,

Don't be giving up just yet.

Surely, they would let those who have not passed,
know the same time as those who have been successful!?!

Try calling Denise??

I'm sure some if not all us pruners have done it!!!
You all sound like a really good bunch of guys and gals.

You'll be fine.:ok: :ok:

22nd Jun 2005, 12:36
BoeingBoeingBoeing, not sure whether it's worthwhile you emailing Denise, Oscar Juliet did yesterday and I did this morning and we both got no response.

God I hope Kev is right in that no news is good news.

22nd Jun 2005, 12:40
Cheers Niraj, I think you are right on! Dont want to be overloading her! Just realised my error from my previous post - I referred to you all as 'chaps' when I should have included 'chapesses' too, please accept my apologies any females out there?!!!
This all seems pretty unfair - I mean, surely someone in Thomson will be aware of this forum and the fact that some people know and some dont, perhaps it is one 'big brother' style exercise to see who cracks first!! So, if someone in Thomson is reading this, PLEASE PUT US OUT OF OUR MISERY!! There you go, I have cracked!

22nd Jun 2005, 13:24
Haha Boeing, your post made me laugh :)

Haven't emailed, don't want to just yet. Seems enough people from the board have done it already, and I don't want to overload them.

Just have to wait and see I guess? Anyone tried phoning?

22nd Jun 2005, 13:42
Hi there Guys 'n' Girls

Sorry for not posting recenly but I've been mad busy fitting in some shift work and doing all of this brit stuff.

I had my interview last thurs too (I saw Niraj very breifly before we went our seperate ways).

However, like most of you guys out there, Ive heard nothing since. Not lookin good.

It is a bit strange that only 2 ppruners have heard anything back. I count 5 regular ppruners that have heard nothing. I cant belive that this fine bunch of wannabes have not impressed the hell out of them :)

Also, if they have decided who has been successful, why not send out the dear john letters at the same time too?

I think (hope?) they haven't decided yet. All will become clear.

As a wise chinese man once said; "he who can catch fly with chop sticks can accomplish anything".

Not quite sure of the relevance, but I wouldnt mind knowing if im going to spain next month.

Good luck to all......

22nd Jun 2005, 13:51
EK4457, pleasure meeting you on the day mate.

BoeingBoeingBoeing, I'm on the edge of my seat just like you!

So it's 5 of us who are waiting (there may be more we don't know of) - me, Mattd, BoeingBoeingBoeing, Oscar Juliet and EK4457.

It would make sense (at least to me) to send out all acceptances and rejections in one go, in other words everyone hears at once. This is what is normally done for other non-aviation related jobs and courses, and presumably in the aviation industry itself. So why would Britannia not go down this road? One possible reason is that they haven't yet decided on the final ten. Taiguin and Aviation Kid were prioritised because Taiguin had an impending meeting with BACX and Aviation Kid had to know promptly because of OAT. (By the way, do you have a Class 1 yet like Taiguin, Kev? I ask because maybe the rest of us need Class 1s and Britannia are busy booking the other 8 in?)

The other possible reason could be that Britannia themselves know the final 10 but are not letting them all know for some reason. What reason? There are many. That all 10 don't bombard FTE in one go, that background checks are still be carried out on the other 8 to confirm their suitability, that there is some sort of administration problem, etc.

What do you guys think? Unreasonable assumptions?

22nd Jun 2005, 14:34
That all sounds fair and reasonable Niraj, however, I cant honestly see why they wouldnt just let us know as soon as they have reached a decision. I still stick by my big brother proposal!!
In relation to the class one medical theory - Taiguin pointed out that on the offer letter he was asked to arrange a medical so it looks like a generic letter was sent to all sucessful candidates.

It appears that we are all just attempting to put our own fears at rest and trying to reassure each other when we are all, if compeltely honest with ourselves, bricking it!!! This forum is a real lifesaver though, if we didnt have it imagine how bad we would feel not knowing anything, i mean, back in the day I would have had to send a carrier pidgeon to Niraj so he could feed it and then let it fly on to Mattd to ask if he had heard. Three weeks later we would be none the wiser!

Grass strip basher
22nd Jun 2005, 14:52
Perhaps they have offered the positions and are keeping a few "reserves" incase some people cannot accept for whatever reason (finance etc)... thats standard practice in the industry I work in.

Can't think of any reason why you wouldn't let everyone know at the same time unless there is the issue with dual applications to the BA Citiexpress scheme.... or of course your postie is off sick:yuk:

22nd Jun 2005, 14:53
So are you still waiting to hear too GSB??!

Grass strip basher
22nd Jun 2005, 15:09
Nah was too old for the Thomson scheme .... looks good though and I hear it is a very happy company... how many people did they interview at the final stage?

Maybe if this number less the number of known Ppruners who are either waiting or have heard and then compare this to how many people they want you can get some sort of answer to your question?

I kind of agree that I find it hard to believe that people applying to the scheme haven't heard of these forums.

Also I think the BA CitiExpress interviews are still going on today.. I was told that those who don't get on one scheme might be considered for the other etc etc depending on the quality of candidates in each pool...

22nd Jun 2005, 18:16
Grass Strip Basher, yes Britannia (or Thomsonfly as I should say now) is a very people orientated company and from what I was advised by current cadets on the scheme was that personality is very important to them. In other words, having excellent PILAPT and maths scores is great, but if you're not a likeable person who a Captain would want to sit next to for hours on end, don't apply to Britannia.

We are all unsure about how many candidates made it to Phase 2, but 32 were invited to Phase 3, of which 18 were then invited to Phase 4. As far as we all know, it is Britannia's intention to recruit 10 of those 18.

I hope you are right on the relationship with BACX, that certainly would make sense. It would be in BACX's interests to interview the 8 that are not chosen by Britannia since those 8 had made it all the way to Phase 4 of Britannia, and therefore are potentially very good candidates for any airline. Although I doubt this crossover will happen unless insisted upon by FTE.

I presume you are not already a professional pilot, but are currently training or intend to train. If so, where are you training or where do you intend to train?


22nd Jun 2005, 20:36
Hey guys,

I just had a thought.......were you all interviewed by Sarah and Geoff?

Oscar Juliet
22nd Jun 2005, 20:49
I was interviewed by Denise and Jonathan ... I don't know if that helps your idea?

22nd Jun 2005, 21:08
No, I wasn't interviewed by Geoff and Sarah or Denise, I was interviewed in the right hand side room by Jonathan who is both a 757 and 767 pilot.

What's your theory Matt?

22nd Jun 2005, 22:24
Hey guys,

No theory now, I was just wondering if one interview had made a decision before the other, obviously not the case now.


Wait continues :{

22nd Jun 2005, 22:26
BTW its 34 Degrees in Jerez today....i asked!

Just to clarify the post by Taiguin, I wish it did stay at 34 degrees... The temperature has been hitting 38 over the past few days and it's seriously warm! However the pool is cool and the beer is colder so I've no doubt you'll have no problem settling in when you arrive!

Many congratulations to those who have been successful and I hope that those of you who are waiting get the response you want in the very near future.

Looking forward to seeing you all down here and showing you around the town!


Aviation kid
23rd Jun 2005, 06:14

Morning mate:ok: , Hope you guys and gals get to hear today!

With regards to Oxford, i told them i had passed the selection but never told them when i was due to start! ????


Are you starting to s:mad: t yourself yet? I am!!!:)

To all,

Really hope you all hear today! Best of luck:ok:

23rd Jun 2005, 08:40
Same old story to report today too - post has arrived this morning but again, nothing from Britannia!

23rd Jun 2005, 09:03
Nothing to say on this subject any longer, I have decided that a peaceful form of protest can be most effective... I have a dream...!!!

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 09:04
hola everybody!

I've just received a brilliant call from BA Citiexpress, I'm going to Jerez! Thats one more sucess for us ppruners! Good luck to all that are still waiting.


23rd Jun 2005, 09:07
Congratulations Oscar Juliet. Does that mean you are starting with BACX in October? What about Britannia? Will you notify them today that you are out of their race?

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 09:11
I'm starting on the August course, I will e-mail Denise just to tell her. However Britannia probably already know.

I think you will hear tomorrow becasue Britannia told most people that they would hear on Friday.

Best of luck


23rd Jun 2005, 09:13
Well done OJ! Excellent news!!
Enjoy your celebrations!

23rd Jun 2005, 09:16
OJ, so are you completely out of the Britannia race, or are you hanging on for possibly two offers? I appreciate leaving BACX hanging is dangerous, but just wondered. August start sounds good too, more time to prepare! You got your Class 1 yet?

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 09:27
I'm going to accept BA Citiexpress and i'm not going to continue with Britannia. I do have a Class 1, so thats one less thing to worry about!


23rd Jun 2005, 09:32
Well done OJ thats fantastic news for you. You guys start on the 1st August don't you so it doesn't give you much more time to prepare!!

As for Niraj etc i'm still confident you guys have got through. I spoke to a friend you applied who doesn't use PPRUNE and he hasn't heard either. So given about 6 PPRUNERS haven't heard and my made a NON PPRUNER that make 7. I doubt 7/8 of those unsuccesful were you guys to be perfectly honest. So i wish you the best of luck still. HAve any of you heard from Denise yet?

Maybe ring FTE up they would know.


Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 09:37
A possible explanation for the delay with Britannia was that they were waiting to see if BA Citiexpress offered myself and somebody else (who also had an interview both airlines) a place. So if you are still waiting you may have some good news tomorrow!


23rd Jun 2005, 09:37
PS The last message was written in a rush....LOL!!! I apologise for the spelling mistakes!

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 09:41

Are you still in loughborough? Cos we could meet up as i'm still here for another day building our glider.


Aviation kid
23rd Jun 2005, 09:43

Congratulations mate! well done!!

See you in sunny Jerez pretty soon.:ok:

I'm gonna stick my neck out here and say, i too think
it will more than likely be tomorrow.

Perhaps FTE, TF and BACX have been juggling us around, either placing us with one or the other.

I know its easy for me to say, but don't be too concerned yet.
As Taiguin said, what are the odds of all of you, who have not heard, not getting through??

Extremely remote, i'd say!!!

Keep your chins up people:D

23rd Jun 2005, 09:46
Thanks for your post Taiguin, it put a little smile on my face!

If the first BACX intake starts on the 1st of August, and the Britannia intake starts on the 25th of July, that's just one week's difference. I wouldn't have imagined two courses starting so close together. Anyway, you're definately doing the right thing OJ by taking BACX's offer, a bird in the hand and all that. Bet you're chuffed to bits, some nice work you must have done yesterday at your interview! Can I ask if you took seperate tests for BACX or were your Britannia results used?

Taiguin, no email from Denise yet, or FTE for that matter. (I also emailed FTE yesterday asking if they were any the wiser as to our situation).

Kev has kindly offered me Denise's number, but I have so far declined on the basis that if she is unable to answer my email, she'll be unable to answer my call. I'm sure she's doing the best she can, and I don't want to appear pushy for an answer, nor someone who panics.

Calling FTE is feasible, but no doubt they must be really busy with other applicants like OJ who have been accepted.

Kev, in my Phase 4 interview I was expressly told that there would be no collusion between the airlines. I was told that Britannia would make its offers and they would then hope that all offers would be accepted. I can't envisage anyone rejecting an offer from Britannia, but they may also have had a 'reserve list' in case one or more persons jumped ship to BACX or failed their medical (again, unlikely). However this is only what I was told by the Captain, that is not to say some sort of communication between the airlines is not taking place having regard to the steep competition.

23rd Jun 2005, 10:06
That was possibly me OJ, since i was suppose to have an interview with them yesterday. If that is true i feel like royalty!


Sorry mate i'm not in lboro anymore. After five years of being there i couldn\'t wait to get out of it!! I left last friday and have been at home in the lakes ever since. Would have been nice to meet you.

Enjoy the glider building....was quite a laugh when we did it. Unfortunately my wing fell off just before the first launch so i hope you have more success!!!

Good luck all, tommorow will bring good news i assure you all!


23rd Jun 2005, 10:37
Again the mail arrived with no news within....!

23rd Jun 2005, 12:02
Hey guys,

Just thought, perhaps they're waiting on replies from our references/doctors/criminal checks?

I know these can take some time, might cause a delay for some?

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 12:10

I only took one set of tests at EMA, then on the basis of those I had an interview with both BA Citiexpress and Thomsonfly.

The Citiexpress course starts on 11th August so there is a small gap between the courses.


Its a shame your not still here but at least we will meet in jerez! Our glider isn't the best either because it keeps nose diving and then the tail keeps failing off! I think there were only 3 of us who had interviews with both airlines.


23rd Jun 2005, 12:19
Fair point Mattd, more likely they are checking criminal backgrounds perhaps.... I asked my boss and they aint heard from anyone about a reference or the likes though...

They simply have to tell us before the weekend or I will combust, spontaneously! It would be a shame not to get it, aside from all the obvious and really wanting to get on the scheme, it would feel like they were breaking us all up and everyone seems really sound! :(

Aviation kid
23rd Jun 2005, 12:29

Don't worry mate, you're already there!!!!!:ok:

23rd Jun 2005, 12:32
Cheers AK!! I hope you are right!

Aviation kid
23rd Jun 2005, 12:35
Wish i had a pound for everytime i've logged onto this topic lately!


23rd Jun 2005, 12:35
:ok: Congrats OJ I am still hoping we can meet again in Jerez !!

Aviation kid
23rd Jun 2005, 12:36

Are you waiting to hear from TF or BACX???

23rd Jun 2005, 12:38
yep BACX checking mails every minute ;)

Aviation kid
23rd Jun 2005, 12:39
Good luck mate!!:ok:

23rd Jun 2005, 12:42
How about hitting refresh every 30 seconds since Tuesday morning!! Honestly.

Does anyone know if there is anyone else from sunny scotland out there?

23rd Jun 2005, 13:09
I think I'll join BBB in combusting at the weekend too! ;)

I was told to expect a response at the end of this week....but the again I was also told to expect a response from FTE within 4 days, and it took them 2 weeks!

23rd Jun 2005, 13:42
Cannot bl**dy believe it, I AM IN!!! (Thomsonfly i mean!)
Just got an email through, fantastic!! I am keeping my fingers crossed for you guys out there, come on Niraj!!!

23rd Jun 2005, 14:09
Well done boeing mate....welcome aboard!

It'll be nice to have a few drinking sessions with a scottish person! Its always fun!

Anybody else heard too? I'm counting the days now, can't wait to be sipping sangria by the pool!! Oh and working for the scheme obviously!!



23rd Jun 2005, 14:18

Mate that's freaking awesome!

Still nothing for me, going stir crazy! :E

Haven't given up yet!

23rd Jun 2005, 14:36
neither did I Mattd... still awaiting.. had an unansered called on my mobile this morning (must have been in the shower) and the number was hidden or not availabe... tried to call Renee but she was out, anyway I was told they would send emails anyway...
Feel like an RAF pilot waiting for the "SCRAMBLE" screaming from my mail :-)

23rd Jun 2005, 14:44
I have no doubt that you are all in, those on bacx - there will be an ice cold beer sitting waiting for you when you arrive a couple of weeks after us!!!!

So have the thomson guys made all the contacts they had to? I have to get a medical arranged unfortunately, another little stress there!!

What about this meeting on the 21st - do you reckon she will send more details about that such as when it finishes so we know what flights to book? I know I am getting a bit ahead of myself!



23rd Jun 2005, 14:59
I'm not sure about flights, but from what someone else on the scheme has told me, you need to organise your own flight there.....I think the only real option is Ryanair!

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 15:00
Well done boeing thats brill, cant wait to meet up!

PB4 I hope you have been sucessful, I had a telephone call earlier so it could well have been BACX. Tell me how you do.


23rd Jun 2005, 15:25
Hey guys,

Looks like I'm the first Ppruner reject.

Got my PFO email.

23rd Jun 2005, 15:28
Count me in as the number 2 reject. Well gutted!

23rd Jun 2005, 15:29

Oh well, what say you and me apply to Air Atlantique Niraj? Hehe :ok:

23rd Jun 2005, 15:31
I really cant understand why you wouldnt get through guys - knowing you personally Niraj and certainly Mattd you are no doubt the same, both would be prime candidates for a pilot spot on MY airline!!

See you in Jerez anyway im sure, will as promised, have that beer waiting!!

23rd Jun 2005, 15:34
Cheers BBB, I'd certainly like to know why there was such a hold up and why some people knew before others. If anyone from Thomsonfly is reading this, please answer the same.

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 15:39
MattD and Niraj

I so sorry to hear that. :(

You must keep applying to these schemes, these applicantions are far from my first, as i've already applied to CTC, Air Atlantique and Atlantic Airlines! I can recommend the Air Atlantique and Atlantic Airlines schemes and if you would like any information or contact details please pm me.


23rd Jun 2005, 15:40
I thought the Air Atlantique and Atlantic Airlines were the same scheme?

I got the whole "Blah blah, 10 places 18 people, hard choice etc etc"

I\'m a bit miffed that we were told that FTE was the final decision with 10, and then find out there are 18.

Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 15:43
Actually they are separate, which is not commonly known.

I'll send you the contact details

Have you applied to the Gapan scheme:

Look up the JN Somers Scholarship


23rd Jun 2005, 15:56
Hey guys,

Sorry to here that you didn't get through. I also thought you guys would've got through i have to admit. Like OJ said there are plenty of other schemes to apply too and i'm sure people of your calibre will be successful elsewhere. Good luck with it guys.


23rd Jun 2005, 15:57
Yes, cant emphasise enough that you simply cant give up (not that you sound like the type of blokes/esses that would give up easily) - gapan sounds excellent idea with a scholarship handed out in October I believe. Aside from that, I reckon you would still be in high demand by the airlines including Thomson/BACX anyway if you went on a course at FTE.
Personally speaking I tried CTC twice (including flying back from Oz for tests, failing, then flying back again) in pursuit of my dream. Good luck with whatever happens guys and stay in touch.

23rd Jun 2005, 16:05
Hi there all!

Well, since there have been huge developments in the last hour, and I have heard diddley squat, I decided to call denise.

I initially thought that my email was not working (i didn't recieve the stage 4 email from brit - Denise had to call me). However, I got told that the letters were sent out this morning and that I would find out tomorrow. She sounded busy so didn't take it much further.


Why did some find out on tue? Why have some got email today? Why will I find out in the morning? Any takers?

To all of those who are through: well done.

To all those who fell at the last hurdle: keep on going. I dont know you all personally, but you all seem like top quality pilot material to me.

I dont know which camp i'm in but Ill keep you all informed.


23rd Jun 2005, 16:06
Yeah, thinking about going to FTE anyway, but I'm not comfortable being outside of the 'umbrella' as they call it.

Will definately have to put some major thought into it.

Got his from Denise when I asked for some feedback:

"I understand you were lead to believe that if you were interviewed it was a formality, I apologise if that was the case, that was not Thomsonfly's intention. We would always
wish to have a choice of candidates."

Were we lead to believe this?

23rd Jun 2005, 16:17
So Gaz, are you in, out or won't know until the morning?

23rd Jun 2005, 16:54

I was initially told that FTE were to supply 10 names to TF. What they decided to do with them was up to them.

When I asked further (in the interview at EMA) she said that it was possible that TF could ask for all 32 candidates to be rated in order and then the airline call forward however many they want.

To answer your question, yes, we were given the impression that FTE would forward 10 names and that was it. However, I did ask a few questions at the interview and it appeared that FTE didn't know what TF intended to do.

I think the lack of a clear plan lead to a bit of misunderstanding and, to be quite frank, it all got a bit messy over the last week or so.


For some reason i have no email and denise just told me that Id find out in the morning. So I guess I really will find out tomorrow (ive been thinking that for days now!).


23rd Jun 2005, 19:20
Hello everyone,

I also received a phone call from BACX today telling me I was successful in my interview. I had originally opted for the August course but they have moved me onto the October one now. Don't mind though, it gives me a chance to earn more before I leave, reducing my loan.

Congratulations to the other successful candidates.


Oscar Juliet
23rd Jun 2005, 22:04

Thats cool news! I look forward to meeting you. What day was your interview?


Aviation kid
24th Jun 2005, 06:02
Niraj & Mattd,

Really sorry to hear about this!!:(
Thought you would be with us!

Like everyone else has said, don't give up, keep on trying!!!

Best of luck for the future to you both!


To all who have passed,

Well done people!!!!! See you out there v. soon.


I will be booking the 17.15 Ryanair flight from Stansted
on 21st. I was asked by Denise to get these details and
forward them to her. Think she would like us all to fly out
there together!

Well done mate.:ok:


24th Jun 2005, 07:43
Alright AK,

Could you PM me Denise's number please. I just wanna ask her a few questions early next week about things. Have you booked your flight then? That 17.15 one was what i was looking at but didn't want to book until i knew exactly what TF had planned for us. I.E. Would they transport us to Stanstead from Luton, where i assume our induction will be.

Looking forward to meeting with you guys!


Aviation kid
24th Jun 2005, 08:42

Check your PM's mate!:ok:

24th Jun 2005, 08:43
Hi guys,

Just got the post this morning and its a dear john letter for me.

You guys enjoy jerez, keep us posted with your progress on pprune.

All the other almost rans; have you asked for feedback? If so did you ask FTE of TF?

Keep on going,


24th Jun 2005, 08:46
Hi Gaz,

Sorry to hear the news mate. I am trying to call FTE first but cannot get through, always busy, understandably right now.

I guess one good thing we can take away from this is that (as the letter says), at least we made the final 18, and surely that's something positive for the future, and something airlines maybe interested in hearing in future interviews.

Are you considering going to FTE anyway?

24th Jun 2005, 09:04
Hi niraj,

Yes I am planning on going to FTE. However, the funding is more of a problem now as i'm outside the 'umberella'.

The way I understand it, if youre on one of these schemes, you get much more financial help (I think from a spanish bank). If youre going alone (although HSBC are good) I think you have to put forward a substantial amount of cash first.

It'll take me about a year to save that so I'll just have to wait, or go modular (somthing I dont want to do but might have to as I'm currently 26).

Taiguin, AK BB:

If you dont mind me asking, whats the situation with your funding. Have FTE helped?


24th Jun 2005, 09:31
EK Check your PM's

24th Jun 2005, 10:21
Tks taiguin - check your pm's too.

Aviation kid
24th Jun 2005, 10:45
Taiguin, EK4457,

Check your PM's Boys.


25th Jun 2005, 11:28
Ladies and Gentlemen,

It would appear that this thread has died a natural death. Understandably so.

To all those successful: the very best of luck. Hope all goes well and TF keep up their plan to employ you.

It would be nice if you could keep us posted on your progress somewhere in this forum (or the prof studies one).

Niraj, Madd D, et al: what are your plans for training? Are you going to FTE anyway?

Hope to see some of you in Jerez, perhaps at the end of the year.



The Moog
25th Jun 2005, 11:28
Hey, just thought I'd say that I got the call from BACX on Thursday too - I'm starting in August!!!

OJ/BigFella - what days were you at each assessment stage? I was there on the Thursday for the tests and Wednesday this week for the interview (waited til the afternoon for the interview).

Well done to everyone whether with T.Fly or BACX - I look forward to meeting you all and having a few beers at the bar in just a few weeks!

To those guys who didn't make it - keep going! This was my last shot at 'sponsorship'......have tried almost too many times - BA x 2 (when they paid for the lot), 2 x Britannia and also FlyBE and CTC last year and it's finally starting for me - don't give up!

Mattd.....I can appreciate what you're saying about wanting to be under the umbrella of an airline - I feel exactly the same, but if you want to head down that route and you've just left uni, you have time on your side! Keep positive, keep plugging away and it'll happen!

The Moog

btw - OJ/BigFella, did you get paperwork through today from BACX? was expecting something today, but it hasn't arrived!

Oscar Juliet
25th Jun 2005, 12:38

I was at BACX last Monday but no paperwork, from BACX, yet. I was also expecting to receive it today. Howver I have received an e-mail from FTE and they have also called me.

Have you book your flight yet? If so when are you flying out?

Check your pms


PS Is anybody else out there going to BACX, if so please pm me!

28th Jun 2005, 18:46
Sorry Guys!

I have been away this last week without internet access. (Working at Glastonbury - :D :D yes, I'm muddy!)

I am soooooo pleased..... I'm on the scheme too. Yey! Can't wait to meet you in Luton.

You should recognise me. I'll be the girl.

It's all so exciting!

To everyone who didn't get in - don't lose faith - it'll happen, I'm sure. You all sound like you're dedicated to doing this, and that spirit will shine through! Goodness, a week in the mud and I'm beginning to sound like a hippy!

Peace man :ok: :ok:

All the best,

28th Jun 2005, 19:32

29th Jun 2005, 10:55
that is now confirmed, you will be in Jerez without me... :( :( :( too bad

but I don't give up still plenty of schemes to try :ok:


29th Jun 2005, 11:58
You should recognise me. I'll be the girl

We get a girl???!!! Good lord, this is a marvellous day. I'll tell the lads and we'll organise a party:p

Congratulations again to all involved and best of luck to all those who continue their quest for success. I'm sure you'll find it in the end.

Cheers, FJ2k :ok:

Oscar Juliet
29th Jun 2005, 12:00

I'm so sorry to hear that! :(

I'm sure that you'll have a good chance with the other airlines. Good luck with your applications. :ok:

Check your pms


29th Jun 2005, 12:14
well lads its now the 29th of june and now 15 days since i got that e-mail from FTE about it been another 10 days before we hear results of the thomson scheme.

now i know a lot of you got to another interview 'phase 4' and that of those of you who have gone to it have already heard if their in or not, but im just wondering if any body didnt get to phase 4 and if they have heard anyting from FTE or Thomson!!!!

I presume that i havent gotten the course but would still like to have it official from either FTE or Thomson.

does anyone have any contact name for the people looking after it in Thomson??

cheers lads and good luck to those who have gotten onto the scheme!!

29th Jun 2005, 12:34
We get a girl???!!! Good lord, this is a marvellous day. I'll tell the lads and we'll organise a party

Excellent :D

29th Jun 2005, 19:01
Hi all,

Troydi you're not the only girl - see you all there in August!


29th Jun 2005, 20:07
Fantastic - I have backup now... :D

29th Jun 2005, 21:10
Oh Happy Days, Oh Happy Days!!!!

"Reports are coming in that morale at Flight Training Europe took a sudden boost today with the news that not one but TWO girls are joining the college in August. New rules have been introduced in their honour: Only the skimpiest of bikini's to be worn beside the pool, however it should be noted that these are optional" :}

Looking forward to a few beers with the whole course, cya soon!


29th Jun 2005, 22:13
Blimey i guess a couple of guys out there in Jerez are a bit frustrated!! lol

Aviation kid
29th Jun 2005, 22:20
This course just gets better and better!! lol :ok:


Are you on Thomson fly or BACX???


30th Jun 2005, 08:04
Hi Kev,

BACX - see you on the 11th August!


18th Jul 2005, 12:54
Good luck to everyone about to start on the Thomsonfly scheme at FTE later this week, especially Mike, Kev and Ian. Hope to see you guys in Jerez in the not too distant future! :ok:

22nd Jul 2005, 00:35
Same from me too Chaps, you never know who is going to turn up in Jerez :ok:

25th Jul 2005, 18:24
Hey Guys,

Thanks for the support, i'll pass it on to the other TF guys out here. Well what can i say...having never visited the FTE i was very impressed when we got out here last thursday! It's an awesome setup and the atmosphere is wicked. Everyone is friendly and always eager to offer advice. Finished the first day of groundschool today but it was faily easy as they broke us in. Off to the bar in a min for some 80p pints!! Weather is fantastic out here too, if a little hot in the full uniform. I'f you guys want to PM me your email address' i'll keep you informed of what we're getting up too.

For now though adios amigo's


26th Jul 2005, 22:25
I second That Taiguin! Guys, you should see the stuff he gets up to...

Nah, here is good. The instuctors are switched on and there's just an atmosphere here you can't beat. And that's not to say people don't work... by god they do. I hope to see more of you out here, for those excellent 80p pints (or 60p glasses of wine :D)

Oscar Juliet
17th Aug 2005, 18:21
Hey guys for those of you still interested in coming to FTE you´ll be pleased to know that Thomsonfly are running the scheme again. See http://www.flighttrainingeurope.com/fly.html for more info.

Good luck

23rd Aug 2005, 12:30
In terms of the initial criteria it says 19-26, does that include then if you are 26 or only up to 26?

20th Sep 2005, 11:11
Hi there

I've got to the final round of selection for the 'Approved Cadet Program' which would be done at FTE and have one interview left with Thomsonfly itself.

Has anyone been and done that interview themselves and what kind of Q's do they ask, are they technical, about you as a person, seeing how much you know about the company etc...?

Any help would be appreciated.

20th Sep 2005, 22:38

I applied for the last TF pilot approved scheme and got through to the last 18 in luton.

I spent three hours driving there, three and a half driving back. A lot of ball-ache for a 15 (fifteen) minute interview.

I didn't make it through, but I had the feeling that they had already made their mind up before we even got there.

Reason being that the interview questions were so general and wish-washy (and so few of them) that there is no way that they could have used the interview as a realistic selection tool.

No hard feelings- if I wasn't up to scratch then fine. It was just a bit disappointing to travel all day to find out.

Rant over.

To answer your question, expect a 15 minute informal chat with very basic questions relating to family background, relaxation methods, hobbies (yes- you have already told them on the application form) career motivation etc.

Absolutely no technical or theory questions.

Questions asked by chief capt or training capt. Notes taken by HR chick.
Everybody is friendly and pleasant. The hot drink machiene takes 20p coins and tastes awful.

They are a bloody good airline to work for.

Best of luck.


31st Jul 2006, 08:46
Thomson Fly have another mentored scheme starting in November :


Man this is the one i was waiting for and i was told it would not happen this year...:uhoh:

Good luck...

31st Jul 2006, 09:05
I only have 2 A levels in Chem and Bio, and no degree, but I got PPL.

I'll just apply for the fun of it!

31st Jul 2006, 13:33
Yep this is probably (aside from CTC scheme) one of the best guarantees of a job post-CPL/IR that is possible in this type of mentored thing. TFly aren't going anywhere at the moment, their T&C's are very good and you have a lot of bases to choose from in the UK. I think there are 6 places available in November with 2 future courses also planned for next year. The standard as you'd expect is pretty high, but the timing of the course is great.
November you get to go home at Xmas and collect anything you had forgotten the first time from home. G/S is done in the bad weather so you aren't missing out on flying days and then come the summer you begin the flying, finishing and the end of the next year from that when you started.
Good luck to everyone.

31st Jul 2006, 13:56
Anyone know what the starting pay for a TFly "Mentored" Pilot is? Assume it's the FO scale and not the SO scale? £40k vs £20k :\

31st Jul 2006, 15:51
I have applied but don't go into this with high hopes. After being rejected after the question stages on Flybe MAPS and seemingly on GB Airways i'm a bit apprehensive. However the initial application was slightly different so fingers crossed, always best to try your hand at everything that's out there if possible!

I don't have a degree and only have 1 hour to log!! However, i do have a levels in physics and maths, but both only at C grade :(

We'll just see how things go and keep fingers crossed. i too, was hoping tfly would run one, and agree with what has been said about them, and it might do us all some good to have a read up on www.henrybevan.co.uk :)

i'm up to the type rating now :p

good luck, fingers crossed

31st Jul 2006, 16:40
Anyone know what the starting pay for a TFly "Mentored" Pilot is? Assume it's the FO scale and not the SO scale? £40k vs £20k :\

But to be an FO you need 1500 hours unfrozen ATPL etc. Have't read up on this scheme but assume it doesn't take you to this level?

Walk the line
31st Jul 2006, 16:48
You dont need an "Unfrozen" ATPL to be an FO. You need it to be Captain.

31st Jul 2006, 16:55
Well yes, that's standard to the whole industry (JAA, at least) - not just Thomsonfly so goes without saying.
Things must have changed then - Thomsonfly used to require an ATPL for FOs. So what does distinguish between FO and SO W_T_L?

31st Jul 2006, 18:47
With Thomsonfly and many other airlines, when you defrost your ATPL you become a FO as opposed to a SO, and get a swanky third stripe on your shoulder.

1st Aug 2006, 09:43
In terms of entry criteria and what you might be expected to have, here is what the last group on the Thomsonfly course at Jerez I think have roughly:

1 Potential RAF Fastjet who failed final Medical, Degree - 100 Military Hours
1 Military ATC, flying UAS, Degree - 80 Military Hours
1 Civilian ATC, flying UAS, PPL, Degree - 100+ Hours
1 PPL, flying UAS, Degree - 75+ Hours
1 TFly Cabin Crew, Degree - 30 Hours
1 Ground Handler Servicair, No Degree, - 40 Hours + 70 Glider
1 Aeronautical Degree from a Top Uni - 0 Hours
1 Engineering Degree from a Top Uni - 0 Hours

So what can you assume based on that, well that you don't need a degree but in that case some strong evidence of a committment to flying. If you have no flying experience then a strong academic pedigree preferably in aviation. The preferred I think is some flying experience and a degree, as you would probably expect so the airline can minimise risk.

Hope that is of use. It's not to put people off but more as an idea of what a recent course standards were.

1st Aug 2006, 15:38
:ugh: let's just say i'm not in the strongest position, then. :sad:

1st Aug 2006, 15:59
To anyone who is a little apprehensive about applying because they don't think their CV is strong enough, apply anyway, you've got nothing to lose and everything to gain. It's perfectly natural to feel a little overwhelmed by other people's apparant experience, but don't let it dishearten and discourage you.
If you're successful with your application, great, if you're unsuccessful, it will still be a good experience which you can learn from (eg practice at filling in application forms, psychometric testing, interview experience).
To use a quote I saw on TV,
"The only failure is the failure not to even try"
Good luck :ok:

1st Aug 2006, 16:36
There's not much info about this scheme on the FTE website. I'm assuming its the same as the main integrated one in terms of training, finance arrangements etc? I'm also assuming it's nothing like CTC where you are on a reduced "cadet" salary and the airline pay you back some of your money over 7 years? The loan is totally paid back by you and you can go onto a normal salary scale, which makes this a slightly better option if you can raise some of the money yourself and take a smaller loan?

1st Aug 2006, 16:53
The only difference with this scheme to a standard, integrated one, is that the airline may possibly give you a job at the end of it, as long as there is a job available, and that you pass the course with decent grades. You are responsible for funding it. T'Fly will need to bond you for the type-rating after, which will reduce the salary, but that has nothing to do with the initial cost of the ATPL.

Hope that helps!

1st Aug 2006, 17:15
Thanks, thats what I wanted to hear! I was planning to get my PPL and hours then go full time modular... but doing some sums it seems the FTE course could work out about the same... having accommodation and meals included is great! Not to mention a slightly better chance of a job on completion.

french frog
1st Aug 2006, 20:05

Just need to know what are the minimun requirements
for this scheme? Specially the limit age?


1st Aug 2006, 20:43
All the info on that should be here (http://www.flighttrainingeurope.com/page.php?page_name=courses_joining_entry_requirements) and here (http://www.flighttrainingeurope.com/page.php?page_name=campaign#)
bear in mind a previous post - apply anyway, you never know!

Also, regarding the age, you cannot be issued with a CPL until you are 18 anyway, so I think that 18 is the minimum age. We have an 18 year old on our course, and I don't know of any younger...

As to the maximum age (sorry, I keep forgetting things), the oldest T'fly guy on our course has recently turned 28, I'm not sure what the specific limit is. Again, apply anyway!

french frog
2nd Aug 2006, 08:16
Thanks for these precious links,

You right I should apply to this scheme and then
I will see if I am too old or not :\

I am very closed of my 29 (in September ) and
I wonder if I still could apply in 6 months when I
will be in my late 29.

For the moment I need to finish some jobs but in
the same time I don't want to miss this opportunity
offered by Thomsonfly.


3rd Aug 2006, 00:21
he\she may have heard back already. Its likely that the next stage will be answering about 8 questions via email.

3rd Aug 2006, 19:06
Hi all,

Can anyone give me a bit of advice. Have just been looking at the new TFLY Pilot training scheme with Jerez and have noticed they're only taking applicants who have three A levels two of which must be in Maths, Physics, Chemistry or Economics. I have just spent two years doing Business Studies and Media Studies (not very aviation related i know but was my choice - for my sins) When i looked at my courses most airlines, including TFLY I recall were specifying you needed to have 2 A levels preferably in Physics and/or maths but this wasn't madatory?

Is anyone else in this situation? Im not sure what to do wether just to look at other schemes or wether I should go back and do another two years at college?

Pleas if anyone can help - let me know.

3rd Aug 2006, 21:03
he\she may have heard back already. Its likely that the next stage will be answering about 8 questions via email.

Sounds about right, I got an email with 8 questions this morning. Have 3 days (1 gone already!) to send it back completed. Anyone know the next stages? Are they ever going to ask about specific qualifications and experience?!

3rd Aug 2006, 22:57
I've not heard back from this one yet, and judging on their previous selections i don't really expect to. I've got everything crossed for the Gb Airways scheme, absolutely everything!!

4th Aug 2006, 06:50
I was kind of assuming the initial "how many a levels, how many hours, whats your address" form was just a registration type thing and they'd contact everyone to answer the questions... maybe not :confused:

4th Aug 2006, 07:11
Femalewannabe no that aint the case, i've just got email back saying i aint eligable, think its cos i dont have right qualifications - nothing in maths or phsyics just electrical stuff.

Nevermind didn't want to work for em anyway, ryanair is my true dream:bored:
i aint bitter:mad:

4th Aug 2006, 07:31
When I was at school I took the advice.....Do Maths and Physics A' Levels! :) (Note: I am not saying these two are absolutely vital to becoming an airline pilot), and it has paid of in that I have been eligible for every sponsorship to date (well, except for the ones that have a rediculous cap of 50 hours).

However, for the first time we are seeing a clear bias for degree holders. The last batch were mostly graduates, I don't have a degree but I do have 5 years of work experience in a fast moving industry which in practise has just as much study and exams involved as a degree.

Still in two minds as to if I should respond. I have a bunch of written answers prepared for all the questions but do I really want this? After years of waiting I am now wising up. Don't get me wrong TFly is a fabulous company to work for. First year earnings after flight/duty pay and flexible working scheme additions your looking at £40k + (before tax) as a SO. The 60k loan all of a sudden becomes a good idea! :p But will I be able to afford the missed earnings for the year during training? Too many commitments now! Still deciding.... :(

4th Aug 2006, 07:54
I think that the scheme is bias. I don't see what the difference is if you can clearly do the math and the physics contained within the ground school. I think that they should broaden their eligibility criteria, I myself have not done A levels in these subjects. I did A levels in Law, Business, Geog , Eng lit and General studies and have gone on to do a law degree. My point is I'd try for CTC Mcalpine, these guys have the right attitude and dont have such strict eligibility criteria. It seems odd to me that airlines such as BA didn't even require these disciplins when they were recruiting for their cadet scheme. I understand why they want these subjects, and that all they want is a sure bet.Therefore I would have a look around there are plenty of other options open to you. Personally I think if you are thinking of going back to college I would consider University instead, this would give you a sound back up in case things dont work out, you lose your medical etc. This is the route I have followed and am applying at the end of my degree, its up to you but thats my opinion. Any way best of luck.

4th Aug 2006, 08:02
I understand why they want these subjects, and that all they want is a sure bet.

That and the last thing they want to do is spend 6 months to a year teaching cadets the foundations of the subjects involved. Sure most are capable of picking it all up quickly but not everyone.

4th Aug 2006, 08:14
I agree there are plenty of people out there capable. Thats why I like the way in whcih CTC and Oxford insist on the aptitude tests before a training offer is given, and that the preconditions are not as stringent. I'd give anything to be able to apply to this scheme but the fact of the matter is A level physics and maths were not for me. I would rather apply to airlines with good passes in the subject I did rather than poor passes at specified subjects. True I would not want to pay £60,000 for someone i was not convinced would grasp all the relevant knowledge, but hey thats my opinion not saying its correct.

4th Aug 2006, 08:17
Thats why I like the way in whcih CTC and Oxford insist on the aptitude tests before a training offer is given.

I think you'll find FTE is the same.

4th Aug 2006, 10:49

Tfly aren't paying £60k per student, it's a mentored sponsorship so they pay nothing until TR if you are successful.

4th Aug 2006, 11:57
I was kind of assuming the initial "how many a levels, how many hours, whats your address" form was just a registration type thing and they'd contact everyone to answer the questions... maybe not :confused:

Maybe i spoke too soon, i got the email today. Same questions as Flybe and GB Airways. I'm not going to be tempted to copy/paste my GB Airways answers though :p

4th Aug 2006, 12:31
well done sicky! Anyone know if the questions come from thomson fly or from FTE? Just wondering how best to pitch the answers..

also, anyone know what the starting salary is if they offer you a job? does it start on the SO scale (seems to be about £27k??) or FO scale (£40k?)... keen to find out a rough figure to see if I could afford the loan :}

4th Aug 2006, 12:46
After doing some research it would appear that you would start on the SO scale, and as on ppjn.com, basic seems to be £27,283. Add to that:

Flight (Duty) Pay: £2.71 per hour
Sector Pay: £9.70 per hour
Flexible Working Scheme Day: £330.74 per day

Let's assume, week is made up of 35 duty hours, therefore flight pay totals to: 2.71 x 35 = £94.85 per week or £410 per month

Let's assume, average of 10 sectors flown per week, therefore sector pay totals to: 9.70 x 10 = £97 or £420 per month.

Let's assume in the average month you do 1 Flexible Working Day at 1 x 330.74.

Monthly pay before tax therefore is (27,283 / 12) + 410 + 420 + 330 = £3,433 per month. After tax that would probably be around £2,500 take home.

Your loan repayments would be between £1,000 and £1,400 I'd guess.

4th Aug 2006, 12:52
Thanks superpilot, that's helped me understand how it all works! I've never quite understood all the duty pay and sector pay stuff.

4th Aug 2006, 13:19
Are the loan repayments really that high?? :uhoh::ooh:

4th Aug 2006, 13:41
The price of the course is £63,000 (UK POUNDS), most of these loans are set to be repayed over 7 years. The OATs / HSBC arrangement for example.

Current combined interested rate (base + whatever the bank charges) is around 5%. Therefore your loan will become 63,000 x 1.05^7 = £88,647 by the time you finish paying it off. That's roughly £1,000 per month, every month for 7 years. With 25k of interest paid on the loan in that time. You didn't think this was a "sponsorship" did you? :p

Didn't someone say pilots need to be wise, and not risk takers! :E

4th Aug 2006, 14:29
Hi all

Filled in the initial application and got the bad news just yesterday, apparently not eligible for this scheme! I at least hoped I would make it through the initial stage; Equivalent of 2 and a bit A-levels in Aeronautical Engineering (BTEC higher National Diploma), a high 2:1 degree pass also in Aeronautical Engineering, valid Class 1 medical, valid passport plus a couple of flying hours!!!! :mad: :eek:

Made it through to interview stage on all three schemes I applied for last/this year with the other schools CTC/OAT/Cabair. The standard must be set really high this year!!! Anyway congratulations and good luck to all that are through to the next stage!!:D


4th Aug 2006, 15:32
I have not applied to this scheme, but find the form a little restrictive.

First of all, you can stipulate your degree type, but not your grade. I find that very interesting.

Also, for further education, you can not list anything other than A-Levels I.e. no BTEC national diploma or GNVQ Advanced options. Both of which are recognised as equivalent to 2 A-Levels at A*-C.

For example, listing a BTEC ND on their form, you would have to say 2 A-Levels and then for subjects "other". They actually get no valid info on your academic qualification.

Not a rant, I just think they need to broaden the scope of the form.

Good luck to all who apply. Sorry to those who have already had the bad news.

4th Aug 2006, 16:05
Gosh in my days (2000) you would have to be the brightest of the bunch to be offerred 4 A' Levels, the vast majority of us were only allowed to do 3 A'Levels. Please someone tell me 1 Scottish Higher is NOT equavalent to 1 A' Level. :{

4th Aug 2006, 16:23
I have no idea if it is or not... it seems the norm is to do 3 A levels, yes? In scotland we usually do 4 or 5 highers... they tried for a while to compare the two using UCAS points, but it failed miserably! I think most uni courses will say you need 3 A levels or 4 highers... so i'm guessing that's as equivalent as you get.

standard grades as also apparently the same as gcses.... we do 7 standard grades... actually, i think its 8 now... the whole thing has changed in the last couple of years so who knows whats going on now.

4th Aug 2006, 16:55
From the UCAS Tariffs, 4/5 Scottish Highers equals 3 A Levels, 7/8 Irish Leaving Cert (HL) equals 5 A Levels. I agree with easyPilot, the form is fairly restrictive.

5th Aug 2006, 00:15
Ok to clarify a few points;

The loan that you can take is with BBVA (large Spanish bank) and is for the full amount (plus a bit extra if you can show it on your business plan) and that is spread over 10 years. The exchange rate is a bit favourable in that the base rate is not the UK base rate but that of Euribor which is about 3.5% at the moment. If you take an 18 month payment holiday, as most people do then it works out to about €1000 or £700/month. Also as you pay for the course during the year for calculation purposes you aren't being charged for the full amount of the loan from day one.

In terms of the flying schedule I'd suggest you look at Henry Bevan's website for that one, he is about 7-8 months in after joining Thomsonfly and you can see from his logbook how many sectors a month he is averaging at the moment.

If you are on the scheme you receive nothing from Thomsonfly in the way of job security, just a letter which states upon satisfactory completion of the course that if a position exists with the company then a place will be offered to you. Due to the always changing nature of the industry that is as good as you can guess. For instance the current good weather here in the UK means TFly aren't having the predicted boom they expected and so the number of new planes to be brought into service next year may or may not stay the same, it all depends as to how predictions go.

However those people on the schemes do tend to be offered places after completion. There is a mentor from TFly who visits regularly during the year and is available to contact via your own Thomsonfly e-mail address and weekly briefs, which means you can at least see how the industry is seen from a management perspective.

There are also moves afoot which may ultimately come to nothing but which if approved would result in TFly offering a similar deal to the Thomas Cook scheme in part, in that TFly would buy some of your debt and then take money out from your salary before tax to pay for it. But that is not in place at the moment nor does it seem likely just yet.

As for qualifications, I guess that's what TFly uses as a means of narrowing down the field of entrants to an initial managable level.

5th Aug 2006, 17:23
This is becoming just like the pay-for-type rating scenario.

Airlines charging over 60k for flight training when one could get the same sort of training for half the price !
Until there are people prepared to do this, the big integrated flying schools and the Airlines will take advantage of it.

People that would never consider an integrated course, do so because of the promise of a job at the end, and this helps the integrated schools to secure a good number of students.

There's nothing wrong with spending half the money to get the same kind of qualifications, but those so called sponsorships (which aren't sponsorships, since the applicants pay 100% of the costs, plus interest) seem to be aimed at discouraging the modular route, as there's no job offer at the end of it.

6th Aug 2006, 10:58
Having thought about this further, I'm not going to even bother responding to the questions. As Raviolis says, after interest it's between £80-90k + loss of earnings for one year - approx £100k in total (Admitedly, no different to any integrated course).

When we lay it down like this, even the prospect of a potential job offer (not even guarantee) is just not worth the sums involved. Everyone from FTE to TFly knows that at that sort of price the course just does not make any financial sense. How can it?

Picture the scene, you're at an interview and are asked to talk about a mistake you've made in the past. Imagine you said you "once threw £100,000 into a venture that was as likely to fail as it was to succeed, and it ended up failing".

"What did you learn from that?" they'd ask.

"Not to do it again!" :{

6th Aug 2006, 11:19
My reason of not applying, in part, is also the finance. Some will justify and even defend the amount for this scheme, and other schemes like it, hence the reason why TFly will not be short of applicants.

But if you compare the total cost of this scheme with some of the modular fATPL quotes I have personally received, this price seems ludicrous. As female wannabe pointed out, the interest on the loan would just about cover the modular fATPL!

But...each to his/her own. As I said before, good luck to all the applicants.


6th Aug 2006, 12:21
It depends how you look at it, as to whether it's worth shelling out that amount of money for Integrated rather than Modular. As has been stated in the past, there are certain airlines that won't touch 'new' modular students. Take that as you like it. If you were going to go integrated anyway, why not come down with the backing of an airline?

6th Aug 2006, 12:30
Agreed, I guess it comes down in part to integrated vs modular - which this thread is not about.

The Mixmaster
7th Aug 2006, 00:30
Just emailed back my responses to the eight questions so fingers crossed. Personally speaking I wouldn't go with Oxford or Cabair but an integrated course that offers definite affiliation seems like a lot more secure way of entering the world of aviation. Even if Thomsonfly do back out of offering people jobs, those that have been accepted will know that they have the qualities an airline is looking for upon qualification. The fact that FTE factors in food and accommodation to their training is also a bonus. PLus living in Spain for a year has gotta be sweet!

good luck to everyone who's applying!

7th Aug 2006, 08:01
Just out of interest, for those who passed the initial screening and went onto complete the questions - was there any request from FTE or TFly for elaboration on education and employment history?


7th Aug 2006, 08:07
Nope... hoping this happens sometime soon as it's all a bit vague just ticking boxes! Maybe before the next stage they will ask for some more info :confused:

7th Aug 2006, 08:08
Cheers FW - good luck with your application!

Rene Pedersen
7th Aug 2006, 09:52
Just out of interest, for those who passed the initial screening and went onto complete the questions - was there any request from FTE or TFly for elaboration on education and employment history?


No they wanted no further elaboration from me but could be later in the process.

Anyway - off to answer the questions :ok:


7th Aug 2006, 10:20
thanks eP, I think I'm going to need it!

anyone know when we'll hear about the next phase? do we have to wait until they close the application form on the FTE site?

The Mixmaster
8th Aug 2006, 13:56
Has anyone heard back from FTE or Thomson regarding this scheme? I've not even had an email confirming receipt of the application:bored:

8th Aug 2006, 13:59
Has anyone heard back from FTE or Thomson regarding this scheme? I've not even had an email confirming receipt of the application:bored:

Nope, I've had nothing... I changed my ISP last week so couldn't reply from the address the questions were sent to. I'm hoping it's got there ok :} I think we might have to wait until they close the application form :hmm:

8th Aug 2006, 15:51
I think we might have to wait until they close the application form :hmm:

That was the case with GB Airways and Flybe :)

8th Aug 2006, 16:17
That was the case with GB Airways and Flybe :)

how long did those stay open for?

8th Aug 2006, 17:03
oohhhh erm. At a reasonable guess i'd say about 2 weeks at the most. This one probably closes at the end of this week, maybe sunday night or something.

I think it'll say in flight if i can find the advert

The Mixmaster
9th Aug 2006, 00:14
Thats cool, I can deal with waiting til Sunday.

hmm I've spent too long on pprune today. Brain no read good. :confused:

9th Aug 2006, 12:16
I'm getting a bit ahead of myself here... but assuming I get on the scheme (or decide to go to FTE anyway), will i need a spanish bank account? I'm assuming I would be charged for taking cash out over there with my UK card? as the loan is with a spanish bank, does it make more sense to pay it back from a spanish account?

The Mixmaster
9th Aug 2006, 12:45
I think BBVA have a British arm to their bank so it prob doesn't matter if you pay the loan back from a british or spanish account. When you're out there having a spanish bank account would probably be better so you don't get charged everytime you take some dough out. Not sure if this is possible if you're only there for a year as a student, any peeps out there or who have been there shed any light?

Also whats the lifestyle like out in Jerez on your weekends off, do people venture into town for the nights out, hit local clubs/bars or is it mainly a contained campus setting?

FL370 Officeboy
9th Aug 2006, 15:21
Re: social life...depends entirely on the individual. When I was doing the course at FTE there were guys and gals (like me) that would be out into Puerto or Jerez every weekend and make the most of what was a fantastic period in anyone's life...and there would be others that would lock themselves in their rooms with manuals for the 14 months. There is plenty to do in Jerez and the surrounding area. We would frequently do beach trips, surfing, hill walking as well as shopping trips to Gibraltar and days to Seville. There are some fantastic restaurants in the city (I reccomend San Juan and Almacen in particular) and loads of bars/pubs - even an Irish Bar!
We would still however have big, big BBQs, pub quizzes, bar theme nights (indie/hip-hops etc) and numerous other events we ran as part of the social comittee on the campus. The social life at FTE should be the last thing anyone worries about...it's fantastic!!!!
Anyway, got to go....all these fond memories of Jerez are making me want to cry...:{

9th Aug 2006, 18:38
Re: social life...depends entirely on the individual. When I was doing the course at FTE there were guys and gals (like me) that would be out into Puerto or Jerez every weekend and make the most of what was a fantastic period in anyone's life...and there would be others that would lock themselves in their rooms with manuals for the 14 months.

Just out of curiosity...

I know they will tell you you only live once.. and you got to enjoy it and all of the above.. but when you take a loan of over 60 grand for training alone, do you really have any money left to go clubbing ?

Just asking, as I have never borrowed any money in my life, but I had to significantly reduce my social life to finance my PPL alone (and working a second job at the weekend), which is a very very small amount compared to a full integrated course, so I have no idea of how I could manage clubbing in Jerez, or Oxford or one of those...

Or maybe I was just unlucky not to have a money tree in my garden ? ;)

FL370 Officeboy
9th Aug 2006, 20:20
Just asking, as I have never borrowed any money in my life, but I had to significantly reduce my social life to finance my PPL alone (and working a second job at the weekend), which is a very very small amount compared to a full integrated course, so I have no idea of how I could manage clubbing in Jerez, or Oxford or one of those...
Or maybe I was just unlucky not to have a money tree in my garden ?
No I did not have a money tree in my garden believe it or not. In fact, shock horror I have yet to meet anyone who financed Jerez any way other than through BY/GAPAN sponsorship or a loan THEY took out. Any stereotype of "Daddy" bankrolling everyone through the integrated course is basically a fraud/lie/mistruth/whopper/load of bull. I got a loan out the same as 90% of the other people in Jerez and am currently paying that loan off by myself as everyone else has to.
However, if your question was a serious one instead of another attempt at someone painting the poor working class hero picture - then, in answer... I didn't just take out the amount for the training alone as that would be silly. I included a reasonable mount for what I would expect to spend whilst out there. I also worked damn hard for the months approaching the course to build up a buffer of money to last me the time I was there. For what it's worth I was so broke when I did my PPL I actually had to camp by the airfield as I couldn't afford any real accommodation so I've been there done that.
I hope my initial reply was of some use to someone who was genuinely interested in the lifestyle instead of looking to post a lame attempt at being witty......
I'm off out to the pub :ok:

9th Aug 2006, 20:36
How much does an average night out cost? I think if I get accepted then I will feel so pressured to get through the course (due to the horrendous amount of debt) that I will want to spend every minute studying! However I do know its very important to unwind... and I wouldn't want to go abroad for a year and not come back having experienced all there is to experience!

The Mixmaster
9th Aug 2006, 23:01
Cheers for the response Officeboy, sounds like pilot training isn't all the hard work, graft and nil social life that its painted as by some (not that I can't deal with hard work thrown at me for those looking to nit pick!).

While I have every intention of taking the training seriously, I really couldn't deal with a place where peeps are locking themselves away in a room all day to study so its wicked to hear FTE isn't like this. If CTC doesn't work out reckon I'm gonna head here.

9th Aug 2006, 23:19
FTE themselves do say that it's important to unwind aswell as work your socks off. Just make sure you get the right balance

10th Aug 2006, 16:04
Hi all,

Put in initial application on monday, got questions on tuesday, god they are hard. I cant think of anything to talk about. :confused:
Also, big up to femaleWanabe, another scottish person. YAY:D


10th Aug 2006, 16:30
Hi all.

Ive also applied and am currently sat here coming up with answers to those questions!

With regards to the social life it sounds very similar to the situation at uni. I didnt have enough money to get through uni but like most people took out the student loan. This covered accomodation fees and the like, then with money earnt in the holidays you could fund oyur social life. It sounds like it would be much the same in Jerez. The bond covers the tuition and whatever I earn now would go towards keeping busy in Jerez. Sounds like a great social life too!

Has anyone found good information on the thomsonfly salary/schedule plan? I found a bit on these forums but nothing too clear on the work scheme

10th Aug 2006, 17:30
Has anyone found good information on the thomsonfly salary/schedule plan? I found a bit on these forums but nothing too clear on the work scheme

This gives a pretty good idea. Fresh from training you'd go onto the SO base rate. I think after unfreezing the ATPL it jumps up to the base FO rate.
http://www.pilotjobsnetwork.com/factfile.php?id=qga092axpwyhq736ev4zf4s7t71cx7q9hnxheyytfkvt ennk4f6

I found the questions hard... sent off the answers about a week ago now so anxiously waiting to hear.

And Hi Drifted, definitely good to see another scottish person!! :ok:

10th Aug 2006, 18:04
Also to anyone at/has been to FTE do you get much time off to come home in the year? I was wondering if you get a week or two weeks at christmas say or anything like that?

10th Aug 2006, 19:56
2 weeks at xmas and a few days at easter i think. I'm still waiting to hear anything after answering the questions :cool:

11th Aug 2006, 15:25
You'd think they would acknowledge receipt of our answers.... even an automated thing would do just to let us know it made it there and someone might read it... the wait is driving me nuts :ugh:

The Mixmaster
11th Aug 2006, 15:51
Yeah whats up with these blithering FTO recruiters? Still not even got my application pack for the Flybe scheme despite asking for one 3 days ago.

11th Aug 2006, 16:58
Makes you laugh! You'd have thought so!

No response to my answers for Thomsonfly, and no application pack from Flybe! Humph!

Hope it arrives soon though... :ugh:

11th Aug 2006, 22:47
evening all,
i cant seem to get the e-mail address that flybe have provided to work.

Can someone pm or e-mail me the correct address.


Aviation kid
12th Aug 2006, 15:10
FL370 Officeboy,

What course were you on?


12th Aug 2006, 20:10
Moved my post elsewhere................

12th Aug 2006, 20:11
Hi all...
I was wondering if anyone who trainned in FTE could help me here..I'm through the GB Airways cadet scheme,i've attended an assesment on the 10th and I feel that I did well(hopefully)But i'm concerned about the finance!like many others I dont have the £60k and I've been working hard(BA cabin crew)so i could save a bit!in their website they mention an agreement with BBVA,can anyone tell me how does it work?on the interview ,when they asked me how am I gonna pay for it,i've got the feeling that..they were giving preference to someone who had conditions to meet the amount asked without help(off course,your academical,interpersonal skills and abilities count more)but,might sound sily,but it was my impression!And for the people who got loans,anyone managed to get a loan secured only on the FTO and airline word,saying that you'll be offered a job in the end,which will be the case if GB decide to sponsor me?plp who had finanacial problems I would trlly apreciate if you could share your views on this subject with me

thanks very mch guys,regards

12th Aug 2006, 23:27
I got the same impression. To say "i plan to get myself a loan" makes you sound so naive, and to say "if necessary i would work a few more years and save up" makes you sound like maybe you're not ready and havn't thought everything through i suppose. I didn't exactly say both of those things but the more i think about the interview, the worse impression i get of how i did :{

i'm too honest for my own good during interviews :=

13th Aug 2006, 00:37
I'm sure you did really well,"only who dares,succeed"!I am worried just like you but since my interview I've been thinking about how I will manage to solve the money issue!simply because,these programme(GB and Thomsonfly mentoring sponsorship)doesn't secure you a job!I've just found out when i attended the assesment..then they told us that we have to come up with the money,then from the cadets who complete the training with a 80% average results,will walk in to the Job!What about the others??the bank never will give me the money knowing that...and,as I am cabin crew for BA,I've spoke to my performance manager about the panorama on BA/BACX/GB/BMED,for the next 2/3 years regarding profit margins expected,recruitment,and other points,and he told me that he cant see great development for GB,perhaps this new cadets will only fill the gap of pilots leaving by natural ways(retirement)!BA has a long standing pool,of pilots waiting due to our last campaign of direct entry,and cabin crew,gatwick is taking nearly 1000 crew until october due to the merge of the short/long hall fleets(or the so called "OneFleet").

should i rob a bank????:}

13th Aug 2006, 01:29
may be one solution,

Always remember though, shoot after you get the cash, not before!


13th Aug 2006, 16:24
lol!!!right,so I officially open my sponsorship for "partners in crime",full trainning given!the money will be shared,so frozen ATPL's for everyone!:}

14th Aug 2006, 06:22
The thomsonfly banner has now disappeared from the FTE website.... let the waiting and nail biting commence :}

14th Aug 2006, 10:23
The wait begins. Start crossing fingers, toes, ears, etc etc.

Been reading henry bevans diary. Looks so good.

Off to work now.

Hopefully in about 2 months, work wont include driving a van.


14th Aug 2006, 13:45
Every 2 hours i'm hitting the 'check mail' function!!:}

14th Aug 2006, 16:22
Every 2 hours i'm hitting the 'check mail' function!!:}

Mine is set to automatically check every 3 minutes.... but I'm hitting the button every 30 seconds or so... :ugh:

Rene Pedersen
15th Aug 2006, 06:48
Mine is set to automatically check every 3 minutes.... but I'm hitting the button every 30 seconds or so... :ugh:

I'm gonna go insane if I don't hear something from them soon :ugh: :} :ugh: :}

15th Aug 2006, 11:35
I'm gonna go insane if I don't hear something from them soon :ugh: :} :ugh: :}

I'm tempted to email them and ask how long its going to be... don't want to appear too desperate though... although I am!

15th Aug 2006, 15:28
Hi all,

You have a few days to go yet, as you are all well aware the closing date for the applications was Sunday, those that applied on the last night will receive their questions yesterday (Monday) and given the 3 day time limit to reply, i.e. till Thursday. :hmm:

So the soonest anyone will hear anything will be Friday by telephone call and e-mail confirmation. :{ :ugh:

Few more nail biting days to go!! :uhoh:

Best of luck to anyone that made the application. :}


16th Aug 2006, 08:06
Gosh, patience isn't a virtue amongst you lot is it? :E

You betta get used to this inability of airlines and the like not to acknowledge or respond within a sensible period of time - this industry is reknown for it! bad HR/Recruitment co-ordination with IT Departments is usually to blame :ugh:

16th Aug 2006, 17:51
What other schemes have people applied to apart from this one? Im just going through an application for CTC but thats it so far!

16th Aug 2006, 18:32
What other schemes have people applied to apart from this one? Im just going through an application for CTC but thats it so far!

Thomson is really the first one I've applied to. I applied to CTC a couple of years ago but ended up not going to the selection as I disagree with having to pay the £200 or whatever it is plus flights and accommodation. I've just applied to the flybe one at cabair, again I don't like the £60 for stage 2, then £110 for stage 3 plus all the hassle of getting there, but I'll make the decision if I get through. Maybe I'm cynical but I think they invite almost everyone to the selection day just to get the cash... :=

16th Aug 2006, 22:41
Tried ctc last year. I got to testing but messed up the pilapt by not reading instructions correctly.

An older and wiser me is applying to this and i've put an e-mail in for flybe with cabair.


17th Aug 2006, 06:52
AFAIK there is a charge for the Thomson assessment as well. I may be wrong though...

Isn't the thomson one handled by FTE up until the very final stage? I didn't think FTE charged for testing....? Maybe they do...:hmm:

17th Aug 2006, 07:05
Hi fw,

To my knowledge Thomsonfly / FTE do not charge for any stages of the recruitment process. :cool:

Best regards,


18th Aug 2006, 12:31
Hi all,

Just got a call from FTE saying i was through to stage 3.

No e-mail as yet but they said that would be coming soon.

Anyone else had word?


Rene Pedersen
18th Aug 2006, 13:11
Just got a call from FTE i'm on to the tests in Luton August 29 1.15pm :ok:

18th Aug 2006, 13:35
Just got a call from FTE i'm on to the tests in Luton August 29 1.15pm :ok:

I'm the same time... she's sending an email next week.. I'm still shaking!

Rene Pedersen
18th Aug 2006, 13:41
I'm the same time... she's sending an email next week.. I'm still shaking!

Cool :ok: now it's the challenge of getting to Luton.. better book a flight soon..

18th Aug 2006, 13:47
Cool :ok: now it's the challenge of getting to Luton.. better book a flight soon..

I'm waiting until I get the confirmation email! Easyjet go edin - luton about 50 times per day, so I think I should be ok... :}

Rene Pedersen
18th Aug 2006, 13:51
I'm waiting until I get the confirmation email! Easyjet go edin - luton about 50 times per day, so I think I should be ok... :}

Well I need to either go to Standsted, Heathrow or Gatwick and then transfer by bus/train or go via Amsterdam :ugh: No direct flights from Copenhagen unfortunately.

18th Aug 2006, 14:25

What A levels do you have by any chance?


18th Aug 2006, 14:39
Congratulations on getting to the next stage! :D

Do you know if they're planning on letting everyone know today or not? I haven't heard anything yet... :(

Could this be a bad sign or am I just being overly pessimistic (hopefully the latter!)

Still keeping fingers crossed and waiting anxiously though... Anyone else not heard yet???

18th Aug 2006, 14:58
I havent heard anything yet! Then again this was the first applciation ive done so maybe my ansewrs werent quite what they were looking for. Then again Id have thought theyd take alot of people for the tests as they get to make money out of us

18th Aug 2006, 15:16
Then again Id have thought theyd take alot of people for the tests as they get to make money out of us

I wasn't told anything about paying for the selection, as far as I know, the FTE tests are free. Might find out more when the email arrives. Anyone any idea how long the session takes? Want to book flights asap but not sure which one to get back... would prefer not to get the 9pm one!

18th Aug 2006, 15:34
There is a thing in the news section of fte that says all airline pilot assesment tests are being made free for 2006.Link below:

Also, has anyone else got 28th at 9am?


18th Aug 2006, 15:42
There is a thing in the news section of fte that says all airline pilot assesment tests are being made free for 2006.Link below:

Also, has anyone else got 28th at 9am?


Hi, I did wonder if we would get charged or not. Thanks for finding out.

Yeah i'm through to Luton as well, 28 aug at 13.15. interested to know anyone else going at same time?

Now it gets serious!!:\

18th Aug 2006, 16:02
Oops yeah sorry got confused with the CTC one. Congrats to all who got through - Im thinking I havent! Never mind...

18th Aug 2006, 16:15
So does anyone want to start guessing how many have been invited to stage 3? i read somewhere that the last one was 4 in the morning, 4 afternoon for 4 days.... making 32....

Rene Pedersen
18th Aug 2006, 16:23
So does anyone want to start guessing how many have been invited to stage 3? i read somewhere that the last one was 4 in the morning, 4 afternoon for 4 days.... making 32....

IIRC she told me that they were only doing this monday and tuesday (could be that wednesday and thursdays are already booked :confused: ) making it 16?

18th Aug 2006, 16:30
IIRC she told me that they were only doing this monday and tuesday (could be that wednesday and thursdays are already booked :confused: ) making it 16?

wow... if it's only 16 then that is good i think! Unless they are doing more per session....

Anyone got wednesday or thursday?!

18th Aug 2006, 16:32
Still haven't got anything yet! :ugh:

The Mixmaster
18th Aug 2006, 16:53
Just got a call from them after doing stage 2 assessment at CTC, I'm through to an interview at 9am on monday 28th. Not feeling the early start time but at least i get to go to Notting Hill Carny afterwards:ok:

18th Aug 2006, 17:21
Again, i havn't heard anything for this either. Maybe they'll just use my Gb Airways results :{ (even though i'm still to hear from that one aswell...but must surely mean i was unsuccessful by now)

18th Aug 2006, 17:37
Had the call this afternoon, mines Wed 30th at 9am. Is there anyone else on wednesday as all iv seen so far is mon and tues?

Well done everybody.

18th Aug 2006, 17:57
Humph. I'm guessing by 7pm on a Friday evening no news is bad news... hate to be pessimistic, but could be time to be realistic!

Oh well... guess I'll have to keep trying!

Well done to everyone that did get through though and best of luck at the next round!!!

18th Aug 2006, 18:11
I've also got a Weds i/v at Luton but mine is 1.15pm - anyone else going at the same time? Good Luck to everyone :ok:

18th Aug 2006, 18:19
Humph. I'm guessing by 7pm on a Friday evening no news is bad news... hate to be pessimistic, but could be time to be realistic!

Oh well... guess I'll have to keep trying!

Well done to everyone that did get through though and best of luck at the next round!!!
I'm the same don't worry, there's a thin line between pessimistic and realistic sometimes haha.

Just got to keep pressing on i'm afraid

18th Aug 2006, 19:15
I had a call this afternoon, got an interview on weds at 9am aswell. Any idea what kinda stuff were gonna be doing?

18th Aug 2006, 20:36
Any idea what kinda stuff were gonna be doing?

I'd like to know this as well. Reading posts earlier in this thread about previous schemes, I think it will be PILAPT and some verbal and numerical reasoning... then some kind of interview. I'm hoping the email they send us will have a good description of what's happening because I have no idea what to prepare!

18th Aug 2006, 21:21
Also any ideas on what kinda dress code is expected?

18th Aug 2006, 22:49
well i did this fte selection like 2 months ago and i was succeful ( not for any cadet pilot training program)
first of all u will be 4 people by session,,,u will have a quick breifing then one of u goes to the interview , one does PILAPT, the two others do writeen test
then u exchange and continue on
1- the interview : not really hard, just show u like aviation , u have motivation, and u are a good team player.. the interview will last 30-40 minutes...many questions and u have to give specific example in the answer...the most difficult quesstion is What are ur weaknesses ? and the best answer to this is : i am a perfectionist or too gentle with the others and the worst answer is : i don't have any....
2-Pilapt: 4 "games" : 3 guys with a square in one hand and a circle in the other. the computer will say : negatif Left square (which means he doesn't havea square in the left hand) , or positif Right square ( he does have a square in the right) and u will have to count the number of guys who correspond u will have only 6 seconds..really time is short and u can mess it easly bcoz the guys get inverted ....
then an ILS with the joystick which is very sensitive but not hard..u will do it 3 times and will get the 3 scores wich must be increasing absolutly or else u will fail.. thenflying threw boxes really easy, 3 times again u MUST score high ,,,then the final test is to find a shape in many shapes it is easy
3- written exams : one word : it is quite easy, u have time, and it is basic math and physics, the verbal is bit confusing and u won't like it becoz there is a lot of reading and many similar answers
And that is it.....the most common causes of failure are: interview, ILS , and the hands game ( which u can pratice at home and i can say u must pratice it or else u fail because u only have 6 seconds)
Try ur best , because even if u area good, they will only take the best

19th Aug 2006, 02:11
Translation of the previous post for those readers who might not be familiar with, or just don't like, "txt spk"... :*

Well, I did this FTE selection about 2 months ago and I was successful (not for any cadet pilot training program.)
First of all, there will be four people in your session; you will have a quick briefing then one of you goes to the interview, one does PILAPT and the two others do the written test then you exchange and continue on.

1- The interview : not really hard, just show you like aviation, you have motivation and you are a good team player. The interview will last 30-40 minutes; there are many questions and you have to give specific example in the answer. The most difficult question is "What are your weaknesses?" and the best answer to this is "I am a perfectionist or too gentle with the others" and the worst answer is "I don't have any...."

2-Pilapt: 4 "games" : 3 guys with a square in one hand and a circle in the other. The computer will say "negative left square" (which means he doesn't havea square in the left hand), or "positif Right square" (he does have a square in the right) and you will have to count the number of guys who correspond to the computer's speech. You will have only 6 seconds; really time is short and u can mess it up easily because the guys get inverted.
Then an ILS with the joystick, which is very sensitive but not hard. You will do it 3 times and will get the 3 scores wich must be increasing absolutely or else you will fail. Then flying through boxes, which is really easy; 3 times again and you MUST score high! Then the final test is to find a shape in many shapes, which is easy.

3- Written exams : one word : it is quite easy, you have time and it is basic maths and physics. The verbal is bit confusing and you won't like it because there is a lot of reading and there are many similar answers.

And that is it. The most common causes of failure are: interview, ILS and the hands game (which you can practise at home and I can say you must practise it or else you will fail because you only have 6 seconds.) Try your best, because even if you are good they will only take the best.

19th Aug 2006, 07:07
then an ILS with the joystick which is very sensitive but not hard..u will do it 3 times and will get the 3 scores wich must be increasing absolutly or else u will fail..

is that the one where you have to keep the crossbar in the centre? or the one where you "steer" in the direction of the crossbar to get it back to the centre?

Are you given a calculator for the maths/physics?

Also any ideas on what kinda dress code is expected?

Well I'm going to wear a suit... I'm assuming thats standard for these kinds of things, especially since there is an interview involved.

Can anyone who's been to a thomson/FTE selection day give some hints about the interview? Is it like the 8 questions - "give us an example of when.." or is it a general getting to know you, asking about experience kind of thing?

19th Aug 2006, 13:52
in response to femalwannabe : the ILS : there is a crossbar moving and you must get it back to the center, it is too much sensible and not easy,,,try to concentrate
you will have a calculator for math written
don't think that ur dress is the most important thing

19th Aug 2006, 16:26
Im really confused by this whole scheme, from reading this thread there is little to no continuity in how FTE select their candidates for progression. Hats off to travnet, you have shown that shear determination does pay off, but is it really fair on all the others who applied and just got the brush off without a second thought?

I too applied for this years scheme this year and failed to make the grade at the initial selection; yeah I didn't have the '3' A-C A level per-say but I do have 2 A-B A level equivalents and a BEng honours degree in Aeronautical Engineering, a medical certificate and fly experience. However when I raised my concerns with FTE they said the airline had stringent set requirements which they must adhere to! Maybe some one should tell them a degree is a high academic qualification than an A-Level?!:\

Anyway I not trying to take away anything from the successful candidates, I have applied for and have got through to the finial stages of many a scheme like this, and I know how mentally and physically demanding it can be. So congratulations to all! :ok: I just feel it to be unfair on all the candidates who I feel should have had more of a consideration from FTE than they got.

Anyway it’s their loss; keep going all of you I wish you all the success in your interviews/test, relax and enjoy it’s the best way!!!!! :cool:


21st Aug 2006, 00:31
Hi all,

Has anyone recived an e-mail yet? | got the call but no mail.


Rene Pedersen
21st Aug 2006, 03:53
Hi all,

Has anyone recived an e-mail yet? | got the call but no mail.


She said they were gonna send out the mail early this week.

21st Aug 2006, 08:45
I also have an interview next week. Is it just an interview or is more involved? Also does anyone know if its with ThomsonFly? I'm sure GB airways was mentioned in my phone call.

21st Aug 2006, 12:41
Only thomsonfly was mentioned in my phone call. Received my email just there and theres also no mention of GB airways on it.