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15th Dec 2004, 21:34
Dear Members:

Re: Previous posting.
Obviously hasn't (like me) been to the club for a while.

Mr "wise737" - a lot of people who have posted to this thread have the clubs best interests close to them.

We even have 2 ex-committee members contributing regularly and from thier postings it seems it wasn't an easy job at all.

Your posting does nothing than assist those people in calling us all "bar room lawyers".

As it is your 1st time then please take time to read all the posts carefully and as you have just joined PPRUNE I suspect you haven't! Please do not be offended by my words, as you say we need to be together on this one and the thread does now appear to be heading that way.

Good luck.


15th Dec 2004, 23:21
I don't think it does anybody any good whatsoever to try re-encourage the sort of postings we saw earlier in this thread. It looks to me as if most of us have taken stock of the situation, calmed down and have begun to behave more like the educated, intelligent adults we puport to be instead of a bunch of kids who's toys have been taken off them. I salute all those who have apparently come to their senses. Good show!:ok:

Hold Foxtrot (again)
16th Dec 2004, 10:58
I agree !!!

It's about flying and what used to be N A C.

No more bull, I think we have all vented our feelings and in due process it will all come out in the wash so to speak.

We will all be happier when we do get our toys back !!!!

Be nice to each other ............

16th Dec 2004, 11:02
Well said! Want my planes back :{

Hold Foxtrot (again)
16th Dec 2004, 11:21
Dont be greedy G W K you can only fly one at a time....

Cheers All

ps Worry not I am not intimidated.......................

Only deep water bothers me..

16th Dec 2004, 11:23
Aww ok sorry then :O

One will do then...

Ian B

nacker barslob
16th Dec 2004, 15:19
Perhaps we should all now spare a moment for those poor servants of the club who have received their redunacy notices today.

To one and all of them, I do hope that they are succesful in getting employment that they want.

I for one would like to say a heart felt thank you to them all for their professionalism ,dedication and friendship.

I will miss you all.

16th Dec 2004, 15:25
Aww no :(

They know who they are, thanks guys for all of your hard work. I do hope that if/when things are fixed they're the 1st people asked back. I mean the good instructors (you know who I'm talking about) and of course to name JC.

Good luck chaps, safe flying...

Ian Bowden.

16th Dec 2004, 15:45
No I'm not a scary guy, I'm a lamb:D But I do know others that are ;) . I dont worry about flak, I thrive on it and I don't have anything whatsoever to do with the running of the club.
Right with that out of way I'll let you ALL get on with trying to resurrect the club without things degenerating too much but I'll be monitoring.:cool:

16th Dec 2004, 16:04
Hard to believe that the people who helped all of us achieve the incredible feat of taking a lump of metal off the planet and bringing it back down( after a fashion!!) have been tossed out of work like this.
I have monitored and contributed to this thread with my own (selfish?) ends uppermost, but hearing of the redundancy notices has made me stop to think of the realities of the situation.
Best wishes to the instructors and staff for the future.

16th Dec 2004, 16:23
Thats awful news. Especially at this time of year. Still, silver linings nearly always come out of situations like this.

May I wish all of those involved in this the very best of luck in whatever they do. Hopefully things will work out in Newcastle for them. Over to you Elia or whoever else is trying to create a flying club here.

Hold Foxtrot (again)
16th Dec 2004, 17:32
Evening All

I would just like to echo previous posts and may they find something quick and anybody involved in a bid for the club that may read these threads will know there are good people out there willing and able to re-establish the flying school and club

Best wishes and good luck........

ps Ncl pilot

I remember going to NCL airport as a kid going out on to the apron where the bay window is and getting on a Dan Air flight

16th Dec 2004, 21:17

Sorry to read redundancy notices were issued to-day to the remaining staff.

At the meeting last Thursday evening I was dismayed when the Administrators stated they would only be looking at the Club repords for the past three years. I feel they should go back atleast ten years as that was when the decline started with various committee members doing their own thing with the Clubs funds, it is always easy to spend some one elses money when you are not accountable - just like a local authority!

The case in question started when Littlewings used to do the maintenance and supply the Avgas but ran out of funds and could only buy limited supplies of fuel, thats is when the owner could be found and money provided, Air BP would only supply Avgas for cash only.

The situation got so bad, that Air BP finally stepped in and supplied Samson with a Bowser and sell Avgas on their behalf.
This worked well for the Club as they got the fuel at a discounted rate compared with the PAP (Posted Airfield Price) and got a good service from Samson. As time progressed certain arrangements were made with Samson by the then new GM (General Manager) for the Club to have the aircraft refulled at certain times of the day to avoid calling out Samson every time an aircraft needed fuel.

This worked very well, too well for the CFI and the loud mouthed Chairman which the club had at the time and it was decided the club had to have their own fuel supply, being a vendetta against the then owner of Samson. Various fuel companies were contacted which included Air BP and the last thing that Air BP wanted was another fuel supplier on the Airport. Reluctantly Air BP gave into the Club Chairman but refused to supply a Bowser.

The Club had to find a Bowser of their own, this was soon found as Gill Engineers had just retired their Bowser and was parked up awaiting the scrap man. It was bought by the Club (you could hear the laughing from the Gill hangar!) for more than Gill originally paid for it - Members Money - it was towed around to the Littlewings hangar and given an Aurthur Daley "Make Over" - nice little runner and will make a fortune - WRONG. With Gill it had been used as a Jet A1 Pressure Bowser and had to be converted to Avgas use - thats right, tank to be cleaned out, new filters, new pump and plumming, new Meter and the whole lot to be calibrated and finally the Bowser to be given a MOT by the Airport Authority so that it could be used on the apron.

A very expensive exercise, still that didn't matter, its only members money - Air BP finally agreed they could commission the Bowser and fuel would be provided at a contract rate to the Club which they would also sell on to the Club members who owned their own aircraft also at a reduced rate.

As it turned out this contact rate was slightly more that the now reduced PAP which Air BP introduced also they offered the new "Sterling Card" to private owners on the Airport which also gave them a reduced rate over the PAP. The local owners all got their "Sterling Cards" and enjoyed reduced rate Avgas which the Aero Club were unable to provide. Air BP - ONE Aero Club - NIL
still it was only Members Money which had been used on this disgusting exercise and the Chairman went on to grander things with his own aviation operation.

The above is only a very basic outline of what happened, as mentioned above, Littlewings maintained the club aircraft after a fashion, things got so bad it was decided to try out Samson for the 50 hour and 100 hour checks. Again this worked very well plus the aircraft were also bought up to a presentable standard. After a period of time Littlewings approached Samson with a view to buying them out, a valuation was carried out of Littlewings and it was found that their spares holding only valued about £3,000.00 and most items of the shelf we time expired and what little other equipment they had was of no commercial value and only fit for scrap, plus their was NO good will in the business, so Bill Adams (owner of Littlewings) was sent on his way.

While this was going on the Chief Engineer at Samson agreed a rolling type maintenance schedule for the Aero Club aircraft with the CAA which would avoid an aircraft suddenly going out of hours on a Thursday or Friday for the coming weekend. This schedule would cost the club in a region of £44,000.00 per year.
Those in charge of the Club at the time never mentioned to Samson at the time that they had already bought Littlewings for a reported £60.000.00 - it was only the Members Money -
Littlewings/Bill Adams - ONE Aero Club - NIL
the rest you know.

During the last 8 years the club has had two Stewards in the Club house - both disasters and left owning money which has never been recovered.

Club Stewards - TWO Aero Club - NIL

Two EXPENSIVE court Cases - TWO Aero Club - NIL

Others you know about, the last TEN years has been a catalogue of mismanagement and those responsible should be made to be accountable for their destructive actions.


16th Dec 2004, 21:18
Tragic news, particularly at this time.

May i join in thanking all those involved:


Good luck to all of you and thanks

16th Dec 2004, 22:37

Just read postings for today.

All I can say is that I sincerely hope from the bottom of my heart that the people responsible for this will face their dues.

Thanks JC, IC, AB, LB, MB, KL, TB, IM, MA, JR, "JJ", TR, MG.



urdy gurdy
16th Dec 2004, 22:44
i just hope all the people who turned up to the meeting on the 9th dec, support the club by actually using it, if it comes thru this very difficult patch, i use the club as a social member and havnt seen probably about 90 per cent of the people who turned up that night. i use the club daily and miss my drinking hole

16th Dec 2004, 23:28
Dear Members:

It is with extreme sadness that I read todays postings.

There is nothing I can add apart from the revulsion I feel for the absolute scum that caused this - harsh words but my stomach is turning as I think of their faces.

Elia Golfin - it's over to you now.


Paris Dakar
17th Dec 2004, 09:50
Can I just add to the comments made by TopJet & noiseabatement.

Good folk have lost their livelihood as a direct result of actions carried out by members of our own club - fact. Oh, we can point the finger and say it's 'Mr Parkin's fault, or it was the purchase of G-NELI - in reality it was none of these!

I would like to say to those who have recently alighted the NAC Gravy Train, have a lovely Christmas, don't give a flying :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: for the people you have directly affected, and I hope you enjoy your chats with the relevant authorities when they come knocking at your doors in the New Year. The net WILL tighten!

17th Dec 2004, 09:53
Well said PD...It will tighten indeed and the sooner the better.

17th Dec 2004, 11:04
Morning guys.

Paris Dakar.

You are right mate - it wasn't G-NELI OR Johnny Parkin that caused this.

Look at what the then chairman did, now without making nasty remarks to the people mentioned - he gave good lucrative contracts to KL, SK and Gillian in the office.

She was on £18K and she couldnt even do the simple arithmatic on a tech log!

That's well over £100K worth of salary which we simply couldn't support in the long term.

The fuel bowser will always rear it's ugly head - either the seller at Biggin Hill was simple in the head or somebody can't write a cheque that matches an invoice.

Work Master.

Superb post mate - like it a lot.


In one of my many chats with Pott/Farnish the subject of the fuel bowser was mentioned, don't worry - they are aware of that.

Here's waiting


17th Dec 2004, 13:24
Afternoon Chaps and Ladies

Further to my posting last night, Newcastlepilot you are correct about the Chairman I mentioned.

However as I mentioned, the contract rate for the fuel/Avgas supplied to the Club by Air BP was more expensive than if they had continued to get fuel via Samson which was again supplied by Air BP. Plus Air BP lowered the PAP once the Aero Club contract commenced with them, this was a way at getting back at the Aero Club for the way they had conducted themselves. You are unable to take on a multi-national and win....the Aero Club lost out on behalf of its members but those in power at the time were too thick or pig headed to realise this. Also as a way of getting at Samson, their staff were banned from the Aero Club by the Chairman because they were keeping members up to date with what was going on, this ban was put down to a conflict of interests and did not go down well with Air BP when they found out.

As it happened, Terry Law the owner of Samson resigned from the Aero Club committee once his new company became operational, again due to conflicts of interest. Terry used to run the "Bravo Tango" Group very successfully and had no dealings with two Piper PA-28 which operated from the Samson Hangar, these were owned by Kevin Brown who later formed Aero Tours.

I think that clears a few points - one final thing in this posting, a word of thanks to JC from all flying members, and drinking members...

When JC was appointed the General Manager during the first year in this postion he worked 7 days aweek (from 08.00 to late in the evening) for a year WITHOUT a day off or holiday. He was just taken for granted by the Committee with little or NO thanks for his efforts. If it hadn't been for JC keeping the Flying School going on a daily basis, it would have ground to a halt, he also took over the duties of CFI when KL departed for pastures greener (the rest you all know about - DISGUSTING!!). The majority of flying members will nodoubt have flown with JC when getting their PPL or additional Ratings, a lot of his work was carried out after normal daily hours of 0900-1700 (which some members of staff worked only, little or nothing extra), JC would never turn anyone away, he would fit in their requests to flying no matter what the hour - a true flyer and not appreciated by some and just taken for granted.

Yes, a big THANK YOU to JC for all he has done for the Flying School and I know he is disgusted at the actions of certain Committee members over the years but too much of a gentleman to air his views in public. Mines a Pint JC...


17th Dec 2004, 13:53

I'll second that.

Paris Dakar
17th Dec 2004, 14:18

May I just add something to you final paragraph.

JC had the misfortune to sit alongside me in Juliet Victor several weeks ago as I struggled with this flying mallarkey after a long lay off. He was utmost professional in not hurting my feelings whilst I basically flew around like a useless tw*t. But behind his wry smile I could tell he what he was thinking.

He arranged flights that enabled me to avoid the premium landing fess, which meant inevitably, a late night(s) for himself. By the time JV was back in the hangar and JC had a cool can of Scotch in his tankard, it was nearly 8.00pm! Did he ever complain - No!! I feel sick to the stomach for JC and I hope that somewhere in the not too distant future I can replenish the tankard in a club environment.

Look after yourself JC


17th Dec 2004, 15:29
Having flown with JC a few times and dealt with him very often as a regular flyer I too feel physically sick over the way he's been treated. Yes a lot of other people up there have my thoughts too but JC is at the top.

Look after yourself sarge, I hope to 'work' with you again soon.

Ian Bowden

17th Dec 2004, 21:14
Dear Members:

Workmaster: Excellent posting again, I feel I know you and I am sure you know me, will PM you soon!

bigstu: Obviously not working on a "commission" basis but glad you are still with us!

newcastlepilot: So far, and with Workmaster's posts have you worked out the weak link with regard to Samson yet, an alarm bell rings with this T. Laws character, can't say I remember him at all but a colleague seems to know a something that would help the thread, will speak to him in next day or so and hopefully I will be in a position to leave a "newcastlepilot" type posting - that's in length!

Good Luck


Mu Beta
18th Dec 2004, 10:05
I agree with all the comments made about JC, he's served us all very well. He certainly gave me an enormous amount of his time and help.
At the moment I beleive RMT has kept him on to work in the office, good for him and I hope it lasts.
For information... he came to NAC when Sunderland closed...I think he had been CFI there...and most Sunderland members joined NAC.

18th Dec 2004, 10:34
Good Morning Members:

I echo the words posted by Mu Beta regarding JC.

Everytime I did manage to get to the club, JC was either doing one of the following:

Admin work in the office.
Fuelling Aircraft.
Flying Aircraft.
Taking a ground School OR drinking in the bar out of a silver tankard of which the handle was tastefully shaped to that of a womans body, and when drinking from it JC's thumb would just cover her ample b***sts.

Most of the time he was doing ALL those tasks at once!
Good on him and hopefully JC will be around should Elia Golfins plan take shape.

Good Luck.


18th Dec 2004, 13:19
I was on the committee during some of the fuel supply negotiations. The original plan, if I remember correctly, was to try and get a non BP source of Avgas so there would be real price competition on the field, but for various reasons that was not possible. Plus it transpired that it would have meant building a fuel farm just for the club, which would have been mad. The airport was not in favour of the club sourcing its own fuel at all, preferring the monopoly which Samson held to be maintained. But they could not argue that successfully on monopoly grounds, and reluctantly agreed to let the club supply its own fuel for its own planes and for members.

I really don't know all the details, and others I did know I have forgotten. What I do know is that the price of fuel at the field dropped very substantially once Samson had some competition, and it was decent competition since the club planes burnt a substantial fraction all the avgas sold at the field. Around 175,000 litres p.a. for the club fleet, out of a total of about 500,000 litres p.a. on the field.

Of course Samson dropped its price when the club started its own fuel supply; they could not do anything else, so instantaneously it did not matter to someone in the Bellman whether they taxied around to the club bowser, or got Samson to fuel them at the Bellman. The difference was that the price they were paying was less. And the club was paying less, by around 10p a litre. Yes, the ex-Gill bowser cost a few thousand to fix up, but saving 10p a litre on 175,000 a year quickly paid for that.

As far as engineering is concerned post Littlewings, the engineer we got was excellent. Paul did his very best in a freezing hangar with clapped out equipment. People who had been taking their planes to Carlisle or Blackpool or Bagby for maintenance started using Newcastle again; but even then the landing fees issue raised its head. An airfield which owns the on site maintenance facility is not going to stifle engineering business by charging landing fees to customers. But of course Newcastle couldn't work like this, so a light twin driver would be £30 or so worse off if s/he was not based at Newcastle before the engineer even looked at the plane. And I think Paul did make a difference; he was courteous, the planes got fixed, and more were on line than before.

I have never met the more recent engineering staff, and have no experience of their work, so this is not intended as a comparison with recent times. It's just to set the record straight on that particular period. Eventually Paul left for family reasons, and a great shame too.

18th Dec 2004, 17:47
Evening all,

Could somebody please just explain to me what is happening? I’ve had four lessons at the aero club but it had to be temporarily stopped, and I was hoping to begin again fairly soon.

I understand that the clubs in debt and big trouble. The cause of this I personally am not too bothered about, I am more interested in the solution, and what is being done to try and get it open again. Being only 17, at school I was hoping to get flying again very soon, and that’s why it was postponed – parents are paying. Newcastle is the best option for me, and generally a nice place.

I guess the main thing which I’d like to find out is if the club is going to reopen, and if so when?

Thanks and good luck. Hopefully see you all at the club some day, not too far away!


Hold Foxtrot (again)
18th Dec 2004, 19:52
Urdy Gurdy

You have a valid point, Why did so many people attend the
" Wake " for NAC and not visit it when alive and help out in that way supporting the club, Granted it had lost that club feeling from the first time I used it but there were still a lot of good people

Ppruners ?

Once again that committee word has arisen in the most informative previous postings, God help the person who mentions forming one. You are forewarned !

TJ what does the "R " stand for ( Rupert ?)

Regards All

JWF we all hope to fly again from the club but we will have to wait and see what happens....

18th Dec 2004, 20:25
I don't think you need worry about a committee at the aeroclub again. Indeed the aeroclub as it was will cease to exist.

I am informed that nobody has approached the administrators suggesting a rescue package under option 1. One reason being that they cannot even establish the amount of the debt, such is the mess.

However at least 4 parties have expressed an interest under option 2, to buy the assets, take over the lease and form new companies. I wish them every success.

18th Dec 2004, 22:48
Hi guys/girls

Met Office.

OK mate! - Elia Golfin's proposal which I suppose comes under option 2.
I understand this to be currently in the hands of the administrators, RMT.


You obviously haven't heard!
Please read ALL the postings in this thread from No.1

Committee's - no way.

Hold Foxtrot.

Do I look like a Rupert? Maybe shouldn't have asked you that BUT, and for the record it's Roderick...
:{ :{ :{ :{ :{ :{ :{ :{ :{ :{

Mum was a teacher in the early 60's....

Cheers gang


19th Dec 2004, 02:27
Yes, I'm still 'with you'. The only time I've not been 'with you' was that time you took me jumpseat to Thailand and...... well, lets not get into that here. (you still owe me £50 by the way)

Its been eight words in two posts, not nine.
(but I'm still not worthy of you)

topjet (Roddy):
Thanks for not only keeping us all up to date with the Elia thing, but for your obvious hard work in trying to save the club. As you are an ex committee member who, I think, feels some sort of obligation to members to do now what you couldn't do before because of these 'brick walls', you are obviously going all out to keep us all flying. I know you have devoted a lot of your own time in collating information for possible take-overs and have been very much involved in over-seas correspondence at your own expense. Your professionalism in meetings with the airpport authority was also noted when others about you lost their cool and you have tactfully shared all this information with us. I just hope all your effort has not been in vain big fella. If it all comes together there will be a lot of people due you a beer. (not me though, you still owe me a pint from 4 weeks ago according to the chart on the back of my tab packet).

urdy gurdy:
I would be obliged if you would pass on my thanks to Anth. and all his staff (Kate, Michael, Tyler, Mal, Paul, et-all) for their hard work and excellent service over recent times, this has been appreciated. Hopefully we will all enjoy more 'Glasgow Manhattans' together in times to come.

Next time I ask one of your pals out for a drink, tell her to say 'OK', or 'I'd love to', or something along those lines. Thanx.

The "deep water" thing gave you away.

Lastly, happyeater:
Bet you never expected all this when you made that first post all those weeks ago, eh?

19th Dec 2004, 10:55

I don't want to be the cause of unwanted speculation or rumors, but I could swear one of Newcastles (old?) planes just flew over my house. I didn't get a chance to see the regestration, but it looked like one of them..............probably not!


19th Dec 2004, 13:09

definitely no school aircraft flying, but several private aircraft N95TA, Jet Provost G AY and G BH the PA 28 from Northumbria, have all been up today.


19th Dec 2004, 14:22
Dead right Stu.

An excellent read too. Just hoping it will all get sorted out soon. The longer it takes, the harder it will be to get going.

19th Dec 2004, 17:12


Thank you for those kind words of support.

Yes, it has been a difficult time recently, negotiating with the correct people, long phone calls overseas, long dialogue with RMT etc but for doing this I ask for no thanks.
Yes, I do feel I should do what I can to save the club and believe me - I will squash any of the slugs on the way that hindered my work whilst serving on the committee. Constructive criticism I can accept but not the innuendo and utter piffle that was thrown in my direction. A PPRUNER once said to me that he didn't think I was doing a good job on the committee, so after taking stock I resigned for other reasons but that was a contributary factor. Since then this particular person has been extremely straight and frank with me about how things were badly run and I have only 100% respect for him. I told him what I have told all of you - others outside still tried to run our club.

While serving we were constantly hindered by an ex chairman who simply thought he had a god given right to still run a club in which his actions played a major part in it's demise, he simply would not let go and even to this day he skulks around perveying his self centred arrogance to those who care to listen.
If this man is questioned by any authority over his actions and the truth be known then I will feel very happy indeed.

I strongly believe that justice will be done and all the individuals who thought they were untouchable will sink with the flotsam and jetsam that surround them.

I sincerely hope that Elia Golfin's proposal gets the nod, it will annoy others if it does but only true, loyal and honest members would wish him success.



20th Dec 2004, 07:04
Think you'll find that the GBMUT action was from a couple of their group who were nearly killed because the engineer put the bolt in the wrong way round on the nose grear, didnt check cycle the gear and didnt't connect the ASI proerly after servicing. SB thought it was an assasination plot!
See AAIB report for further info, but you could seee why they might want to sue aero engineering!

nacker barslob
20th Dec 2004, 08:48
Pretty certain only one of the original GBMUT group invovled in the N96TA group.
Perhaps Noise should contact Sir J of the yard in person for his comments!!!
We'll organise a club visit to Belmarsh afterwards!!!
Maybe Sir J would even lend us his A/C for the trip?

Hold Foxtrot (again)
20th Dec 2004, 09:51
Any truth in the following re the above

"it was leased to the club for training "

Comments ?..................

That is why it is on the field ..

Roger that "Roddy " !!!!

20th Dec 2004, 10:24
GBMUT no longer on the field, taken away by salvage experts to the South somewhere for re-furbishment after the gear up landing last year.
SB = Special Branch
Not sure whether legal action ever went ahead, or whether settlement was made by aero-engineering insurers, but legal action was threatened, by Sir J and GP I think.
Engineer at the time was Paul (cant) remember his surname might have been Thompson.
Don't think GBMUT was ever leased out for training, but I think it was often loaned to club instructors to renew ratings.

Hold Foxtrot (again)
20th Dec 2004, 14:07

I read the jp post and looked at web site and note its under "a permit to fly "

Anybody pay for a flight ?

Good news anybody ??

nacker barslob
20th Dec 2004, 16:23
Apparently KLs PhD was in organic chemistry, where he developed a process for modiying Avgas into Avtur.
Almost certainly he will have been filling up the JP from the club bouser then as well as making the aero club pay the landing fees.

Well that accounts for the 200K debt then!!! Phew glad we sorted that one out.

After the windmill was destroyed, Snowball was no longer to be found and Napoleon was seen to be drinking in the farmers dining room with his pretorian guard of pigs around him. Meanwhile the other animals froze outside. It was obvious that Snowball had been the enemy within all the time.

So all animals are equal, but ...some are more equal than others.

Shortly afterwards the Jolly Green Giant from Florida turned up, waved his magic wand, and drew out his big fat cheque book and everything was fixed in a puff of smoke. All the members of the aero club made friends again and became one big happy family, living happily ever after.

Hold Foxtrot (again)
20th Dec 2004, 16:39
2 Pints of whatever Nacker Barslob is on !

Good news Rodders, Fingers and all things crossed !!!

Noise :

Nasty people get locked up (Bellmarsh) !

20th Dec 2004, 16:40
Dear Members:

nacker barslob:

Don't be so pesamistic although your poetry skills are alarmingly

From what I have heard Mr Golfin's proposals will be for the better of our club. As a PPRUNER quoted yesterday it will only be the nasty people who won't back a good plan quite simply because their grip on our club will be finally loosened and they will all drift off into their own cesspits.

Good Luck


20th Dec 2004, 16:49

Just had the funniest telephone conversation with "noiseabatement" - he has so much information about the club from years ago when all the cockroaches started to bleed the place he doesn't know which way to turn, he;s already spoken to RMT but another call wouldn't go amiss.

Hold Fox - YES MATE, everything crossed!

Roderick is a cool middle name :confused:



Paris Dakar
20th Dec 2004, 18:28
If RMT sent out a 'synopsis update' to all members along with a 'contact us if there is anything that you would like to add' section then that may prompt additional responses?

At the meeting held on 09/12 I was sitting next to two older gents who didn't realise that they weren't attending a bog-standard AGM. They were really shocked when Mike & Linda explained the purpose of the meeting.

There will be a lot of members who don't access the internet let alone know of pprune, there must be someway letting them have their say?


20th Dec 2004, 19:12
I'm sorry to say this but the members have no say in what happens to the club under option 2. The club ceases to exist and the administrators are legally obliged to take the offer which returns the most funds to the creditors.

It will be up to the buyers of the assets and lease (with the agreement of the airport) what happens next, but neither the existing members nor any crerditors will have any claim on the new business.

20th Dec 2004, 20:28
Met office.

You are correct in what you say under section 2.

However, Elia Golfin genuinely has the members of the club at heart, it has made him sick at what has happened and how we have been treated over the years.

His ultimate goal would be to run a members club for the most important people which ARE the members, make no mistake - he wants to bring back the "feel good factor" to our club, make it THE place to fly and socialise. Of course it will be run as a business, that fact has never been hidden, perhaps if it had been run as a business in the past and not as a gravy train then we probably wouldn't be in this mess now.

AR the bar manager has just finished an in depth business plan for the social side and without the interferance of a committee & Barry Lawson it will be a winner.

Good financial planning and back up is a very important factor in a proposal of this magnitude so I would guess there would be some changes but who would mind changes to make something a success?

I haven't seen Elia's mission statement, financial statement or full business plan but parts of that have been disscussed in depth and the areas which need the most attention and the areas which need less attention.

So please don't think that if Elia Golfin is the new owner then things will drastically change, we will be flying for a rate which maybe less than what we have been used to for a while and that must be good news.

If a guy has a sound plan that will save our club then that must be good whether for business, pleasure or whatever.

A major point in this proposal was negotiating a new and on going lease with the airport, I do not know exactly what the terms are but I gather it is long term.

Mark my words, the members will be the first people Elia will discuss anything with instead of instigating something which has nobodys approval, we have seen the results of that policy.

I myself have seen over the years people come and go, people who have just got fed up with the way things were run but as we all know now, making a noise about it or writing a letter to the committee about it was a complete waste of time.

I will never forget at a monthly committee meeting a letter was read out from a member who I knew personally and was friendly with. The points made in the letter were 100% valid points which deserved a reply a certainly some points could have been followed up for the good of the club - the reply from messers Coulson, Todd, Lawson was, and I quote "file it" - that letter was taken away by ex treasurer K. Todd and never discussed again. I mentioned this to the member who said to me why do I waste my time - needless to say how correct he was.

A new owner with plans, no committee - oh how I wish.



20th Dec 2004, 20:56
The obvious reason for the lack of "new" facts is the also the source of the current predicament:--- secrecy in the management of the club over the years.
I agree that an update of the state of play by RMT would be welcomed by members.If RMT could also tell us what they have uncovered so far it could help some members recall what they may have hitherto thought to be irrelevant memories of decisions made and policies invoked by committees over the years.

20th Dec 2004, 22:17
Hi (again) Gang.


Totally agree, I did ask Mike Pott if there could be some sort of update on progress and could they reveal anything that has been uncovered up to now.
All he could or would tell me is that "one or two areas need to be looked at in greater detail" -- take that whichever way you want really.

I will be honest, since this thread started I have remembered more and more as time has gone on, I have dug out documents, papers, agreements which I thought would be of no relevance after my wasted time on that committee - how wrong I was and everything I have had has been handed over.

My personal policy on the committee was NO secrecy, that was knocked on the head before I finished my sentence.....



Hold Foxtrot (again)
20th Dec 2004, 22:41
Topjet /Carbheat/Noise

I see where you are coming from wanting to know as we all do what is happening, but in reallity RMT will get the highest offer for the business as previously stated.
They will play their cards close to their chest and lets not forget their cost/charges. Commission based ?

After all we are only the poor buggers who ploughed thousands
of pounds into the club as a whole.

Sorry to rake up old threads,But if the outgoings to the chosen few had not been so high and the lack of control by the management committe things may have been very different
and we all would not be on pprune ...

Good night one and all...............

Paris Dakar
21st Dec 2004, 09:25
Apologies for not making my previous posting clearer.

What I was trying to suggest is that it could be worthwhile if RMT issued a brief update. I am fully aware that as members of a defunct club we have no voting rights but that wasn't what I was getting at.

If we had a synopsis such as:

'To date there have been X proposals viewed by RMT, one is deemed as not being viable, one has been formally withdrawn and the other X are under full consideration. NAC was advertised for sale in the broadsheet press but as yet this has not yeilded any interest (or the contrary). Several members have made certain comments to us relating to the way in which NAC was operated, these statements will be closely looked at. If any club member would like to contact us with any information that they feel may be useful regarding the way in which the club was run please write to us at RMT.............'

It's only a suggestion but it may encourage other members to offer information.


21st Dec 2004, 16:58
PD Old Chap
I would think that if any of us were creditors of any failed business, we would be kept in the picture. But as none of us are (that I'm aware of), there is no requirement for RMT to tell anybody anything and we'll just have to wait and see what happens. It is outside of our control now. If any of the prospective purchasers (Elia) want to tell us anything then once again that will be up to them but I shouldn't imagine any one with a commercial interest is going to show their hand in public. Do you? Would you?

If the corner shop where you have purchased your groceries for the past X years goes to the wall, would that give you any right to know what was going on?

urdy gurdy
21st Dec 2004, 17:39
mmmm manhattans
merry xmas

Paris Dakar
21st Dec 2004, 18:11

I was referring to RMT providing an update - not a prospective buyer supplying the info. You have already answered my question in your post, and that is RMT don't need to tell us anything. Would I provide an update if I were a potential purchaser? No. Would I provide the members with an update if I were Mike/Linda? Yes. But perhaps that's just me living in my own little strange world. :rolleyes:


21st Dec 2004, 18:32
Urdy gurdy - shouldn't that be 'mmm Glasgow manhattans'. Theres a big difference.

Big stu - since when did u ever have a tab packet to write anything on???

TJ - 'Roderick'. Nice:D

21st Dec 2004, 19:24
Evening Gang.

Papa Romeo - Bigstu only buys 1 drink each week as you well know! Pleased you liked the JPEG's of Sierra!!

newcastlepilot - good point regarding the longer serving members, Eric and his gang, Terry Banks, Janette and gang.
I would imagime they know about PPRUNE?? How do you let them know? Mu Beta could let Matty Clark and his mob know where we are. Doubt JK will have much to say although I have aleays found him very upfront.

HST - true what you say, Administrators really have no obligation to tell us anything which is exactly what Mike Pott told me last week. It IS very frustrating not been kept up to date from the horses mouth so to speak but I'm sure it will all come out in the wash.



jim jeffrey
21st Dec 2004, 22:02
Evening All


The reason why only 15 people are debating and there are 16000-odd hits is that, like me (member for 12 years and only really interested in flying and drinking; not at the same time, 'cos you tend to spill it), we know sweet sod-all about the apparently unscrupulous activities of various officers of the Club.

We therefore have nothing to tell, but a lot to be concerned about.

I sincerely hope that something flyable rises out of this mess. In the meantime, I'm also a member at Teesside (that's Durham Tees Valley to the proletariat) so I can continue to be dangerous.

Keep the faith.


22nd Dec 2004, 11:14
Ditto that Jim. Having been a [frustrated] member for a few years, about 12 years ago when I learned to fly, I eventually grew tired of the aeroclubs [mis]endeavours (as I perceived it), and drifted off to a private group on the airfield. My membership lapsed and I saw no reason to re-new it. Even the social side took a nosedive, not too long after Renee passed away and Beryl was relieved of her duties, so no point being a member for that reason either (I do confess to 'sneaking' in for a few pints (with a member) once or twice).

I echo the comments about the clubs honourable staff, in particular John Corlett, without whom I feel the club would have struggled as long as it has. Plus a mention to the honourable members who tried hard to 'crack' the committee. Personally, I thought they were wasting their time - as they were it seems. This is not a criticism of them, just my own thoughts. If yer face fits....

I have made T. Banks aware of this thread, although I'm not sure of his [expected] contribution. As far as I know, he was one of the many instructors at that time, hour building towards his CPL. Nothing to do with the committee. I hope to see him tomorrow and will no doubt discuss this topic with him.

Finally, as treasurer of our private group, I would add that Mr Parkins overhaul of landing charges would have had little impact on the aeroclubs current predicament, IF the club had of passed on the landing fees it collected from its students and members. Having said that, the earlier suggestion that the Airport Authorities let the account go unpaid for so long does make one wonder about their ultimate intentions. And if that is the case, what hope for any future organisation? And before I get flamed, the end of GA at EGNT, including an aeroclub of whatever form, is not what I would ever wish to happen.


Hold Foxtrot (again)
22nd Dec 2004, 14:58
My point was we have no right to know and they will take the best offer to clear the debts end of story without reference to anybody.

PD welcome to the big bad world of "Buisness" No friends, just money ..........

22nd Dec 2004, 17:34
Just to widen the committee debate a bit- I've just found a members circular from ex chairman Danielson earlier this year dealing with all sorts of club matters, but there was one strange item I wonder if anyone can shed any light on.

Apparently, according to Danielson, a member had been ordering committee members taxis, pizzas etc at all hours of the night as some sort of malicious campaign. There is even a rumour of a hearse being sent to one committee member's house.

The letter suggests that the police were involved and that the committee knew the name of the party involved. It was said that no further legal action would be taken if the guilty party resigned their membership. I presume that the member concerned must have taken that option and resigned. Not the sort of person we want involved in the club wouldn't you say?

Can anybody shed any further light on the above? All sounds very strange!

22nd Dec 2004, 18:27
Met office

That whole campaign of hate was a figment of Mr Danielson's imagination - it NEVER happened.

Mr Danielson loved to play the "injured soldier" and would seek attention from any angle - believe me, all the pizzas, taxis etc etc allegedly all got sent to his house but nobody ever saw any evidence of this. He was trying to use somebody else in one of his witch hunt type schemes.


Hope this clarifies!


22nd Dec 2004, 20:16
T'wasn't me yer onor, onest:p But, NP is right, I do know some verrry unpleasant people (well when they want to be or have to be). There's nothing dodgy about me, I'm as honest and trustworthy as the day is long, I've got to be! I fly because... well because I can and I can afford to with my hard earned pennies.:cool:
I wouldn't invite people to comment on their opinions of other individuals if I were you. You might not like the consequences ;) I thought I'd made this plain earlier. DO NOT rake around with peoples past (or present) unless you are very brave or very, very stupid :rolleyes:

Hold Foxtrot (again)
22nd Dec 2004, 20:23
Why are we sticking pins in dolls again Boys and Girls ??????

NCL Pilot :

J L T 's post was a p**s take ,the heavy's were JC/John O..

22nd Dec 2004, 20:59
Hi Gang.


I have outlined my time serving on committee in many previous posts - I would be right in saying CMC resigned because of a conflict of interests when he brought the Seneca to the club (sub-leased fron Northern Aviation)

MP. resigned because he became involved with the Bulldog group, again a conflict of interests.

Myself. Was fed up with being or trying to be controlled from the outside, fed up with being lied to by senior members of committee and fed up with not being able to carry out requests from members as senior members ALWAYS voted against me - a complete waste of time.

I'm going to tell everybody something about MD which some people know and some people don't.

Towards the end of 2002 I was diagnosed with inflamation of the Sarco-illiac joint (Martinidoc!) but to me and you it's a bad back.
While I was on sick leave I had good days, bad days and very uncomfortable days. Around mid January 2003 I was feeling slightly better so decided to pop up to the club where I was offered the right hand seat by a friend, why not I thought - as long as I was careful getting in and out it would be no different from getting into a car.

It was great to be up in the air, I was effectively grounded so this was a bonus.

When MD found out I had been flying he telephoned my HR manager at work and informed him I had been flying and this would hinder my recovery. Needless to say the phone call was anonymous but I was later informed by somebody else that MD was behind this.

I was summoned to work to explain myself and after a detailed medical examination our medical team said that flying would not hinder any recovery. This caused a lot of anxiety within my family as my employer may have thought I was pulling a fast one.
MD never had the guts to own up to me that he was involved.

This friction between myself and MD started with a minor disagreement about how something should have or should not have been done. After this incident I never really spoke to him again - well who would after that.

My relationship with CMC & MP was good and we did enjoy some good progress on the committee but the vast majority of the time I was "hitting brick walls" with Coulson, Todd et al.

I fail to see how my comments amaze you, I wrote exactly how things were, MD was extremely good at pulling the wool over peoples eyes as he certainly did - to the tune of £18K.

newcastlepilot, I would like to see a little input from yourself instead your more usual quote, unquote. I have told all on this thread, and what I haven't posted has been told to RMT, and I am getting a little fed up with your constant requests for thing I have already posted.

Hold Fox - here here big man! But if I'm asked to comment then I will always give my honest opinion. ;)



newcastlepilot - please do not misinterprate my comments, I\'m as sick as you and everybody else is about this whloe thing, but again - me and others are drifting into the he did this and he did that when at the end of the day none of us knew what really went on.

22nd Dec 2004, 21:25
Hello Members:

Steady on gentleman, getting a bit naughty again - keep it calm.

HighSpeedTape: What are you saying, if people post an opinion about somebody and they are friends of yours do you get them "filled in" because your post looks like a warning to me? :ok:
NewcastlePilot - the funeral car, had heard that but on the other hand had also heard TOPJET's version, that it just didn't happen, who knows. I think TJ has been very upfront in this thread, infact everybody has been upfront, keep it coming but lets keep it fair.
Joeseph Forster, I know the man and he has had his fingers in some pies over the years, a right little "Del Boy."
When he was on the committee I believe he claimed "expenses" to the tune of £300 per week for writing the course work for the twin training a few years ago - something Les Bates did 2 years ago for nothing.

Good luck


22nd Dec 2004, 21:33

Thanks for PM, I'm sick of getting picked on!!! :{


22nd Dec 2004, 21:56
Eh? Sorry old chap don't understand what you are getting at. I don't get others to do my dirty work, I don't have to as I'm well capable of attending to my own problems as are the other people I mentioned. The remark was a warning and not a threat. I would prefer to think of it as a bit of sage advice. I really cannot see how it could be interpreted otherwise. People can think and say whatever they like about me but as they obviously do not know me then I would say that it could be a dangerous thing to do. Sort of a gamble don't you think? This is the point I was trying to make about inviting others to speculate about people that one does not know.

Hold Foxtrot (again)
22nd Dec 2004, 22:09
TJ has told you all he knows,there is no more to tell !

Gentlemen its about the club not vendettas .please

23rd Dec 2004, 12:49

Everything in life is a gamble old chap.....

Unfortunately with this situation alot of names have been mentioned and possibly the people posting do not actually know who they are posting about, i.e you hear a name, say Alan Coulson - people are entitled to an opinion about him without knowing him as he was the chairman who was in the seat when the club went into administration.
However I do not agree with people ripping to bits people they do not know just for the sake of it unless valid information is to hand.
I know everybody who is mentioned in my posts, or have at least met them at some point so I think I am entitled to an opinion whatever it is, sometimes strong - other times not.
A warning, a threat, whatever it is you issue regularly - but I'm afraid in this thread the people who wrecked our club are the ones who should bare the brunt of the force.

Good Luck


Hold Foxtrot (again)
23rd Dec 2004, 13:38
I believe Barry was the only one left to put the club/flying school into administration (someone correct if wrong ) as A Coulson had resigned previous to the meeting chaired by RMT.

Cheers All

23rd Dec 2004, 14:07
Absolutely correct, the Directors (except Barry) all resigned prior to the appointment of the Administrators. At the AGM / Administrators meeting, Barry and RMT explained that the business was unable to run without there being at least two Directors left. Barry had no alternative once he was left on his own.

Dunno why rats and ships spring to mind though!

23rd Dec 2004, 14:39

Hold Foxtrot & Happy Eater:

Many thanks for that - I was aware of that, I was simply using our ex chairman as an example of how people may comment on something without actually knowing the person concerned.

People, I would say are fully entitled to comment about the ex secretary without knowing him with him being the last man etc... Yes, rats and ships does ring bells...

One point which is really gnawing away inside me - how the hell didn't the auditors of accountants sniff this out before it got to this critical stage?

Another point, I had heard that Coulson, Butcher et al were "very much against" using RMT as administrators - is this because they had another secret deal with the administrators Coulson wanted to use in the first place? Apparently he was seething when he found out RMT were to handle things. I really believe something underhand was to take place.

Hold Foxtrot:

Do you like flying over water?

Good Luck


23rd Dec 2004, 17:54
Any chance that Santa might deliver a 'Flying Club' over Christmas?

May I just take this opportunity to wish all of you a very happy holiday and hope for some bright flying news in 2005. Thoughts are with those without employment at this time.

Hold Foxtrot (again)
24th Dec 2004, 08:54
Happy Christmass One and All ( yes all of you!!!)

Noise :

I believe,in answer to your last few lines that the accounant was changed in order to save money, to someone known by a member of the committee ( I will not speculate as I cannot confirm who ) but as far as I remember it was a friend ..!

Fingers in pies possibly, and alternate motive's

One other question:who refitted the bar without going to tender.
Keep it in the family....

The question about water,Sneaky !!!!!!

Only with enough height to land clear !!

24th Dec 2004, 12:50
Festive Greetings To All.

Hold Fox.

If that is true then somebody must know - I sincerely hope their alteriour motives back fire with a very loud BANG.



Hold Foxtrot (again)
24th Dec 2004, 14:29
TJ festering greetings indeed.

Yoar spellin iz atroshus (sorry )

I dont mind who knows who I am, Am I who they think I am,that is the question Yae though I walk the valley of darknes I fear no evil.

Who dares wins,somtimes...........

Cheers All

nobody reads this anyway...............! it's all rumours.

24th Dec 2004, 18:40
Seasons Greetings Pruners:

Well, the festive time is upon us once again.

The last few weeks have made all of us aware of things that have gone on at our fine club. Many people are now unemployed directly as a result of the inept way in which the club was run.

The New Year will bring us good news I'm sure.

I'm absolutely livid to think the committee may changed accountants allegedly to a friend in the trade - to avoid what???
Same thing with the administrators, why WAS Coulson going mental when the people he wanted to use weren't used - I wonder..

Merry Christmas to all.


Hold Foxtrot (again)
25th Dec 2004, 16:39
Festering Greetings Again All

Noise you have answered your own post,in the 3rd/4th paragraph

"changed accountants to avoid what "

Possibly auditors finding out what was going on and that they were trading illegally and insolvent . (No doubt I will be corrected but that is what it's all about)

Cheers All

25th Dec 2004, 20:46
Merry Christmas All!

5 days off, a few bottles of champagne, the company of a delightful woman and I really cant remember answering my own question!

Heres to a turkey sandwhich - brown bread of course.



Hold Foxtrot (again)
26th Dec 2004, 14:00
Dont let it get to you

Blood pressure !!!!

Regards All

26th Dec 2004, 17:49
When BB & others resigned from the committee nearly 2 years ago, there seems to have been some £200,000 in the kitty. It now looks as though the club is in debt for around the same amount- that's £400,000 down in 2 years! This has all occured since BB resigned. Doesn't look as though you can blame him for that then!

26th Dec 2004, 19:21
Met Office

Believe me - when BB was "removed" as chairman there certainly was NOT £200K in the kitty. Contrary to popular belief and what was spread around the club, and balance sheets that a 2 year old could have concocted, there was nowhere near £200K.

However, with £18K on a office secretary, over £80K on an engineer/CFI and whatever it was on a fuel bowser, £30K on libel action re: MM then that will drain resources.

I don't suppose any of us ever saw a true reflection of what our financial situation really was.

Greetings & Salutations!

Mu Beta
27th Dec 2004, 10:50
Bigstu.Private message waiting for you.
I've been away so haven't been able to contribute but, I will make Matt Clarke and his freinds aware of this thread, though I don't think Matt is connected to the net I think others are.
I will also make Janette Smith aware that her comments would be appreciated, though I'm not sure, having talked to her, that she knows much...most instructors weren't in the loop I'm afraid.
I hope you've all had a good Christmas and good wishes to everyone for 2005...let's hope we've soon got a club to fly in. :O

27th Dec 2004, 19:52
It has been a week since TOPJET stated that Mr Golfin had arrived to meet up with RMT. It has all gone quiet!
Has he bought the Gill hangar again!! (see my previous post)

Hold Foxtrot (again)
28th Dec 2004, 09:24
TopJet :

Comment on the following .

What happened to the proceeds of the fire and damage to the twin. (No pun intended re "proceeds ")

Approx amount recieved ?

What did it get spent on ?

This may answer the question of where the profits have gone,
as a guess based on simple maths the whole buisness probably turned over 500k a year, 3k went in wages to someone based on landing fee's owed alone..

Spend your double time + wisely ,Greedy man......!!!!

Mu Beta
28th Dec 2004, 10:23
Hold Foxtrot(again)
I think the insurance for the twin got spent on either G-NELI or G-WARH, but I'm not sure about that.

Can you please explain what you mean by the following?
"... 3k went in wages to someone based on landing fee's owed alone.."
Is it that the CFI was paid for each flight undertaken on top of his wages and that the figure was based on landing fees?
This is how I've read it but I'm not sure I've picked you up right. Thanks.

28th Dec 2004, 12:52
Hi People :cool:

I really couldn't tell you much about the "fire damaged" twin insurance money, heard it was around £60K but where it went I simply do not know.

If memory serves me right G-WARH was already on the field when G-ZP "caught fire" so again I cant enlighten you there.

Mu Beta: Merry Christmas :ok:

BigStu: Merry Christmas :ok:

Hold Fox: Merry Christmas :D

To All: Merry Christmas :)


Hope 2 fly
28th Dec 2004, 18:55
hi flyers,

Any one interested in getting the NAC to Fly Again?


28th Dec 2004, 20:12
Hi Members:

Hope all is well after Christmas!

Hope 2 Fly: Yes, this whole thread is dedicated to people wanting to save our club and all of the postings echo this.

Are you a member? Forgive my impertenance but I haven't seen your callsign before on the thread.

I believe Elia Golfin's proposal is the one to save our club and for it to continue as a members club. Why - did you have something else in mind?

Any proposal that hasn't considerable financial backing, a good business plan, a mission statement to make Mr Parkin sit up has only 1 type of Hope - No Hope! No pun intended.

Here's to January... !

29th Dec 2004, 00:42
Dear Members:

HST! The seasons greetings to you my friend.

Just laughing to myself re: your comments about JP, security everywhere the man goes, probably quite normal in this current climate with gangs of heavies capturing bank managers, and airport CEO is unthinkable when you take into account the sad events of 9/11

Good night all.


Hold Foxtrot (again)
29th Dec 2004, 08:52
Hi All

MB: Yes, if you average out the landing cost owed and divide by the fee it is somwhere in the region of 3k,on top if the CFI's salary if paid £1 per flying hour.

It was mentioned in conversation of a healthy bank balance after the insurance pay out and now where are we. A full open till..
Draw your own conclusion's.

As TJ said RH was on the field, so possibly the money did not pay for it,again I think the statment of accounts mentioned a loan against G-NELI,maybe some body in know can post a reply ?

Regards All

Mu Beta
29th Dec 2004, 10:03
HF(A) Thanks for the clarifacation.
If the money wasn't used for the purchase of aircraft then I can't think what happened to it. I know there seemed to be a long search for a replacement twin and then another single appeared and I assumed that's what the money was used for...
Assumption, however, is always dangerous!
Does anyone have any concrete information about the current state of affairs regarding re-opening the club?

29th Dec 2004, 10:28
Hi Ladies/Gents

Nothing is concrete until it has set!

Cheers Mu Beta :cool:


Hope 2 fly
29th Dec 2004, 16:40
Hi BB,
I have never been a member of NAC
I have in mind future flying oportunities from Newcastle Airport.
I hope to fly with a club from there.

I noticed the reference to "our club" and all contributors to this thread are interested in NAC flying again.

Could you please help me contact the current co-ordinator of this clubs activities.


Hold Foxtrot (again)
30th Dec 2004, 09:54
M B:- Consider the following

The till leaked .

Possibly the fairy's at the bottom of the runway.

Ghost's of past committe members.

It's all a rumour.

The choice is your's..........

Hope 2: It will come together oneday .

Regards All

HST . Slanderous...!!! (on our council tax too )...

30th Dec 2004, 11:40
Hope 2 Fly

Hi - check your private PM messages.



Hope 2 fly
30th Dec 2004, 18:03
Hi Foxtrot & BB,
I believe it is important to have Faith too.
I also Hope the future is favourable and has a "club" outcome.
It seems to me at the moment that what is needed to achieve it is a lot of Charity!

Hi Topjet,
Thanks for the message. I will get in touch.


31st Dec 2004, 07:15
Have it on good authority there are 8 expressions of interest presently with the administrators.

Apparently favourite at the moment is MQ (local business man) who plans to have a Toxedo Jumbo in the grounds of the aero club.

Well it will cerrtainly liven up the social side!!

nacker barslob
31st Dec 2004, 08:08
The tequila slammer option sounds great, but whatever happened to the "just a bit of paper work to sort out with the administrators" Elia Golfin clubby thing, that seemed so certain not so long ago?? (TJ)

Well hope all the pruners have a great new year, and hope that by the time I return from the oblivion of new year that we have a shiney new club

Tally Ho one and all!!!

31st Dec 2004, 09:13
Having had dealings with Mr Tuxedo in the past, I have a strong feeling that an Aero Club and aircraft would be well behind how many pints the New Club could sell. Also, with a reputation of paying as few people as possible how safe will the aircraft be?

Got a very bad feeling that if he gets the Club, flying will be very low on the agenda. I hope Im wrong. I hope someone else gets the club or Teesside (or whatever it is now) will be getting my business.

Happy New Year everyone and fingers crossed for a favourable outcome soon.

31st Dec 2004, 09:13
Hi All.

I had a lengthy telephone chat with Mike Pott the other day after I had come across some more information that the administrators will find useful.

To say the favourite is MQ is wholly inaccurate, however I certainly don't want to get into a debate where NOBODY really knows who is the favourite, all I can say is that ONE firm offer has been submitted with a financial/business plan.

Everybody enjoy tonight and health and happiness in 2005.



31st Dec 2004, 10:17

You are 1000% correct,money is his only God.

Fly Quadrini I think not

Best Wishes for 2005 (and a new N A C)

Mu Beta
31st Dec 2004, 15:34
Yes...the tragedy in Asia certainly puts things in persective doesn't it.
God help them all.

Paris Dakar
31st Dec 2004, 16:30
Dear Members,

I wish you all the best for 2005, and hopefully we can soon be club flying again from EGNT.

Mu Beta/noiseabatement,

Well said, an awful reminder of fragile existence ....................25,000+ gone in an instant. God take pitty on those who have perished and those still missing.


Hope 2 fly
31st Dec 2004, 17:13
Dear members,
Yes the Tsunami in asia certainly puts NAC's problems in perspective!
My heart goes out to those in Asia. It makes me feel helpless if only one could do something constructive.

I mentioned Charity earlier.
Are there any feelings in this group or through its leaders to make a collective response/ donation to a relief fund?

Best wishes, to those in asia and to all members here, for a better new year!


Hope 2 fly
1st Jan 2005, 11:39
hi Flyer's,
Good morning & welcome to the new year!

The mention of Quadrini brings to mind a private club as a comercial enterprise for the benifit of the owner!!!!!

as opposed to a "club" run by members for the benefit of people who join to share a common interest

what do you all favour

urdy gurdy
1st Jan 2005, 18:19
well the club thing hasnt worked in recent years has it, i dont fancy mq buying out but the "club" part of this business needs bringing into the 21st century instead of the early 1930s.
so maybe it is time it was ran as a business

Mu Beta
1st Jan 2005, 20:04
The Aeroclub (social part) ran well in the 1970s and 80s as an "exclusive" club where the more wealthy elderly residents of Darras Hall etc. could go for a quiet drink and socialise with similar people. Many of the elderly ladies pitched large amounts of money into the gaming machines on a regular basis. They also liked the ambience of the dining room and were able to get very good meals there at sensible prices when Rene and Beryl still held sway there. Not many of these people were actually pilots but they liked the prestige associated with belonging to such a club. Sadly most of this clientele have now passed away or are too infirm to attend any more but these were the people who kept the profits of the bar etc. up.
When I began flying at Newcastle there was a "rest area", for want of a better description, where we've recently had an instructor's room and people sat in there before and after flying discussing flying (among other things)with older and wiser pilots, gaining from their experience, forging freindships and drinking coffee. Then when the bar opened (different licensing hours) went in and continued their chats over alcohol and, often, a game of pool.
In recent years, when there was no longer that rest area and everything ran out of the refurbished office, most people seemed to go flying, pay their bill, have a brief chat and go, the relaxed atmosphere of the rest area was lost and I think it was this relaxation and the things we could learn from each other which encouraged many people to adjourn to the bar. One thing led to the other...but once that area was gone, the atmosphere it created did not seem to be acheivable.
These, I think are the reasons for the social side's demise.
As to the flying side...I'm afraid its down to, at least, mismanagement, at worst...I'm not sure.
I'm sure of one thing though...it certainly won't be the club we've know if mq buys it.

Hope 2 fly
1st Jan 2005, 21:29
you got it MU!

The club is to be about flying. The bar is about getting the spirit to fly! the "club" part is about the welcoming people who club together to help develope each others flying knowledge, skills and experience by shareing theirs and co-operating with each other to achieve objectives!

At the moment The NAC club seems seems to have been well and truly Knackered!

I believe it is posible to restart with the spirit of christmas past with new hope for a spirit of christmas future. If it starts now, for the new year, in 12 months a reformed club will be flying high.

If all the people interested in a flying club from Newcastle Airport work pro-activly together to achieve it, it can be done!

The lifeboatmen of Blyth Raised £200,000 in a number of months!
I have faith in the wanabee flyers being able to better that!!!

The administrators have given till the 7th of January to submit initial proposals.


I am!

Three questions to ask ourselves.
What can be done?
What can we do?
what can I do?


2nd Jan 2005, 09:47
Ah, what memories...

A game of pool round the corner from the bar, with all those plaques, trophies, etc on the wall. Can you remember those plaques which told of winners of local air races (usually Jim Denyer), who'd gained their PPL in what year, etc, etc. I wonder what happened to them. The history they told!

From my experience, all the best clubs I ever visited had a thriving social side. Places where, on a weekend, you queue to get served, be it food or beer. Places like Sherburn, Fenland, White Waltham, Popham. The buzz and the chit-chat in the clubhouse was something we visiting Newcastle pilots could only dream of. If only Eshott... come on Storm... oh, I digress! BUT, Newcastle Aeroclub used to be like that, certainly when I first joined in 1992.

Newcastlepilot, I am Sean N, perhaps the one you know. Enlighten me please. I've spoken to aforementioned instructor a few times over the xmas period. He has his own thoughts about the running of the aeroclub, but they are just that. Nothing he feels he can add to this thread.

Happy New Year to everyone.


Hold Foxtrot (again)
2nd Jan 2005, 10:19
Hello All

I read the club related post's with great interest,you all have valid points.
Once this is all sorted can I suggest that some effort is made to bring in the older previous members so they are not left out of things.

With regard to the "elitest/ havemores" Money does not make the man . They are allright once you get to know them.

One thing that is missing is an atmosphere of welcome, anyone walking through the bar doors would feel uncomfortable and this has gone on for a few years.

One last thought, If it was not for Joe Public learning to fly and taking it up as a career who would take us on our jolly's.
Sean :
Mr Quadrini is not "our club " type,money only, he was bought out by a group and that is all they are interested in,,

Regards All

2nd Jan 2005, 15:19
In addition to the debate going on here at pprune, would there be any mileage in all those that are interested, getting together, perhaps at The Wheatsheaf (or whatever it's called now) for an informal get-together and 'chat' ?

I personally don't feel there is anything I can do to help alone, and perhaps there is not a lot we can do as a whole, but who knows? Whether we discuss getting behind any future organisation at Newcastle (and reading some recent posts, would anyone get behind Michael Quadrini, should he be successful?), or starting to think about flying elsewhere (Eshott looks the only viable existing airfield, but what about looking elsewhere?).

Where there's a will...

Just a thought.


2nd Jan 2005, 15:43

Quadrini can slide into one of his own cocktails, and I think I echo the sentiments of many as far as that man is concerned - he has NO interest at all in the flying side of things.

I'm with Elia Golfin's proposal 100% and I hope I echo the sentiments of many.

If, and it's a massive IF, MQ is the successful bidder in this lottery then I will never fly or drink at that place again because there will be a total legacy of the old regime running the place - forget it.

I want to see new investment, new aircraft etc etc, not the same old faces ripping the place off, mark my words - that will happen.

Why is everybody so excited about Quadrini anyway, I wish people were as excited when I posted Elia Golfin's initial interest, loyalties obviously lie elsewhere.

Cheers all.


2nd Jan 2005, 16:35
I think I must be missing something here.

Topjet - you ask why people are so excited about MQ's interest. I have read nothing since his name cropped up on this thread that suggests they are! Quite the opposite. You also query why people weren't so enthusiastic about Elia's proposals. Well I thought they were. More so. Before the administrators arrived on the scene, people waited with baited breath for the next Elia instalment.

Hold Foxtrot - I see you have edited your post (not the best way to get the 'edit' seen) to include a comment regarding my reminiscing of 'the good ol' days' - socially anyway. At no point did I refer to MQ, nor was I intending to.

We do not need a MQ to make a good club. I have never suggested anything like that!


Hope 2 fly
2nd Jan 2005, 17:05
Hi Topjet.
No success with the contact number you gave its alway's switched off.

Could you please enlighten me on the Elia proposal bit that states it is intended to save the flying club for the benifit of members and for them to run it?
or specifically how it is the members best bet for saving the club?

Do the members have anything in writting to confirm their leading role in his proposal?

The opportunity to work with and actively support proposals/bids with the same objective would be welcomed!


2nd Jan 2005, 18:12
Hi Guys.

Hope 2 Fly.

Keep missing your calls - will catch you eventually, although I am currently laid up in bed with a "36 hour cold"

For your benefit as you aren't a member, Elia Golfin has made a proposal to save our club. He intends to run the club as a business but for the members.

I have had many conversations with Elia and he is horrified at the way the members have been treated in the past and he wants to change that, he wants to bring back the feel good factor and to make the club an exciting place to be, which it was years ago until it was ruined by certain individuals.

I have seen his proposal and I would be correct in saying that it is in the hands of the RMT and contrary to popular belief the RMT do not discuss individual proposals.

newcastlepilot - :ok: harsh words but as Hope 2 Fly is a new PPRUNER I feel it is our duty to help him understand the situation.



2nd Jan 2005, 22:13
Hi All,

Came across this site whilst searching for info on the club.
I was one of the student PPL's who's training was cut short due to the recent events at the club.

I can't really offer much more than my support for what you are all doing here in gathering and sharing your info/experiences since im new to this flying thing.

So I just thought I'd say keep up the good work chaps and I'll be keeping an eye on this thread on a regular basis for developments.


Big Steve

2nd Jan 2005, 23:03
Hello Members:

BigSteve: Welcome to the thread!

You can read exactly what has happened here, you will gather who was/is to blame and which direction we are heading.

newcastlepilot will well and truly vet you :ok: before being nice to you so please do not be put off by his approach!

It's a pity your training was curtailed although this could recommence very soon, please read postings for updates.

My day was typical of what my posting stated earlier, all I will say is "elite" .... and it wasn't me!

Good Night All


Mu Beta
3rd Jan 2005, 13:58
Well said noiseabatement...Everyone is allowed an opinion in this country, that's why our predecessors fought two world wars...to give us that freedom among others.
BigSteve81 & Hope2fly ...I hope we will see you a resurrected Newcastle Aero Club/Flying School soon.
Don't be put off giving your opinions by people who have been members of the club for longer than you, or indeed just because you haven't been a member...sometimes a fresh eye can give us all insights we didn't get because we were too close.

3rd Jan 2005, 15:35
Hi Guys,

Thanks for the welcome!
I wouldn't worry about any 'vetting'. I believe im thick skinned...or is that just fat...anyway back to the message.:D

I hope to see all you at the resurrected club, I only got the chance to get as far as my second solo so im itching for more, and since I only ever met a few instructors at the club it would be nice to get to know some of the other members...over several beers of course:ok:

Big Steve

3rd Jan 2005, 16:56
Hello Members:

newcastlepilot: Nobody is criticising you, people are simply fed up with your one dimensional posts which have provided absolutely NO information on the past, present of likely future of the club.

All you have done from your first post is discredit, belittle and generally pull apart anything anybody has posted.

You obviously decided you were Judge, Jury AND Excecutioner long ago.... unfortunately you are none.

I must ask - are you actually a member yourself?
I must ask - are you a PPL or other license holder?

I wonder reading some of your posts that the tone you sometimes adopt smells of Alan Coulson or one of his cling-ons?

If I am wrong the I will hold my hands up, if I am right then "suck eggs"..

OK, that's today's rant out of the way - only a fwe days and we will know the final outcome - here's hoping!

I offer no apology to newcastlepilot as I felt what I have said should have been said long ago. I believe he TOPJET offered his telephone number to discuss something but obviously newcastlepilot's anonimity is very important.



3rd Jan 2005, 17:05
Hi Gang.

BigSteve - I think the vetting mentioned by NOISE was "tongue in cheek" :D Welcome mate!

Mu Beta - You got pebble-dashing? :ugh:

newcastlepilot - just read that link re: the email hoaxer, that is one sick person, never thought people like that existed, you here of it but never want to believe it.

Yeh, keep things on the right track here gang, drifting a little (like my approaches), everybody's input, whether member or not can only be good, then the same mistakes may not be made again although I doubt they ever will.

Chins up!


Mu Beta
3rd Jan 2005, 17:59
Newcastlepilot...I'm interested in everyone's opinions, no matter who they are, I may not always agree with them, but sometimes I have found enlightenment in the most unlikely places.
I do not wish to consider anyone an outsider, everyone who wishes to learn to fly at Newcastle is a potential member and I hope those people will contribute their opinions in the hope that we can all gain something from them.
I think if we do manage to fly at Newcastle again it would be a better place if we all listened to others' views in an uncritical manner.
As for pointing out to people that it's a good idea to pull together etc, well the more people who think that way the better...but I don't recall Hope2fly making such a comment.

urdy gurdy
3rd Jan 2005, 21:45
nobody has answered me yet should the "club" be ran as a club or as a business?

3rd Jan 2005, 22:14
Urdy Gurdy

It should be ran as a business in my opinion.

Just because something is run as a business it doesn't mean you will lose the qualities that a club posesses.


Mu Beta
4th Jan 2005, 10:13
I agree with Topjet...the club should be run as a business, but with the club member's interests at heart, the two are not mutually exclusive.
Apparently there is an article in today's Journal about the possible take over of the club so I'm off to buy the paper now.

4th Jan 2005, 11:40
Hello Members:

Yes, a business most definately - the problem in the past was that most of the directors thought they were business men adequately suited to running our club when they obviously were not, and with individuals pulling in different directions things lost their shape a little - well, alot really.

That will be the big difference if/when Big Oz takes over, run the place as an efficient business whilst retaining the club/members type operation - easy peasy.

Here's waiting....


Hope 2 fly
4th Jan 2005, 11:45
N/castle pilot;- Thanks for the kind/harsh words and advice on posting protocol.
Any feedback i get is welcome - How else will i learn?

Hi Flyiers;- Thanks for the encouragement to post and being open to listening.

I am not a PPl. Have never been a NAC member. To the best of my Knowledge i do not Know anyone who is or has been. I do hope to fly from Newcastle through a true members club,which makes flying affordable and accessable to people from all walks of life, that is also run in a successfull conscientious buisness like manner.

Sorry if my posts appeard to "be telling you how to resurect your club" they were not intended that way. (It dose however appear there is an open invite to any third party to do just that.)

I was directed to this site by a person at NAC office as part of my efforts to communicate with designated leaders of your organisation. Apparently there are none since all directors resigned. I am now simply seeking people with the same objective with a view to contribute and or co-operate to ensure future club type flying from Newcastle.

To that end I expressed an interest to RMT.

I recognise the importance of keeping this thread on track, 30 pages is a lot of reading, so i will endever to keep posts to salient points.

A proposal from me may be considered by RMT. If it is, time will be required to collate the funding. I hope to get some feedback from them later today. After the closing date for submissions a decision will be made on wether I commit time and effort to the successfull proposal, if i am so invited, or simply to share my sugestions with potential future fliers of a renewable NAC and put my Hope to fly back in the realm of wishfull dreams to do before I die!!!!


4th Jan 2005, 11:49
Hope 2 Fly.

I think the vast majority of us are backing Elia Golfin - he has an aviation/flight training background and he is the way forward.


Hope 2 fly
4th Jan 2005, 12:09
B;- Elia could well be the best option. if so & the objective/outcome of our proposals are compatable? (Hence my effort to communicate) my suggestions could support him & there could be a rosie future!

I am away from newcastle at the moment and can not get the Journal. can someone post a synopsys of the related article if it is on topic.


4th Jan 2005, 13:15
In case you haven't found it yet, it's here:

http://icnewcastle.icnetwork.co.uk/0100news/thejournal/tm_objectid=15037239%26method=full%26siteid=50081%26headline =decision%2dtime%2don%2daero%2dclub-name_page.html

LOL! Do you think the reporter gets their information from this thread? Especially the obvious referral to MQ's interest!


EDIT: Make sure all the above address is cut and pasted into a new browser window. For some reason it truncates mine.

Mu Beta
4th Jan 2005, 13:21
Thought it might be easier for some to just copy the article...

An Australian tycoon is today set to find out whether he has been successful in his bid to take over the troubled Newcastle Aero Club.
Flying school owner Elia Golfin, 31, faces an anxious wait to hear from Jesmond-based accountants RMT to see if he can take over the 79-year-old club, which was plunged into administration last month.
Mr Golfin, a former commercial pilot who runs two flying schools in Datona, Florida, said last night he was "very confident" his bid would be accepted and expects to be in the North-East at the end of the week to tie up any loose ends.
More than 500 members of the club, based at Newcastle Airport, have been demanding to know what will happen to the club, which has debts of more than £200,000.

Airport bosses impounded the club's planes because of unpaid landing fees, which at one point totalled more than £50,000. In addition, the Inland Revenue is also owed around £20,000. Unpaid fuel charges amount to around £50,000 and mortgages on planes total £80,000.
Many members blame the former committee which presided over the club's descent from a financially healthy state to administration. In the last few days, rumours have been circling about two well known local businessmen bidding to take over the club - one to turn it into a bar and the other into a home for his private jets.
But Mr Golfin believes his is the most attractive offer as he plans to keep the club for its members and will take over all of the assets.
The businessman learned of the state of the club from 16-year-old Mark Wright, of Stanley, County Durham, who pleaded for Mr Golfin to take over when he went to America for flying lessons.
Mr Golfin said: "The last two or three weeks have been a bit frustrating, because I have had my offer ready but I suppose it was not a good time with Christmas and New Year. But at the same time it is really exciting, knowing that I could be hours away from taking over. I have sent RMT a detailed offer and proposal and we are waiting to hear from them tomorrow - I am very confident about it. I know all about the other offers from the local guys, and I suppose I am at a bit of a disadvantage because they are on site. But I'm going to buy all of the assets as well as the club, and I have the best interests of the club at heart which I believe the administrators will take into consideration."
By Daniel Cochlin
Newcastle Journal

4th Jan 2005, 13:22
Yeah, it would have been easier. That was my next step, thanks.

4th Jan 2005, 15:58
Re the column in the Journal, could someone, perhaps Mr Golfin himself, supply us with the names of his 2 flying schools in Florida?

4th Jan 2005, 16:03
I notice the clubs website is still up and running. They must have paid the host fee's in advance!

LOL! There is a banner add on there which claims "£1m needed urgently ", but then it goes on about Vulcan XH558! Made me chuckle.

I notice the website is still maintained by Richard Dixon. He was one of the keenest non-committee members going when I used to hang around there and spent a lot of time at the club. Is he on this forum?

Just curious.


Mu Beta
4th Jan 2005, 16:21
When I searched Google for Elia Golphin it came up with Lynchair Flight Academy in Daytona.

4th Jan 2005, 16:28
Hello Members:

Mu Beta: I feel good today, how about you?

Sean, give the Vulcan people a shout - mention we need £200K and we'll give them Les Bates to fly XH558, Les told me he has logged some considerable time on XH558 so it will be a walk in the park for him!


4th Jan 2005, 16:41
When all this debate started, I looked up Aussie Air's website (see my earlier posts). The contact address and telephone numbers on Mr Golfin's site are those of Lynch Air.

I rang Lynch Air who said Mr Golfin used to work for them but had no further connection with their company & no right to use their details on his site!

Can someone please enlighten us all and post the addresses and phone numbers of his 2 flying schools because I can't find them!

For reference Aussie Air's website is:-


Lynchair's is:-


4th Jan 2005, 18:52
Hi guys

Happy new year to you all

Just wondering how come, according to the Journal, Elia thinks he will have the deal completed tomorrow when the closing date for initial offers is friday 7th?

4th Jan 2005, 19:31
Hello Members:

Blame the pillock who wrote the article.



4th Jan 2005, 19:42
But what about TJ saying Elia was arriving in Newcastle about a fortnight ago? Has anyone seen him and/or Lord Lucan? Cannot blame the journalist for this!

4th Jan 2005, 19:46

How are we all today?

Read Journal article, bit of creative journalism I think as I guess Elia is 100% aware Friday is cut off day.

Didn't know RD did websites - hope he got paid up front! ;)

Anything new to report today??????

Till Friday! :sad:



So blame me for posting duff information?

I think not, I have been very honest with my postings and have only posted what I felt was pertenant and what I felt was of interest.

If a persons plans change or a the situation changes and i have posted otherwise then it is unfortunate. Please do not shoot the messenger!


4th Jan 2005, 19:53

Thought you are in regular contact with (Jam)elia. Why are you only guessing he is aware of deadline?

4th Jan 2005, 20:16

The answer to your 1st question, I am in fairly regular contact with Elia.

The term "I guess" was a figure of speech.

And with all your supossed intelligence (yes - I know who you are) I am surprised you call Elia (Jam)elia - is that meant to be a joke???

At the end of the day he may be the man to save a lot of peoples flying, I'm not sure that making silly references to his name is an adult thing to do!

Thanks - I now hope we understand each other.


4th Jan 2005, 21:27
Just heard that there are three to five potentially realistic bids. Apart from those already mentioned in thread does anyone have any ideas?

4th Jan 2005, 21:32

Where have you "just heard" that from?


4th Jan 2005, 21:35
Hi Gang (again) :p

3 - 5 potential bids, well - other than Elia, I suppose MQ, Samson Aviation's MB and the Bill Butcher/other ex committee members bid I can't help after that :\

4th Jan 2005, 21:59
I see we are fighting with each other again.

Be nice !!!!

Could be "handbags @ Foxtrot"

After all we are human,alegedly !!!!!!!!!!!!

4th Jan 2005, 22:14
Hi Gang (Again) :(

GonTek is right, we have drifted to the "handbags at foxtrot" scenario again.

I'm probably the biggest culprit, simply because I will always stand up for what I post, and I will always take it on the chin if I'm wrong.

From tomorrow or earlier let's stick together and dispense of this nit-picking, back-stabbing, I'm right-your wrong, whose bid is the biggest, is Elia here or not type of bunkem! What the hell are we all going to be like when the club reopens? As soon as a stranger walks into the bar will it be a case of "hoy, whats your PPRUNE name - why did you post that".....

It will be Friday, no earlier so lets live with it guys.

Good night all :zzz:


5th Jan 2005, 08:12
TopJet !

You have hit the nail squarely on the head, All the previous post's suggest a return to the post administration biting and scratching that went on before.

we all need to realise that if a friendly face takes over, N A C is history, there will be no members only persons paying for flights/training.

We will be paying a buisness for the pleasure and hopefully a little less than before (prospective owner please note ) and I think you all will agree that as we are all different people we wont all be happy but at least we will have an FTO and bar.

Answer's on a post card to :................

Mu Beta
5th Jan 2005, 10:05
I'd be happy to see the "Aeroclub" run as a profit making business.
If people want to be members of a club I don't suppose any owner would have any objection to them using the facilities for a fee. So why not have a club membership fee and pay whatever the owner asks for out of that, then organise events etc in co-operation with the new owner, if there is one, it might be the best of both worlds...just a suggestion for a way to move forward to a brighter future, I hope.

5th Jan 2005, 18:25

Well I’m a little lost! Read this thread a few weeks ago when it was still young and just had a read over the posts that have been made since then.

I think, not following the thread on a daily basis hasn’t helped but I’m lost with what’s going on. It seems to me that someone (Elia) is one of 3-5 bidders to run the club, but it seems that a few comments on here suggest that this isn’t a good thing. Why’s this?

At this point I should say (before I get hung, drawn and quartered) that I’m not praising the Elia bid, just don’t understand what’s going on. Anyone care to highlight the current situation? Any time frames for when the club will get back to flying?


5th Jan 2005, 18:40

Are you a member? Sorry to be so straight but our thread has clearly been infiltrated by certain undesirable individuals from the Aero Club - you may know EXACTLY who I'm reffering too?

They have been using the thread to gain morcels of information to use against people venting their dislike at what has happened at the club, the £200K debt, how it got like that etc etc.

Hope you understand....


mike halls
5th Jan 2005, 19:30
Hello all,

well I must say this thread is just going on now!!!!!!!!
I think everyone should just wait and see WHAT will
really happen to the club.

I spoke with elia yesterday and he informs me that the
journal article was a joke he did not say a word that
was stated on the newspaper,they are searching for
any type of news just to bloody irritate us all.

They have said he owns two schools which is not true he
operates aussie air out of two locations for his students.

Also the final decision is up to the administrators not any
body else,SO we have 5 people interested in the club,
really all of them could have an equal chance at the place
so really who knows.

I think I speak for all the club members and not for some ppruners who are posting nasty posts about people who are
making a proposal for the business.
I really don't think a lot of ppruners who are slagging elia
and other people who have shown an interest in buying the club, on this site probably have never been to the club or have ever been a member.

I would like to see elia and his team take the place on he really has some great ideas,also his plan is the only one which will
work for all the members.I have heard of some other plans but
they are just not going to be a benefit for the members.

We are all adults lets not bicker and :mad: about certain people
who are trying to save the place, all the anger should be towards
the :mad: who put us in this position.I have been told the crime
squad has been working on the clubs accounts, so this thread
will probably be around for quite some time.

So lets just wait until monday or tuesday of nextweek to see
who has the club, all proposal's should be in by friday at 12 noon

safe flying all


5th Jan 2005, 20:04
noiseabatement thanks for that, thought something like that was going on......politics are the norm it seems!

Yeh Iam a member been slowly doing a PPL since summer 04 (oh the joys of student debt!).

Lets just hope the clubs in the air soon.


5th Jan 2005, 21:01
Hello Members:

Nice one Mike & well said mate!

Kebab: Will PM you privately and tell you what's new, probably tomorrow.



5th Jan 2005, 23:07
Hi Gang :zzz:

newcastlepilot - check PM's. :ok:

From what I heard it was a good place to start making paliminary enquiries. (wish there was a spell check!) ok then, initial enquiries or "feeling collars".... Whether this is on advice of RMT or not I just don't know. :confused:

Night again! :zzz:


Hold Foxtrot (again)
6th Jan 2005, 08:47
Hi All
Noise :
Your post makes a lot of sense re nasty people, As ye sow so shall ye reap. (the nasty one's)
I think it is also prudent not to post publicly allegations of police intervention at certain peoples homes as this may well come back to haunt you and under recent legislation " Harassment Act "
liable action may follow (it is very easy to trace your IP )

TJ Yor spellin iz getin wursera

MB : check PM...

Finally,Be nice to each other, are we interested in flying or fighting
Elia's offer/proposal will not interest those with other motives,
They can always go away in short ,sharp,jerky motions !!!!!
Friday will come regardless, Then we will all know. Previous posts
comment some will be happy others will not
That's life..........

Regards All

Hold Foxtrot (again)
6th Jan 2005, 19:44
Evening one and all

A liittle sugestion, Once this is all sorted (fingers crossed )
Anybody interested in getting all the planes up at one time to celebrate the rebirth of flying at N I A , with ATC approval of course.

It is only a suggestion ............ ?

Regards All

6th Jan 2005, 20:12
Not a bad idea, although ATC are only bothered if you want to do a mass fly-by! Anything goes in the open FIR!

6th Jan 2005, 21:28
Noise :

I hope you are not misuseing BA's 757 for your'e own purposes..

And pay your own landing fee please ...........!!!!!!!


6th Jan 2005, 22:23
Hi Gang :{

Mike H - empty your PM box - its full man, tried to PM you!!! :cool:

Hope all well with everybody! :oh:

Night All! :zzz:


6th Jan 2005, 22:28
Hello Members:

GonTek. Good lord, did I really post that earlier? I have been drinking in the house on my own and that isn't a good thing!
If involved in such a "fly-by" I would always stump up my own landing fee... would never dream of passing that onto anybody else!
Misuse of company equipment - well, why not!



Paris Dakar
6th Jan 2005, 23:00

Is there any chance that you could just 'borrow' the company transport, and we'll all just chip-in and get aloft together for a quick circuit? Could be a good show of strength!

Mike Halls,

I pity your postie - it would appear that your sack is full:)

Paris Dakar

mike halls
6th Jan 2005, 23:56
hi all,

sorry guys go ahead an PM now
just cleaned it all up.

big day tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

night all


7th Jan 2005, 10:54
If I ever hear " This is Captain Noiseabatement from the flight deck " I'm getting off !!!!!

( I would sit next to the "Elite " if offered )

One to many springs to mind..

Check out AA web site (not car one)

Regards All

Evenin All
7th Jan 2005, 11:38
Noiseabatement (A most inappropriately conceived username)

You have continued to suggest inaccurately that users of N96TA (sic) N95TA pass on landing fees to NAC. This is libellous, and your comments have been passed to the chairman of the group, who also happens to be the most senior law officer in the country.

No doubt he will be taking further action.

7th Jan 2005, 12:57
Evenin All

I note your last post.

While PPRUNE continues to be a rumour network I feel it should be treated as such.

However, it was possibly most inappropriate of me to suggest that certain private groups passed on landing fees to Newcastle Aero Club.

I offer my sincerest apologies to the members of the groups who fly N96TA, G-BVEZ, N999F & G-BGBG for suggesting anything untoward is carried out by members your groups and withdraw my comments forthwith regarding passing on of landing fees. Some of these members are known personally to me and my comments certainly were not meant to offend in any way.

I hope that will be an end to this particular matter as I certainly do not want to be embroiled in legal action with any private group, especially one with the Commisionair as a member.

7th Jan 2005, 13:01
Oh for gawds sake.

"Obviously N96TA, N999F, G-BGBG & G-BVEZ would not be included in this as they would pass on the landing fee to us.... we can only dream."

'Us' isn't the NAC, it's us as in the people wanting to fly....is how I read it, anyway.

Come on lads.

Ooops noiseabatements reply beat mine. I need to get quicker with my typing!!

Another resolution.

Anyway, anyone heard any news...it\'s well past the 12pm deadline?????

Evenin All
7th Jan 2005, 13:22
Apology Accepted
Matter Ends

7th Jan 2005, 14:17
That's funny, the page numbers have decreased! I wonder who's deleting their posts!

7th Jan 2005, 15:15

Can you do that, delete your posts? It's a very sad state of affiars when you have to do that - if that's the case then this thread will be 4 pages long!




7th Jan 2005, 15:29
Sir J is much higher than a commisssionaire (uniformed door attendant )

He is the Chief Commissioner of the Met.

(source Oxford english dictionary )

If it gets cold in Belmarsh ask the screw to put another bar on !

Tounge in cheek >>>>>


7th Jan 2005, 17:06
Does that mean he is a member of the flying squad :p

Best of luck with the deals on the table but dont forget its the major creditors that RMT have to think of not you guys.

7th Jan 2005, 17:38
While waiting for news on the future of NAC, i thought i would fill in a little time by trying to figure out who is who on here. So far i have worked out :-

Ian Martin (aka) martinidoc

Bill Beavis (aka) noiseabatement

Marcus Gilmour (aka) TOPJET973K

Can anyone add anymore ?

7th Jan 2005, 17:39
You can delete your own posts, and with a little bit of detective work (any chance of a job Sir J ?), it's not to difficult to work out who.

Any news yet?

Oh, and you can just call me Sean (drop the 377 - i've never even flown a Skymaster!).

"While waiting for news on the future of NAC, i thought i would fill in a little time by trying to figure out who is who on here. So far i have worked out :-"

I trust you asked them if it was okay to identify them beforehand?

One other:

sean377 = Sean Nixon

DietDrPepper = ??? (I see you tried deleting one of your own posts in a seperate thread - i really am a detective!!! (Sir John, take note!)

Mu Beta
7th Jan 2005, 18:18
Don't think they're all right anyway!:rolleyes:

Mu Beta
7th Jan 2005, 18:28
George Dixon... Topjet showing our age!

7th Jan 2005, 18:29
PS; I think Mu Beta may be Michael Ball? :ok:

PPS - always thought it was Jack! :ok:

Mu Beta
7th Jan 2005, 18:31
Wish I had his money...and voice!

7th Jan 2005, 18:43
Hello True Newcastle Aero Club Members:

Obviously no news yet? Probably be next week at the earliest.

Cagivawally: Thanks, you are too right - lets hope there IS something to salvage out of this.

As many of you have seen I have posted an apology to members of certain private groups for "suggesting" the passing on of landing fees to Newcastle Aero Club, my posting was obviously incorrect as I was threatened with legal action.

Please do not fall into the trap into the same trap thinking a posting you submit is innocent, if posts are being monitored to the point of being legal action being threatened then please be careful.

7th Jan 2005, 18:49
Ooh! I wonder what Sir John's forum alias is? He's gotta be subscribed to this thread.

Mu Beta
7th Jan 2005, 19:08
I heard a few moments ago that RMT will make an anouncement on Tuesday as to whether any bids have been acceptable to the Airport.

7th Jan 2005, 19:10
I thought the airport might want to have the final say.

Mu Beta
7th Jan 2005, 19:12
I think they'll have a big say...the other creditors will just want to be paid, but the Airport will want a viable business plan in place and secure finances in evidence so they don't get any more fiascos.

Hope 2 fly
7th Jan 2005, 20:13
Hi Flyers,
Thanks for the Journal info.

I was unable to post an update earlier. The internet conection broke down.

An initial offer has been submited with a consideration price covering the amounts mentioned in the Journal & Pprune.

The initial offer was to purchase the entire assets, business, leases and name of the former Newcastle on Tyne Aero Club Company.

There are some conditions attached to the offer not writen here.

In the event of the Offer being successfull it is proposed to;-

1) Vest the Material Assets (Planes Etc,) in a seperate Charitable Trust to secure them for a long term future.

2) Establish a seperate not for profit organisation of charitable Purpose to own and run the business Activities.

It is envisaged the Trust and the organisation will be voluntary with profesional business qualities.

The Trust will have trustees with relevant expertise & experience who may set/advise on guidelines & procedures etc, for the organisation.

The Organisation will be owned, operated and managed by its own Members. It will be accountable to the above trust for proper and effective utilisation of the above assets.

The said organisation will be derived from an Association of PPL holders, Aero support Engineers and technichens, future fliers and those interested in being members supporting the activities.
It purpose will be to provide Social Educational recreational and Leisure Activities, to do with flying, in a co-operative flying club manner. The objective being to make flying ACCESSable an AFFORDable to people from all walks of life.

Any excess income generated through the organisations activities will be re-invested in the organisation or trust.

This structure will enable the Trust and Organisation to apply to grant giving bodies to develop and support their purpose.


ps. Is there the support for this trust / organisation among the flying community of our region?

I was and am interested in putting time and effort into fundraising for such a charitable organisation.

A request to the administrators for more time to collate finances was made which it may not be possible to grant. (i have been on holiday for the past three weeks.)

your co-operation and help in seeking and securing financial pledges to meet the administrators new timetable (by Wednesday) will be a great help.

I will be travelling for the next two days.

Best wishes for an early return to flying

urdy gurdy
7th Jan 2005, 21:23
i am sure sir john has more important things on his mind like - multi million pound drug networks
- increasing fire arms offences
- people getting murdered
- pressure from the government
and so on
just watching caprice taking a shower on celebrity big brother
now thats entertainment!!!
i am the fat drunken bloke who sits at the end of the bar
too drunk too ever take the controls of an aircraft
mmmmm caprice
mmmmm beer

Hope 2 fly
8th Jan 2005, 08:48
OOPs missed a line!!!!!

aim to make flying affordable and accable to people from all walks of life.

By the way i have been unable to contact elia from here!
If someone who can cantact him would they please ask on my behalf if he is interested in contributing to or co-operating with this proposal;) wink wink)

otherwise best of luck with the competition to save the club for the general members who were the victims of the company crash!



8th Jan 2005, 10:32

MRG is 40 now !!!!!

Urdy Gurdy

I hope you are not suggesting Sir J should increase firearms offences .!!!!!

Just read your post, there may well be prosecutions but it will not be for posting something on here (re nasty people )

Your'e not falling for TJ's blarney are you ? re "is he 40 ish"

no news may be good news.


Mu Beta
8th Jan 2005, 12:57
I quite like the sound of a Chartiable Trust.
I'm not sure if having members run it is such a good idea on past experience though.
Gon Tec
Is he really 40!!

8th Jan 2005, 13:10
Yes - he really is 40.

8th Jan 2005, 14:06

I am not a member of NAC but I have been following this thread as an interested outsider. As such, I have seen no real reason to post before now. However, your suggestion that a charitable trust and a charitable organisation be set up intrigues me. How do you propose to make the objectives of such bodies satsify the Charity Commission's "Charitable Purpose" requirements?

I see you have ensured that the word "education" appears in your stated objectives. However the CC rules state that

Education in the charitable sense cannot include ........ the study of subjects which have no educational value

I wonder how they would categorise teaching people to fly?

Now that I have been drawn into posting - best wishes to the members of the NAC and good luck for the future.


Mu Beta
8th Jan 2005, 15:14
Thanks for that input...sounds like Charitable status isn't an option then.
Suppose we'll have to wait for an anouncement with fingers crossed:O

8th Jan 2005, 17:03
40+ Rodders !!!

What was the dog on Z Cars Called? No using the internet...

See how good you are

8th Jan 2005, 19:41
I have just heard that Elia Golfin is in the UK.

He was spotted at Heathrow. Reports say that he got off the same flight as Elvis.

8th Jan 2005, 20:59
well the deadline has passed. any news anyone????? as I would quite like to start flying again!!!

I`m even starting to miss Mr Gilmours leather jacket!!!!


8th Jan 2005, 21:14
Good evening gang.

GonTek - never really watched Z Cars but will give it some thought, I was young - I wasn't 40 when Z Cars used to be broadcast! :uhoh:

Bajadj - and I miss your Black & White shoes!!! How you doing mate? :cool:



8th Jan 2005, 21:25
pretty good mate, at work right now typing in my wooden box!!!

can`t be bothered to do any entertaining right now.

has this american greek bloke bought the gaff or what??

sorry to be blunt but this saga appears to be dragging like a small dog tied by string to a ford cortina!


8th Jan 2005, 22:01
Mr "Spin a Disc" ! :cool:

Well man, I think it's a case of watch this space.. :cool:

You are blunt! A thread like this will go on for hundreds of years now so the poor little doggy that's tied to the Cortina may need feeding, if you get my (wind) drift!

Be good! :{


Hope 2 fly
9th Jan 2005, 19:26
Hi Mu Beta & Aiglon,

Thanks for responding.
I will try to post later tonight if possible.


9th Jan 2005, 20:23
Hi gang! :ok:

GonTek - The dog on Z Cars, called Radar by any chance?

Until later! :)


Hope 2 fly
9th Jan 2005, 23:12
Hi Flyers

Mu beta - Good to see a former member likes the sound of a charitable Trust & flying club.

Perhaps more importantly is open to seeing that of the proposals being considered it is the only one offering a real future for a "True Aero club".

Quote from RMT letter sent to me.
"We have been contacted by a number of persons interested in the assets and business, or a rescue of the above company, of which you are the one.....initial offer to be submitted by..."

Perhaps if general members had been able to participate more in running the club it might still exist?

Prior to initiating this proposal, while seeking information at the airport flying club, I spoke to a lady member who was standing outside the locked doors with her young son whistfully watching the aircraft flying.they went 2 to three times a week because of his dream of flying them.
She was supprised at being asked about participating in the club! Replying "no one ever asks our oppinion! no one ever asked if we could help! yes i would love to help if i can!

Unfortunately they have been deprived of their heritage by the company crash!!!!

Charitable status is an option!
I was told on Friday by the administrator the proposal is one of the Four top ones being considered.

It is an option if present and future fliers are the recipients of charity!

It will not be an option if fliers in the region do not want to recieve it!
It will not be an option if fliers etc do not contribute or take some responsibility.

Being a charitabl organisation is an option if present Flyers etc can be charitable to each other!

IT will also require TEAMWORK and other social skills.

Can the former members work in a team? Or will that take a considerable amount of Education???

I imagine they can. planes need teamwork to fly.

This is an open invite to former & future club members to consider working together to ensure a real club develops from these unfortunate events.
It is also an open invite to any altruistic bidders to consider working as a team in the interest of future "Real Club Members"
Could you please network this to others as in the earlier excersise in the thread???

A request has been made to identify the minimum amount required in payments and terms to permit flying to resume imiediatly and time be allowed while this alternative approach is given seriouse consideration by all those effected.

This will of course requir a charitable approach by the airport authority??

It will also require more than crossed fingers and the hope that some other third party will sort it out.

It will require money to cross palms (so to speak & legally) so the administrators can pay the minimum amount.
It will require someone to jump in and join the team as i am rather ill and may not be able to complete within the time scale.

Finally I think
The 500 AA or RAC members made millions from the sale of their club!!!!
The 500 members of NAC are being sold to the highest bidder for that person to make millions from a flying school.
Are there any former general members angry enough or who care enough to do something to help???

If so please do. It was your heritage and the young flyiers future.

Ailglon;- You are correct A pure flying school would not meet the requirments for charitable status. Yet I feel you know that as part of an intergrated service delivery of an education process it would!!!!!!!!!!!!
I would love to here your answere to your question!
The Primary object in CC Jargon is "To improve conditions of life" (no more time I am exhausted will try to pick up tomorrow.)

Take care
The team of one who
Hope 2
Be More

10th Jan 2005, 08:36
Hello Members:

Hope 2 Fly:

I'm sorry but what exactly are you trying to do?

I do not like the sound of your plan.... who do you actually represent here - I think people have a right to know AND what your motives are.

You are not a member, you do not fly - why pull this out of a hat?


Mu Beta
10th Jan 2005, 09:33
Hope 2 Fly:- I am sorry to hear that you are ill...
Unfortunately, however, I cannot hold out much prospect of someone else pitching in with cash for your plan if you cannot.
If there were people willing and able to do that, they would have done it long before the Club went into Administration.
If you are not able to sort out the finances yourself, I do not see much hope for your proposal.
I know nothing about Charitable Trusts etc, but Aiglon seemed quite sure a Flying School could not fulfil the criteria, even using the educational standpoint.
I must say I'm beginning to lose hope a bit...as no definate information has been forthcoming.

10th Jan 2005, 10:31
I know, I txt'd it to you yesterday !!

Any news anyone ?

UL 730 :

You are right in thinking subs may be collected eletronically ie:
direct debit, No fault of the club but it may be a good idea one and all to check !!!! ( and cancel )


10th Jan 2005, 11:39
I believe the Club collected some subs by direct debit.

My next one was due 02 February 05.

Sadly - just cancelled until the dust settles.

Just a thought :\

10th Jan 2005, 13:33

Ailglon;- You are correct A pure flying school would not meet the requirments for charitable status. Yet I feel you know that as part of an intergrated service delivery of an education process it would!!!!!!!!!!!!

Please don't presume to tell me what I "know". I know what I posted before:

Education in the charitable sense cannot include ........ the study of subjects which have no educational value

You go on to say:

The Primary object in CC Jargon is "To improve conditions of life"

The relevant Charity Commission document (CC21) does not refer to "conditions of life" :confused:

I would love to here your answere to your question!

I think if you reread my original post, together with this one, you should be able to guess my answer :rolleyes: What I am not at all sure about is whether you are able to answer my question.


10th Jan 2005, 15:06
Where is newcastlepilot?

How comes ALL his posts have gone?

Ever since Rodney ID'd him he's just vanished.

Maybe he's not so brave now that everyone knows who he is.

10th Jan 2005, 15:27
Hi Gang. :D

GonTek - Cheers!!!! :mad:

As regard direct debits for membership, JC is still holding the fort for administrators - he will know exactly what's what although I suspect the bank accounts are now closed - the club was £20K overdrawn.

Until later


PS. A bottle of what Hope 2 Fly has been drinking. :ok:

10th Jan 2005, 16:21
Have I said something wrong ???

I see the hand bags are out again (JLT )

Maybe tommorow ?

10th Jan 2005, 17:47
Hello true, loyal members:

At the end of the day Newcastlepilot provided some extremely useful information, however I do not blame him for removing his posts as I was "pulled" for what I understood to be true information, shame PPRUNE has got to this stage with people monitoring the site incase somebody mentions something that "may hit a nerve".

Anyway, whatever - nature of the beast.

GonTek, unfortunately the handbags will always be wafted in peoples faces - a lot of very annoyed & frustrated people contributing to this site and still we wait for some answers from RMT administrators.

With certain ex chairman skiing in Geneva, the downfall of the club is hardly at the forefront of his mind...

Yes, it WILL be a case of "watch this space" this week - with true & loyal members wanting the best proposal to be selected and certain other members will be wanting whoever takes over to fall flat on their faces.

Good luck.


mike halls
10th Jan 2005, 18:48
Hello ALL,

hi topjet and noiseabatement,

I have noticed a lot of posts being removed and others
from pprune. The sooner either elia or whoever esle
gets the place the better we all will beeeeeeeee.

All we want is the club to keep running and have or
afternoon beers and relax and talk the flying stuff........

I hope RMT make a decision quickly this is dragging on a
little I suppose,I hope they pick the best proposal.

Does anyone know the people from rmt??????
Are they for the club to survive??????
Or do they want thier money and move on?????

who will they choose hey guys, I wonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

safe flying


10th Jan 2005, 19:25
Well said Captain Noise.
True members and not those with other motives just want the old NAC spirit and none of the bickering and hopefully this will happen as they say in Arabic "Inshallah ,God willing

At the end of the day all of the people will not be happy all of the time.

It is a shame that the miscreant's who can't think of anything positive tend to urinate on other peoples pyrotechnics.

Just like a marriage vow "for better,for worse " the outcome will be known very soon and we will grin or grimace, wait and see.

To the skiing ex chairman, Break a leg with my blessing

Best Regards All

(spleen vented Good Night )

Predictive outcome :- Somebody will win on Wednesday !!
I try my best.........

10th Jan 2005, 19:27

Is that déjà vu? My post - 10th January 2005 12:39 your reply - posted 10th January 2005 11:31

We need to discuss predictive outcomes of an organisation called Camelot - if you have the gift :D

Genuinely - one of the cleverest things I have ever seen on Pprune.


10th Jan 2005, 20:21
Hi Gang.

The RMT administrators, Mike Pott & Linda Farnish - seem OK, have spoken a few times after mailing them various documents etc.

Yeh, the sooner the better we get an announcement - imagine how the proposed bidders feel! :cool:

Ex Chairman skiing in Switzerland.... bet that toupee looks great in the low winter sun. :yuk:

Nice one Mike - how you doing man, baring up!! :p

I have "reserved" the rest of the week for possible celebrations - hope the leave days aren't wasted!!! :ooh:

Cheers folks.


mike halls
10th Jan 2005, 22:48





11th Jan 2005, 07:31
I don't think it's unreasonable to expect a statement on why the successful bid won. However, I wouldn't hold your breath for anything else, especially why the others were not successful. It's akin to 'rubbing their nose in it'

Also bear in mind that last month the administrators were working on an equally emotional case (for those involved anyhow), and next month will have moved on to something new. Whilst I'm sure they may feel a little bit of sympathy for some individuals as they do their job, I'm pretty sure 'we' do not fall into that bracket. Remember, no-one here has lost all they've got (house, wife, etc.) as a result of the aeroclub folding.

That's what I think anyway.


11th Jan 2005, 07:54
Mike Halls :

If there is any truth in Joe Le Toff's previous post (last page)
Elvis may well be with RMT as we speak.

Sean 377 :

I agree with you Sean to a certain extent, We as a "club " do not exist any more and have no rights and RMT will do their best for those owed money and of course they will want paying. And not cheap either.
Again the innocent ones did not deserve what happened but as for those who messed in the nest now they are sitting in it.
Tough !!!

Elvis Air !!!!!

Its just a rumour.

11th Jan 2005, 09:05
Morning gang.

Excellent points from Sean377 & GonTek.

I think the feedback from the RMT has been extremely poor.

I have obviously spoken to them a few times and have asked them on 2 or 3 occasions for some official feedback or progress statement.

However, if you are one of our clubs so called & self named "elite" then you have a god given right to any information from RMT before they even know it themselves. I post that in response to a phone call from a couple of days ago.
To that "elite" member who phoned me, you have the morals of a sewer rat and the courage of a hedgehog - open your eyes man, your grip on the club is over - FINISHED.

Phew, thing things and the people you have to deal with in life....



11th Jan 2005, 12:44
Aww! Come on TopJet!

You can't leave us in suspense like that! :confused:

Name the 'sewer rat' and tell us what he said! :D

Pleeeeeeeeeeeeze...... :ok:

mike halls
11th Jan 2005, 15:59
Hello ALL,

Just a quick rumour that sampson aviation has the
highest bid, so they may have the club by friday.

apparently all the other bids were lower and so they
were not considered.

Anyone else got any news??????????


11th Jan 2005, 17:49
Hi everyone

I heard Elia was meetiing RMT today, has anyone heard anything?

Hope 2 fly
11th Jan 2005, 21:20
Hi aiglon,
It seems that the same written words are interpreted differently by different people.

Expressing a feeling is a human right.

My previouse post is badly expressed and will be amended to avoid missinterpritation.
It may not be me that prepares the application for charitable status when that time comes if this proposal is successfull..

I glean what i can from the postings.
Peoples handles are meaningless to me, as an outsider I don't know what roles people have in your world. Quoteing the charity commission rules suggested a studied knowledge and experienced charity fieldworker or similar.
I recognised and accepted that. My posting was intended to acknowledge and reflect that.

It seems Mu beta shares that impresion or knows you as an expert and holds you in high esteem.
He seems to read the quotes as stateing a flying club with charitable purpose will not be possible.
I understood your posting to be flaging up a potentially difficult task that i am already aware of.

Could you please tell me if you know of any other general flying clubs with a charitable purpose or are you able to confirm it will be the first of its kind if successfull. or even if started up sumwhere else in this area.


11th Jan 2005, 21:21
Hello Members:

Hi Mike - how are you doing mate?

MMMMM - not quite sure what to make of Samsons bid - no flying training or bar, just a corporate doss house - not sure what MB's thinking is behind it.

Well, we can but wait.

H999 - Where did you here that, in a pub?



Hope 2 fly
11th Jan 2005, 21:24
Hi mu beta,
Thanks for the conscirn, I will pick up again.
I Believe Achieving the target amount is basically a numbers, time & luck thing. The more people who know & are trying and leangth of time available increase the chance, especially for a good cause. Prospects are slim for this idea on the time & numbers bit but not lost yet.

I am confident any difficulties with achieving charitable purpose could be overcome.

I think No need to give up hope on Flying School part it will happen anyway. the only question will be how much say members or customers have in effecting their freedom to fly and range of activities undertaken. There will be as many flying schools as driving schools soon.

No News yet
but still keep up

Hi flyers

Noise;- Thanks for responding. I think it is important for whichever \'plan\' gets the planes off the ground to have people who identify Pro\'s & Con\'s and other issues in proposals. They can then be addressed before they become a problem. It helps to safeguard the interests of the custemers, users or members. If & when the time comes perhaps your dislikes of the charity idea can be shared & addressed


I think however it would be good if the new club could try to meet the dreams of people who hope to fly but never get the oportunity.

Why come up with this ? .............
I wish I knew! ................
I came, I saw the magic mountain with a hat on. ------- It was there so I try to climb? ............. Perhaps its full of lucky rabbits ??
hope i do not fall!!!

That is meant to be a joke.
Still no news
best wishes

11th Jan 2005, 21:32
Heard from a reliable source that Elia had until the end of today to submit his bid

Hope 2 fly
11th Jan 2005, 21:33
hi flyers

mike halls;- as at 12 noon today the charity option was still in the game.


12th Jan 2005, 09:31
Hi Gang! :ok:

Any news?

To the "member" who is going to laugh and take the p**s if a certain proposal isn't accepted - DON'T CALL US - WE'LL CALL YOU.

I HAD heard from a reliable source that iced cream seller's bid was successful - what's his name again, Mark Tony or something like that, imagine it - 2 L/H circuits and a 99 please..



12th Jan 2005, 11:16

Hope you slept well!!!!

People had been asking in the forum if anyone had any news. I was simply saying what I have heard from a very reliable source and asking if anyone could add anything further. Isn't that the purpose of this thread???

12th Jan 2005, 11:40
Hello Members:

H999: Thank you - yes, a moderately quiet night - didn't seem to get much over 40kts!

I appreciate your comments, however the "reliable source" statement people use from time to time is simply saying "I heard gossip" or "I really don't know what's happening at all" - an easy way out!

A suggestion for the future, if people have heard anything at all then why not post who and where they heard it from, this will aleviate the suspicion.

I know there has been some considerable gossip coming from individuals at the club itself and even totally untrue quotes from the RMT - all this is peoples own inaccurate speculation which causes untold damage.

Hope good news is imminent.

Thank you


12th Jan 2005, 15:54

Terrible smell in here ...

Ahhh it's "Bull "

Q. What is he on ????

12th Jan 2005, 16:09
"What's he on ?"

If you are referring to Hope2, I was hoping you could tell me. I haven't understood a thing he's said on here yet.

Wor lass always said I was a bit slow!

nacker barslob
12th Jan 2005, 16:31
Got this from a not very reliable source, who is definitely close to as much more reliable source who knows someone who mights be a reliable source.

Elvis may actually have arrived in the UK and be visiting the club today with his groupies. Presumably that means that he is one of the finalists in the NAC beauty contest!!

So to all members remember the callsign begins November, not Golf any more, thats 3 sylables for the price of one, a bargain if you ask me!!

And by the way swearing allegiance to the flag will be mandatory for all instructors with hand on heart and a rendition of the star spangled banner Hip Hip. Auditions next Thursday

Mu Beta
12th Jan 2005, 16:36
Seems to me like no-one has a clue what's happening.
I'm not believing anything till it is a completed deal and everyone has been fully informed of the outcome, hopefully by RMT as that's what I think they promised at the meeting they held at the club, if my memory serves me right.
I should add that, having had chartiable trust status explained to me, I don't think that proposal is realistic.
If the chap you're referring to is Elia, it'll be Advance Australia Fair not the Star Spangled Banner!

12th Jan 2005, 17:48
Elia was definately seen leaving the Aero Club at around 15:30 today RMT were also there. This RUMOUR can be backed up by certain fellow ppruners!!!

12th Jan 2005, 18:13
No name's No pack drill Sean, but definately funny jacket with arms that tie at the back.

Possibly sectionable (mental health act )

Ex "elite " took a wobbler ?

Bet you never listen to your lass anyway !

Bye Ya' all,Have a nice day.

Hope 2 fly
12th Jan 2005, 19:02
Aiglon;revised posting;- Thanks for your input,The implication is correct.
A Pure flying school just teaching people to fly would not meet the requirments for Registered charity status.
I know that Social Education provision & the personal development of individuals using flying activities as recreation sport & leisure would be in the right circumstances.

I would welcome your contribution to addressing this issue.

The object "to improve the conditions/quality of life" is a term used in registered charities documents to address the charity commission rules.
My impression is conditions left by the former NAC will need improving to become a suitable learning environment to help improve the quality of life, for people in the region, prior to seeking registered charity status.
For me the escence of a charitable organisation is the people in it. They need to have a friendly charitable nature and a willingness to share their Knowledge, skills and experience.
The organisation itself must be charitable by nature to deliver its object to those in need. It will need to prove itself first so as not to be percieved as a paper excercise to fund activities for the elitist few.

Hope this helps and clears any missunderstanding.

Best Wishes
Hope 2

12th Jan 2005, 19:46
Someone find out what he's smokin or drinkin, cause I've got to get me some of this gear.

Hope 2 fly
12th Jan 2005, 19:48
Hi fliers,
It is my understanding that RMT is delaying a decision pending a response from a potential supporter of the charitable trust option.

I am sorry for any upset this may cause.

There was a request earlier for openness about propossals and information feedback about progress.

If Ppruner's do not want this any more just ask & I will stop.

Sean377, Gon Tec & co;- What i am on is only available on prescription.
No! i am sorry i cannot share it. that is against the rules.

As to the jacket etc; if that is the case i must be well qualified to become a flier.

According to the book CATCH 22.
Any one who wants to fly must be mad!
Any one who dose fly must be insane!
Therefor mental health can not be used as a reason to avoid flying duties.

Is there any truth in the rumer it was a prerequisit to join NAC!!!

If it is any consolation re lack of understanding i have as much difficulty understanding the fliers language sometimes.

I do not mind posting entertaining messages to ammuse people while they wait but the line you are taking is not acceptable!

The above joking asside. they are trying to stop your type of bullying in the schools. If it dose not cease immiediatly you will be reported to the govorner and your mothers!!!!!!

No offence meant
Hope 2

12th Jan 2005, 19:55
Four gudnis saike get a dikshonery!

Mu Beta
12th Jan 2005, 20:13
You certainly got that right!

12th Jan 2005, 22:20
Hello Members:

Please please please Mr Hope 2 Fly stop NOW.

Your postings are riddles and your ideas way way way beyond what is ever ever going to be possible in this day and age, have you met John Parkin yet? :ok:

Thank you

(Old Glastenbury Camper..) :eek:

12th Jan 2005, 22:37
Hi Gang!

Thanks Gon Tek - very enjoyable detail earlier.

Crikey moses, Hope 2 Fly is going for this!!

Hope 2 Fly - 2 oz of what you smoke & 200 litres of what you drink :\

Cheers gang. :zzz:


13th Jan 2005, 13:44
I can confirm H999's sighting of Mr Golfin and RMT at the aero club yesterday afternoon. Anthony from the bar was also there, so I presume a coordinated proposal was being discussed.

I would certainly hope that Anthony and his team are allowed to run the bar whichever bid wins, as I think they did an excellent job in very difficult circumstances.

Having spoken to Anthony on a number of occassions, ( and I hope he won't mind me saying this), I know he felt that he and his team could have provided a more comprehensive bar and food service had he been unhindered by the committee.

13th Jan 2005, 13:57
"he felt that he and his team could have provided a more comprehensive bar and food service had he been unhindered by the committee"

The same is true of everyone who has ran the bar for the last 10 years!

13th Jan 2005, 16:54
H 2 F

No offence taken, yes we are all mad we fly. If you hope 2 then your mad.
It is gratifying to see that you take all comments in good heart,Hats off to you Sir

Martinidoc :

you are only after free drinks (on your salary too !!!!)
only joking Ian.

TJ :

Affirm. Very interesting detail the gent we mentioned previously
would be envious but you did try to phone him....

The waiting game continues.

Hi M B.

Mu Beta
13th Jan 2005, 17:37
"The same is true of everyone who has ran the bar for the last 10 years!"
There's no doubting that at all.
Hi Gon Tec

Hope 2 fly
13th Jan 2005, 18:07
met office;-
I see you are dyslexic too!
How do you cope with trying to type at speed?

Gon Tec & co;- Just got your last message before posting this(Just learning to type offline)
I may have a big heart and enjoy banter but please remember in future.

Using disabilities as an insult & to incite people to gang up on people who are different who have different ideas to your own is both dispicable and Discriminatory.
It is not fun or funny and is akin to being racist which is against the law.


I tell you this in the hope you might learn.

Elia may be ashamed to have supporters who's behavior tarnishes his immage.

No hard feelings

It seems i was missdirected to this site. I was led to believe it included flyers etc, interested in keeping /regaining democratic controle of their flying and ownership of their club for comon benifit.

I will keep update information to myself as requested then shall I?

Best wishes to all you genuin & fair flyers for a quick return to the sky\'s
