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View Full Version : The LowNSlow fly in, SUN 4th JULY, Sandown...

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9th Jul 2004, 22:05
I sensibly got my life jackets ready and then left them at home like a nugget whilst packing all the other stuff.

10th Jul 2004, 08:24
Before anybody thinks I'm getting "holier than thou", I've crossed the Bristol Channel at the wide bit and realised I'd forgotten my lifejacket as I coasted out from the Sysneg (English) side.........

10th Jul 2004, 08:30
We landed in Welshpool on the way home and did not use life jackets out of Sandown. We were about 10 miles off the Welsh coast en route to the IOM when we remembered the life jackets were in the back, and that was four pilots on board who forgot.


10th Jul 2004, 16:17
Low and slow

Thanks again for a great, if wet day. I agree with you on the life jackets. I left mine in the back of the car, but it did make me think. Life jackets on next time.

See you soon


10th Jul 2004, 16:29
Just reading back a bit on this thread I see I have failed to give praise where praise is due.

Huge thanks to Larry Evans for sorting us out a parking space for the pprune aircraft, and for giving us a reduced landing fee, great move Larry and much appreciated. :ok:

Thanks also to Steve Moate for helping sort things out. :)

Cheers guys....... :ok:

11th Jul 2004, 11:38
Really good to meet with you all. I was surprised how many turned out with the weather as it was. Just goes to show what a dedicated bunch we are.
BRL - I have some reasonable digi-photo's of the day, but I'm not able to load them. Great one of DOG.400 trying for the sympathy vote:-) Can you help?

11th Jul 2004, 13:39
Hi Steve, resize them to about 480x375 then e-mail them to me. I will put them up on here for you. :)
[email protected]