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Hudson Bay 1st Dec 2008 14:33

LIFO. What a joke.

Why should I be made redundant because I started 8 months ago? Why shouldn't the old fossil that started 15 years ago be made redundant? Ex mainline and training Captains that are costing the company a fortune should be the first. Most of them have disciplinary records of some sort and are the first to go sick because they are rostered to work a weekend. The Law is the law, LIFO is history because it is wrong. I am more company minded and better at the job than those at the top of the seniority list because I am keen to do the job.

The company is correct, get rid of those that don't toe the company line, we all know the ones, the girls that are always sick the skippers that fly at mach .82 everywhere and make up the rules as they go along. The ones that are constantly late and the FO's that don't wear their uniform because they are embarrassed they are still an FO. Get rid of those that never pick up the phone when on standby, those that are awkward and refuse discretion and can't give a reason why.

LIFO is wrong and would never stand up in court. The correct way is via the Matrix. If nothing else it will get rid of alot of dead wood that has been dorment for years.

Yes the truth hurts.

Merchant Banker 1st Dec 2008 14:51

Everyone is entitled to their point of view and that is fair enough! However I wonder if you would feel the same having being in the company for more than a measly 8 months? I would be very distressed at being told that I was to be made redundant when there are +60 pilots below me on the seniority list!

Dont forget that not all of us bend the rules and turn up late. You may find that the majority are company minded and are professional operators. Whilst not a baby pilot, I do work for the group and would hope that my seniority would count when the axe is wielded.

cloudbase101 1st Dec 2008 15:39

The bmi regional MD has just denied, via e-mail to all employees, that FlyBe are looking at the books. He states it is purely press speculation.

It must be true then !


mateyboy 1st Dec 2008 15:39

Hudson Bay, you are in a minority I believe! LIFO is definately the fairest way of all! And when you said, "The company is correct, get rid of those that don't toe the company line........", I didn't realise that that was the company policy.......!! Do you know something we don't?:rolleyes: As merchant banker has stated, the vast majority aren't 0.82ers, don't have any disciplinaries against our names, and are all striving for the interest of the company! With your Stalin like methods, you'd perhaps get 5 maybe 10 pilots maximum, to qualify under your criteria, and then what? What criteria would you adopt then? There is something to be said for loyalty, and time served! How long have you been at baby? You don't sound like you're that new myself, I was wondering if you felt bad taking 5% of salary after 3 years service!:{ After all why should you get that, and not the 8 monther? I'm very company minded, and reliable! But I would be horrified if a Captain who's been flying for baby for 6 years, should be made redundant before a newby who's been with the company 3 months! After all, the new guy hasn't been around long enough to prove his "fossil" like tendencies, or very low immune system! :}

CHfour 1st Dec 2008 16:40

Mateyboy, well said. I totally agree with your sentiments.

Hudson Bay, I thought some of your previous posts made some sense but that last one was ludicrous. There was only one point on which we agree and that's the one about the truth hurting. It will do for you as LIFO was in your terms of employment when you joined baby 5 minutes ago as it has always been. And it will stand up in court as it's in our contract and the only fair way to handle this unfortunate event. May I suggest you wash any future dirty laundry on the BALPA forum rather than here? Assuming you are a member?

Dog E. Stile 1st Dec 2008 17:23

I would find some sympathy with mateyboy's sentiments if he didn't end everything with an exclamation mark! Like this! Spelling and grammar nazi I know but it just makes me grind my teeth! See!

Almost as bad as the habit of a certain chief pilot's overuse of the question mark? There must be something wrong with the crew water?


CHfour 1st Dec 2008 18:20

Dog E, You've hit the nail on the head!
Maybe we should ditch LIFO in favour of a letter from each of us to the management stating why we should be kept on? We could all start with 100 points and one would be deducted for each grammatical error? I'd better update that CV!

16024 1st Dec 2008 18:49

My 100 points.

(Plus an extra 50 points for using all seven letters in one go?)

mateyboy 1st Dec 2008 18:57

Dog E "style"

I apologize emphatically for my over use of the exclamtion mark. We can't all be as smart and articulate as you. I will be looking out for the really grouchy old skipper, with no teeth. See. Overcome my !!! problem. like this. Is that what you do every night (question mark) Come on pprune and check everyone is spelling correctly, and not abusing speech marks.

I don't want your sympathy, but you do have mine. Pathetic man! (used in context)

mateyboy 1st Dec 2008 19:08

Nice First Post doggy!!!!!!!!!!!

CHfour 1st Dec 2008 19:43

Mateyboy, careful what you say to old doggy. I reckon it could be Captain B! (punctuation justified).

SR71 1st Dec 2008 20:28

Why should I be made redundant because I started 8 months ago?...
If your contract stipulates LIFO and you didn't like it, you should have thought about that when you joined...

If you want to start proposing we all accept unilateral variations to our contract, I don't think you're going to get much support from any of the audience here...


Hudson Bay 1st Dec 2008 22:20

Lets get this right. You think you should remain in a job because you joined before me? What a load of old tosh. You are older than me! Of course you are going to have joined before me you idiot.

I don't care what my contract says, the law is the law. My contract says I will have a temperature controlled hotel room, free from noise for night stops. I never do. Things change, life moves on and LIFO is old hat, dreamt up by your generation. Get over it and accept it. If it was your company don't tell me you would want to get rid of all the crews that work hard for you.

LIFO is outlawed and you don't like it because it may affect you. Well hard luck matey. You shouldn't have gone sick at the drop of a hat and refused that discretion because you didn't want to do a duty, not because you were fatigued. The hens have come home to roost and you are rightly worried. I'm not, because I have worked dam hard in an honest way and if I am made redundant on LIFO I will drag the company through the courts claiming unfair dismissal.

Some of you think you are more worthy because you maybe one above me on the seniority list. Some of you think you are more worthy because you are one hundred places above me on the seniority list. You will always believe that you have the right to the job because you are selfish and misguided just like BALPA.

babymike737 1st Dec 2008 22:56

I apologise to old doggy for my rant! I saw red mist! And I'm sorry about my use of !'s, I can't help it! I'm seeing the quack tomorow! Yes I don't always spell corectly and punctuate , correctloy on prune, but I dont care! I don't know where these italics came from either!

Anyway sorry Doggy! You're (nothing to do with you being capt B.....I know you're not anyway, I just don't like people taking the micky thats all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) I feel bad:{

spotwind 1st Dec 2008 23:09

This is done to death every time there are redundancies at any airline. After all the fussing and fighting everyone generally comes to the concensus that LIFO forms the most transparent and fair way of dealing with this unpleasant situation.

Please explain why the older guys cost more? (at baby)

Your attitude is one of superiority and arrogance, but in reality I imagine youre one of those guys that jumps two lines ahead of the checklist and thinks its cool. :ooh:

See you at the meeting on thurs eh ? If not, I look forward to flying with you, you sound like a real nice relaxing day out :}

CHfour 1st Dec 2008 23:10

Hudson Bay,
I don’t really know why I’m even bothering to reply to your lunatic ravings but here is the link (again) proving the legality of LIFO.


In case you find it too challenging to navigate to the link the title states:
And on the subject of getting things straight, a seniority list is not a list of people’s ages but a list of dates of joining (duh). There are younger people above me and older ones below. I could go on but you’re obviously too bitter and twisted to absorb any rational argument at the moment. I’d hate to be on a flight deck with you during an emergency, or in the back for that matter.

Dog E. Stile 2nd Dec 2008 07:11

Now don't even get me started on all those capitals....

moist 2nd Dec 2008 09:16

Hudson Bay (Giving the real Hudson Bay a bad name)

What worries me deeply here is that I know you and I fly with you, yet I never thought that you had all this deep crap festering inside you.
You are one huge mental case and that worries me even more!!!
You have signed up on LIFO conditions, like it or loath it (like all of us).
You didn't seek to change them, or walked away from it at the time.
You should have stayed with Flybe.
Why not just resign anyway, the sooner the better.
I do sincerely hope you get the chop, just for the laugh of it.


Binder 2nd Dec 2008 09:44


Speaking as an 'Old Fossil' as you put it; I can say that you are entitled to your view,though many would disagree.

What is unbelievable is your selfish attitude.

Years ago the 'Old Fossils' would have weeded out people like you and suggested another career.

I sincerely hope you keep your attitude out of the Flight Deck.


apron 2nd Dec 2008 10:10

It amazes and saddens me the length that individuals go to protect their jobs. Hudson...you will I'm sure be naming who you believe should go to protect your job. Or maybe forwarding it to the HR department.

I cannot comment for BHX but I certaintly do not fly with any dead wood and I'm sure this applies to all bases. On the contrary I think that all the crews I have the privilige of flying with do a great job and barring the odd moan, which I have been guilty of myself, are amongst the finest bunch of people I have ever worked with. (When I say do a great job I mean genuinly try to make the operation run smoothly...some obviously are better than others)

With regards to all the BHX crews, some who I know personally and others I have been in the sim with, good luck. My position by the looks of things is in no way safe under the current HR proposal but I sincerely believe that LIFO will stand, be it at base or from the company seniority list. Having spoken to ACAS and a Barrister that specialises in Employment law, they find it hard to see how other matrixing can be used within our industry. For example sickness, it is MY licence and to maintain it I require a medical, MY medical and therefore it is my decision if I deem myself unable to operate...therefore the group will open themselves to tribunals on alot of factors.

This LIFO verses ageism is tosh. The union for Rolls Royce won an appeal to enforce this very rule. The age demographic is quite good having looked at the seniority list This is down to the fact that our C Pilot recognises that ageism should play no part in our employment policy.....therefore our list is not ageist.

A very sad situation we find ourselves in and indeed some elbows appear to have been shapened but gentlemen let us stand together rather than dividing. I appreciate this will not suit everyone as they may feel their jobs are at risk more so than others but if you believe in this industry make a stand now and support each other and maybe we can limit the number of compulsory redundancies by pay freezes, the flydubai boys going etc. This is a fantastic airline with great people and unfortunately we have to change to survive within the current economic climate.
Good luck to you all. :ok:

Looker 2nd Dec 2008 10:18

I hope I never have to share a lifeboat with Hudson. :ugh:

Listening to him droning on with his mantra "LIFO is illegal" or jumping to certain death - its not an easy decision.

FlyboyUK 2nd Dec 2008 10:30


I sincerely hope I don't every have to fly with you with your attitude.

I think we all live in the real world on this one, good luck to all my colleagues who are affected.

SR71 2nd Dec 2008 10:58


The whole world really is against you mate....one wonders why...

Good luck fighting your corner.

With your attitude I'm sure the soldiers will be right behind you as you go over the top...


pint'alfempty 2nd Dec 2008 12:32


Can I suggest that you express your views on the company BALPA forum? Perhaps you feel that you need the cloak of anonymity when you point the finger at your work mates (if you're not a member then perhaps you suffer from short arm/deep pocket syndrome). There are no 'fossils' at baby. Perhaps your rantings will emerge in the crewroom and we'll be able to identify you then.

Killigrew 2nd Dec 2008 14:04

I sure would like to be around when you're 'colleagues' discover who you are.
You do EVERYONE in the company a huge disservice with your appalling 'I AM' attitude.
I can only think that PD was having a particularly bad day on the day in which you were employed.
Do the decent thing..either put up or shut up !

one four sick 2nd Dec 2008 17:02

14th January 2008, 11:12 Hudson Bay

Inconsiderate bunch of BTSADRAS. I got in the house last night at 1am following 10 hours and 4 sectors. I then get woken up at 7am with a stupid text telling me about useless company information. I have already reported it to the CAA and if I do not get a day off in lieu I will take 5 off sick. Up to you Flybe. I am very angry. In fact I am sick for later on today. Find some other mug
According to this quote above, he's still been working for Flybe in January 2008! Do not confuse him with someone else!! It's a good quote though for baby management to have a look at!!!
The guy's utterly mental as all it would have taken, is to turn off his mobile! Doh. Reported it to the CAA - yeah right.

Max Angle 2nd Dec 2008 17:20

Whilst I am generally in favour of LIFO it certainly does result in dead wood in the form of career FO's who are not up to a command (some of them by a very long way) and yet sit for years at the top of the list whilst far more capable people at the bottom get made redundant. They get the best pay, the best leave and job security as a reward for not being good enough to be a Captain, hardly seems fair does it?.

Miss Management 2nd Dec 2008 17:32

Max Angle,

You don't seem to work for baby by the look of it.
We don't really have career FOs and all of us get the same chance to bid for leave.
This is no BA with bidline!
LIFO is the FAIREST system there is. If there was anything fairer, we would all be working according to that!

F14 2nd Dec 2008 17:34

Plenty of jobs at FR.......:}

CHfour 2nd Dec 2008 17:37

Whilst I am generally in favour of LIFO it certainly does result in dead wood in the form of career FO's who are not up to a command (some of them by a very long way) and yet sit for years at the top of the list whilst far more capable people at the bottom get made redundant. They get the best pay, the best leave and job security as a reward for not being good enough to be a Captain, hardly seems fair does it?.
Possibly true but it's not a major issue with Baby. A career FO will not prevent others below from progressing to the left seat and can be a valuable asset to the company. Dead wood (if we even have any) can be weeded out in other ways such as re-training. If LIFO is replaced by perceived merit/management selection it would IMHO create a brown noser's paradise.

Hudson Bay 2nd Dec 2008 22:00

No attitude. Just saying how it is. LIFO is History. The problem is with you. You don't like change. It really is that simple.

You remind me of the old age pensioners in Asda. They don't move out of the way either. What are they thinking? The same as you. That old chestnut of "I've been here longer than you". Seniority lists are dated and do not mean a thing. The more modern companies do not have them. Does that not say something to you?

I really really don't care if you have been with British Midland for 25 years. You are no better than anybody else. And guess what? The company doesn't care either. As far as the company is concerned everybody is of equal standing and those with a poor performance record will go. There is no debate on that score. The one and only argument is if the redundancies are carried out on a base by base basis or as a company as a whole.

apron 2nd Dec 2008 22:12

Hudson...do you make your opinion very apparant at work?? I doubt it. I am quite sure that there are management pilots reading your posts with great discomfort. How could they have employed such a pleb??

You are saying that seniority lists are ageist but you quite clearly believe the "old crusties should go...is this not contraveving the age discrimination laws you so strongly believe in??

Obviously you have been flying this evening so I can guess who you are if I spared about 2 mins to look into it. Ex Flybe, 8ish months with Baby...although this may be a bit of a smoke screen.

I cannot say I wish that you are made redundant because I wish this on no one. I hope you are taking the piss with some of your comments and that maybe some day soon you will realise that this industry is bigger than you.
PS...do you sit about 19_ish on the list?? :=

Good luck....

babymike737 2nd Dec 2008 23:01

Don't give Hudson airtime. He's got an agenda, and we've worked out who "they" are.

Killigrew 3rd Dec 2008 00:16

It sure ain't number one and be careful with number two...pretty sure it ain't them, either. (Wonder if crewing have any idea?)
He/she is either a total wind-up merchant, has a totally different agenda to the rest of us, or really is that one bad apple in the barrel.
Of all the crew that I've talked to, every one would accept LIFO as that is what was written into their 'legally binding' contract.
Can you imagine if every flight deck member thought in the same way as HUDSON BAY? Carnage or maybe that's what she/he really wants?

spotwind 3rd Dec 2008 00:53

You're a celeb !

You were subject of our conversation in the local last night.... for nearly as long as it takes to pour a Guinness!

We figure'd it, youre a wind up merchant :ok:

Game over :}

Aerofoil 3rd Dec 2008 08:21


Having spoken to number 2 I can tell you he is all for LIFO so it ain't him. He has also never worked for Flybe or any other airline unlike Hudson Bay as you can see from Hudsons previous posts.

Lets be careful here as the finger has already been pointed at two guys who are innocent of posting such things on here. The last thing we all need is people being added to the 'hit list' based on the belief they are Hudson Bay!

Icabod 3rd Dec 2008 08:27

HUson Bay
Look lower down the list, between 100 and 120 ish

Be careful of the smokescreen. Review of HB's posts Gill Air, baby at MME. with this quote :-

Nothing negative about bmi. One of the best companies to work for. Just received a pay rise. On time may I add. Things are looking good for the future and for those that collect type ratings an...
dated 28 Apr 06.
You figure it out, it's not hard.


ATCO1979 3rd Dec 2008 10:11

Ryanair posting a 'Ryanair BMIbaby Rescue Fair' on the ryanair website... Ryanair usually make these fares available for bust airlines.

Killigrew 3rd Dec 2008 10:39

Pikeyair are doing their usual gutter-like best to try and spread panic amongst the customers.
What goes around comes around, eh?

daz211 3rd Dec 2008 10:43

Or maybe they are trying to offer the passengers that have been let down
by BMIBABY a chance to get to where they want to go !

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