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-   -   MD80 plane crash in Phuket, Sep. 07 (https://www.pprune.org/airlines-airports-routes/292331-md80-plane-crash-phuket-sep-07-a.html)

ChristySweet 28th Jun 2008 03:06

Thailand safety is non existant
I'd say from eyballing it , no way is it 150 meters, more like 75..
Remember ,this is Thailand ( TIT )
Safety is not consideration " Mai Pen Rai..." ( Don't Worry )

Also as told by Pro Pilots here, HKT has no runway grooves for rainwater runoff, airport is NOT RATED for heavy rain landing .. in the tropics .


ChristySweet 28th Jun 2008 03:50

Signatures do matter
Those signature are valid as they are testament that people are aware and are watchhing.

The ball is in motion -to get T land to start implementing safety regulations
consistantly , thanks to Investgate Udom ..who didn't just acept it and DID SOMETHING
See one persona can AND DOES make a difference, when she wants !!!


MM and I will be co posting your info on Thai Visa forum since they felt the urgent need to censor and BAN Investigate Udom ..
" for propmoting a web site "
sure they are worried about be sued for libel too since Thai law reads no saying bad things about anyone ..no matter how true
Hard to believe that Invest ....com is still available in Thai Lie land

lomapaseo 28th Jun 2008 13:42

The Reason model shown above is not easy to understand since the justification for the number of holes in the cheese layers is not given.

I am happy to see multiple layers (barriers) but which ones to concentrate the corrective action on?

I submit that one or two of these layers probably have far more pass-thru holes than the other layers. Not only that but there is a possibility in this case that even though the layers are defined for ownership, that a failure in one layer may conditionally mean a failure in another defined layer.

Spit-Fire 28th Jun 2008 17:21

One2Go OG269 eyewitness accounts
Dear All,

Having spent years travelling to Thailand and being married to a Thai I feel I have a fair insight into the culture and ways of life which on the whole work very well, although some I will never get my head around and have tried in vane for explanations to!

I was in Phuket last September and should have been on OG269 back from Bangkok having left on the early morning flight out to quickly collect some goods - my saving grace was a fellow Australian pilot who I happened to get talking to in a bar near to our home. Had he not insisted on beer after a beer I would statistically unlikely to be writing this right now. Back to the issue which angers me regarding this accident.

The day of the accident was the same as it had been for the previous 3 days before, torrential downpours of tropical monsoon behavior, the hour before and after were some of the heaviest in the 3 day storm. I had been to the airport to try and get a refund only 40 minutes before the crash and on the way out I drove to the road adjacent with the runway and parked up to watch a couple of flights come in. I was with a friend at the time who has no flying experience and I said to him that I was amazed the runway was open as the surface water was immense and coupled with the crosswind / gust factor was an accident waiting to happen - bordering on being able to surf on it (runway slopes quite a bit). In my professional view it was not fit for use. I am not convinced in the slightest that a microburst was to blame although I am aware the conditions were perfect. I believe that any slight deviation in wind strength and direction unfavorable would have caused the aircraft to aquaplane. 150m from the bank, im telling you now it is not and would give 50m at top from edge of runway. I have a video from my camera of the crash site on takeoff 2 days after if anyone wants to see it then ask me.
******* Thais do it there way regardless of the rules and cover things up with perfection as though nothing has ever happened. A nice little back hander always shuts the rest up!!********

Second point to consider in this incident was that within 12 hours they had removed the wreckage from the side of the runway completely and flights were arriving and departing again after 22hours, amazing given at the time 90 people had just lost their lives. What happened to the investigation? or was it that the story was already contrived and blamed the pilots for the crash, yes believe it, within a couple of hours the media had plastered the news all over Thai TV that the pilots were to blame (funny enough the majority of Thai TV is run by the military and those high up and the others will publish what they are told to). I gave an interview to Thai TITV after the crash at Bangkok Airport (Don Muang) and told them how things didn't add up, but it wasn’t showed in full and they only showed the bit that stated that I wasn't scared of flying in Thailand.

I am aware of the windshear alert systems at Phuket were down at the time of the crash which again leads me to believe that there is a cover up within. Two ways to look at this as far as I'm concerned, firstly if it was down, why oh why were flights coming in to land? Secondly could they be covering up the real wind strength and direction following their realisation that they had messed up by stating the system was down.

All I know is that I’m thankful to be alive and thanks to Chris the Australian and his rounds of beer I can tell u what I do know and that the pilots deserved more respect than what they were given.

Sorry if this is long winded but I am passionate about this incident and if I could do anything to force the Thai authorities to come forward I would but I'm only too aware that it would be a dangerous and a lost cause.

LordLucan 28th Jun 2008 20:00

Originally Posted by ChristySweet
I will be co posting your info on Thai Visa forum since they felt the urgent need to censor and BAN Investigate Udom ..
" for promoting a web site "

Shameful that InvestigateUdom got banned from ThaiVisa.

"for promoting a website"??? - a website designed to discover the truth about a plane crash in which dozens of people were killed? Truly shameful.

When the truth comes out, fingers will be pointing at ThaiVisa for what they could have done.

afvap 28th Jun 2008 21:26

french association
hi all,just for information.Yesterday we complained against 12go and phuket airport.Today press began to relay the information. We sent copy to thai press.regards

afvap 28th Jun 2008 21:34

Enquête-France-Thaïlande-accident-transport-aviation,2eLead Plainte à Paris de familles de victimes de l'accident d'avion de Phuket PARIS, 27 juin 2008 (AFP) - Les familles des dix victimes françaises de l'accident d'un avion à Phuket (Thaïlande) en 2007 ont déposé plainte vendredi à Paris, notamment pour "homicides involontaires", dénonçant les graves manquements de la compagnie aérienne, selon une source judiciaire. Cette plainte contre X, déposée par les familles réunies en association et enregistrée en fin d'après-midi au parquet, vise également les chefs de "mise en danger de la vie d'autrui" et d'"omission de porter secours". Le 16 septembre 2007, sous une pluie battante, l'avion MD-82 de la compagnie à bas coûts thaïlandaise One-Two-Go en provenance de Bangkok s'écrasait à l'atterrisage. L'accident avait fait 90 morts, dont 57 étrangers, sur les 130 passagers et membres d'équipage. Neuf des dix Français à bord sont morts dans l'accident. Pour le président de l'association de victimes, "on ne peut pas parler de fatalité". "Il y a des éléments qui mettent gravement en cause tant le fonctionnement de la compagnie que l'aéroport de Phuket", a-t-il déclaré à l'AFP. L'avion accidenté avait été construit 25 ans avant. Il avait été acquis six mois auparavant par la compagnie après qu'il eut été cloué au sol pendant deux ans dans le désert aux Etats-Unis dans l'attente d'un acheteur. "Ces avions sont de conception ancienne, ils consomment plus de carburant et nécessitent plus de maintenance. Les compagnies qui les utilisent ont les moyens de les acheter, pas de les entretenir", fait valoir le president. Pour le président de l'association, la compagnie One-Two-Go a réuni "tous les ingrédients d'un accident": absence de réparations essentielles, manque de compétence et surmenage des pilotes. Le pilote, mort dans l'accident, n'avait ainsi pas eu de jour de repos depuis 10 jours, au cours desquels il avait passé 70 heures en vol. Les plaignants mettent également en cause la responsabilité de l'aéroport international de Phuket (sud du pays). Lors de l'accident, la moitié des systèmes de détection du phénomène de vent cisaillant ne fonctionnait pas et l'aéroport ne disposait pas de la zone de dégagement de 150 mètres le long de la piste exigée par les normes internationales. Or, l'appareil en tentant d'atterrir a rebondi sur le sol et "a percuté la colline" situé à moins de 100 mètres de la piste. Les réservoirs d'eau et de mousse pour les pompiers n'avaient pas été remplis après avoir été utilisés quelques jours auparavant pour un exercice. Et lorsque l'accident s'est produit, les deux sauveteurs de l'aéroport ont dû faire "appel à des équipes extérieures qui ont mis plus de 20 minutes à arriver", relate le president de l'association qui s'appuie sur le témoignage de l'un d'eux. Depuis l'accident, explique-t-il, "les langues se sont déliées, notamment des pilotes, mais il y a un +black-out+ total de la part des autorités thaïlandaises". Une pétition lancée sur internet par une famille de victime américaine demandant l'ouverture en Thaïlande d'une enquête judiciaire a recueilli près de 5.000 signatures, selon elle.

Seaman Staines 28th Jun 2008 21:54

Thai Visa owners are a Scandi and a Queenslander, nics, George & Dr. Patpong.

PPong is a lecturer at a BKK Uni, specialising in Intl law and should know better.

His ID is difficult to ascertain but I know he mixes with the high poloy from the Aus embassy.

George/Lars can be found quite easily at the Farang Connection in Surin.

As a member, why not list your website in your profile at tvisa, and refer to it in your posts.

Good luck, I know how frustrated you must feel, dealing with a pair of "winkers". :ugh: :ugh:

Innaflap 30th Jun 2008 08:52

Go for it guys - bonne chance!

ChristySweet 2nd Jul 2008 09:43

Black BOx Info, Engine Idle 15 sec, no pilot contol, wind shear
This is on the IU site and I typed a synopsis for publication on blogs and letter to Editors .
ThaiVisa Anal-Retents removed it within a few hours ..
Who cares how they do things in Thailand ? They want safety rating from Internatinal bodies , safety attitudes must change ..

>>>>Last September, a 1-2 Go airliner, ( a budget arm of Thai Orient) crashed in Phuket in high winds. Bonnie Rind, whose brother was killed on the plane, decided to do something and developed a website;
Thailand must investigate Udom Tantiprasongchai
that has taken the task to expose this airline's apparently regular disregard for safety issues. Former pilots are stepping up to offer testimony on how the airline may have consistently disregarded safety regulations such as flying too far from airports with limited fuel, and forging documents for pilot check rides and flight time logs.

Just updated on the site is a transcript of the black box recording which shows that for an astounding 15 seconds after an emergency go around was pronounced, the engines were left in idle and neither pilot was in command of the controls. This is while wind shear alarms were sounding within the cockpit.
Ms. Rind has also revealed that neither pilot had training or a manual for wind shear emergencies within that airplane

Also astounding is the fact that Phuket airport had no water or foam available to fight the fire, it had been used 3 days earlier in a training drill and was not replenished.
Most rescuers had to drive in from the other side of the island, hardly within the 3 minute response time required at airports rated to accept international flights.
It also appears Phuket airport may have obstacles too close to the runway.

An interesting tid-bit unearthed is the corporation that leases the planes to 1-2 Go , (registered in the Virgin Islands) is owned by the wife of 1-2 Go's CEO, who will, presumably collect the insurance.

Because of these allegations, and the apparent lack of international safety standard enforcement, the Board relegated with administering international airport ratings is being lobbied to downgrade Thailand's current safe rating.

PanzerJohn 3rd Jul 2008 17:19

Just seen this on a Thai news site, sounds quite unbelievable...but this is Thailand. :ugh:

ChristySweet 5th Jul 2008 02:36

Spitfire , blog your experience please
Hey Spitfire...
Please blog your experience on my blog at the Nation , I think you wrote it on Thai Visa but they are out of the loop and are censoring this vital information . The NAtion X Press ran an article last Wednesday, July 2


LordLucan 5th Jul 2008 12:49

Thanks for the link Christy - glad to see this subject being kept alive.

InvestigateUdom 10th Jul 2008 15:25

DCA revokes Orient Thai's MD-80 AOC temporarily. They continue to fly.
I am told the DCA was pressured into taking some action as a result of the the publicity surrounding the fraudulent check rides.

Supposedly, those who performed the fraud at Orient Thai were fired.

Supposedly, the Airline Operating Certificate for the MD-80s was temporarily revoked. This would affect domestic One-Two-Go flights only. Oddly, those flights are still happening.

Scapegoats are not accountability....

rolibkk 10th Jul 2008 15:30

So Udom fired his 2 daugthers and close relatives? Did he get an early retirement himself?

Did not find any reference in any local (BKK) newspapers. Guess that was more some publicity for some of the international press.

InvestigateUdom 10th Jul 2008 15:32

Not the daughters, of course. They fired those who held the pens. I don't think the daughters know enough about aviation to know what papers to falsify.

ChristySweet 12th Jul 2008 03:28

1-2 Go Sued
<<<<<By Boonsong Kositchotethana

Families of the victims of the One-Two-Go airlines crash in Phuket last September are preparing to file more than 70 lawsuits in the US courts, demanding compensation of $US400 million - 13.2 billion baht.
The lawsuits name Bangkok-based Orient Thai Airlines and its budget carrier One-Two-Go Airlines as twin defendants.

The families have also asked Thai authorities to file criminal charges against Udom Tantiprasongchai, the chief executive and founder of the two carriers.

Ribbeck Law Chartered, a Chicagobased law firm specialising in aviation disasters worldwide, has been authorised by the families of victims and survivors to represent them in claiming compensation for damage caused, from the airlines, the Boeing Company and liable parties.

One-Two-Go's MD-82 jetliner crashed on Sept 16, 2007, in strong winds and heavy rain after attempting to land at Phuket international airport, leaving 89 people dead and 41 others injured.

The plane was manufactured by McDonnell Douglas Corporation, which was taken over by Boeing in 1997.

The budget carrier is facing a string of multi-million-dollar lawsuits brought by the families of victims and survivors in several locations including California, Texas and England.>>>>>>

Seaman Staines 12th Jul 2008 07:46

Thailand On Trial
Thailand on Trial

For readers who are not familiar with the "climate" in Thailand, this article in the Wall Street Journal sums it up so well.

Should the link/URL change over time, search for the above headline in the WSJ.

Thailand on Trial - WSJ.com

Thailand, the hub of corruption...... & gangsters in the Parliament. :sad:

ZFT 12th Jul 2008 09:29

A well balanced article but the problem is not just at the top. The police, customs, Revenue Dept and just about any official body are all equally after 'tea money' and don't give a damn about their country or their people.

Just how all this will end is anyone's guess, but unfortunately it will end in tears.

InvestigateUdom 12th Jul 2008 19:27

Accountability ....
Accountability is beginning to arrive:
  • The AOC for One-Two-Go is pulled effective Monday.
  • The UN contract is gone.
  • Orient Thai/One-Two-Go/Kampuchia/GrandMax's insurance company have plenty of evidence of wanton and reckless endangerment by the company.
  • The NTSB is considering taking over the crash investigation AND altering the findings of cause to include deep systemic issues at Orient Thai and the DCA
  • Criminal charges against certain Orient Thai personnel in the US are being investigated.
  • The FAA will soon be returning to Thailand for a final examination of the DCA to consider revising or de-listing all Thai airlines rights in the US.
And there is still more to come....

Thank you again for all your support.

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