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jet2impress 14th Apr 2009 13:21

I wonder??? Maybe it was this........

RNS Number : 4715Q
Dart Group PLC
14 April 2009

Dart Group PLC ("the Group")

Pre-close trading update

Dart Group PLC, the aviation and distribution group, announces a pre-close trading update in respect of the year ended 31 March 2009.

Since the announcement of its interim results on 4 December 2009, the Group has continued to trade ahead of market expectations over the second half of the financial year.

Jet2.com, the Group's leisure airline, has benefited from a cautious approach to its winter schedule, supplemented by a strong charter programme.

Fowler Welch-Coolchain, the Group's distribution business, continues to perform in line with the Board's expectations.

Cash flow remains strong, with the Group ending the year with positive cash balances.

Overall, the Board expects the Group's full year results to be ahead of current market expectations, as a result of both the strong trading performance and one-off treasury gains, driven by the strength of the US dollar.

The Board is pleased to report that Jet2.com scheduled bookings and load factors for summer 2009 are in line with 2008 levels.

The Group expects to announce its preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2009 on 30 July 2009.

14 April 2009

B-727 14th Apr 2009 17:01

All very good, especially for those of us who bought shares at 19p :hmm:

However, before we all start saying how wonderful the management are and PM and ID certainly deserve some credit, lets not forget where some of the savings came from on the bottom line:

* Reduction in leave

* Loss of contract pilots

* Next to nothing, in fact since 1st May, NO COMMISION for the Cabin Crew

* Changes in Fuel Policy helped mostly by us bus drivers

* No pay increase for the last few years

* Reduction in Staff Travel

* Forced relocation and changes to Cabin Crew from permenant to seasonal / part time contracts (at some bases)

I'm sure I could go on. It's not a gripe at the company, just a reminder to give some credit where its due............ the staff!! :ok:

wawkrk 14th Apr 2009 17:14

All due credit to the employees for helping to keep Jet2 alive when so many were ready to write the company off.

MUFC_fan 14th Apr 2009 19:20

And also that their luxuries may be being withdrawn but their standard of service is still top class.

757flyer 14th Apr 2009 20:19

this is sick.

Some cabin crew are having serious problems due to jet2 effectivley stealing from their wage packets with the new comission scheme. I have seen complete dispair with some crews when not meeting unrealistic targets, plus the flight deck crew suffer with little or no summer leave and reduced t and c. Yet HR splash and waste money on "geat deal friendlier" programs which are now really sticking in the throat of crews.

Jet2 is a mess, short term they are lining the pockets of shareholders, long term it will self implode due to the horrendous mis managment by HR and their cronies.

harrogate 15th Apr 2009 09:53

Jobs or perks?

I'd rather just have a job in the short-term at the moment, and worry about perks for when the market picks up.

Slur the company if they still screw the crews when the good times come back. At least they stand a chance of seeing the good times again when/if they ever come back, unlike a few other airlines I can think of.

B-727 15th Apr 2009 10:14

Jobs or perks?

Comission is not a perk for the cabin crew, it's a large percentage of their salary. It means they may lose up to £4-5k a year and their mortgages are based on this figure. We're not talking about losing the right to buy a sandwich on board at half price here.

Of course everyone would rather keep their jobs but this has had another big hit on crew moral. 757 Flyer hits the nail on the head when he points out that whilst the crew lose this money in the name of the company, they have to watch the company throw thousands away on useless schemes by out-of-touch marketing and HR bods.

harrogate 15th Apr 2009 11:20

I don't disagree that it's hard on the staff, but what does a company do in the current climate?

Given their market and the state it's in, it's only natural that they should want to fellate the shareholders for a while. What's the other option? It's schmooze or lose right now.

Jet2 aren't unique for putting the squeeze on their employees at the moment. My missus has has had to take a 1/5 pay cut and a 12 month bonues freeze - and that's all based merely on the fear of the recession by her company, because they've just had a record year and have won more new business than ever before. Arguably that's more galling, but it's the name of the game right now. It's hard, but she understands (well, she does now).

Same deal in other companies around here at the moment, be they new media or heavy engineering. It's a sign of the times.

People are quick to bang on about shrwedness and prudence when talking about the state of the economy right now, yet they throw all manner of abuse at employers, banks, etc who are trying to exercise genuine caution.

And you get HR and marketing incompetence in most companies. I don't know the ins and out of what you're referring to when you talk about marketing and HR goofs, but let's hope Jet2 learn quickly in areas like that where they could be doing much better.

757flyer 15th Apr 2009 14:44

"jobs or perks"

Cant you see whats going on here? There is no real threat to the Dart group at present in the resession. Because the media play resession news every day the management are playing on this fear, and the reason? Not to protect jobs but to improve the bottom line, bump up the share prices and increase profits. Dont forget Jet2 was set up on the back of 9/11, PM always takes advantage of downturns. The problem is that they are going too far and it will turn round and bite them. The front line staff are getting so fed up with the p*** taking that this will effect the product in the long run. Why should a cabin crew member flog themselfs for 13 hours trying to sell knowing that the target is unreachable? They will eventually just do the minimum as the resentment builds. Or as some are doing, find a decent employer.

Harrogate, can jet2 do any wrong in your eyes?

harrogate 15th Apr 2009 15:53

Yes, of course they can. I don't subscribe to this football fan-like allegiance that lots of people on here display when talking about airlines and airports. I don't owe Jet2 anything in terms of good PR. I find them to be above average from personal experience of using them, but I they're by no means the best airline I've ever flown with. The staff are nice, and I know a couple of them.

I honestly don't believe that you just said that there's no threat at present to a company that operates only in air travel and logistics. They're 2 of the most narrow margin industries I can think of, and are far more susceptible than many other industries to fluctuation and whim. Just count the number of haulage companies and airlines that have gone balls up in the past year or so.

Now think for a minute about your statement that Dart Group don't appear to be in immediate danger, and then follow the logical chain of events backwards that has lead to them being in the relatively strong position they're in.

Call me stupid, but it could be down to prudence and shrewdness. OK, that involves stepping on the toes of the staff in some cases, but maybe it's for the greater good (with a big emphasis on 'maybe' there).

Nobody's saying that the screw hasn't been turning harder on the staff, but could such cutbacks possibly be one of the reasons why Jet2 are doing OK right now? There are other areas where they've no doubt made savings and even gains (see yesterday's statement for evidence), but the staff cutbacks will have definitely been one of the factors that's helped them keep afloat.

To paraphrase Chris Hoye "the aggregation of marginal gains makes a winning team".

OK, it might not feel to the staff right now that they're winning, but they stand a better chance of being in a good position to profit in future from a business model that at present hurts a fair bit.

The real test of Jet2's honour will come in the future if/when good times return. If they don't reward the staff down the line for sticking with them through the tough times, then it truly is open season on their reputation.

Companies are notorious for being rather conservative with their interpretations of when the level that marks 'good times' is passed, especially when it comes to pay rises, bonuses and other incentives, but you could look to Jet2's own rhetoric (there's plenty of it - after all, they are one of the more gob****ey airlines out there) to see what they determine to be 'success', and then beat them with their own stick when the figures are back in that ballpark but the perks still aren't forthcoming.

TSR2 15th Apr 2009 18:45

Posted by MUFC fan

but their standard of service is still top class
A very very long way from my experience on both my last two flights.

BYALPHAINDIA 15th Apr 2009 18:50

So life is 'Not So Jolly' in Jet 2?

Also to add to what was said above, The 757's won't last forever?

But the management seem to think so?

Now that LS are taking them across the pond & to Egypt.

The management PM & whoever probably think they can never lose with their crew & staff, But if the current staff are so badly paid etc who is going to 'REPLACE' them if or when they may leave?

Nobody in their right mind is going to work for 200.00 pounds a week or whatever as cabin crew upto 13 hours a day etc.

I can see all these small problems with crew & aircraft serviceability (757's) backfiring on the management within the next year and turning into big problems?

Don't forget Jet 2 are nothing new, Nothing we haven't seen before and their fortunes may not last forever?

Once morale starts going downhill, Then de-motivation follows with low productivity.

It's seems the Jet 2 management/board are now also being revealed as probable *****houses??

Jet 2 may have the money, But let's be right it's not good when you have no crews who want to work for you?

No different from any other company.

Envoy320 16th Apr 2009 11:15

Jet2 may have a little bit of profit but that is oon wiped out in this current climate if anything were to go wrong....

Ie....major tech problems.....unhappy crew walking out.....potential strike action at unfair treatment.....

I hope they are not too complacent because airlines like Jet2 come and go year in/year out.....

They aren't exactly something special are they...?

They do a lot of charter work for operators such as Thomas Cook.....a job that would be quickly returned in house if anything were to further wrong with the UK economy.....

tonker 16th Apr 2009 11:25

Jet2/Channel Express have been going for 31 years, to all those who see airlines like "this" go year in year out.

You make a profit or do well in the UK and all you get is knocked/your car scratched etc.

Envoy320 16th Apr 2009 14:21

Jet2 has not been operating as an airline for 30 years......2001 I believe was their start date.

Channel express however....i agree...many years of operation.

The difference between freight ops and pax ops is the fact that you now employ substantially more employees.....more crew and all the people to administer the role....

Substantially more people then become annoyed at being mis-treated....

Those people higher up they take more than they give.....they are the ones that come and go year in year out.......

Just a thought.....

tonker 16th Apr 2009 15:26

For gods sake, thats why i put "Jet2/Channel Express"!!!!!!!!


Envoy320 16th Apr 2009 15:37

:=well don't.....

jet2impress 16th Apr 2009 19:56

TSR2...... What was wrong with the service on your flights?

TSR2 16th Apr 2009 22:29

Its not so much the standard of service, more the general attitude of the Cabin Crew which I would describe as 'not very professional'.

Whilst I am perfectly willing to pm you with details of my experiences and observations with Jet2 to substantiate my feelings if you so wish, as they are my personal opinions I am a little reluctant to post what would be negative details on such an open forum for obvious reasons.

However, there is one point I would mention. Jet2 need to review their uniform replacement policy as a matter of urgency. The white blouses and shirts are now looking somewhat embarrassingly grey particularly when stood next to a new starter.

Envoy320 17th Apr 2009 08:39

Are people not allowed to enjoy themselves at work any more....

I hate people who think thay are "regular" travellers and feel that cabin crew should be more "proffessional"

They are there to get you out in an emergency....anything else is a bonus....just lighten up and enjoy the trip:eek:

harrogate 17th Apr 2009 11:22

It's different strokes for different folks I guess, but I can't say that I give a sh*t about the tone of the blouses and shirts worn by the cabin crews of any ailrine.

I suppose being prudent in these areas is actually quite responsible. Cheaper too. Regular uniform refreshes would probably be reflected in the fare price. Then you'd moan. Some more.

galaxy68 17th Apr 2009 14:33

Stuff the blouses! (some maybe stuffed already)
I believe that any successful company should be able to look after and reward their staff for their endeavours. Surely it is plain common sense that a happy and motivated crew will do a better job than one that is not. They will then be willing to go that extra mile, plus turnover of staff would be reduced thus making savings. Its supposed to be a safety concious industry, I'd rather fly or work with a contented crew than one that wasn't. So why do some managers not get it?

BYALPHAINDIA 17th Apr 2009 14:48

Because They (Management) have probably never done the job themselves?

What does PM or ID now about flying a 757?

Or dealing with a bucket load of enrgized kids on a night flight to Ibiza?

I will give PM his 'Dew' thou he has kept LBIA going!

EGNMCharlie 17th Apr 2009 20:59

Well 'PM' probably knows a lot more about flying a 757 than most people, as he was a pilot in the RAF for many years and five times British Aerobatic champion.

Everyone is slating the management, I’m sure they aren't cutting 'perks' just to spite staff, they are doing it because Jet2.com is a Low Cost/No Frills/Budget airline!! We are in the middle of a massive recession, just look at poorly managed companies i.e Zoom, XL .. just to mention a few. They are taking the necessary actions to keep the company alive. Its their jobs! If you wanted to be treated like Royalty then maybe you should try working for Ryanair instead!! :ugh:

B-727 17th Apr 2009 21:35

Well 'PM' probably knows a lot more about flying a 757 than most people, as he was a pilot in the RAF for many years and five times British Aerobatic champion.

Yes those 757's are just like an aerobatic aeroplane...........:hmm:

PM wouldn't even have a clue how to start one as he's already told me on a flight once but you clearly know a lot more about him. He certainly didn't know much about 757 APU's until someone pointed out that they can't be switched off and on like a lightbulb!

Perhaps you should find out the reasons as to why he left the RAF in the first place :oh:

EGNM - I'm not knocking you for being a fan of Jet2 at all, but as always with PPRUNE, we don't need people who don't work for Jet2 (unless your an office womble) tell us how we ought to feel and behave.... thank you.

EGNMCharlie 18th Apr 2009 13:17

I do work for Jet2.com actually, so I know exactly how to 'feel and behave' thank you very much.

I have also met 'PM' on several occasions and I was merely pointing out that he will know a lot more about how to fly an aircraft than some people on here.

It has already being pointed out if it wasn't for the cutting back of these so called 'perks' for staff - that the company may not be here today. We all know about how we have had to change how we work around some of the new working practices implemented by the management, its all good and well complaining about having to find a valid reason to carry a bit more fuel and that you can't take a two week holiday in July or August, but I can't help thinking that a people would be complaining more if Jet2.com had gone bankrupt. As I have said before, if you don't like it i'm sure Ryanair would look after you much better than Jet2.com. Try it.

B-727 18th Apr 2009 13:54

if you don't like it i'm sure Ryanair would look after you much better than Jet2.com. Try it.
Ah, a mature and well contrived answer, you must work in HR!

You maybe interested to hear that BALPA is now targeting FYR and I hope for the staff that they get full recognition.

If Jet2 are planning to carry out travel and charter operations then they must be prepared to change the company culture. It has already been done from Freight to Low Cost so one would imagine that it would be easier. However, jetting off half way around the world with very little experience in flight crews, engineering and support is not a joke and if not done properly could end up very messy and costly.

On another note our Annual Salary Review letters came to day with no real surprises. I'm not at all bothered and would of been very shocked had we all had a rise. I don't think any of the staff were expecting, nor demanding one, just less attacks on our already poor T & C's............

On a happier note, Mr M expects the economy to pick up 'in the not so distant future' and he does have rather good financial intuition.

karlee alpha 18th Apr 2009 18:25

B-727 get in the real world!, we are in a recession and in a very unstable business at the moment. If cut backs mean we stay in a job than so be it, much better to have an income than join the millions on the dole. If you are not happy go and work in a factory or something and see what life is about outside your little comfort zone!:ugh:

Beavis and Butthead 18th Apr 2009 21:22

Cutting back in the hard times is fine as long as there are similar rewards in the good times. It should work both ways but it rarely does. :hmm:

B-727 20th Apr 2009 11:21

B-727 get in the real world!, we are in a recession and in a very unstable business at the moment.
K A:

Sorry, did I say that we weren't..................... :confused:

I can assure you that my shares, pension and house value, friends and family all losing jobs at the moment have given me a few clues that we might be :rolleyes:

Ahh, there's always a PPRuNe member from Yorkshire ready to defend any slightly negative comment about Jet2. I'd like to point out that I think the airline itself and its staff are pretty excelent. It's the links in the chain and the crazy decisions in the last year or so that I and many of my colleagues have issue with.

BYALPHAINDIA 20th Apr 2009 18:07

I agree with what 727 is saying,

And just because there is a recession, It doesn't mean hard loyal working crew people have to WORK FOR NOTHING just because JET 2 want to make even MORE money?

Is EVERYONE in a recession = NO.

I think the current conditions will only make PM & Jet 2 motivated to make even MORE money!!

Wake up & Listen,

I once used to know a Jewish businessman from Leeds, Which is a large community of Jewish people, He used to come to my antiques stall, And he would say regular - 'Oh business is not good '- Yeah right - He lived in Adel (Millionaire's Patch) and drove a top of the range Merc!!

Don't forget the 'Vast Majority' of people who are in this recession are in it because of their own making, Living in expensive houses, Expensive cars, Credit cards (Never had one & won't have one), Borrowed money over and over again from the GREEDY banks - Where does it end with them?

Robbing Peter To Pay Paul, Money going out as fast as it is coming in.

I know people who have done this, And now they are digging a hole!!

So, really Jet 2 are using this as an excuse to 'Chop' the commision and other perks of the job, A kind of 'Smokescreen' to the crew (Scare tactic) to make them feel that they have a job & won't find another one.

PM will obviously put the shareholders before the staff.

The media are just painting a 'Black Picture' of britain, and at the same time filling our heads with S*it as they do every day!!

What is the obvious is not always the apparent?

Facelookbovvered 21st Apr 2009 07:30

Confidence or the lack of it is the problem

The slide in the pound has made Europe much more expensive to visit, some will travel further a lot will stay at home or travel to Europe less. Many of our regular travellers have in the past flown to Europe 3 or more times in a year, these are normal working class types not the rich & famous, if they cut one trip a year out then volume will fall by a thrid and over time airlines have to trim capacity to match, which mean aircraft and crews unless they can grow new volume by flying further a field as Jet2 have done, but it cost more and puts more hours on the old girls.

It is the job of banks to lend and it was the shortage of new housing plus massive demand from the buy to let market and the large influx of overseas workers that drove demand and prices to level that meant new ways of financing house purchases became the norm. Interest only 125% L/E and the rest. The only saving grace at the minute is very low interest rates which mean people on interest only are paying next to nothing (if they have a tracker) but it wont and can't last our borrowing is now so large that within a few years we will probably be back up to base rates over 5% to control inflation.

Tomorrows budget will make grim reading, but most of the pain will be left until after the next general election and who ever wins that will be handed a poison chalice.

My advice, take the profit on your Jet2 shares and pay down your debts, one is going to go down and the other is going to go up! i'll leave it for you to figure which is which, time to take a CFM to Spain (one way)!!:sad:

simonchowder 21st Apr 2009 07:57

Ive flown jet 2 only once this year have to say i was very unimpresed, the crew were at best surly, the seat i was in was held together with gaffer tape (as was the tray table which couldnt be used )the cabin generally was in a tatty state, this may have been a one off but if i were running jet 2 id be loking at the likes of monarch as how to do it , friendly professional crew, well presented cabin and aircraft that look like there looked after by people who know what there about, sure way to cock up a good business, demotivate your vital resources :confused:

bobleeds 21st Apr 2009 11:22


Not at all like my most recent flights with Jet2 to Lanzarote I was on 757 aircraft, and both directions I thought the aircraft were in better internal condition than many BA and Britannia aircraft I've travelled on. What's more the crew were very friendly on each flight. But I suppose anyone can get them on a bad day.

simonchowder 21st Apr 2009 11:36

Very true ,however my biggest gripe was the state of the cabin it was awfull and begs the question if the cabins held together with tape whats the rest of the aircraft like? i appeciate these aircraft are "old bangers" but surely a bit of time and effort could go into cabin presentation, after all its the only bit the punter sees so it matters imo.

AJ07 21st Apr 2009 12:14

Alphaindia - what is the relevance of the businessman's religion to your story??

Your latent racism and/or stereotyping raising its ugly head!??

paully 21st Apr 2009 14:35

Oh God, yawn yawn......:rolleyes:

Envoy320 21st Apr 2009 14:41

Why did you even decide to mention that completely irrelevant point....

Idf the man was jewish...the man was jewish.....it doesnt make it racist....

Stop being pathetic and petty and get on with ya life for goodnes sake...:ugh:

Facelookbovvered 21st Apr 2009 16:09

There is good and bad CC in most airlines
As for Monarch the last flight i had with them a few months back had the most poo face cabin crew i have come across in a long time, there was not eye contact no smiles just a blank look

Most the Jet2 crew are Okay, but like anywhere else you get the odd one or two with (bad) attitude, mind you they had a rough deal at the hands of PM this last year.

Speed tape rules, read the book `Bondage and a thousand things you can do with Duc Tape'

The Face:8

simonchowder 21st Apr 2009 16:19

poo faced cabin crew at a pinch i can live with but having to eat my meal off my lap because the seat in front was falling to bits and taped up and a recline that didnt lock vertically so i had to move to a vacant crew seat for landing is pushing it a bit, oh and no IFE either , fred karnos airline im afraid, not a patch on monarch

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