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CAA fails FAA inspection ??????

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CAA fails FAA inspection ??????

Old 20th Sep 2005, 12:32
  #21 (permalink)  
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forced process, as in "law"?
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 12:45
  #22 (permalink)  
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Not sure if you refer to the audit, the ban or the BEE (Black Economic empowerment)

An audit establish if an organization is performing and/or adhering to certain standards. In the case of the FAA versus the SACAA, the FAA is not happy with the standards of the SACAA which is the government body controlling aviation in SA. So they can decide to ban SA aircraft from flying into the USA despite the fact that individual companies have very high standards through policing themselves. In this case the FAA has given the SACAA time to correct the problem before they will do another audit to see if the problems have been corrected. Otherwise a ban will follow.

If you refer to BEE. Yes. That is law. Blacks take preference over whites, even if the white person is better qualified. Thousands of competent white people have lost their jobs here to unqualified black people. That is the main cause of the demise of the SACAA.
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 14:19
  #23 (permalink)  
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Dont think the new Chairman of the Board is going to be any good if you take his track record at SAA into account. Global Pax Servies is in total dissarray after that clown had a go at running it- he left before they had time to fire his ass. He was totally incapable of working with the airlines's suppliers - particularly Equity Aviation who seem to think its ok for their staff to steal/pilfer anything of value from passengers baggage. Net result is the clown leaves- gets the cushy assignment at the CAA- the even bigger fool who was his 2IC sees that his benefactor is legging it for cover and so also resigns and lands a plum job at......Equity Aviation! perhaps there was a reason he never acted against them?

Sorry back to the new Chairman, he also had his ass kicked out of another airline before joining SAA- and Im not talking about Lesotho Airways here! But I see that the 2 owners of that particular carrier have seen the error of their ways (now that he is the Chairman of the CAA!) and have seen fit to appoint him as the Chairman of one of their other Companies- now is that not a conflict of interest?

Eich another day in Afrika!
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 14:20
  #24 (permalink)  
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Mmmmm, interesting responses here.

Trevor, I know John Morrison very well. With respect, wrong choice for the Board. John should have retired 10 years ago. He's very old school and he will not be able to achieve anything, He is, with respect, in exactly the same boat as Peter Piggot as Chairman of his Commercial Aircraft Operators Association. Its an association yes, but with dead zip zero teeth. Furthermore, both those old dudes have become such "gatkruipers". There's no way that they will stand up against any high profile black, be it a Minister, DG or Chairman of their Board. Sorry bro, but THATS A FACT!

I used to work with Duke in the good old days of Air Lesotho. Flew many hours with him and Frank Green in the Twin Otter. Cowboys my man, cowboys. What is it with the SA Government that they keep on leaning on the neighbours? For f...... sake my man, there are more than suitably qualified people here in SA that can be employed to do a decent job. You see, this is exactly the problem. Government wants to transform, but they employ people who can't transform. Remember, those black dudes want power my man. Do you for one moment think he'll teach his brother anything? No way, because before long, his brother may push him out. No bro, not those dudes. For them its only the power, the money, the chicks, the cars, the fancy restaurants and thousands of rands of clothing bills at stores around "Sandton City" each month. That reminds me, what happened to the good old catalogue order thing that the blacks were so crazy about one time? Shows you huh, times have changed! ;-)

Furthermore, it is clear that the problems are amplified thru politics. You know that black people don't trust whites or coloured people, and you know that better than most of us Trev. They'll rather employ some unqualified, half illeterate dude, simply to make it look like transformation, but that so called transformation is creating a huge embarrasment for Civil Aviation in SA. People in the industry regularly refer to these idiots as monkies, zots, whatever, and the industry almost daily redicules the SACAA. The people at the SACAA know this.... they know that they're being rediculed, but they do nothing. Nothing because they don't actually know what to do, and they're too scared to ask those that know, coz they're afraid that the people they ask will think they're idiots. So no transfer of skill takes place, zip. The black duded sit there in their offices looking busy, but they're not, coz they got nothing to do, and if they've got something to do, they don't know how to do it.

Knopdoring, I agree whole heartedly with you that we must stand together and rectify the wrong.

The "Beeeeeg" problem is not only the Minister, but the actual Managers at the SACAA. THEY are the ones who will not listen, do not take kindly to criticism, do not want to be told what to do etc. The reason? They have a mandate from the Minister of Transport. That mandate tells them what to do, and I can assure you that what is contained in that mandate, is NOT what you and I (and others) would like to see happen.

I have written several letters to Stuart Farrow, (Chairman of the Standing Committee on Transport Affairs and DA MP) but to this day have not received a response. Trevor knows Stui, and maybe a couple of us should make the journey down south to Stuarts office. Maybe he can get Jeff into a meeting with us, and WE can then tell Jeff to open his eyes, and get real.

Radebe should not only have replaced the Board, he should have fired each and everyone of those incompetent managers and replaced them with suitably qualified people that can lead, and ones that are not only interested in their own personal well being and their salary cheques.

Lets hope the Minister reads this thread, or someone makes him aware of it. Its not only my sentiment, but also of thousands of aviators around SA.
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 14:34
  #25 (permalink)  
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Unfortunately, SAA is a public company so therefore if revenues are down...... no problem the tax payer will keep it a float. BEE is harder to get around as its built into the constution. A company has to employ a certain amount of PDI's otherwise they are breaking the law - rightly or wrongly.

What concerns me is if the CAA is downgraded, it will have huge ramification across the aviation industry. Revenue will be down for the airlines resulting in loss of jobs and lets face it lads the market is already floody as it is. Our training industry will go to seed as not a lot of foreigners will be willing to come here for training. Not only this, but other countries will not recogonise are licences. Not to mention what it would do for our tourism industry. The list is endless..........

CAA CHIEF and ALWAYS INVERTED - Keep those comments coming. Dirty laudary is always interesting..........
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 15:19
  #26 (permalink)  
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Serious Stuff!!

Hey Knoppiesdoorn

Serious stuff for a rumour network. But I am a sucker for taking the bait when it means getting something done with an institution which impacts on all of us.

Here's a proposal

Why do we not do a "Peoples Report on the State of our Aviation Regulator" (sounds sufficently PC does it not.)

Addressed to:
1. Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Transport
2. The Presidency
3. Minister of Transport
4. Chairman of the CAA Board.

Maybe c.c. to the press.

Content: Here's the crunch

We need to document ACCURATELY the stories about the mlfunctioning of the CAA which have been posted on Pprune and the many more unposted tales out there.

They should be supported by documentation where possible.

The report should be developed into an analysis of the underlying problems illustrated by actual events.

The language should sound a dispassionate yet damning account of where we are heading to with the CAA. i.e. we can't necessary have some of the slagging which Pprune affords us as it will simply devaluate the impact of the report.

I would be willing to compile the report and post it for comments before we pass it on to these luminaries.

The question is would Ppruners be up to it?
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 15:24
  #27 (permalink)  
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Always Inverted..

I may not have agreed on points previously, and may not again..

BUT - this one you have nailed perfectly..

Good on ya. If something, anything, comes of this, then it can only be an improvement.

CAA Chief - come back - PLEASE.

The last time we spoke was after Hansie's plane went in and some friends and I had shot the approaches and reciprocals on the sim - at least CAA were listening then and were actually doing something.



<edit> sorry A-I, it's the residual heat or whatever that I don't agree with - you, I do..

<edit#2> Chief - Im'e IN
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 15:33
  #28 (permalink)  
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Wonderful thread! Given the implications to the South African economy in terms of tourism etc. Would this subject not have HUGE interest for Carte Blanche??
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 15:51
  #29 (permalink)  
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I have been following this post with interest, over the last few days and came to the equation that all, that has been said, is good and well, but hell, these STUFF needs to come out!! Why not tip off the guys at Special Assignment or so to go and have a look and bring all these rotten stuff that has been happening there to the surface!!!!! I spoke to a mate of mine yesterday, who is not involved in the aviation at all and he could not believe what I was telling him, about what might happen if our CAA gets downgraded! I.e the general public out there does not have a clue what disaster is about to take place!! This does not effect just everyone in the SA Aviation, but the whole infrastructure of this country will fall to pieces!! My personal opinion from what I could gather from the post on this topic: too much damage has been done to fix before the FAA will be back
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 16:22
  #30 (permalink)  
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Life,s shot flypast,
I agree with you , let Carte Blanche duo go and snoop around the CAA.
Does anybody know where or how to contact either Ruda or Derek?
I think Carte Blanche will do the trick as we have seen the results of the Mpum. saga on last sunday,s broacast.
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 16:51
  #31 (permalink)  
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Just a thought but has anyone heard anything about any interest in this from the ICAO.

My understanding is that a downgrade from the FAA “only” causes problems for SA planes flying to the US and [if they downgrade because of everything not just maintenance standards] N reg flying here, but if the ICAO finds your no longer in accordance with their guidelines you are * * - you can’t fly to or over a “compliant contracting state”.

After the Ansett debacle the ICAO I belive threatened CASA with this – CASA rewrote some Regs, the head resigned “due to industry criticism” and the smell coming from the CASA offices and Qantas was BAD.

I was going to say Australia was “saved” by “high level intervention” and wonder if SA has the same clout – but then realised that they do – if this in known in the States the anti apartheid lobby will be back out in force, after all the new SA is their success and any criticism of it will at some stage be spun into racism.

Anyone may correct me – if it’s someone like CAA Chief I won’t even argue
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 17:34
  #32 (permalink)  
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Hi Trevor,

I like your suggestion and will support you all the way, but do we have the time for that?

I have already sent Carte Blanche an e-mail on their website but maybe somebody has a personal contact there.

As for ICAO........ they can help in a big way but there are some serious protocol. So far there has been no response from a suggestion. In the end they can do no more than publish their findings. They have a Technical Co-operation Bureau which will provide experts in various fields to assist, but the request have to come from Government level. But we don't need them we have all the expertise here in this "beloved country of mine"
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 18:58
  #33 (permalink)  
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I have been reading this thread with great interest over the last couple of weeks. Trevor it’s great having you onboard a forum again, and it is especially great to that you are open and forthright about what is happening in the circus. (The only one in town where the clowns get mad when the people laugh at them.)

There are a great number of aviators among us that still believe that the worst thing that could have happened in SA aviation was the day you left SACAA, at least then decisions were made that kept the industry alive and moving forward.

On that note, I have heard from reliable sources that apparently just prior to leaving the CAA you signed a examination policy change to the effect that CPL and ATPL examinations may be written individually ie, no carrying of three subjects but each subject passed was carried for a period. I believe that a number of CAA affirmative appointees wrote their exams in this manner. (One apparently writing Nav or instruments? 3 times in one week.) I do not believe that this is leveling the playing field for the rest of the industry. Don’t get me wrong I applaud the initial decision because, as an instructor, I am of the opinion that if you allow the student time for decent study, the material is internalized and better understood, rather than testing the short memory capacity and hit and miss method currently employed. My question though is if you did indeed approve this why are only EE CAA employees getting this dispensation?
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 19:05
  #34 (permalink)  
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I wasn’t actually thinking of ICAO helping – I was thinking of the ramifications of them becoming interested which they should be now and certainly will be if the FAA does downgrade SA.
But if the SACAA asked them for help the FAA [I think] would be unlikely to downgrade while ICAO were assisting SACAA – on the other hand the FAA probably wouldn’t downgrade if the SACAA asked them for help, and the chance of the SACAA admitting something is wrong makes the above mote points.
There is a fun political game that could be played if the SACAA requested and PASSED an ICAO Audit before the FAA deadline – but it relies on them PASSING an audit

What can be done – CAA Chief has told everyone – get it in writing to “responsible parties”, thus taking away their “plausible deniability” – BUT it must be done or at least sent by someone with Clout backed up by LOTS of signatures from pilots, engineers, ATCO’s etc etc, without this it’ll be passed off as “sour grapes”.
NOTE – that’s NOT saying it will be sour grapes, just that this would be the spin.

CAA Chief – if you get the support (and looks like you might) my terminal and time is yours – just tell me how I can help and I’ll a plan make.
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Old 20th Sep 2005, 21:48
  #35 (permalink)  
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Thumbs up CAA Chief - I'm In

CAA Chief

I'll kick off with a concrete case of CAA inaction, if not corruption.

Operator flying charter (for government nogal) in DC9 is found to have overflown flight and duty times at least on 9 occassions in a three and a half month period. In one case 18 hours in one day (FAJS-FWKI-FLND-FNLU-FKKD-DNMM-DGAA), more than 17 hours on another. All flight folios available and signed by captain (ex CAA employee).

This would minimally incur a suspension of your AOC by most credible regulatory authorities. What with the endangerment of pax lives, annulling insurance cover, etc.

All data given to CAA inspector who reportedly recommended drastic action.

Outcome: Senior management recommends a fireside chat and a slap on the wrist for the operator. Keep on flying boet ... until you and how many unfortunate souls land up amidst mangled metal.

Data on these flights, including signed flight folios by the captain available.

Name of Inspector known.

Matter handled to the CAA in July 2005.

Ineffective enough for your report CAA Chief? Fishy by my books!

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Old 21st Sep 2005, 12:17
  #36 (permalink)  
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Yes, I suppose I am a cynic.
What I think is: THEY don't care if it stops working!!
The only thing of relevance is "SKIN COLOUR" !!!!!
The previous crowd had 350 years of play-time, now it's OUR turn!
We will have ALL fields of whatever ruled by skin colour! They don't care if the teams lose! So long as they have enough.....skin colour! They don't care if a system fails due to lack of currently qualified people of skin colour, so long as the right skin colour is there!
I know, there are plenty of "hot" line pilots in the world who are black....Astronauts/test-pilots....etc. Point is the authorities in SA (and the people<the people in Zim are HAPPY with Bob or he wouldn't be repeatedly voted in>) want skin colour ( like the previous "regime") to be the alfa and omega of all skills/representations!
If the hallowed National Carrier has to stop flying to USA for a few months/ years untill enough officials of "colour" at CAA are "suitably" qualified, FINE! America get lost! Europe get lost!
We'll make friends with Cuba/Iran etc.....we'll even give them nuke technology too!
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Old 21st Sep 2005, 16:40
  #37 (permalink)  
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I think the report would be an excellent idea. I think its time that we as pilots stop complaning and actually do something about the situation. The press needs to know about this too. Special assignment or Carte Blanche would be the perfect place to start. It seems that some of special assignments stories on police corruption have resulted in some positive action by the parties responsible. I agree with African Tech Rep - it needs to be compiled by someone with clout and signed by pilots, mechanics, engineers, etc. I would be more than happy to help in any way I can.
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Old 21st Sep 2005, 17:41
  #38 (permalink)  
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.... interesting that it comes just as United, U.S., Delta, NWA + any other airlines going into Ch 11 this week aim to increase their profitable international networks.
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Old 21st Sep 2005, 18:01
  #39 (permalink)  
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Bird Lady.

your 100% correct.
something should be done and fast or south africa will become just like Zambia, Zim ,just to name a few. and how about the dep of transport. they are also a bunch of corrupt people looking for hand out. and there biggest customer is SAA.

let all get together and fight and bring back all the great ones.

At least back then South Africa CAA had respect!!!!
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Old 21st Sep 2005, 18:27
  #40 (permalink)  
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