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thetimesreader84 9th Jan 2017 17:56

I belly flopped into the pool just before Christmas. Since then, despite asking BA recruitment where I stand, no idea when or if I'll get the call. All they would say is "we've met our recruitment requirements for 2017 with cadets and DEP rated. If you haven't been called in 12 months, we'll give you another 6 months. If nothing after that, we'll discuss your options". Not the most confidence inspiring!

For record, Bus rated, applied on the initial non rated recruitment in 2015, put on hold for a few months as I (at that time) didn't meet the criteria for LH. Sim check was December 2016.

Jwscud 9th Jan 2017 18:49

Latest internal rumour is some form of recruitment to restart - whether that is assessments for those already going through the system, FPP or new additions I don't know.

The source for this is one of the recruitment guys I met in the sim not too long ago.

FACoff 9th Jan 2017 23:02

Originally Posted by FoxChaRomeo (Post 9635146)
FACoff - when/from whom did you hear that? I've literally had nothing official since the congratulations email, and have only gleaned from others that start dates for rated swimmers might be around July.

I was told late 2017 from recruitment directly (unless there was a "considerable change" in their intake plan). A chap not far behind me said he'd been told early 2018. That said I've only been in the pool since mid November, so even for the 320 I'd expect to be well down the list.

Frankly though if BA's recruitment department bears even the slightest similarity to that of my current airline then their requirements will change more than my Mrs before a night out. Fingers crossed it's sooner rather than later.

GOS 16th Jan 2017 17:45

Everyone else in the pool get the email this evening? Pretty gutted truth be told.

Saab0409 16th Jan 2017 18:28

Yep, got it as well. Went from master caution to master warning light. My end of hold pool, even with the 18 month extension, only barely reaches October. Seeing as I did my sim early last year... So fingers are definitely crossed.

basiljet 16th Jan 2017 18:40

Me too. Hoping it's just sort of confirmation of the last email but with more clarity. Anyone else looking to go elsewhere. Think I will have to dust off the cv and start applying just in case. Hope they know about 2018 within the next 6 months.

shabon 16th Jan 2017 19:37

just out of interest guys what did the email say regarding BA's recruitment plans?

Callsign Kilo 16th Jan 2017 20:03

I feel for you guys

It all sounds quite familiar. I was in the pool in 2011 and it was extended from 12 to 18 months after the bmi takeover was announced. The goal posts moved considerably during that time as PP34 replaced PP24 and seniority numbers changed massively after the bmi guys were TUPE'd in (their first round of FPP cadets also entered the list around this time too). Me & around 70 others sank however, unexpectedly and in complete contrast to forecast coming from BA, recruitment re-opened a little over a year later. Those who were in the pool had to go through selection again and quite a few are now flying for BA! I moved on elsewhere and I believe I'm better for it.

I hope it works out for everyone. I know how you feel, however BA isn't the be all and end all; as much as it may seem to be at the present time.

Love_joy 17th Jan 2017 10:06

Does anyone know if you need to have started with them before hold pool expiry, or simply received an offer/contract?

Callsign Kilo 17th Jan 2017 10:24

Offer of a course date

VJW 17th Jan 2017 12:34

Got the email too. I'm not really that worried, then again I expire in March 2018. To be honest, I'd be shocked if people ahead of me sink in the pool, just for the sake of a couple extra months. The email confirmed what I thought based on their last one- no jobs really until 2018. I do find it funny though that the FPP cadets will join to the 320 no problem this year. People with zero hours who'll get the same T&C's as myself (I could be mistaken) and others on joining, are of more 'value' to the company than someone bringing thousands of hours of experience.

However, having taken 3 attempts to jump into the pool, I'd rather be in it, than having to think about a 4th go at it :)

EMB-145LR 17th Jan 2017 14:40

The FPPs are on a reduced salary, starting on about £30k I think. BA have also invested a lot in them, so it makes sense that they would want to get them flying as soon as there is a need.

E170 17th Jan 2017 15:03

Could anybody please clarify what the EMail stated?
Are you NonRated and for how long have you been in the pool?
I did not receive any mail so far.

Thanks a lot for your help

Mizar 17th Jan 2017 17:50

Originally Posted by EMB-145LR (Post 9644115)
The FPPs are on a reduced salary, starting on about £30k I think. BA have also invested a lot in them, so it makes sense that they would want to get them flying as soon as there is a need.

EMB 145 How much would be again the DEP salary at the bottom?

EMB-145LR 17th Jan 2017 22:31

Originally Posted by Mizar (Post 9644312)
EMB 145 How much would be again the DEP salary at the bottom?

At the moment I think it's just over £55k.

wiggy 18th Jan 2017 06:27


I do find it funny though that the FPP cadets will join to the 320 no problem this year. People with zero hours who'll get the same T&C's as myself (I could be mistaken) and others on joining, are of more 'value' to the company than someone bringing thousands of hours of experience.
I'm afraid if you think previous experience counts for much in your early days in BA you are going to be sadly disappointed, you're seen as just another mouth to feed/number on a list by management once you hit the line. OTOH there's no doubt experience might help down the road if you can get to the interview stage for something such as training (but see my final para). As others have pointed out BA have already invested in the FPPs.

(FWIW back in the day I joined BA as an X,000 hour "trainer" and even 3-4 years later didn't even have the seniority to get an interview for a training position on the fleet I was on....seniority in company really is everything.)

VJW 18th Jan 2017 12:55

Not sure my comment was interpreted correctly. I was obviously mistaken and that FPP's T&C's are less than those of DEP's. My point was had that not been the case, it would be strange if BA preferred a cadet...That's be confirmed by EMB that that isn't the case.

Won't stop me using my experience that 'doesn't count for much'- when actually on the line with BA.

polepilot 18th Jan 2017 17:10

Am i right in saying that 2018 is busier for recuitment due to deliveries of A350's, some neos and 787's? And i guess the 18 months in the pool cannot be extended?

thetimesreader84 19th Jan 2017 09:54

I still haven't had this email. A good sign?

Would anyone care to give me the contents? PM if necessary.


VJW 19th Jan 2017 11:55

thetimesreader84 When did you pass the SIM and are you 320 rated? I'd check my junk folder before thinking it was a good sign.

thetimesreader84 19th Jan 2017 13:35

Yes, bus rated, and passed the sim in December.

Trust me, my in box, out box, junk mail have all been constantly refreshed ever since the sim, no joy.

wiggy 19th Jan 2017 13:45


Won't stop me using my experience that 'doesn't count for much'- when actually on the line with BA.
No criticism intended, I promise you people on the line won't have a problem with experience, you've just got to get past the recruitment process which is driven mainly by the accountants.....who regard experience as "unaccountable."

Good luck, hope it all works out for you.

VJW 19th Jan 2017 15:12

thetimesreader84 I'd say you're too early in the pool to get the email update, but being bus rated you might be someone they are planning on still calling for 2017. From what they sent me it appears there are currently no more positions SH or LH in 2017. I'd assume that means all offers for DEP have already been made. I could be wrong, but I'd give up refreshing your email, they'll get in touch when they need us.

thetimesreader84 19th Jan 2017 16:33


Thanks for that. I'm trying to take any positives I can at the moment to be honest. I'd hate to have to go back to the start of the process again. In the absence of any more info from BA I'll settle in for a long wait...

EMB-145LR 19th Jan 2017 17:15

The latest Chief Pilot update released today confirmed that the last few DEPs for 2017 are either now onboard or have confirmed course dates in the next month or so. The rest of our 2017 intake will be FPPs. No mention of how 2018 is shaping up, however, 2017 was always going to be quiet. Long haul expansion picks up again next year.

4468 19th Jan 2017 19:34

Long haul expansion picks up again next year.

On what basis?

EMB-145LR 19th Jan 2017 19:52

Depends on who you ask. Some are saying that the further 787s provide future expansion. The A350s are deferred, but will eventually replace the 747s.

E170 22nd Jan 2017 11:04

thank you very much for sharing your information from the Chief Pilot. May I ask you where you get these details from?
I am in the exact same situation as thetimesreader. Would be interesting, wether all their DEP candidates have already been contacted or they are still getting in touch with us?
Planning the DEP Dates and scheduling specific candidates are two separate stories. Aren´t they?

EMB-145LR 22nd Jan 2017 12:08

No problem, E170. The Chief Pilots release a Flight Ops video update on the company intranet most weeks, all of this info is from the most recent one of those.

My understanding is that all those that are scheduled for courses this year have already been contacted. It's a good to remember that things are always very fluid though, and extra courses may be added as plans changes. It's hard to tell with BA, the plan changes constantly.

polepilot 22nd Jan 2017 12:15

When you speak of a350 aircraft being deferred does that mean none for 2018?
British Airways pares fleet plan, seeks job cuts | Business Standard News
looking at this article cant say I am to confident about getting a call.......

Heathrow09L 22nd Jan 2017 14:34

Seems like Mr Cruz is rapidly changing BA into a low cost carrier, I guess bringing in a CEO from a low cost outfit is soon rubbing into BA which is a shame.

RexBanner 22nd Jan 2017 14:59

I'd just like to add here that nothing has actually been confirmed about the deferrals.

bex88 23rd Jan 2017 07:38

Pole pilot. That's a good article and confirms suspicion on the line. It has been felt for a while that BA was in danger of over recruiting. I think we have over recruited and I would support this by saying look at the CAP levels. Never has it been so low but then again in the last 5 years we have been so very short of pilots so perhaps this is a reflection of what normal crewing levels should look like during the winter program. The change from FPA to flying pay is no coincidence either. Everywhere you look BA is being trimmed down and modernisation is being attempted. It is only pilot recruitment and mixed fleet cabin crew which has continued and that's probably because we were so short. My reserve months in the past were so busy you never saw home but recently I was calling BA and asking to fly only to be told "sorry we don't have anything" The real indications will come in the summer, if we see CAP return to normal levels of 88 rather than the current 72 then recruitment will have had it spot on.

What needs to be kept in mind is that recruitment over the last two years has been exceptional not normal and it would be expected to slow significantly.

Deferred aircraft? The cleaners said so and they know first. They told me we own our 747's and the cost per seat kilometre was significantly less with fuel prices as they are forecast to remain in the period 2017-20. The deferral of orders is in response to weakening of yield on the Atlantic and in Europe and this is the response so that shareholder dividends can see a return of 10-12%. Adding to that of the recent raise of the base rate by the FED capital is also becoming more expensive reducing the efficiency savings of the newer aircraft. To say I was surprised to be having such a conversation from the most reliable source in BA was a understatement.

A340Yumyum 28th Jan 2017 15:57

Our CAP (777) is norm + 2hours in Mar?

bex88 28th Jan 2017 20:22

CAP - 8.24 A320 P1 and -6.24 A320 P2. When does the summer schedule start?

wiggy 28th Jan 2017 20:43

The cleaners said so and they know first. They told me we own our 747's
Minor point but the cleaners info might be out of date! I believe the rumour might have been true for the old Classics back in the day but certainly a lot of the 744s used to carry a nice shiney plate riveted to the flightdeck wall structure saying which bank ( often a Japanese one) was financing the airframe, though I guess there's a chance that arrangement has changed.

In any event whatever the truth of the above I do agree with the comments about CAP and (over) recruiting.

In BA AFAIK the "summer season" usually kicks in when the clocks change...i.e. usually the last weekend in March..in any event .you can usually tell by the amount of deadheading in the lines....

bex88 29th Jan 2017 15:13

Wiggy, I DH each month at least once recently. April will show us more but I think the evidence shows we are in surplus unless the recruitment has been front loaded so captains can be allowed off to LH later in the year.

Dairyground 29th Jan 2017 19:23

The cleaners said so and they know first. They told me we own our 747's
Minor point but the cleaners info might be out of date! I believe the rumour might have been true for the old Classics back in the day but certainly a lot of the 744s used to carry a nice shiney plate riveted to the flightdeck wall structure saying which bank ( often a Japanese one) was financing the airframe, though I guess there's a chance that arrangement has changed.

According to the most recent BA annual report (for year ending December 2015) there were 40 747-400 on the Balance Sheet as fixed assets and none on operating leases. So it looks like BA own them all.

wiggy 29th Jan 2017 20:04

Thank's, Out of interest I wonder if they've taken the bankers plates off?

back to Boeing 29th Jan 2017 20:25

Originally Posted by wiggy (Post 9657724)
Thank's, Out of interest I wonder if they've taken the bankers plates off?

No they haven't.

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