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lfrk 26th Apr 2008 16:03

cityjet = very, very good money even for a F/O, cool plane or funy is better ! and very good first experience and that's it.

A lot of weird points for a medium airline like cityjet and own by a urge one (A/L, Roster, communication, crewing) should be fixed but it's not gonna change they just don't care I think, so get experience, few hundreds, hours on jet and leave.....to an other with other problems...

but obviously when you don't have a job it's just fantastic to start with....and then you have a roster, you call crewing....and blablabla....

zorglub 1st May 2008 13:34

having an interview with cityjet in few days for a DEC.
I am looking for informations about this interview and then the selection process.
If somebody can help !
thanks a million .

Jetfella 2nd May 2008 16:24

Hi Zorglub,
usually psychometric tests,appr0x 6,verbal reasoning,mathematical comprehension,spatial orientation.Very straightforward,and of course as we all know,,if your brilliant and score in the hi 90s,you wont get hired!,aim for mr average pilot,somewhere in the middle.Anyway,the tests are not a big deal.
Interview,usually with the chief bottle washer,and someone from HR.No technical questions,coz neither are tech minded.If your experienced they will be desperate for you to join,and thus will bombard you with promise about fixed rosters,free flights,loadsa time with your family etc etc...,,its quite transparent,and all bull.
If your a family guy,,,not the company for you.Single?,dont mind not getting A/L,and no fixed roster?,you might just like it.
London is where the big demand is for left seaters,but a disastrous base.(apart from the great crew there,who are now being blamed for delays etc,duh,,see rj tech ,see dispatchers!),
interesting to see the reaction to cityflyer starting LCY/DUB 3 times daily,and NICE.An expensive failure LCY,need any more pmme,,ciao...za

Pat_Mustard 14th May 2008 16:08

whats the latest in cityjet....gone very quiet here.....jetfella any news for us???

Mr Angry from Purley 14th May 2008 20:32

If your a family guy,,,not the company for you. Strange, 2 Pilots i know leaving my airline for that reason, time off with family etc, hope not the grass is green job :\

Jetfella 15th May 2008 19:17

quality of life
:confused:I believe the common thread for 95% of us 35-45yr old guys and gals,is the desire for quality of life.What does it mean?,a balance on giving what you can to your employer,and getting your down time in return,and a reasonable expectation that you will get a/l,and also that you wont be called on your days off with changes etc.Basically a chance to forget your a Pilot/Cabin Crew,for a few precious days,before returning to work refreshed,and not confrontational.
Few companies can achieve this ideal,but quite a lot have realised they need to keep the folks upfront sweet,and have improved conditions for employees.
Cityjet do no such thing unfortunately.Maybe its because they have hands full with legal actions left right and centre,maybe they are pressurising crewing staff too much.Whatever the reason,they,make a whole lotta promises and deliver diddly squat.The company is in a mess unfortunately,and it stems from the "air france" mentality.Meaning,historically,big brother has been there with wads of cash to bail em out.This is no longer the case in these days of rising fuel costs and fierce competition my friends!
You cant buy pilots nowadays,the lifestyle thing has to fit.
How many capts and f/os have had to scream down the fone,or be screamed at on a regular basis,when in fact,a simpler way exists.Noone in wx is smart enough to see this big picture.There exist a large band of merry men and women called "HR" at Wx,their job?,well,,thats the embarrassing bit,shuffle a pen between coffee breaks,catch the latest gossip,hang out in the corridor.It has never occurred to anyone of them apparently what HR actually means.
The top ten companies to work for,know exactly what it means.
Sure,not everyone is gonna be happy all the time,but a compromise can exist between company and employee,hence my reason for saying wx is not for a family guy/gal.
Perfect for a 250hr cadet,twentysomething,single,cut off my right hand for a job...but alas for the more experienced pilots,its just not an option,
anyway,its such a shame,because a smart whizzkid could stir that place up,but its not gonna happen.
too many dinosaurs......ciao za

ragnarok 16th May 2008 01:50

One day or another you reap what you sow...

ragnarok 21st May 2008 20:12

By the way, Jetfella there are now 22 people taking them to court in Paris. The investigation by the Gendarmerie des Transports Aeriens under the supervision of the O.C.L.T.I ( Office Centrale de lutte contre le travail illegal ) is still taking place : auditions of Paris based crew in ORY as well as CDG, Cityjet is slowly starting to pay for the C.R.P.N (retirement pension in France)... to quote a song : "Finally the tables are starting to turn
Talkin' bout a revolution"

cityworld 26th May 2008 10:22

gone very quiet
whats happening in wx all is quiet at the moment did the employees have success in there court case against the company?.has the conditions improved

Serenity 29th May 2008 10:10

Can anyone (particularly f/o`s) give me an idea of salaries, rosters, nightstops, future plans at LCY??


lfrk 29th May 2008 21:45

Salary between 2500 and 5000 euros depends on experience for and S/O or F/O,

roster depends on months sometimes you're lucky guy so it's perfect sometimes you're the feelings to be the really bad guy just crap.

Roster now it's 4,5 or 6,7 days trip because we take over the paris network..a lot of overnights 12-16 a months a least till november (next schedule change) usually 6ON 3OFF depends, but guaranty for cpt and F/0 with 6 months in the company, S/O are F....ked

future euh the communication is so bad in the company that no one knows nothing !! even at the top of the management, AF gives orders and Cityjet does what AF wants !! it's the reallity the management people have 0 power.

Otherwise it's really good to start, as I said or wrote before get hours, APTL or commands, money and leave for bigger !! you cannot plan for age too unstable.

Good luke

DinoCraft9 5th Jun 2008 21:32

I recently attended to the non aviation aptitude tests and what u can expect is just the common psichometric test, 4 parts plenty of numerical (not too difficult and reasonable time), then the sequences of 4 pictures and u gotta guess the next, then comes mechanical (ex: a system consisting of 3 gears with one of them given a cw o ccw movement and u must determine the way the last one will spin...) basicaly phisics grafical exercises and the last part the spatial (they show u a given geometric form in flat paper and then 4 possible views of the..say a cube and you choose the only one correct
After these 30 min coffee break and finally the personality questionaire, some 190 questions like 'I prefer stay at home and do some work on my own' or 'You cannot trust anyone cause they'll always deceive you' or sort of... The last 10 or 12 qs are verbal reasoning which weren't too hard neither (...even for me; a non english native)

The whole session was conducted by a friendly HR person, nice and easy going morning...

Results are ready in a week or so and if succesful they contact u quite in a short time for an interview...

Don't know what's next as haven't got any further (yet, I hope...)

I hope this helps, good luck!

Mister Geezer 5th Jun 2008 22:16

Top tip... if you are thinking of joining CityJet then do so as a contractor and not as a employee. Far better deal as a contractor regarding rosters and the general quality of life.

JonnyTheCrayfish 12th Jun 2008 17:08

no jacket or tie required, this directly from Ms Black :ok:

acebaxter 13th Jun 2008 05:12

I would wear what I thought the interviewers would be wearing. If you are overdressed it's easy to lose the jacket and tie. If you are underdressed it can be difficult to find one on short notice.

In my 18 months as a contractor there I never saw management at the office with an open collar.

Just food for thought. Best of luck on the career.

leftbank 22nd Jun 2008 14:22

Based on my experience - good advice Ace. Interviewers had ties, jackets on back of chairs. Not sure that they were "Chief Cook and Bottle Washers", or even HR, as suggested elsewhere, seemed to know a bit about flying aircraft. A warm up few minutes on the CV for starters, why interested in CityJet etc. some operating scenarios leading to technical discussion, check on hours and quals, run through Ts&Cs. Friendly enough, hard to gauge success/fail.

Happy Wanderer 24th Jun 2008 16:40

I've been asked to post a couple of Qs by a mate (honest!) who's got an interview lined up at LCY with Citijet.

* What's the typical take-home pay (ie after tax, assuming it IS taxed!) for SOs and FOs?

* Do you have to self-fund RJ type rating training costs?

* If not, what are the bonding arrangements?



5Papa 25th Jun 2008 11:16

You don't have to fund it yourself. You will be bonded for three years for total sum of 25.000E. So if you leave after one year you'll have to pay 16.666E, if you leave after two years you pay 8.888E.

For new SO's, first three months you get 1.000E net a month. Next three months ca. 2.500E net a month. Next six months ca. 3000E net a month.

FO's (so with at least 1500 hrs and ATPL): add to every figure about 1.000E.

Chirpy Pilot 25th Jun 2008 13:24

Do most of the crews have a touring roster, ie can you apply for max night stops or minimum night stops. I have an interview cominig up for a direct entry command, and my main concern will be time away. Does Cityjet night stop in Birmingham. Thanks in advance

5Papa 26th Jun 2008 12:30

LCY and DUB people are on tours alot indeed. So 4, 5 or even 6 day trips. You can't really apply for max or min nightstops. So yes you will be away alot probably. CityJet does nightstop in BHX.

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