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giorgino 6th Oct 2006 18:47

At last!!!!!!!!!!!!!somebody answered my question.....

Dear A4 thank you very much indeed!!!:D:D:D

AbeamPoints 7th Oct 2006 09:47

Umm, no. This whole thread degenerated because it was mentioned that Ryanair will and do take pilots from all over the place as long as they have a JAA licence. This is evident whenever you hear a concentration of Ryanair callsigns as a great many are in faltering English with a heavy accent, often Eastern European. Not to mention the sheer volume of their Eastern European cabin crew you see walking to work in the mornings and later hear making their interesting PA's.

Knock low level.

Paris go around.

Stansted RVR.

Rome bank angle.

Skavska landing.

I don't need a crystal ball.


Kraut 7th Oct 2006 17:02


What was the originator of this thread realy asking for?:confused:

Rallye EI-BFP 7th Oct 2006 21:13

Originally Posted by ecam actions 320 (Post 2891525)
Hi everybody,

I had to expartriate a few years ago to fly the Airbus 320 in another continent.
I now would like to come back to my native Europe.
I was thinking about Easyjet.
But does anyone know some details about that company ??
*First of all, what about taxes over salaries ?? I know that taxes in germany are as high as 50%. Does that mean that I have to divide those numbers by 2 to get the real wage ??
*And I saw they fly 5 days early/3 off and 5 days late/3 off.
But does that mean they only fly halves days ??
*And then how much hours/ month do a pilot make ??
*After how much time can I expect to command ??
*And of course what about general working environment ??

Thanks for answering.

Dont know bout Easyjet, but if you are B737 rated Ryanair may be a good option. Captains get €130,000 a year. Their website has a good description of whats on offer. A few dozen airports you can base yourself at too.

Kraut 8th Oct 2006 10:45

Its your right to praize RYAN, but I think ECAM was asking for AIRBUS/EZY conditions?

-we, EZY, are not flying half days. In fact, our days are most on high FDT.
- no, you are not paying 50% tax in Germany, because we pay our tax primarily in the UK
- general working conditions are a personal point of view. Some (more) like it, some (less?) hate it. Sorry, but what you mean by "general working consitions"? T&C´s are written firm.
- we are not flying 5/3/5/3 in fact soon 5/3/5/4

but if you search on our website EZY.com and in this forum, there are (nearly) all infos about EZY dicussed.
NORMAN STANLEY FLETCHER is answering this questions usually in a very precise style over and over again
Have a look at his profile.:ok:

approach320 8th Oct 2006 11:42

Ecam actions, I know conditions at EAsy are pretty good... Pretty enjoyable and good people to work with..

Anyway...I would like to know more about where you flew the BUs320 before..and how you got there...You can PM if you like..:)

Happy flyings!!:ok:

ForzaLazio 8th Oct 2006 13:41

Originally Posted by Norman Stanley Fletcher (Post 2885133)
easyJet is not Ryanair - we are not roaming round the world looking for anyone who has some form of flying licence. I have the screening document in front of me that will be used to assess your application. You, alas, will not get past that phase if they know you have an FAA ATPL. If you mislead them and turn up at an interview without the necessary licence your assessment day will stop there and then - you will not be asked back. They will be seriously hacked off if you have taken up one of their valuable slots at an assessment day when you are not employable. I personally would strongly advise you against applying until you have the correct licence.

what about Thomsonfly then? on their website they accepted resume from 737 rated pilot with an FAA ATP

Nice Touch 8th Oct 2006 19:17

FL-exactly the point made ten thousand years ago when this post started.
Seriously if ever a company existed that put stupid ideas, ill thought-out initiatives and the incessant orange bullish**it before profit it is easy.
Look at some of the "professional attitudes" that have stood as the voices of reason-beaten and licked they have retreated without a word-NSF-MM and others-their silence presumably a measure of there maturity and professionalism. Christ what hypocrites. I have had the honor of watching some of the best 73 pilots operate in the time I have been at Ryan. Russian-Hungarian-Croatian and the fantastic Brazilians and all the rest of europe. Many train, have backgrounds NSF and side kick MM, and I, could only dream about-bring them on -they can fly my wife and kids any day.
This has nothing to do with bigging up Ryan-simply if you make the grade-your welcome-there are issues with Ryan-but inequality-opportunity and a challenge that a motivated pilot would thrive under is not one of them.
Apply now and ********* to easy's screening document.

ecam actions 320 8th Oct 2006 19:47

Thank you guys for all those informations.

Rallye, I saw about Ryanair, but I´m not typed on 737, only now flying the A 320.

Kraut, Copied everything you said. I will take a look about that.
About general working environment, I mean the atmosphere between Capt-FO, and with the cabin crew.

And what about the time to command for a new entry guy ???

Happy landings.

ChocksAwayUK 8th Oct 2006 19:54

Can a mod, or Syktrekker (the threadstarter), correct the title to "EZY Questions, Ranting Loonies", please?

Marvo 9th Oct 2006 09:39

May I suggest to the original poster that you get in touch with the CAA about transfering your licence. I flew yesterday (Ryanair) with a guy who recently arrived from overseas. He has to complete all 14 CAA exams but the caa can give exemptions for experience I am led to believe.

Not wishing to add to the flames, this chaps RT was poor but I found him to be a good operator. I do feel that FR have been trawling for pilots but I think it is pretty unproffesional to judge someones ability purley on there R/T!.

Norman Stanley Fletcher's posts are ALWAYS honest and accurate. He went out of his way to help me personally recently and I believe he treats people as he finds them irrespective of who they work for.

Pixie Pants 9th Oct 2006 09:45

Hi all! Does anyone know where I might find info on the easyjet interview day? Or if has anyone attended it recently might be able to give me a heads up?

PGA 9th Oct 2006 15:14

Can anybody please explain what the easy requirements are for a senior f/o. The websites makes it look like its just an ATPL but am wondering if there is more to it then just having an unfrozen license.

thanks in advance

ROSCO328 9th Oct 2006 15:39

Just about to start with Easy and an atpl is all you require to be upgraded from Fo to Sfo. All the best:ok:

PGA 9th Oct 2006 15:42

ah thats good news, was just curious since I`m going next year, have my contract with the F-ATPL salary but by the time I move I will have my ATPL with a bit of luck, just wondering how easy the upgrade to the higher salary will be....don`t know if they`re fuzzy if I signed for the f-atpl salary

outofsynch 10th Oct 2006 10:07

Ecam, it is a very frinedly place, among the crew. So friendly in fact I have wondered, at times, if the Purser was in command.....................

Time to command depends on sim performance etc, but unlikely to be less than two years due to the queue!

Kraut 10th Oct 2006 21:08

Originally Posted by Nice Touch (Post 2896868)
......... they have retreated without a word-NSF-MM and others-their silence presumably a measure of there maturity and professionalism. ...

You got it, NICE TOUCH! Maturity and professionalism makes it mandatory to stop a discussion with you!:=

monkeyboy 11th Oct 2006 11:39

Yet another EZY question post!!
Quick one.

Been offered a job on the bus (1st choice LPL) but was advised that line training would probably be out of LGW.

Bearing in mind that I'm doing the TRSS route, do easyJet pay for your accommodation if you do your line training elsewhere, or do they simply make your base the same base that you do your line training out of, hence no requirement for "away-from-base" payments?

PS: Have already emailed "the horse's mouth"....and still waiting for a reply.... :)


Pizzaro 12th Oct 2006 13:20


Do you start getting paid only when you've completed the type rating if you are on TRSS? If so how long doed the TR take?

Regards P.

ScandiAviator 12th Oct 2006 14:53

Monkeyboy - you might have your line training at other bases than your allocated base. In that case EZY will of course provide accommodation and transportation from your base.

Pizzaro - On TRSS you get paid from the day you do the Skill test on the conversion course. approx. 1½ month

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