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Norman Stanley Fletcher 4th Oct 2006 10:58

skytrekker - first of all my apologies for turning this thread in another direction and that was not my intention. I will not be making further comments after this one in order to let the debate continue along the subject originally discussed. Please PM me with an e-mail address and some salient details and I will make some enquiries on your behalf.

Regarding manning figures, I hear conflicting reports and know that we are keeping our head above water, but only just for the reasons given. It is certainly true that any delays or unexpected sickness can put us over the edge and we end up subbing out, but the crisis of the summer is significantly improved. Others will have a wider picture and I will leave that to them to discuss.

Cavelino rampante - I normally do not bother replying to comments like yours but I will make an exception. I would not be so foolish as to assume anything about you based on your comments - you know less than nothing about me and are really not in a position to make any judgement about any aspect of my life and character. Like many people who rant forth about other people's prejudices, your zeal for your cause makes you reply to comments that were not actually made - that is prejudice. I did not say that pilots from round the world lacked good airmanship because they do not have UK JAR licences - I have said they are not employable at easyJet or any UK airline until they have the necessary licences. I did not say anything derogratory about pilots from Belgrade or Eastern Europe - I indicated that Ryanair were recruiting there and this was indicitave of them looking far and wide for pilots. Finally, at no point did I say that someone's ethnic background was related to their ability to fly an aircraft - ethnicity is a subject introduced by you and you alone. I did, however, speak of some pilots from Ryanair who have difficulty with English and I stand by that comment. I have no problem with people criticising what I have actually said - I do, however, have a problem with someone making inferences from what was not said. You may be a pilot but you sure are not a lawyer. You have made assertions about someone you do not know regarding their judgement, skills and experience based on words that were never said. That, my friend, is true prejudice at its very best. Shame on you.

f/sphinx - You said, "I find your attitude for somebody who works at the politically correct easyjet bordering on being rascist." If I worked at some other airline, would my comments be more acceptabe? All of the above applies to you. You have no idea about me or my views - I am not a racist but if you think my comments are of that nature, then you need to get out more and find out what true racism is all about.

flying scotsman 4th Oct 2006 12:43

this is why i rarely read these forums anymore.

do all pilots need to have such high horses ? :eek:

as an easy capt all I can say is they have no problem hiring non-brits and the place is better for it too.

NSF is right about the need for a JAR licence. any one will probably do though.

best of luck.

Nice Touch 4th Oct 2006 12:45


Your not doing too well here are you-I love it.....

..only the other day I read that Ryan were recruiting in Belgrade...

Oh God help us all we all know that the air is different there, all black with no lift. What the hell would you know about the former east anyway-you don't go any further that SXF...scared of the NPAs and meters per second eh....

There you go Felcher thats how you do ill informed wrong posts-keep on trying. Plonker.

giorgino 4th Oct 2006 12:54

Hi guys,

just to ease things a little bit with this Ryan air Easy jet conflict(we are all professional pilots respecting each other I guess after all...or not?)could someone inform the non UK pilots of this forum,who are the oz's and the kiwi's?
Cause someone mentioned it in one of the replies given and we the non ex British empire would like to know!!!;);)

haughtney1 4th Oct 2006 12:54

Oh God help us all we all know that the air is different there, all black with no lift. What the hell would you know about the former east anyway-you don't go any further that SXF...scared of the NPAs and meters per second eh....
Me thinks there be a few axes to grind with that comment:yuk:

Ive read what NSF wrote, and to be frank, I cant see ANY provocation, insinuation, or slight on any non Brit or otherwise. As ever it appears that those that dont agree with a view point that is well reasoned and argued, would prefer to attack the poster...as it is easier than posting a well reasoned response.

Perhaps the plonker comment is a self portrait Nice Touch..?

Sky Wave 4th Oct 2006 13:36

I think those having a go at NSF should re-read his post. He was simply saying that EZY require a JAA-ATPL. Although they are possibly short of pilots they are not short of suitable applicants and therefore would not consider someone who does not meet their minimum requirements.

If you care to look at NSF's profile and previous postings on other threads you'll see he usually gives balanced opinions and is very helpful when it comes to providing information on life at EZY.

Suggest sitting back, taking a deep breath and counting to ten before continuing this argument form either side of the fence.

unablereqnavperf 4th Oct 2006 14:03

Gentlemen I have had the privalidge of working and sinking the odd beer with NSF and I can assure you he is a man of good character and indeed often a voice of reason when everyone else is loosing their heads. I do not believe he would make any attempt to be racist or resentfull of others.

I have to agree with him regarding pilots of other nationalities flying for UK companies and hiring policies. It has long been a tradition for pilots from the USA comimg over to the UK and getting work when the US market is down but UK pilots never get the same in return, in fact, the same applies to pilots from Canada I believe although I stand corrected on that. As for pilots from eastern block countries they are welcome provided they meet the same standereds as UK licenced pilots. We are all grown up enopugh to know that in some less developed countries coruption is a problem and many things can be obtained for a price even a pilots licence!

I have no problem at all working with any nationalities indeed I am from a country outside the EU and have been working in the UK for the last 15 years,however I did complete my training in the UK and hold a CCA/JAR ATPL.

We have all heard the odd R-----r pilots with very poor command of english operating around so any of you R------r hard noses casn sling your hook. It is a well known fact that the famous Michael only cares about bums on seats regardless of ability! easy on the other hand does try to be a bit more choosie!!

And good on them for being so!

Captain Airclues 4th Oct 2006 14:26

Please note that if you hold a European National JAA licence, you will have to exchange it for a UK JAA licence before you start with easyJet. This is due to training purposes (mainly for easyJet TRE's to be able to sign for the type rating endorsement on your licence). The process for the exchange involves filling an application form, sending copies of your licence and medical certificate along with an administration fee.


cavelino rampante 4th Oct 2006 14:47

This is my last input as well, don’t usually need to get up on my high horse Flying Scotsman and I’m getting straight off again after this - promise. This thread was hijacked and turned into something else by NSF and I do fundamentally agree that the UK CAA and Easyjet are correct in requiring a UK CAA issued licence.

“I normally do not bother replying to comments like yours”

-your obviously used to it then but thanks anyway you condescension is illuminating

“your zeal for your cause”

-because I disagree with you I have a cause!!!! I’m either with you or against you. Now where have I heard that before?

“you know less than nothing about me”

- having gone through some of your previous posts YOU describe yourself as a “committed Christian” (whatever that is) , “British to the core of your being” (I love my country too but I don’t feel the need to tell the world about it!), you’ve provided a link to video footage of a gunship attack in Afghanistan and describe yourself as Ryanairs biggest critc, and that’s just the first few pages!!!!!……so I do know more than nothing about you and a picture starts to emerge

If you think you can describle “Ryanair roaming round the world”, “to “pick up pilots”, “with some form of flying licence”, and try to tell me that wouldn’t be IMPLIED as anything other than derogatory, then you are CLUELESS. If I substituted the word Ryanair for Easyjet into that how would you feel? If I inserted British instead of Eastern European into your post, how do you think it would read? (Try it!)

You conveniently ignored the fact that Thomsonfly as stated on a previous post accept or have accepted FAA ATP with a 737 Type Rating before you launched into your “Easyjet is not Ryanair” piece.

“pilots from Ryanair who have difficulty with English”

-Pilots from dozens of airlines have difficulty with English, why the Eastern European and Ryanair fixation?
I operate into LHR, LGW, MAN regularly and for sure the standard of English is poor at times. But ATC there (the best in the world) deal with it get on with it and overcome it (their patience amazes me) like most of us do when confronted with the myriad of problems that confront us on a daily basis in this profession. Your whinging about what goes on in another crew’s cockpit?

You’re entitled to your opinion NSF which in fact states very little but implies rather a lot. An opinion seemingly based airline wise on very limited short haul intra European experience. They would LOVE you in the Middle East.

...now where did I put that Campari

Monarch Man 4th Oct 2006 15:27

Pilots from dozens of airlines have difficulty with English, why the Eastern European and Ryanair fixation?
Because NSF is relating the facts relating to R/T traffic with RYR call signs, and I agree with him, in point of fact more than half of the RYR calls I heard yesterday were next to intelligible:hmm:
This is a big issue in the UK, as it is recognised as a serious problem leading to level busts, runway incursions, and clearances that are not complied with, so cavelino in order to have a context to this part of your argument, mayby you should operate into LHR, LTN, STN, or LGW everyday, like a lot of us do:=

If you think you can describle “Ryanair roaming round the world”, “to “pick up pilots”, “with some form of flying licence”,
This is an accurate description, having had a reasonable amount of contact with the various agencies involved, this is a very accurate portrayal of their remit:=

having gone through some of your previous posts YOU describe yourself as a “committed Christian” (whatever that is) , “British to the core of your being” (I love my country too but I don’t feel the need to tell the world about it!), you’ve provided a link to video footage of a gunship attack in Afghanistan and describe yourself as Ryanairs biggest critc, and that’s just the first few pages!!!!!……
Oh dear, starting to sound like a hypocrite to me :=

And as if to prove a point

You’re entitled to your opinion NSF which in fact states very little but implies rather a lot
So just to clarify here for a moment cavelino; You cant find your Campari, you dont think that NSF is right to state his opinion...and yet you claim he is entitled to it, being a critic of Ryanair and being British to the core are things that should be kept to yourself, you extrapolate a difference of opinion to mean NSF is comparable to GW Bush, and finally, you assume that because of all this NSF would be loved in the Middle East.
If you dont mind me saying Mr Cavelino, you seem a little out of touch, and a little sensitive to what are accurate observations:ok:

Nice Touch 4th Oct 2006 17:18

I love earlies-because I can hate NSF for longer.

Monarch Man, or should I say Norman and all the other supporters NSF posted an inflammatory accusation against an operator with a 100% safety record-just like easy.

All some poor sod asked was for info. regarding joining-thats all.

NSF post are long and empty and ALWAYS end up with sound bites and recycled retro from easyland-he is not party to any privileged information and certainly knows nothing about Ryanair or any other airline he has not worked for. He is always wrong wrt FR and his arguments weighted with opinion. Not balanced or otherwise.

Supporting him makes you him and advocating his position when he has quite clearly passed a "cheap shot" just coats you with the same smell. Dare to be different.

To the original poster-join Ryan or easy, up to you-both web sites tell you what you need. Make you decision considering geographical location and quality of life-beyond that don't make it complicated. Good luck.

A4 4th Oct 2006 17:43

To calm things down a little ......... Oz = Australians, Kiwis = New Zealanders.
Come on guys..... calm down. Sorry if any gals are reading - most non PC! :}
A4 :O

Monarch Man 4th Oct 2006 17:59

Monarch Man, or should I say Norman and all the other supporters NSF posted an inflammatory accusation against an operator with a 100% safety record-just like easy
Would you like salt with your foot?

I am MOST certainly not NSF, my employer IS my namesake....I suppose an apology is on its way:ok: Nice touch

Nice Touch 4th Oct 2006 18:12

Look Mon. Man that was below the belt-calling you Norman-I mean-so yeah I'm sorry dude-just lost it-can we be buds now?

airamerica 4th Oct 2006 19:37

Ask a question about a company and the thread turns to S***t.
And you guys call yourselves professionals.
At least Ej have not given out visas, guaranteed or part converted licences via a back door scheme either.Everyone at Ej is traeted the same.
You do not read on here about flap 10 landings, steep turns below 500 feet, captains mental incap or poor atc, so quit whilst ahead with mine is bigger than yours etc etc.
Easyjet's rhetoric is to hire trainable individuals and turn them into true professionals, not just crew the aircraft and hope for the best.

Kilo-club SNA 4th Oct 2006 20:36

In regard to the ORIGINAL THREAD.
You mention that you are unwilling to spend the mopney for the LST/LPC

The main thing is...do you have a EU passport (ie right to live in the EU?) if so, shell out the money! If EZY doesn't want you someone else will! It's pretty mad out there. There might be other companiers that are more willing to speak as well (but you have probábly already thought of that)

RoyHudd 4th Oct 2006 20:50

He/She can be a pain, but IMHO he/she seems intrinsincally honest. Which I respect. I have had my disputes on this site with NSF, without resolution. And felt frustrated.

Nevertheless, stop the personal stuff, against an honest writer. Fight logic with logic, not hysteria. (My comments apply to a number of you).

Right, you lot have control.

f/spninx 5th Oct 2006 07:14

If you want we could talk about an easyjet pilot being arrested for being 5 times over the drink driving limit reporting for work in Berlin.
Dont forget there are many ex-easyjet pilots at Ryanair with lots of dirt So dont throw stones if you live in a glasshouse!
As for NORMAN STANLEY FLETCHER he should keep his post to his own company.

Kraut 5th Oct 2006 11:52

I believe this thread is running out of control!

Can we come back to the basics of rational discussions!?

ecam actions 320 5th Oct 2006 22:25

Easyjet conditions.....
Hi everybody,

I had to expartriate a few years ago to fly the Airbus 320 in another continent.
I now would like to come back to my native Europe.
I was thinking about Easyjet.
But does anyone know some details about that company ??
*First of all, what about taxes over salaries ?? I know that taxes in germany are as high as 50%. Does that mean that I have to divide those numbers by 2 to get the real wage ??
*And I saw they fly 5 days early/3 off and 5 days late/3 off.
But does that mean they only fly halves days ??
*And then how much hours/ month do a pilot make ??
*After how much time can I expect to command ??
*And of course what about general working environment ??

Thanks for answering.

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