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-   -   Help UAL Capt Al Haynes Save his Daughter (https://www.pprune.org/space-flight-operations/112991-help-ual-capt-al-haynes-save-his-daughter.html)

Red Wine 2nd Jan 2004 20:31

What a bloody heartless subject this truly is.....

If Al Haynes had have come and said gee guys I need a hand, then he would have been swamped....but that was not the case, its some friend or other faceless identity asking.

If this happened in my company, we would have all donated one days pay, via our union system and that would have more than satisfied this awful situation.....what the bloody hell is wrong with Al Haynes ex colleagues????...what terrific camaraderie there must be in that company???

And yes, whilst it’s a terrible and sadning period, the rest of the world either has a national health system which is paid for by the people, or they are privately insured....

A sad affair indeed.

babyblu 2nd Jan 2004 20:58

Jeeezzzz!!! Help or don't! Famous or Gypsy - I'd do whatever took to save someone I loved. As for the rest of you, find some other pulpit!


Polly Gnome 3rd Jan 2004 02:36

Most people would do ANYTHING to save their child's life. If any of us lived in the USA and our health insurance ran out, I am sure we would do the same to help a family member.

Of course it's shocking that a country as rich as the USA doesn't look after its people's health properly, but that doesn't help Capt Haynes. Capt Haynes saved many lives, but even if he hadn't, he would deserve our sympathy.

Taildragger 3rd Jan 2004 05:08

Bonvol I am with you. I detest moralistic lectures from people who try to browbeat me on the problems of the thrid world, as if I had the power to solve them. I cant, but I do choose, of my own free will and accord, to assist Al Haynes in his fight to save his daughter's life. As far as I am concerned, it is a cause well worth supporting, and before I get a load of emotion, again, about the third world, I have lived there, supported individuals there as far as I can, and will continue to do so. There is a Jewish saying which goes something like
"The person who saves a single life, saves the world entire" That will do me, and I will let Winstun, Ozgrade, Spodman and the others to argue their version of the moral ethics involved.
The way I read their posts is that nobody should contribute......
well, they are entitled to their opinion, but I just cannot beleive the way in which it has been put here. The Health system of the USA, UK and Australia for that matter is superb if you get involved in an accident, or have a heart problem, but when we start talking about sickle cell treatment, and transplants of this nature, the sheer costs involved, place a Triage burden on the Ethical boards involved. Health Insurance companies would rarely cover such enormously expensive treatment. It is not as clear cut as others would have you beleive. No...the cost of a few bottles of wine vs Al Haynes daughter leaves me with a clear cut decision. It is my money and is entirely up to me as to how I spend it.
A Happy New Year to all you guys who contributed and to those who didn't also. I just hope you NEVER have to go through what Al Haynes must be going through now.

Blue & White 3rd Jan 2004 07:43

Some of you are correct. I bet if Al was sick, he wouldn't ask for a dime. However, from what I gather, the daughter is the last of his family - wife and son dead.
So what would I do if my son or daughter were dying and I had a last ditch chance to save their life. I'd say, hand me the cup and show me the corner.
Maybe, the money could have been managed a little better. However, we don't know all the details. Maybe the wife and son illnesses took his last savings. Who really cares. Bottom line, he doesn't have the money to pay for his daughter's medical bills. What should he do - throw his hands in the air and buy a burial plot.
No, he's doing exactly what you and I would do given the same circumstances. If you don't want to give..........fine. But don't judge the man for loving his daughter. If anyone has a better idea, I'm sure Al would listen.
Just pray and thank your lucky stars your family is healthy and you don't have to ask for money. I'm sure Al would gladly trade places with you. However, after meeting him, he probably wouldn't ............. he's that type of person.

Max Angle 3rd Jan 2004 20:16

A solution for those who are feeling uncomfortable donating money for medical treatment to someone who lives in a country that spends one billion dollars a day on it's armed forces. Give some money to Al Hayne's daughter and then give the same to Orbis at:


A great charity that uses a converted DC10 as a flying hospital to treat eye problems all over the world. It's hugely expensive as you might imagine and runs entirely on donations.

Winstun 3rd Jan 2004 22:14

It is my money and is entirely up to me as to how I spend it.
:rolleyes: Why over 30 thousand children die every day....children that didn't get the chance to be your "hero":hmm: Or are they the wrong color? not from the right country? not practise your prefered religion? not related to a famous aviator? not a friggin hero? Really! I am trying real hard to see why people's "spare" funds should be diverted to the cause of some fatcat retired airline pilot that for a long time, pulled several hundred thou a year. Surely he could afford the sacrifice of selling a [house/car/fund] or two of his own to pay for this.

Jim Morehead 4th Jan 2004 03:21

Al is a great guy and the Orbis project is a worthy one. I know most of the people flying it. They are slowly transitioning from United to FedEx and UAL has no DC10s now. Fedex is doing the sim checks now and slowly they'll take it all. The current airplane is theirs also after the transition from the DC-8 that UAL gave.

I toured the airplane in Taipei a few months ago. One of the pilots Jim Nugent (retired) gave me a tour. They were on a fund raising tour.

Jim Morehead
Now UAL retired myself

Spuds McKenzie 5th Jan 2004 00:03

Donation worked.

And Winstun,


cools 5th Jan 2004 02:00

Back to the top!!!

TopBum 5th Jan 2004 03:18

I've just donated. It would have been easy if someone had said that Laurie Haynes was listed under the surname Arguello on the drop down list. Never mind worked in the end.

On the subject of bone marrow transplants and the need for donors, why not sign up check out:


cools 7th Jan 2004 02:26

Back to the top!

Chalky 8th Jan 2004 02:15

It would be interesting to know how much has been raised so far.

Fujiflyer 10th Jan 2004 13:30

Agree, Chalky. Mine came up as #2347 (presumably sequential) so I guess on the basis of an average of say $50 per, then it should be up in the order of $100k.


Taildragger 11th Jan 2004 04:16

Hi Winstun

I see you have picked up on my phrase "It is my money and it is entirely up to me how I spend it" You obviously haven't got a clue what I mean. I chose to send some to Al Hayne's daughter's fund. Nix to do with you. You don't know me, or anything about my donations to other causes. I have no intention of telling you, as it is entirely immaterial, and it would be in bad taste for me to comment. Your rantings still mark you as a Jerk, as does your phraseology.
I don't know how many funds, charities, or other appeals there are in the world, but because I choos to donate to this one, or any other one, is nothing, absolutely nothing, to do with you, or anybody else. I ask you a question, if you were in a similar position, with your daughter or son, what would YOU do.??
If Al Haynes HAD the money, do you honestly think he would be in this position.?? Sell a couple of cars/houses. Really.!! How many does he have.?? You don't know. Stupid assumptions again. Anyway, as I said, what I, and plenty of others do, is none of your concern.
I see you still have no profile. Typical of one who rants and raves and hides behind anonimity. Why is that I wonder.??There are others on this Forum who have given up on you....like them I do likewise. May you live in interesting times.

cools 12th Jan 2004 21:53

I have contacted the website to see if they have an up to date on the amount raised.They hope to have an up to date figure within a couple of days.
Nice to think that if every body who viewed this topic had paid a tenner they would be close to the target!

Jordan D 13th Jan 2004 17:32

Good to hear that the donations are still coming in, and I'm pleased that I could have helped in such a way.


RampTramp 14th Jan 2004 00:56


As I said on my post on the first page, I've been lucky enough to meet Al Haynes. After Sioux City he spent a lot of time creating and putting his name, and some of his money, to charitable trusts etc for others to benefit from funds he raised giving lectures etc. While not a poor man, he has certainly contributed far more than his fair share to the betterment of this world therefore I am, and by the looks of it many others are too, more than happy to contribute when he is in need.

You are totally out of order and I can ony echo Spuds McKenzie - FARK OFF

Taildragger 14th Jan 2004 04:53

Ramp Tramp ....

I echo that in spades. But, Hark, Where does the famous Winstun lurk.??
Like all people who hide in anonimity, he hides.!

karrank 15th Jan 2004 07:02

Still don't get it. Why are you all subsidising US efforts to subjugate the world (and Mars)? Make 'em spend the money at home.:yuk: :yuk:

cools 15th Jan 2004 21:39

Krank. Its simple really. Someone asks for help. You choose to give it or not as you wish. Your money! your choice!
In my case a simple response to a cry for help from someone who was there when others needed him.

Spuds McKenzie 15th Jan 2004 22:55


Couldn't have said it better.


Jordan D 18th Jan 2004 22:32

This thread probably needs rebumping, so forgive me for doing the necessary,


camber 20th Jan 2004 15:50

I haven't been on PPRUNE for awhile now, and today was my reading of this link. Just not fair at all what life dishes out. I donated right away, and wish Laurie a speedy recovery. She has a pillar of strength in her father, Captain Haines.

greatorex 21st Jan 2004 23:43

I'm In!


Twenty characters or something like that

ZFT 22nd Jan 2004 06:52

I’ve just received an air mailed “Thank You’ note from the foundation. Nice gesture as this is, the 85c postage would be better spent on helping others.

Assuming others agree, maybe Ppruners should request no acknowledgment?

Shore Guy 22nd Jan 2004 11:46

made my donation and posted this on our forum.....hope it helps.....

by the way - the IPA is the Independent Pilots Association representing the over 2000 pilots of UPS


Remember UAL Capt. Al Haynes? He was the captain of the infamous UAL DC-10 that had an uncontained center engine failure taking out all the hydraulics and managed to “land” in Sioux Falls in July, 1989 – saving 185 of the 296 souls on board. Capt. Haynes and his crew became poster boys for the then relatively new) acronym/phrase CRM (Cockpit Resource Management). He is now retired and has done many public speaking engagements on this event.

He helped many and now needs our help. His daughter has been diagnosed with aplastic anemia, and requires a bone marrow transplant. Health insurance does not fully cover the cost (patients share approaching $200,000).

Capt. Haynes recently lost his wife and son and now this……

If you would like to help, please log onto http://www.transplants.org./
Then click “campaign donations” and then chose “Arguello (Haynes), Laurie” and make the donation of your choice.

Pilots are a wary group. I am convinced this is a legitimate site/cause. It is on numerous other airline sites (UAL, APA, Association of Flight Attendants, etc.) and has been reported on by wire services and SEA local media. A thread on a popular aviation forum has been running for over one month (with over 18,000 “views”), and not one post challenging the authenticity.

And perhaps the IPA Foundation can make a donation…….




XTRAHOLD 22nd Jan 2004 13:28


Coconutty 23rd Jan 2004 00:48

Done - no problem - wish I'd heard about this a bit earlier - however from the UK with the current Exchange Rates we "Brits" can now send a bit more !

( .... and if I wanted to know about the plight of the 3rd world etc etc I'd log on to an appropriate Web Site - This is about a colleague in need so can someone please remove all those irrelevant and frankly offensive posts :yuk: that have nothing to do with the intention of this thread ??? )

All the very best to Capt. Al and Laurie :ok:

radeng 23rd Jan 2004 18:00

I find it disappointing that real heroes like Capt. Al soon get forgotten, while film stars, football players and the like are lionised for years. Always been the same - Kipling wrote a poem about it over 100 years ago.

I've been carrying a travellers cheque (in dollars) around for years and not used it - I have now - it's literally in the mail.

Good luck to Laurie and Al.

Invictus 24th Jan 2004 00:22

I have just read through the thread, and support the assistance of a fellow comrade (I am an ATC) in his moment of need.

The reason that I donate (when I can) or stop by the roadside to help when I can is not to help as much as it is a selfish act. My motivation is that hopefully one day the wheel will turn, and when I or one of my loved ones is in need, another selfish person will stop to help. - Good luck Al & Laurie.

This is the poem from where my username comes, it seemed appropriate to post it here.

Invictus. (William Ernest Henley. 1849–1903)

Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the Pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.

Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.

It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.


gofer 24th Jan 2004 04:14

How right you are - there but for the grace of God go we... and it really is very sad to find how quickly limelight drifts from the hero's arena.

Come on lads & lasses, I'm sure that there a a few more sheckels that can be found - with 70'000 members of PPRUNE that is really not even 4 dollars each. OK so some are harder up than others - but at 100 bucks each there only need be 2499 others to make the jackpot - and I'm sure that we are much closer than you think.

Good luck Laurie, hang in there.....:D

gofer 27th Jan 2004 16:11

Progress on the collection for Big Al daughter Laurie
News is that your donations are getting through - but post operative costs may be solid also so keep the money coming

For progress News we are endebted to sky pup of airlinecrew.net who found the above link

The following is what they say:
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2004 10:09 AM

Subject: Laurie Haynes Arguello Donations
Dear Capt. Heppner:

The donations to the NFT campaign for Laurie are going extremely well. Donations continue to pour in, both on-line and through the Post Office Box for the campaign, and we are working diligently to process them as efficiently as possible.

The campaign is fast approaching its $300,000 goal. NFT sent the letter of guarantee to the University of Washington on January 6, so there is no financial hold-up for the transplant to take place. However, until we learn for certain if Laurie can be placed on her husband's insurance policy (following the transplant) and what that coverage will be, we will not be able to determine exactly how much more money she needs for after-transplant care and medications.

If you have any questions, feel free to call me at (800)489-3863. ALPA members have been very generous and are a major reason for the NFT campaigns' unprecedented success thus far. Please let them know how much NFT, and the Haynes-Arguello family greatly appreciates their support.

Sincerely, Janice Hill
Manager of Communications
National Foundation for Transplants
[email protected]

Thanks guys - keep up the good work

CR2 27th Jan 2004 20:23

Also got a thank you note from the Foundation. The same thought crossed my mind concerning postage costs (US to Europe in my case).

ExSimGuy 27th Jan 2004 23:04

Invictus - I promise I'll stop for you pal.

I'm around his age, with a daughter similar age. My hopes and prayers with him and her. (What a Flyer :ok: )

Small donation on the way, and

"back to the top"

(if you live somewhere with an address like "3rd Sand Dune from the Left" and no zip or state etc, the site accepts "not applicable" even though fields are mandatory)

DanAir1-11 28th Jan 2004 12:54

Back to the top "Lest we forget"

gofer 29th Jan 2004 05:27

Back to the top
;) Keep up the donations and back to the top

cools 1st Feb 2004 18:22

Nearly There
Back to the top in case anybody wants to help the cause.

gofer 2nd Feb 2004 16:32

Your contributions are helping
keep up the good work :D

SeniorDispatcher 2nd Feb 2004 19:22

The current issue of ALPA magazine over here in the US just had a blurb about the effort to help her, so that should expand awareness amongst the pilot community and hopefully increase the donations...

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