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-   -   Help UAL Capt Al Haynes Save his Daughter (https://www.pprune.org/space-flight-operations/112991-help-ual-capt-al-haynes-save-his-daughter.html)

Lon More 26th Dec 2003 01:20

An honour to chip in a few quid.

Best Wishes to Capt. Al and his familt and to all ppruners in the air or on the ground

Further to the above, the site is down at the present. For once not a problem as the reason given is due to the massive response

flyingdutchman 26th Dec 2003 03:00

Back to the top with my tuppence worth :)

Good luck to the lady in question and best wishes to everybody :ok:

Due to an overwhelming response, our system is having difficulty accepting online donations. Please call Toll Free: (800) 489-3863 or in the Memphis Area: (901) 684-1697. You can email us at [email protected] .We apologize for any inconvenience. Please try again at another time.

stable approach 26th Dec 2003 11:24

The online system seems to working again despite the notice - I just got through okay.

andyb79 26th Dec 2003 12:32

it wont work:(

i would gladly, and humbly! give up one night out to help ease the suffering of a man whos actions prevented the suffering of so many familys!

i shall try again tommorrow

flapsforty 26th Dec 2003 19:48

When this was posted on PPRuNe on the 22nd, it was obviously neither rumour nor news. The link didn't work, and the webpage didn't accept donations from outside the USA.
Iy's Christmas and PPRuNe headquarters decided that helping Capt Haynes and his family could be an honourable exeption to all rules. So the post stayed. The web masters of http://www.transplants.org./ reacted quickly to a mail pointing out that many of us wished to donate from abroad.

Captain Haynes is an inspiration not only to pilots; his accounts of the very real difference the FAs made in saving lives inspired generations of FAs around the world.

A good cause for the international aviation community that is PPRuNe. Let us hope that we have made a difference.

Propellerhead 27th Dec 2003 01:06

I'll donate a bit too. Wasn't sure whether to vote for Captain Haynes or Eric Moody in Balpa's all time great list, but I think Captain Haynes gets my vote!

spudskier 27th Dec 2003 14:50

I donated a bit as well, I'm curious if she is suffering from the same thing as his wife and son. I'll never understand why bad things happen to good people.

Twin2040 27th Dec 2003 15:31

I have just my donation from Denmark - no problems there. Regards Twin2040.

NdekePilot 28th Dec 2003 01:19

I'm in too.
Good luck and the best of new years to those involved.

Airbubba 28th Dec 2003 08:39

Saturday, December 27, 2003 · Last updated 12:46 p.m. PT

Pilot who made heroic crash-landing now tries to save daughter


SEATAC, Wash. -- More than a decade ago, Capt. Al Haynes saved 185 lives when he crash-landed a DC-10 in Sioux City, Iowa, after its center engine exploded.

Now he's trying to save one more.

His daughter, Laurie Haynes Arguello, has aplastic anemia, a condition in which her bone marrow cannot produce enough white or red blood cells. She needs a marrow transplant, and although she has a donor lined up, she doesn't have the $156,000 that her insurance will not pay.

So she and her dad, accompanied by 25 of their friends, have started raising money. In two weeks they have raised more than $30,000, much of it from Haynes' associates in the Airline Pilots Association and the Association of Flight Attendants.

"My wife died in 1999, my oldest son was killed in a motorcycle crash (in 1997), and now this is coming up with my daughter," he said. "So we're having our share of bad luck; but we learned a long time ago that it doesn't do you any good to cry about it. You just do what you can and deal with what you have."

Haynes was the pilot of United Airlines Flight 232 when its engine burst on July 19, 1989. Haynes had almost no control, but he and others in the cockpit managed to divert the plane to Sioux City and crash-land it using only its throttles. Of the 292 people on board, 185 survived.

Arguello, 39, was diagnosed with the disorder in December 2001. A form of chemotherapy called ATG, for antithymocyte globulin, reduced her symptoms for nine months, leading to some hope the condition had been cured.

It hadn't, which meant a transplant was her only option. She went through another session of ATG anyway.

"We hoped it would hold me out until we could collect the deposit," said Arguello, who has a 9-year-old son.

By "deposit," she means the $256,000 in all the operation would cost. Her insurance, through Washington state, covers $100,000.

And even after that, follow-up visits and anti-rejection drugs will likely cost at least another $100,000. For that reason, Haynes and Arguello are trying to raise $250,000.


Editors: To make a donation, go to www.friendsforlauri.com or write to the National Foundation for Transplants in behalf of Laurie Arguello:

NFT for Laurie Arguello

P.O. Box 7781

Covington, WA 98042


bonvol 28th Dec 2003 13:37

Does anyone know how we have gone so far and how much more is needed to get to the target?

Kaptin M 28th Dec 2003 19:16

There appears to be a problem (again) - the following appeared when I clicked on the "make a donation".
Unexpected Error

An unexpected error occurred: Database NFT_Patients_ is not available.

Click the Back button on your browser to return to the previous page

Blue & White 28th Dec 2003 21:16

On Dec 27th, I sent an email to the donor site to inquire about the funds raised. However, because of the holidays, I haven't received a reply. As soon as possible, I will post the current amount in the fund.
Happy New Year

flange lubricator 28th Dec 2003 23:27

I'm a train driver who's had the good fortune to fly a good few tens of thousands of miles on the flight deck of the 747-400 with my Capt mate. I hold you guys and your profession in the highest esteem and always feel comfortable knowing that if anything does go wrong - then there are men and women at the sharp end who, by their training, their skill and their professionalism will give you the best chance of walking away.

Here's to Capt Haynes - he did his best when other lives depended on it - we can now do our best for him.


JustAnotherVictim 29th Dec 2003 06:03

Made a donation this morning, no problems as far as I am aware.

golfyankeesierra 29th Dec 2003 06:23

Same as Kaptin M here .... "unexpected error, etc". Suggestions anyone?

Paracab 29th Dec 2003 08:21

Still not working, suppose its good in a way if it can't cope with the demands of the donating public...

whauet 29th Dec 2003 12:55

Sitting here watching television and just saw the commercial for the upcoming local news this evening -- this story is to be featured during the broadcast...

AirbornRanger 29th Dec 2003 16:18

Tried to make a donation, still gives unexpected error.....any solutions anyone? And for all of you that lack a compassionate and helping thought to this hard strucken family, -keep your opinions to yourselfs please and stay of this forum!!

Kaptin M 29th Dec 2003 16:58

I tried again, a couple of hours ago, and again got the "Unexpected Error", so I emailed the lady in charge of their website comms, Janice Hill - whose address is [email protected] telling her the same.

With a bit of luck she'll rectify the problem so that we can keep the ball rolling.

Captain Haynes' daughter is indeed blessed to have a compatable donor. I met a 15 year-old girl who was in hospital with the same diagnosis (as a direct result of using anti-malarial medication) who was not so fortunate, in spite of having 2 brothers.

As an adjunct to this story, and other related conditions requiring bone marrow transplants, I would strongly urge many of you who are expecting children to look at the Stem Cell harvesting and storage programmes - the potential in that area is phenomenal, and without the associated sideline issues involved in bone marrow donor transplants.

AirbornRanger 29th Dec 2003 21:10

Ok....think I have found a solution for you all having problems placing donations online. It seems the site does not support all kinds of different browsers (initially used Safari/Mac OSX), but then tried with explorer which worked fine.

Lotīs of success to you all in this effort and not least to Mrs. Arguello (Haynes) whishing her a speddy recovery.

For all of you negative about this thread, if you yourselfs have childeren it canīt be to differcult to place yourselfs in Mr. Haynes position. He surely once held his newborn daughter in his hands praying to god that she would live a happy and healthy life. A parents worst nightmare must be to outlive your own childeren, and it seems that has been the tragic fact as regards to his son. Letīs hope our support can prevent that development to repeat with his daughter, and let her live on to love and care for her own childeren.

Another aspect one might add for those of us fortunate enough to live in Europe, is that the American medical system is only good for those with enormous funds to draw from....hardly available to the average airlinepilot....surely not if you are retired. One should also bare in mind that the american health insurances are more of a headache than a financial support. You will find yourself struggeling just to get the support that you are entitled to and have paid direly for over many years.

Once again my best wishes for the Haynes family.

Bug+10 29th Dec 2003 21:57

It works from here (using Explorer) :)

God bless Capt. Haynes and his daughter!
Get well soon, Laurie :ok:

Kaptin M 29th Dec 2003 22:39

Up and running.
All the very best, Laurie and Capt Haynes.

Taildragger 30th Dec 2003 00:28

Back to the top. I got straight through on the www.friendsforlauri.com link and then onto the named donations on the transplant list. No problems.

Hey Winstun ....prove me wrong. Show all us Prooners that you aren't totally lost to humanity, and make a donation.Happy New Year.

Kaptin M 30th Dec 2003 06:49

From the National Foundation for Transplants, came this reply:

Mr. xxxxxx:
We were so deluged with on-line donations for the NFT campaign for Laurie
that it flooded our website at times. We believe we have the problem
corrected, although it may be slow if you make a donation at high-volume
times. If you have trouble again, please call me toll free at 800-489-3863.
I can take the information over the phone (as can the person who answers the
phone). If you prefer you can mail a check (made out to National Foundation
for Tranplants) directly to Laurie's NFT campaign at the following address:
National Foundation for Transplants for Laurie Arguello, P.O. Box 7781,
Covington, WA 98042-0046.
Thank you,
Janice Hill

A blessing in disguise for Capt Haynes and Laurie!
So back to the time for some more deluging!

Blue & White 31st Dec 2003 00:07

Update Amount
Received the following email from Ms Janice Hill concerning the donations. This total is for online and doesn't include mail....etc.

"So far approximately $90,000 has been donated on-line for the National Foundation for Transplants' campaign for Laurie (Haynes) Arguello. More donations come in daily. In addition, thousands are being sent to her campaign's mailing address. She continues to receive much national publicity so I expect more donations to continue"
Thank you for helping spread the word.
Janice Hill, Manager of Communications
National Foundation for Transplants

Harry again 31st Dec 2003 00:31

Al didn't choose to save lives, he found himself, very suddenly, in a situation in which skill and judgement, plus a fair degree of good fortune, allowed him and his colleagues to cheat death for themselves and some of their passengers.

One thing he demonstrated was his capacity to keep going, to refuse to give up, and to give his absolute all in facing the challenge in front of them.

I hope very much that the survivors of the accident have all given what they can - they owe their lives to the professionalism of the flight deck crew.

Life sometimes deals a hand of cards, which you would like not to play. Al played that hand and won. Let's help him do so again. My donation went through without difficulty (Explorer software).

Colleagues, friends, fellow airmen and women, please, join me in supporting this exceptional cause...

flange lubricator 31st Dec 2003 01:28

Just got through no probs... :ok:

jshg 31st Dec 2003 06:53

just got through as well with no problems on a Mac using Safari.

Luv 744s 31st Dec 2003 21:50

Indebted to Capt. Haynes; hoping to save one more life. I did what I could... and this may be an useful thing to do for interested people -- tell your friends... specifically, interested aviation enthusiasts even if they are not pilots.

After explaining what Capt. Haynes did, as well as what he faces on a personal basis as well as Ms. Arguello's need... at least one of friends donated of own free will, without any pressure whatsoever. He informed me later after having contributed and was appreciative of the heads-up as he had not been aware of any of this.

Best wishes to all whom helped out as well as to Capt. Haynes and his daughter.

Ozgrade3 31st Dec 2003 23:02

I cant believe that in the worlds greatest country, so the American keep telling us, this is not fully covered even by private medical insurance.

When are they going to wake up and realise that heir coubtry is rotting from the inside.

izatrue 1st Jan 2004 00:26

Hello everyone,

This is my first Pprune "contribution": I'm glad it goes to salute such an inspiring man as Cpt Al Haynes.

My best wishes for him to go through this personal crisis, and to Laurie,a speedy recovery.

Happy new year.:ok:

FJJP 1st Jan 2004 16:35

Ozgrade3, you clearly do not understand the International camaraderie that exists amongst professional aircrew - if you did, you would not have used this forum to make a vitriolic comment about the state of the United States of America.

If you want to rant, clear off to Jet Blast or preferably out of PPrune altogether - do not sully this dedication thread with any more of your inappropriate or facile comments.

My donation is on its way in honour of Capt Haynes, whose professional flying skills rank exceptional amongst his peers.

Laurie and Al, good luck in your quest - live long and prosper...

kick the tires 1st Jan 2004 16:48

its still working...........

Spodman 2nd Jan 2004 14:58

I'm with Ozgrade and (I can hardly believe it, but I don't like the way he said his piece) Winstun.

I wish no ill to Capt. Al or his daughter but this is a problem belonging to the US. It is sick they maintain their military spending at cold war levels (when they won) while only the really rich can afford to get really sick.

I remember a telly program a while ago where a bunch of well-heeled looking Americans were asked if they could afford to get some expensive-to-treat disease. Only one could because of the health plan from his employer.

Captain Al is an aviation hero, but have a look through the rest of the site. Not everybody there will be knocking up hits fast enuf to crash the site, they're just begging for somebody to come up with what in some cases is modest sums to keep living. These are all people in an electronic third world marketplace showing their sores and begging for a right to life in the richest country on Earth.

This madness can only be changed from the inside. Contributing to this fund will only add the category of FAMOUS to those allowed decent health care in the US (along with the RICH )

bonvol 2nd Jan 2004 16:12

Well, of course the medical system sucks in the States but we can't do anything about that.

From what I read into your post you are suggesting that we don't contribute??

If that's your intent then I think your attitude is not shared by the majority around here.

I am contributing to the fund of my own free will and quite frankly don't need a moralistic epistle from you or anyone else.

Lon More 2nd Jan 2004 17:38

Winstun and other nay sayers.

If you think there's too much emphasis on her campaign why not make a donation to the general campaign?

Back to the top

Spodman 2nd Jan 2004 18:46

If it was somebody needing an operation anywhere in the third world from Aruba to Zanzibar I'd be in there. If you really think the most obese (dietary and monetary) nation on Earth needs financial help to look after it's upper middle class you are all nuts.

bonvol 2nd Jan 2004 20:08

The previous post is tasteless and highly offensive IMO.

If it were up to me FC I'd remove you from this board forever.

Frankfurt_Cowboy 2nd Jan 2004 20:15

What's the difference between Cpt Haynes and the gypsy woman who comes to you with her hand out and a poorly looking baby? Apart from the fact the gypsy woman probably hasn't been in highly paid employment for the past 20-30 years and isn't asking you for $125,000. I feel sorry for his daughter, I wouldn't want anything like this to happen to my daughter, but if it did, rest assured I wouldn't be putting on her a glorified version of ebay where we log on and see who can convince us to allow them to live. It's sick in the extreme.

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