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Jibu 2nd Mar 2012 05:07

those who have passed the written please post tha mail u received

Sweptair 2nd Mar 2012 05:27

one of my friend cleared written..interview on 8th mar...so i guess 2nd full week..

king_maker 2nd Mar 2012 05:32

looks like they have interviews from 5th to 13th according to your roll number of the written test. Lot of people have passed the written then

fly.low 2nd Mar 2012 05:49

7 q400 & 2 B737 are supposed to deliver this yr..

so they might need lots of pilots

estranged soul 2nd Mar 2012 08:04

To Aroumika and all the budding activists and crusaders-against-nepotism in this forum :

I fully understand the frustrations and pains all of you might be going through.

However, do understand that this industry is very cruel towards the very people who try to "bring about a change". Especially with means like yours which involve going to the media and taking on big corporates.

If your young hot blooded minds are open to receiving any advise (and I hope so), do understand that your best asset in this industry is your own privacy.

Those who try to stick out like sore thumbs often end up in misery and grief.

You can go report to media, create a ruckus and organize "dharnas" and protests and what have you. Ultimately your identity will no longer remain a secret and you can kiss any slim chances of a career in Indian aviation goodbye forever.

Just remember that you are basically taking on and attacking the big corporates and their image. The airlines all have their people to track you down, and will ensure that their doors remain closed for you forever.

Believe me this has been happening in the past and has happened in the very recent past too.

The very "army against corruption and nepotism" that you're trying to create here will ditch you the moment one of your comrades or "colonels" get any kind of connection or "jugaad" which can get them a job.

Many have tried such things in the past and all have failed. Why ? Simply because .. thats Capitalism for you, my young friend.
Capitalism at it's best and worst, if you would like it that way.

Demand and supply (or Desperation and Security/Comfort levels) is what ultimately determines whether or not Spicejet, Scumjet, or crapjet etc will charge you 25K or 50K for a written exam and interview.

Spicejet like all other private carriers is ultimately just that .. a PRIVATE BUSINESS ENTITY.
They have no obligation to declare or dislose any "exam results" or marksheets or anything.

Today, you're protesting about the inordinate and ridiculously high "written exam" fees charged by the airlines.
Tomorrow you will complain that the salaries offered by them are lousy.
Are you then going to again go to the media and/or stage mass protests etc ?

Any business man running a corporate will only be bothered about generating profits and NOT to do community service or generate jobs for the masses.

Perhaps some soul searching to do, my young guns ??

Were you all not advised about the nature of this industry (not just in India) and all the vagaries associated with it ?

Did you all not do your own homework before taking the plunge ?

No plan B or plan C, in case plan A (ie RHS of a shiny big jet) fails ?

No motivation to look for a job in Africa, Carribean, Oceania etc ? or elsewhere whether there are still PLENTY of jobs, provided you're all willing to leave the ego in your closet (or perhaps just crush it once and for all), and fly the lovely small airplanes and work your way up ??

Think, think my friends ! and with a Calm mind ! .. For there lies the solution or ideas for you to work your way out of the uncomfortable situation you find yourselves in.

INDIAN BIRD 9W 2nd Mar 2012 08:47

Don't discouage, lets unite..
AROUMIKA, SMURF84, MENTAT, MKAV, U guys rock man, I am completely with u and believe, most of us(more than 90% of us) are with u, u guys are completely on a right track, and I salute to courage of aroumika and smurf 84,

Don't bother about the comments of people like 'JOHNY BOY' And 'ATTITUDE FLYING', one can easily make out from their comments, they are truly pure Indians, we can easily get such low and pessimistic mentality of people in our country, because of such people, people who actually wanna do some thing, can 't do, my advice for both of you, if u don't have courage to be a part of some thing good, atleast stay shut :mad:, if can't help in some thing, at least don't criticize or discourage the one's who are actually able to do some thing(unlike you), or want to do something, u better keep your :mad:away from it.......

These are the citizens of our country who will sit on a revolving chair basking sun, reading newspaper, and saying corruption has ruined INDIA (India kaa kuch nai hoo saktaa), some one should do some thing, and then will turn over the page, see some revolutionary's pic standing for some cause and will make a laugh on him, don't worry bro, unless and untill people like you both are their in our country, corrupt politicians and corrupt organisations and corrupt airlines will keep on enjoying their liberty to do any thing they want......

Enough lecture, now will try to enlighten few of your comments,

As Johny boy said.

1. Its better to avoid scams like this that many have been doing it rightly than fighting against it.
If mass boycott's happen for previous Spice exams , they wont have courage to ask for fee rise in this one.

You or many others could have started it earlier in 2011 March itself when Spice started it's open exam for all but called mere 310 pilots.Few rated 737 guys did that in Nov and got a re-shot at exam again but did any one tried to change things back in July 2011 ? No one did....
Firstly you your self seems to be quite confused about your thoughts, according to you we should just avoid such scams and keep corrupt organizations enjoying their monoply, right????

Then can I ask you just one questions, why every person in India was more than willing for Govt to take action against kalmadii After CWG Scam, according to you we should just avoid such scams, instead of doing some thing. right????
Don't forget even in that case it was media only who enlightened the whole issue and then Govt was forced to take action against him, and result is, he is behind the bars now. And also as mentioned earlier, Garima passi's case, we all know what role media played in that case, and that was too with spice jet only............

Same is we are trying to do in this case, trying to involve media in this so that they can enlighten the Govt about it.
I agree SJ is a private company, we can't force or teach them to do it the way we want, but don't forget even a private airline comes under authority of Govt. departements, DGCA, AAI And ministry of civil aviation, hope u knw that, they can't just take advantage of condition and situation of jobless pilots, by charing 25000/- just for a written exam.........

TO the most, If nothing can be done about the earlier exams, at least we can try to make airlines to not to ask 25000/- just for written exams in future and calling more number of candidates like "JET AIRWAYS"........

Then i agree with you on the note that we should have started this before hand in july 2011 only, but is that mean, if some one has not stood against some thing wrong earlier, no one should also stand against it ever in the future as well, is that what u meant????

And as you asked aroumika earlier , why did'nt she stand for some thing like this when she cleared jet's GD, let me tell u even I have cleared Jet's GD, And waiting for interview call, but unlike spice jet, their selection process was crystal clear, they took all India exam and called every single person and did'nt even charge any single penny even for GD, why the hell one should be standing against them?????

@attitude flying

All you guys were FINE when you were called for the Spice exam and HAPPILY paid 25k!! Now, just because YOU didn't "pass" you're making a hue & cry about this
Have you ever seen any single post from any single person on any of the thread who seems to be very happy paying spice jet 25000/-, any single comment like that???? :rolleyes: like smurf84 said earlier, hope you are aware of the current situation of aviation industry, and the amount of loans unemployed pilots have on them, they have no other choice brother to opt for any single thing come to their way............But this won't be the case any more, like I said if some one has not stood against some thing earlier, it does'nt mean no one should ever..........

They work hard doing any odd jobs. Save up money. Do a sea plane rating. Build contacts, meet wonderful people. Keep doing odd jobs. Save up money again go flying!! I don't feel i am entitled to the shiny jets just as yet.
R u serious??? can you explain it a bit, build contacts, ahhaaa, :hmm: what are you supposed to mean by building contacts, as you were really boosting about your hard work.......

However, as every one has his rights to tell their views,just like you people did earlier, so just the same I did, no hard feelings for any one, forgive me if I overspoke....:ok:

Any ways aroumika, smurf84 we should not better be bothered about a few discouraging people and keep on continuing what we should be doing, I have been also mailing on the emails mentioned earlier in this thread, can u guys tell me, on which specific email address, phone number and person you guys are contacting to, so that we all can unite in a better way........

smurf84 2nd Mar 2012 09:38

[email protected] and [email protected]

smurf84 2nd Mar 2012 10:04

estranged soul -

Spicejet like all other private carriers is ultimately just that .. a PRIVATE BUSINESS ENTITY.
They have no obligation to declare or dislose any "exam results" or marksheets or anything
Spot on. Like I mentioned before, time and again, we are mainly fighting against the exorbitant fee.

Any business man running a corporate will only be bothered about generating profits and NOT to do community service or generate jobs for the masses.
Who was talking about community service and generating free jobs for the masses? What is wrong with all of you? I hope you get the real picture. It is an exam we're talking about here. At a cost of 25000 rupees (which was 20000 until 5 months ago). Does that ring a bell? It maybe peanuts to you, but it isn't for hundreds of other unemployed CPL holders.

Were you all not advised about the nature of this industry (not just in India) and all the vagaries associated with it ?

Did you all not do your own homework before taking the plunge ?

No plan B or plan C, in case plan A (ie RHS of a shiny big jet) fails ?

No motivation to look for a job in Africa, Carribean, Oceania etc ? or elsewhere whether there are still PLENTY of jobs, provided you're all willing to leave the ego in your closet (or perhaps just crush it once and for all), and fly the lovely small airplanes and work your way up ??

Oh boy, I must salute you if you were born with a Plan B or Plan C in mind, just in case Plan A failed.

I don't think you, me and thousands of others were showered upon with advise regarding the hefty fee for an airline exam. Or were you? Lets put the homework garbage aside. That's an easy statement for you to make (assuming you are employed). It's funny when people like you go completely chaotic when they see another bunch of guys trying to go against such a corrupt system. You would make a good politician.

We're all motivated to work anywhere in the world, my friend. You don't expect every one of us to travel around the world and look for jobs do you? You can hide your identity, the company you work for and 'how' you got the job. I know there are many of you who think you 'earned' your job, but that's not how it works, right? I'd like to know, why are you worried about our fight against this issue? Leave the headache to us. We'll do the soul searching buddy. Infact, keep yourself busy at work.

INDIAN BIRD 9W 2nd Mar 2012 10:32

Thanks smurf84 :ok:

Johny Boy 2nd Mar 2012 13:15

estranged soul

Excellent write up with very accurate words and details.
But you know your words will fall on deaf ears of some frustrated lot here....
They cannot look beyond a certain words and objects....all they want is tailored job's put on their menu with preferences based on their beliefs.


Nothing personal but the way some of you are acting is not the way of correcting things..best way of doing it is by being polite and gather enough inside news with proper documents in hands.

I really paid my way in this career with hard work of almost twice the years that you or random guys took for training or cribbing.Good guess:ok:

Again nothing personal but improve your reading skills as what you perceive is not what it's in real.
Amen from my side !


You are going over bound with your words and i would say again you can't stop others making views on public forum but you can have difference in them.But being polite can dignify your views and make no harm.

I do have sympathy for you as your chosen words can efficiently describe what mentality you lead your normal life.
Don't talk about courage, you lot got no balls when this whole scam game of Spice started way back in March.Had courage to ask them why they are calling only 310 people from 5000 or so...or why they again called similar number of candidates in July or why is only handful of guys being sent letters for exam in first place when many others have personally dropped CV's to HR desk.
None of you raised a finger that time but now you all are going with force as half of you got pissed by price tag of exams and rest by not clearing exam even though they had a push....while others are sitting scrapping their heads thinking " why am i not being called ".

If you started mass boycott's of spicejet exams earlier then they would have decreased or abolished the fee's for some attempts just like CAE did.You still don't get simple words don't you ?

You are putting Garima Passi's name who had questionable training and forged documents with this cause of yours ? Surely you think having X name coupled with Y will make it easier for what you are trying to achieve....goodness gracious !

I asked Auromika did he felt same when he gave his JET's recruitment stages with this SPICEJET recruitment process and answer would have been NO due to JET's structured process of recruitment's not like Spice where random ones get preferences....Its not standing against JET but relating it with Spicejet's process.Read before posting on some ones post's.
Auromika is HE not SHE.
You are not alone who cleared JET's GD .....there are many.;)

Create a thread for this, put down your views and take others too.Then make a road map about how to start projecting everyone's views with collected effort.While making sure you put down your EGO in back pocket and do collective work.

If you guys have stomach to fight then you should also take opinions of others.But hey that's all BS to you and others...

Stop being a HYPOCRITE now and accept you can't digest words of wisdom or advice from those who have more hard earned hours than you & dignity.

Ohh by the way if it's done in proper way , some of Spice/Indigo/AI and charter pilots are willing to support but then again you guys need no ones advice as everything is BS to you.
So best of luck to you

attitudeFlying 2nd Mar 2012 14:13

Seriously! Why are you guys so intolerant of our views? Disagree with us surely but at least show some respect. The way some of you are posting here is really a disgrace to bring called a 'professional'.

"Don't bother about the comments of people like 'JOHNY BOY' And 'ATTITUDE FLYING', one can easily make out from their comments, they are truly pure Indians, we can easily get such low and pessimistic mentality of people in our country"

I didn't sit on my comfy chair all these years, rather worked hard for what I am doing today. I am a work in progress to fly some of the 'aircrafts' that i always dreamed of. This is NOT pessimism.

" because of such people, people who actually wanna do some thing, can 't do, my advice for both of you, if u don't have courage to be a part of some thing good, atleast stay shut , if can't help in some thing, at least don't criticize or discourage the one's who are actually able to do some thing(unlike you), or want to do something, u better keep your away from it......."

Huh? Are you sure what you just wrote? You're on a public forum. Not everyone will agree with you.

"These are the citizens of our country who will sit on a revolving chair basking sun, reading newspaper, and saying corruption has ruined INDIA (India kaa kuch nai hoo saktaa), some one should do some thing, and then will turn over the page, see some revolutionary's pic standing for some cause and will make a laugh on him, don't worry bro, unless and untill people like you both are their in our country, corrupt politicians and corrupt organisations and corrupt airlines will keep on enjoying their liberty to do any thing they want......" :D:D:D

Good thoughts. But tell me what have you done so far that makes you feel you deserve the right seat in an airliner? Maybe some of those who are flying the jets aren't deserving too, but does that mean you too will follow them?

The only concern i have with this is that 'most' (not all) are just lazy people. (Yes lazy because they are not doing anything worth to make themselves more attractive to a prospective employer). They will, again I say, Happily give any amount these airlines ask for the exam or anything. I know people who have paid 25 lakhs for the Lion Air!! :ugh:
You talk about corrupt system. I wonder how many of you have not paid for your flight training with black money?

Too much righteousness :oh: :oh:

smurf84 2nd Mar 2012 16:12

End of discussion. :)

king_maker 3rd Mar 2012 08:12

Some people have a hard time understanding the meaning of End of discussion. If you have nothing constructive to contribute then I suggest you join the Argumentative Aunties thread.

Does anyone know of books to refer for info on turboprops?

faapilot 3rd Mar 2012 18:26

Are they taking pilot for Q400 and B 737 ?
Any clue :ok:

estranged soul 4th Mar 2012 04:51

Oh boy, I must salute you if you were born with a Plan B or Plan C in mind, just in case Plan A failed.

I don't think you, me and thousands of others were showered upon with advise regarding the hefty fee for an airline exam. Or were you? Lets put the homework garbage aside. That's an easy statement for you to make (assuming you are employed). It's funny when people like you go completely chaotic when they see another bunch of guys trying to go against such a corrupt system. You would make a good politician.

We're all motivated to work anywhere in the world, my friend. You don't expect every one of us to travel around the world and look for jobs do you? You can hide your identity, the company you work for and 'how' you got the job. I know there are many of you who think you 'earned' your job, but that's not how it works, right? I'd like to know, why are you worried about our fight against this issue? Leave the headache to us. We'll do the soul searching buddy. Infact, keep yourself busy at work.

Sorry for being harsh kid, but with such an attitude, you're guaranteed to fail. Not just in aviation, but in life as well.

So,.. doing homework and prior preparation and planning out your career and being prepared for the worst case scenario and having a back up plan = garbage ?
Beautiful !

Your language and attitude pretty much explains why you find yourself in your present situation.

I've seen plenty of reckless kids with lousy attitudes in my career so far and have seen all of them end up in a rut.

Grow up! learn to face the realities in life, which are not all rosy.
Channelize your energy into doing something productive rather than wasting it in pointless and futile exercises.

Remember, you earn respect in society, not by how much you earn, but by your deeds and your character.

smurf84 4th Mar 2012 04:56

SmartCockpit - Dash-8 400

smurf84 4th Mar 2012 04:58

estrangedsoul -

Good lord. Did I forget to mention - End of Discussion???

Alright buddy, you did all those things that you mentioned throughout your life, you've seen/done it all, and earned your respect. I'm sure it was your birthright.

I've earned a B.Sc (Physics) plus commercial pilot licences from two countries. I don't think I've failed so far with my attitude.

Peace out.

smurf84 4th Mar 2012 06:02

You might want to look up on the AAI website.

Airports Authority of India


flyhigh27 5th Mar 2012 12:11

@ fly.low
how did ur interview go???
can u pls share the questions or pattern- my friend has her interview tomorrow...

hifly17 6th Mar 2012 11:29

anybody with any information how the interviews were for the past 2 days ? some advice will be helpful .

press27 6th Mar 2012 12:32

HI Fly low may i know when is ur interview.
and wat should we do abt english prof test.
any idea what we should expect in interview.

ice_veins 7th Mar 2012 05:18

Keep waiting buddy. They have no plans right now

robin.pereira 7th Mar 2012 05:34

ice_veins : what exactly do you mean when you say "they have no plans right now"?

to all the candidates and their "mysterious friends" (appearing for the interview) who xpect others to post all the questions that were posed to them during the interview....please don't be surprised if nobody posted it here. why would someone want to ruin his/her chances by making things a lot easier for the others? is this how it works? what if he/she doesn't get through after doing all the hardwork, instead you clear the interview after getting all the questions. fair game people. play the fair game.

ice_veins 7th Mar 2012 07:00

Chill robin
Hey hothead I posted it in the wrong thread, this was meant to be in the Jet thread.:O Dont get so worked up, my mistake

robin.pereira 12th Mar 2012 06:20

wow, its been a week since the interviews started and nobody has anything to discuss in this thread. i guess that's how things work in spicejet. a totally hidden process.

ice_veins 12th Mar 2012 08:07

You should be happy Robin. They are playing the "fair game" :E

robin.pereira 12th Mar 2012 08:54

of course I am happy. fair game indeed. nobody is asking each other for questions.

what about those who sat for it? don't they usually post the outcome of the interview?

Sweptair 12th Mar 2012 11:13

on going interview
one of my friend went for interview he told me that it was pretty easy they started with introduction then some stuff from pressure instruments(ASI,ALT.)
then few met. question like- some symbols from station model some short form like BR,FG..next was approach plates.jeppesen en route charts.that's it.. lasted only for 20 min...he said it was not heavy & the guys was pretty relaxed..i guess CPL stuff is what they are looking for..

If anybody have any question please feel free to post i can ask him.


amarmusafir 14th Mar 2012 07:10

Work Shop On Jeppesen Charts in Mumbai
Friends there is a week end workshop on Jeppesen Charts familiarization.
Any one interested may contact organizers.

bayblade 15th Mar 2012 08:39

@amarmusafir, could you give some more info about it, when and where?

hifly17 16th Mar 2012 04:35

i would also like to know the details regarding the jeppesen workshop . thanks .

flyhigh27 16th Mar 2012 09:03

Jepp charts familiarization workshop
Hey please give me info about the workshop too.

Cactus225 21st Mar 2012 07:45

hello all
have the results for the interviews been declared yet?

Aviator2000 21st Mar 2012 08:28

Yup, the result was out last week...!!

SuperflyTNT 21st Mar 2012 08:39

How many got through/employed ?

Aviator2000 21st Mar 2012 18:32

No one knows how many got through but i Dint get in...:oh:

captainflight 22nd Mar 2012 10:03

next exam.
when they will conduct the test again... anybody know...

captainflight 23rd Mar 2012 03:53

may be in june.....

Sweptair 23rd Mar 2012 08:40

How many got through/employed ?
As far as i know 17 is the no. & they don't have any idea whether they gonna fly Q400 or B737..

Mach11 24th Mar 2012 11:42

Spicejet Interview Result
Yes Spicejet interview results are out and I have passed but even I dont know how many cleared .
@Sweptair from where u heard the nos are 17??

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