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-   -   BE-76 aka duchess not recognised by Indian DGCA anymore (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/450978-76-aka-duchess-not-recognised-indian-dgca-anymore.html)

smurf84 27th Jul 2011 03:01

avicon - Are you very sure about the DGCA not issuing BE76 endorsements anymore? I have a feeling they are. Why don't you go there or send someone to talk to the Training and Licensing Dept. to get a clear picture again - if you are hesitant on doing your training on another twin-engine. Try your luck.

rahulsarma 27th Jul 2011 15:44

I think they are still giving out duchess endorsement. There are so many issued this month only if search for approved licenses.

aviator prerna 15th Aug 2011 10:10

BE 76
I had applied for my conversion in Dec. Got my ME CPL on BE 76 n FRTOL in Jan.
Had to submit the IR x-country doc n SE day/night check again.
Reapplied in Feb 2011.
Din get any replies from DGCA. After my repeated visits i could not get any updates n they were not able to locate my file.
Last week i finally found my file lying in 'Raddi ki Almari' in DGCA, after almost 6 months.
And the gave me back my documents saying that they can not issue me my IR because i have done it on BE 76. And they deny my SE due to the fact that i am no more current.
Can someone tell me on what date was BE 76 removed from the approved a/c list.
Because i am really freaking out and i NEED my license.

smurf84 16th Aug 2011 02:36

To my knowledge, the deadline was July 1st. I don't know whether they are still issuing BE76 endorsements on the Indian CPL. Did they tell you that if you resubmit your list of cross-country flights later for the issue of IR, you would not be issued one because you did it on the Duchess? From your post, I believe it isn't your fault, but I think they look at the fact that it has been 6 months since the time you submitted your application, hence the difficulty in issuing a multi-IR on the BE76. You must talk to the concerned people.

bayblade 17th Aug 2011 06:55

dear friends, i spoke to d.c sharma and vashishta on this issue.

firstly they said if you've already done your training on the BE76 and are done with recency on it then submit your papers without flying another multi. but then he also warned that there are slim chances of it getting rejected for endorsement as they have not come on a conclusion for this.
imho i don't think they would create any issues for BE76, they sounded very casual about it.
okay now if you want to switch to seneca (PA-34-200) and have done your checkride on BE76, it does not matter on which ME you do your checkride on, untill you satisfy the following requirements:
1. 10 hrs of training on the senena as spilt as follows:
a. 3 hrs minimum under check - gft day, gft night, and mininmum 1 hr IR, these should be logged as PIC under supervision, the checks should include the 3 solo t/o (pic undersupervion not really solo.)
b. the rest 7 hrs should be logged as dual flight even though you have obtained your ME cpl , its required by DGCA.

i hope this clears the air.

lastly regarding, PA-34-200 or PA-34-200T they said just mention PA-34 thats it no more.

am-rj-tbt 18th Aug 2011 15:10

Thanks .. great help

avicon 18th Aug 2011 21:12

Spoke to mr vasist and vp singh. They said they will continue to issue Be76 provided your training on this aircraft had already commenced before jan 2011 when the issue broke out and the word started getting around. However NOC for IR rendwal/endorsment of ME on BE76 will NOT be issued till matter is resolved from above. Now what is that supposed to mean. How can this matter be resolved...by one of us purchasing a Be76 in India?
Anyway why the hell cant they put a circular on their website instead of waiting for the 'word to get around' among students by word of mouth.. Are we living in pigeon-courier times? The DGCA bloody well know when to update their site. Like when they put up that ridiculous tender notice for 24 switchboards for their office!

Krits 23rd Aug 2011 08:24

This is sort of an emergency so I'm posting this before going through this thread.

My friends over in the states right now for her recency flying. She did her multi on the C-310. Is there any issue with that aircraft and being accepted by the DGCA? I know the Duchess has had it, but wasn't aware of the C-310. Would anyone be kind enough to either confirm that its a valid a/c or point me in a direction on the DGCA website where I can confirm for myself.


airbuscopilot 23rd Aug 2011 08:41

Click here and look for Cessna 310


Also click Below

Know Your A/C

And Search VT-EJX

So both places its got a Cessna 310! now There's only one! And its a risky Situation! because if the Certificate of Airworthiness expires by the time your friend applies! ---> NO Endorsement!

Krits 23rd Aug 2011 15:29

Thanks for your reply man. I already checked those lists. And the C-310 isn't on there. But there are a lot of A/C's missing on there.

I just want to know if people are being denied endorsements on the C-310.

airbuscopilot 23rd Aug 2011 16:57


the List does have a CESSNA 310! Look with open eyes!

Also the VT-EJX i told you to lookup is a registered Cessna 310!

Krits 23rd Aug 2011 18:28

OK, I saw it in that list but its missing in This one

And apparently that A/C in Garg Aviation lost its C of A sometime in July.

What are the complications regarding getting a DGCA endorsement on a different multi A/C other than the one you gave your check ride in?

flyhigh07 23rd Aug 2011 19:25

i am going back to usa for recency,since i have passed my papers,how many hours do i need to take since i had my rating on duchess from usa,i heard tht if you are done with your rating before jan 2011,then i dont need to take another 10 hours in seneca?

please shed some light..i did my rating in duchess before jan 2011,can i take the advantage and do my 3hrs recency in duchess itself?:ugh:

guitarboy 23rd Aug 2011 20:25

Which is the Cheapest "Multi Engine Aircraft/Hour" in India?
How much does it cost/hour?
What flying School ?

cyrilroy21 23rd Aug 2011 23:17


Not sure whether the DGCA still endorses the C310.....

But there are two guys on the DGCA admit list for the July 2011 session that is giving the technical specific exam for the Cessna 310

KARAN23 24th Aug 2011 05:12

Just a quick question for all the aviators.
"Suppose if some one has done his multi-rating in 2010 on BE-76 way before the list of D.G.C.A. accepted aircrafts came out.
But still has not applied for his Indian Licence. Then on which aircraft should that person do his Recency on??? BE-76 or Seneca??"

I would be grateful if anybody could throw some light on it.

bayblade 24th Aug 2011 14:33

are you guys incapable of reading post in the same page, forget about sifting whole thread being dedicated to this *****ed-up issue?!!!

seriously guys are you still being fed baby fooD??!:hmm:

why don't you call up dgca directly rather than being greatful to people to repeat their posts'?

am-rj-tbt 24th Aug 2011 15:50

you should probably be safe and do it on a pa 34 200

cyrilroy21 12th Sep 2011 12:37

Does anyone know whats the status regarding BE 76 endorsements ?

If you go through the previous posts on this forum you can see that the DGCA had mentioned earlier that those who apply after July 1 , 2011 will not be endorsed with a DUCHESS rating on their CPL

Apparently this rule has not yet come into force as i found two candidates who got their duchess endorsements issued despite applying later than July 1 , 2011

Emplyee Details

Emplyee Details

Is there anyone out there who got their duchess endorsements rejected ?
If so please mention the name of the DGCA officer who was handling your file .


Kingmaker500 14th Sep 2011 09:22

well pointed out..one of the approved license was as recent as 2 weeks back :ooh: I don't understand whats going on. DGCA needs to come up with a clearer picture . So looks like they are still giving endorsements on the BE-76!!

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