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thiththaaththa 13th Nov 2008 15:22

Sri Lankan Air Lines Instructors
Guys do you all know any news about the ad and the candidates on instructor selection?:ok:

LOVE UL 19th Nov 2008 04:05

The instructor selected once. Will depend on how you performed as shown below.

The question.

How much is 2 + 2 =?

The once who answered 4. ( Failed) confirmed no more instructing in UL any more.

The once who answered 5. (Failed) You may get another shy in 2 yrs.

The once who answered. You (Management) tell me what to write. ( Passed with flying colours). You are definitely selected.

We can see the standards of our instructors. Specially, what the highest one did a few weeks ago.

LOVE UL 20th Nov 2008 12:51

The highest one put an A330 off the runway in VOMM. The latest, his Instructor rating suspended. This was a few weeks ago.

thiththaaththa 22nd Nov 2008 10:21

Sri Lankan Air Lines Instructors
Is it true the baby general Ranathunge is trying to run the show? He wants to put his chuck golaya's in. I and D the batman of DP KDK has applied.

sharuk khan 25th Nov 2008 07:33

Look whose talking....
Either way guys all those smart pilots who left for greener pasture are now interested in the motherland and it's airline and are now willing to give up their kushy life style and money and come and save the failing countries airline!! Ha,ha, the biggest laugh....this is what it feels like to be kicked in the ass....so we have to now say oh guys! we missed you please come back and save us from MR DP SJ and so on......you were the cream who left so let's whipp up the cream and make this airline viable after all these years.

Good luck to all the specials.............well there was one goat who said he will never come back and is eating his words now...SJ might put his foot in the mouth here too.

thiththaaththa 26th Nov 2008 05:07

The best joke of the day is although DP's intructor rating is removed by DGCA he still can perform as a sim instructor. Even the credibility of the instructors are degraded to the lowest.:=

Pukkhan 27th Nov 2008 01:36

Talking about credibility. Some never had. They grabbed this for the money. Who ever is good with the top got it. That's the bigggest dammage MR did. Now even worst.If DP can behave like this at this stage. Immagine how he will be later with long career ahead?:ugh:

moderate 27th Nov 2008 09:41

looks like the 'wannabe actor SK' is bitter with those who took up the challenge elsewhere! One needn't be a smartass to venture out I bet but some guts is certainly required when leaving a permanent job for an expat.............but things have changed since.........perhaps SK is unaware of the financial crisis that had a domino effect? Has he also lost track of the fact that UL still has many expats and that it's always better to have our own guys back especially when your Company is suffering a severe cashflow problem?
Cheer up man, your job is secure as long as UL is run on a good foundation and its costs kept down.....and you can't do that if you encourage hiring more expats........unless ofcourse you happen to be a batman for the management.:{

JunkBus 27th Nov 2008 11:37


Thats funny you say that expats are more expensive when we get paid the same as locals, unlike what you get paid at KF. Cost to company for an expat is double that of a local in India.

LOVE UL 27th Nov 2008 19:19


DP's Instructor rating suspension is only a tempo act. As you know the CAASL is run by UL and the same goones. Once the talk fizzles off DP will be back with his tricks.

DP knows how to butter both sides.

moderate 28th Nov 2008 03:18

Thats funny you say that expats are more expensive when we get paid the same as loca
JunkBus U got it wrong there mate.
U can't compare the packages by comparing the salaries only.......that's comparing apples to oranges. By the way try not to forget that there's a thing called taxes too where the local boys help to fill the govt coffers.....right or wrong as it may seem. . Moderate is not THERE but HERE with you and have no such intentions though having no grudges either.......:ugh:

thiththaaththa 28th Nov 2008 05:18

He can try to butter, Still he has to dance and prove in front of everybody. Looks like MR having the remote in his hand he finds it difficult. On top of it Puk Karu now going behind HE reminding his cricketing days with him and slowly trying to creap in has become another problem. All are fighting to hold on to this job.

tropaco 30th Nov 2008 10:27

Well said newagebird in regards to Coolguys comments!


I remember a few months ago around May, in the last intake Coolguy made similar scurrilous comments here regarding his opinions of "disloyal and unpatriotic" Sri Lankans who leave the country for greener pastures before his comments were deleted from the thread.

He has no real idea how tough life can be abroad for expats and what people have to go through to get to where they want to get to. It is certainly not a bed of roses, easy loans etc. His comments are born more out of professional jealousy and a lack of confidence in his ability to gain employment with UL. Being one of a handful of CPL holders in Sri Lanka and being born in Sri Lanka should not be an automatic right to gaining employment within the UL regardless of who you are, as it should really be about your attitude as an individual and your capabilities as a pilot. As I understand it, with UL they only select the best possible candidates based upon aptitude, experience and above all the correct attitude. At times the limited number of appropriately qualified local pilots has led the airline to employ more experienced expats for more experienced positions. This is normal. This is also the case with some of the biggest airlines and in a sense the system used at UL is no different to the systems employed at Cathy, SIA, Qantas or BA. It appears as though Coolguy lacks any of these a fore mentioned attributes and is just prepared to knock down those who have been lucky enough to get in.

It is pointless debating your stance on such matters here as your opinions are probably based out of frustration and jealousy and a lack of understanding of the real world and as such your arguments lack any real focus, and as a result Malli are meaningless. You claim that any Lankan born abroad is less of a Lankan than you, when we are as loyal and as patriotic to the nation and the many things that it stands for and fights for. We may grow up as Ozzies, Canadian, American or Brits but we regard ourselves as being Sri lanakans first and foremost and we would like to see nothing better than OUR nation maximize its full potential and its people do well. Most of us are born speaking the language and have strong ties with Sri Lanka having spent our formative lives there, and as a result our first thought is always Sri Lanka (this is closely followed by Ammas bath and parippu!!).

What you also fail to understand about those who left Sri Lanka in the 70's/80's is that they left because they wanted to gain experience and return their again one day when the political or economic situation improved. This is the case with people from many backgrounds from the most brilliant minds in any given professional field (engineering,law, banking, medicine, etc) or to a laborer in the Middle East. In order for any nation to develop its skills it may at some point it may have to gain knowledge and experience from other regions especially if a country does not have opportunities or jobs in this area. This was the case in the Middle East when they discovered oil and in India with the recent economic boom. these people are known as economic migrants and will mostly return home one day.

You should also be grateful that anybody who is coming to work in Sri Lanka will be a tax payer (just like you) and will enhance the country and economy. We do not come as leeches or opportunists because we cannot find work elsewhere as for most of us it is a choice and something we want to do.

You are also a huge fraud and a hypocrite and you claim that any Lankan who leaves Sri Lanka is less loyal to the country;

"because they dont need SRILANKA"

when you yourself in previous posts made on Pprune have enquired into the possibility of employment with other airlines abroad.



It even seems that you have even dreamed of selling your soul to EK!

http://www.pprune.org/middle-east/19...ml#post2136372 :=

So what does this make you ...? Are you as bad as me or am I only as good as you? := How are you any different to any other appropriately qualified individual looking for work or are you yourself a disloyal Lankan as any expat Lankan living abroad? Judging by your previous posts you yourself would jump at the chance at leaving Lanka if BA, Cathy or SIA came knocking so malli please do not be so quick to judge others.

Also you assume that we do not pay tax in Lanka or we do not contribute in any way when most families have investments, businesses and property back home and have funded or contribute heavily to the education and well being of our families. This is primarily with the intention and commitment of developing our country through our own social and familial responsibilities. This is something that you may or may have not benefited from personally via an Auntie or an Uncle at some point. Do you mention to them that they are some sort economic traitor or disloyal Lankan when you see them or do you say thank Auntie for the gifts? :=

Further globalisation will lead to the world becoming an even smaller place and although I understand that you may be frustrated and that any country should look after its own, it is pointless telling everybody that you are more Sri Lankan than the next person as you come across like some sort of ignorant goddeya. You should also understand that you comments are embarrassing and somewhat off point and you do not really give a good impression of the airline and its nations people to any foreigner reading these posts who is looking to come to Sri Lanka as you come across as nothing more than a little insular. This is when most Lankans living abroad have the ability to communicate and mix well in in most diverse communities around the world.

What I suggest is that instead of hating, bitching and moaning about the lack of opportunities and "foreigners coming over here to take our jobs" you should concentrate on getting the appropriate qualifications and working hard on your application. After all anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I am guessing that even if you had the the appropriate qualifications you would probably moan about exam papers and applicants being preselected based upon who they know etc. There are many well connected people who have applied in the past and failed, so stop moaning and get on with it. To suggest this is to say that most of the pilot fraternity at UL are not appropriately qualified and is offensive when some of the pilots are as good if not better than most and can hold their own in any airline. Many of whom move onto other airlines and fly the flag there.( I refer you to the two Lankan EK pilots who took delivery of one of the first A380’s) Stop being hung up on the many things that you can't control and don't know and concentrate on what you can do and can affect which will only ultimately be yourself. Even the ex air force guys with turbine time can get a job in another airline and gain experience as most pilots around the worlds tend to do.

(Newagebird I don't know you but I know that you must be laughing at the this right now give the crap and racism that any "foreigner" has to go through from time to time in our adopted birth places!)

Sorry for the rant but some things need to be said.

Best of luck and safe landings to all.

My work is done here.


moderate 9th Dec 2008 15:26

Hmmmmm............a hot debate it may be but the word 'patriotic' or 'patriotism' is badly misplaced and loosely used by most people these days. I wonder if they have heard of the Sinhala proverb that goes on to say.........when hungry that some people would see a kabaragoya as a thalagoya.

Pukkhan 11th Dec 2008 13:33

All these kabaragoyas thought about their mother land only when they realised that they are nothing in their country amongst the whites in aviation. They are here for the rating and experience only. It has proved already with the few who left and the other few who are waiting. Its only the pass port and the accent. The colour is still the same.:ugh:

FlyMeToTheStars 12th Dec 2008 02:16

Hey Pukkhan your location appears to be uk. Could you be taking all that a foreign country has to offer whilst criticising others := ? There are sri lankan born pilots flying in airlines all over the world, as well as working in all other professions all over the world and doing very well, and very good luck to them! There are Sri Lankans working in all countries in the world in all professions, whilst locals are out of work. What makes you think sri lanka is so special that expats should not be allowed to fly, or work in any other profession for that matter?? There is so much jealousy, whining and racsim on the all of the sri lankan threads, it is unbelievable! If there are expats working it is because you do not have locals to fill those posts.Stop whining, get your head down and try to make the grade.If you don't make it don't blame others.We don't all get to do what we want to do in this life.Get real, if you don't want expats working in your airline or country then you should stay at home and not enjoy the fruits of another country! We are all human and want to get on and do what's best for our selves and our families,that includes you, so don't pretend that you are any different from any one else. Sometimes that means leaving our homes , as you seem to have done.I hope you enjoy UK and do well in what ever you choose to do, but just get on with your life without making stupid comments about others achievements

AKAFresh 12th Dec 2008 21:02

Tropaco and FlyMeToTheStars,

Well its about time somebody finally spoke up about the constant negative comments targeted at the national airline and its pilots. Well done to you sir! We all know that Sri Lanka as a whole has been and is still being ruined by greedy individuals who think only of themselves and those close to them. Corruption, greed and favoring people through contacts as apposed to individual capabilities and skill alone is all too common but its a fact of life and as a developing country something we will have to over come to truly grow as a nation. The industry we work in is common to the practice of 'contacts' just look at the job market. However this happens not only in Sri Lanka but many countries all over the world.

Everytime I read a thread about Sri Lankan airlines on pprune its constantly filled with negative comments on how bad the situation is and personal attacks on individual management members or pilots. Its like a plague! With the moderators having to step in closing threads and banning people.

I sympathise heavily with the difficulties faced by pilots in the airline alot down to the bad individual apples in the company but lets try and talk about it in a professional way instead of the rubbish talk we are all becoming too used to seeing in a thread with the word Sri Lankan in the title!! If you have nothing good/constructive to say then don't say anything!

There's no surprise why the airline is not going anywhere its constantly talked about in a negative way. We have had some great years as an airline and many great pilots to show for it. Many expats who have worked for the airline have had good things to say but the few people on pprune who comment on the Sri Lankan threads just seem to use it as a hobby to slate the airline and its workforce.

Get a grip! If you are Sri Lankan then have some professionalism about the way you talk. Even if what you say is true no one will respect you or your comments with the way you talk and post.

Don't get me wrong I know the airline has got a long way to go and there are many issues to resolve the same goes for many things in the country but we are not alone in the fight to make a successful national airline, many countries are fighting this battle.

Like Tropaco and FlyMeToTheStars said get your head down and work hard to do your part! There are many ways to make this airline successful (apart from go on about getting rid of bad apples in the company, especially because we don't have control over such things), what we must do is focus on what we as individuals can do to make the airline work and grow and have pride in our jobs and the national airline. It is after all by choice we are all here and there are many that would love to be doing it.

Good Luck to all those trying to make Sri Lankan airlines a world class airline.


Pukkhan 16th Dec 2008 15:42

How can you do all this. It has already happened. Instructor interviews are already conducted and decided the way they wanted. Baby general the Ranathunge has done it again. He has prepared the question bank and passed it to the panel to ask from that. At the same time he has given his to his followers too. Jayasekera the pervert has done well thanks to this and had told his father to give a promotion to Ranathunge brother for that. Nothing has changed. And will never because they own this Air Line.

FlyMeToTheStars 16th Dec 2008 18:01

Sad to see you have taken absolutely nothing on board that anyone has tried to say to you here.I guess there is no hope that you will ever have a professional attitude,and will continue to portray your airline and countrymen in such a bad light.The sad thing is that you don't realise that it is your self that you are also bringing down.Let's hope a vigilant moderator bans you.It's disgraceful that you are naming people here, whatever your views and knowledge of the situation is.

Pukkhan 20th Dec 2008 11:02

Fly me to the stars
Truth hurts my friend. If you are one of them and if not if you are one of their friends, It'll be difficult. I too wish I can fly to the stars. But with my own ability. Not with the influence if parents and friends. If you are so worried about this air line Where were you when MR was ruining it. You must have been one of them who joined hands and helped him to do it. Still some are there continuing the same as they think they own it. This is every body's. If you too can help to change not only you, every body can fly to the stars.

FlyMeToTheStars 22nd Dec 2008 19:32

Pukkhan. I am not "one of them" or even "one of their friends" ..who ever they might be. You just don't get it do you? try to be PROFESSIONAL and get on with your work without whining. Everyone cannot be selected and sour grapes will not change that

thiththaaththa 22nd Dec 2008 23:35

My dear Fly me to the stars. Even though you claim that you are not one of them. You are still defending and supporting. Every body likes to see this Air Line doing well. Some left this place not purely for for money. They were disgusted the way they were managed. People who stayed are expecting a better life. Why they cry about is, still some jokers are trying to hang on to the posissions and ruining this place. Its a known thing that most of these instructors never had an interview when they were appointed. It all happened to the likes of MR. Would you like to learn from that short fellow who lives with F##@ word all the time? Have you ever heard that when an instructor is penalised. They remove only the line instructor rating. He still can act as a sim instructor. I'm sure if you have eny feeling for this place, you too can advice them. Specially to that moron Puuk Karu.

preethamsrinimal 23rd Dec 2008 19:08

There has been few mentions of the present UL flt ops management on this thread and I decided to break my silence. It's very unfair to call me with "that perticular" name.Cause I lost that perticular item long time back:\. You all know that how hard it was for me to come up in my career.After all it's a huge jump from being an apprentice at DIMO's. You also know wat I did to my friend from CDE Era, who helped me to come up in Ladder. Just imagine how hard it was to be trained on left seat, all three of us together on same session. (Apparently, this was also recorded on the guiness book of world records..!!:D).And then came my Car deals from Japan. After all being in Management, why can't I request my own flights and make my own roster. So wat's wrong in going to NRT often and make a buck on return:ooh:.( By the way I still go to LHR during Pre and Post Christmas periods, as that's the best time for sales,which I did even last week as well..!!:ok:) How much I've done to help others..As you remember I took more than 40 Lamprais to Tolouse to feed my partner Dr. Elwis.That paid me well in the long run. When he lost his licence after finding out (finally) that he lacked a heart, I still backed him to get a job for him in the Sim. That helped about 40 disgruntled young UL pilots starting with onejee to leave UL. Didn't that benefit all the youngsters..?? See how much I've done to SL aviation..:p

I can go on like this for ever for what I've done for the betterment of the others. Of course as long as I was also benefitted. Afterall, nothin is free these days. My only black mark was the Moratu Menda issue. As the boss was jet skeeing with him at that time I had to let go his shutting down the wrong engine. After all it was on the Sim..!!:ugh:

Please excuse me for my broken english. After all, I studied in a big but more native school. But one day small bugger will be able to write a better post as I managed to put him to a better outfit, thanks to Upulsam's BIL. Still I did compensate him well by making him a Check eventhough he was so junior and promoting ahead of many seniors.. Don't you think I've been very fair.:rolleyes:

That's all for now folks..This is only very few I've done for SL Avaition. Lot more to come..Please drop in at my place if you need to know more of my great contibutions to SL Aviation and my self. As usual.., I would be more than happy to offer you with a big glass of Ribena..!!!;)

rdr 23rd Dec 2008 22:43

:ugh::ugh::ugh:What, you guys fighting again ???

LOVE UL 25th Dec 2008 17:14


That's PK 's full history in AirLanka and SriLankan Airlines. Are you sure you are not him?

His furure is to pop into DP's seat. As DP has slid one cheek off the seat. But still hanging on.

Well said.

Enyoyed it.


LOVE UL 28th Dec 2008 11:43

Well talking about DP. The latest news in the papers is that DP's brother Khavan P has been suspended from the Golden Key credit group for a major scam . (Mismanagement and has admitted)

Put Mr. Lalith K into deep trouble.

Hope this does not run in the family. As the bro may mismanage us. Father may be called to wangle him out.

Sri Lanka BUSINESS:: Golden Key Fraud in Sri Lanka

Ceylinco to sell Seylan shares to pay Golden Key depositors

Pukkhan 29th Dec 2008 00:44

Dear Love UL,
As long as Dada is there they will survive. I hear that UL is already mismanaged. DP is in a mess and no control. People don't know whether there's a head even.
Question is why do the others have to suffer.

justiceman 29th Dec 2008 12:07


First of all before you register to this forum I am sure both of you must have read the code of conduct of the forum.So make sure youll dont criticize and mention anybody s name in public forums....

IF you have a personal grudge make sure direct it to the person rather than bitching it like women in public forums.

It could be DP today , and BC, CD, XY tommorow,Untill anybody s proven guilty in front of the LAW they are all suspects ,and also though they have brothers and sisters that does not mean that the public has the right to accuse them as well .

WAKE UP both of you.there are somany daylight roberies in this country where the innocent civilians blood are sucked , robbed by the Ruling people.talk against that.Speak against Mihin where the money could have been allocated for Sri lankan to make the best in ASIA.Speak against the income Tax fraud where the Billions lost are not taken in to account and and they let these guys run away free, speak against the Fuel pricing we pay the highest tax in Asia to consume where the actual ammount is less.

You may have Brothers and sisters and they may mismanage or do mistakes,Can you STOP?.just because a family member does some mistakes have some social responsibility and decency not to mention names in Public forums.I assume you fly jets for a living, And a Professional.So start acting and behaving as professionals.Others may do mistakes but you have a social responsibility to behave like one.

Lalith k is known for all the big talking and pulling money from his other companies to show off.I dont know how well you follow Business and aware of the Legeal system in Sri lanka.If the CEO has admitted that he has mismanaged what it got to do with his family members and do you think its ethical to insult the other members in the family?

Look at your own friends in the guild, how many of them ruined their family lives, leave their children, have other affairs, doesnt that affect others/children etc.talk about that rather than writing anything about a person who is being asked to step down while the inquiry is going on..

Remember this is not only for DP, it coud be AB, CD, EF or XY.just because you dislike a person make sure you dont drag his personal life and drag the family members in public forums.

If you have followed scams I hope you are aware of the people who fiddle money and vanish like Sakvithi,rob people, takes bribes, empty Tsunami funds in front of our own eyes,,,, Speak up against them........!!!!!!!!How do u know whther this scam was an organised one.Central Bank is now run by a Donkey.lalith K funds heavily for the UNP.Who knows wether he was asked to pay a HUGE HUGE bribe to continue Heyat Towers in front of the Temple Tress cos it was stopped for security reasons by the R brother who looks after the Defence.

We dont have to tell you who started taking ransoms in the country for the last few months ......

THINK .!!!! So far what we have heard is Lalith K s version.Thats why as soon as it happened Most of the Depositers being chased by Other banks for them to reinvest with them.Seylans unstabilty was there for the last 9- 10 months.( Rumurs)


moderate 29th Dec 2008 15:54

It is evident that most of the chaps in this outfit have a lot to gripe about...........and it's ok to do that as long as names of individuals are not mentioned in a public forum. As for talking about other scams in the country, I doubt if this is the correct forum for that! This happens to be a 'Pilots rumours network' so that too has to be OK??
By the way facts are facts and many in high places in this outfit owes a lot to some one else for having put them there, but very few had earned it ........so feel free to gripe guys.
That's unfortunately the only method you guys have of exposing dirt, but please don't mention names! Afterall Governments are toppled in many countries by exposing their dirt (curruption) and unsuitability.
Truth, does hurt doesn't it?:confused:

justiceman 31st Dec 2008 08:58

thruth hurts
I agree with yo moderate.

After all Thanks for your concern to make this furum a reliable, productive one rather than taking personal revange by exposing names and being personal.

Yes in deed this is Pilots rumour network but Things Like MIHIN could be taken up to make people aware of this countries scam on the Aviation Sector.

End of the we should not forget where we come from.Nobodys born wit the side stick.We all make mistakes and we all learn something new everyday.For those of who think that they are TOPGUN pilots , well all the best for them!!!!!

Pukkhan 1st Jan 2009 03:49

My dear Justiceman,
You are a real boot licker for DP. Don't forget the fact that this is a forum to discuss aviation politics. Not contry's politics. Obviously when truth comes out it hurts. When you grab an appointment a person should think whether he's capable of doing it. If you can't you should resign and hand it over to another instead of ruining the whole pilots community. The person should set him self as an example and lead the others.
Why don't you ask him why he promoted his brothers company to invest money to so many pilots?
Why he's claiming a drivers allowance from the company and not using a driver to come to work?
Why he's claiming a fuel allowance which he's not utilising fully?
Why he's not staying in office the required number of days in and still claiming for that.

I'm sure you are aware that an appointment is given not just to sit and enjoy the benifits and good flights and destinations. Tell your friend and try to convince him to act like a leader and look after the pilots community. Then I'll call you a real Justice man. Happy New Year:D

justiceman 1st Jan 2009 14:02


If you read my content carefully I ve mentioned it could be DP , AB CD EF or XY.

I do not have to lick boots but I am afraid I ve seen, heard plenty of guys like you here moaning , bitching etc .May be I am wasting my time.Seems like for some people nothing goes inside.I would rather call them FAT DUMB AND HAPPY!!!!!!!

Good Luck

patis piyadasa 1st Jan 2009 16:27

Ane shah ruk - you really have your amuday in a twist man..

Or are you batting like this so you can go one day to an interview with a printout of all these posts and say give me a star for my epaulet too guys :=

Keep it up macho - thats the way to fly to the stars - lick the landing gear or the apu of the boys in power

As for the instructors - well they are all goons man !! all goons !! chosen by a panel of goons for the goons

This is why we have lost so many to other airlines - they couldnt handle the politics and the depitakaattu management man !! - and you say they wanna come back ?

You jelous no ? that they earn good money ?

Macho - they didnt go for money

Wake up and smell the goma Shah ruk ?

They left because they knew it was rough justice here

And the pako's in power will only appoint more pako's who will fail who they want failed and pass who they want passed and most importantly bat at the instructor meetings

You dont take a nariya or a singhaya into the harak gaala dude. You take a haraka no ?

Keep the dream posts up shah ruk

Going through all your other posts you can see why they say singhalaya modaya.

Try beet the saying and get your head out of your puka pattha

or atleast your nose out of the puka pattha of the management

justiceman 2nd Jan 2009 10:59

I am sorry I am new to this forum and I have no idea who shahruk is.you are mistaken I am afraid.Sorry to dissapoint you.

Anyway good try.

I dont wanna Lick , and give my A** to anybody , I am no Intsructor , I am no management guy , I am no chief Pilot .I am on my own.But I see lot of frustration in you.I feel sorry for that.May be its the way you were brought up.guys who dont have propper pedegrees behaves like this.

Take Care D*** Head.

FlyMeToTheStars 3rd Jan 2009 03:20

You are wasting your breath on these guys jucticeman...if you check the thread you will see they have been told the same things over and over again but they will never learn .There are ways of addressing issues, and naming people on here is not one of them. They are totally unprofessional and will never be anything else. They do absolutely nothing for the reputaiton of Sri Lankan.

justiceman 4th Jan 2009 01:45

Why Sri Lankan
Yes I ve realised.

I am new to this forum but I ve heard plenty of this site.

Just have a look at other threads.How professional they are to address issues.Its true this is a rumour network.We talk about rumours but out of all the threads ,south asian forum ---- sri lankan matters are the worst.Why? .when ever we start a topic some people try to take it very personally and start attacking each other.We have only One Airline, Our training starndards are second to none.Our Pilots have a better demand than the rest of the Asian Pilots, but still we attack each other, publish names and try to take personal revange etc.We have the Highest Literacy rate in the Region.But dow e act like that? Do we see these things in the Indian threads though they have nearly 10 Ailrines, more Airline Pilots than us? worst things occure there but they take it very lightly.End of the day this attitude will reflect bad on the entire Pilot Cadre of Sri Lankan just bcause of few D*** heads.

What you guys doing here is abusing the system. Just because you given liberty to write something about your work place , dont just use it as a Kitchen sink policy ....Dont be emotional.End of the day this is just a Rumour network.it could be true may be wrong....

Forget about being a professional (it Doesnt seems like working ) atleast have a moral value to talk to the point , bring up the issuse ( rumour) and not to attack and publish individuals by their names.

This is suppose to help others seeking info.but do we do that? Other threads help people alot, guide them to seek info , answer questions ,thats all about having a netowrk like this.


LOVE UL 6th Jan 2009 18:23

SriLankan Airlines Manager Flight Operations ( The head of all the Pilots ) Captain DP's brother, Khavan P remanded.

Sri Lanka Golden Key Credit Card officers remanded - LANKA BUSINESS ONLINE

Friends becareful when dealing with people like this.

Shame and scandle in the family.

This is a warning to us all.

justiceman 8th Jan 2009 01:10

Love Ul
Most of the memebers agree what you have done was totally against the social responsibility...

Your repeated comments on this ( and few others in the past) show alot of your personality.Its a shame that you have become a Pilot and attack people in public without having a respect for human bieng, and after all lots of doubts on your background , better to chek your birth certificate cos you must have got concieved on the road to behave like this .your behavior does NOT show you were brought up nicely ......

If you have a problem with the Management Then LEAVE.why do you keep on Bitching about it in public and get frustrated?.End of the day just because you post this on a rumour network management decisions wont change ********.MAngers will remain in their positions.If you are not happy LEAVE.The reason you are not happy because you dont know the true values of the life and others.You have not been taught to respect others We can assume you inherrited these from your Mom( obviously you dont know your Dad)Your posts reflect lot of messages, you are trying to be a hero by publishing personal facts, company info on coruption etc.But end of the day everybody knows you have a personal problems with few individuals.May be you are frustrated with jelousy.I am Sorry and sad ......may be you are going through a very bad family life.

End of the day your posts sum up a lot about your self.Frustration, anger, jelousy, broken background, unhappines,lack of money and fame and also Third class family upbringing.Thats why you attack family members of people.

We are really ashamed to fly with you cos you dont know your CRM values.

This is against everybody.Not just to protect Dp etc etc etc ........


Good Luck.

Pukkhan 8th Jan 2009 01:34

My dear Justiceman,:rolleyes:
You are a disgrace to that word. Where does it say that, If you don't like the manager to leave? In the history of sri lankan that is what the managers did. They got rid of the guys who critisised them. Why the managers are criticised and hated are because thay can't perform properly. Don't you think its better to ask the managers to leave if they can't perform properly. There's no where it says that managers are there to say. It should be that they are there to work and leave in three years to pave the way for another. The biggest problem is that the managers have come stay for life.
Do justice for the rest of the pilots. Advice your friendly managers to perform their duties properly. Tell them to set an example to the rest of the pilots community. Then they will be respected and loved too.
Obviously the est of the pilots are worried because like Golden Key, Sri Lankan flight ops can be run down by the other brother. There's a limit that Dada can do and protect.


justiceman 8th Jan 2009 12:02

HAve Balls
Have balls my friend to say these things in Sri Lanka.May be you are in UK( according to ur location) or else You are a chicken to admit that you are in Sri lanka and given a falls location.Shame.

What I have to tell you is you can go together with Love Ul to the registars ofice to chek your birth certficates you lack guidance and a Dad.....

May be chek could be the same mom but different dads,,,,,,,,,,

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