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-   -   Philippine ATO memorandum circular 01-06 (https://www.pprune.org/south-asia-far-east/212102-philippine-ato-memorandum-circular-01-06-a.html)

e6b 21st Feb 2006 00:21

Philippine ATO memorandum circular 01-06
I posted this on a different thread earlier,
wanna know what you guys think of this B.S.

The Philippine ATO just issued a memo circular for all 135 and 121 certificate holders:
"In the Interest of Safety and National Security, effective immediately, all flight deck crew, particularly pilots and aircraft mechanics are hereby directed to seek clearance from their employers as an additional requirement for the renewal of their licences.
In this connection, all 121 and 135 operators are hereby directed to issue clearance to effect the renewal of your employees' license. Non-issuance of clearance means non-issue of their licennse.
For Strict compliance.
Nilo Jatico / Assitant Secretary"
smells like lucio tan

DeltaSix 21st Feb 2006 01:05

If he is losing pilots in droves, then it does sound like Lucio Tan behind it.

What I think of it ?... B.S. Looks like the ATO and the airlines are ganging up on you or to stop the outflow of pilots from the Philippines and a shameful revenue raising exercise at the same time.

If you guys have a strong union down there, I'd take them to court and oppose the bill. They are making your employers the decision makers if you will have a license the next day. As Tom Selleck says " what a lot of croc !!! "
Isn't there a law against this somewhere ?

Not until they raise the pay and improve the conditions, they will continue to lose pilots.


bisaya 21st Feb 2006 05:12

its BS indeed.. that is why the philippines is really going to hell... A.T.O.... Another Tan Office?

e6b 21st Feb 2006 06:39

It actually is a "Human Rights" issue. With so many Filipino OFWs working abroad such as nurses, doctors, and domestic helpers, etc.: who continuously contribute to the Philippine economy through monetary remitances; why single out pilots and aircraft mechanics?

Is it indeed "In the Interest of Safety and National Security...blah blah blah" or the personal interest of a select few?

bisaya 21st Feb 2006 07:13

that is why it is plain BS... i have been in philippine aviation for 16yrs already, NJ could probably be the poorest performing ASSEC in the history of Philippine Aviation... god help us all...

DeltaSix 21st Feb 2006 08:14

I think I have said this before to you E6B, it is an idiotic idea on the part of the ATO and whoever they are coniving with. Also, renewing your ATPL is a personal matter, all they should care about is whether you have renewed it or not, full stop. Don't even start to think "why" they are doing this to pilots as the only answer you will get are lies to serve their interest especially if businessmen and politicians are involved.
They think all of you are so gullible to fall for this crap and won't be able to do or say anything about it. Unfortunately, that might be exactly how the cookie crumbles in this country.
I'd seriously think about getting the US FAA ATP and get the hell out of there faster than you can say "go".

"In the Interest of National Safety and Security" they say? .... now let's see... how will charging you every 6 months to renew your license or having a clearance from your "employer" in the interest of national security ?
Now, who's the terrorists here ? you or them ? This whole fiasco has more holes than a colander. I can only shake my head.

Bisaya - all the best, good luck mate. Give me a ring next time you're in Sydney.


e6b 21st Feb 2006 12:03

Originally Posted by bisaya
that is why it is plain BS... i have been in philippine aviation for 16yrs already, NJ could probably be the poorest performing ASSEC in the history of Philippine Aviation... god help us all...

All NJ cares about is his "hati ko?" :mad:

Cessna1052 27th Feb 2006 10:20

This ATO circular is an added security for those who newly joined the airline, adding up to the lengthy 5 year service. No complains for the new joiners, i bet..., but for the rest of them, its a chain wrapped around their necks worn comparable to prisoners or criminals during medieval times. What a clever, evil idea.!...National interest?!. No no no ! Company interest, YES YES YES !!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

batuta23 28th Feb 2006 09:38

hoping for a change but i dont think its gona be with PhilAirlines:{ so if anybody can help me out:i am a B747-400 f/o.

Cessna1052 28th Feb 2006 21:33

Originally Posted by batuta23
hoping for a change but i dont think its gona be with PhilAirlines:{ so if anybody can help me out:i am a B747-400 f/o.

There is hope, but I guessed you havent tried....ask those who went out already, madami nang nasa Sincargo or you can try applying with Emirates, they're hiring Boeing rated pilots for their 777 fleet, there's one who came from your Division, di ba? We can only suggest and give opinions, but decisions are purely personal, think about it. Goodluck:D

The_Saint 1st Mar 2006 09:19

What are you guys waiting for?
All it needs is to fill up an application form online and send it to the airline you want to work for. It's as simple as that.
If you dont get accepted in that airline, send to another one. There are jobs out there now.:ok:
You will not need your Phil licence when you are accepted. You just need to keep it current for the time you apply and start to convert to the country's licence. So after start applying. PAL will give you its clearance. The only time you wont get a clearance is when you submit your resignation.
So be sure to resign after your renewal.;) We all did it that way. Even before the circular. It is rubbish. Just a way to scare you.:*
dont let it stop you.
Good Luck Pre!!

Start4&3 1st Mar 2006 09:55

Originally Posted by batuta23
hoping for a change but i dont think its gona be with PhilAirlines:{ so if anybody can help me out:i am a B747-400 f/o.

Do what your brothers are doing, GO TO EVA!

Cessna1052 1st Mar 2006 10:08

Eva Air is one good choice, malapit lang. But I suggest, try contacting somebody from the inside to follow thru your application, especially if you're a striker who then went back-in. Nothing against the fellows in EVA, as a matter of fact I was given a go signal( by the group inside EVA) to apply and try, but fortunately i made into another Airline more Competitive and appealing. Air Hongkong and Sincargo are nice options, there's also Great wall china Cargo( newcomer, but its actually a subsidiary of SINCARGO). Goodluck:ok:

Start4&3 1st Mar 2006 18:49

Originally Posted by Cessna1052
Nothing against the fellows in EVA, as a matter of fact I was given a go signal( by the group inside EVA) to apply and try, but fortunately i made into another Airline more Competitive and appealing. Goodluck:ok:

I don't think you need a go signal from your group to apply. They're not the one doing the hiring. Don't let anybody make a decision for you, but then again it could be a cultural thing.

e6b 2nd Mar 2006 05:12

Originally Posted by Start4&amp (Post 3)
I don't think you need a go signal from your group to apply. They're not the one doing the hiring. Don't let anybody make a decision for you, but then again it could be a cultural thing.

If you don't get a "go" signal from the other filipino guys at eva, don't even bother...it's more than a "cultural thing".

Cessna1052 2nd Mar 2006 05:38

Tama si e6b, its more than a cultural thing. I was able to meet this Old fellows a year ago while attending a wedding of a Former Cebupac capt now with EVA

Cessna1052 2nd Mar 2006 08:50


This might interest you.....

r2d2rebel 3rd Mar 2006 06:12

Do your home work PAL Management!
The very reason why there is exodus of Philippine pilots is elementary! You dont have to be a rocket scientist to figure it out. Mr. Zapanta, where are you now? - you said "its cheaper to train new pilots than give them the due benefits". Now its cheaper to pay a congressman than give pilots their due benefits, right?!!! Why stop a person uplift his quality of life? Because of national interest? Bullshi...! National interest my a..! Lucio Tan interest that is! I think UP PGH should go to congress as well, since they lost to the US 90% (or more) of the doctors & nurses they graduated since the 60's. The local hospitals should go to PRC (Professional Regulatory Comm.) & tell 'em to stop renewing PRC license of doctors & nurses who plan to go abroad. Mr. T., if you can give me half the benefits i am receiving now, I'll work back home my whole life.
On the other hand, if Mr. Tan can hire cheaper pilots from the provinces of China & pay 'em $1 a day - he'll bring 'em all to PAL.

Cessna1052 3rd Mar 2006 12:01

Lets help them !
anyway this forum I would say is very helpful to inform our colleagues back home of all the essential information they would need to join into our present companies. i know a lot are interested, about many things such as, working conditions, cockpit environment(if flying as an FO), salaries, leaves, how often do we go home, do we get bored?, hows the place look like, the treatment against Asians, etc. other questions one might think of.
Lets invite other Reps from Asiana, Air Dec, AirLanka, and others so that they share their own experience as well, and I think the most important of all for our friends back home are the TIPS and REVIEWERS they will need to pass the interview. Okay Klasmeyt?!:ok:

batuta23 3rd Mar 2006 18:25

daghan thank you kaayo cessna1052
oh my Godzilla!:eek: you hit it right on the centerline!this is the kind of crab mentality we should be famous for!!!gone is the thinking of pulling your fellow crabs down to suffer the same fates.your kind of hatakan will be good for those who wanna leave and those who are unable to(ie.age,physical probs).the ones left behind can at least attain better job benefits in the future - hopefully near.yes,please paint us a picture of how it is working abroad.

Originally Posted by Cessna1052
anyway this forum I would say is very helpful to inform our colleagues back home of all the essential information they would need to join into our present companies. i know a lot are interested, about many things such as, working conditions, cockpit environment(if flying as an FO), salaries, leaves, how often do we go home, do we get bored?, hows the place look like, the treatment against Asians, etc. other questions one might think of.
Lets invite other Reps from Asiana, Air Dec, AirLanka, and others so that they share their own experience as well, and I think the most important of all for our friends back home are the TIPS and REVIEWERS they will need to pass the interview. Okay Klasmeyt?!:ok:

e6b 5th Mar 2006 07:30

To add insult to injury, some lame brain, fat ass congressman wants to pass a bill on prohibiting filipino pilots from working abroad for the next 3-5 years!!!
Again, "in the pursuit of national interest".
I wanna "pursuit" him with a very big gun!!!

DeltaSix 5th Mar 2006 07:54

The Bill

Originally Posted by e6b
some lame brain, fat ass congressman wants to pass a bill on prohibiting filipino pilots from working abroad for the next 3-5 years!!!

What the hell is going on ?........ can they actually do this ? A Fil pilot wants to leave for greener pastures ( better pay and conditions ) for the sake of his family and future and they try and stop them ? No wonder our country is going backwards. These idiots in parliament are making decisions to curtail the rights of our people. Who voted for these people in ?

Brothers, if you don't bond together and fight together, you will be slaves.
Get your act together. Your rights are slowly being eroded by the powers to be.
Take precautions now while you still have some rights left. Where I am now, we don't renew our license like you do with the ATPL ( except for medical and IR of course). Take them to court, form a union, or whatever. Just don't give them the upper hand. Future generations of pilots will suffer if we let them win today. There is no reason why they can't force the airline to pay a "reasonable" pay and provide a "better" working conditions so their most important resource will not be lost. I feel sorry for the ones who are stuck with them. People - THIS IS WAR.

When will we learn that the crab mentality or the " Tall poppy syndrome" will only damage the Philippines ?


flyboy72 5th Mar 2006 13:07

Gentlemen...I would have to agree with you guys about that ATO Circular 01-06. It is your license...you've earned it...and a "clearance" from the employer is uncalled for. And as far as that "fat-ass congressman" is concerned, he is probably one of the worst educated lawmaker in the country. What makes him think that that bill that he wants to pass is going to push through? It inhibits freedom to the Filipinos. And as far as being overseas foreign workers are concerned, they are heros in that country...don't really think that bill will push through so all you PAL, Cebupac, and Airphil drivers need not worry. And as far as the circular is concerned, the ATO will probably change that seeing that it doesn't make much sense.

But for those who have something against Gen. Jatico, chances are you don't know the person that well. If you will do some research, you will find out that he is clean and uncorrupt, unlike the previous ASSECs. No one can bribe him, and in the interest of safety, he will not accept any favors from the "airlines". He is definitely not a liked person among his ATO companions...why?...well he has clipped their wings as far as "making money" within the ATO is concerned...but I am sure they still get away with some red-tape and corruption somehow, but not as much as before...that's why they don't like him. But that's my opinion...you can always go to his house in Fort Bonifacio and see for yourself that NJ is not your normal, lavish living military General.

Cessna1052 5th Mar 2006 21:41

From a High Ranking PAL official
My Friends, read this...someones trying to be a Patriotic Idiot. This Guy has no balls to help his own people and yet throwing such statements, very Famous itong Pilotong ito sa phrase na " I will not rock the Boat ", imagine P600 thou per month .The statements down below is from a former PAL Captain, he is just telling the truth.

HTML Attachment [ Download File | Save to Yahoo! Briefcase ]

isnt this the ashole who said he wanted to see cadavers come out of the alpap building? surely this guy is motivated by negative emotions like hatered and envy. im sure he feels like the stupid eager beaver scientist whose experiment blew up in his face and is blaming everybody else for the accident.
he is the same asshole who, before he manueverd himself as management, would bad mouth management pilots, lambasting them for not recognizing where they come from. and boy did he gave and still do, have a big mouth.

this asshole is at the last, patriotic.his panic to cover his tracks is getting the better of him. so what was his arguement? stop pilots from leaving or to tax them? it doesnt take much to be a boss if you are an asshole.

From: Melvin B Punzalan <[email protected]>
Reply-To: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Subject: [alpap] From a high ranking PAL flt ops official
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 23:34:49 +0800
>Guys, ano ba talaga ng tingin sa Pinoy pilots ng taong ito....He
>sent this to a DOTC official. He even wants us to pay taxes on our
>earnings abroad...Inggit lang kaya?
>This is just my reaction to the article on The proposed 5 year ban
>on aviation technical
> personnel in the airline industry. First of all it has to made
>clear what we are preventing
>and why.
>Pilots and mechanics world wide move around to the highest bidder
>who need
>their services.We are now faced with the reality, that around Asia
>the expansion has
>been phenomenal and some airlines are ordering airplanes at a faster
>rate than having
>personnel available to maintain and fly them.
>So why the filipinos, are they anything more special than any other
>race? Of course not,
>but one fact is very obvious, they are the easiest to hire.
>Comparing salary ranges in the
>Philippines against what they supposedly offer, nothing to
>compare.There communication
>skills in english are far better than any asian counterpart.The
>proficiency of the filipino pilots
>can be at par or better than our asian counterparts.
>So why easier to hire, they dont require much concesstions as to
>working conditions,
>where they will be based etc..as the American or European will ask
>for so much more on
>top of their salary that the airline hiring gets turned off by all
>the freebees they throw into
>the contract. Filipinos get tax free previledge in the country they
>work for and even their own
>Imagine an airline pilot being offered USD$10,000, doesn't pay
>anything to the Philippine govt..
>They consider themselves OFWs, no travel tax, airport tax etc..I
>thought that was for domestic
>helpers, jappayukis, carpenters, etc.
>Our tecnical people here pay max. with holding tax of 35% outright
>to the govt..Is that
>fair to our govt..? High paying jobs abroad dont pay a cent to our
>govt. while people who
>stay are withheld so much which delutes their take home
>Americans and Europeans no matter where they work have to pay their
>respective govt..taxes
>based on their income abroad..Our lawmakers should look into this
>disparity on taxes our technical
>people pay, staying home against working abroad.
>Dont ! mind laborers, entertainers, domestic helpers, caregivers
>etc..they don't earn much..If we
>dont do anything about pilots and mechanics we will come to the
>point that the pilots that stay
>will all be low experience no qualification whatsoever to be hired
>abroad, safety of our flights
>will be jeopardized.
>We might come to a point the airline industry will not be viable
>business so it will die a
>natural death..With 7,000 islands we might resort to taking the
>super ferry to the provinces..
>I respect the freedom to move and look for the proverbial greener
>pastures, but with that
>comes the obligation of the state to protect its national interest,
>security and safety of
>operations to a very critical industry, AVIATION. This is serious
>and we appeal to the patriotic
>and freedom loving filipinos, we also have to save our country its
>the only one we got.
>Julie Hernandez

tsuper 6th Mar 2006 00:04

Capt. "Do Not Rock The Boat" has a short term solution
Capt. :mad: "Do Not Rock The Boat" earns 900,000 a month. I guess his actions in Philippine Airlines are all "in aid of job security." His "solutions" to the PAL exodus is planned for the short term (up to his retirement date only, 2008 or 2009 yata!). After that date, bahala na kayo!!! Do the math, 1.5 months pay per year of service multiplied by more than 30 years on top of the 25% of monthly pay promised per month of service. These guys will definitely go into survival mode :mad: :mad: and tell you "DO NOT ROCK THE BOAT."

DeltaSix 6th Mar 2006 00:10

He said

"Pilots and mechanics world wide move around to the highest bidder
who need their services"

----- Damn right !! Isn't everyone else ?

"Comparing salary ranges in the Philippines against what they supposedly offer, nothing to compare.There communication skills in english are far better than any asian counterpart.The proficiency of the filipino pilots can be at par or better than our asian counterparts "

--- tell us something that we don't already know.

"So why easier to hire, they dont require much concesstions as to
working conditions "

----- Yep, and this is their bargaining power. They only ask what is fair in wages and still the people in power in the Philippines won't even give them this.

"Imagine an airline pilot being offered USD$10,000, doesn't pay
anything to the Philippine govt."

---- Keep imagining, This guy needs a reality check. Does he realize that from this pay, tax is also taken out at the same time by the foreign government ?

"Our lawmakers should look into this disparity on taxes our technical people pay, staying home against working abroad"

----- This will force most Filipino pilots abroad to take up citizenship elsewhere.

"If we dont do anything about pilots and mechanics we will come to the
point that the pilots that stay will all be low experience no qualification whatsoever to be hired abroad, safety of our flights will be jeopardized"

------ That's the airline's problem, but I'll give him a hint --- PAY THEM PROPERLY AND TREAT THEM WITH DIGNITY AND MAYBE THEY WILL STAY.
If the passengers has lost confidence in the airline then they can always go for another carrier.

"We might come to a point the airline industry will not be viable business so it will die a natural death..With 7,000 islands we might resort to taking the
super ferry to the provinces "

------ Then maybe they will cut the wages of the ferry drivers too.

"I respect the freedom to move and look for the proverbial greener pastures, but with that comes the obligation of the state to protect its national interest, security and safety of operations to a very critical industry, AVIATION "

------ Who's interest is he protecting ? Tell that to the families of the pilots who won't be able to feed them if they fail their medical and have no savings to fall back on due to his National interest.

What a loser.


e6b 6th Mar 2006 01:15

Originally Posted by flyboy72
But for those who have something against Gen. Jatico, chances are you don't know the person that well. If you will do some research, you will find out that he is clean and uncorrupt, unlike the previous ASSECs. No one can bribe him, and in the interest of safety, he will not accept any favors from the "airlines". He is definitely not a liked person among his ATO companions...why?...well he has clipped their wings as far as "making money" within the ATO is concerned...but I am sure they still get away with some red-tape and corruption somehow, but not as much as before...that's why they don't like him. But that's my opinion...you can always go to his house in Fort Bonifacio and see for yourself that NJ is not your normal, lavish living military General.

Giving NJ the benefit of the doubt; WHY then did he sign ATO Circular 01-06?

Cessna1052 6th Mar 2006 06:24

Originally Posted by e6b
Giving NJ the benefit of the doubt; WHY then did he sign ATO Circular 01-06?

I second demotion. e6, yours is a very correct question....

flyboy72 6th Mar 2006 07:38

Originally Posted by Cessna1052
I second demotion. e6, yours is a very correct question....

You know what e6b and cessna1052, I am actually in the dark as to why it was signed...it is out of character of NJ to issue such a circular.

I actually heard this circular through this forum only.

Cessna1052 6th Mar 2006 17:00

The best bet I have in mind is that there is somebody on a very powerful position than NJ who probably told him to Sign without asking.
Is that fair enough for NJ flyboy72? I cannot think of any other way than maybe somebody else did it for him, and if you happen to be very close to the Guy can you please ask him to reconsider it, and maybe do some help to this pilots who are all just dreaming for a better future for their Families.

flyboy72 6th Mar 2006 18:26

Originally Posted by Cessna1052
The best bet I have in mind is that there is somebody on a very powerful position than NJ who probably told him to Sign without asking.
Is that fair enough for NJ flyboy72? I cannot think of any other way than maybe somebody else did it for him, and if you happen to be very close to the Guy can you please ask him to reconsider it, and maybe do some help to this pilots who are all just dreaming for a better future for their Families.

That's fair enough...but don't worry, I agree with your sentiments 100%. And you are on the dot cessna1052, as far as me being close to NJ...but that will not clout or overshadow what I think what's right or wrong.

Rest assured that I shall request for a reconsideration. God Speed.

411A 6th Mar 2006 20:52

I may be quite mis-informed, but from what I've heard, any Fil pilot who wants to work outside the country has to get POEA approval first, just like nearly everyone else there.
So, apart from the Civil Aviation folks, they are truly on the hook by the short and curlies, and in the end, not much they can actually do about it.

You can only expect far worse in the future, no doubt about it.

DeltaSix 6th Mar 2006 21:22

Originally Posted by 411A
You can only expect far worse in the future, no doubt about it.

This is the reason why a lot of my friends here are not going back to work for them.

Can someone give me NJ's mailing address and I will write to him to stress out " Why the workers are leaving the country " and ask him to re-consider.


e6b 7th Mar 2006 09:16

Originally Posted by Cessna1052
The best bet I have in mind is that there is somebody on a very powerful position than NJ who probably told him to Sign without asking.
Is that fair enough for NJ flyboy72? I cannot think of any other way than maybe somebody else did it for him, and if you happen to be very close to the Guy can you please ask him to reconsider it, and maybe do some help to this pilots who are all just dreaming for a better future for their Families.

I saw nj's signature on the copy furnished to CebuPac. He signed it himself, no proxy.

Navitimer 7th Mar 2006 10:17

Uhm, Cessna? I think the correct term would be " I second the motion" not "second demotion". But you're ok man, good luck and have a safe flight!

Cessna1052 7th Mar 2006 10:18

Originally Posted by e6b
I saw nj's signature on the copy furnished to CebuPac. He signed it himself, no proxy.

Somebody from PAL said that Mr Jimmy Bautista went to ATO twice, according to the Mole the first attempt was futile as NJ turned down the request because accdg to NJ its the airlines business to take care of its pilots welfare and not ATO. But, you already know what happened on the 2nd visit, the signing. This powerful people on the airline business owns almost half of the most corrupt people in the govt, not NJ perhaps thats accdg to Flyboy72. So, there it is NJ possibly can't do anything but to sign it.

Cessna1052 7th Mar 2006 12:24

Originally Posted by Navitimer
Uhm, Cessna? I think the correct term would be " I second the motion" not "second demotion". But you're ok man, good luck and have a safe flight!

He he i am so sorry, not being careful sa ispelling.....este spelling. Thanks:ok:

kontra 7th Mar 2006 12:43

hello fellow pinoy piltos. longtime browser, first time poster.

i would like to comment that i believe NJ is an honest man, somebody higher than him must have shoved this issue up his nose to make him sign it. LT is known to get his ways in whatever way he can. he can manipulate any politician, he has the means to do it.

as for mr. rock the boat, he has the guts to write a letter like that. it only shows that he dont want us to experience a better life. that only him and kalbong johnny have the right to enjoy life. have you noticed that kalbo has a new address since he became the vp? he now lives in ayala alabang, while he used to live in moonwalk or sunvalle before getting that position. it shows how much money he is recieving at our expense. i am wishing that these two guys get retired without receiving any from PAL. they should be charged with "failure on the job" and get sacked.

Cessna1052 8th Mar 2006 01:42

Originally Posted by kontra
hello fellow pinoy piltos. longtime browser, first time poster.

i would like to comment that i believe NJ is an honest man, somebody higher than him must have shoved this issue up his nose to make him sign it. LT is known to get his ways in whatever way he can. he can manipulate any politician, he has the means to do it.

as for mr. rock the boat, he has the guts to write a letter like that. it only shows that he dont want us to experience a better life. that only him and kalbong johnny have the right to enjoy life. have you noticed that kalbo has a new address since he became the vp? he now lives in ayala alabang, while he used to live in moonwalk or sunvalle before getting that position. it shows how much money he is recieving at our expense. i am wishing that these two guys get retired without receiving any from PAL. they should be charged with "failure on the job" and get sacked.

Thats the best thing they can do,:* Sacked them!

flyboy72 8th Mar 2006 10:33

Ok so here is the jist of it:

After a little bit of inquiry...the ATO Circular 01-06 is how you make of it and this is what I maybe naively concluding. It may work to the advantage of LT and Philippine Airlines but the circular is directed to ALL airmen. Which means all airmen are required to give/present a certification of flight time and a clearance from an employer or operator.

Admittedly, the additional requirement is a nuisance but nevertheless a requirement. The ATO does have some valid points: 1. In general, pilots (especially the General Aviation) were able to renew their licenses via certification of flight time which were at times fraudulently acquired (meaning they really never flew the time). There is a darkside in Philippine aviation. We are professional aviators, but of course, there are A LOT of us that are not. 2. If you can get a Cert of Flight time, you can get clearance from the owner or operator. The operator or owner is not going to issue a clearance if he/she knows that cert of flight time was acquired by fraud means. 3. It puts a period on the ATO stand regarding the exodus issue - it basically is not an issue as far as ATO is concerned. Company internal problems stays as is.

If it was signed to apeace LT, it was more to shut him up and his very stubborn President Jaime Bautista. But I doubt that it was signed because of the second visit of Jaime Bautista. NJ and PAL don't have a great relationship. And LT/PAL can complain to GMA regarding NJ, but NJ doesn't care...if he gets sacked, at least he gets sacked doing the right thing.

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