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Singapore Airline's employment of Russian and Indian pilots

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Singapore Airline's employment of Russian and Indian pilots

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Old 12th Aug 2000, 14:37
  #41 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

How come SIA takes in only Malaysian non- Malays? Malaysian Malays who qualify to be pilots are taken up by Malaysia Airlines. Goldwing may know the answer to this question. Since the split of MSA in 1972, how many non Malay Malaysians have been accepted by Malaysia Airlines? Even though the non-Malay population of Malaysia was about 40% then, only a token few non-Malays were trained by MAS as it was known then. The real reason why there are so many non- Malay Malaysians in SIA is because Malysia Airlines won't give them flying jobs because of discriminatory policies in the country.

Goldwing, if you are a bumi, you should know better.
Old 12th Aug 2000, 15:55
  #42 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Aerobridge, no, I'm not a bumi, though it has it's privileges as you all know. There is and has been a policy within Malaysia and more specifically MAS that non-Malay Malaysian come further down the opportunity ladder in all walks of life eventhough the labour law decrees that a certain number of non-bumi has to be employed.I'm rather skeptical whether or not this is actually adhered to in any case. With the split of MSA into the two well known airlines, most of the chinese Malaysian joined SQ while as you've all guessed by now, the Malay Malaysian stuck to MAS like leeches. The PM for all the good things he's done to Malaysia, this was the one area he sadly neglected and unfortunately this manifasted itself to the point that the South African use to call this phenomena 'Apartheid'. SQ in some shape or form are in the same boat as MAS when it comes to their hiring practices and this is borne out in the above figures. Ces't la vie!!!!

If you do what you always do, you get what you always got!
Old 12th Aug 2000, 16:32
  #43 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Goldwing, there is a big difference between MAS and SIA in their cadet pilot recruitment process. In Malaysia, race is a major factor regardless of capability. Like I said earlier, the ratio of non-Malays recruited by MAS is highly disproportionate compared to the Malays. You are one of the lucky few and I can say you must be really good if you got in on your own merits.
Except for a privilege few, the experience of flight is only a dream for the youths in this part of the world. Unlike the West, where general aviation and private flying are readily available, our youths can only profess their love of flying. So how does an airline choose cadets from interested but zero experience wannabees? Of course they must be, first of all, medically fit. What is the next criteria? Educational qualifications and aptitude. You tell me, based on these criteria, when SIA goes to Malaysia to recruit cadet pilots, which races are most likely to be selected? Being a non-bumi, maybe you can understand the brain-drain Malaysia faces. You will be surprised how many Malaysian doctors who qualify in Singapore are working in the Singapore General Hospital. You won't find any Malaysian Malay doctors there. Why? It is because these non-Malays, even though they are better qualified are not given the opportunities to be doctors in Malaysia. And Singapore recognises their talents. The same goes for pilots. I am one example.

There are a few Malaysian Malays flying in SIA. They are good.
Old 12th Aug 2000, 19:13
  #44 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Aerobridge, Sq unfortunately isn't that disimilar to MAS on the recruitment front. A good friend of mine was on an SQ interview/aptitude day in Malaysia. There were around 50-60 candidates of which the majority were Chinese followed by Indians and only two bumis. Of these two bumis,one was a qualified lawyer and the other had a business degree from Australia. Guess what? You're right, both were rejected even though academically way above most of the other candidates. There is a policy within SQ to limit bumis eventhough they come to Malaysia to recruit the majority of cadet pilots.(I'm not standing up for the bumis here but want an equal oppotunity platform for everyone) One must ask why do these two reputable airlines have this policy in this day and age. I know the answer to the former but am baffled as to the latter!

I don't need a frontal lobotomy I prefer a bottle infront of me!
Old 13th Aug 2000, 22:13
  #45 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Did the the lawyer or the lad with the degree actualy pass the apptitude tests?
Many are called but few are chosen.
Old 14th Aug 2000, 00:49
  #46 (permalink)  
Kaptin M
Posts: n/a
Red face

Were they being interviewed for pilot positions, or Legal Department/Accounting Department positions?

Wake up Goldie, you've got aa big chip on your shoulder.
Old 14th Aug 2000, 03:58
  #47 (permalink)  
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The only chip on my shoulder is when nepotism and racism becomes a dominant issue but then you Aussies wouldn't know anything about that would you? Unfortunately it must be a crime in your books for bumis to become pilots.You're more ignorant and naive then you lead us to believe. What do you think they were there for? To whistle dixie!!!! Is it against all realms of your imagination that these guys actually wanted to become pilots irrespective of their degrees and when SQ comes dancing along to Malaysia to recruit their cadets, do you think they were only ever going to get Chinese and Indians? It's not me that needs to wake up to the real world but YOU cos at the moment you seem to be in a coma!!

If you do what you always do,you get what you always got!
Old 14th Aug 2000, 09:56
  #48 (permalink)  
Kaptin M
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Goldenwhinger, I've made no racist remarks in relation to bumiputras - for your information I have flown with many, and believe them to be damn fine pilots, and good lateral thinkers on the whole. I also happen to have several Malay friends, the pilots among them being your checkers and trainers in MAS.

You, however, have asserted that it is BECAUSE they are bumis, they have been rejected. You stated that 50-60 candidates were tested, but you haven't told us what their qualifications were, nor the aeronautical experience of any of them.

You my friend, need a good kick in the backside from some of the true Malays, who don't rely on the sympathy vote to get them where they want to go, but rather on their own merits and achievements - which is what got my friends where they are now.
Old 14th Aug 2000, 15:46
  #49 (permalink)  
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Wake up to the real world Kaptin Bonzo. You argue the toss just for the sake of getting attention when in reality you have no idea what you say! Do you think you are the only person with bumi friends? Don't put words in my mouth when it comes down to their flying ability when none was mentioned and certainly do not patronize me even if you live and work in Malaysia.You better check your facts cos the amount of BS that spews out your backside is really amazing.
How many Bumis actually fly for SQ compared to the Chinese and Indians when the recruitment drive always takes place and many times a year in Malaysia.Answer me that question when the majority of the population in Malaysia are Bumis. Am I suppose to know what 50-60 candidates flying experiences are? Get real! Suffice to say that maybe 20%-30% would have had some sort of flying licence and all would have had SPM,some with STPM and degrees. As mentioned above SQ are really no different to MAS, it's not what you know but what's your skin colour.

I don't need a frontal lobotomy I prefer a bottle infront of me!
Old 14th Aug 2000, 16:28
  #50 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a


Out of curiosity, why have you taken an interest in SIA's affairs? It is a friendly question so don't go off on a tangent.
Old 14th Aug 2000, 17:12
  #51 (permalink)  
Kaptin M
Posts: n/a

Goldi, you've really lost the plot - your aggro, fired by your own racist bigotry, leads you to believe that because an airline, in this case SIA, does interviews in Malaysia, it is obligated to take a majority of Bumiputras. You said:

"There were around 50-60 candidates of which the majority were Chinese followed by Indians and only two bumis."...

..so wouldn't it stand to reason, that the odds of one of those two being selected was 2-3.2% [or is basic math beyond your comprehension also].

A word of advice - if you are going to quote numbers [as you have], at least have some hard facts to back up your statements, eg. you said:

"Of these two bumis,one was a qualified lawyer and the other had a business degree from Australia.", and,
"Am I suppose to know what 50-60 candidates flying experiences are? Get real! Suffice to say that maybe 20%-30% would have had some sort of flying licence and all would have had SPM,some with STPM and degrees."

It's possible that ALL the others had Aeronautical and/or Physics degrees, and 1,000 hours plus..can you say with any certainty they didn't?.....NO!

But you want to push the "because they were bumis, they were discriminated against" bs.

YOU are the racist, Goldwing - of the worst type!
Old 14th Aug 2000, 18:51
  #52 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

There you go again puting words in people's mouth.Where do you have the right to call me racist? I have mentioned enough times in the past that I'm anything but. It's the same with your group of dim-wits where if you don't have anything concrete to say you inevitably make things up. The fact that they weren't chosen shows that you maths is not up to scratch. In the period 92-95 there were none,zero,zilch nada Bumis taken by SQ. Are you really that stupid that you need bloody specs to see the figures."It's possible that ALL the others had Aeronautical and/or Physics degrees,and 1000 hours...can you say with any certainty that they didn't...NO!" Well, you forgot the Phd and MBA's. No I can't say for certain and neither can you but I'll hazard a wild guess that you are way off the mark. The fact is the situation in SQ are the bumis come last and if there're very,very lucky then only a very minute handful are taken-this is the reality and whether you want to believe it or not,is your perogative.
SQ are ofcourse not obligated to choose whomever they wish not to,and they certainly don't,but don't come on here and tell me they are an equal opportunity employer cos they're not.

If you do what you always do,you get what you always got!
Old 14th Aug 2000, 19:50
  #53 (permalink)  
Kaptin M
Posts: n/a

Goldwhinge, the ONLY ones you're not prejudiced against are Bumiputras - that is, after all the whole thrust of your flimsy, abusive argument. You don't care how many Malaysian Indians, or Malaysian Chinese have been recruited...ONLY Malaysian Malays - and that, my friend is racist.

You are one of those espousing [on the R&N "For Malaysian Pilots Only" thread] on the one hand, the great, multi-cultural Malaysia, under Mahatir, and on the other verbally abusing the Muslims who follow Anwar Ibrahim. Yet here, you lambast SIA for taking a mix of Malaysians, rather than Bumiputras en masse, because they are bumis. You ARE a confused chap.

Perhaps SQ doesn't want the inhouse fighting that is evident in by the posts on the R&N board.

Think about it.
Old 15th Aug 2000, 02:41
  #54 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a
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Kaptin Bonzo, it is quite clear here that the only one bringing up the racist element here is you. What, can't live with your conscience anymore? Oh, I forgot you got a few Bumi friends. Funny how you should bring up the R&N thread "For Malaysian Pilots only" when psychos like you are extolling all the virtues of an Islamic state-I wonder what your friends would think if you have the guts to tell them but I suspect you're a hypocrite really sucking up to them but quitely brandishing everyone a racist with your twisted arguments which really don't hold water.It's quite evident that you are anti-Mahathir from your previous posts,so IMHO if you don't like it, feel free to pack your bags and get out,it is after all still a free country,but with people like you, not for very much longer. These so called Muslims that you say I'm verbally abusing are pro-Taliban fanatics,I'm sure even you can distinguish the difference but, then again I'm beginning to find that doubtful.

Just because we don't get any complaints doesn't mean our parachutes are perfect.
Old 9th Sep 2000, 08:17
  #55 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

It's nice that you give us figures from 92 to 95, but what about from 95 to 00? I have seen many Indian Malaysians joining up and checking out as FO's. So what are you talking about only Chinese Malaysians being employed.As for the 50-60 candidates,just because they are academically qualified, it does'nt mean that they have the right aptitude for flying. Selecting people to work as pilots based on their academic records is not only irrational, but downright idiotic. Would you prefer to have an academic at the controls, or someone who has the aptitude for such work? Even if they had licences, does'nt mean that they would be hired. Just because they went for the interview, does'nt mean that they have to hire someone. Have you been to the walk in interviews in Singapore? I've seen hundreds of guys turn up, some with CPL's and IR's and they didn't make it either. So stop bitching about those 2 guys and run along and play nice.
Old 14th Sep 2000, 14:56
  #56 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Damn, and I thought it was bad at my airline!
Go boys.....!
Old 16th Sep 2000, 20:00
  #57 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Kaptin M, you said a few malaysian malays left SQ for a faster command in MAS in the early 90s...is that a fact or a wild guess ? Better know what you are talking about my man!
Old 17th Sep 2000, 10:35
  #58 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

It is a fact, I was here and know some of the lads who left, don't remember actual numbers but there were a few. Don't know if they all actually got the promised commands but I have spoken to one B737 captain who did. Facts checked OK!?
Old 17th Sep 2000, 16:58
  #59 (permalink)  
Posts: n/a

Facts checked OK but facts are WRONG !! ( excuse my english !).So you mean to say these people are Malaysian Malays as what K 'M' had mentioned. I am sorry guys ..I have to tell you its not true ( ie its a lie !!)There are several:
A. Arul ( we call him Ular in MH )
R. Balakrishnan, KK Yong, YW Choo, F.Cheah, Rama.....These people are definitely not Malays. Guys, please keep to the thread and lets not all this racial thing gets into play.SQ has its policy and we hav ours and if you dont like any of them theres several flights a day out of KUL or SIN. What were we talking about ? Yeah....bout that Russian and Indian pilots joining SQ. Dont see anything wrong with that. I wish the training in MH is as good as SQ......and the money is a lot better as well and dont mind the few months profit sharing as compared to backdate in instalments up north !!!!

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