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GlobalAdventure 9th Apr 2008 01:43

CX / FTA Ab Initio – Instructor Scholarship Interview
I was wondering if any of you guys knew what the interview is like for the instructor scholarship program. I have submitted my application this week and am trying to prepair just in case I am accepted to HKG for the 1st interview.

I see what the interview phases are as per the FTA web site, but what in particular is CX looking for in a candidate? This type of program is new to me. Is age a factor? Education? Previous airline experience? More importantly what is TRAX testing? Any help that you can provide would be greatly appreciated. :ok:

takamasa 11th Apr 2008 06:04

i don't have a reply either!!

GlobalAdventure 12th Apr 2008 15:30

It seems if this interview will be hard to find out about. I hope there is some sort of info out there. Hell I want to know how competitive this will be, they are not even tellig anyone about this program anywhere!:ugh:

taylor_mckenzie 14th Apr 2008 05:23

Has anyone on here heard anything about their application?

SkewedFlaps 14th Apr 2008 05:32


TRAX testing is apart of pilapt, just search it in google (and here) and you'll find alot about it.

the apps closed today so hopefully they will be replying this week!

GlobalAdventure 15th Apr 2008 00:34

I looked it up. Thanx for the information! It looks complicated. Any insight of the best place to go study for TRAX testing and all that Cathay requires for testing? I have a mac and it is hard to get a program to download. Where would you go?:ugh:

SkewedFlaps 15th Apr 2008 01:04

I'm not to sure about what CX do for their selection process in this, maybe its similar to Qantas? I think trax is basically flying through windows, you could use cockpitweb for that, not sure if mac is suported :}

GlobalAdventure 15th Apr 2008 20:25

OK so on the FTA web site, I see what the requirements entail. Does anyone know what CX looks for in this program? Is there any inside info about the tests and interview?

AmarokGTI 18th Apr 2008 05:32

Hi guys & girls,

I heard today, and was knocked back, sadly :=

My disappointment is mainly around the fact that because the application was automated it did not permit for me to state everything that I am now doing so well, only my school grades which I will be the first to admit, are not the best.

I'm gutted.


biggles7374 18th Apr 2008 09:12

I got knocked back too, do not worry there are lots of options open to those who have the determination to make it.

Why I got knocked back - Who knows?

What concerns me is that I have qualifications that exceed the criteria stated and even have a Batchelors Degree so I can't see how I got discounted for that........so that just leaves my other responses to the questions of a personal nature, it must have been those 'cause I do not have a criminal record and I already have a Class 1 medical.

All other questions related purley to personal information such as age, sex and nationality and discounting on the basis of these could be described as discrimination.

No wonder they do not want to give feedback!!!!!

Beware CP/FTA you seem to have left yourself wide open and whilst you state that you do not give feedback this does not mean that the authorities cannot come and ask you!!

404 Titan 18th Apr 2008 10:41


Just because a prospective employer won’t tell you why you failed an interview doesn’t mean there is some sought of discrimination going on. The reality is virtually no prospective employer will tell you information like that unless you failed for medical reasons. Who knows, maybe the interviewers didn’t like you because of the way you came across to them or you just couldn’t sell yourself on the day.

biggles7374 18th Apr 2008 10:54

I think you have totally missed the point.

All the questions on the online application were closed. ie a simple answer. there were no essay type questions and at this stage there have not been any interviews. All the shortlisters had to make a decision on was the answers to these 'closed' questions (name, address, education, sex, race and age). Had essay questions been included on the online application then there would have been an objective way of assessing who to shortlist from those who meet the minimum criteria. As there were no questions of such a type how did they shortlist???

I am not saying they are discriminating in their selection process, all I am saying is it would be interesting to see what criteria they have applied when shortlisting candidates from those who met the minimum criteria.

404 Titan 18th Apr 2008 11:28


What ever criteria they have used to screen applicants doesn’t really matter as long as they haven’t broken any antidiscrimination laws both in Australia and Hong Kong. You appear to be asserting that because they won’t tell you the reason for your failure, they are hiding something. Let me point out that this is standard practice for most companies conducting job interviews and has been CX policy for a long time. It is because of the society that we live in today and the frivolous law suites that are brought before the courts that most companies feel the need to do this.

biggles7374 18th Apr 2008 11:50


I do not want to labour this thread anymore than is necessary but I think you still do not understand fully.

With the exception of the education and criminal record questions the only other questions that were asked on the online application were essentially name, address, age, sex and nationality.

so...on the basis that I met (and exceeded) the educational qualifications how did they decide my application was uncompetitive based on the other responses??

That's it subject closed as far as I am concerned.

404 Titan 18th Apr 2008 13:39


I understand more than you know. Again I have no idea why you were rejected per say. For all I know they may have considered you overqualified? It does happen you know. Secondly if some of the Cadet S/O’s I fly with can be used as a yard stick for this CX/FTA scholarship then they tend to pick those with a degree, usually in the discipline of science or engineering.

rollin' wings 24th Apr 2008 09:18

hk shortlist... any news?
hey guys/girls

got an email from FTA last friday.
asked me to send in more information..... resume, academic info etc
i sent it in...... but haven't heard anything?

has anyone been told they are short listed yet?

good luck

ps this is my first post!!! :ok:

Caitengel 24th Apr 2008 12:20

Rollin' wings:

Congrats, pls keep us updated, interested in how they're getting the things going in this program;)

14MonthInterview 24th Apr 2008 16:13


I'll try and answer your question with an objective mind whilst understanding that you maybe disappointed with being knocked back at the early stages of your application.

It is clear that this CX/FTA scholarship is a very attractive offer for anyone who would like to become an airline pilot, indeed to many it is even more attractive than the CX cadet program due to its long term financial benefits. However, you must realise, just because you meet and even exceed the MINIMUM requirements for the program. It does not guarantee you progression to the next stage. As I said before, taking an objective view, there must be thousands of applicants for these positions. So do you honestly think just because you meet the minimum requirements and have a Bachelors degree you automatically progress to the next round? Have you not considered that whilst you met and exceeded the minimum grade requirements, there are many other applicants that did aswell and even far exceeded your high education standards? You didn't state how well you did at school or which university/course you attended, it is difficult for us to sympathise with your situation. I'm not saying you won't be an excellent pilot one day, but maybe you could have taken a moment and had a think before you write here telling us that you cannot believe you didn't get called back because you think you are above and beyond what they are looking for!:=



taylor_mckenzie 25th Apr 2008 01:54

As most on here are agreeing that grades were the determinant factor in whether or not your application passed initiallly, just curious as to what some of you who did pass initially and where asked for more information, what kind of grades you submitted?

taylor_mckenzie 25th Apr 2008 19:40

As someone who did apply and did not pass initially, I am just curious as to whether those who did pass submitted "a" grades for all three classes, or if having say 3 "b's and a university degree is more appealing to them than no degree and 3 "a"s. I contacted FTA, but they said no feedback would be provided when I inquired into whether or not there was anything applicants could do to initially make themselves more competetive.

PapaGolfIndia 26th Apr 2008 01:53

Making the cut...
I had an e-mail from FTA last weekend telling me I'd been shortlisted, asking me for more details (CV). I don't actually remember on the initial application form (for the short course) being asked for exam results...maybe I'm going mad and I was asked. Someone mentioned earlier on in this thread that whilst a person might meet the minimum requirements, that in itself is no guarantee, and they're quite right. There are a number of factors they consider...it's someone's job to look at all the applicants and highlight those they think are suitable. There's no way every single applicant can be interviewed - that would be a logistical nightmare. And as a result there may well be those that are suitable but don't make the cut. That happens everywhere, everyday, in every profession.

I think what helped me was the fact that I have just completed my commercial license. To those that don't have success - DON'T GIVE UP! I applied to the cadet scheme about 9 years ago but had no luck. So I started saving up through work I didn't alwlays enjoy, and borrowed, and put myself through a CPL. A lot of money, but when you do that first solo flight, you suddenly realise it's all worth it! SO if it's your dream, stick at it! :ok:

Cap'n Arrr 26th Apr 2008 07:47

It would be wise to keep in mind that they are not going to be able to interview everyone who applies, so they would more than likely have "X" number of interview places, and the top "X" candidates progress.

One would have to be not just above the minimums, but above the Xth candidate as well:ok:

Good luck all

biggles7374 27th Apr 2008 08:31


Thanks for your responses, with hindsight my comments were perhaps not as constructive as they could have been, and for this I apologise if I have caused upset to anyone reading. I know there are many other opportunities, including a later direct entry to CP and genuinely wish those who have progressed to the next stage on this programme the very best of luck.

All I was trying to ascertain was an idea of how they had selected the applicants for progression to the next stage, as to me with the exception of the education grades there seemed to be no basis for selection of one candidate over another based on the limited questions asked on the form I completed.

PapaGolf - You say you think the fact that holding a commercial licence helped your intital application to progress - Did you fill in a different application form to me? - I can't seem to remember a question asking me if I had any pilot licences or even number of hours flying experience?

I was under the impression from the information offerred that program was designed for ab-initio flyers - as you have progressed holding a commercial licence perhaps the criteria has changed.

PapaGolfIndia 30th Apr 2008 01:14


There were two application forms - one for the short course and one for the long course. I think the long course is for those that have no previous experience, so maybe the application didn't ask for any flying details. The short course is for those with some previous flying experience. Maybe you filled the long course form, whereas I the short course?

taylor_mckenzie 30th Apr 2008 03:15

was the short course form located on FTA's website along with the long course form, I was only aware of the long course being offered

bjbb 30th Apr 2008 14:15

CPA FTA interview
not sure if this answers anyones question, but got accepted for the course. my grades at A level were A in design and technology, A in geogrpahy and C in physics, im 18, no degree, but had been accepted for the CP scheme and then applied for the instructors scheme and got that too. all i know is the last interview for instructor course is pretty hard, lots of personal stuff at the beginning, followed by quite alot of tech, also followed by a little mental arithmetic including reciprocal track questions and isa deviation stuff, not too hard but still on the spot.

hope this helps,

Caitengel 30th Apr 2008 17:46

see, thanks for your sharing bbjb. Enjoy and "add oil" (canto-english) , you're only 23-4 yr old when you enjoyed being an instructor in Aus and come back being a SO. it's so happy to know that you're running towards your goal:0)

Aureus 1st May 2008 16:46


I didn't you got accepted into the course that early. On the FTA website, the time scales for phase 2 in Hong Kong and flight screening at FTA were:

Phase 2 Hong Kong 13 – 16 May 2008
Flight Screening FTA 19 May – 1 June

Maybe its changed?

Lowspirited 2nd May 2008 07:29

hello all, seems like i missed this opportunity to get into the industry, i wasn't aware of this program at all :sad:. could anyone point me to the initial webpage for the recruitment? is this a total different selection to cadets? by the sounds of things you get recruited by FTA to train as an instructor and then work there a few years and onto CX?

edit: found the webpage

oh yeah and does anyone know if this program will be opened again next year? it seems this program would be far better than the original cadet program since you join as expat when you go back to CX :eek:

takamasa 10th May 2008 04:49

i sent my resume yesterday.

what should i do now??

is there anyone waiting now, just like me?/

what are they supposed to do next ??

takamasa 12th May 2008 03:04

no, they replied me and requested resume from me.

i sent it to them few days ago that's why i am wondering who's on the same stage as me??

coz i found that their process is so slow

SkewedFlaps 12th May 2008 06:05

how long ago did they request a resume from you? the group has already gone through

cosmo_madridsfan 12th May 2008 10:14

Correct. The short course guys are currently in adelaide now. I think there are 7 of them but someone should correct me on this. Not sure about the long course though.

takamasa 12th May 2008 10:39

i dont know coz they sent me the e-mail last week requesting my resume.

i dont know that guys are already there for the short course.

sgsslok 12th May 2008 14:04

Actually the guys who just started at ADL are in the long course, and there are indeed 7 guys.

Not sure when the next course, long or short, will commence tho.

takamasa 16th May 2008 04:24

anyone is waiting the reply of the short course??


dont know why it takes them that long to process the application.

Lowspirited 16th May 2008 04:34

i could guess :E FTA isn't exactly a large organisation with a HR department, so they'll probably be handling applications a bit slower than airlines

i found some information to answer my own question, FTA is very very short on instructors however they can only train so many instructors at the same time while keeping the cadets in training, so its likely FTA will be opening this course again in a few months

there is such a lack of instructors in australia that some normal training school that finishes CPL in 18 months has only had enough instructors to finish PPL in that period.....thats a huge shortage, hopefully something good will come of this :O

Aussie Indon 20th May 2008 11:11

Scored an Interview
Hey guys

I got a call this arvo from Cathay asking me to attend a two day interview in HKG on the 2nd of June. I applied for the Short Course back in March and was told to submit my resume in mid April but since then I had no word so getting a call for a free trip to HKG was a complete surprise!! :O

Is there anyone else attending the interviews on the 2nd?

Can anyone enlighten me on what to expect/study??

Ally_Winnipeg 21st May 2008 04:17

Hi there,

I just received an email inviting me to interview on June 3rd and 4th. Do you know how many people they're interviewing, or how many people go on course? I went to the FTA website, and I couldn't find all the info on the short course. I know at one point it was there, but seems to have disappeared. Can you recall all of the specifics of the course, time frame, costs, etc.... Perhaps I'll see you there!


takamasa 21st May 2008 05:07

hey, same here
i got a call last night
they are inviting me to there on 3rd and 4th for interview!!
how long will u guys stay in hk??
do u think we can stay hk after the interview
i was little afraid to request it.

i guess we will stay at the same hotel.

u guys have msn or e-mail so that we can keep in touch always.

be honest, i have no clues what to study.
just know the stuff a commercial pilot should do.

i am so excited to be one of them.
i am studying so freaking hard now.
hopefully , we will see each other in hk.


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