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Sensible 29th Oct 2002 22:49

How easy to wind you guys up?
I still can't believe that anybody would actually trust Neil with a hundred quid except a completely daft tw@t. Surely anybody with an Iota of common sense can see that somebody starting an airline with no assets is a completely non-starter (or is last weeks income support cheque considered a substantial asset?) The fact is that Neil doesn't have two cents to rub together relatively speaking, so surely nobody would give this guy cash to indulge his dreams would they? If he is so smart then why aint he rich? But then if he is so bad why aint he in jail?

I'd still buy him a pint just for the interest in what he has to say, he is an interesting and amusing guy. But aren't those qualities a prerequisite in business and conning anyway?

I can't help but smile at the way you guys take him so seriously!!!!!!! Hi Neil I know you are reading this, how's your ego? Fame at last huh!

BlueEagle 30th Oct 2002 08:40

Well Sensible I don't think it is his aviation (non) exploits that are bothering most people, in fact most people are just laughing at them.

What does bother people, a lot, is the possibility that he may be masquerading as a child psychologist and offering 'help' to people who have sick and disturbed children and who are looking for a qualified professional who can genuinely help those children.

CaptainFillosan 30th Oct 2002 12:32

Something he cannot legally and justifiably do.

He is NOT qualified and he is NOT a professional. The worst thing is that he THINKS he is. In that world of "I am everything to all people" he lives in.

He is dangerous and should be jailed.

moggie 30th Oct 2002 12:42

He looks familiar..........................
Mr Robertson looks familiar - does anyone have any REAL info on his background to suggest where I may have bumped into him?

It could be that I just saw his face when I was living in Troon some time back - but I'd love to know more.....................

Lon More 30th Oct 2002 12:52

The possibility of this clown actually practicing as a child psychologist is worrying and frightening in the extreme.

It occurs to me that if the guy was even 10% of what he says he is, he must have, in the course of his career, rubbed shoulders with some Ppruners in the past.
The total abscence of anyone stepping forward with factual support says it all for me.

However, I suppose if his links with the security services were genuine it would be a case of, " I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you."

steamchicken 30th Oct 2002 14:55

Given the long tradition of flaky, unqualified, money-grabbing, perverted, drunken, treacherous weirdos taking Her Maj's shilling in the secret service, it's hardly impossible......but you'd think he'd know the Security Service, MI5, ain't in Vauxhall Cross....it's the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, that's there

stagger 30th Oct 2002 15:14

Lon More suggests he must have "...rubbed shoulders with some Ppruners in the past."

Well, he was at a London bash a couple of years back. Does anyone else remember hearing that he fell asleep on the train back to Sussex and had something valuable stolen? I seem to remember that it was his laptop. If it was this is a bit worrying for investors in his latest dubious enterprise.

On the Lionair website it is claimed that...

"Lionair and all of its subsidiary companies are 'paperless' which allows Neil to run them from wherever he is in the world through his laptop."

But perhaps it'll never happen again. On the site it is also claimed that Duncan MacLaughlin is to be the airline's "Special Projects Manager" who will be "responsible for the security of the company’s operations, assets and personnel."

This ex-drug and regional crime squad officer has apparently been "trained by the SAS in covert techniques" and has expertise in "money laundering and undercover surveillance."

A tad over qualified if his main job is sitting next to Neil on the train and making sure nobody nicks the laptop when he falls asleep after 18 pints of lager.

newton 30th Oct 2002 15:58

Can someone please tell me why the domain www.lionair.co.uk is registered to PPRUNE?

It appears to have been registered on 16 October 2002.

Running a WHOIS query reveals these results. I ask because the Sunday Mail comes up in its place.

Lu Zuckerman 30th Oct 2002 16:14

Lionair or LionAir which is which
Perchance the Guv is in violation of trademark law. LionAir is a German company that makes high fidelity aircraft models and Lionair is an airline operating in the Far East. Incidentally, when my spell check tried to correct Lionair the suggested word was loonier.

Here is report of a Lionair aircraft being shot down by rebels:


The Lionair plane, which disappeared last week, was shot down by the LTTE, according to Mr. Suresh Premachandran of the EPRLF.
The aircraft which carried civilians from Palali, Yapanaya to Kolomba disappeared three minutes after the take off. Earlier for about a week, the LTTE had warned the people in Yapanaya to refrain from flying to Kolomba.

While the Lionair management has not admitted that the plane had been shot even though the debris of a plane and dead bodies have been found during the last few days. Meanwhile all investigations pertaining to the aircraft have been handed over to the Civil Aviation Authority. The government has temporarily banned all civil aviation between Kolomba and Yapanaya.
Most of the passengers in the ill fated aircraft were Tamils and if the LTTE has shot down the plane then it goes on to show that they have no concern or respect for the lives of the people whether they are Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim or any other. They are hungry for power and will not hesitate to do anything to achieve their goal.


Hew Jampton 30th Oct 2002 16:15

Go to www.friendsreunited.co.uk, name search Neil Robertson, location Scotland, Dumfries & Galloway, click on the name that has been to about nine schools and colleges for his notes. Interesting! Name search for Giles Michie comes up blank.

Moses Mashomba 30th Oct 2002 20:19


Of course he is familiar, he was the CEO of many major airlines in the past and has therefore been in the forefront of the financial press. His picture as a major player has been posted world-wide. I cannot remember for sure, but I think he might even have featured once on the front page of Time mgazine in recognition of his sterling achievements in the world of aviation. I'm sure that's how you probably recognise him.

Hew Jampton

If I am correct I believe that Giles Mitchie was probably his birth name. It also appears from his search for his maternal mother that maybe she dumped him at birth, hence the change of name. Lord knows what damage that did to the poor soul.

It would be good for all concerned if swift action could be taken that would ensure security and peace of mind for all those that must be very troubled as the details of this story unfold.

edited for reasons of propriety, in case some might read my humour more seriously than it is intended, and therefore miss the underlying seriousness of the message that all here are trying to put across.

ORAC 30th Oct 2002 21:27


The Lionair site belongs to Danny. To quote him from the Guvnor thread in Jetblast:

"I own the domain lionair.co.uk and if he wants it he will have to make an offer for it. In the meantime I thought I'd re-direct it to his website through a translator to give some true feel to the type of person Robertson is and the kind of dealings he is involved with. He could of course sue me for it but then he'd have to appear in a court of law and I am fairly sure he wouldn't really want to do that because all sorts of other nasty stuff would have to be answered under oath with the threat of perjury should he forget where the reality ends and the fantasies begin".


"In due course I will point the domain to something that will really alert the public, and not just the aviation community to just how corrupt and devious Robertson is".

It would appear from your comments that he considers the Sunday Mail article a suitable point.

whisperbrick 30th Oct 2002 21:46

Aviation seems to attract these sados.....

danny's absolutely right on this and what i find annoying is this prat dressing up as a captain at an airport...with the hightened security these days there should be laws against impersonating pilots

I believe this is the case if you dress up as a serviceman .....

PocaHostie 31st Oct 2002 01:49

The Guy's A To$$er....... Period..
Look ...... (Forgive me for sounding like a patronising Git...)

However...comma... Mr. Robertson has continued to talk a load of unsubstantiated rubbish since the day he first set foot in this forum....PERIOD.. (sorry for shouting)...:(
AND (more importantly) very few individuals of PROVEN integrity and with a verifiable track record in aviation generally... have striven to negate his justifiable villification on this (and other) forums in recent memory.

The way I see it.... He as everything to prove..... He villifies Danny at his own behest.. and strives to construct detrimental comments towards our Forum gaffer without constraint...ALL of course from his own very large mouth and with nothing substantive behind it.

Yet Danny has ALWAYS been above board and continues to perform his duties to the best of his ability in order that we (confirmed... AND validated) professional aviators have a Forum to be envied throughout the cyberspace world.......... Notwithstanding the the above...... I think it's time that we PPruner's just stopped giving Robertson an excuse to continue his diatribe...!!

At the end of the day... aviation is a very small place.... I was born and bred in Scotland... and acquainted either through myself (or family) with all of the major players in aviation that hail from that part of the world ...... AND I can assure you that Mr. Robertson's name is not one of them
................. (The Burn's Night's in the Gulf are the best in the world ..... bye the way...!!!!)

So why don't we all just put the word out............!!!! and get ourselves shot of this jackass............!!!

jet_noseover 31st Oct 2002 03:57

what i find annoying is this prat dressing up as a captain at an airport...
Relax chap... It's his Haloween costume. Notice the laddie (or young lady) next to him pulling away, hiding the candies?:p

slj 31st Oct 2002 06:26

PocaHostie says "However...comma... Mr. Robertson has continued to talk a load of unsubstantiated rubbish since the day he first set foot in this forum....PERIOD.. (sorry for shouting)..."

Thinking back over postings made by Robertson two or more years ago, I seem to recall a number of PPRune posters being very respectful to him. This was the time he was talking (some will use stronger language) of setting up the Tristar airline.

More than one member made responses such as Good on you Guv, What do you think Guv etc.

So before it becam obvious that his airline was a fantasy there were PPRune members taken in by him, albeit for a short time.

Seem to me the warnings and the strong stance Danny is taken is justified as this man, to those who don't know of him; is plausible to those who have not previously encountered him and his activities.

Rescue3 31st Oct 2002 07:41

...the sooner this sick individual is locked up the better...
i am still curious about Birmingham, it was alluded to in a previous thread...........

Ludwig 31st Oct 2002 08:17

I may be mistaken but I think I read somewhere on one of the many links that have been provided during this story something about Birmingham Prison, but I cannot be sure and I really cannot be bothered to go back through them all to find out which one it was. Still this is a rumour network :D

moggie 31st Oct 2002 08:35

SIS, MI6 etc.
MI5 - now known as the Security service - is located in Millbank, London (suspiciously close to Labour Party HQ!).

Try www.mi5.gov.uk

For some reason, MI6 (SIS) do not have a website!!!!! They are based at Vauxhall Cross (as featured in the Bond films lately).

newton 31st Oct 2002 08:39

Thanks ORAC

That explains it. I went to the the Lionair website to see what all the fuss was about and it came back with the article that lead me to it in the first place. Its a strange world. :cool:

Lon More 31st Oct 2002 08:57

On a lighter note, looking at his photo, you could never call him two faced - 'coz if he was, he wouldn't be wearing the one he's got:D

cargo boy 31st Oct 2002 18:33

More Lyin' Air from Guv
Looks like Niel was a busy boy. According to this thread on airwhiners.net he was on the Concorde that went to Oshkosh. http://www.airliners.net/discussions...d.main/954420/ Funny that because according to his own bragging he was at the University of St Andrews 1988 doing his MA in Child Psychology. He was also in the University of South Africa in Pretoria at that time doing the same degree! And he was CEO of Transoceanic Airways in Lagos in 1988. And he was CEO of Chieftain Group Plc in Reading UK in 1988.

Busy boy considering we havent even mentioned the extracurricular activity he was probably doing as a post-graduate Child Psychology student. No doubt doing practical studies into his speciality subject, child sex abuse. :mad:

They let anyone on Concorde these days.

J-Heller 31st Oct 2002 23:11

Now that its becoming clear on all the forums that he's really quite screwed in the head, you wonder how long his Ego can last out, without its usual topping up via supporters!

I wouldn't be surprised if this guy Robertson caves in, or more worryingly, blows out. Where does the guy actually reside? Does anyone know?

Might be a place to avoid in the next few weeks if enters meltdown!

The poor ****!


EMB Bras 1st Nov 2002 00:17

I havent really been following this thread, but this caught my eye in the "Dunnunda" forums...

Anything to do with the bloke in question??

Absolutely nothing. Which is why I have removed the link. It is pure advertising.

Final 3 Greens 1st Nov 2002 06:56

EMB Bras

As mentioned several times before in threads related, Lionair in Sri Lanka is a licensed, operational, airline and not related to Lionair Holdings plc or associated companies.

BOAC 1st Nov 2002 11:49

With mounting excitement, I wait for this weekend's papers:eek:

Paterbrat 1st Nov 2002 17:41

Having followed the Robertson saga during my entire time with Pprune and having at first sympathised with the 'Guv' and intrigued at the passions he arouses I have over quite a long period of time come to make up my own mind that Danny is not exagerating.
The man is beyond a joke. He appears to be a person who will deliberately mislead and misrepresent himself with the intention for personal gain. He appears not to be a harmless Walter Mitty rather than someone who will use his undoubted knowledge of the profession to misle people into believing deliberate untruths for the purpose of his own financial advancement. A conman by any other name.
People have been taken in by him and he would appear to prey not only upon gullability but the better nature of people who will give him the benefit of the doubt. There are always some of those. I guess most of us are suckers at heart, a shame to see that there are always those who would take advantage of that.

Johnny 7 3rd Nov 2002 22:11

Anyone else notice this in the appointments wanted section of last weeks ( 22-28 Oct ) Flight International :


37 , proven success record in Schedule and Charter Airline Business, looking for new challenge in Commercial Director or Director Sales and Marketing of a regional, Low Cost or Charter Airline worldwide. Special strengths in pricing and distribution, Change Management, Optimising Cost/Revenue Ratio, Route Development . Complete CV available ..."

Any similarity with our friend must surely be coincidental ? ;)

Bubbette 3rd Nov 2002 23:16

Wow you guys are good!

Deeko01 4th Nov 2002 16:04

Oh well another weekend goes by and still no Belfast!! can't say am not surprised! anyone on these forums ever around Southend at all, has there been any activity of G-HLFT???

pants on fire... 4th Nov 2002 17:06

Although the Guv has remained uncharacteristically quiet on the failure of his own inability to produce results, this does not stop him pontificating about the capability of others - in this instance Delsey Airlines (although the entire commentary bears a remarkable similarity to the content of this thread ;) ).


Pressclub, I'm with you on this. From the outset, this company was a joke. Who in their right mind would design their fleet around the aircraft that their son in law can fly? :rolleyes: Who would not have a proper business plan, prepared by experts, that they can gauge their performance against? :rolleyes: Who would not have a proper reservations system in place, backed up with an extensive marketing campaign well before lauinch? :rolleyes: Who would not even provide onboard catering and inflight entertainment on a longhaul flight? :rolleyes:

What a bunch of monkeys! :D :D :D
More crap from the Guv aka. sas23

Unfortunately you have to pay to use this other forum, (so the Guv will be keeping his "existing, free" identity for a a long time, I'm sure). Also you'd have to spend all your time with adolescent spotters and sychophantic neverbees, like the one in question here.

Moses Mashomba 4th Nov 2002 19:04

In the words of Victor Meldrew..."It's UNBELIEVABLE!"

Have you ever heard so much sanctimonious drivel? Sas says...

<you don't seem to appreciate that it is because of FvG's complete and utter lack of any airline management credibility that Delsey are in the situation they are today....This is the third time he has started an airline...and the third time someone had to step in and take it over...The guy is a bobejaan> end of quote

That was reported as posted 19:35 04/11/02

This guy is truly unbelievable!

Questions and Answers for NDR;

Q1. What airline management credability do you have?
A1. None whatsoever, and certainly less than Mr FvG, because he did at least set up a REAL airline, not one virtual, ficticious one.

Q2. He has started THREE REAL airlines...How many REAL airlines has NDR started?
A2. Zilch....NOT ONE! NADA!

Q3. Has anyone yet had to step in and take DElsey over yet?
A3. Not gone titsup yet, or so I believe, but there again, in your case, If you haven't set one up, nobody can step in to take it over! Another one up to FvG.

Q4. What ius a bobejaan? Does it climb trees or hide in burrows dug in the ground, like all real SAS troopers are taught to hide and avoid capture?
A4. Eagerly awaiting answers. NDR, do us a favour and get an alter to answer these here, cause I'm dying to see how you handle this latest.

Mrs Meldrew is calling...."coming darling"...Toodlepip

Sean Dillon 4th Nov 2002 23:25

I'm with Moses...

Come on NDR....defend yourself....we're all dyin' to hear from you....

Do prisons have internet access, wouldn't be great to hear from him while he was serving at his majesty's pleasure.....and everyone elses..!!!!

maninblack 5th Nov 2002 09:06

Regarding the comment some while back in the thread about contact through business, my business was contacted regarding products for an airline (I cannot remmeber which one but it had a Prestwick number)

Luckily by the time the reader reply service card reached me that telephone number was unobtainable. I then did some internet searches and started to discover things similar to this thread.

Had I actually succeeded in flogging all the way to Prestwick for a meeting I would have wasted an airfare and, had I been taken in a little I would have also wasted many thousands of pounds in development work for zero possible return on the investment.

One or two fantasists like this can destroy an otherwise sound small business.

I have since advised all my business associates of the name of the person who made this fantasy enquiry.

sky9 5th Nov 2002 12:46

:) :) :) :) :) :D :D :D

Just an other number 5th Nov 2002 13:49

Try this one
and know why pprune is preferred


Desk Driver 5th Nov 2002 15:06

To think I used to defend this man in the early days.......................................I've been such a fool.:o :o :o

Anti Skid On 6th Nov 2002 07:07

Cranfield anyone?
The Guv claims to have been at Cranfield - there must be someone on Pprune who currently is working or studying there. He claims (on Friends Reunited) to have been there in 1997 - can someone check the validity of this claim and then inform the Pro-vice chancellor of Cranfield (or whoever is the boss!) I am sure they would prefer not to be associated with a charlatan.

SAS23 6th Nov 2002 07:15

Yes but under what name? Still, surely they would remember a self opinionated motor mouth even after 5years.

KoolKat 6th Nov 2002 11:59


So far all we have here is innuendo and third party hearsay. Not one single hard fact that shows that the Guv has conned anyone or done something unspeakable with someone's kiddies. How about Danny getting the ball rolling by naming the person he says he saw giving the Guv a cheque at a Bash?

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