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snaga 16th Oct 2007 18:23

From where I'm sitting it looks like IALPA lined the Dublin pockets and left BFS high and dry.
But where exactly are you sitting? On the same rock as 411A? Long distance experts we can do without, especially those who keep trotting out the same position / propaganda regardless of the facts or what is said by those involved! (I am not one of those, I should add).

Few enough EI pilots have had a chance to get up to speed with the LRC document so I don't know quite how well informed you are, but I suspect you not well informed at all. But it is already clear that the conditions of ALL current and future Aer Lingus pilots have been protected. Playing with words won't change that.

And Count von A, if you think that 7 direct entry pilots are needed by EI to get a base up and running ...... oh dear. (I think the poster above who mentioned them as a means of derailing things during the LRC discussions might be closer to the mark).

jonjoe 16th Oct 2007 18:27

7 scabs you mean.......

carlos vandango 16th Oct 2007 19:24

Snaga there's nothing long distance about the centre of Belfast. If you really think the future of EI pilots has been protected here then you have been sniffing Cullen's Evostick. Come on up and have your little IALPA party. No jurisdiction up here chief. Better go get some before your next walk-out.

snaga 16th Oct 2007 20:18

Well carlos my boy, what about getting it all wrong!? I now understand why EI pilots have (sensibly) declined to join the nonsense here... and I now remember why I only dip in here from time to time. Here's a little wind-up to give you something to pontificate about:

Snaga there's nothing long distance about the centre of Belfast.
The reference was to long distance experts (a polite reference to being ignorant and speaking authoritatively without being acquainted with the facts. Or are you actually knowledgeable about the facts and willing to substantiate your ramblings?).

Come on up and have your little IALPA party.
Actually, as I understand it the agreement refers to all future bases, not just Belfast, so I am not sure what the coming up for an "IALPA party" bit is about. Those who want access to the pension get it when applicable and everyone is on a common seniority list. Seems kinda good to me. Alternatively, those who want to join the Raving Loonies are no doubt free to exercise their entitlement to join you.

No jurisdiction up here chief.
Did anyone claim jurisdiction? Does anyone care?

Better go get some before your next walk-out.
Not only was there no walk-out, neither was one threatened. Nor has there ever been one by EI pilots.

Methinks you are on a hobby-horse here and there is little anyone could do to dislodge you. Your post is enduring proof of the adage that "talk is cheap". Indeed.

carlos vandango 16th Oct 2007 21:20

Well ,dad, I'm not pontificating anything really. I agree with you however that talk is cheap..clearly you bought a bulk load of it. Maybe want to check your own post for accuracy too. Doesn't look like you've acquainted yourself with many facts :=

An Paddy Eile 17th Oct 2007 08:05


I seriously hope you do not work for AL with that attitude. It is a sign of the arrogance and ignorance which is the real risk to your organisation.

snaga 17th Oct 2007 08:22

Well said An Paddy Eile.

carlos if you have any incorrect facts in my post to point out, please feel free to do so.

DrKev 19th Oct 2007 22:00


All done and dusted now.:D

Mr Angry from Purley 20th Oct 2007 08:06

This would be trivia compared to what would happen if Ryanair took control....

Agent Oringe 20th Oct 2007 08:28

So does this include DEC for the BFS base as well?
Or will these slots only be available to DUB F/O's upgrading and any DUB Captains wishing to transfer?

Boy 20th Oct 2007 11:03

Here is an intriguing press report from the Irish Times which differs a little bit from the upbeat one on the RTE site in the link provided above (in bold):

Aer Lingus pilots in favour of Belfast deal

Pilots at Aer Lingus have voted decisively in favour of the deal negotiated with the airline earlier this week which allows for the establishment of its new base in Belfast. Martin Wall reports.

In a ballot result announced last night, 80 per cent of pilots voted to support the agreement. A spokesman for trade union Impact said that the turnout was just under 85 per cent.

One of the key elements of the deal was that in future, aircraft captains appointed to bases outside of the Republic of Ireland would be on seniority rather than through direct-entry competition.

The company said that it had already irrevocably appointed seven direct-entry captains for its Belfast operations before the deal with the pilots' union was concluded last weekend. However, it said that this would be considered a once-off arrangement.

It is understood that the Irish Airline Pilots Association, which is a branch of Impact, has warned the company that the ballot would be considered null and void if it emerged that these seven direct-entry captains had not been irrevocably appointed before the deal was signed.

The row between the company had pilots had threatened to ground the airline from earlier this week.
Now why would they say that (the bit in bold)? Maybe this is not done and dusted after all?!

Bad Robot 20th Oct 2007 12:15

I'm a bit confused here. ???


It is understood that the Irish Airline Pilots Association, which is a branch of Impact, has warned the company that the ballot would be considered null and void if it emerged that these seven direct-entry captains had not been irrevocably appointed before the deal was signed.


I have since found this link.


Crusty Ol Cap'n 20th Oct 2007 13:30

What's not to understand? Sounds to me that IALPA don't trust the management but are prepared to accept the companys word on the new hires meanwhile reserving the right to withdraw from the agreement if they subsequenly find that the company are lying about these appointments.
A sensible approach and shows that IALPA are forward thinking as usual.:ok:

Ryans-Aer 20th Oct 2007 15:54

Oh dear. Does that mean that if the lucky 7 had been given contracts to sign before they were sim checked then its back to the drawing board? If so you'd better get the donkey jackets out again lads becuase that's what happened :suspect:

max tanking 20th Oct 2007 18:01

Ryans-aer stop being a pilchard!

Only speak up about things you have any understanding of.
Captains were taken on as a result of a single stage interview process. No sim check, contracts signed sealed and delivered before vote.

And, before you harp on about bloody sim checks and how important they are. Yes, I do agree for 200hr new FO's. 10yrs+ LHS, should have a fair idea how to shoot a couple of approaches.

Ryans-Aer 20th Oct 2007 18:35

Er , wrong. DEC's told at interview that it was a multi stage process involving sim-check. It then became apparent that they wouldn't get any trainers to do the checks and so contracts were rushed out for signing anyway. The proviso being that they would have to pass a sim check before starting employment. The validity of sim-checks as an assessment tool is irrelevant.

Ryans-Aer 22nd Oct 2007 00:27

My, that's got them thinking..:hmm:

omoko joe 23rd Oct 2007 23:46

I heard most of the 7 were ex Eir-Jet. Spoke to a guy who went for interview who reckoned that unless you were available at short notice they weren't that interested but he did say the plan was interview, sim-check, medical. He also claimed that many of those that went for interview were more curious than anything else and the interviewers didn't seem to know what the actual package was.
Maybe this is all a big conspiracy theory to let the opposition drop its guard! The Easyjet guys seemed quite concerned initially that Aer Lingus were hell bent on taking them on in their own patch. Now their attitude is more of 'yeah whatever'.

Bad Robot 24th Oct 2007 11:24

Is the recruitmernt continuing or not?
Has anyone that was interviewed before the "Agreement" been notified yet?
Do you get a choice of DUB or BFS now?

How many Captains and F/O's are there likely to be transfering from DUB to BFS?


hongkongfuey01 24th Oct 2007 16:44

Also, will Aer Lingus still offer positions to the pilots who chose to ignore the IALPA recruitment ban and attended interviews regardless?

If they do, will there be friction amongst the TRI/TRE's who will have to train them?

And what now of the guys/gals already in the holding pool? Will they also now be disadvantaged?

I think this will probably happen, due to timescale. I, like a lot of my colleagues flying for UK airlines have shot ourselves in the foot by choosing to honour IAPLA'S request. We now won't have an equal opportunity to apply to EI for a very long time to come.

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