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DW11 15th Oct 2007 06:18

Radio in Ireland now reporting that agreement has been reached. No details yet

OneWorld22 15th Oct 2007 08:19

Seems they've come to agreement on T's and C's for the BFS base.

Aer Lingus deal after marathon talks
Monday, 15 October 2007 07:33

A threatened stoppage which would have grounded all Aer Lingus flights from tomorrow has been averted.

Management and pilots this morning agreed terms and conditions for staff at the airline's new base in Belfast.

The deal was reached after more than 20 hours of continuous negotiations at the Labour Relations Commission.

Both sets of negotiators will recommend the deal, which is subject to a ballot by the pilots. It is understood that agreement has been reached on the key issues of pensions, seniority and criteria for promotions.

Aer Lingus chief Dermot Mannion said agreement in principle had been agreed with the pilots' union IALPA, and this would be ratified at a meeting later tonight.

He said agreement meant that Aer Lingus now had the ability to open the Belfast base and other bases on local terms and conditions. The threat to passenger services on Tuesday has been lifted and there will be a full schedule of flights.

In relation to suspended pilots, he said that issue would be worked out over the coming 24 hours. There will be some new pilots recruited in Belfast, while some other pilots will be considered for promotion opportunities from the Republic to move from Belfast.

Lord Lardy 15th Oct 2007 09:15

From media:

Aer Lingus passengers will be breathing a sigh of relief this morning after both sides reached agreement in a row which threatened to ground flights this week.
Crunch talks - over pay and conditions for crews at the new Belfast hub - broke up in the early hours of this morning, after a deal was struck.
Aer Lingus CEO Dermot Mannion says the base will now begin operation as planned on December 10th.
While he's remaining tightlipped on the deal, it's understood that pilots got what they wanted in relation to pension entitlements and union recognition.

DrKev 15th Oct 2007 09:15

Bravo!! :D:D:D:D

Say again s l o w l y 15th Oct 2007 09:18

That's good news. Strikes don't really help anyone, but well done to the crews for sticking to their guns and not being intimidated.

Bad Robot 15th Oct 2007 09:44

OK, so if they have hired 10 new Captains, what about F/O's?
Have they also hired 10 F/O's too?
Where were they assessed and trained and by whom?
Were the F/O's from the existing pool?
Have some of the trainers been involved in Interview assessments, Sim assessments, OPC/LPC and line training?
Or is this just AL Spin?

BR. :confused:

An Paddy Eile 15th Oct 2007 10:21

They have been HIRED ya eejit! That doesn't mean they're flying! It simply means that they were likely interviewed by managers and offered a job which they have accepted.

Well done to the AL crews and IALPA. Pilots - 1, Greedy Industry - 0.

I just hope that us Blue and Yellow crew can learn something from this.

peacock1 15th Oct 2007 11:02

Ye' d want to start learning......the A.L. guys and gals have given ye plenty of good example..........

Dublin Airgirl 15th Oct 2007 11:19

Aer Lingus issued this to the stock exchange this morning:

"Following the successful conclusion of talks at the LRC early this morning, Aer Lingus is pleased to confirm that the threat of disruption to services this week has been lifted and the airline will be operating a full schedule.

The agreement reached at the LRC, which is subject to IALPA ballot, means that the new Belfast base will open on time with staff employed on local terms and conditions. The agreement also provides a framework for the opening of future bases on local terms and conditions.

We would like to recognise and sincerely thank the LRC and the IALPA group for their commitment and hard work in constructively bringing this issue to a successful conclusion.

We apologise for the unavoidable uncertainty this situation has caused to all of our customers, however we now can look forward to growing Aer Lingus and delivering on our objectives for the benefit of all stakeholders."

Not much in there about the pilots winning anything....

Bad Robot 15th Oct 2007 11:35

They have been HIRED ya eejit!
A bit uncalled for I think!:ugh:

I was asking a civil question and expected a civil answer.

If these Crews have been hired AND trained up, then SOMEBODY from AL has been working AGAINST the BAN?


Dublin Airgirl 15th Oct 2007 11:42

not necessarily, there were a couple of ex captains doing some training and recruitment for EI. most of them fell off in the dispute last week, but a few could conceivably have been trained by non EI employees.
though i agree about the uncalled for tone. sensible debate is rarely aided by hectoring.

Tooloose 15th Oct 2007 11:55

Dublin Airgirl,
It was a company statement to the stock exchange. It is hardly surprising that it contains no reference to the pilots winning. If it did it would confirm the suspicions of many about you.

Captain Galactic 15th Oct 2007 12:17

Congratulations to IALPA and all the gang at EI.Don't you just love mondays..........Leo!

atse 15th Oct 2007 13:41

Word on the street is that the 7 captains (no co-pilots) were offered positions in writing on the basis of interviews only. They have not done sim checks, nor has any operational person examined their logbooks, etc. They have undertaken NO training involving EI personnel. (It is being suggested by some that the introduction of the 7 pilots as an issue was a management ploy to derail the talks which bounced back at them .... you can decide what you want to believe!!).

That being said, the 7 were apparently offered full-time positions some days/weeks ago. In which case the word is that they will be accepted by the existing EI pilots in line with the protections in the agreement, which include their having seniority numbers at the bottom of the current seniority list.
That agreement is, apparently, not yet "agreed" and some are suggesting that this may present last minute difficulties around the details. We will know late tonight.

The merits and strengths of pilots unity are rather obvious in this case, though I too am glad we did not have a 2-3 month stoppage.

411A 16th Oct 2007 05:58

Well done to the AL crews and IALPA. Pilots - 1, Greedy Industry - 0.

....means that the new Belfast base will open on time with staff employed on local terms and conditions. The agreement also provides a framework for the opening of future bases on local terms and conditions.
More like....pilots -0, Greedy Industry -1

The airline gets lower cost pilots, and further, open additional bases with lower cost pilots.

A CEO's dream come true.:}

Hudson Bay 16th Oct 2007 10:33

Well done to all you Lingus Pilots. It proves that Unity wins out every time. The CEO has lots of egg on his face this morning.

Silver Tongued Cavalier 16th Oct 2007 11:43

No 411A, the CEOs dream is what the company originally demanded, no IALPA representation at ANY new bases and NO seniority list!!! Promotions based on merit, decided by HR Dept!!! So essentially a new pilot group within the company, hence this was a union busting exercise first and foremost.

What he actually might get if he's lucky (subject to IALPA members ballot) is IALPA/BALPA representation at new bases, and ONE GLOBAL SENIORITY LIST, with date of entry used for base choice/promotions.

I know you 411A might believe all the Management spin to the media, our CEO has to look good in front of he shareholders right now, he's on the ropes! Let him spin the stockmarkets, good for all of us.

Reality and Perception are often different things entirely.

TRY2FLY 16th Oct 2007 11:59

When is the ballot taking place , or has it taken place already ?

Count von Altibar 16th Oct 2007 17:01

What's the company/IALPA deal then? I've heard 7 DECs to the Belfast base to help get it up and running.

carlos vandango 16th Oct 2007 18:04

Hypocritical in the extreme. What became of the 'equal terms for our colleagues in NI?' From where I'm sitting it looks like IALPA lined the Dublin pockets and left BFS high and dry. Nice one, that'll really nurture relations in your new foreign base :hmm:

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