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I.C.Nosignal 24th Jan 2005 17:28

acbus 1, no one is naive enough to think that you might fall into any of the aforementioned categories that you list, as I remember the last bmi redundancies were worked out on time served and qualification, its about time you moved on in life,after all there are a lot of companies who are much worse to work for.

Onan the Clumsy 24th Jan 2005 17:28

Well I think they should look at ex-military types for their suspect. After all it's well know that to get in, you have to pass the exercise where you cross a fence with two oil drums and a plank albeit that the fence is an imaginary one.

oh and if the plank is believed to have been tied to the driver's side of the car (thereby restricting the use of the driver side door) I'd say...go with the Army :}

acbus1 24th Jan 2005 17:38

If the car had been seen with two short planks on the driver's side it would have eased the identification of the culprit.

Two short planks = Management (so called).


Flap40 25th Jan 2005 10:34

A fire?

Well it was a Barbie jet!:O :O :O

...I'll get my coat.

stalling attitude 25th Jan 2005 10:51

Much longer and it would have been an ember 145

INKJET 25th Jan 2005 12:01

Any truth in the story that the guy was caught by the engineers, but managed to get free and legged it through the baggage hall also that some flowers were left at the scene?

As to security, well a fence is just that, lets face it at any airport if you want to get airside all you need are some wire cutters a foggy night and if you know your way around you'd be very unlucky to get caught.

I would start with anyone who got the boot from BAA or its agents after a BD Scotland security (not bm!!) check, this is almost certainly a grudge attack against either the airport or bmi, lets be honest there are far easier things to set alight at a lot less risk if its the Blues & Two's that turn you on?

Still i bet everyone is paying a bit more attention on the walk round i bet they have also a good look at the rebels in the fire union, it wouldn't be the first time! remember these guys know how to start fires just as well as putting them out! a ERJ on a remote stand is a lot less risky than setting a 76 alight

on balance probably a drug crazed ex airport employee, time will tell, but red faces at BAA security so lets have a look at the security video, er well, er it, er sort of, er waiting to be fixed, but we have some nice flowers inside the terminal and we stopped him being dropped off out side the terminal

Time to wake up and smell the Coffee


CarltonBrowne the FO 25th Jan 2005 17:07

Stand 31 is not a remote stand, it is on the end of the International Pier, tail toward the runway. It is also in plain sight from the Tower- interestingly enough, the damage is on the side of the aircraft that was toward the Tower at the time.
Owing to the layout of the stairs/airbridges, even though bmi 145s do not use airbridges, stand 31 is probably the most likely at the airport for an aircraft fire to spread to the terminal building.

caniplaywithmadness 25th Jan 2005 18:53

Carlton Browne, I hope your not implying that the tower controller should have actually seen this person committing the offence.

Yes, the fire raising was done on the port side of the a/c which as you say faces the tower, however, stand 31 is hard enough to see well in good daylight and at 0410 you can hardly see it at all, let alone observe someone trying to set light to the E145.
Plus, the controller would have no reason to be looking out at stand 31, unless someone had called for start from around that area at the time.

Security on airfields is not in the remit of ATC, nor should it be.

Security at Glasgow isn't what it should be and there are far easier ways of gaining access to the airfield at night without using planks, ladders, wire cutters or even having to scale a fence.

jettesen 25th Jan 2005 19:09

Not being funny or smart here, but surely the intruder would show up on the radar system in the tower? If he came over the fence, surely there would be some sort of ground radar which would pick someone at the fence?? if there is not one, there should be

Ranger 1 25th Jan 2005 19:44

Jettesen, I doubt ground radar would pick up an individual wandering about on foot, but I am aware of a system which uses I R remote detectors linked to relays to protect farm land which would detect someone.
I have often thought about it for remote parts of Airfields to cover fences.
On an amusing note,I had just started shift when someone called me to advise me of a breech in Security here, when in fact they Got the wrong end of the stick, & we found out just as we completed a full check of the airfield that it was at GLA :ugh:
I do not work in security but as I work out on certain airfield covering many miles every day / night the company are getting an additional pair of eyes for nothing, no additional pay for it as Security is everyones responsibilty :ok:

CarltonBrowne the FO 25th Jan 2005 20:57

To be absolutely clear: there was little or no chance that a Tower controller could have seen what was happening. There was no requirement for Ground to be manned; even if there had been a Ground controller on duty, the odds would have favoured the perpetrator. I apologise unreservedly for giving the impression that anyone in ATC was in any way culpable, such a suggestion was not my intent.
However, for someone on foot, around a lit apron, the Tower would appear mostly dark, and it would be impossible to tell whether someone inside was watching your movement. To carry out this act implies either a keen calculation of the lighting and observation involved, or complete recklessness about being caught.
The relatively low level of damage raises another question: was this someone who did not know how to severely damage an aeroplane, or someone who knew quite well, but wanted to cause minor damage to make a point?
It may be that the experience of the Northern Ireland troubles (whatever happens, no violent act happens in Scotland) has made us complacent. I include myself in that criticism.

lexxity 25th Jan 2005 21:08

This is what I have heard from a BD captain at GLA that morning, apparently the suspect is an asian male who leant a plank of wood against the fence, clambered over and set the fire under the emb. Amongst the ashes was a rose and apparantly an asian gentleman had a heart attack and died on same a/c a week ago. The man was seen and chased by some engineers, they didn't catch him but they did get the reg number of the car.

I don't know how true this is, but no doubt we'll find out eventually.

Blue Boy 25th Jan 2005 21:09

Captain Browne

Sorry mate, but the last time that I worked at GLA, Stand 31 was a remote stand. The last time time that I travelled through,(December), it was the same.

It may not be a remote stand in the terms that it's at the end of the International Pier, the fact that it isn't connected to a Jetway means that it is 'remote'. And those who have tried to board flights through Gate 31 while also trying to board a flight through Gate 30 will know the issue.

Maybe you should have a closer look at you charts!

Flying Fokker 25th Jan 2005 21:22

Any truth in the rumour that flowers were scattered around the aircraft and one left outside the crewroom?

CarltonBrowne the FO 25th Jan 2005 21:37

Stand 31 wasn't a remote stand when I parked the aircraft on it last week.
Yes, that aircraft.
By the definition of "lacking a jetway" most of the stands at GLA are remote stands. I appreciate that in Dubai it is unusual to actually go outside! Rather than checking my charts, maybe I'll just look out the office window...
As I have said, the layout of stand 31 means the aircraft is physically closer to the terminal building than on almost any other stand.
Nobody has died on G-RJXD recently, or at any other time since it was delivered to bmi regional.

Meeb 25th Jan 2005 21:54

The uniformed seem to be congregating on this thread...

Stand 31 is NOT a remote stand by any stretch of the imagination... :rolleyes:

Injet... lots of accusations there... just wait until the real detectives do their work... eh? Then an apology? :mad:

INKJET 26th Jan 2005 04:28

Sorry mate but not a single accusation, just speculation.

Security is meant to deter all but the determined! this person was clearly very determined.

With out speculation & rumour this site would be pointless and you'd have to rely on the press, which as we all know is very hit but mainly miss! just look at how the easy booze thread unfolded
so i am sorry to say there won't be an apology.

real detective, grow up your living in a dream world! they are far to busy chasing a tart in a Ford Ka eating an apple

Good night


Runway 31 26th Jan 2005 08:21


"Still i bet everyone is paying a bit more attention on the walk round i bet they have also a good look at the rebels in the fire union, it wouldn't be the first time! remember these guys know how to start fires just as well as putting them out!

Sure looks like an accusation to me. I think an apology is definitely in order here.

INKJET 26th Jan 2005 11:01

Runway 31
Nope! i have re read my post and i did not accuse anyone of starting this fire to this aircraft. I would think the police will have an open mind on motive and they will have looked at every posible group that "might" fit.

I understand that there have been further developements within the last 12 hours, and i don't expect it to be an ex employee of bmi or anyone connected to the fire service, i was only pointing out that all these groups will have been looked at. under grudge/motive believe me dafter things have happened.



gillemor 24th Feb 2005 20:43

BBC report that an arrest warrant has been issued:


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