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-   -   I guess they don't like Heli's !!!! (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/324957-i-guess-they-dont-like-helis.html)

kevin_mayes 23rd Jul 2009 12:20

L & L
A long time ago (17 years to be exact) I looked after the noise and track keeping system at Heathrow, one of my tasks was to calibrate the equipment at the remote noise monitoring sites, while there a chap came up, full of lip complaining about the noise from the aircraft overflying his house. The conversation kind of went like this.

"These bloody things are runing my life, can't get any peace!"
So I asked him where he lived, right under the flight path as it happened next to the noise monitor.

Then I asked him did he go on hoilday this year, yes he said, he had two hoildays a year...

Then I asked him, Oh which airport did you fly from then?
"Heathrow" was the answer...

Tel you what L & L shoot me down, but why don't you book a trial lesson in a helicopter, you might find it quite fun? I know when I got hooked, suddenly helicopters flying overhead were a lot more interesting.


SASless 23rd Jul 2009 12:22

Either Low Level is a complete dork.....or is guilty of a very fine bit of pprune fishing!

In the first case....nothing will be gained by either side to this discussion and in the latter he should get accolades for a fine job!

low-and-loud 23rd Jul 2009 12:27

he has a motor bike and uses that every evening (custom type) which is just as loud as the heli and overall runs for a longer time?

Then you have the chap who gets the strimmer out on a Sunday afternoon for three hours on a trot.
Ageed, but in both those cases you could get somebody independent (the council enviro health) to mediate. Also both cases have people who could reduce the noise (fit silencer or use electric strimmer). The heli use does not have the benefit of either of these points.

I think when they made the 28 day rule they lumped all forms of transport together, one could argue that landing the helicopter in a garden is just the same (transport wise) as driving a car up the drive - maybe this was correct, maybe not?
I dont think this is right. Simply because the enviro impact of a heli is so much greater than a car (hummers excepted!). How can you treat them the same? I dont mean be draconian on the heli, just use a bit of common sense when making the laws.

Don't forget that the helicopter was designed for just that, trips into confined areas, to base them all at airports would seem to be a waste, we would all have to fly around in fixed wing thing - which by the way aren't all that quiet either...
It would be a waste, but some of the personal use they are used for is a waste of other things in my opinion. Is flying always that necessary? I manage to survive quite well never using one. I am sure there are perfectly good reasons for some of the personal use, but not all. Fixed wings seem much quieter to me than helicopters, maybe it is the height, maybe the frequencies, but no doubt heli's are more intrusive and difficult to mask than fixed wing.

dragman 23rd Jul 2009 12:33

L and L,

Just a thought, but you've been spending a lot of time over the last day or so on this forum. Is it conceivable that, whilst directing your concentration into posting here, rather than skyward at "offending" helicopters, the noise may have become less intrusive?

low-and-loud 23rd Jul 2009 12:34

The difference is that you rode bikes for sport. We're doing it for a living.
Of course, but there were people who were in the trail riding industry for a living. The only people who won were the NIMBY's.

ShyTorque 23rd Jul 2009 12:38

Right, must go - got a life to lead.

There goes another light aircraft - right overhead, probably about 400 feet.

low-and-loud 23rd Jul 2009 12:44

Dragman, :)

There has been 2 today, quite a good day, I still heard them, but strangely they made me smile and now I am missing them!

But like I have said, it is not 2 or 5 that bother me, it is when it gets to 20 it gets too much. Really hard to ignore them when the windows are open or you are outside.

But, the next one I see will probably get a cheery wave rather than a manic hand gesture :ok: Unless it is the really deep sounding one.....

John R81 23rd Jul 2009 13:37


Sorry - should have read through all 9 pages

TorqueOfTheDevil 23rd Jul 2009 18:19

I wish I had the confidence in the industry to tell you, but I cannot help thinking that there are some on this board who would delight in making my life more miserable because I dare to speak out against what you obviously enjoy doing.
In fairness to L&L, I don't think I'd put my exact location on a forum like this if I were complaining about noise...Piss Off Biggles anyone?

On the subject of how worthwhile the flights are which pass over L&L's house (which his neighbours say is getting worse over the years), maybe the recession will have a beneficial effect (in terms of noise, because fewer people will splash out to go by air). Presumably, with the economy in tatters, every private helicopter flying must be doing something pretty worthwhile or carrying someone pretty important?

Whirlygig 23rd Jul 2009 21:30

If 2-5 aircraft a day is norm and that is acceptable, then I would suggest that when you're getting 20 a day, this is because Heathrow has directed the traffic that way for reasons already explained. This indicates that, unless ATC directs otherwise, the pilots are taking a variety of routes.

I still maintain that the best way of dealing with the problem is one of mind over matter. For example, I used to have the screaming ab-dabs if I saw even a money spider. However, I realised that my fear of spiders was almost ruining my life so I took steps to deal with it. I still don't like spiders but I can look at photos of them, tolerate being in the same room as one and even, with my super spider catcher, catch one and put it outside.

I saw it as my problem and dealt with it.

Alternatively, as TotD suggests, you could get up on the roof :ok:




TorqueOfTheDevil 23rd Jul 2009 22:15


Great pic - that colour scheme brings back memories! (on the Hawk as well as the barn!). I was going to post a different picture of the most-used turning point in North Wales but mine's not as good as yours!


Pandalet 24th Jul 2009 07:52

Aah, spider catchers. Mine's having a shower just now, but she'll be back shortly :ok:

Jackboot 24th Jul 2009 14:32

I love the suggestion that helicopter training should be conducted over water. It would add a whole new dimension and complexity to hover/ hover taxy practice! Bigger barf bags to cope with air and sea sickness?!

These people are extremists.

I bet they are all fairly elderly. As you get older, minor irritations can become obsessions. I bet the person who runs this silly website has devoted his life to it and it will get him precisely nowhere.

'I remember Fred - he was that nutter who jumped up and down shaking his fist every time a helicopter flew over.'

I think I would like to be remembered for doing something useful.

Meals on Wheels and outpatient volunteers are always short of drivers. Much better than sitting at home all day with the window open behaving like a crusty old f@rt whener we fly over.

I have operated my machine for nearly 4 years in and out of my home. I have done over 600 hrs without a complaint. In fact, quite the opposite. I have raised lots of money for the Air Ambulance etc. by offering free raffle-prize rides.

Helicopters are noisy - we all need to consider our neighbours and offer them the occasional ride. It works a treat for me.


nimby 24th Jul 2009 15:21

Perhaps LoL should move somewhere more rural ... Ilchester?

Non-PC Plod 24th Jul 2009 15:44

Ilchester's fine if you buy the house on a Sunday! I reckon somewhere near the church is about right for 09/27!

airborne_artist 24th Jul 2009 15:57

Ilchester's fine if you buy the house on a Sunday!
A friend, a confirmed petrol-head, bought a house under the extended center-line of Benson's main. Moved in on a Friday, BBQ on Sat for his mates who had ehlped him move in. Half the RAF's fleet went overhead during the afternoon, with lots of noise, tail end of smoke from the Arrows etc. His Mrs was less amused, but then he found out it was Benson's families' day :ok:

Benet 24th Jul 2009 18:58

Helicopter noise

There has been 2 today, quite a good day, I still heard them, but strangely they made me smile and now I am missing them!

But like I have said, it is not 2 or 5 that bother me, it is when it gets to 20 it gets too much. Really hard to ignore them when the windows are open or you are outside.

But, the next one I see will probably get a cheery wave rather than a manic hand gesture Unless it is the really deep sounding one.....
Signs of an improving attitude?

I get hacked off when a helicopter flies overhead, but only because I'm not up there flying it! Seriously, have a ride in a helicopter. If I wasn't stuck out in Abu Dhabi I'd be delighted to offer you a ride, preferably from your garden. It's an experience which melts the hardest attitude.

Most of the helicopters I fly are piston-engined and surprisingly quiet - I measure the effect I'm having by the reaction of farm animals, which I try not to scare. Horses in particular are easily startled and I do my best not to upset them when I land at the many farms and isolated houses I visit when I'm in Britain.

My little civilian helicopters are nothing compared to the thunderous noise (which I love, but others don't) of military helis. And city dwellers who dislike long periods of police aircraft overhead have a point - as do the police, who are usually doing something which demands a hover or a low orbit for the public good.

I can only implore you to have a trial lesson. Then you'll associate the sound of a heli overhead with a happy memory.

fluffy5 25th Jul 2009 14:11

I have the answer. It is purely scientific, just not proven yet. As we know the helicopter produces high and low frequencies. Now if these unfortunate soul's are being diven mad by such divine aircraft like the helicopter, which is obviously causing a disturbance in the mind by the high or low frequencies.
We should not be upset with these people, who have a slight disability that they are being driven mad.
Maybe the goverment could offer free CAT scans to the poor people who could have this abnormality, and once found could offer some kind of head gear to wear. Maybe a bicycle helmet, I bet that thick padding would stop those nasty frequencies or even better yet maybe a motorcycle helmet.
Or if you can't afford to buy the head gear, the cheaper option could be a wet towel wrapped around ones head with two pencil's up one's nose, now that would probably work. :}
Now in all seriousness people complain about noise from airports, if they bought a property near an airport after the airport was built then why should you complain. If however you bought that property or built it before the airport came then you have a right to complain.
Most low level helicopters are air ambulance that are saving lives!
police helicopters which are chasing the bad guys, so they don't steal your car !
Civilian pilots should not be low level, unless taking off and landing, within the law.
Maybe I will offer this advice on there website, one wet towel and two pencils :E

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