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-   -   I guess they don't like Heli's !!!! (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/324957-i-guess-they-dont-like-helis.html)

Overdrive 1st May 2008 03:31

I've added another 200-odd by a certain semi-automated technique (which I think the server has now "got wise" to, but I'll be back).

So the PPRuNe count is now 1425, and > 10% .

This is war now....... :E

The Nr Fairy 1st May 2008 05:15

From the web site's "Aims" page:

5. To have helicopter training located in uninhabited areas or over the sea. Who, in their right minds, would locate afresh today such helicopter training in the highly-populated Thames Valley or other highly populated region?

They've done their research about unpopulated areas close to population centres, AND about the value of training over a flat area in a single :)

Whirlygig 1st May 2008 07:10

The trouble is, if it was pointed out to them the hazards of training in uninhabited areas, over the sea etc (engine failure, mechanical problem etc), then the antis would have more ammunition to say that helicopters are dangerous.

Groups like this never listen to reason, they have a bee in their bonnet and, if they successfully campaigned against one thing and "got it banned", they would have to turn their attention to something else.



misterbonkers 1st May 2008 07:26

we could all chip in and buy the house next door, move in toys such as motorbikes, lawnmowers, fast cars and have them running all day. Or, with a more environmental approach, turn it into a boarding kennel full of barking dogs!

I'm guessing the people running this ' anti ' site are retired and have a lot of time on their hands? It would be interesting to know what they did or do for a living.

g-mady 1st May 2008 07:33

yes they are retired, dont know what they used to do though. Just North of the High wycombe airfield boundary is the motorway - they live just to the north of that.
Very close to the airfield. Fixed wing traffic passed quite close but at 1000ft, but the northern join is low level.

1500 now... keep going! :ok:

This is close to Cpt Hollywoods thread on the R88 for post of the year!

JTobias 1st May 2008 14:44

I'm on a mission now.
Not gonna stop voting till my mouse breaks.
(Then I'll get another one!)


manfromuncle 1st May 2008 15:05

It's not hard to find out who the site owners are.

I think you are a little bit off G-MADY.

We all best avoid this location:


g-mady 1st May 2008 15:56

To be honest there are several houses around Wycombe air park that cause alot of fuss.
I know the houses north of the motorway for sure started a campaign. And are certainly ones to avoid, the registered address is one of the others!


manfromuncle 1st May 2008 16:52

Oh yeah, I don't doubt it. Just like every other airfield in the UK.

I love this bit on the site:

Additionally, we fully recognise the vested interests of helicopter manufacturers and heliport and helicopter operators, who have invested large amounts of their own, or their investors', capital to generate shareholder profits. However these profits are generated at a vile environmental cost. We fully expect these vested interests to oppose our aims by whatever means, lobbying their influential networks to obfuscate our vision.

He obviously hasn't looked at the accounts of the average UK FTO!

'Chuffer' Dandridge 1st May 2008 20:38

S'funny, I thought I saw Mr Shufflebums phone number in a west end phone box yesterday advertising some very dubious practices.........:E

Spunk 2nd May 2008 07:14

... Germany... 5 points :E:E

AndyJB32 2nd May 2008 08:49

Just a thought
Hi there, i don't think we're going to acheive much by trying to win a poll on their website. There will always be a larger number number of people signing up to a website aimed at cutting helicopter noise who agree with the argument rather than disagree. The majority of people who become aware of the website would have found it because they were looking for a way of complaining about noise in the first place - i don't think many people who have never thought about aircraft noise, because they aren't affected by it, would have the need to start searching out a website that is polling people on this issue.

In the same way as if you took a poll of all the members on pprune, i'm sure the outcome would be overwhelmingly in favour of helicopters, and accepting of the noise that goes with them. That doesn't mean however, that there isn't an issue with noise that should be taken seriously. If someone has gone to the effort of setting up this website, then they are obviously being adversely affected by helicopters, and so naturally have a negative view of them. Has anyone thought of contacting the website, and trying to arrange an informal meeting with them, to have a discussion and a few beers. Who knows , we may all find we have less to argue about and more common ground than we realise? We may be able to see their point of view a bit more clearly, and more importantly, they might be able to see our position.


freerideroj2 2nd May 2008 09:20

Ok.........I`ve done my bit!

A.Agincourt 2nd May 2008 11:04

The noise generated from the motorway is by far the most invasive. During the day it almost goes un noticed because of familiarity - its an almost normal background - but during the quieter times of the day and evening, it is far worse than the occasional aircraft. I am sure there are many out there who live similarly, in proximity to a motorway or indeed railway and you might agree.

I live in proximity [sound wise] to 3 military airfields and am under the arrival flight path of a main airport. I chose to live here and to be honest with you, I get really stressed about the traffic on the road outside my house even behind triple glazing. Aircraft noise - WTF is that? Hardly ever heard any!!!!!!!!!! [above the noise of the traffic] I suspect that these dolts are pretty much in the same circumstances and are pretty much bored with little else to do. Sad. Very Sad.

Best Wishes

JTobias 2nd May 2008 11:40

Setting up a meeting may be a good idea.
Maybe we could all fly in !!:p
(Mouse and index finger need maintenance now!)

ShyTorque 2nd May 2008 13:11

Has anyone thought of contacting the website, and trying to arrange an informal meeting with them, to have a discussion and a few beers.
Yes, YOU have. Well volunteered, that man. :D

As we speak, I'm being subjected to the noise of an electric concrete breaker; it's been going on continually for hours because yet another neighbour is having a new conservatory put in. I think these noisy implements should be used only in uninhabited areas, or over the sea, because I think they are noisy and dangerous. :mad:

Also, I'm jealous because I see conservatories as rich people's playthings and I can't afford one so I don't want to see or hear anything to remind me of the fact that they exist.. :rolleyes:

AndyJB32 2nd May 2008 14:24

touche' shy torque
If i cared about the noise abatement argument in this case enough i would do. To be honest though, i don't, so just thought i'd make the suggestion to see if anyone else was more noble than me!;)

PPrude1234 3rd May 2008 23:34

David Shufflebotham
Just done a WHOIS search on the website. It's is registered to a David Shufflebotham. Google that name along with "helicopter" and you will find unconfirmed minutes of the Nov 2006 Turville Parish Counil meeting.

(e) Helicopter Noise
David Shufflebotham (01494 883728) is leading protests in South Bucks against excessive helicopter noise and has contacted Paul Goodman our MP for support – currently there is no legislation against noise from civilian helicopters. He is particularly concerned over weekend training for trainee pilots. The MOD is a "law unto themselves" so there is no chance of getting restrictions for military flights according to Mr. Shufflebotham.



Sikorsky 4th May 2008 08:07

10 more votes delivered, moved the percentage from 22,2% to 22,3% :ok:

Gaseous 4th May 2008 08:42

The other scores have not changed since I first looked at this poll. I think the 12269 has been fabricated by HNC. It looks as though the only votes it gets at all are from you lot. This is typical of the behaviour of pressure groups. The poll is sheer fiction intended to support their cause - and why not? Its their website. They can put what they like on it. I bet they weren't expecting you lot though.:ok:

scooter boy 4th May 2008 11:38

Amazing that people buy a house near an existing airfield then complain about noise ad nauseam.

Rather ironically and surprisingly some of the worst noise complainers are from the aviation community itself.

I was looking at buying a business property near a regional airport that is pretty busy with jet traffic recently. The agent told me that the airport noise was an issue and the property would fetch far more if it were situated differently. I nodded sagely and agreed with him - what I didn't tell him was that I loved the smell of kerosene in the morning, the noise will be increased a little by my helilcopter coming in and out and that accessibility to the regional airport is a positive attribute in my opinion.

Console yourself with the knowledge that these miserable complaining so and sos are upsetting themselves far more with this nonsense than they are the rest of us.


John Eacott 4th May 2008 11:59

Originally Posted by scooter boy
I nodded sagely and agreed with him - what I didn't tell him was that I loved the smell of kerosene in the morning, the noise will be increased a little by my helicopter coming in and out and that accessibility to the regional airport is a positive attribute in my opinion.

Console yourself with the knowledge that these miserable complaining so and sos are upsetting themselves far more with this nonsense than they are the rest of us.

I took great delight a few years ago when a new neighbour chose to complain to the council about my landings in my back paddock. Delight at the council telling him they know all about the landings, they can't do anything about it as I've been operating for 20+ years and have grandfather rights, and even if they could do anything, they wouldn't :D

The complainant, being a Broadmeadows bogan, finds it totally acceptable to grind around his lawn all day most Sundays on a trail bike :rolleyes:
He's also the only neighbour to have been missed off the invites for local joy flights :p

biggles99 4th May 2008 18:31

great thread, but one central point has been missed:

if it wasn't for silly people sueing everyone for "product liability", and the awesome type certification requirements,

we'd have engines (and possibly blades) that made our aircraft as quite as a Lexus. And they'de be a lot more economical to boot.

bet it's the same sort of people who start these petitions that are now whinging about the excessive noise we all make.

Big Ls

g-mady 9th May 2008 20:49

Half way there! 6000 barrier smashed!!!


mini 9th May 2008 22:25

Someone needs to take a "snapshot" of the poll results on a regular basis, methinks that once they cop the erosion in their position they may adopt ZANU-PF style tactics and "manipulate" the vote... :sad:

rotorcraig 10th May 2008 18:42

Looks like Shufflebottom's not just against helis; according to Bucks Free Press he's a Wycombe NIMBY in general:

HIGH Wycombe's air park is set to become home to more planes after plans were passed to extend one of its hangars, despite an outcry from residents.

David Shufflebotham, representing the Wycombe Air Park Action Group, spoke at the committee meeting last Wednesday to oppose the plans.
He said: "Any increase in aircraft movements will further damage the environment for which you are responsible - the green belt, AONB."

johned0 10th May 2008 19:02

"manipulate" the vote
Who's to say that they haven't already. Prior to our "intervention" the results certainly did not reflect a normal distribution that you would expect in this kind of poll. Even allowing for the fact that the kind of people who frequent this site have a biased view and need to get a life it was a very strange result :ugh:

I think we can be fairly certain that they didn't set all of the counts to zero when they started the poll.


Garfs 11th May 2008 01:25

The Helicopter Noise Coalition is a forum for everyone in the UK whose lives are adversely affected by helicopters' noise
Have to say this made me laugh. "Oh No theres a helicopter flying past my house, NOOOOOOOOOOOO"

What a joke :)

Old Skool 12th May 2008 22:10

rotorcraig, i must take you to task, if you quote please make all effort to get the quote correct, clearly the end of the last quotation should read 'A NOB'

Flashover999 12th May 2008 23:19

Not sure if its the same D.S but maybe we should start hovering over cricket grounds as well. Just as he receives a googley will be about right!



Freewheel 13th May 2008 02:57

Note to self
Buy the place next to John Eacott.

If I clear his letterbox when he's away & look after the animals, I might get to sit next to him in the BK......

Heli-phile 17th May 2008 10:17

Usual story
Idiots live near an airport then complain about the noise. There cannot be too many residents (still Living) that were there before the airport. Everyone else should just STFU complaining.

Thanks for the location, must be sure to avoid it !!:D

Whirlygig 17th May 2008 11:41

It's a shame that their forum is still closed for maintenance - I'm looking forward to explaining a few things on there!

Nice to see the votes are more "balanced" now!

On a similar vein, there's a thread in Private Flying here and the complainent, Ms K. Lacey has registered on Pprune to put across her "well-reasoned" :rolleyes: arguments!



Heli-phile 19th May 2008 06:50

Careful they might be Opus Dei, albino types and nasty garter belts type of thing!!!!:eek:
it is Church road they live in after all!!:\

cldrvr 19th May 2008 10:43

I will have the vote well over 12,000 today! :)

Need money 19th May 2008 11:28

I can only assume cldrvr is good to his word - every time I hit refresh another vote has been added.

9677 now.....

Good work

cldrvr 19th May 2008 14:15

Hmmm, according to the Helicopter Noice website over 50% of the general population in the UK experience no noise incidents.

Overdrive 19th May 2008 15:06

At last... realistic, fair voting is reflecting the true picture of the noise position as it actually is ;)

cldrvr 19th May 2008 16:50

Yes looks like they have come to their senses, planes and helis don't make noise, they are not annoying, they benefit us all.

rotorcraig 25th May 2008 19:10

Latest scores on the doors:

How many helicopter noise incidents have you had in last 7 days...

None 22025 64%
Many times everyday 12287 35.7%
So on the basis of the coalition's own statistics, the problem has reduced significantly and appears to be reducing on a daily basis :D

Well done everybody!!!


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