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helidriver 21st Apr 2005 05:55

With only 2 minutes to go the police man realised the doughnut stall was about to close;)

krobar 21st Apr 2005 12:15

Morning survey

Approach into sun city

HeliEng 21st Apr 2005 12:19


That's a nice cab you've got there. That paint scheme works really well!! ;) :D

"They say that the early bird catches the worm, but it is the second mouse that gets the cheese!"

407 Driver 23rd Apr 2005 04:48

We have had a B3 visiting the base for the past few days....



Towing an 800 lb "bird" in the mountains takes the power of a B3, as some of the survey lines may go 3000' vertical up to 9,000'


Swapping 212's today ...AHB inbound



AHC outbound..


Not a Helicopter, but the next best thing, the DeHavilland DH-5 Buffalo...




Canadian Rotorhead 23rd Apr 2005 19:38

Nice shots 407,

Thought you were on vacation, haven't seen you post in a while.


407 Driver 24th Apr 2005 01:53

Thanks RH, Every day is a vacation in the Mountains, We're still plugging away at skiing, another 2 weeks left to go. The old 212 sure never liked +15c @ 7,000 today !

Squirrel 27th Apr 2005 02:47

Ski season over - heading home..



Mikeb 27th Apr 2005 11:29

Augusta 109 Leaving the Burj Al Arab Hotel Dubai.



madman1145 28th Apr 2005 11:36

Despide I'm still just a rookie student, I got some pics as well - so here it goes ..

Taking off from a friends farmhouse

Snow is now a days rare in Denmark, so better enjoy it

Having a little fun

Jumpseating on the North Sea in nice sunshining weather, sorry - snowy 40/50kts. wintermorning

And a nice sunset - taken from a FW, sorry :(

RS2 28th Apr 2005 19:49

Although I dont fly myself, a few more rotory types..












BlenderPilot 28th Apr 2005 20:44

This pictures are of a friend as he is spraying Cannabis (Herbicide not Fertilizer!) in the mountains of Mexico, they are taken at 7,000 FT.

They work in pairs, a 206 above with armed guys watching the sprayer below as he does his thing, very common work around here, unfortunately there is soo much demand for drugs north of the border that many poor farmers have began turning their crops into things such as Opium and Cannabis.

As you can see these people grow the stuff as hidden away as possible to make it harder for the helicopters to spray it, many fields have steel wires strung above them to keep helicopters away.




Plodin Along 29th Apr 2005 08:12

A bit of Box Junction Parking in Piccadilly Circus !!!! :ok:


rotorboy 29th Apr 2005 15:53

Last week I flew A 318C for a private owner from FL to New England .. here are a couple of pics, I was astonished wiht how pretty the Georgia coast bewteen St Simons and South Carolina was. Stunning, no development, vast refuge...




just had to drop in on my folks who live enroute.... little surpirsed they were


John Eacott 30th Apr 2005 00:01

A couple more from the archives: Ark Royal, about 1973-74. (edited to avoid Nigel's wrath ;) )



Nigel Osborn 30th Apr 2005 00:49


I don't think even an old bugga like you would have been in the RN in 1074, wasn't that just after Alfred's time?:ok:

BlenderPilot 30th Apr 2005 15:00

MayCalendarFest 2005
I recieved so may good pictures that I wasn't able to just decide for one, so I made 3 calendars!

Next time I do calendars I will use another 3, thank you so much for the great pictures!

Please don't forget to send captions.




Mr Toad 1st May 2005 02:53


Technical question - sorry if this point has been covered elsewhere. How do you transfer your old paper photos to digital format? The result is clearly satisfactory; most of mine are slowly decaying in my logbooks or getting sticky in the tropical heat here. I'd like to preserve them on my Mac.

Although I have a scanner it's not up to high resolution work.

John Eacott 1st May 2005 03:36

Mr T,

Whilst a lot of mine are slides or prints that have been scanned, the best result is to scan the original negatives, if you have them. The two Ark Royal photos are scanned from the negatives, with a CanoScan 5200F: easy to use, and good results :ok: (and cheap to purchase: no excuse not to buy something similar!)

If all you have are old original prints, a good scanner followed by Photoshop or similar to remove scratches/cracks/fold lines. The sooner you digitise and store them, the better, since all prints and negatives decay with age. Like some of us, I guess ;)

Here are a few more scanned from the negatives:

824NAS Sea Kings operating from Hermes: a very unhappy ship, with a Cdr who loathed aircrew. Not a good move on a carrier!


Cross decking with USS Independence, we slotted into the starboard wait with a couple of their SK's, who were more than happy to brush up on their formation skills. Lots of fun :ok:



Mr Toad 1st May 2005 13:26


Thanks; guess I must get myself digitised and touched up by Photoshop. Especially since Bugis Street changed hands.

Love the pics but sorry to hear about Hermes; I had the good fortune to be embarked (some of the time) on Albion which was always known to be a happy and well-run ship even when the aircraft were back on board. But we did make life very difficult for the long-suffering fishheads if we weren't allowed to stretch our wings. The rusty B on the other hand...

wde 1st May 2005 17:37

Hello all...

IF you are looking for work with a major Canadian operator for the summer, I am collecting contact information to forward to the Director of Operations.
Good salaries, lots of flying. Last summer we had machines parked from a lack of drivers so I want to do my part to avoid that this summer AND get some PPRUNErs some work.
PM me with your contact info, I will email you (MSN or skype) as the situation dictates and we can start a dialogue.

This is for real...probably need 10-15 pilots from now unitl Sep 30.

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