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noooby 31st Aug 2005 04:31

Outhouse, it really is that bad. I left late last year and thought it was bad enough then!!! At that point in time we had about 10 Licenced Engineers walk over a period of 2 or 3 months.

pjohnson, it would seem that the illustrious local GM has really gone and screwed the pooch now with that admin manual amendment!! anyone started a lottery to see how long things last!!!

when i was there turning spanners, and that is only 9 or 10 months ago, we were doing 23 to 27 flights everyday, cept friday which would have about 15. all aircraft (9 at that point) were available nearly everyday. engineers ask for payrise because fleet getting bigger but manpower not, payrise denied, engineers walked. too bad GHC, you really missed the bus. it is far easier to look after the people you have, than to find replacements.


munchkins 2nd Sep 2005 06:52

Rumour has it that Steve Mc has thrown in the towel at Gulf Helis. Something to do with the locals being promoted into the key Mgmt. positions?? It appears their maintenance isn't getting any better.

SASless 2nd Sep 2005 12:37

One can put up with a lot of ills....but poor maintenance is not one of them...I have left a couple of places over that without a moment's hesitation. Life is short enough without standing on the trapdoor of a gallows and putting your own head through the noose.:uhoh:

Oracle 3rd Sep 2005 05:36

Meltdown at GHC
It would seem that after three years of concerted (and decidedly negative) effort by the senior management, Gulf Helis has now reached a state of complete meltdown, with 5, maybe 6 aircraft at best on the line out of 12 aircraft and those numbers will undoubtedly reduce as there seems to be no interest in getting either major components to service the aircraft or replacement quality engineers to fix 'em! The pay for licenced engineers at ADA now exceeds that at Gulf Helis by $2000 per month, I am told. Small wonder the guys get pissed off and vote with their feet! No-one at home in the head-shed though to listen?

Management have been away for a cozy month's leave whilst this disaster has continued to unfold, despite continuous warnings of impending doom by knowledgeable folk within the company for the last two years, - previous CP included. Integrity is an unknown quality at this level nowadays. Islamisation has failed and will never make it commercially within this company without the loss of all of the oil companies. Whate they want is SAFE and reliable flight operations with well-maintained aircraft and properly qualified and experienced pilots and engineers. That's what they pay for. But our 'suitably qualified and experienced Islamic brethren wont normally stay for more than 3 years in such a sweaty, underpaid business that is so poorly run. They have a pain threshold too! Only expats suffer when the money, terms and conditions are sufficient. They are below the curve again now.

The official company HR recruitment policy of ''paying peanuts and getting monkeys'' has finally run the company down to below self-sustain at last. Penny wise, pound foolish sums it up! No investment in manpower, or infrastructure in the last three years, - just use the company as a cash-cow and strip it bare. And The Man has an MBA? Hmmm!

Recovery will probably require a complete change of management from the top down (if the Chairman/Oil Minister is brave and sensible enough to finally wake up and smell the roses at last.)

An immediate cash injection to re-invest about $2 million of filthy profits back into the company might work, before GHC folds completely or CHC moves in for the kill. Such a shame. Gulf Helis has/once had a great team of pilots and engineers but its crap, incestuously corrupt administration and dull, non commercial aviation management looks like it is still intent on penny-pinching a once fine company into an early grave. One can only hope that the Emir or the Deputy Prime Minister will FINALLY get to hear the truth about MM and his ''lost plot'' management style and will act swiftly to rectify the situation once and for all, before the wooden box is placed under the light switch for the last person out of the door.

Wishful thinking perhaps. :cool:

gn4p7 8th Sep 2005 02:52

Outhouse, this would seem the logical thing to do, unfortunately i can't see this happening. All the people in the white shirts(engineering) have been aound the middle east for years. Indeed they have worked for GHC before in the very same positions, the ex chief engineer has worked there pretty much all his working life. He is still there! It is my bet he will climb the ranks again, thats the way it's done in aviation in the middle east.
As for any other company coming in and taking over, forget it, it's not going to happen. GHC will limp along for some time yet i expect maybe even until the last Helicopter is U/S.
After all, it's not about the Flying it's about Admin and HR, thats what the company is for;)

Camel Driver 8th Sep 2005 16:09

Dubai contact info
I am looking for contact info for companies operating in Dubai. Specifically Heli-Dubai if any one has it. I have read through the "Flying in the Arabian Gulf" thread and found contact info for AeroGulf but I didn't notice any for HD. If anyone has this info or happens to know HD's requirements and could pass them on it would be greatly appreciated.



Sandy Toad 10th Sep 2005 10:33

[email protected] should get you in touch.

Camel Driver 11th Sep 2005 17:55

Thanks very much for the info ST. Do you know who I would direct an inquiry to in regards to a pilot position at HD or even if they are in a hiring mode? How about Aerogulf? I am in the preliminary stages of moving to Dubai with my wife and I thought I would put out a few feelers with the local companies. I will be sending an email to each company I was just looking for a little inside info. Anything anyone has would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Camel Driver

pitchlink 11th Sep 2005 18:23

Hope you dont have kids! If the Aerogulf allowances are anything to go by you will not be able to afford to put them through the education system!!!!! Maybe something to bear in mind when talking to heliDubai.

Camel Driver 11th Sep 2005 19:10

Thanks for the heads up but no kids and my wife is a teacher who is in the early stages of the recruiting process to work for an International school. Dubai is our first choice as we have friends who have just returned and highly reccommend it. I would like to see what is available at ADA, Heli-Dubai and AeroGulf although working right in Dubai would be first prize. Is Dave Butler still the man to talk to at AGS?

Thanks in advance?

paco 12th Sep 2005 01:24

Dave Butler is the Chief Pilot - see you there in Oct!


Sandy Toad 12th Sep 2005 08:42

HeliDubai e-mail is good for Chief Pilot. Certainly expanding and they will need more of the right people. Nothing ventured.....

Camel Driver 12th Sep 2005 14:29

Thanks again Sandy Toad. I'll drop them a line and see if I fit that category.

biff dup 12th Sep 2005 14:52

If you're coming to Dubai I hope for your sake that you're going to be on a good package - no official inflation statement last year but some sources suggest it was maybe even as high as 38% and they expect about the same again this year!

I came out having done my sums fairly carefully and now, two years later, I'm bugging out as I can't afford to live here. As I've said to a few guys, before I came to work here I could afford to stay in the Jumeirah Beach for a weeks holiday with the family - now I can't even afford to go in there for a meal!!

Lifestyle here can take a bit of getting used to - the daily attempts on your life by hopeless drivers gets a bit wearing after a while....

each to their own though..

Camel Driver 12th Sep 2005 18:54

That's a pretty dramatic increase in the cost of living. If my wife and I end up there it will be with her having a teaching job. This from what we understand from some friends who just returned from Dubai comes with decent accommodation provided. If I can't find anything locally I will continue touring. I am guessing that housing is the major expenditure. Surely with 2 decent incomes a couple with no kids can make ends meet?

How does Abu Dhabi compare to Dubai as far as cost of living goes?

biff dup 13th Sep 2005 02:22

With both of you working you should be able to put something away - my wife didn't work and I do have children.

Lots of hidden costs, so although it's 'tax free' (although not totally) it's still expensive. My wife, who seems to know about these things, believes white goods/clothing to be within about 5% of the price in the UK - foodstuffs are now cheaper in the UK (although that wasn't the case when we arrived). I'm led to believe that there is support amongst the local population for the introduction of income tax - as has been recommended by the IMF, I think. The 5% municipality rent tax and the tax on the value of your home are now being more strictly enforced too.

Cars relatively cheap - Gulf spec. Petrol still really cheap, although there was a 32% price hike at the beginning of this month and we are told to expect further rises in Nov and Jan.

I think accommodation costs may be a little cheaper in AUH but you really want to spend the minimum amount of time on the roads here - so live somewhere that is near workplace for you both.

If you have the chance I'd say come out and take a v careful look around before you sign any contracts - don't be blinded by the shiny high rises and the bull****.

A lot of people in my current employer call this 'mudguard city' - shiny on top and ___ underneath.

CareBear 26th Sep 2005 10:01

It seems things have not changed at Horizon - another instructor has just resigned and the word is that MZ is still up to his old tricks.

The comments regarding the previous CFI were correct, however he is now happily esconced in Darkest Africa running a charter and Medevac operation.

I believe Horizon still does not have an official CFI - something rings a bell about only having 60 days to nominate one or operate illegally??!!! I guess MZ has given a few more clocks out to his mates to bend the rules yet again.

My commiserations and warm regards to all who are left at Horizon

countonme 1st Oct 2005 16:04


Nice to hear from you, sounds like you are happy now. All the points you make and have made are based on your perspective, which is fine, you are entitled to your opinion. The FI you refer to has had a history of leaving and returning to suit his means, and has now decided to go for personal reasons. Yes we will miss him, but the sinister implications you make are unfounded as you do not have all the facts.

IMHO you will find that MOST instructors and other staff are happy at Horizon. I am sure there are still a lot of negatives that some staff feel but a lot of the past problems have gone. There is a positive feel about the place.

I am not entering into a who's right and who's wrong or slaging anyone off here. Boring stuff, I know, but it's about time the balance was addressed. There will always be a difference of opinions, some will take it personally, some will take it on the chin.

Your contribution was appreciated by all. It's now time for us all to move on.




CareBear 11th Oct 2005 08:43


Thanks for your comments - I'm glad to hear that things seem to be settling now at Horizon.

Yes - I do have my own opinions, but all my comments have been based on what has been told to me directly from the horses mouth by staff at Horizon, and the message I have been getting is that the majority of people there were NOT happy. I sincerely hope that that is no longer the case.

I accept your comments re the last FI to leave, however I do believe that I had the full story - either way it is not of importance now.

I genuinely hope that things improve for all at Horizon - a lot of effort has been, and is being expended by all the FI's there. I was very grateful for the support I received from them during my time at Horizon and I hope that things work out for everyone - they deserve it.

212man 8th Nov 2005 06:46

Couple of ads in this week's Flight:




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