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-   -   Global Eagle - And 'Global Beagle - Around Britain in a Virtual Autogyro' (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/119033-global-eagle-global-beagle-around-britain-virtual-autogyro.html)

volrider 19th Jul 2005 18:48

I would have thought that the body responsible for the money collected would have to publish a statement of accounts, so that all the money collected and where it went could be viewed. Was it the Charities commision or somethig similar??
Perhaps somebody with greater knowledge would be able to assist??

SilsoeSid 19th Jul 2005 23:30

"Welcome back my friends to the thread that never ends, I'm so glad you could attend, come inside, come inside."
variation of, Emerson, Lake, and Palmer - Karn Evil 9: 1st Impression: Part Two

It seems that any normal donations to charity get the recognition of perhaps a certificate of thanks. You see them in most company receptions from a whole host of deserving causes.

Personally, I would like the cost of producing and the sending out of these certificates to go back to the charity concerned, but they feel that they wish to thank donators.

Having been involved with a couple of charity donations recently, I was touched and humbled by the feeling of those wanting to say, "Thank You". Whether it is from just across town or from as far away as SE Asia, a certificate or letter of thanks touches you.
(I should thank them for motivating me to lose a stone!!)

As most donations, I assume, were direct to the charity of choice, GE wouldn't be thanking anyone anyway, especially noone here! In fact the only thanks any of us seemed to get was a closure of the website and a total turn off of anything GE.

However, is something about to kick off with the GE event? Is there a new team about to be built?
Well it would seem that the new GE team has started to raise some dosh for the latest venture. Having taken on board that sponsorship should be sought from some large companies, it would seem that a little success has been achieved.

Link to T-Mobile advert

Happy days!

volrider 20th Jul 2005 17:33

Hey Sid what format is the link? my Media Player 10 does not recognise it??

Echo 5 20th Jul 2005 18:13

Likewise Sid !!

rotorcraig 20th Jul 2005 18:54

To play .mov try QuickTime.


volrider 20th Jul 2005 19:41

Ah got it now cheers, isn't that the film demo from that company that fly around in a R22 /R44 or similar hovermower?? Doing TV stuff...Run or co run by that great aviator Mike (watch that tree) Smith:E

SilsoeSid 20th Jul 2005 23:09

Not sure about the GE connection, but Mike Smiths company is at http://www.flyingtv.co.uk/


From the site;
Owner of FTV and G-PIXX, Mike is a 16 year helicopter pilot with 400 hrs. He has not yet had the time to get his CPL rating : and so cannot operate Aerial Work flights. But he is the boss, so he gets to sit in the front and direct. And if it all gets too much, he climbs into the back and operates the camera. He is surprisingly proud of his shots for our Belmarsh Prison news mission and is the self-declared car chase specialist. "

Mmmmmmmm, "self-declared car chase specialist", and a side line in law enforcement I see! I wonder if he is classed as a 'CAA agreed passenger' or has a special AOC?

Thinks......Where should I put my money? EVO making a getaway on the M25/A11 or the pursuing R44?

I guess the car chases he is on about are when the safety car comes out on the British GP!, or perhaps a weekend meet at Rockinghams Oval! ;)


Baaah!!! Enough of this conversational type stuff on this thread!!!

when is the book coming out? I'm starting the Christmas shopping shortly!

missing lynx 6th Aug 2005 19:19

long way round
just had a copy of the dvd of "the long way round" given to me by my daughter as a birthday present. Could not watch it and not think about global eagle and what it sould , could and would of been about. In my mind they had more substance to work with and could of been reaping the massive financial rewards such a film would of made. The fact that it was a world first would of offset not having a famous actor on board. what a crying shame. they did not have anything you guys did not have . Apart from balls and a desire to see it through.
If you wanted to then i, in my heart of hearts, belive you could of done it. One day you will have to face up to the fact that you gave up on it long before it was over and talked yourself into failure, the rest is just weak as dishwater flannel from you trying to save face.

volrider 6th Aug 2005 19:35

We all had great hopes for this project. Look at Paula Radcliffe she tonight finished but did not win, to me finishing without excuses was the achievement, for that she deserved a medal. So perhaps there is hope that one day GE will continue in one form or another..however untill the "real story" is told this will not happen...where are Sculley and Moulder??

perhaps they can cut through the red tape and bullcrap...

I wonder what they told the kids??


SilsoeSid 6th Aug 2005 23:16

Come on GE, give it another try,




Missing Lynx


....and the rest of the gang.

Echo 5 8th Aug 2005 11:17


" I wonder what they told the kids?? "

I reckon that picture was taken at the briefing as opposed to the de- briefing.

Note how the finger is pointing to some spot well up in the Northern Hemisphere.

Unless of course he is saying " that is where we should have been ."

Echo 5 3rd Sep 2005 13:09

Sid..............from another thread

" As the 48th birthday of the Corps seems to have been and gone unnoticed, are there any plans to celebrate the 50th in style?

May I be bold enough to suggest,

'Middle Wallop Air Show 2007' "

Great idea, I'll come, but only if GE is part of the flying programme


SilsoeSid 3rd Sep 2005 13:19


That's why I added, "p.s 2007 - 007 - Little Nellie - !!!! "


Echo 5 3rd Sep 2005 15:26

Sorry Sid.......missed that. Had the early shift this am and stopped for a couple of pints of Grolsch on the way home.:O

SilsoeSid 3rd Sep 2005 19:46

Fair enough, as long as you weren't speeding!!!!!

Sorry , wrong thread! :E

By the way, why stop off? Boot empty?


Echo 5 3rd Sep 2005 20:16

To all my chums ( hope I have some ),

" By the way, why stop off? Boot empty? "

Actually.............. yes !! With several months to go before my next summer hols I am now in the sad situation where I have run out of Keo brandy. Does anyone know of a supplier in the Northwest where I can replenish my stock. There must be a Greek Cypriot enclave somewhere in the region.

volrider 4th Sep 2005 10:39

Well after heading over to Middling Wallop for the airshow I had a chance to see all the Apache aircraft in flight, well actually it was a Jet Ranger painted in green, but I was assured the fleet of Apaches were ready to go once someone had found the super glue, apparently these Revell kits are a real b*stard to put together..
However I stray from the point...

I saw the GE stand with hords of folk heading that way.


Once there I waited patiently in the large Q to be served


I found myself a bargain, I looked in the bits and bobs box but everything seemed water damaged? However I got myself this game based on the intrepid tour...odd thing is I cant get past level 6 they reckon it has a dozen or so more levels but I am buggered if I can find them...perhaps it never got finished:E


S2A Pictures 5th Sep 2005 05:41

Gather there's a new attempt at flying round the world in an autogyro ... any info on who/when?

missing lynx 5th Sep 2005 20:27

still front page news
see that ge still makes front page news. anybody ever wondered how it has all been wrapped up? gather the eagle is still in india-suppose good reason to go out there to get some "flight planning in!!!!" or check out the "internet cafes!!!"
word is that the training machine they were loaned is sat still in bits at dishcloth after barry "borrowed" some spares from it!. comment please boys

SilsoeSid 5th Sep 2005 20:56

Oh well, after discussions the other day, I was going to give this thread a rest, however as we have reached the 40k+ viewing figure, well done everyone, this must still be a topic that still has interest.

I was led to believe, by my eyes and others that G-IROW was at Dishers. Now reports have only been of 1 a/c being there. If that is the 'trainer', where is IROW? Remember, we still have no real photos of her!
Maybe a cunning plan for 2007 is afoot!

By the way, a quick google led me to http://autos.groups.yahoo.com/group/.../message/20522 ....where I found ;

"From: Royce Creasey <royce@...>
Date: Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:39 am
Subject: Re: [FF] OT; Round the world by autogyro royce@...
Send Email

I assumed he was just skiving off being sent to Iraq. You don't get to
be a W.O. without learning a few things about making the Army work for

Aren't some troops from Dishers off there again shortly??


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