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wg13_dummy 20th Jun 2005 12:05

If you have major concerns about the project, go to the police instead of chuntering on here like a couple of Derry fish wives.

Oh, that’s right; the police have already looked into it and couldn’t find any discrepancies.
Grassy knoll it is then?

I'll leave you pair to it then.

That a picture of you vol?

volrider 20th Jun 2005 13:20

So Dummy, is it that you don't like questions being asked or are you the type that sits back and lets others do the asking?? Suggestion...if you don't like this thread don't waste your valuable time in posting or reading it.. I on the other hand think that as we live in a democratic society its good that we have the right to question..Lets face it many have given the ultimate sacrifice for this pleasure. Sadly I fear you would be of the ilk that if you don't get an answer you give up...sad really..fortunately you are in a minority....
The picture, sorry thought the identity was obvious:E

wg13_dummy 20th Jun 2005 14:06

Ask the right people then Vol instead of pishing around on a website. You make yourself look like this lot


SilsoeSid 20th Jun 2005 18:15

Good evening all,

How nice to see this thread back to its old ways of forceful debate from both sides of the fence in search of the answers to GE

Nice to see that dummy has now settled in to his new location and is back in full flow on the www. However perhaps he is upset that prunners tend to come back a bit more than he is used to than those subservients that he finds on the site of the 18th plural! :p

Lots of people give a toss about GE, dummy. Wasn’t there a thread started on the 18th pl. asking what was happening? I see it didn’t last 24hrs until the ‘mods’ got to it, obviously still a touchy subject and perhaps not the topic some want discussed on such a controlled forum site!?! :sad:

If you are not interested in this thread and want to see it disappear, why continue to contribute? Strikes me you want the truth as much as the rest of us. :suspect:

I believe the investigation was by the CO and the SIB. If it was investigated so thoroughly after the suspicions of the CO were raised, why wasn’t there an announcement that all is above board? But everything post ‘give up’ has been kept under wraps. No pictures is the main one, but what about the registration issue? :suspect:

“Grassy Knoll” you mockingly say.
Well, I believe that it has been made clear by a lot of independent investigators publicly; that the ‘grassy knoll’ you refer to, had a key part in that event!


In relation to the GE thread on the 18th i referred to above, it has now been reinstated but the replies it gained have been mysteriously deleted.

wg13_dummy 20th Jun 2005 19:11

Good evening all,

How nice to see this thread back to its old ways of forceful debate from both sides of the fence in search of the answers to GE

Nice to see that dummy has now settled in to his new location and is back in full flow on the www. However perhaps he is upset that prunners tend to come back a bit more than he is used to than those subservients that he finds on the site of the 18th plural!

Lots of people give a toss about GE, dummy. Wasn’t there a thread started on the 18th pl. asking what was happening? I see it didn’t last 24hrs until the ‘mods’ got to it, obviously still a touchy subject and perhaps not the topic some want discussed on such a controlled forum site!?!

If you are not interested in this thread and want to see it disappear, why continue to contribute? Strikes me you want the truth as much as the rest of us.

I believe the investigation was by the CO and the SIB. If it was investigated so thoroughly after the suspicions of the CO were raised, why wasn’t there an announcement that all is above board? But everything post ‘give up’ has been kept under wraps. No pictures is the main one, but what about the registration issue?

“Grassy Knoll” you mockingly say.
Well, I believe that it has been made clear by a lot of independent investigators publicly; that the ‘grassy knoll’ you refer to, had a key part in that event!


In relation to the GE thread on the 18th i referred to above, it has now been reinstated but the replies it gained have been mysteriously deleted.

I don't think I would consider myself to be from the other side of the fence. And am not fussed weather this is front page or passed away into the archives. The amount of contributors to this thread says it all. If lots of people are interested, how come they haven’t posted their thoughts on here? Debate as you say, would normally be from at least two sides. This thread hasn’t had much of that has it? Why do you think that is? Lots of views but not much in the way of adding to it.

From what I can see on the 18th plural, the thread was started by someone interested in the attempt (in a positive way). It then appears that someone else hijacked the thread and continued to project themselves in the manner of a troll. I think 'the mods' stepped in when the troll decided to take it off thread and turn it into the usual pishing contest. Read it for yourself. As you know, Silsoe, the 18th plural isn’t exactly an overly controlled site it’s just that you feel pushed out as no one listened. :ok:

As I said to vol, if you are so concerned about misappropriation, go to the Police yourself instead of sitting on a website. If you are concerned about reg issues, speak to the CAA. Why dont you pop down and see the guys who were in the team and see the what the score is? You still know plenty there, I'm sure they would be accommodating to your requests. :}

As for 'Well, I believe that it has been made clear by a lot of independent investigators publicly; that the ‘grassy knoll’ you refer to, had a key part in that event!'

Do you also believe Armstrong didn’t step on the moon too? When are you moving to Arkansas?

I see the further away from service you get; SS, your banter weakens too! :ugh:

In relation to the GE thread on the 18th i referred to above, it has now been reinstated but the replies it gained have been mysteriously deleted.
The thread never went anywere, SS (except backwards as more recent threads appeared). The mysterious replies that you say disappeared, i believe, were due to some members breeching persec and others down to irrelevant willy waving and teddy throwing. You'd know that of course?

SilsoeSid 20th Jun 2005 19:41

Thanks dummy, I didn't notice any replies to that thread on the 18th and I wondered why. Perhaps the interest isn't really there or people would leave it alone and it would go away. Now I know that there were some replies and they 'have' been modded. Goes to show that even there, interest in GE still exists. (that, my freind, is an example of fishing and getting a result!)

As I have mentioned previously, any attempts to contact the GE team have been met with ringouts and "'fraid he/they are away on course/exercise/posted", depending on who you talk to on the day.

I think the Civ Police have a lot more important things to do than investigate GE, especially with recent events.
Do you not think the SIB did a good enough job themselves? What are you trying to tell us dummy?

By the way, Armstrong didn't, despite his famous speech, 'step' onto the moon, it was more of a two footed landing after a drop! Watch the film footage!

All the best in your new posting and remember, where you are, if it isn't raining, it's just about to!


wg13_dummy 20th Jun 2005 19:50

Its always raining. I can tell it's summer, the rains warm.

You could always pop in for a suck of gas at Dish, wrap on the fence until an Atpr lets you in then find the chaps. I know at least one of them will never be on ex/course/det.

In your job, I'm sure you know someone who can 'have a gander in their spare time'?

(that, my freind, is an example of fishing and getting a result!)
Use the 'search' button, not a fishing rod.

There is not secret to the SIBs skills in detective work.

SilsoeSid 20th Jun 2005 19:57

Nice one.

I wonder if the one that will always be there, would be kind enough to post a pic of the aircraft in its un-airworthy state?


volrider 20th Jun 2005 21:39

Dummy thought you had gone...as this was boring;)
Turn the lights out as you leave mate

wg13_dummy 20th Jun 2005 21:51

I didn't say it was boring, vol. I said ML was a dullard. :ok:

SilsoeSid 20th Jun 2005 22:31

Dummy, didn't you just say;

I didn't say it was boring,
If I may quote you from earlier;

May I add this is starting to get a tad boring and somewhat embarrassing.

wg13_dummy 20th Jun 2005 22:37

As you have pointed out SS, I said 'a tad boring' not 'boring'. :rolleyes:

Thud_and_Blunder 21st Jun 2005 12:09

Bit like the difference between:

pregnant and a "tad" pregnant
dead and a "tad" dead

volrider 21st Jun 2005 13:26

Bit like the difference between:

pregnant and a "tad" pregnant

dead and a "tad" dead
Like Tim Henman "almost winning Wimbledon"

Like Global Eagle "Almost making it past India"

Like Dummy "Almost getting to grips with reality":E

missing lynx 21st Jun 2005 20:15

me, a dullard, is that not a male duck?
funny as duck is associated with diving and i think there has been plenty of that!!!!
WD40,cant belive you are even convincing yourself that some half arsed internal investigation by mod plod counts for anything!!!!!, in view of the low public opinion held by the public at the time of the army, do you think they were going to find anything? wake up and smell the coffee. whats your part in it?,get a cut?:)

SilsoeSid 21st Jun 2005 23:34

The plot thickens.
Rumours 1 2 from the 18th pl. indicate that the fire suppresent system was set off at XD burying millions of pounds worth of Apache AH1s under fire suppressing foam.

Now, I once saw David Copperfield, (the magician, not the Dickens character !), in a live show in HK and was amazed at the smoke/mirrors/foam used to disguise what was really going on. Because I was only a lowly crewman at the time and could only afford the cheaper 'side seats' for Mrs Sid and myself, we perhaps saw some of the antics we weren't supposed to.

As we were away from the main focus of the performance, maybe we were able to detect when the wool was being pulled!!

Perhaps that is what is happening in the GE performance. Only those able to see this exploit from the side seats can see when something isn't quite right. Allowances must be made for the likes of dummy who are still blinkered in the view they have or indeed, are allowed to have!

As he brought it up earlier, if dummy hadn't seen the video, any of the photos or been able to read about it, I wonder if he would have believed man had been to the moon!

As far as GE is concerned, there is no video, (mysteriously banned in India!!), no photos of a damaged G-IROW, and no prospect of the promised book. In fact there is no official evidence available to the public that GE ever existed, (back to my sigs store theory!), ... http://www.globaleagle.co.uk/ ...try it for yourself!
...and there are still those who wonder why some of us believe something fishy is going on, although the foam seems a bit excessive as the crate is in a different hangar.

(Much like being in any typical Westcountry fishing village, if it looks fishy, feels fishy, tastes fishy, sounds fishy and smells fishy perhaps there is a stage when you have to admit that you have something fishy in front of you!)


This post is in no way to be considered an attack on autorot8 or his carer. Although I am highly suspicious of why he hasn't posted a picture of a 'damaged beyond repair' G-IROW, which may shut us all up!

volrider 23rd Jun 2005 09:11

Your right Sid this is so fishy Rick Stein could make a menu out of it!
I noticed a while ago that the web site was pulled, seems like they want it to be forgotten, wonder if they deny it ever happened to the Kids they visited at schools??
Sad isnt it...:{

Echo 5 23rd Jun 2005 09:36


" The reason why it went to page four was because nobody except you gives a toss.

Try posting on other subjects except this one, dullard. "

The reason it went to page four is because I've been on my annual hols cos we all need a break sometime. However I'm back now and ready to banter, having been fully refreshed.

Don't know why you suggest that ML is a dullard. Personally I've always found his posts amusing.

Regards to all,


SilsoeSid 23rd Jun 2005 09:38

Judging by the prices at Rick Steins gaff in Padstow, I reckon he would have made more money out of it.

After all, GE wasn't about breaking records, it was all about raising monies for charity and at the same time achieving an aviation first.


p.s. Best F&C shop in Padstow, IMHO, is beside 'The Shipwrights' pub on North Quay. 'Family Sid' have been partaking of its fair on and off for over 40 yrs.
No 'so thats your excuse' comments please!!!

Echo 5 19th Jul 2005 17:39

Has anyone any idea how many individuals in the UK made donations to the Tsunami Earthquake appeal ? Must have been hundreds of thousands if not millions.

A few evenings ago I settled down with a generous measure of the amber liquid and set about sorting through my mail. Imagine my surprise when on opening one envelope I extracted a sheet of A4 with the letter heading " Disasters Emergency Committee ".

The kind gentleman who signed the letter was thanking me for my donation to the aforementioned appeal ( I hasten to add that it was a small sum ). Even mentioned how the dosh was being spent.

Can you imagine the time and effort to send out a million thank you letters ?

Just wondered if any of you guys out there have received similar from the GE organisation ?

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