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-   -   Global Eagle - And 'Global Beagle - Around Britain in a Virtual Autogyro' (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/119033-global-eagle-global-beagle-around-britain-virtual-autogyro.html)

SilsoeSid 11th May 2005 13:44

Lets push for some answers!


Was the Certificate of Airworthiness runout date the decision maker to halt the attempt?

If not, how was it to be renewed?

Of course this is purely conjecture on my behalf to encourage discussion. :ok:

Echo 5 22nd May 2005 18:38

We're still out here awaiting the truth !!

Said it before........... this is not going to go away before questions are answered.

A_T_Ninchcoche 22nd May 2005 20:42

it did until you brought it up again.


missing lynx 22nd May 2005 21:13

wont go away
This thread is like a cold sore, once you got it then its there forever! first you feel a tingle and then scabs all over the place!!!!

SilsoeSid 22nd May 2005 23:06

Gents, I may be onto something!

The Global Eagle Locator ;)

However, perhaps something more sinister is about to rear its head!!

Company News

The Directors announce that Global Eagle, a wholly owned subsidiary of the
Company has conditionally agreed to acquire 40% of the issued share
capital of Cyber World Technology and the Sale Debts at the total
consideration of HK$148 million.
:confused: :suspect:

Of course this is purely conjecture on my behalf to encourage discussion. Also, while I'm at it, this post is in no way to be considered an attack on autorot8 or his carer:ok:

Right then, whos got the Zovirax ? :oh:

Echo 5 23rd May 2005 16:25

Ah A_T_Ninchcoche,

First post and you take a big bite. If you take the trouble to read the thread from page 1 you will see that this thread gets an A+ for banter and entertainment.


" This thread is like a cold sore "

Thought you got these by kissing dirty women !! :)

A_T_Ninchcoche 23rd May 2005 19:36

Echo maybe you missed the smillie thumbs up on the bottom of my post.


Hows that?

(Didnt realise only a select few could be a part of the banter though)

Echo 5 23rd May 2005 20:11


Now that big smile has brightened up my day ;)

Had to post quickly, didn't want to leave it at 666, that would have been the kiss of death !!

PS: No select few here.

missing lynx 25th May 2005 21:52

Cold sore
the thing with a cold sore is that you have it for life and just when you dont need it too, it pops out and is in full view of everyone. People try to pretend it does not bother them and wont come within arms lenth of them.....! No matter what you call it or how you try to diguise it, it is there and always will be-no matter what you do to try and make it go away or how much medicin or muscle you use. Does intimidation make it go away?

Echo 5 26th May 2005 18:02


" the earlier the treatment is started the more effective using Zovirax is likely to be. Later on, when the virus has increased its numbers it is more difficult to overwhelm."

Would this suggest that yourself, volrider, ML and myself could possibly be considered as being " VIRUSES " ?

SilsoeSid 26th May 2005 19:05


I'm trying to be a bit of a trojan horse myself. :E


volrider 28th May 2005 19:10

Excellent I am now officially a Virus!!
I have just had a most pleasent week in Wales where contry to general opinion it only rained twice, Saturday to Wednesday night then Thurs morning to Saturday:{ Whata green world it is, I was hoping to bring back a tan, but no the brown couloration is just rust!

I wondered on how we could stop a virus..could try this method..

But what is a virus??
could it look like this...

More than likely it will not be so nice and friendly looking...


Ooops I meant this one...

But hey I could be a Trojan Horse...


Oops forgot to say this is the Trojan Horse I would be in...


if you don't see this its been moderated :D :D

SilsoeSid 28th May 2005 22:44

I always wondered what to do with the key to a womans affections, once you had found it! :E


Echo 5 29th May 2005 09:52

What's this then........?

" The 'germ' of the idea for the round the world expedition was developed by Barry during a visit to Roger's home - and local village pub - a couple of years ago..."

"Germs"........." Viruses "........ Are we all doomed or what ?

missing lynx 4th Jun 2005 14:08

whats going on?????
whilst having a surf of the net i came accross some news, word has it that one of the people involved with globaleagle and who runs a gyroplane flying school has had his instructors rating revoked. there is a strong link with the school and globaleagle and was just wondering what the tie up is? is this in any way related to what happened with globaleagle? seems some more digging has to be done...... watch this space
how do you spell"irregularities"?

Echo 5 4th Jun 2005 14:26

Afternoon ML,

" whilst having a surf of the net i came accross some news "

Can you provide the link please, should make interesting reading.

" how do you spell "irregularities ? "

Seems ok to me.



volrider 10th Jun 2005 19:17

Whilst we await for news from those in the know re Global Eagle I will continue to speculate!
I have been thinking about what ifs...
Autort8 should have possibly rang this guy up to sort his problems out

missing lynx 19th Jun 2005 21:36

thought it was about time ge was back on the front page again instead of loafing way down in page four. sorry been quiet but been busy, thats life in a green grow bag for you! even been getting some nautical time in. still not much word from the boys and it will soon be exactly one year since it all ground to a halt, that must be a significant date and would be the perfect time for a good explanation of things to all people who supported it. surley any of the top secret political reasons that procluded any release of information are now long over......

wg13_dummy 19th Jun 2005 22:41

The reason why it went to page four was because nobody except you gives a toss.

Try posting on other subjects except this one, dullard. :ok:

volrider 20th Jun 2005 08:56

The reason why it went to page four was because nobody except you gives a toss
Dummy by name...
The reason that people ARE INTERESTED in this forum thread is quite simple really, if you took the time to work out what all this was about you would see that legitimate people want some honest answers, this project was full of publicity when it started, now after failure, nothing...This thread could be put to bed so that Dummy and others likeminded would not have to see it again! if the people behind this attempt come forward and explain all, they owe it to all the people that donated to this cause, or is that too much to ask??
After reading some of your "classic advice" Dummy I think you may be a "legend in your lunch hour"

The only favour the journo was doing was increasing the circulation of the fish wrapper for his editor. If he or the paper wished to do us a service, why not infiltrate the unit, tell the MoD on the qt and state 'if it aint sorted, we will do it again and run the story'.

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