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-   -   Global Eagle - And 'Global Beagle - Around Britain in a Virtual Autogyro' (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/119033-global-eagle-global-beagle-around-britain-virtual-autogyro.html)

Fortyodd 10th Sep 2004 19:27

I think you will find that this is the reason that the GE team had to find another aircraft at such short notice prior to their departure.

Autorot8 10th Sep 2004 19:30

My last post was for volrider, not Sid. I know what makes Sid tick, I know because he visited my office when I was away and said sorry for some of his comments. Sid was the subject of conversation today, talking about the days when he was in this Regt and i've consulted him, as a friend, on a number of issues regarding Global Eagle. The post was for volrider.
Anyway, I accept that I have failed, there is nothing else for me to do, but I gave it a go. As for contibuting to the charities in return for my flight, I never promised I would make it, no one could, I said i'd give it my best shot and I have.
There are many things that have stopped me, planning isn't one of them. I have found the £200,000 it has cost to put this project together, and I am raiseing funds for charity. As for guts on this project, ,,, go fly an Autogyro through the Alps, fly one through the Greek Mtn's along the coast, take one across the desert, or 'nip from Muskat to Karachie (Can't spell it and i'm not at my desk to check), tackle the 12,000ft high Sand Storms or fly in a Monsoon in an open cockpit. Perhaps join me over the Jungles of Myanmar or through the volcanic islands to the Shark Waters north of Oz. Yeah, not guts, I see what you mean now. Oh, put your house on the line while your at it.
Look, i've failed, and i've run out of time off, some of you are not actually interested in the reasons why, all the reasons, you just want to slag someone off, now that is a British skill you've got down real well.

What has Global Eagle brought to the world? It was our flight that has permitted Gyro's to be flown in Belgium. The Greeks are now looking at using Gyro's for coastal patrol and Immigration control. It has shown how capable the aircraft is (even if the pilot isn't). It has inspiered thousands of kids in the schools we presented in and its raised money for charity and one little girl is no longer ashamed of being Dyslexic. It's also shown that you can't win all the time and that there will be plenty of people on the side lines being the critic. The Brit' in Athins in the Union Jack shorts, Beer Belly, Football top, Beer in the hand and kicking Paula whilst telling her she is making the Brits look bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did I learn on this flight? Well thats a very big list but one thing is that most of the worlds people are fantastic, only a few try to make it a sad world, which type of person are you?

SilsoeSid 10th Sep 2004 23:07

Thanks Fortyodd,

Its just that it is a Sept 2004 bulletin and Barry left MW in April 2004. :confused:


deeper 11th Sep 2004 01:28

I have been following this thread since it began and have found it to be very informative, humorous and quite positive about this around the world attempt.

It is still so even after the failure to complete.

SS has done a terrific job of keeping us up to date and his research and information, maps, weather charts and other odd photographs kept me coming back. very funny stuff.

SS's attackers seem to have missed the point. :ok: :ok:

Fortyodd 11th Sep 2004 08:07

Thanks Sid,
Yes, it is a bulletin published in September 2004 and, yes, Barry did leave in April 2004. The crash that the bulletin refers to, however, was in June 2003. At that time, Barry and the team were taking delivery of the aircraft sponsored to them by the manufacturers, Magni. The VPM M16-2000 was the first of it’s type in the UK and, as such, required a section T approval before it could be granted a permit to fly with a UK Reg.
As a result of the subject crash and previous incidents, section T of BCAR’s was re-issued in August 2003. This required much more stringent testing of all new designs, particularly with regards to the tail planes. Despite the fact that the tail plane of the M16-2000 is exactly the same as that fitted to the original M16 design, by February 2004 approval had still not been granted.
The team were now in a situation where they had to either call off the trip or get an original M16 type which, just 3 weeks before Barry departed, is what they did.
As far as I know, section T approval for the M16-2000 has still not been granted.

volrider 11th Sep 2004 09:16

I am sure you have achieved many things I could not have and no doubt your efforts have reached many more than I could have, I am also sure that you have put your life as well as your financial status at risk many times. I feel that where ever you may have gone on your brave journey you will have been an immpecable example of the true British gentleman.
Me well as TC said I sit in my armchair full of crumbs and moan....
I moan that my tea is cold that my vest has got holes in it, the dog is chasing next doors cat and the wife wants me to decorate again..I only did it 22 years ago:ugh:
So what right have I as a mere mortal to heap my thoughts onto the wide world, what have I achieved in my dismal life?
Well I have not shouted from high as to what I intend doing, in fact I told the wife that due to Hurricane Ivan it would be best if we creosoted (cant spell either) the fence first..just in case...the decorating can wait for another 2 years, who knows the council will probably re house me in the meantime, at someone elses expense... I will fight off the ASBO order that the Police push my way for wearing union jack shorts and drinking cheap warm beer whilst shouting obscenties at Poor Paula, yeah those terrible words, like "come on lass keep going, just finish..no medals needed"
Yes terrible me telling others what to do when I couldnt do it.... Funny enough 10 football grounds in the premiership today will have nigh on 300,000 people shouting the same to their respective teams and 99% of them shouting wouldnt be able to run the length of the pitch without a resiprator waiting for them!
You seem to miss the point Automan....you see if those "stupid" 3000,000 stayed at home offering no support or dare I say it critical comment..then the fotty boys would soon be unemployed...Likewise we cant all do what your doing but we can live the dream...So we offer support..we question when its gone wrong....what is your problem??
Do not blame others for your failings, only you can correct what went wrong.:ok:

Arthur's Wizard 11th Sep 2004 09:58


I can't help thinking that you are the same person. :suspect:

SilsoeSid 11th Sep 2004 12:49


I can assure you we are not.

I only use the name SS here and on other forum sites, unlike others who may like to have multiple user names, to go with their personalities. It seems that those who use pprune purely for wind-ups, as we all sometimes like to do occasionally, make a real point of hiding their identity. It bothers me so little that I lose no sleep whatsoever, over the fact that the real SS is known. If you would like to visit my website link you can see that for yourself.

The fact that the real SS is known, IMHO, gives at least a little credibility to any posts that I make, whatever someone elses view of them are.



'Sticks and stones may break my bones, but your opinion of me is of no significance.'

volrider 11th Sep 2004 12:55

I do not havea split personality in fact I am so sure I will ask myself twice:)
As for who I am....well I sometimes ask myself that question! Anyway I am not as clever as SS just that I agree with pretty much all he has said... :}

volrider 18th Sep 2004 15:43

Just a note, I visited the Global ( or half Global...) Eagle web site for any updates, however it all seems very quiet now?
Any news as to what is happening...or not as the case seems...
I was wondering if I could help out at all..I mean if the Aussie destination goes the way of the rest.. you will need some help re naming the web site...again...

UK to kanpur... Uk to Chittagong....Uk to Bangkok..

Feel free to use any of these I have not copyrighted them ..anything to help:ok:

If you do manage Australia be aware it gets pretty Hot in parts during December..



I read with interest some of the comments made by you and that very nice chap Thomas Coupling re my input:
Well I guess as an arm chair view..oh and lets not forget..your paymaster! yep thats right I pay taxes that fund your wages! I therefore qualify as a paid up member of the p*ss and moan club when I feel short changed.. I think on the whole this expedition was one with many merits and great ideas, sadly let down by basic incompetence by most that seem invloved in this farce. I just think that if the everyone was very serious and I hasten to add not reckless.. then this objective could have been achieved.. Just think as to what you have achieved so far with the good stories of human warmth etc you have passed on, this could have been quadrupled and spread even further.
But as this has come to an early bath I guess we will never know:confused:

SilsoeSid 18th Sep 2004 20:08

As far as I am aware, Barry is due to leave for India on the 30th to BEGIN the journey to Australia on the 4th Oct. Aim is to reach Sydney by 10 Nov.

Now then, is this not going to be now classed as Global Eagle UK - India (completed)
with subsequent journey;
Global Eagle - India to Australia. ?

After all the journey to Australia starts in India, the journey round the globe started in UK.

Having been to Aus during the month of June in Olympic year, I was caught in a Blizzard, had to use snow chains etc. and thought, 'Aus. June snow', what's all that about? The children enjoyed the sledging though the next day.

It struck me whether the rising temperatures in the coming months was taken into consideration, (much like snow in July), I have no doubt they have been, but fear that probably in much the same way as the monsoons were. :=

Any news on a visit to Oakey?
I thought it would have been such a good mission;

Pomme Eagle - "UK School of Army Aviation to Australian School of Army Aviation"

SilsoeSid 22nd Sep 2004 22:46

A update from GE website.
As at:1200Z - 2004-09-22
Just added in to the shop are two new items, a Rugby Shirt and T-Shirt both with the Global Eagle logo Embroidered on the garment. Show your support for both Global Eagle and our chosen charities.


Across the globe.

across, prep. & adv. 1. from one side to the other.

On the 1st September Barry tells us on this thread, the change of plan to go to Sydney.
On the 22nd Sept we have 'across the globe' T-Shirts available.
(notice across, not around for those hard of reading types!)

Now, this is either the quickest T-Shirt order to arrive after the order was placed, or, by normal delivery standards good forward planning. Like April 26th planning!!

SilsoeSid 23rd Sep 2004 20:35

Latest departure dates.
As part of a resume from Barry on the GE website, we have some revised dates.

The flight is due to re-commence on the 7th of October and I fly out from the UK on the 1st.
I can't seem to find any routing details for the trip to Sydney.

Does anyone know the leg to the Australian mainland?
Will it follow Amy Johnsons route involving a 500 mile sea track over the Timor Sea, or island hopping to New Guinea and then a relatively short sea track of 150 miles or so?

Just looking for the Oakey stopoff :ok:


In this bottom pic, Timor is in the top left corner and Darwin is top centre below the Falkland-ish looking island.


SilsoeSid 27th Sep 2004 22:44

..................SCOOP !! Spotted at the edge of Dishforth Airfield.
With only a week to go before Barry comences his journey to Australia, he takes the time for a bit of refresher training and also gives an interview to the local reporter.


Meanwhile, the rest of the team has been looking at options for the massive sea crossing to Australia.


SilsoeSid 29th Sep 2004 12:41


As at:2300Z - 2004-09-28

Barry is just making the final preparations before departing for India on Friday. Once in India he will carry out checks on the aircraft before departing on the next leg of the trip.
An interesting comment on the GE messageboard;

"The Australia trip sounds amazing and is still without doubt the biggest thing in Gyro history to date!!!! You are still setting the standards for others to follow. Remember, anything anybody does now they are doing in your wake!!!!! "

What.....like going around the world...!!!??? :=

Also this cracker;

"You need to understand that nobody else is pioneering gyro flying the way you are!!!!! You are the first to do this and remember, nobody ever remembers who was second to step foot onto the moon!!!!!! "

I bet they do!!!
He's the one still keeping in the public eye. :p
And...he's the one in the two most famous Apollo photographs, there are probably more pictures of Buzz on the moon than Neil.

(If in fact they were actually there before 14) :ooh:
The truth of those first words on the moon are here

SilsoeSid 29th Sep 2004 16:57

Is there going to be more water overflight than anticipated likely?


Bangladeshi authorities have closed all government offices in the capital, Dhaka, as the worst flooding in decades hit the city.
Nearly all main roads in the city are under water. Officials say such severe flooding is "unprecedented".
An emergency meeting was held by the government, and the navy has been called on to help drain the city.
The premier has called for immediate measures to restore utilities and telephone services in worst hit areas.
Most vehicles are off the roads, train services have stopped running and food markets and businesses are shut.
Looks like this is the way ahead!


SilsoeSid 2nd Oct 2004 15:03

Here's the latest update from Barry;

"Landed in Delhi at 06:30 IST. India still smell the same - a sort of, ****, smell.
Anyway, I fly on to Guwahati on Tuesday. Service the cab (if it hasn't been submerged - in which case i'm Bankrupt) on Wed and fly to Imphal on Thursday."
I'm sure we all wish Barry well and if you look at any possible route to Sydney may I suggest pumping up the tyres to max or looking into the floats option as a retrofit.

My researcher has visited the autogyro and I think it's best that Barry sees its condition first, rather than me posting the pic here.

volrider 2nd Oct 2004 16:01

Is that bad news then re the state of the Autogyro??? what do you know SS?
I had hoped this would start again but I fear it may not if its wrecked, nice to see Barry is endearing himself to the locals, bet they have no internet access...for Barry's sake:)

India still smell the same - a sort of, ****, smell.
I wonder what other charming updates he will pass on as he put puts across Asia, ...erm Korea...nice place dogs taste lousy tho!


Nice lookin motor tho Barry just in case you need a new engine;)

SilsoeSid 2nd Oct 2004 19:40

Hello again Volrider, how do you ride a Vol (au vent)?


Nothing like American Pie is it ?? :eek:

Mmmmm....need a new engine?, perhaps some more parts also!!:(

Mind you, this is from my trustworthy reporter who has been out there a while now, eating nothing but Jalfreizi , chapatis and washed down with lashings of Kingfisher lager!

SilsoeSid 3rd Oct 2004 10:16

In order to help the engineering side of things!! and more importantly put genuine worries at bay, I have decided to post my pic of the autogyro in situ before Barry sees it for real.

As you can see, a little work may be required and if Barry can get hold of that guys engine from vols previous post, then Barry will be on his way without much delay.


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