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-   -   Global Eagle - And 'Global Beagle - Around Britain in a Virtual Autogyro' (https://www.pprune.org/rotorheads/119033-global-eagle-global-beagle-around-britain-virtual-autogyro.html)

Whirlybird 4th Sep 2004 09:39


What in heaven's name gives you the right to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do with their lives?
I agree entirely. :ok: However, I'm not remotely surprised that some people think that a record attempt, or almost any similar venture, turns a person into public property. I've been there...this all takes me back a bit. On a very, very, very much smaller scale, many years ago I decided to walk around the whole coast of Britain. I meant it to be just a private thing, but I needed money, so asked the local paper if I could write articles about it for them, and gradually everyone got to hear of it. Next thing I knew I was being told (not asked) that I was going for the women's record ("What record", I asked), and had people picking arguments as to my route, what constituted "coastline" and so on. When I said I was doing it for fun, didn't care about records, and would give up if I felt like it, people were horrified. When 11 months later I finished, and said no, I didn't have any great sense of achievement, but it had been fun; and no, I wasn't about to do any more as I had better things to do with the rest of my life....well, reactions were strange, to say the least. And when two days later I refused to do a long trip for a TV interview, as I'd just moved house and had had enough of the whole business, reactions became thoroughly hostile.

So, JAFO, I no longer expect the world, or the people in it, to make a lot of sense. :confused: :confused: :confused:

SilsoeSid 4th Sep 2004 10:54

Thanks for that Whirlybird. I think that explains a lot.

I'm not quite sure what JAFO is really on about, perhaps he should have joined in this thread earlier. To pick up simple typing errors seems pretty petty, especially when their own punctuation is at fault, but then for someone who seems to come from a planet without fridge magnets, I suppose that must be the norm.

Anyway JAFO thanks for the contribution, but it wasn't so much as a tell Barry what to do with his life, but perhaps an alternative on giving up on the round the world attempt. :ok:

I'm sure you deserve a better answer, but what part of...


....don't you understand? :confused:

SilsoeSid 5th Sep 2004 09:17

If I may repeat what has been put on the message board at GE.

Just wanted to let people know that what you are doing is probably as hazzardous,if not more so!,than the old plan and in no way should be looked on as some sort of cop out or easy run for the line. Dont forget that Ernest Shackelton had the "troubles" on the way back from the pole,the return leg if you like.
For those not too familiar with Shackletons expedition, including the poster on the msg board as the exped didn't get further South than the 77th parallel, a little reminder;

-----Sir Ernest Shackleton's 1914 voyage to the Antarctic.-----


Just one day's sail from the continent, the ship Endurance became trapped in sea ice. Frozen fast for ten months, the ship was crushed and destroyed by ice pressure, and the crew was forced to abandon ship. After camping on the ice for five months, Shackleton made two open boat journeys, one of which—a treacherous 800-mile ocean crossing to South Georgia Island—is now considered one of the greatest boat journeys in history. Trekking across the mountains of South Georgia, Shackleton reached the island's remote whaling station, organized a rescue team, and saved all of the men he had left behind.

Timeline - http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/shackle.../timeline.html

If it gets that bad in Australasia during their summer, something has indeed gone terribly wrong!! :ugh:

Your opinion of me is none of my business.

SilsoeSid 6th Sep 2004 23:28

New GE website.
Just to let you know that the GE website has been changed, "In keeping with the new challenge the site has taken on a new look".
Expedition Global Eagle UK to Australia

What part of 'Global' don't I understand?

Apparently, the monsoon season in India is the worst seen in over 40 years, according to the site, but........

According to Indian Met spokespersons, the monsoon season this year is the worst for 15 years. :confused:

And another thing.......
A question remains unanswered on the website, in Barrys profile;

Q.How did you first get introduced to gyroplanes?
A.The most famous Autogyro is the one on a James Bond film called Little Nelly and in fact, the aircraft shown on the BBC 360 Site Logo is my Autogyro.

Next stop politics!!! :8

The Yorkshire post had a good article on the change of route. I particularly liked the sentence;

Mission project manager WO Pete Taylor said completing a flight to Australia would still be an achievement, albeit only a "bronze medal" compared with the intended flight.
I'm sorry, but when Paula stopped in the Olympic marathon, nobody came up to her and said, "here you go paula, here's a bronze for the 10,000metres for your troubles."

Just my disappointed thoughts.
Still, the money went to a good cause.:ok:

Oh, I take it Barry will be going to Oakey? :cool:


volrider 8th Sep 2004 09:31

What planet do you reside on?? you seem to think that SS and anyone else who makes a negative comment are not allowed to do so...its Global Eagle that started this thread with their excellent round the world trip.... So they are happy to have backers and supporters which I am more than happy to "cheer them on" but as soon as they "move the goalposts" we are supposed to put up and shut up? It seems that we as a nation like the person that fails to win or snatches defeat from the jaws of victory... I understand why Global Eagle has withdrawn I do feel the planning was p*ss poor in the first place re wx etc... I also think that the renaming the web site ...Expedition Global Eagle UK to Australia is a farce... I guess the writing was on the wall with the intitial use of the word "Attempt" were we planning the retreat back then...possibly this was better planned than the trip!!
I found Paula "the quitter" Radcliffe and her attempt to explain herself tedious and only bettered by the bottom licking comments of the superb BBC sports presenters. The public sees through this we are no longer a nation who will accept 2nd best... I agree with SS that Barry should push on and complete this superb challenge, but only when he gets someone behind him to plan and prepare the journey... He deserves better than this its not about doing it in record time but completing what he started out to do. Go for Gold not bronze!! aim high never aim low...
Lets not have this as the Half Global Challenge........
As for poor Paula think this is appropriate

Try and stick with it


Whirlybird 8th Sep 2004 17:18

JAFO, and I, and many others, reside on a planet called Reality. It's a planet where people care about others, about their jobs, about the fact that their are other things to be done with one's life apart from breaking records. Those of us who reside there aren't afraid to change our minds, or move the goal posts, or do something different, if there seems to be a good reason for doing so...or even if we just want to. We know that there are more important things in life than winning, and medals, and records...that these things are just manmade and basically unimportant. We are flexible and adaptable; we have better things to do than bash our heads against a brick wall for ever, just because we once vowed to knock that wall down. And above all, those of us on this planet don't give a b****r what anyone else thinks. However, we do occasionally - and probably misguidedly - try to explain our point of view to others. We usually fail, because those others simply don't listen; they're incapable of thinking outside the box; they see changing one's mind as indecisiveness, and flexibility and resilience as weakness.

Fellow residents of Reality, I've tried my best to explain, and JAFO certainly has; anyone else want to have a go?

And let's leave Paula Radcliffe out of this, shall we? What does she have to do with anything, except putting one foot in front of the other for longer and faster than anyone else?

diethelm 8th Sep 2004 18:23



I can not figure that one out. Please do tell. At least PM me with it.

SilsoeSid 8th Sep 2004 18:58

I think...perhaps Whirlybird has explains why society is the way it is, For Whirlybird should we be reading GWB or AB ?

"It's a planet where people care about others, about their jobs, about the fact that their are other things to be done with one's life apart from breaking records. "

"And above all, those of us on this planet don't give a b****r what anyone else thinks."

How does that work on your planet reality then?

"Those of us who reside there aren't afraid to change our minds, or move the goal posts, or do something different, if there seems to be a good reason for doing so...or even if we just want to. "

Does that include taking your country to war and the costs involved.

"And let's leave Paula Radcliffe out of this, shall we? What does she have to do with anything, except putting one foot in front of the other for longer and faster than anyone else? "

We cannot leave Paula out of this.
Her example is a lot to do with this, and, incase you didn't notice, she cannot "put one foot in front of the other for longer and faster than anyone else", otherwise she would have come home with 2 Olympic Gold medals and be celebrated alongside Kelly Holmes.

But she's not, is she.!!!!

Again, no fridge magnets on Whirlybirds planet !

Unless of course I've totally misread Whirlybirds post.

Even Blue Peter made it to India this year, But then they have Michael Fish to ask about these things. I suppose it would have taken John Noakes to have ventured further East . :)

volrider 8th Sep 2004 19:33

Funny old world..we can only heap praise on those that "give up" then make excuses and back slap each other for a "jolly good effort".
I will not shout aloud how I am going to do this and that then give up half way through, expecting those that supported me to say " you did well" lets face it failure hurts, most of all its the pride thats taken a fall....shame as this was promising but still we can start a web site pronouncing our trip to the moon in a red london bus...when it comes to an unglorious halt somewhere near Margate..we can still slap ourselves on the back and shout out well done all!!! if there are any problems we can clear any doubt or guilt from our minds and rename the website "London to Margate" ...or has this been done before;)
Re Paula (oh no not her again...) well if she had shut her mouth and stopped believing the hype that she was getting the gold by turning up! if fact taken a leaf out of Kelly's book by shutting up then putting up...we would have been proud of her and her efforts..
See if you shout from the roof tops...dont be surprised when those listening expect to see what they hear:ok:

As for the ones on another planet.....perhaps this is why our country is in the state its in!! Please close the door as you leave :ouch:

SilsoeSid 8th Sep 2004 20:00

Volrider, it would seem the Americans have beaten you to it.


Apparently Elvis was the conductor and they had a slight halt at Saturn, but at least they made a good book of the journey.


In case you didn't know, the 2004 Olympic marathon was Paulas first competitive marathon. Her previous outings have been the London and Chicago marathons. Once again, I suppose the press hype someone up so much that it gets beyond their abilities.

Autorot8 10th Sep 2004 09:36

You are quite right to criticize me for failing to do what I set out to do. Based on the information you have regarding the planning of this project and what would appear to be, your extreme naivety regarding these matters, you can do nothing more than pick fault. I would do the same in your shoes. (Perhaps not publicly – but I would be thinking it).
Unfortunately, I am not permitted to ‘tell all’ about the up’s and downs of this project and it’s a frustrating as hell to read all the comments but as has already been pointed out, if you put yourself in the public forum, watch out for the critics.
As for us being a nation of quitters – well, you are so far off the mark that its hard to believe that you are an adult. Try looking at some ‘educational’ sites and look at what the British do around the globe. Look at the Royal Geographical Society and see what is ‘Attempted’ see what ‘Fails’ see what is achieved. You’ll find that most the Achievements are born out of the experience gained from people who have failed in the past.
You view my ‘Attempt’ with disgrace and contempt, that is your right and I defend that, but from who’s bench mark are you preaching from? What was it in your life that YOU did that qualified you to lecture on how other people should live their lives? Please tell us, I’m willing to sit in awe and read of you high achievements and commend you for them.
The facts are as follows:

I left the UK late due to being forced to change my aircraft at the last moment.
(You try finding an Autogyro thats up to the job with 3 weeks notice – and then pay for it).
The Monsoon caught me or, I didn’t beat it.
The weather in the Artic regions will now be too bad to complete the flight.
I and the Team, have jobs to go back to. (a point some of you winged about us not doing!)

The very last thing I wanted to happen, apart from crashing, was that I’m unable to complete the flight. It means I don’t stand a chance of recovering the funds I put into this project and I can’t raise as much funds for the charities. Quitting, quitting would have been me flying the aircraft back to Delhi and having it shipped back to the UK, which is exactly what they wanted me to do.

Bullet Tooth Tony 10th Sep 2004 10:17

I havn't read this thread for a long time, mainly because I could no longer stomach SS and his acid and bitter remarks. I have therfore only today found out that the attempt is over.

Barry, you don't know me, although we have met, but I would like to take this opportunity to both congratulate and commiserate with you on your record attempt. The financial penalty alone must have made your decision all the more difficult to make, but with the small amount of worthwhile details that I can gather from this thread, I, for what it's worth, think you have made the right decision. You only have to look at what happened yesterday in the Czech Republic to see what can happen when things go wrong.

You may be skint and disappointed, but you're safe.


I know that you started this thread and I know that you regard this thread as your own. I know that you appear to have a very sad life and I know that you are very bitter about something. I know that you will now be happy that this venture has failed and I know that you told us it would from the beginning. I know that you have much contempt for a number of the GE team and I know that they have equal contempt for you. Now,

Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please,

Go away.

Thomas coupling 10th Sep 2004 10:56

Silsoe...I think you're going to have problems back pedalling out of this one:ugh:

Autorot8 is magnanimous in his defeat...leave it at that...please?

Let the guy recover.

SilsoeSid 10th Sep 2004 11:30

Thank you bullet tooth...........uuuuuummmmm...........No!

I respect your reply and will only answer to your question;
"What was it in your life that YOU did that qualified you to lecture on how other people should live their lives?"

You saying you were going around the world!!!!!
AND me giving money to a charity because you said you were going to do it. (was that good enough TC?)
I'm hardly telling you what to do with your life, thats as pathetic as you previously saying I'm responsible for losing you sponsorship. You are doing that well enough yourselves.
Do you honestly believe a potential sponsor will take notice of all the earlier posts here.

I'm saying you can still go round the world. No-one else who appears to be 'on you side', seems to be encouraging this, but it seems that you do not want to listen to any solutions that can make it happen.

Sorry, I can't leave it at that.
You also say,
"Look at the Royal Geographical Society and see what is ‘Attempted’ see what ‘Fails’ see what is achieved. You’ll find that most the Achievements are born out of the experience gained from people who have failed in the past."

What has the world gained from Ex Global Eagle?

Autorot8 would have been magnanimous in his defeat, but he had to get personal! That is not a magnanimous attitude.

Let the guy recover? He's just about to go back out to India for goodness sake.

In light of recent events (Czech Rep.), I was hoping to leave this thread alone, but thanks to Bullet Tooth Tony, I think I'll have to aim for that 17,000 viewer mark, where of course this thread would be nowhere near, if it wasn't for all those people complaining, coming back here. :ok:

volrider 10th Sep 2004 12:12

Once again I see the human trait of shooting the messenger come to the fore! Silky Sid has only put this forum thread on to promote Global Eagle and the crews attempt to go round the world, it was supported and a lot thought funny with SS giving better and more humourous updates than the GB website..
Sadly as things have gone wrong the British trait of finding someone else to blame has also come forward....Ummm Sid
its your fault the mission went t*ts up, you didnt plan it...you bought a duff aircraft to start with... you didnt get the best support from the best ...errr I am sure Mr Branson would have been glad to put his name to this...or maybe you asked.....Sid you should tie yourself to a knobbly tree stump and beat yourself for 37 minutes:}
I am really stupid as I thought this whole project was about a True Brit fighting with elements etc like all good explorers in the past, to achieve something no one else thought about or was scared doing.... Wrong again! I like others feel that Sid has been a very bad boy in reporting this trip...
There, will that pacify the "Quitters" of our nation those that promise so much but upon reaching failure attack others for their own failings?
In true Global Beagle style Great men from our history...would have said this then....

Barnes Wallis " oh bugger I thought it go straight in..cant understand why it bounced so far"

Capt Cook upon sighting Australia " It dont look much like Brighton to me..are you sure we had to go left at that atoll"

Winston Churchill " we will fight them on the beaches..well untill the tide comes in"

Need I go on..or do you want some more lame duck excuses.....Face it you pulled the plug and thats that. I guess you would all like this to die down now and pretend it never happened.
Well put your flying cap on and when the wx is right and the other conditions prevail GO FOR IT....
Dont waste what you have already done, get a proper PA to sort decent sponsorship planning and back up.
As for SS you may mock but if it were not for him this would have died a death along time ago....funny you were happy for him to do this little lot when the sun was shinning;)

SilsoeSid 10th Sep 2004 13:03

Top ten lessons Learnt from GE.
1.Check the weather
2.Check any local weather systems, ie Monsoons.
3.Don't make yourself 'public property' and then complain when the public dares to critisise.
4.Listen to what you say yourself, "If there is any doubt, there is no doubt".
5.Don't forget to turn off the battery overnight.
6.Don't leave CBs in when they need to be out.
7.Take a good supply of Immodium.
8.Take care when climbing out of cockpit not too pull out wires with your feet.
9.Don't stay out in the New Delhi streets when it is dark.
10.Don't park your car in the Boroughbridge flood plains and go off on a long journey abroad.

I look forward to the next Royal Geographical Society Publication to learn of further lessons learnt from GE so far.

Thomas coupling 10th Sep 2004 14:19

you can be quite ascerbic when you want to, it seems. More like an armchair judge, methinks.
IF SS hadn't harped on and on and on and on for weeks, even months, over this issue, perhaps the subject would have received the attention it deserved? Or haven't you thought about that one.
"if it weren't for SS...the issue would have died long ago",

That is what should have happened, the challenge was taken up, the challenge failed.....now let's move on shall we for christ's sake:bored:

volrider 10th Sep 2004 14:41

TC I think your spelling was a bit out,

volrider, you can be quite ascerbic
I must admit as I was welded to my armchair I had to send someone out to fetch the dictionary

Sour or bitter tasting; acid. See Synonyms at bitter.
Anyway I guess that the point of your most articulate post is that we should give up? A failure does not mean a disaster, my point is that Global Eagle gave it self little or no chance from the off, asked for support took the publicity then try to "sneak out the back door" when it goes wrong. Am I not allowed to be a bit miffed as we head towards being another British laughing stock?
Ummm well I guess you right we should forget about it...lets just hope that when they try again (hopefully) they wont tell anyone about it, that way they will have no critics just some good old backslapping, ok TT over to you I am waiting with baited breath for your next words of wisdom. Of course I have the laptop perched nicely on the arm of the chair careful not to spill my tea or break my chocolate digestive:ok:

SilsoeSid 10th Sep 2004 17:50

IF SS hadn't harped on and on and on and on for weeks, even months, over this issue, perhaps the subject would have received the attention it deserved? Or haven't you thought about that one.
TC, if I may put this thread into context as to whether or not attention has been brought to the Global Eagle mission.

This is the rotorheads forum I believe and by virtue of this, any feats such as round the world trips by rotorcraft, will be followed avidly by this forum.

Lets take the example of 2 such trips, happening at the same time, both involving rotorcraft and world records, one for the fastest and one for the first.

If I may draw you attention to this thread about this record attempt
"On June 4th 2004 Simon Oliphant-Hope and the Eastern Atlantic Team commenced an attempt to smash the Around the World ‘World Speed Record’ in a helicopter routing eastbound."

And of course we all know about Global Eagle .

Just for your information the rotorheads thread about Simons record breaking feat amassed 2505 views and the last entry was 24 June.

This thread is just short of 16,500 views and is ongoing.

Now this tells me 2 things.

1. The Eastern Atlantic Team had a website people could visit for updates pictures etc etc
2. GE didn't and viewers to this thread realised they could get more info about GE here and a bit of humour/banter/argument to boot.

Regardless of how many different individuals have visited here, IMHO attention has, without doubt, been brought to the GE mission.

The fact that people here do not particularly like SS is of no consequence and in fact has allowed this thread to be as popular as it is. We all like to have a common enemy and I am happy on this thread to oblige.

Those of you who know me will understand where all this comes from, and I find it strange that because it is written down, you take it completely differently than if we were in a crewroom or in a tent on exercise saying the same things.

Anyway, it's not all over yet, 'we' are off to Syndey!! Any news of Oakey?


SilsoeSid 10th Sep 2004 19:10

How does this affect things?

AAIB Bulletin No: 9/2004

"Following the investigation into the fatal accident of the RAF 2000 gyroplane G-CBAG, the AAIB recommended that the CAA should consider retrospectively assessing all gyroplane types currently on the UK register for acceptable pitch stability characteristics (Safety Recommendation 2003-02). Following the accident to G-BIGU in which poor stability characteristics were probably a contributory factor, the AAIB reiterates the importance of carrying out this recommendation. The Civil Aviation Authority has accepted this recommendation and plans to carry out the assessments giving priority to gyroplanes with a poor safety record."

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