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Autorot8 2nd Aug 2004 14:50

Now, that WAS funny!!:D

SilsoeSid 3rd Aug 2004 00:15

Here's an even better one;

On a different site, the question was asked, "Where is the Intrepid Mr Jones?"
The answer coming back is;

The brave fella is sitting in the Indian region trying to outwit the monsoon season! Must be sick of the Ruby's by now I should think.
The Army, still treated the same;


And who was it that this thread wasn't keeping anyone updated/informed and just doing harm?

northernmonkey 4th Aug 2004 11:02

So which Army did you serve in then Silsoe?

Or is everything different now you have left?

SilsoeSid 4th Aug 2004 11:28

Going back to your previous posts on prune Monkey, the same one as you! :p

I think most here will understand the link between military/mushrooms, unless of course things HAVE greatly changed, which I doubt.
I did of course put some thought into the picture of the mushrooms because if I posted them in the dark, then it wouldn't have been clear what they were now would it? :8

I remember the LSV drop at Dishcloth you mentioned on a different thread and also, the same person, if my memory serves me correctly, soon afterwards tried to lift a bowser with the Mk9, but not from the normal undersling point!! :uhoh: :{

[It's not that everything is different now I have left, it's just that I can now look at things differently.]

SilsoeSid 25th Aug 2004 23:30

Just a rumour
Barry wasn't planning on going to Australia during the round world expedition, but I used this as an experiment for the earlier pic posts in the thread.

Looks nice doesn't it? And by the way, this is a rumour network ! ;)


No real updates from the GE site as yet, lots of fund raising and planning I believe. :ok:

SilsoeSid 30th Aug 2004 02:40

If anyone knows the latest state of play, can they let us in on it please.


(let us know(s))

Autorot8 1st Sep 2004 08:17

I know the latest state of play Sid, here you go;

Due to the length of the Monsoon I am unable to gain permission to fly an Open Cockpit Gyro through parts of Canada and Greenland. We all have normal Mil' jobs to get back to and have to finish Global Eagle off by the end of the year. I didn't want to simply pack up and come home so I will be flying the Eagle to Sydney.
Its not what I wanted and i'm over the feeling of failure now. I've raised 17K since i've been back and we've made a few new friends in Oz. I expect to leave the UK for Delhi in mid September. Last advice from the |Air Advisor was that some bombs in Guwahati had killed 5 and injured 40 and the Monsoon in Myanmar STILL has a firm grip.

Over to you........

SilsoeSid 1st Sep 2004 12:13

Thanks for that Auto and I'm sure those who do not visit here will appreciate the update to the website. (Hi Guys!!)

I imagine Barry is pretty hacked off about not being able to complete the journey through parts of Canada and Greenland due to the open cockpit. Perhaps if he re-routed to go through parts of Greenland and Canada where you are allowed to fly with an open cockpit, there may be a way to complete the journey.

A crying shame that after all the hassles, it turned out that a couple of friendly nations, Canada and Denmark, managed to scupper the attempt. :{

I guess a trip to Sydney must be setting a distance record of some measure?

If so, it must be a distance not worth challenging without going round the world in an attempt to better.

I realise that the end of the year is the cutoff date, despite all the support from the teams employers, but what is the timeline from Alaska to the UK?

A great dissapointment that this round the world attempt isn't, at the moment succesful, (everything has the scope of change!), but pppppp.

I'm sure we'll be following the altered journey with anticipation, awaiting the next adventure for Barry.
Watchout for them thar pirates on the way to Australia!


Autorot8 1st Sep 2004 16:26

Just to clear this up a little, Canada and Denmark haven't said 'No', they have been very helpfull indeed, the issue is the Met' conditions. In order to cross some parts of the world in an aircraft like mine we have had to work in a few deals with regard to support aircraft however, the goodwill starts to run thin when we start to ask if we can do stupid things in stupid Met' conditions. Stupid things in good Met' conditions isn't so bad.:)
ppppppp is quite right! I've already been called Half a Job Jones by someone and I guess he's right! Shame, I thought I was perfect when infact its him who's perfect. I wonder what fantastic flights he must have done to see my flight to the other side of the planet in an Autogyro as a poor job? I'm in awe.
So, my late departure from the UK, my 'dilly dallying' across the globe and the long long and very powerfull (this year) monsoon has put time against me for fair Met' conditions. Time for the project was/is running out so I needed a fair conclusion. London to Sydney is what i've come up with.

All the best.

SilsoeSid 1st Sep 2004 17:47

Due to the length of the Monsoon I am unable to gain permission to fly an Open Cockpit Gyro through parts of Canada and Greenland.
"Unable to gain permission", sounds pretty no-ish to me.
I see, they haven't said No, just that you can't do it. OK..!

I saw that comment on the message boards on the GE website also, (I have never posted there, I hasten to add), but there's no reason to react like that and don't give up just yet. Most of us would like to see you complete the round the world trip than not finish it at all.

Compare it to Paula Radcliffe. She would have more respect from the public if she had finished the Marathon, albeit way down the list, than give up after realising she wasn't going to get a medal.

As I asked before, what is the timeline from Alaska to UK?

In the words of Kate Bush......."Don't give up".

Autorot8 2nd Sep 2004 19:21

No Sid' I can't do it, I can't get the permissions I need to do it due to the Met 'Conditions at the time of the year I would be flying through some areas. Like I said, ask to do something stupid, or shall we say strange, and you get help but ask to do it at a really stupid time of year and its a non-starter.
People have helped all over the world but the timing is wrong now. Yes, I knew about the Monsoon but last year it failed, we could have been lucky this year too but it was not to be. Adventures don't have to work every time, not many do, but the next time I do this, my timing will be much better.:ooh:
If I didn't have to change my aircraft three weeks before I started the flight and then have to find £32K for a new one, if I didn't have to work through God knows how many nights trying to get the current Eagle ready, if I was more of an Engineer (our one was recovering from major op') and could have done a good job of the prep'. if I didn't have a radio fault that plagued me to the end of Italy, if I didn't have such a week bowl, if the Monsoon wasn't early, if if if if. Next time, i'll know better!
This is still a great adventure, with many twists and turns and more to come I have no doubt.

(Nice shot of Sydney though Sid, very perceptive)

SilsoeSid 2nd Sep 2004 19:34


I wonder what fantastic flights he must have done to see my flight to the other side of the planet in an Autogyro as a poor job?
(just to add, this is caused by a comment on the GE message board, of which I have had no input.)


Middle Wallop N51 08.57 W001 08.57
GUWAHATI N26 06.26 E091 35.31

Now, I don't know what planet you are on about, but according to my nav notes 91 35.31 plus 1 08.57 is not greater than or equal to 180 :8

A straight line distance of 4973 ish miles
Total GE distance travelled, from website, = 10.480 km = 5659.2 Nm = 6511.31 St

Again, with Earths circumference roughly taken as 25,000 miles, either my maths is cock a hoop or we are on different planets.

On a more serious note,


Go back to India, fly as far as you can, pause over the winter, stretch out/negotiate the extra time off as much as poss (I don't believe the Lynx flying rate has improved that much has it?) and for the rest of the time needed, take it as leave.

Flying to Sydney IMHO achieves nothing.

Autorot8 has said here previously;

This Expedition is not about getting into the record books
Then don't fly to Sydney, continue around the World.
(How will those of who has given money to this expedition feel if you don't even make it to Aus?)

Autorot8 2nd Sep 2004 20:27

Poor Paula, she's really getting it hard! and only if I could have flown in a straight line :hmm:
Negotiate more time off! don't you think i've done quite a good job so far? I know what you mean and I appreciate how keen you are to keep going but sadly I have other lads careers to think about too. I loose one of the team in October to go back to his career and i've lost both engineers back to the green machine. Three in the office and me in the air (soon).
Next time eh.

(i'm sorry you think the flight to Sydney is nothing, perhaps when you read the book you'll feel different).

All the best.

SilsoeSid 2nd Sep 2004 20:40

Sounds a little like...
http://argh25.tripod.com/chickies/Cl...n_the_Coop.jpg http://www.schultz-antiques.com/stoc...ool%20bell.jpg
Rhymes with....Clucking Bell. :mad:

Oh well, I just thought;

Fly to Alaska, hangar up c/o USAF, fly home for Chrimbo c/o USAF/BA/Virgin.
Fly back spring time, continue journey whilst on leave. You could even continue the journey in parts, until complete.

The "Flying to Sydney IMHO achieves nothing", meant that as GE wasn't about setting records, why go there and not Alaska?

Oh well, I suppose the descision has been made, by the way, you could always get the 3 out of the office.!!

:ooh: hush my mouth!!

J.A.F.O. 3rd Sep 2004 01:53

Sorry to interrupt Sid's thread, but am I missing something? Isn't this the first time anyone's flown that far in an autogyro? Isn't this a magnificent acheivement for British aviation? Isn't this a true first in an arena where most of the firsts were seventy years ago?

I'm sorry if I missed all of the coverage of your flight to New Zealand, Sid. I must apologise for not recognising your name among those of true aviation pioneers.

Well done, Barry. Come home a proud man and start planning for next time. You never know if you grab me at the next Helitech I might even cough up for TWO miles.


SilsoeSid 3rd Sep 2004 09:23

I'm sorry if I missed all of the coverage of your flight to New Zealand, Sid. I must apologise for not recognising your name among those of true aviation pioneers.
I'll have to correct you JAFO, I only made it to Sydney, albeit I had to make a stop en route..

And I'm sorry for not recognising your attempts of trying to get Barry to continue the journey around the world.

p.s. Can I still contact you at the Paula Radcliffe fan club?

Whirlybird 3rd Sep 2004 10:02


Sounds like a sensible decision to me. :ok: You've had a lot of bad lack, but learned a lot I'm sure. To carry on now would, as you say, be really difficult considering that you and others have lives outside of this. Go back, think again, and get it all right next time. Absolutely no shame in that, and I look forward to reading about it...only wish I could be doing it instead. :(

J.A.F.O. 3rd Sep 2004 17:17

I'll have to correct you JAFO, I only made it to Sydney, albeit I had to make a stop en route..

And I'm sorry for not recognising your attempts of trying to get Barry to continue the journey around the world.

p.s. Can I still contact you at the Paula Radcliffe fan club?

I am aware that you are using English words and in a reasonably sensible order but, I am afraid, I simply fail to understand what you are trying to say.



Paula Radcliffe?

Perhaps you are confusing me with someone for whom all of that would make sense but I've never met you, SS, as far as I'm aware; so any allusions to former conversations that you might think you've had with me are beyond my comprehension.

I merely wished to convey my congratulations to Barry on what he had acheived and wish him all the best for the future, wherever that may take him.

SilsoeSid 3rd Sep 2004 18:30

I'm sure no-one else needs an explaination, but for JAFOs sake.

I'm sorry if I missed all of the coverage of your flight to New Zealand, Sid.
I have only ever flown as far as Sydney, so what on Earth are you on about, NZ? :hmm:

I must apologise for not recognising your name among those of true aviation pioneers.
Because its not there. In sarcasm I replied to this comment that you seem happy for Barry to stop the attempt around the World. :ugh:

Paula Radcliffe?
The British Marathon runner who stopped after 23 miles in the 2004 OLYMPIC GAMES Marathon because she was overtaken, putting her into 4th place, out of the medals; Instead of carrying on to finish the race in whatever place. :(

Perhaps you are confusing me with someone for whom all of that would make sense but I've never met you, SS, as far as I'm aware; so any allusions to former conversations that you might think you've had with me are beyond my comprehension.
Where did I say I've met you? this forum is for everyone not just you JAFO, you must be on the same planet as the GE distance measurer! either that or you honestly believe the dolphins are out to get you. :suspect:

All I'm saying is, it doesn't matter how long it takes Barry to fly round the world, as long as he does it. It seems silly not to even get halfway round the world,(Longitudinally=152.5deg), now that probably the hardest part is over. :confused:

Finally JAFO, if you think GE is going to have another attempt, you need all the help the dolphins can give you!! :ok:

J.A.F.O. 4th Sep 2004 03:21


Thank you for your explanation, the fact that it made even less sense than your earlier post should not be allowed to detract from the fact that you took the time and gave it a go; well done.

Of all the points that you made the least intelligible, if we leave dolphins aside for just a tick, was:

this forum is for everyone not just you JAFO
With three posts on this thread to your 125, I'd probably got that far all by myself.

I'm sorry that you entirely missed the point of my post, at least Barry got it and that's far more important.

One quick question, before I go:

All I'm saying is, it doesn't matter how long it takes Barry to fly round the world, as long as he does it.
What in heaven's name gives you the right to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do with their lives?

You set out your stall early enough with your very first post on this thread:

Good luck to the team, but knowing a few of them fairly well, I wonder of their chances of actually pulling it off. I may be a great cynic, but based on personal track records it must rate high in improbables.
That made it fairly clear where your interests in this lay.

I shall now retire from the fray but shall keep an eye on this thread as it will be fairly useful to note when SilsoeSid starts making sense as that is the point at which I will seek some professional guidance and a hefty dose of some serious medication.

All the best to Barry and the Global Eagle Team.

Oh, and it\'s explanation, not explaination.

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