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benjie 4th Jan 2014 00:39

In the reference of Ibertour
In the reference of Ibertour,

First of all the person that post that comment doesn't speak a clear English,as we see. He use it Google Translate,it's normal for Ibertour they always use Google translate in all the cases.

"If you pay cheap,count on a cheap service"

To refresh information, Ibertour doesn't care about your career as a pilot,it doesn't offer any guidance at all. They only want to claim money from us,students! Once we have a problem that we found out with the course and we want to speak with the Chief Head Instructor,he is never available for us.Even,when we have doubts and we try to speak with the instructors,most of the time they don't know how to solve our doubts.So,don't count with this school.Don't bet your money with this school,as a student pilot you have to think about having a good knowledge of aviation,in general.Later on,you will need experience and knowledge as a student pilot to achieve your Goal.With Ibertour you always gonna be an average pilot,it's not the one that airlines are looking for,they look for the best ..."Ibertour offers a good price,but don't deliver what it promises" and also in other schools if you don't pay they will give you flights,so you can start paying.Never pay in advance to a Flight school if they open Bankrupt,you will loose your money and license....I will recommend AEROLINK in Sabadell

This is a true testimony of a real student from Ibertour

benjie 4th Jan 2014 10:51

Just For Record,

About the flight instructors,Ibertour always choose them with no experience at all,fresh from the course also with a poor knowledge about aviation. Why? Because in these case Ibertour saves money,paying less for the flight instructors.It's very easy to loose motivation with this school.Total, that you have a cheap education,then you don't feel safe at all,when flying solo. They never give you a briefing or a di-brefing of the day you're gonna fly,and remember that this is very important. You always go to the airport,enter inside the van of ibertour and five minutes before you start your flight,you are checking your Flight papers for the flight (Notam's,Metars...etc).You need at least 30 min before the flight to prepare your flight route(Briefing),with Ibertour never happens such thing.It's very Dangerous!!!

Also for the van when you start the day,the van from ibertour always arrive late to the airport,for example. If your flight is at 08h00min the van will be arriving around 08h30min,in these case you already lost 30 min from your slot,meaning that you're gonna fly less time that you suppose

You always practice the same emergencies,is never a challenge! So you never improve

I went to search for other schools and all the schools were surprise about Ibertour,about the way they do the courses and treat the students...In Spain they're very infamous for a horrible service

In other schools for example the flying instructors are very professional,they came from airlines or have a real passion and knowledge about aviation...You always can check with AENA from Barcelona,it's a organization that rules the Spainish airlaw,They already have a lot of complaints of Ibertour...Check with them!

You can take this price very cheap,but at the end, you're not gonna be happy with the product that they sell

All the students are unhappy.

I don't recommend Ibertour School to nobody,it's a waste of time and money

(In aviation it's impossible to have a course with a such cheap price as Ibertour)

You better look for another school,that isn't Ibertour!

omega9 4th Jan 2014 20:01


I just saw your post, I didn't make the FI courses with them as I'm doing still CPL but I met all the people who were making it, as I'm from the first promotion of Ibertour.
I would say that in general this school is a real mess, if you ask how many aircraft, there are presently 2 CESSNA 172 and one seneca for about 60 to 70 students, then you might have an idea about how difficult it is to fly and finish on time...
For you if your goal it just to get the diploma and you don't pay attention about the quality of the training you will graduate in a realistic 6 to 7 months (base from the past experience of FI students).
Then good luck to you

Freeee 5th Jan 2014 10:56

Dear sr.... I am not using google translator.
The problem is that I don't have a good level of English. Sorry for that.
I have experiencie in Ibertour and for your information I have too experience in Aerolink, If you are student of Ibertour I don't understand how you have experiencie in Aerolink... and you are here for recommend Aerolink.... I think you work for Aerolink.
I only say my opinion if you not agree please don't say nothing about me.
If you are student of a flight school you will talk bad when you are out, is strange that you talk bad when you are inside because if the school go bad closed with you inside.
And for your information I was instructor in Ibertour and Ibertour pay more that others schools (including Aerolink). I only enter for say my opinion because you don't say the reality.
I say again my opinion. All the instructors start from 0 when obtain the FI license in all the schools of the world.
And for your information anybody of the first promotion remain in the school. All them finish before I finish my contact with the school. Then is not possible that you are inside the school and you are of the first promotion...

waskery 6th Jan 2014 00:57


first of all the country of spain it self is not good at all, there are a lot of bureaucracy, and the law don't protect foreign people from organism such pilot schools...

this school ok. they don't lie about the 200 hours. but you're gonna finish those hours in 3 years because of the lack of aircraft. imagine 2 aircrafts for 60 students. it means each student has to share the aircraft with 30 other students. that means you're gonna fly 2 hours/ week at maximum. and they will find for you one thousand reasons to don't fly....

I've never flown solo because it's the rule in this school. they don't want to take any risk regarding to their 2 aircrafts.

personally, i've got my ppl in almost a year. i met some student leaving this school and they prefered to loose their money than their time.

i've finished my ppl in spain and i went to france in Mermoz for atpl (such a serious school) then now i i m gonna start soon my IR-SE / CPL / MEP-IR

For instance i can advice you to start step by step:

- PPL close to your city ~7000 EUR
- Time building in the USA for exemple 6000 EUR
- ATPL by E-learning ( even better than in Ibertour classes) 3000 EUR
- IR-SE ~10000 EUR
- CPL ~6000 EUR
- IR-MEP ~7000 EUR

Proceeding step by step is the best way. if you don't like the school you can change it. OR go to some good aeroclubs in FRANCE, GERMANY, UK or wherever you want and paye only the hours that you fly. each time you want to fly. you pay the amount of hours that you've flew. better than to pay everything and after you start running after schools

Start with your ppl after atpl by e-learning, make at the same time your time building hours, and at the end your CPL-IR training

Believe me my friends. aviation is not easy and in this world there is a lot of bad school. even worse than ibertour. but I THINK that this could be the best way to proceed.

I lost my money, my time. i don't want that those things happen even to my enemy

this is my facebook send me a message for any further information https://www.facebook.com/abdelkrim.rouibi.9?ref=tn_tnmn

benjie 7th Jan 2014 14:46

Say NO TO Ibertour
For the young student-pilots,yes i am a student at Ibertour. And i will recommend you another school to search

For the user "freeee" if Ibertour is the one paying more to the flying instructors,so you have to question why the service is so bad (more like abysmal).And also,ask yourself why this school is the cheapest in Europe and one of the cheapest in the World.

And YES i am having a bunch of problems with this school,no flights at all,also losing my patience and motivation,like i said before in one of my comments

I am only here to advise and give my feedback for student-pilot that is looking for a school to start his career as a pilot.

If you notice from the 1st page of this forum,it's possible to see how many people complain about Ibertour. Based on this you can make your own decision for not coming to this school

Like i told you nobody is happy,you always can confirm with the students of this school,it's a good way to know the Real Truth of this Disastrous excuse of a school

If you sign a contract with them,you will sign your airline pilot career away

benjie 7th Jan 2014 15:02

Check schools in ^Poland
There are very good and cheap schools in Poland,There was two students from Ibertour,that left the school,loosing the money that they pay the service for. They say that they are very happy there,and also that they are very professional and serious

Here's one of the link

Flight School - Bartolini Air - Fly in Poland - Fly in Poland

And also you can check Air Baltic in Poland

Applecore666 25th Jan 2014 11:57

Ibertour....why you no answer my calls??
Just to say I am appalled at the lack of communication from this school (among other things!) I tried to ring them on more than one occasion concerning important matters and have not answered my calls :oh: then they have the nerve to notify me at the last minute which has often involved me having to rush to either the school or the airport which often results in me wasting time and money :ugh:, nice to know my efforts are being rewarded :rolleyes:. They blame me for not showing an interest in things but as soon as I do..they don't show any interest in my enquiries!

Peacockk 12th Apr 2014 13:26

Dont believe their lies. Finally, people are realizing about all their cheating system. New students have stopped to arrive. If you dont want to lose money and waste time, dont play their game. Stay away... Its not worth.

My friend who is still there, told me a few days ago, "the school has been stopped two months by spanish government" So, its really obvious how they work...

patrykbll 12th Jun 2014 11:26

i am reading all this and i swear to god! I HAVE SUCH A CRACK :) goverment stoped the school hehe... if you cant repeat what you have been told - dont do it :) the school has never been stoped.. yes there was a control from the CAA and yes during that time the instructors were not able to fly.. BUT I TOOK TWO WEEKS :) and that was actually a good time for time builders because i personally flown 5 times during a week :)
anyways... i am there and i am not complaing.. if you want to see how the school looks like and see THAT WE ARE FLYING go to my youtube channel "LIVE FROM THE FLIGHT SCHOOL"

Knuspe 26th Jan 2015 18:50

I'm sure I'll use PPRuNe for more causes but the sole reason I signed up was to make sure no one spends a dime at Ibertour. I personally went there in winter 11/12. I stayed for three months before I packed my bags and left. I was not allowed to talk to Head of Training, Instructors were only looking for a way out and pretty much no one was flying since there were only one (I think) aircraft which was always "in maintenance". However I never heard anyone talking about "today's flight".

All documents (tests, notes etc) handed out by the school except legal documents were google translated from Spanish and hence made no sense at all. Their English was poor at best.

PM me if you want additional info. I can also give you tips on other, better schools that I have attended afterwards, studying towards my license. CPL/IR/ME, MCC, ATPL, B737 NG.

lsililai 18th Aug 2015 04:58

Hi Knuspe,

Please pm me re other alternatives for Ibertour.


Spanish dissaster 14th Oct 2015 11:36

Still students applying
I still hear from my contacts that there are people stupid enough to go there! Paying over 40.000 to get ****** in the ass so badly! I cant tell enough! DONT GO THERE!! unlesd you have time and money enough.. And a peace of brain like a corn!

Airbus 380 2nd Jan 2016 02:26

Be careful with Ibertours!!

I'm a PPL Holder (ICAO) already and I have inquired with Ibertours. I was interested in the ATPL Program A 320.

For my PPL they will deduct EUR 5'000.-- plus EUR 100.-- for every hour as pilot
in command (PIC) ONLY!!

To my following questions, they didn't reply anymore: (send it 2x)

1. Are you operating under EASA regulations and is the license issued by the same?

2. In which City are the theory examinations given?

3. Is your A320 flight simulator a full motion one and where is it located?

4. Is your reservation fee of EU 1000.-- credited to my account?

5. I can pay you the hole amount in advance, how much is your discount then, since you ask 5% commission for installment payments?

If Ibertours can't disclose if there A320 flight simulator is a full motion one and can't answer my other questions, then better let it be!! What else do they have to hide?

Yeah, it's to good to be true!

advent96 2nd Jul 2016 21:27

HI Lads
I have question why they want it to pay 10 % of the total cost of the course in ibertour?

pebble88 15th Sep 2016 06:46

Hi EC DKN, read about Ibertours and will stay clear of them, do you know any good good schools for integrated ATPL, is Barcelona Flight school any good.

Peacockk 25th Oct 2017 09:48

Yes, unfortunately I have been there too, such a terrible nightmare¡
It is just matter of time to go bankrupt, no more incoming students.
stay away¡

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