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IR @ Tayflite Vs Multiflight

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Old 12th Mar 2004, 02:35
  #21 (permalink)  

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I appreciate people are entitled to their opinion, but I realy do wish that people who do not know our school and do not perosnally know our CFI would stop commenting. If you actually asked anyone who had trained with Kevin they would have nothing but praise for him.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 04:59
  #22 (permalink)  
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In reply to you comments LFS

I was at Sherburn flying during the summer whilst you were using are airfield to train your university students.
Although I do not know your CFI (I have seen him once whilst visiting your school).

To be honest I and many others are pleased you will not be returning to Sherburn this summer.

All I am saying is that your school is not for me, it may well be for others and I am sure some students will respond well and be impressed. Unless of course I decide upon an instructor rating when I will be booking with Stewart sorry not Simon I stand corrected, I am not perfect like your CFI.

As I say Multiflight or Bristol for me.

I’m now off back to my ATPL notes for a few more hours of study.

Last edited by Wee Weasley Welshman; 12th Mar 2004 at 17:34.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 05:12
  #23 (permalink)  
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That really dosn't sound like the bloke who taught me how to fly instruments horris. If anything its stewart who can come across as a bit of a case.

Was the guy scruffy and baldy? or fat with a macum accent?

Kevin was always very down to earth and he is a bloody good instructor.

If it turns out that it was stewart you met. Anything he says about his handeling ability is very true, as you will find out on your FIC.

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Old 12th Mar 2004, 05:20
  #24 (permalink)  

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This is my last post on this topic. Horris, you have olny served to prove my point. You do not know our CFI and so do not really have a reason to comment. Kevin started his career (and many subsequent years) as a Sheburn instructor and has nothing but praise for the facilities and club itself. We had an excellent summer at Sherburn, did not cause and problems and I will not go into the reasons why we do not wish to operate from there again. You are entitled to your opinion just please do not make posts on people you know nothing of. I am not trying to 'self glorify'or be arrogant, just set the record straight.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 05:45
  #25 (permalink)  
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Sorry for being negative but several of the people I speak too feel the same including a few of there past students which makes me think that the comments are not isolated. Again i'm sorry but the way people conduct themselves is a huge factor when impressing new students and generating new business. The manner in which I, the field I fly at , and my aviation buddies were described has made me totally discount the school.

As i say dont dicount leeds,it may suit some just not me.

Multiflight or Bristol for me.

MJ- good luck with your airline job i wish you well, I just dream about doing 220 knots to 5 mile delivering passengers safely to there destination.

Last edited by Wee Weasley Welshman; 12th Mar 2004 at 17:39.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 06:47
  #26 (permalink)  
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horris - I have to say that I am very suprised at what you have to say about LFS. When considering my options last year I paid LFS a visit after visiting many other schools, including Oxford. I must say that nobody came across as rude or arrogant, in fact quite the reverse. My first impression as I pulled up straight after visiting Multiflight was "wow - a porta cabin 1/2 a mile from the airport!". There really couldn't have been more contrast. Multiflight had just hit me with their glossy brochures, private jets and flash sim. They looked like a good pro outfit. Then I went over to the LFS hut. Once inside I was introduced to the freindliest most approachable people I had met to date on my whistle stop tour of UK FTOs. Before I new it I had a large mug of tea and was sat on the sofa talking to a bunch of really enthusiastic Instructors and Dylan made plenty of time to talk to me about figures. Then one of the PPL instructors drove me over to see the Aircraft and was very open and honist about LFS. We sat in one of the cougars for over an hour just bantering about flying. He let me have a damn good look around all the aircraft too. I live in the Lake District and am about as far from a Commercial Field as you can get in England! Hence LFS currently gets my vote - not on Flash appearance and glossy brochures but on word of mouth merit, freindliness and proximity to the Lakes. I have taught Outdoor Pursuits and Personal Development courses for 8 years and I know that the most important things to nurture learning are Comfort of Envoiroment and quality of instruction.
Old 12th Mar 2004, 15:30
  #27 (permalink)  
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Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

Looks like this post is degenerating into the age old story of Multiflight flaming Leeds flying school and Leeds flying school flaming Multiflight.

Been like it as long as I can remember (trained at both worked at LFS), some of the main players in this game could cause trouble in a padded cell all on their own. The backstabbing at both camps is of epidemic proportions, whoever's not in the room sadly gets it.

And no I’m not sat here waiting to be flamed for my comments, don’t care anymore, thankfully moved on.

All I’ll say is that Mr. A is you man, a well respected instructor that I / G-LOST and many others hold in the highest of regard, he can cater for all your needs CPL, IR, FI +all the associated trimmings.

PS JJ and myself are still waiting for a certain someone to show his arse in woolworths as the comment was, 'If James or Stuart get airline jobs I'll show my arse in woolworths window'. sorry just couldn't resist.

Last edited by STATLER; 12th Mar 2004 at 15:54.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 16:10
  #28 (permalink)  
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Well, I can’t resist this one and yes, I’ve got an axe to grind. A new identity because I don’t want Dylan the office manager ringing me up or threatening me in any manner.

My gripe with LFS is that I was quite happily slowly doing my PPL with them and then one day BAM, a letter in the post, we’ve dropped you like a hot potatoe and the thrust was we’re not doing any more PPL because LFS is now a pofessional school teaching commercial pilots. I rang up and got some excuses about costs at Leeds airport etc. As you can imagine I was angry with the way I was treated and still am.

They’re a lovely bunch of people altho theres a lot of politics. The aircraft were a bit tatty but they were improving them when I left. The owner is Tony and he’s very pleasant. His son John did some of my training and he was very quiet but a lovely lad and no problems at all. The was an older instructor called James who I did a few flights with and he was straight by the book. I think he’s gone now to the airlines. Then there were other fellows who did weekend work and I flew with a couple (too many really), the really experienced but quite odd fellow Stewart who looks nothing like an instructor but you could just tell he knew his trade and then Kevin who seemed to do all the advanced stuff and sat in the simulator a lot. He had a lot to say. Now I can see where Horris is coming from to be blunt, because Kevin did like to hold an audience and he could tell a good story. I don’t know whether he actually really thinks hes the best around, but I did hear him say so much on more than one occasion and he made a big deal of telling everyone that his way was the only way. To be honest, I was quite frightened of having him as my PPL examiner. What really annoyed me though was the fact that he would run people down behind their back. Instructors, examiners, students, the universe. I sat there on the sofa with a coffee, listening to ‘so and so’s a fool’, ‘we only want to use Tony’s money I’d wish he’d go and stop elsewhere’, ‘I’m the only one who gets anything done around here’ and so on. I don’t think anyone took him very seriously but I heard to much - more than I wanted to know as a customer. The worst moment was when he invited me into his office for a chat, which seemed quite an honour at first but turned into the Spanish inquisiton about my instructors - basically he told me they were all ****e and that he had to lift the standards. As far as I was concerned they were great. I felt uncomfortable because it seemed like he was just out to make trouble.

There you go. I think this is a fair picture, but I have not been back for a year. Daren’t go back now!
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 17:51
  #29 (permalink)  
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People people.

There is nothing wrong with LFS or Mulitflight - both reasonable schools doing a reasonable job for a reasonable price. They've been around for a good while and trained a goodly number of people.

Now. You might think Mr Z is a bit of a prat or Mr Y is a bit full of himself. Well thats great. The next person might think Mr Z is a bit of a laugh and Mr Y is gods gift to flight training.

I would put absolutely no stock whatsoever in people posting on anonymous internet forums that they heard last year from someone else that someone else was a tosser etc.

Flying clubs, schools and airports for some reason always have been breeding grounds for feuds, arguments and envy. The only happy airfields I have seen have had single owner/operators and only one school.

To form a highly negative opinion of a man based on overhearing a conversation and then airing that opinion freely to the world - smacks of immaturity.

So knock it on the head people.

It would be fine to say - I didn't go to school X because I didn't gain a favourable impression of some of the staff there.

It is not really fine to say - I went to school X and met Mr Blue and he was saying this and that and I thought what a prat and lots of other people do and I head he's got small feet and blah blah blah.



ps As some posters will note I have edited some posts so the thread may not read as naturally as it did.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 17:59
  #30 (permalink)  
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When I rang round to check on the courses offered I found LFS to be very friendly and polite, whereas Multiflight were very blunt and just didn't seem interested. At the time I wanted to discuss the best way of doing the course. LFS seemed flexible and willing to listen to my needs, Multiflight more or less said it is done their way or not at all.

However, a friend of mine recently went to LFS to do the 10 hour pre CPL course. He was very disappointed with the service he got, no briefing, no insight into the CPL, nothing. Just plot a course, go fly it, and then lots of criticism (not much praise) on his return. He has now moved and is getting on well at another School.

These two are/were on my list of places to do the CPL/IR. Which would I choose ? The jury is still well and truly out on that one.
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 18:11
  #31 (permalink)  
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Ok First things first I am not against people having opinions about schools, that's great lord knows I have some very unsavoury opinions about places I learned to fly, but PLEASE don't post them on these forums you ARE playing with peoples livelyhoods.

Yes you personally may believe they have no right to this or that but the best advice is ALWAYS ALWAYS go visit a school talk to the students talk to the management, but do not air anyones dirty laundry, otherwise we may as well just all go and watch TRISHA or discuss My wife won't wear a schoolgirl uniform for me.

All organisations have good and bad periods the measure of the organisation is how quickly they sort out the problems.

Kind Regards

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Old 12th Mar 2004, 19:06
  #32 (permalink)  
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Why all the interest in LFS and multiflight?whats wrong with the other north west places?

I'm sure you get get CPL's at blackpool,liverpool,an if go south thing tatenhill etc.sure you can go to other places to get CPL/IR than keeds yes i know have to posn aircraft for the IR test but not the end of the world?

just curious
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 19:14
  #33 (permalink)  
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Who'd build an airport on top of a 670' hill????

Who'd build a main runway 32/14 notorious for crosswinds??

Must have been pd the day they built it!!

Who'd base the exam centre at an airport on a hill??

It's all wrong from the ground up!!

Whichever you decide on out of LFS/ prepared to be rained off, fogged in, snowed in, out of x-wind limits, Iced in ....ALOT!

Flying, a mugs game!
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Old 12th Mar 2004, 22:47
  #34 (permalink)  
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I have to stick my neck out here.
I have done all my training with Multiflight, and am currently hour building through them. They have always been helpful and friendly.
I've only ever had one problem though with Multiflight. I arrived for a flight, and the aircraft was tech. This was a PA28 that they had loaned from a company, and they were ready to send it back due to its unrealiability. I took it in my stride, and a few months later, I arrived for a flight and another aircraft was tech (C172). I was a bit annoyed, so I had a word with the head of training about this, and the PA28 that were tech previously. They arranged for an instructor to give me a checkout on another aircraft (PA28), free of charge, within a few hours (as soon as an instructor had a spare minute). I spent the rest of the day flying their PA28 (not the unrealiable one, that one had been sent back).
I was lucky because there was a PA28 free at the time, and the instructor had some spare time. However Multiflight did their best to help me, thanks to their Head of Flight Training Mike McKenzie. Aircraft servicability otherwise has never been an issue.
To be objective, sometimes it can take a short period of time before somebody deals with you, but Pat, Sue, Dan, Patrick, whoever is behind the desk, will acknowledge you and let you know. It seems to be that they're busy, polite, but not ignorant. It's a bit of a pain sometimes, but don't all companies that provide services have their postives and negatives...
Good luck to all in their flight training, wherever you go.
Old 12th Mar 2004, 23:09
  #35 (permalink)  
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a LOT of students have an unrealistic expectation of their FTO's.

Aircraft go tech all the time. Doesn't matter if its your PA28 at LFS, my B737 at Bristol or somebody elses brand new B777 at Heathrow. It happens.

I know its a lot of money but the margins as in most things to do with flying are so tight that it doesn't take much for there to be no aircraft, no instructor or nobody to return your call at ANY FTO.

This is not so much the case in the USA but then customer service is generally better there anyway.


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Old 13th Mar 2004, 07:52
  #36 (permalink)  
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I realise that you stated the last post was in fact your last but I have a few very quick questions. Please respond.

1) what is your schools pass rate. By this I mean first time passes not first series passes.( if you need me to explain further, this is where the student goes to the examiners office having paid the test fee, meets the examiner, plans the route, goes out to the aircraft, gets in, flies the I.R test route with the examiner, gets out with a pass certificate and does not have to visit, see or indead fly with the examiner again).

2) Are maintenance trips usually done done by students as part of their training.

3) why is only 1 twin available at any one time.

Many thanks


and no i'm nothing to do with multiflight, just waying up my options
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Old 13th Mar 2004, 17:23
  #37 (permalink)  
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I would think there's a snowballs chance in hell that your questions will be answered Horris. As to 2 my personal experience was yes.
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Old 13th Mar 2004, 19:52
  #38 (permalink)  
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I have to agree with you 152 that the loss of PPL training was a bad thing for LFS. There were and still are many many pi$$Ed off students.

I realise that there are many conspiracy theories regarding the whys and wherefores of its sad demise, which I won’t delve into, what I will say is that the airport has been of no help to LFS whatsoever, flying training is probably an inconvenience to their plans. PPL training IMHO is the life blood of a school and if the students are treated properly they often remain loyal to the school and move onto the CPL/IR module with that school.
I personally think that it was axed to make way for the get rich quick university scheme, which is quite apparently not shaping up as expected. There has been no fixed base until recently and they have had to move the operation to Sheffield now for the flying phase, would have thought Sherburn would have been better.

Are the instructional staff in post to cater for the high volume expected this summer?
Do they have sufficient aircraft for the course?
Where are the students going to do circuit?

Why haven’t multiflight had had similar restrictions and charges imposed upon their operation?
Is it because of Hood’s cash and influence?
Is flying training only being tolerated at Leeds because the CAA examiner is LBA based?
If the CAA was to move the examiner to Blackpool for instance would flying training be curtailed at the LBA?

Anyone got any views.

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Old 13th Mar 2004, 19:56
  #39 (permalink)  
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I flew some maintenance flights for LFS....the hours were not necessarily used on training....they were all for free! free multi time!

that adds up to about 200 quids worth of free flying!

Why is there only one twin available at one time? Good question!
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Old 13th Mar 2004, 20:10
  #40 (permalink)  
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I doubt that any flying school will publish their pass rates in an honest and totally transparent fashion. In the cold light of day they won't look very good. It only takes one or two below-par students to pull the figures down. The problem is when they are all below-par, seemingly!

Having said that, everyone has a bad day occasionally. We can all stuff up a test to one degree or another, at any time. I'm all too aware that my job is up for review every six months. That's what gets the adrenaline going.

It would be helpful to publish pass figures though, if only to reveal that far too much weight is placed on pushing students up for a test having completed the minimum hours but before they're ready. A very real pressure imposed on instructors by marketing expectations, I fear. In an ideal world everyone would pass, having been trained to their individual requirement.


Last edited by G-LOST; 13th Mar 2004 at 20:23.
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