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Whirlygig 11th Dec 2007 23:28

Could be worse!

After a few hours and I was just about, sort of, maybe, getting the hang of hovering, my instructor asked me to call up Tower and ask for a right hand circuit northside.

Me: Tower, ********, request righ .... ffffuuuuuucccccckkkkkk!
Instructor: Tower, ********, we can't hover and talk just yet!



digital.poet 12th Dec 2007 01:12

Can I just say.... I love you guys!!

I think the single greatest thing about this forum is that you can post a tale of woe and get many replies of similar tales that reminds that you that 'to err is human'. It is so easy to make a mistake, or struggle with something and start to wonder if you 'have what it takes'. To hear stories of similar mishaps, puts the problem in perspective, and makes you realise that it is just another exciting challenge to overcome. Thanks all.

...and Whirlygig, a special thanks to you, simply because I had *no idea* that you could request one of *those*!! They must have skipped that part in the theory book, or does it only apply to rotary pilots? :}

kiwi chick 12th Dec 2007 01:29

Whirls, hahaha, I recall those early days well!

"Paraparaumu, HZC taking off 34 grass, remaining right circuit".
"Paraparaumu, HZC errr apparantly running take-off 34 grass, remaining right"
"Paraparaumu, HZC ummmmm... backtracking hover 34 grass to line up"
"Paraparaumu, HZC operating somewhere between centre grass and right hand circuit next three-zero minutes....."

all made in the space of about three minutes... ;) :O

eharding, that story was hilarious! :=

HeliCraig 12th Dec 2007 07:04

I had (selectively) forgotten about my solo XC... trying desperately to get hold of Wellesbourne:

"Wellesboune Information, Helicopter X-XXXX"

<no reply> <repeat> <no reply> <repeat>

"Helicopter X-XXXX: This is East Mids tower, please check your frequency."

"Errr, my apologies sir. Helicopter G-XX."

Sure enough.... one turn too far on the dial!

ericferret 12th Dec 2007 11:09

Listening in to a female controller at Waddington trying to contact G-**RR.
After several attempts to contact the callsign she transmitted

Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou Romeo?

The end result was a series of ums, aahs and errrs in a thick (probably in both senses) Yorkshire accent.

Oh what a missed opportunity, how I wished I had been flying Romeo Romeo on that day!!!

BackPacker 12th Dec 2007 12:00

I was doing one of my first solo cross countries in Florida, on a Flight Following from Orlando Approach. My first time ever on Flight Following on my own. As all N-reg aircraft registrations start with, well, an N, it is common to call yourself "Cadet 250FT" instead of "N250FT". But apparently not everybody does that. So it took the controller quite some attempts to get through to me, calling me "N250FT".

Wasn't the worst what happened during my stay there. There was this other solo x-country student who was self-announcing his way through the circuit at Sebastian, an uncontrolled field. Only when he actually landed and noticed a fairly tall control tower flashing green and red lights at him, did he realise he was not at Sebastian at all, but at Melbourne International. Oops.

Humaround 12th Dec 2007 20:19

Mrs Hum and I went for an early morning bimble following the rivers - follow Avon to Tewkesbury, Severn to Gloucester, down to Chepstow, up the Wye to Monmouth and then home across the Malverns.

Rather surprised to get a FIS from Glos Approach, it was quite early.

"...Report at Chepstow"

Duly reported, "Golf Tango Romeo, overhead Chepstow and turning North following the Wye valley..."

Short pause, "Glos Approach, Roger, d'you fancy swapping seats?"


Fright Level 13th Dec 2007 10:44

There's an old story about a light a/c making a mess of the comms going into a major US airport (Miami?). The controller was getting a little impatient as the pilot didn't seem to have the latest ATIS. "Confirm you have Hotel" asked the controller. "No, we're staying with friends" came the reply.

DenhamPPL 13th Dec 2007 12:10

There's an old story about a light a/c making a mess of the comms going into a major US airport (Miami?). The controller was getting a little impatient as the pilot didn't seem to have the latest ATIS. "Confirm you have Hotel" asked the controller. "No, we're staying with friends" came the reply.
EDDNR that's a corker!:ok:

airborne_artist 13th Dec 2007 12:12

Duly reported, "Golf Tango Romeo, overhead Chepstow and turning North following the Wye valley..."

Short pause, "Glos Approach, Roger, d'you fancy swapping seats?"
Another of those tea, screen & keyboard moments :ok:

llanfairpg 13th Dec 2007 12:26

ATC are paid to provide pilots with a service, not the other way round. Always keep that in mind while you are learning and you will approach the problem of being unfamiliar with the RT and flying at the same time with more confidence.

My standard brief to students is to say if you are having a problem with any ATC officer say " My instructor told me to tell you, bolox". I have never had anybody do this but it introduces the student to being able to relax more on the radio.

One of the things not readily passed on by instructors is that you can talk normally just as you down the pub.

Saying on the RT for instance. I am in a red C152 around 2000 feet and I am lost and frightened isnt CAP 413 but I can assure you it will attract as much, if not more attention, then a word perfect CAP 413 call. If ATC want to know something they will ask you. Press the button, make your best effort and let the guy who is paid to provide the service ask the rest.

matspart3 13th Dec 2007 15:00


That was me! I remember it being a glorious morning and feeling very envious.

(I will now have to take myself in the office and give me a damn good talking to about non-standard RT!!)

effortless 13th Dec 2007 18:35

I was on a jolly with a Spam of my aquaintance and as we started our take off he pressed the ptt and said "Rolling". ATC replied "I should get a bit higher first if I were you."

DBisDogOne 14th Dec 2007 14:28


Don't worry about it.

To quote the late Eric Morecome (said to conductor Andre Previn whilst holding his lapels!!!)

"Listen pal, I'm not playing it wrong, the notes are all there, just not necessarily coming out in the correct order OK?"

Same goes for R/T then.... (certainly does with me at times).

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