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TOPJET973K 17th Jan 2005 11:09

Newcastle Aero Club
Hi Gang.

Charlie32 - beautifully said my friend!

Mike Halls - Hi mate, I'm doing OK. Yes, the club & non members - 2 years ago we were granted a "full on license" which is really the same as your normal pub license, however there was 4 sub clauses to this which were:

Alcohol would only be served to:

1) Members
2) Their guests
3) Airport staff
4) Any guests invited to a function by a member

The only way around this would be to make everybody a member, even the old couple who pop in onnce a week. The aiprort would obviously block any plan to obtain a more open license so make better use of the one we have.

The lease - way beyond me what the airport actually want on this issue.

The airport future plan, contact Graeme Mason (property department)



h999 17th Jan 2005 11:26

Airport Masterplan up to 2016 can be found at


mike halls 17th Jan 2005 13:35

Hello ALL,

I think it is official that elia did not get the club.
I wonder who did????

anyone know who RMT pick????


Hope 2 fly 17th Jan 2005 13:39

NAC Lesson 2 (Joke)
Hi flyers,

What price progress!?

Noise I quote you;
"What I will say is that I know most of the people who post to this thread in some form or other (professional or otherwise) and I have discussed privately with them many aspects of the NAC situation. I do not know you, nobody does - you are not a member (which isn't a problem) but if in time we meet then I will not hesitate to discuss with you anything you so desire."

Considering the topic being discused is a buy out of the former NAC.
Could you please clarify if what you mean is;- only people with inside prior knowledge of the NAC situation and contact with former members are entitled to access information on which to prepare a bid/proposal? re "no one dose." or is it only you that is saying that. or alternatively have I missunderstood that all together?

On a more seriouse note:

Noise I quote you again:
"Hope 2 fly ........ you say you have submited an 'initial offer' to RMT - that is not what I understand to be true."

"I owe you no explanation of where and when I here little bits of information nor would I compromise the professionalism of the people who may tell me of any such information. Should at any point I find it pertinent to post anything then I will do so."

I understand this to mean you are calling me a Lier! You can not substantiat that claim because it is untrue! You attempt to substantiat it by implying information came from your personal contacts with access to such confidential information.
The way I understand that is you are saying I am dishonest and have no integrity!! further you are saying, or implying that your personal contacts have no integrity either and are guilty of proffesional missconduct by shareing confidential information they are party to in their jobs.

Have I missunderstood what you are saying because if not !!!!

In my book that is libel!!!!!!!

Recalling the earlier parts of this thread. I think NAC paid out £30,000 out of court for libel.
If you wish to save on legal costs with regards to a potential libal claim from me will you please pledge that amount to the NAC TRUST Proposal in the event it is successfull.

If six of your Contacts make the same offer the total amount of your pledge to the NAC Trust will be £210,000.
This kind offer of yours go's a long way towards the trust proposal being accepted by RMT. Thank you very much.

With this experiance so ends the second lesson in social education - learning from the the experience of others !!

Joking aside Noise, and I do respect your right to voice an oppinion, progress has been delayed for 14 day's. The prevailing attitude you project has contributed to blocking what I saw as potential progress in saveing the NAC for a long term future. If that stops perhaps other people may contribute positively.

To that end I will try to keep to succinct posts of feedback or suggestions that i think might help. Ppruners may then choose to ignore them, contribute more, pick them up & network them to help, pledge donations or take their own indipendent action to help the cause.

No Hard feelings Noise?
Perhaps we will have that discussion sometime?
best wishes
(PS sorry for bad spelling etc,)
mor info to follow.

Hope 2 fly 17th Jan 2005 16:19

Hi Flyers,
If I had the facilities here I would post some corrispondence from RMT. If I find a way I will. In the mean time I hope you all accept my good intentions and integrity. In the mean time H999 you only have my word and your own analysis of the information available, that is the best i can do.

Mike Halls;- Thanks for that excelent feedback.
Could you please explore with Elia any possibilities of co-operating in the Trust option?

I spoke with Linda Farish earlier today.
If My understanding is correct there is now a target time of 14 days for completion of the transfere of ownership all being well.
Potential Contracts with the Airport will need to be finalised in order for the "Winner" of the clubs assets to be decieded before the end of this week. Confirmation of this is being sent out in the form of Emails & letters.

The NAC Trust Option is still in with a chance. Although with the feedback I gave it is now a lot slimmer.
Bulk Funding for this project that may have been awarded in the short time available to me in the administration process has quite rightly been commited to the Tsunami appeal.
An approach has been made to the airport authority and a respons from Mr Parkin is awaited.
Hope now rests on accessing & collating smaller grants available in the region and getting positive support from the seven local Authorities who are included in that funding.

There support will depend on the interest and commitment demonstrated by potential members/users of the future Aero club who are resident in their area.
That demonstration will need to include an expression of what their contribution will be to achieving, implementing & running the trust and voluntary charitable organisation.

Local Authorities would normally assess this at public meetings etc. and by their knowledge of the expertise & trustworthiness of people willing to participate in running & supporting the organisation. Unfortunately all they have in the timescale is Pprune.

Remember the OLD SPIRIT and reality of "against all odds" and "never have so few done so much for so many"

I am aware of the reality, still

The future is yours to make if you so choose. by taking action or not taking action you will have chosen.

Mu Beta 17th Jan 2005 17:39

Hope 2 Fly
I note what you've said about libel, but I don't think it will apply here...to libel is to publish a false statement damaging to a person's reputation, but since no-one knows who you are (or shouldn't) on this forum, the statement made can't damage your reputation.
Bahrain Lad
You say "is it not you who has the chip on his shoulder by labelling every political debate as some form of "class warfare"?
No, it is not a form of political debate to disparage people, no matter what they do or who they are...but to be honest, your references to wanabee Biggles and Lord Flashhart is what made me assume you had such a chip on your shoulder. From what you said about your background it sounds more priveleged than mine. Father RAF engineer (in the ranks) Mother a cleaner, I had to save up and do extra hours to afford to learn to fly and took out a big loan for my commercial licence. Am I wrong?

With regard to the identities of those who've put in offers for the NAC...if Mr Golfin doesn't get it, I don't think there'll be any more flying training!

GonTek 17th Jan 2005 18:26

Evening All (no not that one !)
I can only echo Mu Beta's post,having not logged into pprune due to the fact I been working the two part time jobs I have in conjunction with full time employment it is gratifying to see nothing has changed .

I do not wish to emulate Biggles nor am I flash, I just want to fly.

It is a free country and if people wish to pay to learn to fly so be it.
The few may be lucky enough not to have to worry about money or who pays for it , I pay my own way and work bloody hard for my little piece of sky.

As for the class bashing the Goverment do that very well. What cost the foxhunting ban ? Anybody know the cost.

They miss more than catch and they are not all "ok yah "in fact most are Joe public .( I do not support foxhunting ) Just making a point.

Enough moaning

Regards All

mike halls 17th Jan 2005 20:17

the aero club

hey noise how are you mate???

Well has anyone seen the airport plans???
It really shows you that the airport never wanted
the club to survive.You can see that 2016 that the
samson hangar and the aeroclub buildings are not
there. This is the reason that they are not giving
elia and anyone else for that matter the ongoing
10 year lease, hence why they let the club build up
a 52000.00 pound landing fee so to make them bankrupt.
Also it does show that they never had any real intentions
to save the club.No one in thier right mine would take on a
lease for such a short time, and also its why the airport never
did any work on the club's building either.

A sad day for all

check your mail topjet and noise


TOPJET973K 17th Jan 2005 20:58

Aero Club
Hi Gang... :(

Well, that Master plan says it all - HST, I take back my words.

It now seems that we were never really wanted on that airfield after Parkin arrived and he has suceeded in closing another Aero Club. I whole heartedly supported Elia from the start and was extremely proud to do that - always voiced my opinion, yes - it was a long shot but well worth a try.

Hope 2 Fly - read the Master Plan, charitable organisation or whatever it is to be called, it's the end mate but I admire your determination! Do you now understand what a complex situation you have got yourself involved in? I have spoken to Brian (noiseabatement) - he's a tough cookie, a very well respected Pilot at BA, but do not take his rants to heart - barks worse than he bites.

Not sure what to add, can't help thinking why the Samson Jet Centre would want to invest over £240K without a long term lease or do they know something we don't?

I feel sick for the guys made redundant because of this complete mess, lets hope they all find suitable employment where they belong - in the cockpit, it obviously doesn't bother certain ex committee members, you know the guy who's hair looks like a "syrup" - a weeks skiing is good for the soul :E :E :E :E :E :E :yuk:

Hope 2 fly 17th Jan 2005 20:58

NAC Trust (suggestion)
Hi flyers,
For the local authorities to agree to try to support and save your aero club in the time available they will need identified trustworthy people who they believe want it and can run it even only for the remaining lease life
I recon we(those PPruners who wish to act to help) have three days & nights to present a public picture on this site of a unified group willing and capable of running an organisation of charitable nature.
Can it be done?
Please do not answer.
We will not know untill we have tried!

I will ask local authorities to consider the information on this site as if it was derived from public meetings etc. It will be their decision to decide if it is acceptable.

Suggestion 1.
Take a concensus for a person willing to co-ordinate voluntary efforts of those interested in supporting a charitable organisation and form an initial action group with a view to running the groups affairs.

I cannot be in that group as no one knows me.

Please then state which councils have been asked by one of their residents to look into this issue apparent policy of NIAL.

Best wishes

Mu Beta ;-
Thanks for input. In this electronic world Hope2fly is an identifyable person as are all the other names. His reputation was harmed by the accusations. His integrity was seriously undermined. the job he was trying to do was damaged and delayed resulting in unknown cost to the project. There are many expresions of feelings right through this thread. It would make an interesting court case I think. Please note it was presented as a joke!!! I have no intention of going there!!!! This thread is a very valuable record for learning about club life and death.

That licence description seemed very like those used by working mens clubs years ago.
They addressed the public access problem by each member being allowed 6 or eight guests/visitors to sign in. Doormen decided visitors suitability for entry and allocated a member to sign for them. Problem solved. don't know if that is still permissable under modern rules.

Mike Halls;-
Vocational training is an allowable activity in charitable organisations it should cover Flying ?

best wishes

Speedtape 17th Jan 2005 21:09

Well, at last:rolleyes: Someone has figured out what I have been saying from the get go (HST here by the way). I have been checking this thread everyday since I mysteriously became persona non grata and was blocked from posting anything in contribution. At his recent court appearance, Parkin repeatedly mentioned how transparent the "Masterplan" was. It should have been obvious to anyone, especially those with connections, what the eventual fate of GA was going to be so long as Parkin remains in control and does not have to answer to anyone for his actions.
There is a WHOLE lot of other stuff that needs to be revealed but it does not concern this thread specifically. I would probably get blacklisted again if I were to mention some stuff on here.

Regards to All

TOPJET973K 17th Jan 2005 21:15

Aero Club
Speedtape - Get another AKA and post the lot.

Never doubted what you were saying, just didn't want to believe it.

The alcohol licence, yeh - Working Mens Clubs, I'm only 40 and don't play dominos!

It actually HAD to be changed because an ex committee member threatened to report the matter to the police as we were operating with the wrong licence - believe it or not.

TOPJET973K 17th Jan 2005 21:48

I believe you, go on - blow the whistle, sure PPRUNE would give you total anonimity.

sean377 18th Jan 2005 07:33

"they blocked my later attempts at posting by blocking my IP"

Who is "they" ?


noiseabatement 18th Jan 2005 09:29

Newcastle Upon Tyne Aero Club
Hello Members:

Speedtape: Sorry to hear of your troubles - I would go for the 6 figure sum from News Of The World then keep my head down for a while!


sean377 18th Jan 2005 09:57

"...then keep my head down for a while!"

There's a few people doing that round here!

noiseabatement 18th Jan 2005 11:00

Newcastle Upon Tyne Aero Club

Sean: I hear what you are saying old boy!

nacker barslob 18th Jan 2005 11:04


Not sure where the reference in masterplan are. Being a bit dim can only see that aero club appears to remain on plan, and that south side re-organisation will occur without any expansion of GA but does not say with any reduction.

Re Ballinger I think he's mis-quoted here. If memory serves (and it is abit didgy) his proposal at AGM was for private hire, liomited training and revalidations and on ab initio training he expressed the view that he thought it would be too expensive for the majority, but did not rule it out completely.

Hes an accountant so he could be right, and that could have been part of NACs problem by not breaking even. Could only hope that when Parkin goes some reduction in unreasonable landing charges might be a possibility

Although Ballingers an accountant he's also a PPL and aero club member, an enthusiast for his chieftain, and he has for years facilitated Steve Marples aero trainig operating out of samson presumably at reasonable cost. Perhaps steve could pursuafde him to run a bar, his own cosnumption would probaly clinch a business case on its own!!!

So perhaps we should not be so down-hearted.....yet!!

GonTek 18th Jan 2005 11:44

Speedtape :

Go for the jugular, An Internet cafe maybe.

He obviously thinks he's fireproof.

Just peeved to think this was all cut and dried months ago and a lot of people have been messed around, MB (Money Bags )will now sit around waiting for the cost to be re-couped in a compulsory purchase when the Master plan comes in to play.

Truly G A @ NIA's devil incarnate Mr J P

His letter did say "Limited and expensive training ".

Regards All

Joe'le'Toff 18th Jan 2005 12:16

It doesn't matter what happens now. The club is Dead.

The Newcastle-Upon-Tyne Aero Club

1925 - 2004

May She Rest in Peace

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