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GonTek 13th Jan 2005 18:13

Look out !!!!!
Social Worker Alert !!!!!!!!!!

No one mentioned disability discrimination act ...

We are all mad...

Hope 2 fly 13th Jan 2005 18:23

Gone tec

now i am laughing.

Join the happy Club! (non smoking off course)


GonTek 13th Jan 2005 19:28

Cheers H 2 F !!

Best Regards All

The teacher will get u Urdy Gurdy !!!!

urdy gurdy 13th Jan 2005 20:27

i am the only gay in this village

Mu Beta 13th Jan 2005 20:41

Hope 2 Fly
I note that you have replied to Met Office"I see you are dyslexic too!" and then gone on to complain about discrimination.
Are you alleging that you suffer from this?
I have read all your postings and I have not seen any evidence of dyslexia, at least not in any form of which I have experience.
If you are indeed dyslexic, then perhaps you should check with your Optician to see if you can be prescribed the new perspex sheets which alleviate the condition in many cases.
If you are not, please don't use a distressing condition to disguise the fact that you hit the wrong keys when you are typing, something we all do from time to time.
Sorry but I feel very strongly about this!

urdy gurdy 13th Jan 2005 21:40

yeh i know!!!!!

TOPJET973K 13th Jan 2005 22:25

Newcastle Aero Club
Hi All.

May aswell put my "10 bob's worth" in.

Martinidoc. Kind and well echoed words (and a free packet of salted nuts!) for Anth and his team. It WAS very frustrating for him to come up with numerous money making schemes & events only to have General Custer and Co. put a stop to his plans before even considering them. The Aero Club range of activities was considerably wider than "Barry & Betty's Monthly Quiz" where you could watch Barry "white shoes" Lawson overdose on Pineapple Juice and Advocaat, how stimulating...

Hope 2 Fly. You are a great sport and please take any comments as they are intended - a bit of banter!

Urdy Gurdy. Are you the newly nominated quiz master now that "Spike" from Hi De Hi has probably retired?

Sean377. OK mate - how's it going?

Mike Halls. OK mate - how's it going?

Big Stu. - OK mate - how's it going?

Elvis Pres.... oh, forget that one.

Cheers gang. :ok:

M :zzz:

CSerpent 14th Jan 2005 14:46

Apparantly according to last night's Chronic, it appears RMT have handed over NAC to the "Australian Aero Club" - which I presume is Elia Golfin?

I can't get to the icnewcastle website at the minute to confirm but this is what I've heard - it was a very, very small.. article ;)

Hope 2 fly 14th Jan 2005 15:39

Hi Flyers,
cserpent;- just checked, nothing in my last nights chronicle. tonights not arrived yet.

Piece in Journal this morning about airport did not see any mention of aero club.

Hi Flyers,
J Parkin and the Airport authority may yet realise that enabling the Charitable option to form and function is a better long term business stratagy than short term financial gain from the other options.

Mu Beta,;- Good on you for shareing those strong feelings. No need to be sorry.
More people will feel that way when those with strong feelings take action against those who abuse others who are different.

No offence meant & no hard feelings.

Hi all,
With the above experiance - so ends the 1st lesson in social education!?

NB/ that is intended to be taken as a seriouse joke but i can't yet speak in smile face icon language, sorry

TOPJET973K 14th Jan 2005 16:03

Newcastle Aero Club
Hi Gang. :eek:

CSerpant. Must admit, I didn't see that article although I may have missed it if was only a few sentences. :uhoh:

Hope 2 Fly. A "charitable option to form and function is a better long term business strategy" - can you explain to me how, in your opinion this is THE better option?

Cheers for now.


GolfWhiskeyKilo 14th Jan 2005 17:10

I must admit the lack of communication to the people who made the club what it was (ie who kept it running with our cash!) isn't too good...be nice when we hear somthing!


noiseabatement 14th Jan 2005 18:13

Newcastle Upon Tyne Aero Club
Hello Members:

G-WK: I totally agree, rather than constantly pester the RMT with endless phone calls etc, it would be nice if they had written to each and every member with an update.

Personally, I'm rather fed up with this constant guessing as to who or what bid will finally win. The RMT will get a considerable amount of money for overseeing this administration, and I think it is money NOT well earned - shame really as there is plenty of professional members in the club which could have done this at a snip of the cost, to me an administrator is only the glamourous word for a failed accountant.. still, a 10% fee of £200K isn't a bad days work.

Nothing in yesterday or today's Chronicle or Journal.

Thank you.


Hope 2 fly 14th Jan 2005 20:14

Hi flyers,
Wife checked both last night & tonights chronicle(early editions) case i missed it. No signe of aero club news. was it in the late edition?

Incidently on Mu Beta’s point about strong feelings. I have strong feelings that the flyers and potential flyers in the region are being deprived of the oldest club of its type in the country, their living heritage. Ie effective ownership of their flying facilities & right to be involved in decisions which may develop or effect their flying experience.
I think the pioneers of this club made the airport and club what it is. It was probably your input that kept the pioneering tradition alive to date.
I feel that action can be taken to win that back for the future flyers.



Would love to say why charity option is the better one. Quite difficult on these notes my explanations on here tend to get missunderstood. There is alway’s individuals different viewpoints and needs. The question is also better for who?
I tried to outline the charity proposal in the earlier post. I believe better for members/residents of the region because maintains ownership of decisions affecting their flying & any excess income re-invested in the charities ie. Will make flying more affordable, more accessable with more potential veriety of flying activities re- recreation sport & leisure & Nowt took out for profit. Also includes power to remove appointed delegates or trustees if not doing job effectivly. These are only my thoughts it will realy depend on what the members want to make of it with what they put into it.

Non of these are possible in private ownership of a flying school and the pure business world.
Eg. It is possible for us to have total faith in Elias good intentions to look after members etc. But if there is a business take over of his empire those good intentions may be of no value and tottally ignored by new owners. I think this was reciently experienced by the former NAC re- concessionary token landing fees since airport handed to local authorities. New airport partnership changed it.

How dose that compare to the other proposals?


Mu Beta 14th Jan 2005 21:22

Hope 2 Fly
Have you actually put these proposals forward to RMT? Because if not I don't think you're in with a chance at this stage.
I also don't think that anyone will get anywhere unless they have extremely firm financial backing, because, as I've said before, I don't believe the Airport will approve anything which is not rock solid in that area.
From what you've previously posted I don't get the impression that you've got the financial backing required.
I agree with you about the aviation pioneers who created the Aero Club and the Airport...but times have changed and the romance of flying we saw years ago has been replaced by cold hard cash objectives, and I can't see the Aero Club getting anywhere these days unless it's run as a business.
If whoever buys it gets taken over, the only way to keep it alive is to make it profitable by utilising it and making it a viable going concern.
Money talks I'm afraid.

noiseabatement 15th Jan 2005 10:37

Newcastle Upon Tyne Aero Club
Good Morning Members:

Well, another week has gone by without any announcement from the RMT.

It was always a known fact that any proposal would have to be accepted by the airport authorities and I feel extremely uneasy about this. HST did quote in early postings that Parkin and his merry bunch of loyal bureaucrats would do thier utmost to rid the field of general aviation, whatever they say in the press or otherwise - that man Parkin wants GA out, is Parkin really so untouchable & fire proof?

Martin Ballinger has made no attempt to hide the fact that flight training/private hire is not part of his long term strategy, he wants to turn the Aero Club into an excecutive "doss house" for Newcastle United "footballers" - I use the word footballers extremely loosely of course, and the odd "minor celebrity" who alights from N66SG/N125GW which keeps the airports coffers lined with rent from a grade I or (or II) listed building that the airport authorities wish they could raise to the ground.

I never doubted in my mind that this whole thing was going to be easy, but did anybody (other than HST) think that it was a simple case of putting together a plan that included £200K+ and then pick up the keys from the RMT 2 days later, or as we have seen recently, some ridiculous charity option?

John Parkin's "property manager" & "publicity mouth piece" - Graeme Mason revels in dishing out the orders that he receives from his boss, and anything that remotely hinders GA at EGNT will no doubt make him feel a little more important. I will never forget the TV interview with Graeme Mason and BBC local news, he stood there quoting that "no insentives" or "other deals" were offered or enjoyed by Easy Jet OR Ryanair that were not available to other airlines...

The departure of Parkin (to Lester B. Pearson Airport, Toronto) cannot come quick enough but who do you get to replace him?

EZY enjoy free training details at EGNT, with 30-40 free circuits (visual or otherwise) per session being the norm, what did the Aero Club pay, nearly £8 for a touch & go? Put it this way, if EZY was billed per session then it would amount to well over £20,000, and if anybody wants to quote me otherwise about EZY's "freebie" training details then make sure your evidence is concrete, I am a close friend of EZY's director of flight operations and it's "jaw dropping" what EGNT actually do offer EZY.

Deep down I doubt whether any proposal will ever get off the ground now, this "bids to the airport" lark is nothing more than a formality for the RMT who really care little of the clubs future, and in the meantime the ex chairman who operates Northumbria Helicopters continues to thrive business wise at the demise of the Aero Club, and who could blame him?

Sorry to sound so pessimistic but I woke up with very sobering thoughts this morning and I have just taken a large reality check.

Thank you


Hope 2 fly 15th Jan 2005 10:40

NAC charity option
Hi Flyers

Mu Beta ;- see earlier post re reply from RMT. This stage = initial offer is in with a chance I hope that chance will not be lost until the board of directors of the airport authority have given the charity option due consideration. That process takes time steps have been taken to access representatives and the next available meeting.

I agree it is money that talks and has the power to influence decisions. The individual people who actually provide that money (customers or members) had the right to a voice in that process and still do if they can organise and get their act together.

I repeat I think the victims of the cutthroat business policies were the former members of NAC. When all things have been considered it will ultimately depend on those victims and any future flyers supporting the charity concept. No support by the time final offers are confirmed and made = no charity option. At the moment the only way to communicate with them is via this site and trust Ppruners to network information to their contacts that may not have access to the NET..

Some charities are very big & successful businesses however their profit is called excess income generated to benefit the cause it supports. In addition to affordable contributions from beneficiaries they can also have separate not 4 profit-trading arms and receive donations. This helps make them a viable going concern to benefit the community.

I strongly disagree about the spirit of flying or the romance it had being dead. It is alive in the hopes and dreams of people who wish to fly but to whom it is not accessible (perhaps because of the greed for money taking away the resources.). I feel sure Elia can confirm the spirit of flying is still strong in America where it is well utilised as recreation, sport and leisure activities through which many romances will start. Flying is good for more than joining the mile high club in the romance field I think.


Money talks but so can people.

Welcome those who

Paris Dakar 15th Jan 2005 11:02


There is a small article in today's Journal regarding NAC. RMT are dismissing the MQ nightclub theory too.

Incidentally, I suggested on PPRuNe a few weeks back that it would be nice to get some feedback from RMT - but as HST pointed out at the time, RMT don't need to tell us diddly.

Hope 2 fly,

I don't wish to p**s on your parade but unless you submitted a bid to RMT my noon a week gone Friday then presumably you have missed the boat. That is my understanding anyway?


noiseabatement 15th Jan 2005 11:30

Newcastle Upon Tyne Aero Club
Hope 2 Fly:

Who are you?

Why have you developed an interest in Newcastle Aero club?

What is your background?

Do you follow causes you have selected and offer them a charity option?

I'm sorry old boy, but with you not even being a member your interest alerts me somewhat..

BahrainLad 15th Jan 2005 19:10

I feel I must respond to noiseabatement's post....it's clear (and he says so himself) that he got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.

You compare Easyjet, one of the largest and fastest-growing low-fare airlines in Europe with a bunch of whining, spoilt Biggles-wannabees who can't see past their own self-interests and look at the bigger picture....as if they should be treated equally!

Before the current management team arrived, Newcastle was an airport going nowhere...fast. How many destinations could you fly to from NCL? The sight of old Trevor Went clinging desperately to the LHR link with its £300 round-trips because it was his only route will stick in the memories of the Tyneside public for far longer than any Graeme Mason interview.

The public want to fly, and Newcastle International allows them to. There are no 'exclusive' incentives (note the spelling btw)...if BA wanted to base 7 A320s at NCL to fly a European network you can bet they'd get a good deal!

Aviation has changed for ever. No longer will government provide kilometres of paved asphalt so that a certain branch of their constituents can piss about and play Lord Flashhart for a vastly subsidised price.

Money makes the world go round: unless NAC can contribute something meaningful to NIAL's bottom line and therefore the community at large, you're not going anywhere.

Joe'le'Toff 15th Jan 2005 19:41

"Aviation has changed for ever"

'BTW', YOU note the spelling, forever is one word.

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