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-   -   grumpy at aircraft when asked for boarding pass. why? (https://www.pprune.org/passengers-slf-self-loading-freight/345091-grumpy-aircraft-when-asked-boarding-pass-why.html)

el # 13th Oct 2008 18:59


wrt the CC rant above, others have expressed my same opinion and I have no apology to make. I'm serious in saying that if a CC goes to report to work everyday thinking about 9/11, something is not right with his/her psyche.

Be reassured that I have the maximum respect toward CC's role and responsibilities, no matter if someone else life depends on me or not.

The issue is another, seems like that every time there is a pax having a different opinion on things, or merely a report of inconsistency like in this case, the anwer from people "in the business" come invariably as absolute and infallible, like:

- Due to security regulations (often adding, that don't come from us)
- We do like that and if others don't, we don't even want to know, beside others are wrong by definition.
- It's "my" airplane.
- You don't know anything as it's not your profession.

In short, I see "you guys" to be very good at dodging and rebutting any critique or objection, always reusing the same arguments and not actually listening to what others says. Kind of the canned answer that one receive from CS departments. This can be a little appalling in forums where you expect the next person to be at least normally intelligent and able to dialogue.

Right Way Up 13th Oct 2008 19:57

I do not believe anyone goes to work thinking of 9/11. However every company is given advice by security experts on how to deal with risk. From that their ops manual dictates how we tackle the issue. I personally wish for the good old days where flying was a more personal pastime & included inviting pax to the flight deck (even for the landing).

The problem in this case seems to be a general one of lack of respect, in a minority on both sides. I have heard rudeness from both pax & crew. It is not required or reasonable. In either case I will speak to the offender.

Der absolute Hammer 13th Oct 2008 20:48

Hell! This goes on! Just think of ticket girl at entry port as ticket collector in train.
Now just you imagine the fuss and problemos if Lufthansa wanted your seat number tattoes on the wrist.
And if you do not sometime think of 9/11 then the guys on United 93 should come and spuken you up quite considerably!

boardingpass 13th Oct 2008 21:20

I've flown on many many many airlines and I've always had my boarding card checked at the door. (I've never flown Lufthansa - perhaps any crew can provide more detail about what happens here). I think it's also a nice opportunity to say hello to the crew operating on the flight. As European airlines are migrating to a standard EU-OPS set of regulations, you may begin to find more consistencies over the next few years.

el # 13th Oct 2008 21:33

Wait, it's getting even better now!

We kind all agreed that NOT ALL airlines require a the pass to be shown, and "boardingpass" (no nick would be more appropriate) tells us that good manners suggest to show it even when not required, perhaps in anticipation of EU-OPS!


MrSoft 13th Oct 2008 21:39

Just took 4 sectors on LH last week.

Why oh why are Lufthansa CC so grumpy when I try to show them my boarding pass?

Surely a little common decency is not too much to ask in this day and age.

boardingpass 13th Oct 2008 21:45

El, I'm not sure what post you're reading... I'm not saying you should show it if not required... however, if you do need to show it, why not take the opportunity to say hello to the crew? I don't think the crew will care one way or the other, but a little bit of interaction can be nice when air-travel these days is rather faceless.

6chimes 13th Oct 2008 22:21

I think you are missing something.

This a pilots site debating issues that are related to their industry. Then there are the other people that work in aviation who come here to share common views and discuss their industry. And then there are the passengers and aviation enthusiasts that are welcome to vent their spleens as well.

The cc rant that you and so many others have picked holes in just sums up the inside view of what we seem to do every day. We have to apologise for just about everything that happens to you when we didn't have anything to do with it. Yes it is our job and we do it because it is our job and we understand that we are the face of the airline and anything that happens to you whilst you are with us. We honestly don't mind that.

Is 9/11 on our minds every day we go to work? Of course not. What is on our minds though, is how easily it would be to let our guard down. We know that we sometimes come across as being party poopers when we ask you to comply with some every day rules that seem to have no sense to you. We do however realise that we are the last line of defence if something does happen in that metal tube zipping along at 500 mph some 6/7 miles up. Terrorism or just general disruption it aint the place for it.

I am sure that if I was to enter your world I would come across some policies and procedures that I would have no idea why they were there, it would seem that they were just a hinderence. And I am quite sure that you would tell me that there was a damn good reason for them. When its my bank telling me I can't get a loan when I can clearly pay for it then thats something to moan about.


el # 13th Oct 2008 22:51

All I wanted was to see some intelligent discussion about not everyone doing things the same way everywhere, I'd liked having CC seeing things from a PAX perspective once and viceversa, but I ended up being lectured trice.

I rest my case, most CCs and FDs that probably are the absolute best in their profession, when it come to a normal discussion, seems to be able to stick to worn and generic arguments only.

6chimes, it's certainly commendable that you have such a commitment in being the "last line of defense" in this "war on terror".

But, if ever (heaven forbids) you are held at knifepoint by some terrorist, you will then find who the last line of defense really is. To be overly clear: many angry passengers.

You aren't the only ones to have learned the lesson, but most of the time behave and talk like it was so.

6chimes 13th Oct 2008 23:07

I understand when you and many like you ask for the same rules and the same procedures across the board. For you guys that travel all over the place and all the time it must be a nightmare knowing what to expect and where. Gonna be honest with you though, thats part of the problem. This Global village is not quite as global as the airline adverts imply.

Do bare this in mind though; this is a very public forum so to explain or help could possibly compromise our security.

I won't lecture you at all, you could be the principal at harvard for all I know. Ask and I will answer the best I can.


Di_Vosh 13th Oct 2008 23:16

6 Chimes

It would be interesting to hear from some european crew on this.
Can't say for them, but in Oz the Qantas group (QF, QL, and Jetstar) ask to see boarding passes at the aircraft door. Not sure about VB and Rex, as I've not paxed on either for years.

But if this thread was in D&G, it would have lasted about 5 posts, because over here no-one (pax or crew) really cares if we're asked to see our boarding pass another time.

We care about more important things...

Like Footy :ok: (Aussie rules and rugby, not that round ball rubbish)

and Beer :} (Ice-cold, thanks, and NOT Fosters)

and White-pointers on the beach, etc.


el # 13th Oct 2008 23:22

6chimes, we may have different views, I always appreciate a courteous talk in person or online, but that is becoming too rare I'm afraid.

I never ask about strange or sensitive matters simply because Google is inquiring minds best friend.

Wish all "you guys" easy flights and lot of quality time.
And to myself, to always have a smile and a job.

6chimes 13th Oct 2008 23:26

We care about more important things...
We care about more important things...

Like Footy (Aussie rules and rugby, not that round ball rubbish)

and Beer (Ice-cold, thanks, and NOT Fosters)

and White-pointers on the beach, etc.

Like footy: Cos only you play it, cos you get it right sometimes, cos you never get it right.

Beer: Cos ice cold covers s:mad:te brew, Only gypsies drink fosters.

White pointers: That'll be the English girls whipping off their tops then ?


6chimes 13th Oct 2008 23:30

here here.

Its a shame that you felt so victimised. I can assure you that not one person I know and respect would ever put you down or belittle any passenger that asked a question politely. That is not to say I don't know crew who would!


boardingpass 14th Oct 2008 09:39

Maybe that's why aussies are said to be laid-back lovely blokes and sheilas, whilst brits are said to be, let's face it, winging, whining Poms!

6chimes 14th Oct 2008 11:17

Maybe that's why aussies are said to be laid-back lovely blokes and sheilas, whilst b
Actually mate, my top ten worst reactions to being asked to show their boarding card are yanks.

Been told to f:mad: off several times by our friends from across the pond.

Most of the time the 'whinging poms' only moan cos they have put their pass away and are carrying briefcases, laptops and a suit holder so they have their hands full and it is a nuisance.

And if the crew keep them standing at the door causing a blockage they find it embarrassing. It is usually a lot simpler and easier to ask them to step into a galley or free space to find the thing in peace.


Load Toad 14th Oct 2008 11:27

Just for info the reason I'm sometimes grumpy when I get on a 'plane is that I've had a crap journey to the airport, I've been shagged about at check in, forced to invert my intestines through security and then sat for an hour bored in a dull airport where even a simple drink costs a bleedin' fortune. Then there is a crush of gits trying to board the 'plane all at the same time. I get on knowing I've got several hours of sod all leg room and my fellow passengers will be using handphones, playing their hand held games without headphones & elbowing into my personal spaceand I'll struggle to get enough drinks to numb the pain. And that's before take off.

MancRy 14th Oct 2008 12:08

Simple solution. If you cannot deal with that (as bad as it maybe) and not have the common courtesy to be polite, then don't fly.

The airport journey is worse than it once was but it's not all that bad either.

Curious Pax 14th Oct 2008 12:17

Originally Posted by 6chimes (Post 4459649)
Most of the time the 'whinging poms' only moan cos they have put their pass away and are carrying briefcases, laptops and a suit holder so they have their hands full and it is a nuisance.

Finally someone's twigged the nub of the problem! Perhaps the grumpiness would go away if those airlines requiring the BP to be shown on the aircraft put it into the boarding announcement at the gate? "After presenting your boarding pass to the gate agent please keep it handy so that it can be checked as you enter the aircraft - we don't want to take anyone somewhere they hadn't planned on going today".

It wouldn't stop the professionally grumpy, but would probably keep those juggling bags, kids, laptops etc happy as they would know to keep it available.

MidmarMile 14th Oct 2008 15:22

round and round
Whew!!! Finally got to the end of the thread.

Here we go round and round in circles.

Conclusion (as SLF): have BP ready to show, if it is not required no harm done. If CC not friendly try another carrier.

Conclusion (as CC): Smile and ask politely for BP. If response is positive & courteous keep it in the memory bank. If response is negative or grumpy then make a withdrawel from the memory bank.

My theory is that showing your boarding pass has nothing to do with security or protecting revenue, but more to do with.....

Mr Plod: "Evening Sir. How are we this evening? Had anything to drink this evening?"

Yes! The only reason for the CC to interact with the SLF when they get on the plane is to establish if anyone is "under the weather". As they say in the classics: Forewarned is forearmed.

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