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Foyl 22nd Jan 2003 07:10

Yeah Woodrobm, and if the sky belonged to men it would be beer scented and the clouds would be shaped like naked playboy models.

Planned Root 22nd Jan 2003 10:02

Whats wrong with that?

Foyl 23rd Jan 2003 01:06

Nothing I guess - could even look good against the pink sky background. Throw in a couple of male centrefold types and we've got a deal.

Now why do I get the impression that this thread is rapidly heading for Jet Blast? :D

aero979 23rd Jan 2003 01:30

Hi foyl

I saw a cloud in the shape of an imperial stormtrooper once!

:D :D :D :D :D

huntsman 23rd Jan 2003 01:33

i spoke to one of the few women pilots i came across in Darwin GA about the benefits of being female in this job.
her opinion - in GA - distinct DISadvantage
- beyond GA - distinct ADvantage

she's probably in the latter group now - good luck

High Altitude 23rd Jan 2003 02:35

One of the first femal pilots I met was years ago, if I had my logbook I could tell you when exactly.

Around 93/94 I was working in the Daly River / Port Keats area, Hardy Aviation had a base a Port Keats a rather quiet Aboriginal community for those of you who don't know. A female pilot persisted and persisted until she was based there and did a bl**dy good job if it. Has been on the heavy metal for a while now. LT - drop me a message if you get this.


I'm gone! 23rd Jan 2003 05:15

I can safely say that I have met FAR more absolute fr!ckin drongo MALE pilots than female, more than likely to do with ratios of male to female licence holders I am sure. However most of the female pilots I have had the pleasure to fly with were excellent pilots.

The "hairy logbook" exists without doubt, but I am sure that its use, ACTUAL use, is not as prevelant as we think.

We all have heard, and most likely said, at some stage that a certain female pilot has been guilty of using the "hairy logbook"

Women immediately stand out in the pilot community due to their vast minority( and the fact they are better to look at than hairy blokes!) just in the same way that male F/A's do in the cabin.

Best of luck to all that wish to make a career of this crazy flying game I say!

It is a hard enough road without the gender based bullsh!t.

Cheers all,

I'm gone!

Knulp 23rd Jan 2003 05:59

Wot sort of Parker pen time would you write in a furry log-book?

skychaser 23rd Jan 2003 09:02

Woomera, Thanks for saying something sensible. A close family friend flew Lancasters in England during the war. Also the odd spitfire. She flew into many a dangerous situation and, as far as I can make out, the women who did this were invaluable to the war effort. There were no "furry" logbooks then just brave, capable women who were respected for the job they did. Her husband was a fighter pilot in the RAF. She later took up gliding in Aus where she continued to do very well. There were quite a few women flying aircraft in WW2 at a time when it was not accepted in society for them to do so. Sometimes, when I read these forums I don't think the lot of women aviators has progressed at all. But then the problem is not with the women it is with the men in the industry who feel threatened by being around capable and intelligent women and whose only defence seems to deride and denigrate. Poor little boys.

MIss Behaviour 27th Jan 2003 01:05

Karma is alive & well in aviation
I've always wondered why more of these alleged casting couch scenarios don't backfire on people. Suppose that the CP or whomever it is that puts the 'hard word' on a pilot does the business so to speak, then still does not offer them a job. Who do they go running to then? Kind of like an armed hold up "hand over the money or I'll shoot'', you could still hand over the cash & still get shot.

I'd be interested to know what the min hrs requirement for pilots is for the insurance company used by the MtIsa mob? Thought most GA companies were 500-1000. How did they get around that one? Incidentally, how did they explain to you why the other pilot go the job over you?

Bagot Yes that sucks but fate can be a strange thing. It may have been to your advantage that happened who knows. Sometimes it's not 'til years later you realise this.

A bonafide answer to a future interview question ''what's the most disappointing thing that's happened to you in your career''? I would be hesitant make any reference to gender in your answer - they will work it out. The fact that you took it on the chin, got on with life without harbouring any grudges and applied yourself in your current position will say a lot more.

Would you feel any better if it was a male pilot with 200hrs that gazumped you because daddy was a mate of the CP. Probably not.

Wonder what this MtIsa pilot would say in any future airline interviews when asked by the panel ''how did you get your last job on turbine with just 200 hours in the logbook''? This maybe her downfall next time and your windfall.

May have been Confucius who said: ''the law may sleep but never dies''. :cool: :cool:

Spinnerhead 27th Jan 2003 07:43

I have flown with many female pilots over the years, and there is only one whom I would trust to fly my mother around. She is an exceptional pilot, (no not my mother) and would easily be in the top 10% of pilots I have flown with. The rest of the female pilots I have flown with would be in the lower 20%.

Ever watched a female skydiver try to land a parachute, it is generally not very pretty.

Women are just not mentally equipped as well as men to fly planes, you can yell and screem about it as much as you like, but you cannot change our basic makeup.

Basically women fly planes like they park cars. Very few do it well. However the car does eventually get parked!

Aviatrix69 27th Jan 2003 08:03

Well I guess it depens on the CRM you have at your working place. If I was to sit next to Spinnerhead I'd most probably also be in the lower 20% for him, as he seems to be too narrow-minded to give a female Pilots a chance.

I like to have mixed flight deck crews, because I can help my male colleages out in situations where "they just are not menally as well equipped as I am". We do have a different way of looking at things, noticing them and reacting, but for staying in the loop it broadens the overview of the situation if our CRM is as good to wish to share and accept the comments from both sides. Together we are great!


bush mechanics 27th Jan 2003 08:16

Over the years Ive met alot of female pilots and must say alot of them would **** all over the boys coming from flying schools these days.
The company i work for used too do scenics at the rock and we had sometimes upto 4 Girls there at a time,The reason why was too get people in seats you would have to get friendly with the bus driver.Soo If you are a mid aged bus driver and a lovely young female pilot comes up to you and smiles and askes is there any one for a scenic ,what do you reckon happens?The other company down there at the time (all male pilots) couldnt compete.
You can tell the ones who used the furry log book then the girls who really did work for what they had.
Had a Citation here in alice on friday female F/0,Nice girl but crikeys been with the company 8 weeks 310 /chieftan and citation indorssment she told us quiet proudlly I must say.
If I was a chick with a good rack and a nice ass I would use it too my best advantage.

Bagot_Community_Locator 27th Jan 2003 08:55

Miss Behaviour
I have to agree with you, in the end it maybe was to my advantage that I did not get the job and a few months later I found something better.

However it was very annoying at the time after I had spent so many years looking for work and came very close to actually getting my first job.

notlandung 27th Jan 2003 13:27

What about the...
Ok, I realise that this is not strictly on the topic but....

Has anyone ever met any gay pilots?
I dont think i have ever heard of a professional pilot who was also gay...... Except for those in 70's porno's with the standard mo.:p


nzer 28th Jan 2003 00:07

I am astounded that in this day and age the topic is even a matter for discussion - I agree with the respondent who made the analogy with short pilots v tall pilots.

High Altitude 28th Jan 2003 01:04

Why not start to make it really apolitical.

How many Aboriginal pilots are there?

Watching a war doco the other day and it reminds you of how long female pilots have been flying. Really what is the point, if you qualify for the lic then you've got a liscense.

I think the topic is more on the side of who uses what to gain competitive advantages.


Knulp 28th Jan 2003 03:48

Go ahead and tell us HA how many aboriginal pilots are there?
I have met one in Darwin and he was a nice bloke that was ten years or so ago he should be the top dog in Q by now.

the wizard of auz 28th Jan 2003 12:17

Well, since we are going to get all political, I havnt met an aboriginal pilot yet. I have had about four that I have talked into getting grants to do the CPL course and they all dropped out within three weeks. I employ aboriginal people almost every week and apart from about three (out of about thirty) they almost always last about three to five days, then want a cheque, then wont be seen again for about two weeks(when the $$$ runs out). they are almost always excelent stockmen. the people that I assisted get grants were well educated and clever people....... It was just easier to go the way they wanted to go.

ADVERTISMENT, I am happy to interview all those ladies interested in using the furry log book to assist the job aplication. ( I actually dont have a position available at the moment, but will interview for future positions) :D

chinese chicken 28th Jan 2003 15:34

I realise this is off the topic but Aboriginal pilots, well come on guys lets not really go pissin in people's pockets cause **** me its like tryin to fit a a square in a round hole, i think there may have been a dude in the war, seen some blag magic poster at centrelink once, kinda like communitys usin ther money resourcefully,

and on the topic of women pilots, its not that big an issue just as has been said, they are minority(in aviation industry) and there abilty shows irresepective of gender, as they are soon found out in the real world if theyare not up to srcatch, just ask some people about recent activites in the kimberelys

c u

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