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-   The Pacific: General Aviation & Questions (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions-91/)
-   -   Glen Buckley and Australian small business -V- CASA (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/620219-glen-buckley-australian-small-business-v-casa.html)

vne165 27th Apr 2023 01:31

Standing by to contribute if you decide to go get 'em Glen.
If you decide to, take the gloves off mate.

Valdiviano 27th Apr 2023 06:11

I will contribute, you decide how to use it, fight them or a bit of wellbeing for you and family.

tossbag 27th Apr 2023 11:05

Yes Glen, we're waiting to contribute. And I personally don't care how you use it either.

Bend alot 27th Apr 2023 19:46

I'm in.

1746 28th Apr 2023 02:54

I'm in!

Sandy Reith 1st May 2023 05:36

I’m in
Glen has been fighting for us all, I’m in too, no problem and in for a substantial amount as I’m sure many of us will gladly contribute because wrong should not stand, it’s our democracy and freedoms which are dependent on justice.

A substantial fighting fund will not only allow Glen to engage a legal representative but also may gain the attention of media and politicians.

There’s no doubt that Glen has been treated unjustly in an appalling manner by an out of control bureaucracy. Glen’s attempts to appeal to reason and fairness through the official means of complaint of both CASA and the Ombudsman, have demonstrated to us all that these avenues are for show only. They purport to be impartial routes to just out outcomes but in reality are all part of the make work justification to keep the salary factories of GI (Government Industries) busy and hoping that the taxpayer doesn’t notice the waste and incompetence.

Glen’s spirited appeals and carefully crafted submissions are all basis for what can come with a legal attack. Including showing that he’s tried to have his Parliamentary representatives take up his case, this is all groundwork so that no one can hide behind feigned ignorance of his case.

But one final point to Glen, any money that I donate has no strings, I’d like to see a you win legally but totally you and family welfare first if you decide otherwise.

Global Aviator 1st May 2023 06:27


Very well said and I agree.

Finally got around to watching The Castle again the other night.

tossbag 1st May 2023 07:26

Anyone who knows the backstory of Glen's fight is disgusted at the corruption inside that organisation. Sandy is correct, this affects anyone that operates under CASA's jurisdiction. Get onboard in any capacity you can.

kitchen bench 1st May 2023 08:30

I’m a starter, too.
Has something been set up yet to which to contribute?
if not, when?

Squawk7700 1st May 2023 09:58

Seems you found it Fury.


Global Aviator 1st May 2023 13:00

Just a small donation to make sure it was correct, this is the email to confirm. Was great to see a few already beat me to the link!

Donation date: 1 May 2023 Donation to: Glen Buckley vs. CASA

Cedrik 2nd May 2023 10:38

Gofundme has a 12% charge for donating? Is there a bank account to donate to rather than that?

vne165 2nd May 2023 12:54

hear hear, good call.

Sandy Reith 2nd May 2023 17:03

With respect I don’t think Gofundme has unreasonable fees and does have some great advantages, such as sharing and other means of publicity. The brand name alone has some kudos and allows comments with some details of all of the donors gathered in one place.

The screenshot is from their website.

mcoates 3rd May 2023 03:26

As a member of the readership of this website, we have devoted significant time and emotional investment towards perusing the narrative of Glen.

Our commitment has not only involved the expenditure of time, but also the manifestation of compassion, offers of support, and discourse with others when the opportunity arose to deliberate upon these issues.

Upon viewing the video declaration made by Ben Morgan, I experienced a sensation of enthusiasm on behalf of Glen and other individuals who possess a direct interest in the matter, as I believed that progress was finally going to be achieved. Analogously, like many others, I monitored the website with regularity in anticipation of the promised update, which, regrettably, never transpired.

The lack of a comprehensive explanation as to the factors that impeded the realisation of the promised update leaves me to wonder why such an occurrence came to pass.

I presume that there may be others who share my inquisitiveness regarding the causes behind this unfulfilled commitment. Is there any chance that an individual could shed light on the reasons that hindered the delivery of the promised update?

Is it possible that there exist hidden forces operating in the background that prevented the disclosure of this information?

Waiting in anticipation for an update....

mcoates 3rd May 2023 05:14

Found this somewhere else...

The website PPRuNe is where members of the aviation community are discussing the case of Glenn Buckley, an Australian small business owner who has been in a long-running dispute with the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

The thread contains a series of posts made by various members, expressing their opinions on the case. Some members express support for Buckley and question the actions of CASA, while others provide alternative viewpoints and defend CASA's actions. Several members also share their personal experiences and insights regarding CASA's regulatory practices, highlighting both positive and negative experiences.

The thread also includes updates on the case, including a video announcement made by a pilot named Ben Morgan, who claimed to have new information that would be released soon. However, some members of the forum were skeptical of the announcement, and questioned the validity of the claims made by Morgan.

Throughout the discussion, members also provide links to relevant news articles and legal documents related to the case, offering additional context and information. Some members also suggest potential avenues for resolving the dispute, such as pursuing legal action or advocating for changes in regulatory practices.

Overall, the thread provides a detailed and nuanced discussion of the case of Glenn Buckley and the larger issue of regulatory practices in the aviation industry. While opinions vary among members, the discussion highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in regulatory agencies and the potential impact of regulatory disputes on small businesses and individuals dealing with the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority (CASA).

Sandy Reith 3rd May 2023 05:42

Found elsewhere, a commentary
mcoates, wonder if you could find the author? Also it would be interesting to know where that article was published.

From the tone of its general description of this thread, it posits that there’s some kind of balance for and against Glen’s horrendous predicament. The indisputable reality is that the thread conveys an extremely strong belief that Glen Buckley has been very badly treated.

That belief is well founded by any measure, the facts speak for themselves. The article steers clear of details that make the case exceptional.

For example how Glen has been banned from working in General Aviation by the expedient of CASA threatening a prospective employer, quite apart from having his business smashed for no good reason.

megan 3rd May 2023 06:11

For example how Glen has been banned from working in General Aviation by the expedient of CASA threatening a prospective employer
Is there any depth to which CASA won't stoop, surely there is a "Four Corners" in all of this.

Sandy Reith 3rd May 2023 06:36

4 Corners?
Megan, correct, I’m sure there’s a story for some journalists to shine light on this injustice.
Whether the ABC as yet another independent government body would be prepared to expose wrongdoing in CASA is a matter for conjecture.

Glen and his family have suffered enormously and deserve compensation, any publicity could help to achieve this outcome.

mcoates 3rd May 2023 08:05

Originally Posted by Sandy Reith (Post 11429275)
mcoates, wonder if you could find the author? Also it would be interesting to know where that article was published.

From the tone of its general description of this thread, it posits that there’s some kind of balance for and against Glen’s horrendous predicament. The indisputable reality is that the thread conveys an extremely strong belief that Glen Buckley has been very badly treated.

That belief is well founded by any measure, the facts speak for themselves. The article steers clear of details that make the case exceptional.

For example how Glen has been banned from working in General Aviation by the expedient of CASA threatening a prospective employer, quite apart from having his business smashed for no good reason.

I will look in my history and find it, it was some sort of media comment site.

I thought it was wrong in saying the thread was balanced both ways, but its been hundreds and hundreds of posts that there may be a few positive comments from somewhere ?

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