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Bend alot 5th Mar 2023 07:35

Thanks for taking my call, enjoy the evening with your wonderful wife.

aroa 5th Mar 2023 21:28

From my dealings with Dr Discrepancy aka J Aleck I believe he stays in CAsA because being such a legal wizard, the framework of the establishment would fall apart if he wasn’t there to continually hold it together with his vast knowledge.
He,s one of those people with the “I’m indispensable “mindset.
And what a fabulously rewarding trough it is.
Sad thing is if he popped his clogs tomorrow CAsA and the world would just roll on as always.

havick 1st Apr 2023 22:55

Hi Glen, hope you’re doing well.

any updates at all since your last correspondence?

glenb 3rd Apr 2023 21:40

Magnum PI
Good Morning Magnum,
Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the delay in responding. Regarding a website, i take on board what you say, and certainly a consideration going forward. One thing that I will say about PPrune is that i very much value the interactive nature of it and the feedback that i get from people. Something that could get lost if I was to set up a website. The other concern that i have is that people may not visit it, as its a single purpose destination unlike Pprune where people go to to look at a range of topics. Saying that i do agree and i think that will be the next logical step.

To be transparent, I have had my "one flew over the cuckoo's nest moment", and i am currently in a psychiatric facility, after a family intervention. The cumulative toll of this over the last four years finally caught up with me, and here I am. Its actually been very good for me, and i anticipate being out in two to three weeks, ready to dust myself off and move forward. First thing is to get myself into a new job.
appreciate you following the story, and sticking by my side. Cheers and thanks Glen.

glenb 3rd Apr 2023 23:13

Ahh, the value of the local MP
As you may recall for those that have been folowing prior to the last election we had Liberal MP, Ms Gladys Liu who refused to even meet with me during her tenure. Prior to the election i spoke to the Labor Candidate Ms carina Garland who assured me that the would assist me if elected. I received this rather brief correspondence from her office the other day.

If there was any doubt in my mind about the importance of independent representatives, it has been dispelled.Hi Glen,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

As agreed, we have raised your case directly with Minister King’s office and they have advised that we are unable to assist further with this matter.

I’m sorry I don’t have better news.

Kind regards,

Jarrod Panther

Office of Dr Carina Garland MP

Federal Member for Chisholm

MagnumPI 4th Apr 2023 00:44

Originally Posted by glenb (Post 11414277)
Hi Glen,

Apologies for the delay in getting back to you.

As agreed, we have raised your case directly with Minister King’s office and they have advised that we are unable to assist further with this matter.

I’m sorry I don’t have better news.

Kind regards,

Jarrod Panther

Office of Dr Carina Garland MP

Federal Member for Chisholm

That's an outrageous reply from one of her staffers.

Do I take it that they are unwilling to assist you further in any way?

Glen, I'm glad to hear that you are getting help, but saddened that this saga has driven you to this point.

aroa 4th Apr 2023 01:47

Glen, Sorry to hear were you are at, and I’m sure the outcome will be extra positive
Getting totally stressed out mentally doesn’t do your physical condition any good either and when your are run down to the max that’s when one becomes vulnerable to infections and your immunity is under strain.
I speak for experience here, currently still unwell. SO as I found out too late a good physical condition is imperative for mind AND body.
Go well.

Responses from Pollywafflers…had the same. Not worth a cracker.

Sunfish 4th Apr 2023 05:19

we are unable to assist further with this matter.
That is because CASA has been set up at arms length from Government. It was done this way to shield the Government of the day from any liability for air accidents; We have an independent Reserve Bank for exactly the same reason; to shield the Government from peoples rage over interest rate increases. The Minister has only marginal involvement through her statement of expectations.

It's called a Faustian Bargain*

Successive Governments are protected from aviation liability by CASA in return for allowing CASA to rape the aviation industry at will.

I hope Glen Buckley makes a full recovery. He says, I think, that he is currently in a psychiatric ward courtesy of CASA. This apparently also explains the non appearance of AOPAs Tuesday youtube broadcast.

*Faustian bargain," a deal with the devil trading a soul for diabolical powers; eg. eternal youth.

Global Aviator 4th Apr 2023 06:04

AND THIS IS HOW IT goes, the powers that be don't give a fcuk about Glen, the people he thinks he's let down, or anyone. They just want to push him until well....... They will think they have succeeded.

I for one will start by throwing a measly $100 into a gofundme campaign for Glen, be it for survival or to put to a solicitor. I have no idea how they work but know how to click the buttons to donate.

This really is outrageous.

MagnumPI 5th Apr 2023 03:42

Meanwhile, this just in - more vomit-inducing rubbish from the top mandarin at CASA:

Director of Aviation Safety, Pip Spence

Safety is CASA's key objective but it depends on much more than simply being a regulator.

We're keenly aware that every passenger who boards an aircraft in Australia expects their safety authority and industry to work together to ensure they safely reach their destination.

It's a sector-wide responsibility that would get nowhere without the cooperation and actions of individuals, aviation operators and the companies that support them.

That's why we recently reviewed and endorsed the regulatory philosophy that guides us in making our decisions and, we hope, supports you.

That philosophy commits us to approaching our regulatory functions consultatively and collaboratively while taking into account relevant considerations such as cost.

It also requires us to communicate meaningfully with stakeholders, build trust and respect and fairly balance the need for consistency with flexibility.

As a safety authority, there are occasions when we need to take legitimate action against people flouting the rules.

When this happens, our regulatory philosophy tells us to employ a rational 'just culture', proportionality and discretion as well as natural justice and fairness in exercising our powers.

Having a regulatory philosophy is a good start but we also need to be seen to be applying it.

A practical example of the regulatory philosophy in action is our General Aviation Workplan aimed at reducing the regulatory burden on the general aviation sector and some of the specific initiatives we are working to.
Where was just culture, proportionality, discretion, natural justice, and fairness applied in Glen's case?

Clinton McKenzie 5th Apr 2023 03:57

There was no Youtube broadcast from AOPA last night (Tuesday 4 April) because Ben Morgan and I were in Mudgee at an aerodrome user's meeting with the aerodrome operator (the local Council).

However, lots of work has continued, in the background, on the arrangements for broadcasts (plural) that relate to Glen's plight. I expect Ben will make an announcement later today about the broadcast planned for next Tuesday (11 April).

glenb 9th Apr 2023 00:02

Please don't miss this!!!!!!!
An upcoming Facebook conference that should prove very revealing

Sunfish 9th Apr 2023 15:03

Glen, $10 to your nominated charity if this tell - all, as advertised, is streamed.

I'm willing to bet that it will be suppressed either by injunction, or if I heard right that the person is serving RAAF, than by a direct order from above to shut up quoting military law.

I hope I lose this bet.

mcoates 9th Apr 2023 21:53

Originally Posted by Sunfish (Post 11417205)
Glen, $10 to your nominated charity if this tell - all, as advertised, is streamed.

I'm willing to bet that it will be suppressed either by injunction, or if I heard right that the person is serving RAAF, than by a direct order from above to shut up quoting military law.

I hope I lose this bet.

I thought the same thing myself but didn't comment. I would put it out there before anyone tries to put a legal stop to it.

aroa 10th Apr 2023 06:38

Port #2548 MagnumP1.. Upchuck from Ms Spence. Obviously been taking lesson from Dr Discrepancy.
What load of tosh ! In the real world application of all those lovely motherhood statements disappear like they were never made.

Sunfish 11th Apr 2023 13:10

Bugger. looks like I won my bet.

Lets see:
-serving RAAF - conduct prejudicial etc.
- former CASA - confidentiality clauses
- then defamation.

Thirsty 11th Apr 2023 15:52

Hi Glen,
I've watched with horror and frustration, and seen the dramatic effect it has had on your livelihood and health to be the one with your finger stuck in the dike as the raging seas pound away. Not daring to get involved as I don't know the full details of your matter. I would venture to say that you haven't drilled down to the fine details either, being too close to the action be able to put it into writing to cover all the aspects.

There is a glimmer of hope I can offer you, that may strike firmly at this grave injustice that hasn't been remedied.

Will you join the top of the queue for a mention at the proposed National Anti-Corruption Commission (NACC) about to start operating in Australia? See https://www.ag.gov.au/integrity/nati...ion-commission - it has been a long time coming, and while it may not be the best that is available, at least something has finally been agreed by the politicians.

They will be keen to show they have teeth, and if there is a political witch-hunt to be made out, they will possibly take the ball and run far with it. I must comment cynically, as with the Robodebt Royal Commission, if the current government can score political mileage from it, rest assured they will support your case for their own ends.

Understandably, the incumbent politician Catherine King will possibly not have any involvement in what has happened in the past, and will not be wise to get involved, so will be able to steer clear of getting caught in the backlash when the questions start to fly. Previous ministers from the other party would probably be quaking in their boots once called. Rest assured the public servants and qangos will all develop SEVERE amnesia! Be sure the paper trail is carefully preserved and consistent to combat this.

I would recommend you have professional legal help to navigate your submission however. I would suggest you are out of your depth here if you continue to fly solo. A GoFundMe campaign may be one way of ensuring enough funds are raised to start the ball rolling.

You should also have the media prepped. Manufactured outrage in social media eventually got the Robodebt Royal Commission rolling.

I can advise from observation over many years in the hallowed halls of our federal parliament that Inquiries and Royal Commissions are never announced unless the outcomes are known beforehand, and the scapegoats carefully identified, and their foreign postings to cushy overseas jobs pre-determined. In your case a Royal Commission may not be necessary, as the scapegoats will be clearly identified in the pages of these forums, and submissions your legal representative will put forward on your behalf.

I cannot emphasise strongly enough that you definitely need professional assistance, as you will be pitted against the public service, advised by the Attorney General, and their lawyers. I'm sorry to be blunt, but the sad history documented in these forums clearly shows you are out of your depth against these faceless qangos. You need to hit them hard the first time so they don't have time to again draw their wagons into a circle.

Plan your strategy well, and be bold!

You may find a keen young lawyer that would be willing to work pro bono (free) as a stepping stone to their fame and fortune in taking your case on.

Watch the Australian movie 'The Castle' for ideas. [You want Lawrence Hammill, not Dennis Denuto helping you!]

- the ninety minutes of deep humour masking a very serious subject of truth and fundamental rights may brighten up your day considerably. It is nearly compulsory viewing for legal students in Australia, and will possibly clarify your mind in what direction to take. [Fun fact: the house near YMEN that was part of the movie is sadly recently gone up country, but you can see the street just over the fence]

Best of luck with it, and I hope your health issues are temporary and fully reversible.

Thirsty 11th Apr 2023 16:00

Suggestion: Carefully take snapshots of the entire contents of this thread, regularly, as the takedown injunction to the hoster will be unannounced, swift and bulletproof.

mcoates 12th Apr 2023 03:09

Originally Posted by Sunfish (Post 11418223)
Bugger. looks like I won my bet.

Lets see:
-serving RAAF - conduct prejudicial etc.
- former CASA - confidentiality clauses
- then defamation.

Does this mean we are not getting the "Tell-All" update as mentioned in the video by Mr. Morgan ?

Sunfish 12th Apr 2023 03:46

Wish I knew. As has been pointed out, it's not a good idea to telegraph all your punches and you should make sure an offshore (outside Australian jurisdiction) third party has copies of the story, if Mr, Morgan gets "warm" and actually alarms CASA, they can bankrupt AOPA via legal fees without raising a sweat,

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