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-   -   Glen Buckley and Australian small business -V- CASA (https://www.pprune.org/pacific-general-aviation-questions/620219-glen-buckley-australian-small-business-v-casa.html)

mcoates 6th Jun 2023 10:24

YouTube Live Feed Comment
Shame only 10 to 12 watching live.... Just sad we are all so complacent


tossbag 6th Jun 2023 10:39

You're an absolute legend Glen, proud to have worked for and with you :ok:

Clinton McKenzie 6th Jun 2023 11:55

My apologies for the poor quality of the video. I had no choice but to hotspot off my phone. Will avoid that for future videos.

Sandy Reith 6th Jun 2023 20:14

The video
Thanks to both Glen and Clinton, you have clarified the issues and exposed the inexcusable manner of CASA’s extraordinary course of injustice towards Glen Buckley, his family and all those myriad others who have been wrongly impacted.

Glen mentioned holding off on the GoFundMe until we know the result of his meeting with Ms. Spence. I say pile in whatever you can afford, and think in $hundreds or $thousands because Glen deserves every support possible.

What might be canvassed in a future video is how CASA prevented Glen from working as a pilot for another operator after they shut him down for no good reason. What has happened here couldn’t be worse than your most severe nightmare that waking doesn’t stop.

And it bares repeating that justice for Glen Buckley is extremely important for all of General Aviation, not to mention fair dealing by all government instrumentalities.

Clinton McKenzie 7th Jun 2023 01:04

I will shortly publish a link to an edited version of the YouTube video, with the technical glitches deleted.

Clinton McKenzie 7th Jun 2023 02:24

Here is the edited version, with the bits affected by the technical glitches deleted:

Sunfish 7th Jun 2023 11:50

Glens “crime” was to attack CASAS cash flow. Using one AOC multiple times instead of each operator having to reinvent the wheel at a cost of what? $300,000 per flying school? Say 8 members of APTA that would cost CASA $2,400,000 in ‘’fees”.

‘’Then there are 8 annual income streams from the schools as they make changes to their operations in the course of business. APTA had the potential to save its members a great deal of money tHat would normally be spent with CASA. I can see why CASA was threatened - $$$. CASA makes about $10.5 million in fees annually although their costs are hundreds of millions. Are there any kpis tied to revenue generation, if so, whose?

‘’Why was Glen drummed out of the industry​​​​​​? Why to prevent him from building APTA MK. II of course. It would be possible and logical for industry members clubbing together like APTA to save money that would ordinarily be spent with CASA for their approval of more miles of shelfware. Simples, Glen threatened CASAS extortion racket.

And another thing….. as most will know, if you want to establish a company, any accountant will supply you with a cardboard box containing the required registers, generic articles of association, share certificates and a rubber corporate stamp, It’s all personalised by the simple use of the of the find and replace function. Last company I bought this way was $700 and 95% of the work is completed for you. Why isn’t a similar product available for aviation operators?

LAME2 8th Jun 2023 07:04

I would not disagree with your view Sunfish but Glen also criticised the Authority in regard to the new regulation suite. That would have ruffled a few feathers in their nest. When they had the opportunity, payback was delivered.

I was googling on an unrelated matter “Peter Rundle RAAF” and found a PDF titled “sub02a.pdf on the APH website in relation to an “Inquiry into the Administration of the Civil Aviation Safety Authority” from back in 2007/2008. Page 7 in particular gave me a chuckle, as pasted below. Should be the basis for an episode of Utopia on the ABC. Everything old is new again. How many inquiries do we need?

COINCIDENCE – The Operator had criticised CASA at a NT Aviation Association Meeting which was attended by a CASA representative – CASA refused to renew that AOC about 3 months later having advised the Operator they were going to conduct more surveillance.
NOTE – Back in the 1980’s Operators in Townsville were advised in a friendly term by an Examiner of Airmen not to criticise the Dept, as some Dept policy will fail tests of persons who criticise the Dept

Sandy Reith 8th Jun 2023 09:08

Way back when genesis of the CASA MO
Glen Buckley’s case is incredible, he has described it himself as bizarre, but it isn’t, because, as Karon says, he is not the first. Not by a long shot. The CASA modus operandi has had many years of refinement and steadily becoming more brazen and arrogant.

It’s time to lance the boil.
Ring, write contact your local MP and State Senators, support Glen Buckley.

megan 9th Jun 2023 02:53

CASA refused to renew that AOC about 3 months later
Was that Hardy's, remember some years ago CASA closed them down over a Xmas period leaving folk wondering if they still had a job, some threw their towel in not knowing the company's or their personal future, bar stewards.

Sandy Reith 9th Jun 2023 06:35

They shut down Brian Reddish’s Harvey Bay fixed and rotary wing operation by not renewing his Chief Pilot status. Then sat on the nominations proffered as replacements. Aircraft on hire purchase at beginning of busy tourist season. Yeah, that’ll learn ‘im.

Why? Probably the work of a disgruntled young pilot who was tired of washing planes coupled with the fact that CASA had asked Brian to work as an FOI for them but he refused and set up a good GA business instead. Years ago.

SIUYA 9th Jun 2023 07:13

According to Appendix B of the Legal Services Directions 2017, the Commonwealth and Commonwealth agencies are to behave as model litigants in the conduct of litigation. CASA is a government body.

In civil litigation matters, Model Litigant rules provide that government agencies should, wherever possible:
  • act honestly, consistently, and fairly in handling claims and litigation
  • deal with claims promptly
  • make an early assessment of the government’s prospects of success
  • pay legitimate claims promptly
  • not take advantage of a party who lacks resources to litigate a legitimate claim
  • keep costs to a minimum e.g. not rely on a merely technical defence
  • consider alternative dispute resolution (ADR) options.

Hands up who thinks CASA is a model litigant? :mad:

LAME2 9th Jun 2023 08:31

Originally Posted by megan (Post 11448148)
Was that Hardy's, remember some years ago CASA closed them down over a Xmas period leaving folk wondering if they still had a job, some threw their towel in not knowing the company's or their personal future, bar stewards.

interesting read.




Am I seeing a pattern?

Sandy Reith 9th Jun 2023 10:14

The pattern
Is there a pattern? Certainly there’s a pattern and as far as noting the ‘Model Litigant’ provisions of Commonwealth law they don’t apply in the CASA playbook if there’s no case before a court.

Easy, make sure it doesn’t get to court by breaking their whipping boy financially and mentally by stringing out and holding out. Perfect examples Brian Reddish and Glen Buckley. If it does get to court in some cases they will settle at the last moment, no doubt with non disclosure conditions.

But the CASA Iron Ring isn’t even too fussed about its own underlings and possibly leaving them hanging out if things go wrong. Often enough crucial letters of demand and accusation by CASA are signed by a lower level patsy.

If and when the media and or some MP starts a campaign to correct CASA nothing will change.

LAME2 9th Jun 2023 23:03

I had no knowledge of Brian Reddish so some googling came up with this article from 2013. 10 years ago and no change has occurred. Two comments from the article stand out;

CASA must answer for its actions, says Entsch | Pro Aviation

“CASA are on a ‘go slow’ campaign to send Barrier bankrupt“


“You get individuals with a vested interest employed in these positions and they want to prove a point… They drive airlines into the ground and they cite safety as a reason for doing it, so it becomes very difficult for anyone to speak out.“I see Barrier in this category – the airline has had no opportunity whatsoever of being able to test any of the information they are charged with including these false allegations. You do have to ask if there is a vendetta.”

Global Aviator 10th Jun 2023 00:00

Originally Posted by megan (Post 11448148)
Was that Hardy's, remember some years ago CASA closed them down over a Xmas period leaving folk wondering if they still had a job, some threw their towel in not knowing the company's or their personal future, bar stewards.

Not the only ones that have had the fun of the afternoon fax…..

If you’ve been in the industry long enough I’m sure you’ve had your own personal CAA/CASA unbelievables! To many times it becomes personal. I can name so many great CAA/CASA employees but it only takes one pr*ck with a bee in his bonnet and life gets very difficult.

I really do hope that Glen with the support of us all can teach this disgraceful system a lesson.

Sandy Reith 10th Jun 2023 05:09

They put LAMEs out of business in exactly the same way. I recall two such instances, there’d be a long list. Often the small one man band with perhaps two or three employees simply folded and went away.

Likely they were too honest or not clever enough. One outback LAME in particular, whose name escapes me, had been held in high regard for years but was clobbered in the usual manner.

Then the classic case of Glen Butson of Polar Aviation who argued a point of view with one CASA inspector. He took CASA to court unsuccessfully and declared that he’d spent $1,000,000 to prove that CASA can do whatever it likes.

The latter is obviously not always the case but it’s a very arduous road to take on the juggernaut that couldn’t care less about due process and is always about might over right.

Take the private owner they took to court for illegal maintenance declaring they found the left hand elevator off his aircraft on his hangar floor. Too bad for CASA their lies were exposed, in part because that particular aircraft had an all flying slab tailplane.

aroa 10th Jun 2023 08:15

Aah Sandy. down memory lane.

The Tale of the Wilga Tail. A classic example of the buggery that CAsA can heap upon its chosen target.
In this event…I found out by FOI* that the (false) sworn statements by the 3 AWIs were determined by the AFP to be 2 breaches of the Crimes Act ,fraud and conspiracy.. and “ that they had collaborated in the making of those statements.”

Dr Discrepancy**aka J Aleck diverted any Federal action to be for QLD where the offences occurred.
CAsA never went there.

I sent the brief of evidence that I had given the AFP to the QLD Police and that dragged on into nowhere.

Earlier Das Carmody did perjury by changing my allegations of illegalities to just breaches of the Code of Conduct.
To polish their turd, a1/4 mil contract investigator with the thus restricted brief found that they had done so.
The investigator persons pvt comment as ..”they should all be in jail.”
Punishment for the CAsA persons involved…the wet lettuce leaf.
Of the AWls R Clark walked/ was shown the door as I had mentioned his own aviation ‘indescretions’
Peter Larard took early retirement after a few years ‘ Stress of the Job’ poor dears.
John Retski ..Ops normal
With him, there is another CASA cover up example of further criminal offence. A bashing threat by phone.

No doubt about the Iron Ring, they surely do protect their own. CAsA corporate way of Justarse.

* You know ..that’s the paperwork you get that’s mostly black. Should be called FONI
**The moniker comes as a result of a verbal upchuck from Aleck to explain that the false sworn statements were really the fault of dircrepant wording. !!
I kid you not

CAsA is the most disgusting deplorable bureaucracy that has done tremendous damage to aviation to the detriment of this nation.

Glad I’m now retired and well out of it.

Sandy Reith 10th Jun 2023 09:18

Tale of the Wilga
Aroa, thanks for the details, sorry to bring back the memories but the years slip by and these deeds must not be forgotten to give context to the fight.

Sunfish 10th Jun 2023 09:45

The Mechanism by which Government and that includes Government Corporations like CASA, ATSB and AsA, damages the aviation industry is that their substandard and untrustworthy behaviour increases risk and inefficiency in any commercial transaction.

That increases total risk of investment in aviation compared to other opportunities.

Increased risk requires a higher rate of return to make investment worthwhile.

if required rate is higher that say, that which can be achieved by property development, then investment funds flow to property development not aviation business development.

Reduced investment means less economic activity and that means less aviation jobs.

Glens case and others, if factual, depress aviation investment in Australia, period.

Proof? Visit NZ and look at their industry growth since changing to FAA refs. There is no contest.

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